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Jewish Encyclopedia
Prepared by More than Four Hundred Scholars and Specialists
Cyrus Adi.er, Ph.D. (Departments of Post- Kaufmann Kohler, Ph.D. {Departments of
Biblical Antiquities ; the fews of America). Theology and Philosophy).
GOTTHARD DEUTSCH, Ph.D. (Department of Herman Rosenthal (Department of the Jews of
History from 1492 to /9oj). Russia and Poland).
Riuhard GoTTHEIL, Ph.D. (Departments of _ _ „ . . _ ,.
History from Ezra to 140a; History of Post- SOLOMON SCHECHTER, M.A., LlTT.D. (Depart-
Talmudic Literature). '""" "J the Talmud).
Emu. G. HlRSCH, Ph.D., LL.D. (Department of Isidore Singer, Ph.D. (Department of Modern
the Bible). Biography from 1750 to 1903).
Joseph Jacobs, H.A. (Departments of the fews Crawford H. Toy, D.D., LL.D. (Departments
of England and Anthropology ; Revising Editor). of Hebrew Philology and Hellenistic Literature).
Chairman of the Board
Secretary 0/ the Board
William Popper, M.A., Ph.D.
Associate Revising Editor ; Chief of the Bureau of Translation
Protector and Managing Editor
Jewish Encyclopedia
Prepared by More than Four Hundred Scholars and Specialists
Cyrus Adler, Ph.D. (Departments of Post- Kaufmann Kohler, Ph.D. (Departments of
Biblical Antiquities ; the few s of America). Theology and Philosophy).
Gotthard Deutsch, Ph.D. (Department of Herman Rosenthal (Department of the fews of
History from 1492 to f<poj). Russia and Poland).
RICHARD GotTHEIL, Ph.D. {Departments of „ „ ,, . T _ . _ „
■o 1402; History of Post- SOLOMON SCHECHTER, M.A., LlTT.D. (Depart-
History from Ezra to 1492 ; History of .
Talmudic Literature)
merit of the Talmud).
EMU C;. Hirsch, Ph.D., LL.D. (Department of ISIDORE Singer, Ph.D. (Department of Modern
the Bible). Biography from /?jo to 1903).
Joseph Jacobs, B.A. (Departments of the fews CRAWFORD II. TOY, D.D., LL.D. (Departments
of England and Anthropology; Revising Editor). of Hebrew Philology and Hellenistic Literature).
Chairman 0/ the Board
Secretary <'f the Board
William Popper, M.A., Ph.D.
Associate Revising Editor ; Chief of the Bureau of Translation
Protector and Managing Editor
m DCC C C n 1
Copyright, 1903, by
All rights of translation reserved
Registered at Stationers' Hall, London, England
[ Printed in the United States of A merka ]
(Departments of l',,st-liii,li,al Antiquities ; tlu .l,wsof
President of the American Jewish Historical Society; Libra-
rian. Smithsonian Institution. Washington, D. C.
[Department of Jii.-u.ru from USitolBOS.)
Professor of Jewish History, Hebrew Union College, Cincinnati,
Ohio : Editor of " Deborah."
(Deportments of History from Ezra t<< 149*; History of
Post-Talmudic l.iu roturi .1
Professor of Semitic Languages, Columbia University, New York;
Chief of the Oriental Department, New York Public Library ;
President of the Federation of American Zionists.
n, payrtmi r>( of llu Bfltu .1
Rabbi of Chicago Slnal Congregation, Chicago. 111.; Professor of
Rabbinical Literature and Philosophy, University ol
Chicago ; Editor of " The Reform Advocate."
tli< i«irtmi ni* itf 11, ■ ./.us ,,f England and Anthropology ;
Hi rising Editor.)
Formerly President of the Jewish Historical Society of F.ngland ;
Author ol "Jews of Angevin England." etc.
{Departments of Theology: Philosophy.)
President of Hebrew Union College, Cincinnati, Ohio; Rabbi
Emeritus of Temple Beth-F.1, New York.
(Department of the Jews of Russia and Poland.)
Chief "f the Slavonic Department, New York Library.
(Department of the Talmud.)
President of the Faculty of the Jewish Theological Seminary of
America, New York ; Author of " Studies In Judaism."
Managing editor.
(Deixirtmcnt of Modern Biography from 1760 to isos.)
(Departments of Hebreu riiil,,i,„jti ami lldknistic
Literatim . 1
Professor of Hebrew in Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass.;
Author of " The Religion of Israel," etc.
I. K. FTJNK, D.D., LL.D.
[Chairman of the BoardJ)
h.. in. n-in-Chlef of the Standard Dictionary of tue English
Language, etc.
1 Si it-, lain a' Hi, It, „ 1 nt.)
Associate Editor of the Standard Dictionary, "The Colum-
bian Cyclopedia," etc.
(Associate Revising Editor; Chief of the Bureau 0)
Author of " Censorship of Hebrew Books."
Rabbi of the Congregation Zlchron Ephralm; instructor In the
Bible and In Hebrew Grammar, Jewish Theological Semi-
nary of America, New York.
Rabbi Emeritus of Zlon Congregation. Chicago, III.; Author of
"A Practical Grammar of the Hebrew Language."
Late Rabbi Emeritus ol Temple Emanu-El, New York.
Head of the Department ol Semitic and Egyptian Literatures,
' athollc University of America, Washington, D. 0.
Rabbi Emeritus of iiie Congregation Etodef Shalom, Philadel-
phia, Pa.; Author ol " Dictionary of the Talmud."
Professor of Semitic Languages and Librarian in the University
of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa.; Author or "Re-
ligion of the Babylonians and Assyrians,11 etc.
Professor "f Oriental Languages, University College, Toronto,
Canada; Author of " History, Prophecy, and
the Monuments."
Rabbi of the Shearith Israel Congregation 1 Spanish and Portu-
guesei. New York ; President of the Board "f Jewish
Ministers. New York.
Late i brew I Dion Colli
lutbor of " Introduction to the Talmud."
Professor of Biblical Literature and the History of Religions
In Harvard i Diversity, c ambrldge, Mass.; Author oi
■• a Commentarj on the BooS of Judges," etc
Rabbi ol the Congregation Bene Israel : Professor of Homlletics,
Hebrew Onion College, Cincinnati, Ohio; President of
Hebrew Sabbath Scow i Onion of America.
Professor of Semitic Languages and Literatures, University of
Chicago, in.; Author of "The Monuments and
the Old Testament,11 etc.
President of Central Conference of American Rabbis: Rabbi of
Temple Emanu-El, New York.
Rabbi of tin- ( ougregation Emanu-El, San Francisco, Cal.; Pro-
fessor of Semitic Languages and Literatures, Uni-
versity of California, Berkeley. Cal.
Editor of "The Literary Digest." New York; Author of "Stories
in Rhyme," etc.
Coeditor of " Tin- Jewish Quarterly Review ": A uthor of " Jew-
ish Life In the Middle Ages," etc.; Reader iu Talmudlc,
Cambridge University, England.
Professor in the Jewish Theological Seminary, Budapest,
M. BRANN, Ph.D.,
Professor in the Jewish Theological Seminary, Breslau, Ger-
many ; Editor of " Monatsschrift fur Ueschiehte und
Wlssenschafl des Judentbums."
H. BRODY, Ph.D.,
Rabbi, Nachod. Bohemia, Austria: Coeditor of "Zeitscbrift fur
HebrSJsche Bibliographle."
Principal of the Jewish Theological Seminary, Constantinople,
Professor of Literal Arabic at the Special School of oriental
Languages, Paris ; Member of the lustitut de France.
Autboroi "Istoriya Yevreyev," Odessa, Russia.
Principal of Jews' College, London, England; Author of "The
Jewish Religion," etc,
Professor of Semitic philology. University of Budapest,
Chief Rabbi i ustria.
si. Petersburg, i:u^ki,
■ lef ol the Hebrew Department of tic Imperial Public Libr;lry,
si. Petersburg, Russia,
Chief Rabbi of France; President of the Alliance
l-r. elm- i alversi lie: Officer of the I,,
of Honor, Parts, France.
Rabbi. Budapest, B I ponding Member of the
Royal Academj •■; History, Madrid, Spain.
Late Professor Emeritus of Psychology, University of Berlin;
Meran, Austria.
Member of the French Institute: Professor at the Free School
of Political Science, Paris, France; Author of
" Israel chez les Nations."
Professor in the Jewish Theological Seminary ; Editor of
" Reyue ties Etudes Juives," Paris, France.
Chief Rabbi of Padua; Trofessor of Hebrew at the University,
Padua, Italy.
Chief Rabbi of szegediu. Hungary : A uthor of " Die Aramaiscuen
Principal of the Jewish Tl logical Seminary; Chief Rabbi of
Florence, Italy.
H. OORT, D.D.,
Professor of Hebrew Language and Archeology at the state
University, Leyden, Holland.
Formerly Librarian of the Reale Biblioteca Palatina, Parma,
Formerly Professor of History at the Universities of Bonn and
Brussels; President of the Deutseh-Jiidische
Gemeindebund, Berlin. Germany.
Rabbi in Warsaw. Russia.
Secretary-General of the Jewish Colonization Association, Paris,
Professor of Philosophy. University of Bern, Switzerland : Editor
of " Arclm fiit- Geschlchte der Philosophic." etc
Professor of old Testament Exegesis and Semitic Lang
University of Berlin, Germany.
Master of St. John's College, Cambridge, England; Editor of
" >avniL's of the Jewish Fathers," etc.
A. — Rules for the Transliteration of Hebrew and Aramaic.
1. All important names which occur in the Bible arc cited as found in the authorized King James
version ; e.g., Moses, not Mosheh ; Isaac, not Yizl.iak ; Saul, not Sha'ul or Shaiil ; Solomon, not
Shelomoh, etc.
2. Names that have gained currency in Knglish books on Jewish subjects, or that have become
familiar to English readers, are always retained and cross-references given, though the topic
be treated under the form transliterated according to the system tabulated below.
3. Hebrew subject-headings arc transcribed according to the scheme of transliteration; cross-refer-
ences are made a-s in the case of personal names.
4. The following system of transliteration has been used for Hebrew and Aramaic :
X Not noted at the beginning or tin ■ i nil. of a word ; otherwise' or by dieresis; e.g., Ze'eb or Me'ir.
2 b T z 7 I 3 with dagesh, p & sh
} a r\ h o m t, without dagesh, j jg s
id c i : u v ? n t
PI l> ' .'/ D 8 p k
\ to 3ft V ' 1 '"
NOTE : The presence of dagesh lene is not noted except in the case of pe. Dagesh forte is indi-
cated by doubling the letter.
5. The vowels have been transcribed as follows:
u —a — e \ o
— e — e — .j iri
— i , e — a 1 tt
Kannv hatuf is represented by o.
The so-called " ( 'ontinental " pronunciation of the Knglish vowels is implied.
<>. The Hebrew article is transcribed as ha, followed by a hyphen, without doubling the following
letter, [Not hak-Kohen or hak-Cohen, nor Rosh ha-shshanah.]
B.— Rules for the Transliteration of Arabic.
1. All Arabic names and words except such as have become familiar to English readers in another
form, as Molitniinteil, h'ormi, noisi/He, are transliterated according to the following system :
\ See
K above
£ Teh
, ish j gh u "
0 <l
0s ? uJ/ ff h
J> d j k ) '"
t i ^) ft S* 'J
ZL i
) z
L- J'
\JU s
t (* '"
8. Only the three
\ o\\ els
-a. i, u —
represented :
- a
i — u
No account has been taken of the imalah:
i has not been written e, nor u written o.
* in nil other matters of orthographj the Bpellfng preferred bj the 8t utdard Di< tionary has usually been followed. Typo
graph Ii a i ■ ■■■ b have rendered occasional deviations from th< i eo wry.
It. The Arabic article is invariably written al; no account being taken of the assimilation of the J to
the following letter; e.g., Abu ul-Salt. not Abu-1-.Salt: Nafis al-Daiihih, not Nafis ad-Dautah.
The article is joined by a hyphen to the following word.
4. At the end of words the feminine termination is written ah ; but, when followed by a genitive,
at : e.g., Risalah dhJat al-Kursiyy, but III' at al-Aflak.
5. No account is taken of the overhanging vowels which distinguish the cases ; e.g., 'Amr, not 'Amru
or 'Amrun; Ya'kub, not Ya'kubun ; or in a title, Kitab al-Amarutt wal-I'tikadat.
C. — Rules for the Transliteration of Russian.
All Russian names and words, except such as have become familiar to English readers in another
form, as Czar, Alexander, deciatine, Moscow, are transliterated according to the following system :
A a
II n
h, v, or g
e and ye
JK at
II H I i
III in
Rules for the Citation of Proper Names, Personal and Other-wise.
1. Whenever possible, an author is cited under bis most specific name; e.g., Moses Nigrin under
Nigrin : Moses Zacuto under Zacuto ; Moses Rieti under Rieti; all the Kimhis (or Kamhis)
under Kimhi ; Israel ben Joseph Drohobiczer under Drohobiczer. Cross-references are freely
made from any other form to the most specific one ; e.g., to Moses Vidal from Moses Narboni : to
Solomon Nathan Yidal from Menahem Me'iri ; to Samuel Kansi from Samuel Astruc Dascola ;
to Jedaiah Penini from both Bedersi and En Bonet ; to John of Avignon from Moses de
2. When a person is not referred to as above, he is cited under his own personal name followed
by his official or other title : or, where he lias borne no such title, by " of " followed by the place
of his birth or residence ; e.g., Johanan ha-Sandlar ; Samuel ha-Nagid ; Judah ha-Hasid ; Ger shorn
of Metz; Ismic of Corbeil.
If. Names containing the word d\ de, da, di, or van, von, y, are arranged under the letter of
the name following this word; e.g.,, de Pomis under Pomis, de Barrios under Barrios, Jacob
d'lllescas under Tllescas.
4. In arranging the alphabetical order of personal names ben, da, de, di, ha-, ibn*, of have not
been taken into account. These names thus follow the order of the next succeeding capital letter :
Abraham of Augsburg Abraham de Balnies Abraham ben Benjamin Aaron
Abraham of Avila Abraham ben Baruch Abraham ben Benjamin Ze'eb
Abraham ben Azriel Abraham of Beja Abraham Benveniste
* When Ibn has como to be a specific part of a name, ae Ibn Ezra, such uame is treated in its alphabetical place under "I."
[Self evident abbreviations, particularly those used in the bibliographies, are not im-luiled here. ]
Ah \lmt. ]'u k.
Ab. H. N Ibot de-Rabbi Natan
"ai>. Zarah. 'Abodab Zarah
ad frx ni the place
a.ii in the year of tbe Heglra
aiil'. Zeit. des Jud..Allgemelne Zeltung dee Judenthuma
Am. Jew. Hist Boc. American Jewish Historical Society
ALangUr' >""" '■ imerican Journal ol Semitic Languages
Anglo-Jew. Assoc. .Anglo-Jewish Assoi
Apoc Lpocalypse
Apocr Apocrypha
Apost. Const Ipostollcal Constitutions
'Ar 'A rakln (Talmud)
Arch. isr Archives Israelites
Arnnius Rwrestfin ' Aronlus, Regesten zur Geschlchte der Juden
AronuiNU. gesten , in rjeutschland
A. T Das Alte Testament
A. V Authorized Version
b ben <>/• bar or born
BAmor **' Bab'l I!;"'ll,r- Agadader Babylonlschen Amorfter
Bacber, Ag. P&l. ' Bacher, Agada der I'alastiiiensiseheu Amo-
Amor. I
Bacher, \ur Tan ...Bacber, Agada derTannalten
B. 1! Baba Batra (Talmud)
B.0 before the Christian era
Bet Bekorot (Talmud)
Benzlnger, Arch... Benzlnger, Hebr&lscbe Archaologle
Ber Berakol (Talmud)
B«5uifter h'~' i festschrift *"'» ""ten Geburtstag Berlinera
Berliner's liner's Hagazln fnr die Wlssenschaft des
■ Judentbums
Bft Blkkurim (Talmud)
B. K Baba Eamma (Talmud)
B. M Baba Uezl'a (Talmud)
liliil. Hah Blbllotheca Babbh
InAcad.HIst. j80,^^,?,!,18 ",:" Academtoae "' »"*>ria
n-nniB Ufc_|. Biiui's JabrbQcher fur Judlsche Geschlchte
Br""" •l'"'"' I mi. I I. Hi. Tatar
Bulletin ah. isr Bulletin ol the Alliance Israelite t nivi
rant Canticles (Song ol Bo)
Cat. Angl, .-.lew. (Catalogue of Anglo-Jewish Historical Ex-
llist. Exb I bibitlon
Notes Bib- ' Cazes, Notes Blbllograpblquessurla l.ittcra-
Uograpblques . . I ture Julve-Tuntslenne
c.i mon era
eh ihapter 01 chapt ra
' ll(''1';(,\'';"l|!lli';[;"k' [ < heyneand Black, Encyclopaedia BlbUca
nhwntmn IiiMIbb ( Becuefl des Travaux R&Ilges en Memolre
v , , duJublWSclentlflquedeM. Daniel (
""""" I son, 18(6
0.1. a Corpus Inscriptlonum attlcarum
c. l. o < it i in- Inscriptlonum Graecarum
C. I. H i "i I .us Inscriptlonum Hebraicarum
c. I. l Corpua Inscriptlonum Latlnarum
C. I. s i orpua Inscriptlonum Semltlcarum
i ip compare
ii died
It Deuteroi ist
ii.' Gubernatls, I be Gubernatls, Dlzlonario Blograflco degll
Hi/. Blog i Scrlttori i ontempi
hi Gubernatls, (De Gubernatls, Dlctlonnalre Internationa]
lour ' dea Bci Ivalna du Jour
Hi. le Km. Juden- {. De le Roi, Geschlchte del Evaugellschen
urn i Juden-Mlsslon
Iiciii iii-iiiiii (Talmud)
Darenbonra nisi ' Derenbourg, Essalsur I'Histolre el la Geo-
ii.i, Dbourg, mst. , p^pi 1;l paiejtin,
De Rossi, Dlzlo-j.De Rossi, Dlzlonarlo Mm degll tutor!
iiaii.i i Ebrel •■ delle Loro
In- Roesl-Ham-iDe Rossl-Hamberger, Hlstorischea '•'■
berger, Hist. buch der Judisoheu Schrlftsteller und
tvorti ii. \ Ihrer Werke
E Eloblsi
i.i ' i Eccleslastea
1 1 1 ins, -n nil in leslastlcus
fl edition
•F.duv 'Eduyot (Talmud)
■Haoniumr ni.ur t Ludwig Klscllbel g's l,n.ssi-s Ulngruptllselies
bisininrg, nmg.. u.X[klll , ucuisciien BOhne Im XIX
,A'X I .lalirlilili.l. -it
Encyc I'm BncyclopaBdla Biitannlca
Kng English
Eplpbanlus, Haeres. Eplphanius, Adversua Haer
'K.r 'iiiii, in (Talmud)
i rscband I ErschandGruber, Allgemelne Encyklopadle
Gruber, Encyc. I der Wlssenscbafl und Konste
is, i Esdras
, ! -- u and fnH'iwiiiL'
Buseblus, Hist. BccLEuseblus, Historia Eccleslastica
i lank-i. Uebo Prankel, Mebo Ferushalml
Fttrst, Blbl. Jud....Furst. Blbllotheca Judalca
^^; '''* I Furat' Geschlchte des Kariierthums
BBertsitofksf f Gaiter, Bevis Mai ks Memorial Volume
( Gelger, TJrschrift und ITebersetzungen der
Gelger, TJrschrift. -j Blbel in Ihrei \ Lnglgkeit von der In-
' neren Entwicklung dea .ludenthums
i .a,. ,.-i,, i y it * Geiger's .Jn.li.-s.-lii- Zi-itsriirift fiir Wlssen-
' '-" »Jua.^eii. | ^.h;llI ||THl h|,h,,n
Gelger'sWlss. (Gelger's Wlssenschaftllche Zeltsehrlft fur
Zeit . .1 lid. Theol. f Jiidische Theologle
Gem Gemara
Gea i' Geschlchte
Gesenlus, <;r Gesenius, Grammar
I. • -s, -I ill IS. Th (iesennis, TIli-suurLls
Gibbon. Decline I Gibbon, History of tin- Dei-line and Fallot
and Fall i the Soman Empire
,..■„.,„,„,. „.,.,„ Glnsburg'a Masoretlco-Crltlcal Edition of
i.iustiurg s liitiii .. ( ,hl, ,|,,brow Blbie
Lit i.ittin (Talmud)
Graetz, Hist Graetz, Historj of tin- .lews
Gratz, Gesch Gratz, Geschlchte der Juden
I- ,-, ,i .. ,., „ „ ,. itifldeiuann, Geschlchte des Erzlehungs-
i. u ,i I in a n n . Wl.s,.ns ,„„! ,|,., cuitnr der Abendlandi-
'' sl" I s.-in ii Judeu
Hag Huggal
Hag Hagigah (Talmud)
Hal i.iaiiah (Talmud)
Hamburger, i Hamburger, Realencyclopidle fiir Blbel
It. It. T I unit Talmud
" uni'ie'*' "" '■ ! Hastings, Dictionary of the Bible
Hili Epistle to the Hebrews
Hebr Masoretic Text
Herzog-Plitt or) Real-EncyklopSdle f ilr ProtestanHsche The-
Herzog-Hauck, - ologleund Kirclie cm and ;id editions re-
Real-Encyc * spectlrely)
ith- h ni .. i v * Hirsi-li. Itlngi-uphlselies I.exlknn der Hervur-
inis, n, iii,ir.i.e.\. ! , .ltr, .,,,,, ., > erzte AUer Zelten und VOlker
Hut- HOrayOt (Talniudl
Hill Hiillln (Talmud)
ih same place
,,/. mi same anthiir
lsi . Letterbode tsraelltlsche Letterbode
.1 lalivlst
loo^iuu.kan ' .laarlMieken voor de Israelite!! in Neder-
jaarootkLn I |.UH|
Ine„l,« Qniir.es » Juenbs. !lli|llity Into the Sources . if Spanish-
Jacobs, iMiuiiis.. ( ,,.U1>|1 n,M,„.v
''"lii'i'iT \nglieVud' \ Jaoobsand Wolf, lllbiiothecaAnglo-Jiulali-a
Jabrb. Gesch. der I Jahrbuch fiir die Geschlchte der Juden und
,iud i dea Judentbums
,„,,„„.. ,,„., l.lastriiw, liicilnnarv of the Targumlm. Tal-
jastrow, unt j mudlm.and Uldrashlm
Jelllnek. is. 11 lelllnek, Bel ha-Mldrash
.i,-w. in run lew ish Chronicle, London
Jew. Encyc Tin- Jewish Encyclopedia
jew. Hist. Soc. Eng. Jewish Historical Socletj ,,f England
jew. World lewlsh World, London
JosephUS, Ant losephns. A iitliinifii-s of the Jews
JoaepbUS, B. J losephns. lie ltello Jllilnlco
j.is,'|,i,ns.c,,iiirn Ap.josepbus, Contra Aplonem
Josh loshua
Just's Alillaleli lust's Israelitische Alinuletl
J,, nr. mi,. I. it loiiinai of Biblical Literature
JusUn, Dial, cum i jugUlli Dialogusonm li v phone Judteo
k a n t in aii n (,,- i Gedenkbuch zurXrlnnerungan David Kauf-
denkbucb I mann
Kayserllng, Blbl. - Kayserling.BlbllotecaEspallola-Portugueza-
Esp.-Port.-Jud.. , Judalca
k, i Keritut (Talmud)
Kei Ketubol (Talmud)
k I, . I Kurzer Hand-Corn ntar zum Alien Testa-
B ■ I melit. ed. Main
Kid Elddusbin i ralmud)
Kll KUaylin IT
km Klnnliii (Talmud
K'\l!i,ii'nn,'-'""".:'1 I Senutto Studies In Memory ot A.Zohnt
Krauss. Lehn- i Krauss. Griechische und Lateinlscbe Lehn-
irter ( wbrter lm Talmud, Mldrasch und Targum
I Larousse, Grand Dictlonnalre Universeldu
Larousse,Dtet.... , x|Xr s„
}.c to the place cited
Chal. 7, Cnaldaisches Worterbuch Qber die
WOrterb I Targumim
. vi) ILevy, Neuhebraisches und Chaldaischea
Levy, xeuneor. worterbucb iiber die Targumim und Mid-
WOrterb I rascbim
lit literally
'-'''••''-''•'' i '-'i^nm" ,'(''>PnSa"r"" ''"'' '"id'S<'llenLi"
i \ \ Septus
m married
Ma'&serot (Tab
Ma i. Mi Ma'aser Sbeni (Talmud)
Ma 1 monldes, I M.lilllllIllll, s Mlll, ,, Nebukim
ui ireh k
Malmonldes, Fad ..Malmonldes, rad ba-Hazakan
Mak Makkol (Talmud)
Maksb Makshlrin (Talmud)
M:is Masorah
tfassek Massekel
m riinf/v-t .,n,i I McCUntock and Strong, Cyclopaedia ol Bib-
1 '.' """" **"" linil. Theological. and Ecclesiastical Liter-
strong, i yc ... ( ,iI]]lr
tfes Megillah (Talmud)
M,--i M,.'iiaii (Talmud)
Mek Mekilta
Hen Menahoi (Talmud)
Mid Middol (Talmud)
Mldr Midrash
MIdr. Teh Midrash Tebillim (Psalms)
Mik Mikwaol (Talmud)
M.'K Mo'ed Katan (Talmud)
,, . ..,. ( Moiiatssehrift fur Geschichte uud Wissen-
Monatsschrifl ( sehaft des Judenthums
Mortara, Indie*- Mortara, Indice Alfabetico
MiilliT, Frag.llist. I Midler, Fragments Historicorum Grseco-
Grsec i rum
Munk. Melanges .) Mutn^rab^lanKes de ™losophie Juive
Murray's Eng. Dict.A. H. Murray, A New English Dictionary
Naz . .". Nazir (Talmud)
n.d no date
Ned Nedarim (Talmud)
Neg Nega'im
Neubauer, Cat i Neubauer, Catalogue of the Hebrew MSS.
Bodl.Hebr.Mss. i in the Bodleian Library
Neubauer, G. T — Neubauer, Geograpble du Talmud
Neubauer, M. J. C. .Neubauer, Mediaeval Jewish Chronicles
D.p noplace of publication stated
N. T New Testament
Oest.Wochensclirift.oestcrrcicliisclie Woehenscbrift
oh Ohalot (Talmud)
(ink Onkelos
Orient, Lit Literaturblatt des Orients
O. T Old Testament
P Priest ly Code
Pnoel Kino- I e» J Pagel.Biographisches Lexikon Hervorragen-
ragei, uiog. ".s. ■) der Al.rzte des x^unzehnten Jahrhunderts
Pal. Explor. Fund. .Palestine Exploration Fund
Pallas Lex Pallas Nagy Lexicon
Pauly-Wissowa, I Pauly-Wlssowa, Real-EncyclopadlederClas-
Real-Encyc * Bischerj Altettumswlssenscbalt
Pes Pesablm (Talmud)
Pesh Pesblto, I'eshitta
iv-ik Peslkta de-Rab Kahana
Peslk. It ivsikia Rabbatl
I'lrke r. El Pirke Rabbi Ellezer
R.... Kali or Rabbi or Kabbah
1{:i!i""iitai'''"'' ! ,':il"1" '' '" Judisches Utteratur-Blatt
Regesty Regestj i Nadplsl
Rev. Bib Revue Blbllque
lm"- \ Bevue des Etudes Julves
Rev. Sem Revue Semittque
R. II it, .sli ba-Shanah (Talmud)
(Una t'slu.lios ' Amador de lOS RlOS. EstUdlOS Hist<5ricos,
kios, Ksmaios.... , poIiUcoa j Llterartos, etc.
nina Hut ' Amador de los Rios, Hlstoria . . . de los
nios, nisi l Judiosde i rtugal
rtltter Fr.iunn.ie ' Hitter. Hie Erdkunde ini verh<nls zur
Bitter, hrdkiii,,!, . V|)ur im(, /m li(.M, ,,„.,,„. ,,,._ Mengcncn
Robinson. Re-j Robinson, Biblical Researchesin Palestine
searches ■ Mt. Sinai, and Arabia Petraea . . . 1838
Robinson, Later Robinson, Later Biblical Researchesin Pal-
Researches ' estlneandl enl Reg - . . . 1853
Roest, Cat. IRoest, Catalog der Hebralca und Judaica
Rosenthal. Bibl. I aus dec L. Rosenthal'schen Blbllothek
R. V Revised Version
Satfeld, Martyro- 1 Salfeld, Has Martyrologium des Niirnberger
Logium ( Memorbuches
Sanh sanlieiiiiii (Talmud)
s. B. E Sacred Books ol the East
H R ., T I Sacred iio-.k~ ,,f the old Testament) Poly-
' • "• I chrome Bible, ed. Paul Baupl
S'Enev!''.!Z'"' ' Schaff-Herzog, A Religious Encyclopsadla
Schrader, ' Scbrader, i unellorm Inscriptions and the
C. I. o. T i Old Testament, Eng. transl.
c^i,r^,/i„^ t- i t i Sclirader, Keilinsi-liriften und das Alio Tes-
s, nra.ur, k.A. 1. -{ t.um,llt
Schrader, K. B Scbrader, Kellinscbriftliche Bibllotheb
aehro.i,.,- k- i' p ' s.l i la. I . t. Keili iiselnif ten und Gescbichts-
Scbrader.K. G.F.-j torscnung
Scbfirer, Gescb Schurer, Geschichte des Jiidischen Volkes
Sem Semabot (Talmud)
Shab Shabbat (Talmud)
Sheb Shebi'it ( Talmud)
Shebu Sbebu'ot (Talmud)
Shek Sbekallm (Talmud i
Ml, v limes Sibylline Book-
Smith, Kel. of Sem. .Smith. Lectures on Religion of the Semites
stade-szeitsehrift ' Stj£«'8 ^SSSSf t™* l'"' A1,I,'SUlll"n'-
I liche Wissenscnail
Sieinselinetder, ) Steinscbneider, Catalogue of the Hebrew
Cat. Bodl ) Books in the Bodleian Library
steinschneider I Steinschneider, Die Hebraischen n,nd-
. . \i,,n i V Bcbrlften der K. Hot- und Staats-Biblio-
Cat. Munich.... | t|l(.k |n Miin,.„,.„
S,HebrhBTwer' ! Steinscbneider, Hebriiische Bibliographie
StH"|S,'rhl'el'er's ' Steinscbneider, Hebraische I ebersetzungen
ai™/.!.- n.,a ni.it ' straek. Das Blut im Glaubeu und Aber-
strack, uas Blut.. ( K,aubeI] ,,,.,. Menscnhelt
Suk Sukkah (Talmud)
s.v under the word
Ta'an Ta'anit (Talmud)
Tan Tanhuma
Targ Targumim
Targ. ( ink Targum Onkel. is
Targ. Yer Targum Yerusnalmi or Targum Jonathan
Tern Temurah (Talmud)
Ter Terumot (Talmud)
Test. Patr Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs
Toh Tohorot
Tos Tosafot
Tosef Tosefta
transl translation
Tr. s,,e. Bibl. i Transactions of the Society of Biblical Ar-
Arch I chasology
T. Y Tebul Yom (Talmud)
'Uk '"Dkzin (Talmud)
l"iii\ . Isr I'n'ivers Israelite
^ Virchow's Arcbiv fiir Pathologische Anato-
Vircbow's Archiv, mie und Physiologie, und fiir KUniaobe
( Medizin
Vulg -. Vulgate
Weiss. Dor Weiss. Dor Dor we-Dorshaw
Wellhausen, I Wellhausen. Israelitische und Jiidische
I.J. G I Geschichte
Winer, B. R Winer, Bibllsches Realwdrterbuch
Wisdom Wisdom of Solomon
Wolf, Bibl. Hein. ..Wolf. Blbliotbeca Bebreea
... 7 ,. ., i Wiener Zeitschrilt fiir die Kuude des
"■ L- K- " j Horgenlandes
Yad Yadayim (Talmud)
" Yad *' Yad ha-Hazakah
Yalk Yalkut
Yeb. Yebamot (Talmud)
Yer Yernslialnii (Jerusalem Talmud i
Yinvii Yahweh, Jehovah
Zab Zablm (Talmud)
„ n ,. .. I Zeitseiirift der Deutscheo MorgenlflncU-
*■ "• "• I selletl (iesellsehaft
Z. D. P. V Zeitseiirift des Deutschen Palastlna-Verems
Zeb /.eliahim (Talmud i
Zedner. cat. Helir. ' Zedner, Catalogue of the Hebrew Books in
Books Brit.Mus. i the British Museum
Zeit. fiir Assyr Zeitseiirift fiir Assyiiologie
Zeit. fiir Heb'r. Bibl. Zeitseiirift fiir Hebraiscbe Bibliographie
Zeillin. Bibl. Post- I Zeitlin. Bitiliotlieea Heliraiea I'ost-Mendels-
Mendels i soliniana
Zunz, (i.S Ziniz, (iesammelte Schriften
Zunz, G. V Zunz, Goites, lienst liehe vortrSge
Zunz, i.iteratur- (Zunz, Literaturgeschichte der Synagogalen
geseh i Poesie
7,,,.., in.,,,, i Zunz. Hie Kims ,les Synagogalen Gottes-
zunz. Kitus | lh,.„>u.s
Zunz, s. P Zunz. Synagogale Poi sledes Mlttelalters
Zunz, z. t; Zunz. Zur Geschichte und i.itenuur
\,'i e to the Reader.
Subjects mi which Eurther information is afforded elsewhere in this work an indicated by the
ii-i of capitals and small capitals in the text ; as, Abba Arika; Pdmbedita; Vocalization.
A Cyrus Adler, Ph.D. ,
President ol the American Jewish Historical
: President ol in.- Board of Directors of
■ i-ii ideological Seminar] ol America;
Librarian • .( the Smithsonian Institution,
Washington, D. C.
A. A. G AmSlie Andre' Gedalge,
Paris, France.
A. Bl Armand Blocb,
I tile! Rabbi, Brussels, Belgium.
A. Blum A. Blumgrund, Ph.D.,
Rabin. Carlsmhe, Baden, Germany.
A. Bii Alexander Buchler, Ph.D.,
Babbl, Kesztbely, Comltal Zola, Hungary.
A. Buch Adolf Buchler, Ph.D.,
Professor, Jewish Theological Seminary.
v ienna, Austria.
A. E A. Eckstein, Ph.D.,
Babbl, Bamberg, Germany.
A. F A. Freimann, Ph.D.,
Editor ol il"' "Zeltschrlft fur Hebritlscht)
grapble": Librarian ol the Hebrew
Department, Btadtblbliothek, Frankfort-on-
tbe-Haln, Germany.
A. Fe Alfred Feilchenfeld, Ph.D.,
I ilpal "I the Realschule, Funh, Bavaria,
A. G Adolf Guttmacher, Ph.D.,
Babbl, Baltimore, Mil.
A. Ge A. Geiger, Ph.D.,
i rankfort-on-tbe-Maln, Gei many.
A. Ha Alexander Harka vy,
£• ^a J A. Kaminka, Ph.D.,
Itulihl ^f the Wiener Israelltlsche
Alllanz, Vienna, Austria.
A. Kai Alois Kaiser,
Cam ii . Temple ' ibeb Shalom, Baltimore, m.i
A. Ki Alexander Kisch, Ph.D.,
Babbl, Prague, Bohemia, Austria.
A. Ko Adolf Kohut, Ph.D.,
Berlin, < lei manj -
A. Ku A. Kurrein, Ph.D.,
Rabbi, Teplllz, Bohemia, Austria.
A. Lew Adolf Lewinsky, Ph.D.,
Chlet Rabbi, Blldeshelm, Germany.
A. M. F Albert M. Friedenberg, B.S., LL.B.,
Counselor al Law; Oorresi lent "f "The
Jewish Com m," Baltimore, Md.; New
Fort I
A. P A. Porter,
Formerlj Issoolate Editor of "The Forum,"
N.u \ ..rk ; Revising Editor "Standard Cyclo-
pedia," New fort
A. Pe A. Peiginsky, Ph.D.,
Ken Y..ik City.
A. R A. Rhine,
Rabbi, Hoi Springs, Ark.
A. 8. W. R...A. S. W. Rosenbach,
Philadelphia, Pa.
A. W Albert Wolf.
[ucs.lcn. Saxony, (iiTinanv.
B. B Benuel H. Brumberg,
i ontributorto " National Cyclopi dlaof Amer-
ican Biography," New York City.
B- f,1' J B. Friedberg,
Frankfort-on-the-Main, Germans
B. J Benno Jacob, Ph.D.,
Rabbi, Goitlngen, Germany.
B. P Bernhard Pick, Ph.D., D.D.,
Formerly Pastor ..f st. John's Lutheran
Church. Albany. N. Y.; New York City.
B. R Baer Ratner,
Wlina, Russia.
C. de B C. de Bethencourt,
Lisbon, Portugal.
C. F. K Charles Foster Kent, Ph.D.,
Professor ol Biblical Literature and History,
Fale rniversity. New Haven, Conn.
C. J. M Charles J. Mendelsohn,
Philadelphia, Pa.
C. L. Caspar Levias, MA
Instructor In Exegesis and Talmndlc Aramaic,
Hebrew i ii College, Cincinnati, Ohio.
C. S Carl Siegfried, Ph.D., LL.D. (deceased).
Late Professor ol Theology at the University
ol .icna. Germany.
D Gotthard Deutsch, Ph.D.,
Professor ol Jewish History, Hebrew Union
College, Cincinnati, Ohio.
D. P David Philipson, D.D.,
Rabbi, I'.'ne Israel Congregation; Professor of
BomileUCS, Hebrew Union College. Cincin-
nati, Ohio.
D. S. M David Samuel Margoliouth,
Laudlan Professor ol Arabic in the i Diversity
,.f Oxford, England.
D. Su David Sulzberger,
Philadelphia, Pa,
E. C Executive Com. of the Editorial
E. G. H Emil G. Hirsch, Ph.D., LL.D.,
Rabbi, si 11:11 Congregation 1 Professor of Rab-
binical Literature and Phllosophs In the 1 nl-
venlty "f Chicago; Chicago, III.
E. I. N E. I. Nathans,
Philadelphia, Pa,
E. K Eduard Kb'nig, Ph.D., LL.D.,
Professor ol Old Testament Exegesis, I'ni-
\ersity of Bonn, Germany.
E. Lev Ezekiel Leavitt,
Sew York lib
E. Li Enno Littmann, Ph.D.,
Librarian "t the Oriental Department and
Lecturer In Semitic Philology, Princeton Uni-
versity, Princcl.in, N. J.
E.Ms Edgar Mels,
N.w Y..ik ( in.
E. N. A Elkan N. Adler,
London, England.
E. Schr E. Schreiber. Ph.D.,
Babbl, Emanu-EI Congregation, Chicago, 111.
E Sd E. Schwarzfeld, LL.D.,
Secretary ol Jewish Colonization Association,
Paris, France.
E. W. B Edward William Bennett,
New York City.
F. Bu Frants Buhl, Ph.D.,
Professor ol Semitic Philology, University ol
Copenhagen, Denmark.
F. G. H F. G. Hoffmann,
Paterson, N. J.
F H V Frank H. Vizetelly, F.S.A.,
Associate Editor ol the "Columbian Cyclo-
pedia" and ol the Standard Dictionary,
n.-w Fork City.
F. L. C F.L.Cohen,
Rabbi, Borough New Synagogue. London,
England ; Coeditor of " Voice ol Prayer and
F. P Felix Perles, Ph.D.,
Rabbi, Konigsberg, East Prussia, Germany.
F. T. H Frederick T. Haneman, M.D.,
Brooklyn, N. Y.
(j Richard Gottheil, Ph.D.,
Professor of Semitic Languages, Columbia
l Diversity, New York; Chief of the Oriental
Department, New York Public Library: Presi-
dent ol the Federation of American Zionists,
New Fork City.
G. A. B George A. Barton, Ph.D.,
Associate Professor in Biblical Literature and
Semitic Languages, Bryn Mawr College. Bryn
Mawr, Pa.
G. A. K George Alexander Kohut, Ph.D.,
Formerly Rabbi In Dallas, Texas; New York
B. L Gerson B. Levi,
Philadelphia, Pa.
Dr George Drenford, Ph.D.,
Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md.
!_, Goodman Lipkind, B.A.,
Rabbi, London, Englaud.
Ho Godfrey Morse,
Lawyer, Boston, Mass.
R G. Rtilf, Ph.D.,
Rabbi, Brunswick, Germany.
S Gabriel Schwarz, Ph.D.,
Agram, Croatia, Austria.
. A Herman Adler,
Chlet Rabbi ol England, London, England.
. B H. Brody, Ph.D.,
i oedltor of the "Zeitschrilt fur Hebrfiische
Blbllographie " ; Rabbi, Nacbod, Bohemia,
. Bl Heinrich Bloch, Ph.D.,
Professor of History, Jewish Theological sem-
inary. Budapest, Hungary.
H. R.
H. V.
I. A..
I. B...
I. Be..
H. C Henry Cohen,
Rabbi, Galveston, Texas.
H. Fr Harry Friedenwald, M.D.,
Baltimore, Md.
H. Gut H. Guttenstein,
NeW Fori I
H. H Henry Hyvernat. D.D.,
Professor ol Oriental Languages and Arche-
i:\ersityof America, Wash-
ing!.>n. D. C.
H. Hir Hartwig Hirschfeld, Ph.D.,
Professor, Jews' I ollege, London, England.
H. M Henry Malter, Ph.D.,
tsslstanl Prolessor, Hebrew Union College,
Cincinnati, < ihlo.
H. Ma Hilel Malachovsky,
New York '
I. D. M..
I. E
I. H.
I. L..
.Herman Rosenthal,
chief ol the Slavonic Department "f tin- New
York Public Library, New York City.
.Hermann Vogelstein, Ph.D.,
Rabbi, Konigsberg, East Prussia, Germany.
Israel Abrahams,
Cambridge, England.
.Isaac Bloch,
Chief Rabbi, Nancy. France.
.Immanuel Benzinger, Ph.D.,
Prolessor of (Hd Testament Exegesis, Uni-
verslty ofBerlin, Germany.
I. Ber Israel Berlin,
Chemist, New Y'ork City.
I. Br I. Broyde,
Diplome' de I'Ecole des llautes Etudes; for-
merly Librarian of the Alliance Israelite Uni-
verselle, Paris, France; New York City.
..I. D. Morrison,
New York city.
. .Ismar Elbogen, Ph.D.,
Instructor at the Lehranstalt fur die Wissen-
schaft des Judenthums, Berlin, Germany.
. .Isidore Harris, A.M.,
Rabbi ..f West London Synagogue, London,
..Israel Levi,
Professor in the Jewish Theological Seminary,
Paris, France ; Editor of " Revue des Etudes
I. M. C I. M. Casanowicz, Ph.D.,
United States National Museum, Washington,
D. C.
I. m. P Ira Maurice Price, B.D., Ph.D.,
Professor of Semitic Languages and Litera-
tures, University of Chicago, 111.
I. p. M I. P. Mendez,
Rabbi, savannah, Ga.
I. S L Schwartz,
Paris, France.
j Joseph Jacobs, B.A.,
Formerly President of the Jewish Historical
Society of England; Corresponding Member
of the Royal Academy of History, Madrid ;
New York City.
..J. Chotzner,
Monteflore College, Ramsgate, England
..J. D. Eisenstein,
New York City.
. . John Dyneley Prince, Ph.D.,
Professor of Semitic Languages, Columbia
University, New Y'ork City.
..J. D. Perruchon,
Paris, France.
. Joseph Ezekiel, J.P.,
B bay, India.
J. Ch
J. D. E
J. D. P...
J. D. Pe..
J. E
J. F. McC
J. G
J. G. L..
J. H. G..
J. Hy...
J. Jr
J. Kla.
..J. Frederic McCurdy, Ph.D., LL.D.,
professor of oriental Languages, University
College, Toronto, Canada.
..J. Guttmann, Ph.D.,
Professor. Jewish Seminary, Breslau, Ger-
, J. G. Lipman, Ph.D.,
Assistant Agriculturist, New Jersey State Ex-
perimenl Station, New Brunswick, N. J.
Julius H. Greenstone,
Rabbi, Philadelphia, Pa.
. J. Hyams,
Bombay, India.
. Morris Jastrow, Jr., Ph.D.,
Professor of Semitic Languages, Unlverelty ol
Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa.
..J. Klausner, Ph.D.,
Odessa RUSSia
J. M Jacob Marcus,
Elmira, N. V.
J. So Joseph Sohn,
rlbutor to"The New International En-
ledla"; formerly ..( "The Borum," New
York ( in.
J. Sr Marcus Jastrow, Ph.D.,
Etabbl Emeritus "f Congregation Bodei Bba
torn, Philadelphia, Pa.
J. Sto Joseph Stolz, Ph.D.,
Babbl, Chicago, 111.
J. S. R J. S. Raisin,
llabbi. i.rmiluth Chesed Congregation, l"mi
Gibson, Miss.
J. T J. Theodor, Ph.D.,
Rabbi. Bojanowo, Posen, Germany.
J. V Jacob VoorsanKrer, D.D.,
Rabbi. Emanu-EI ( ongregadon, Sao Francisco,
Cal.; l'nifessor of Semitic Languucc" ;iti. !
Literature, University <if California, Berkeley,
J. W Julien Weill,
Rabbi, Paris, France.
K Kaufmann Kohler, Ph.D. ,
Rabbi Emeritus ol Temple Beth-El, New
York; Presidenl "f the Hebrew Onion Col
lege, Cincinnati, Ohio.
X. H. C Karl Heinrich Cornill, Ph.D.,
Professor ol Hebrew and Old Testament Exe-
i Diversity ol Breslau, Germany.
K. M. C Katherine M. Cohen,
New Fork city.
L. A. P. Ludwig A. Rosenthal,
Babbl, [togas n. Pi si a, Germany.
L. B Ludwig Blau, Ph.D.,
Professorln the Jewish Theological Seminary,
Budapest, Hungary; Editor ol "Magyar
L. G Louis Ginzberg, Ph.D.,
Professor ol Talmud, Jewish Theological Sem-
.( America, New York city.
L. Gr Louis Grossman,
Etabbl, Cincinnati, Ohio.
L. Grii Lazarus Griinhut,
ii Asylum, Jerusalem, Pales-
L. La Laura Landau,
New i ork City.
L. N. D Lewis N. Dembitz,
Attorney al Law, Louisville, By.
L. V Ludwig Venetianer, Ph.D.,
: tbbl in Neupest, Hungary.
M. B Moses Beer,
a, '.''i many.
M. Ba Moritz Bauer, Ph.D.,
Babbl, Gs .i. Moravia, Austria.
M. Bl Maurice Bloch,
Principal ol the Blschoffshelm School at
i ';u is, 1 1 ance,
M. Br M. Brann, Ph.D.,
Professor, Jewish Theological Seminary,
r.: lu, Germany.
M. Co Max Cohen,
Attornej al Law, New Fork < it y.
M. Da Myer Davis,
London, England.
M. F Michael Friedlander, Ph.D.,
Principal Jews' College, i Ion, England,
M. Fi Maurice Fishberg, M.D.,
Burgeon to the Beti Israel Hospital Dispen-
sers ; Medical Examiner to the 1 nited Hebrew
Charities, New Fork city.
M. Fr M. Franco,
Principal ol the Alliance Israelite Cnlverselle
School, Shumla, Bulgaria.
M. G M. Giidemann, Ph.D.,
Chief Rabbi, Vicuna, Austria.
M. Gi M. Ginsberger,
Babbl, Gebweller, Alsace, Germany.
M. Gr M. Grunwald, Ph.D.,
Rabbi, Vienna. Ansa [a.
M. K Meyer Kayserling, Ph.D.,
Rabbi, Budapest, Hungary.
M. Lev M. Level,
Paris, France.
M. R Max Rosenthal, M.D.,
\ Isltlng Physician, German Dispensary, New
York City.
M. Sc Max Schloessinger, Ph.D.,
Kabbi. New Sort City.
M. Sel M. Seligsohn,
Dlplome de l'Ecole des Hautes Etudes, Paris,
France; New York City.
M. W Max Weisz, Ph.D.,
Budapest, Hungary.
M. W. M....Mary W. Montgomery, Ph.D.,
n.'a York City.
M. W. R M. W. Rapoport,
Lemberg, Gallcla, Austria.
N. D N. Dunbar,
Newark, N*. J.
N. E N. Ehrenfeld, Ph.D.,
Chief Babbl, Prague, Bohemia, Austria.
N. L N. Lucas, Ph.D.,
Rabbi, i.l'iL'au, silesla, Germany.
N. T. L N. T. London,
New Fork City.
P. B Philipp Bloch, Ph.D.,
Babbl, Posen, Germany.
P. Wi Peter Wiernik,
New Fork City.
R. Grii Richard Griinfeld, Ph.D.,
Rabbi, Bingen, Hesse, Germany.
R. W. R Robert W. Rogers, D. D. , Ph.D. ,
Protessorol HebrewandOId Testament Exe-
gesis, Drew Theological Seminary, Madison,
S Isidore Singer, Ph.D.,
Managing Editor, New York city.
S. B Samuel Baeck, Ph.D.,
Babbl, Lissa, Posen, Germany,
S. E Samuel Ehrenfeld, Ph.D.,
Prague, Bohemia, Austria.
S.J S. Janovsky,
Lawyer, st. Petersburg, Russia.
S. K S.Kahn,
Rabbi, Niiiies, France.
S. Kr S. Krauss, Ph.D.,
Professor, Normal Couege, Budapest, Hungary.
S. M S. Mendelsohn, Ph.D.,
Babbl, Wilmington, v 0.
S. Man S. Mannheimer, B.L.,
Instructor, Hebrew i olon College, Cincinnati,
i ihlo.
S. M. D S. M. Dubnow,
I lilessa, BUSSla.
S. Mu s. Mali .n...
char Babbl, Gratz, Styrla, Austria.
S. Miin Sigmund Miinz, Ph.D.,
Vienna, Austria,
S. R. D S. R. Driver, D.D.,
Regius Professoi ol Hebrew, Oxford Uni-
. . Oxford, England.
S. Ro S.Rothschild,
Worms, Germany.
S. S Solomon Schechter, M.A., Litt.D.,
Dean ol the Jewish Theological Seminary ol
America, New rork City.
S. Sa Sigismund Salfeld, Ph.D.,
Rabbi, Mayence, Hesse, Germany.
S. Sam Salomon Samuel, Ph.D.,
Rabbi, Essen, Rhine Province, Germany.
S. Se Sigmund Seeligmann,
Unsterdam, Holland.
S. S. W Stephen S. "Wise, Ph .D.,
Rabbi, Portland, Ore.
T Crawford Howell Toy, D.D., LL.D.,
Professor of Hebrew, Harvard University,
Cambridge, Mass.
T. Se Thomas Seltzer,
Philadelphia. Pa.
U. C TJmberto Cassuto,
Florence, Italy.
V. E Victor R. Emanuel,
Laurel, Md.
V. R Vasili Rosenthal,
Kremenchng, Russia.
W. B W. Bacher, Ph.D.,
Professor, Jewish Theological Seminary, Buda-
pest, Hungary.
W. M.-A W. Muss-Arnolt, Ph.D.,
Assistant Professor of Biblical Philology. Uni-
versity of Chicago, 111.
W. M. M W. Max Muller. Ph.D.,
Professor "f Bible Exegesis. Reformed Epis-
copal Theological Seminary, Philadelphia, l'a.
W. N William Nowack, Ph.D.,
Professor ol Old Testament Exegesis. I'ui-
versity of Strasburg, Germany.
X. I!. — In the following list subjects likely to be sought f«>r under various headings are repeated
under each heading.
i ■ v < . j:
Aaron of Lincoln, Starr of, Acknowledging Receipt of Part Payment from Richard Malebys, 1181.
In the British Museum 108
Abraham, Son of Maimonides, Autograph Letter of. From the < lairo Genizah plate facing 613
A.bj ssinia, Falasha Village at Balankab 829
1 Type Of a Falasha Woman 328
•• 'Akcdal Vi/hak." Page from [saac Arama's, Printed by Gedaliah, Salonica, 1522 581
Almemor (Reading Desk) and Pulpil of the Florence Synagogue 418
Ann aophis III . see Steli
rdam, Medal Struck in Honor of Eleazar ben Samuel bj the Community of W4
Amulet Prepared by Jonathan Eybeschutz 309
Anthropology : see Ti pi s, Jewish.
:> Bee Coins; Egypt; Glass; Inscriptions; Tombs,
Architecture: see Frankfort-on-the-Main ; House; Synagogues; Tombs; Vai i ,t.
Arithmetic, First Hebrew: Page from Elijah Mizrahi's "Mispar," Printed by Soncino, 1582 45
Art : see Am beology ; Archttecturi Cases Costumj Key; Mani scripts; Medal; Typography.
Bee Abraham, Sob of Maimonides; Emden, Jacob; Eybeschutz, Jonathan.
Baltimore, Medal Presented to Leon Dyer by the Community of, 1847 38
v, e K-nii i; , Genesis; Pen rATEt i Bt.
Bottle, Ornamented, Found in a Jewish Catacomb at Rome 078
si-c- also Gi las
Cairo Genizah, Autograph Letter of Abraham, 8 fMaimonides, Found in the plate facing 612
New S; at 07
Plan of theCitj of, Twelfth Century (i;!
Silver, for Etrog 363
Cases, Olive W I, foi Scrolls of Esthi r. From Jerusalem 288
Silver, for Scrolls of Esther 385
Catacomb see Bon i i i.
lonial: see Elijah, Chair oi ; Firsi Born, R) demption of,
Chair of Elijah as Used in the monj of Circumcision 128 139
Cbarlesof Anjou Presenting Arabic Manuscript to Fa u for Translation. From an illumination by
I'ii Giovanni 843
Chirograph Containing an Agreement Between Isaac of Northampton and Dame Margaret de Hue,
1316. In the Record Office, I don 285
Circumcision Ceremonj In Holland, circa 1725 129
Citron : Bee ETROG.
Coin- see Eleazar ben Simon; Elephant; Herod the Great; Nerva; Simon Maccabei
Colophon and Printer's Mark ol Abraham Usquo on the Last Page oi Hasdai Crescas' "Oi Adonai,"
Ferrara, 1555 :!~1
Columbia University Library ; see Mizrahi, Elijah; Oh Adonai; 'I i n Orah Hayyxm.
Conferet I Franco- Jewish Rabbis, Thirteenth Century, From a miniature in the Bibliotheque Na
tionalc, Paris 157
Cost ume, France (Thirteenth ( tentury) 457
Frankfort on tin- Ma in (Early S< venteentlt and Eighteenth Centuries) 871
Costume, Forth (Early Eighteenth Century) 536
Germany (Sixteenth Century) 44
Holland (Early Eighteenth Century) 129, 395
Jerusalem (Modern) 49
Nuremberg (Early Eighteenth Century) 564
see also Dubno, Solomon; Edrehi, Moses; Palk, Hayyim; Firkovicii, Abraham ; Frank,
Jacob; Ghazzati, Nathan.
( Irescas, Hasdai, Last Page from " Or Adonai " of. Printed at Ferrara, 1555 371
Deed : see CHIROGRAPH.
Documents: see Manuscripts.
Dress; see Costume.
Dubno, Solomon, Russian Hebrew Scholar 7
Dukes, Leopold, Hungarian Historian of Jewish Literature 10
Over, Leon. Medal Presented to. by the Baltimore Community, 1*47 23
Eagle, Reverse of Copper Coin Attributed to Herod the Great, Bearing an 26
Edels, Samuel, Polish Rabbi 36
Edict of Frederick the Great with Regard to the Conversion of the Jews 503
Edrehi, Moses, Moroccan Rabbi and Traveler 42
Education : German Jewish School of the Sixteenth Century 44
Modern Jewish School at Jerusalem 49
Page from the First Hebrew Arithmetic, 1532 45
Kg'i , Akiba, the Younger, German Rabbi 52
■ Solomon ben Akiba, German Rabbi 54
Egypt : Israelites Building Storehouses for Pharaoh. From an early illuminated Haggadah 57
Letter (Papyrus) of an Egyptian Rabbi to Solomon ben Judah, Twelfth Century 65
New Synagogue at Cairo 67
Plan of the City of Cairo, Twelfth Century 63
Syenite Stele of Amenophis III., with Added Inscription of Meneptall. Mentioning the Israelites 56
Tell al Yahudiyyah (The Mound of the Jews) 59
-see also Exodus; Fishing.
Einhorn, David, American Rabbi 7b
Eisenmenger, Johann Andreas; Title-Page of "Eutdecktes Judeuthum," Konigsberg. 1711 81
"El Nora Alilah," Music of 87
Eleazar ben Samuel, Medal Struck by the Amsterdam Community in Honor of 104
ben Simon, Brass Coin of .■■ 94
Elephant : Jewish Coin of the Maccabean Period, < lountermarked by an Elephant, the Symbol of the
Seleucid Kings 105
'■ Eli Ziyyon." Music of I11*
Elijah Announcing the Coming of tin- Messiah. From an early illuminated Mahzor •. . 126
Ascension of. From a ketubbah of the early nineteenth century 121
The Prophet. From the first illustrated printed Haggadah, 1526 125
— Chair of. After Leusden, 1657 128
as I'sed in the Circumcision Ceremony, rirrn 1725 1-9
Elijah ben Solomon of Wilna, Russian Rabbi and Author 134
Emdeii. Jacob, Page from "Tur Orah Hayyim," 1702, Bearing Autograph Annotations of 151
Em in Pasha (Eduard Sehnitzer), German Explorer 158
•■ En Kelolienu . " Music of 135
Endingen, Old Synagogue at. From Ulrich, 1768 157
Engcdi, .Mount, in Judea 160
England: Chirograph Containing an Agreement Between Isaac of Northampton and I lame Margaret de
Hue, 1216 285
Map showing Towns Where Jews Resided Before the Expulsion in 1290 167
Starr of Aaron of Lincoln, 1181, Acknowledging Receipt of Part Payment from Richard Malebys. 163
"Entdecktes Judenthum," Titli Page of Bisenmenger's, Konigsberg, 1711 81
Erfurl Synagogue in 1357 200
'Erubim, Diagrams Illustrating Forms of After Bodenschatz, 1748. 204
Esau Seeking Isaac's Blessing From the Sarajevo Haggadah, fourteenth century 207
Esdraelon, Plain of, with Mount Tabor in the Distance 219
Esther, Illuminated Scroll of, Eighteenth Cenl ury Frontispiect
Olive- \V I Case for Scroll oi Esther 238
Scrolls of Esther :ls fixed in Cases 285, 238
Traditional Tomb of Mordecai and 233
"'El Sha'are Razon," Music of 243
Etrog or Oil run 202
Citron Tree with Etrogim 261
Copper Coin of Simon Maccabeus, Bearing tin 262
Silver Box for 262
Europe: Map Showing the Comparative Density of Jewish Population per l.ooo, in 1900 273
see also Costume; Emu. and: Florence; Franci . Geneva; Germany.
Exchequer of .bus; Chirograph Containing an Agreement Between Isaac of Northampton and Dame
Mill aret lie Hue, 1210 285
Exodus of Israelites from Egypt. From a printed Ilaggadah, 1823 295
The Israelites Leaving Egypt and Crossing the Red Sea. From the Sarajevo Haggadah, four-
teenth century 294
Eybeschtttz, Jonathan, German Rabbi 308
Amulet Prepared by 309
Ezekiel, Traditional Tomb of, South of Birs Nimrud 315
Joseph, Indian I lehraist 319
Moses, statue of "Religious Liberty," by 320
Ezra, Site of the Traditional Tomb of 322
Falasha Village at Balankab, Abyssinia 329
A\ oman, Showing Full Face and Profile 328
Falk, Ilayyim, the " Ba'al Shi m. " English Cabalisl and Mystic 881
Familiant : Marriage License I (ranted to a Jew of Nikolsburg, 1831 337
Family \ aull , Ground Plan of a, in Talmudic Times 339
Pane Page from Hai Gaon's "Musar Haskel," Printed in 1503 at. The first Hebrew 82mo 340
Faraj, Charles of Anjou Presenting Arabic Manuscript for Translation to. From an illumination by
Friar Giovanni 342
Faro, Part of Page from Hebrew Pentateuch, Printed at, 1487. In the British Museum 345
Phillips. Sir George, Lord Mayor of I. Ion (1896-97) 352
Felix, Blisa Rachel, French Acl ress 360
Felsenthal, Bernhard, American Rabbi 861
Ferdinand III., Key I 'resented by I he Jewish Community of Seville to 368
. Lasl Page from Hasdai Crescas' "Or Adonai," 1555, Bearing Imprint of Abraham Usque.... 371
Fettmilch, Vincent, Portrait of From Schudt, 1711-17 ::;s
Riot Instigated at Frankfort on the Main. Aug. 22, 1614, by 879
Fez, Group of Jews at 880
Interior of a Jewish House at :'>sl
Firkovich, Abraham, Russian Karaite Archeologist 894
First Born, Redemption of, in Holland. Alter Picart, 1722 395
Scenes at Redemption of. After Bodenschatz, 17 is ;i:i7
Fi-c -us Judaic us: Be verse of Brass! !oinof Nerva. Bearing Inscription " Fisci Iudaici Oalumnia Sublata" 108
Fishing in Assyria and Egypt 108
Fleckeles, Eleazar, Austrian Rabbi and Author 108
Florence, A Nook in the Ghetto of U6
Pulpit .and Reading Desk of the Large Synagogue at, 418
The' Large Bynagogue at 117
Flour; Hand Mill Used in Modern Pal. -tine 120
France, Conference of Jewish Rabbis of, Thirteenth Century i">7
Earliest. Known Inscription Relating to Jews of , Dated Narbonne, 689 145
Map Showing Chief Towns When' Jews Dwelt Before the Expulsion in 1894 465
Franck, Adolphe, French Philosopher 178
Frank. Jacob. Pseudo Messiah and Founder of the' Frankists 176
Fr.mkei, Zechariah. German Theologian 182
Frankfort on-the-Main, Enactment of the " Judenordnung " by Jews of . From Schudt, 1711 17 186
Frankfort-on-the Main. Medal Commemorating the Great Fire in the " Judengasse " of, 1711 480
Medal Struck in Commemoration of the Erection of the Synagogue in, 18.52 489
Permit Granted to a Jew of, to View the Coronation Procession of Leopold II., 1790 489
Plan of, in 1552, Showing Position of Jewish Quarter Is")
Procession of Jews of, in Honor of Archduke Leopold, May 17, 1716. From Schudt, 1714-17 487
Riot Instigated by Vincent Fcttmilch at. Aug. 22, 11114 379
The "Judengasse "of 490
The " Neuschule" of, Showing Exterior and Interior. After old woodcuts 487-488
The Synagogue on the "Judengasse" of 491
Frank I, I.udwig August, Bitter vmi Hochwart, Austrian I 'net and Writer 495
Franks. Isaac, i Ifficer in the American Revolutionary Army 498
Franzos, Karl Emil, Austrian Author 498
Frederick the Great, Edict of, with Regard to the Conversion of Jews 503
Friedlander, David. German Writer and Communal Leader 515
Frug, Semion Grigoreyvich, Russian Writer and Poet 524
Fuenn, Samuel Joseph, Russian Scholar 626
Fulda, Ludwig, German Author 527
Fi'irst. Julius, German Hebraist and Orientalist 533
Furtado, Abraham, French Politician 535
Fi'irth. Jewesses of, in 1705. After an old engraving 536
The < >M and the New Synagogue at. After an engraving of 1705 537
Gamaliel II., Traditional Tomb of, at Jamnia 561
( lames : Hanukkah " Trendel " or Tee-Totum 565
Played on the Eve of Purim. After Kirchner, 1726 5ii4
Gans, David, Gravestone of, at Prague 566
Eduard, German Jurist 567
Gaza, View of Modern 577
Gedaliah, Page from Isaac Arama's " 'Akedat Yi/.hak," Printed at Salonica, 1522. by 581
Ge-IIinnom, Valley of 583
Gciger, Abraham. German Rabbi 585
I Ii oesis, Illuminated Page of. From a manuscript formerly in the possession of the Duke of Sussex. 601
Geneva. Synagogue at 611
Genizab, Cairo, Autograph Letter of Abraham, S<>n of Maimonides, from a Fragment of the Early
Thirteenth Century. Found in the plate facing 612
Gerizim, Mount, from Nablus 680
Germany: A •■Schutzbrief " of the Elector of Hesse, 1804 plaUbetvseen 632-633
see also Exdin-gex; Erfurt; Faxiiliant: Fittmii.cii ; Fhakkfort-ON-the-Main; Frederick
the Great; FCrth; Marriage Licbmse ; Prague; School.
"Gesbem." Music of 644-045
Ghazzati, Nathan. From Coenen's "Sabethai Zevi," Amsterdam, 1660 650
Career of. From a contemporary w lent 651
Ghetto, a Nook in the Florence • 416
see also Judengasse of Frankfort-on-the-Main; Plans of Cities.
Giacon, Samuel. Part of Page from Hebrew Pentateuch, Printed by, at Faro, 1487 345
Gibraltar, Interior of the Synaj 661
Ginzberg, Asher, Russian Hebraist • 670
class Bottle Found in Jewish Catacomb at Rome. From Garrucci 678
Greco-Phenician Tear-Bottle Found Near Jerusalem 677
Tear-Bottle Found Near Jerusalem 077
lino estone of David Gans at Prague 566
Haggadah Illustrations: Esau Seeking Isaac's Blessing. From the Sarajevo Haggadah, fourteenth
century 207
Israelites Building Storehouses for Pharaoh. From an illuminated Haggadah in the pos-
session of Karl of Crawford 57
Israelites Leaving Egypt and Crossing the Red Sea. From the Sarajevo Haggadah. four-
teenth century 294
The Exodus. From a printed Haggadah, Vienna. 1823 295
Haggadah Illustrations: The Prophel Elijah. From tin- lirsi illustrated printed Haggadah, Prague, 1526 125
Hai Gaon, Page from "Musar Basket, " by, Printed al Fano, 1508. Theflrsl Hebrew 32mo 340
Hand-Mill, Modern Palestinian 420
Hanukkah "Trendel " or Tee Totum 565
Hebrew: see Coras; Gravestoni . Manuscripts; Medal; Typography.
Hcder: sec School.
Herod the Great, Copper Coin of, Bearing an Eagle 26
House, Interior of Jewish, al Fez I Modern) 381
Germany (Early Eighteenth Century) 397, 564
Holland (1722) 395
Imprint: Bee Pbinter'b Mark.
Inscriptions: see Coras; France; Gravestone; Medal; Stele.
Blessing of, Esau Seeking, F i the Sarajevo Haggadah, fourteenth century 207
\rama. Page from " 'Akedat Yi/.hak " of, Printed by Gedaliah, Salonica, 1522 5S1
Isaac of Northampton, Chirograph Containing an Agreement Between Dame Margaret de Hue and, 1216 285
tCS Building Storehouses for Pharaoh. From an early illuminated Haggadah 57
Syenite Stele of Amenophis HI., with Added Inscription of Menepta 11.. Mentioning the 56
Italy : see Flohj
Jamnia, Traditional Tomb of Gamaliel II. at 561
Jerusalem, Jewish School at 49
Jewries: see (Jul I In.
" Judengasse " of Frankfort-on t lie-Main 490
Medal Struck Commemorating the Great Fire in the. 1T1 1 ls0
"Judenordnung," Enactment of the, by Frankfort .lews. From Schudt, 171 1-17 486
Karaite ('"siuine: see Firkovich, Abraham.
Key Presented to Ferdinand III. by the Jewish Community of Seville 363
Letter (Papyrus) of an Egyptian Rabbi to Solomon ben J udah, Twelfth Century 65
Maccabean Coin. Countermarked by an Elephant, the Symbol of the Seleucid Kings 105
Maccabeus, Simon. Copper Coin of, Bearing an Etrog 262
Malebj -. Richard i Leadi r in the York Massacres, 1 190), Starr of Aaron of Lincoln, 1181, Acknowledg-
ing Receipt of Pari Paj menl from 163
Manuscripts: see Ami let; Chirograph; Elijah; Faraj: Qenizah; Haggadah; Papyri s; Scrolls
OF Esi mi:. Si \i:k
Map of England Showing Towns Where Jews Resided Before the Expulsion in 1290 107
of France Showing Chief Towns Where Jews Dwelt lie tore I he Expulsi i 1394 465
— Showing the Comparative Density ot Jewish Population per 1,000 in Europe, 1900 278
see also Plans of Citt
Marriage Lii G inted to a Jew of Nikolsburg, 1881 887
Medal Commemorating the Great Fire in the "Judengasse " of Frankfort on-the Main in 171 1 ... 188
Presented to Leon Dyer bj the Baltimore Community, Is 17 '.':>
Struck by the Amsterdam Community in Honor of Rabbi Eleazar ben Samuel 101
Struck in < !ommemoration of the Erection of the Frankfort on the-Main Synagogue in 1852 ls'.i
Megillah: see B I - OF Es I in tt.
Menepta II Syenite Stele of Amenophis IH., with Added Inscription of, Mentioning the Israelites. . 56
Messiah, Elijah Announcing the ( loming of the. From an early Mahzor 126
Mlzrabi, Elijah. Page from "Mispar" by, the First Hebrew Arithmetic, Printed by Soncino, 1582 45
Monuments: BeeEaYPr; Gravestone; Religious Liberty.
Mordecai and Esther, Traditional Tomb of 288
Morocco: see Fez.
■■ Mound of i he. lews" (Tell al-Tahudiyyah), Egypt 59
Mount Engedi in Judea 160
Gerizim from Nablus ';:'''
— Tabor and the Plain of Esdraelon 319
" Musar Haskel," Page from Hai Gaon's, Printed at Fano, 1508 840
Music. "El Norah 'Alilah" 87
" Eli Ziy von " 108
En Kelohenu " 155
-Et Bha'are Razon " 243
•• Geshem " 044-645
Narbonne, Earliest Known Inscription Relating to Jews of France, Found at. Dated 689 445
Nerva, Reverse of Brass Coin of, Bearing Inscription "Fisci Iudaici Calumuia Bublata " 403
" Neuschule," Exterior and Interior of the, Frankfort-on-the-Main 487-488
"Or Adonai," Last Page from Hasdai Crescas', Ferrara, 1555, Bearing Colophon and Imprint of Abra-
ham Usque 371
Palestine: see Coens; Engedi; Esdrablon; Gaza; Ge-Hixxom; Gerizim; Glass; Hand-Mili. ;
Papyrus, Letter on, of an Egyptian Rabbi to Solomon ben Judah, Twelftli Century 65
Pentateuch, Part of Page from the Hebrew, Printed at Faro, 1487 345
Permit Granted to a Frankfort Jew to View the Coronation Procession of Leopold II., 1790 489
see also Marriage License.
Pharaoh: see Egypt.
Picart: see Fihst-Born, Redemption op.
Plain of Esdraelon, with Mount Tabor in the Distance 219
Plan of a Family Vault in Talmudic Times 339
of the City of Cairo, Twelfth Century 63
of Frankfort-on-the-Main in 1552, Showing Position of Jewish Quarter 485
Portraits: see
Dubno, Solomon. Fapdel-Phillips, Sir George. Fraxzos, Karl Emil.
Dukes, Leopold. Fklix, elisa-r.vciiel. Friedlander, Datid.
Edels, Samuel. Felsexthal. Bekniiard. Frug, semion.
Edreiii. Moses. Fettmilch, Vincent. Fuenn, Samcel Joseph.
Eger. akiba. Firkovich. Abraham. Fblda, Ltowig.
Eger, Solomon. Fleckeles, Eleazar. FCrst, Julius.
Einhorn, David. France, adolphe. FrRTADO. Abraham.
Elijah hen Solomon. Frank, Jacob. Gaxs, Edcard.
Emin Pasha. Fraxkel, ZECnARiAH. Geiger. Abraham.
Eybeschutz, Jonathan. Frankl, Ludwig acgust. Ghazzati. Nathan.
Ezekiel, Joseph. Franks, Isaac. Ginzberg, Asher.
Falk. Havyim.
Prague. Gravestone of David Gans at 566
Printer's Mark of Abraham Usque on the Last Page of Hasdai Crescas' " Or Adonai," Ferrara, 1555. . . 371
Procession of Frankfort Jews in Honoi of Archduke Leopold, May 17, 1716 4S7
Pulpit and Reading-Desk Of the Florence Synagogue 418
Purim, Eve of, I lames Played on. From Kirchner, 1726 564
Rachel I Elisa Rachel Felix) French Actress 360
Receipt: see Stars of Aaron of Lincoln.
Red Sea, the Israelites Crossing the. From the Sarajevo Haggadah. fourteenth century 294
Redemption of First-Born in Holland. After Picart. 1722 395
Scenes:, t. After Bodenschatz, 1748 397
" Religious Liberty " : Statue by Moses Ezekiel 320
Riot Instigated by Vincent Fettmilch at Frankfort-on-the-Main, Aug. 22, 1614 379
Sabbath-Day Journey: see 'Erubim.
Salonica, Page from Isaac Arama's "Akedat Yizhak," Printed by Gedaliah in 1522 at 581
School, German Jewish, Sixteenth Century 44
Modern Jewish, Jerusalem 49
Scrolls of Esther in < ) live- Wool 1 Cases 238
in Silver Cases 235
Sculpture : see Ri i igioi - Liberty.
Seville, Key Presented to Ferdinand III. by the- .lew ish Community of 363
Simon Maccatx us, Copper Coin of, Bearing an Etrog 262
Boncino: Bee Mi/.KAi.n, Elh mi.
Stan of Aaron of Lincoln, 1181, Acknowledging Receipt of Part Payment from Richard Malebys, After-
ward Leader in the York Massacre, 1 190 163
St ili • i if A mi ■ in 1 1 ili i> 1 1 1., with Added Inscription of Menepta II., Mentioning the Israelites 56
Switzerland: see Geneva.
Synagogues: see Cairo; Endingen; Erftjbt; Florence; Fbankpobt-on-tbe-Main j Finni;
GeKE\ A ; GlBR U.TUt.
Tabor, Mount, anil the Plain of Esdraelon 219
Bottles, Ancient, Pound Near Jerusalem 677
Tell al-Yahudiyyah (The Mound of the Jews), Egypt 59
Title Page: Bee Estdbcktes Jodenthtjm.
Tombs, Traditional: see Est i it: n and Mordecai; Ezekiel; Ezra; Gamaliel II.
Tree with Etrogim or Citrons 261
"Tur Orah llavymi," Page from, Berlin, 1702, Bearing Autograph A tations of Jacob Knxlcn 151
Types, Jewish: seeFALASHA; Fez; Jerusalem; Portraits.
Typography: Bee Entdecktes Judenthum; Fano; Faro; Pebraba; Gedaliah; Sonctno;
Ti it Oraii Hayyim.
TJsque, Abraham, Printer's Mark of, on the Last Page of Hasdai Crescas' "Or Adoiiai." Ferrara, 1555 371
Valley of Ge-Hinnom 588
Vase mi Coin of Eleazar ben Simon 9-1
Vault, Family, Ground Plan of a, in Talmudic Times 339
Jewish Encyclopedia
ich physician; born at Stxasburg Feb. 8, isr.':
died May 5, 190 and after-
ward mi the Paris Faculti de Hi dei ini . n In
becar surgeon in 1*73, and titular physi-
cian in 1878. He was clinic superintendent for ail-
ments of children in is7!i. In 1894 he became phy-
m al the Lariboisiiire Hospital. He was ap-
pointed a member of the Supi rior Council for Public
,i its formation in 1>^S and was mainly i
mental in securing the passage, in 1893, of the law
pro\ i.liiiL1 I »r< j fus Brisac is a
member of the medical commission of the Woi
Union of France. At the Paris Exposition ol
be was appointed vice-presideni of the second sec-
Mic Aid. Among bis pub-
lications arc: ■ I > • 1 fctere H6mapbeique" (187S);
"D I'Asphyxie Non Toxique ' rroitement
du Diabeti . ii la Phthisic Ai
(in collaboration, 1892) It'- is also the author of
rs in tin- "Gazetl Hebdomadaire " and else-
wbere, He lias been Chevalier of the Legion of
I [onor since 1 3D
Bibliography : Curlnler, Dictionnairt National.
V. E.
DRIBIN. See .M.iiiii i v GOVERNMENT.
form and material of the drinking-vessels of the
II brews than of those of theG mans.
I ii xxi. 15, 19; "ob,"
wxii. 19; and "nod iv. 19), made of
the hide of the goal and the kid, and still u
ledouins, cei tainly dates fi
red both ii le for water and for milk
ami as a drinking vessel. The Israelites probably
inori i pie. The wealthy
had metal — usually silver — ones(Gcn. xliv. 2), while
of the kings were of gold (1 Kings x, 21; II
Chron. i\. '.'1 | V V obably of bronze. It.
may be safely assumed thai these metal vi
lirst imported by the Pheuicians, and thai the Israel-
ites learned from them how to work the metals
I Kings vii. I2etseq. [A. V. 18]); hence it
is probable thai the drinking-vessels of the I
mblcd very closely those in use among the
V —1
In regard to form the vessels may In- divided into
two groups; viz., (1) cups and (2) bowls. A cup
was usually called " kos," a designation applied both
to the cup of the poor man ( II Sam. xii. 8) and to
thai of the king(Gen. xl. 11, 18,21). IKingsvii.
26 Bhows thai the rim was of U n bent, and Isa. Ii. 17.
■J'.1 indicates that the si. Irs were bulging. In I
xliv. 2, 12, lii etse.g. the term "gabi'a" is used to
designate "Joseph's cup," which, according to Jer.
xxxv. 5, seems to have been larger than a km, and
was probably a chalii The same ap-
plies perhaps to "kubba'at" (Isa. Ii. 17), to which
the accompanying word "kos" is probably a gloss.
"Kefor" (I Chron. xxviii. 17; Ezra i. 10, viii. 27)
up," as is evident from the Assyrian
" kapru," and from the Neo-l lebraic and Judteo-Ara-
■• kefor " (compare Euting's com hi nation with
"1B3 =" bulging," in Naba ription No. 27).
The bowl, w hich w as called " Befi I," was used for
holding milk (Judges v. 23) and for drawing v.
(Judges vi. 88), Judges v. 25 shows that in addi-
tion to the howls of ordinary si/e there were la
. i vidi nily designed for guests of honor, who
wen- served with double portions (Gen, xliii. 84; I
Sam. ix. 28 it ■'■■', i. nol only (,f meat, but also of
drink; hence the use of the phrase "sefel oddirim "
(lordlj di
lie word "saf" mentioned in I Kings vii, 50; II
\ii. II; and Jer. Hi. \'.i probably refers to a
bowl also. In Ex. ,\ii. 22 and Zech. xii. 2 a saf is
used at the sacrifice. Thi d in
(ant vii. :; is not a bowl for drinking, but rather
for mixing wine with spi hem , , Sep
int. Tin- " kail " — mentioned in Gen. xxiv. 14 et
carried on the shoulder, ami from
which le bi Elii zer water (Gen. xxiv. 18) —
was used for drawing water (comp. Eccl. xii. (i)
rather than as a drinl I (comp. "deli," I L9
xl. 15). .1 ' also used as drinking-vessels; in
1 Sim. xxvi. 10. l'i a "zappahat" (cruse) is men-
tioned, probably a bulging jug i journeys
\\ hieh has a similar
oing, may b designated a v
skin (1 Sam. i. 24, .\ :: etc I, hut later it undoubt-
ben vessel (Isa. \\\ I I ; Lam.
iv. 2). "i:akhuk" (.hi, xix 1. 10; 1 Kings xiv, 8),
also meaning an earthen vessel, was perhaps u ■■ d for
drinking purposes.
i . ii \V N
DRISSA : Russian city in the government of
Vitebsk. The population in 1897 was 4,237, of
whom 2,856 were Jews. There were 657 artisans
(including 229 masters) and 158 day-laborers. Among
its charitable institutions may be noted the Bikkur
Holim, and among its educational institutions a
county school with 120 pupils (7 of whom are Jews)
and a day-school with 70 pupils (12 of whom are
Drissa existed as early as the fourteenth cen-
tury, and Jews are mentioned there in connection
with the lumber trade in 1547 ("Regesty i Nadpisi,"
No. 464). Situated on the Drissa, an affluent of the
Diina, Drissa was a center for the export of lumber
and grain to Riga and Danzig, a trade which was
entirely in the hands of the Jews.
H. b. S. J.-M. R.
Christian Hebraist; born at Southampton Oct. 2,
1846; regius professor of Hebrew (in succession to
Pusey), and canon of Christ Church, Oxford, since
1883 ; member of the Old Testament Revision Com-
pany, 1876-84.
Together with T. K. Cheyne and Robertson
Smith, Driver has been one of the foremost cham-
pions of Biblical criticism in England. Driver ap-
proached it from its linguistic side ("Jour, of Phil."
1882, pp. 201-236). His first contribution, "A
Treatise on the Use of the Tenses in Hebrew " (Ox-
ford, 1874; 3d ed., 1892), has remained the most com-
plete presentation of the subject. Driver has de-
fended his position before several Church congresses
(e.g., in 1883) ; his attitude has frequently been crit-
icized from a theological point of view (see, for
example, "The Guardian," 1890, pp. 1419 et aeq.;
Robinson, " Early Religion," p. xii.), while Cheyne
complains that Driver is not a sufficiently represent-
ative exponent of modern higher criticism (" Intro-
duction to the Book of Isaiah," p. xi). In matters
of criticism Driver has always taken a conservative
view, showing much moderationand sympathy with
the orthodox position. For him "the Old Testa-
ment is not a systematic treatise on theology, but
the record of a historical revelation, which, just be-
cause it was historical, passed through many suc-
cessive phases, and was completed gradually " ; and
the ci inclusions at which he arrives "affect, not the
fact of revelation, but only its form. They help
to determine the stages through which it passed,
the different phases which it assumed, and the proc-
ess by which the record of it was built up. They
do not touch cither the authority or the inspiration
of the scriptures of the Old Testament" (compare
his "Isaiah," Preface, and "Introduction," p. vii.,
New York, 1891). He takes a similar position in
regard to the results of archeological and anthro-
pological research ; holding that though these results
have taken the Hebrews out of the isolated position
which they, as a nation, seem previously to have
held, they "do not, in any degree, detract from that
religious preeminence which has always been deemed
the inalienable characteristic of the Hebrew race"
("Hebrew Authority," p. 7).
Driver's critical works deal with the most impor-
tant books of the Old Testament, and his " Introduc-
tion " is still the standard English work on the
subject. Driver's chief productions are his contri-
butions to "The Holy Bible with Various Render-
ings and Readings" (together with Cheyne, 1876);
known from the 3d ed. onward as "The Variorum
Bible," 1888; "Notes on the Hebrew Text of the
Books of Samuel," Oxford, 1890; "An Introduction
to the Literature of the Old Testament," 1891; 6th
ed., 1897; "Sermons on Subjects Connected with
the Old Testament," 1892; "Isaiah: His Life and
Times," in the "Men of the Bible" series, 1893;
" Critical and Exegetical Commentary on Deuteron-
omy," 1895, in the "International Critical Commen-
tary " series; "Joel and Amos," 1897, and " Daniel."
1900, in the "Cambridge Bible for Schools"; "The
Parallel Psalter," 1898, and a critical edition of
Leviticus, in the " Sacred Books of the Old Testa-
ment," ed. Haupt, 1894; "Hebrew Authority," in
"Authority and Archaeology, Sacred and Profane,"
ed. D. G. Hogarth, 1899. To the " Studia Biblica "
(vol. i., Oxford, 1885) Driver has contributed a
paper on "Recent Theories on the Origin and Na-
ture of the Tetragrammaton " ; to the "Jew. Quart.
Rev." (i. 258 et seq.), an article on "The Origin and
Structure of the Book of Judges " ; and to Neubauer
and Cowley's edition of Ben Sira he has added a
glossary and some notes (" Original Hebrew of Ec-
clesiasticus," 1897, p. xv. ; compare "Oxford Maga-
zine," viii., Nos. 11 and 12, 1890; and "The Guard-
ian," 1896, p. 1029).
Driver has edited two small rabbinical works: a
commentary on Jeremiah and Ezekiel by Moses ben
Sheshet, London, 1871, and one on Proverbs, attrib-
uted to Abraham ibn Ezra, Oxford, 1880. He has
also been a collaborator on the second edition of
Smith's "Bible Dictionary," on Basting's "Diction-
ary of the Bible," and on Cheyne and Black's "En-
cyclopaedia Biblica," andiscoeditor, with Professors
Brownand Briggs, of the Clarendon press edition of
Bim.ioORAPHY : TTno's Who, s.v.; Prominent Men of the
Nineteenth Centwry. s.v.: Cheyne. Founders of Old Testa-
moit Criticism, pp. 348 et seq.. New York, 1893.
J. G.
JOSEPH : Talmudic scholar and preacher of Stan-
islaw (according to Ghirondi he came from Os-
trog, Russia); died at Safed early in the nineteenth
century. He was a pupil of Israel Ba'al ShemTob,
and after having been rabbi and rosh yeshibah in
several towns of Germany, he undertook a long
journey in order to publish his works. He stayed
for several years at Leghorn, where his books were
printed; and then went to Palestine, where he died.
He wrote the following works: " Emet le-Ya'akob,"
funeral dirges, 1704; "Hemdat Yisrael," a commen-
tary on Ecclesiastes, on " Elef Alfin," and on "Alef
Bet " of Elijah ha-Levi, 1820 ; " Pekuddat ha-Melek, "
containing novella? on Maimonides, and funeral
dirges, 2 vols.
Bibliography: Steinschneider, Cat. BodX. col. 1166; Nepi-
Ghirondi, Toledot Uednle YisraeU pp. 170, 180; Zedner, Cat.
Hebr. Books Brit. Mus. p. 211.
L. G. M. Sel.
DROMEDARY : A variety or choice breed of
the camel proper, or one-humped camel ; much taller
and longer in the leg than the ordinary camel, of a
more slender shape, and generally of a very light
color. Its speed is considerable, reaching eighty miles
a day. Zoologists include all varieties of one-humped
camel under the name Camelua dromtdariiu, in con-
tradistinction to the Camelva bactrianus, or two-
humped camel. As the two species interbreed suc-
cessfully and the offspring is able to procreate, some
assume that they are only two varieties of one spe-
cies; but as the Camellia dromedarius has not yet
been found in a wild state, the question can not be
The word "dromedary " occurs four times in the
English versions; viz.. twice in both the Authorized
and the Revised Version as a rendering of the He
brew "beker" (Isa. lx. 6) or "bikrah" (Jer. ii. 23),
and twice in the Authorized Version alone, to render
the Hebrew "rekesh" (1 Kings v. 8 [A. V. iv. 28]
and Esth. viii. 10). But in oeither case is the ren-
dering correct. "Rekesh" means rather a swift
steed, as the Revised Version has it; and "beker "
designates the young of the camel up to nine years,
and not any special variety or breed.
Bdliografbt : Tristram, Natural Hiatoryofthe Bil>lr,s.\.;
Wood, Bible A nim . - ■ .
E. G. II. H. H.
yer, and president oi Grs > ej born in Phila-
delphia, Pa , March 9, 1821. Beginning life as a store-
boy, he first learned watchmaking, and afterward
studied law under Benjamin Harris Brewster, sub-
sequently attorney-general of the United States.
After his admission to the bar (in 1851) he took an
active interest in public affairs, was t he candidate
of the Whig party for mayor of the Northern Liber-
ties district of Philadelphia in 1853, and. like most
members of the party, was strongly opposed to
slavery .
Dropsie has been instrum< utal in the development
of railways in Philadelphia; and after acting as
president of the Lombard and South Street Passen-
ger Railroad (1863-82), lie became (1888) president
of the Green and Coates Street Passenger Railroad,
which position be still holds (1008).
In 18T(» hit bet Hoe chairman of the commission
appointed by the legislature for the construction of
a bridge over the Schuylkill River.
Dropsie has always taken a deep interest in Jew-
ish charitable and educational work. He has been
a director of the Hebrew Fuel Society ; a member of
the board of "adjunta" (directors) of the Sephardic
Congregation Mickvc Israel; and was one of the
charter members, and for more than forty years an
officer, of the Hebrew Education Society of Phila-
delphia, having acted as secretary, vice-president.
and (twice) president. He is now (1903) an honor
ary life-member of the board of officers.
Dropsie was nlso president of liaimonides College
from 1807 to 1*73, and has been president of the
Philadelphia branch of the Alliance Israelite Uui-
vcrsellc since 1888 Bud of Gratz College since its
foundation in 1893. From 1850 to 1861 he was pres-
ident of the Mercantile Club.
Owing to failing eyesight, Dropsie in 1^5 re-
tired from the practise of the law. He has trans
lated and edited Mackcldev's "Handbook of the
Roman Law " (1883), and in addition has published
(1892) a separate work on "The Roman Law of Tes-
taments, Codicils, and Gifts in the Event of Death
(Mortis Causa Donationes)."
Besides a "Panegyric on the Life of the Rev.
Isaac I.ieser," Dropsie lias written pamphlets on
" The Life of Jesus from and Including the Accusa-
tion Until the Alleged Resurrection, with an Account
of the Cross-Crown of Thorns." and " Reform Juda-
ism and the Study of Hebrew."
BibliocraI'HY : H. S. Murals. Tin ,]< ws »t Philadelphia, i>p.
- and in. lex.
a. D. Su.
known as Arbich) : Printer of Amsterdam at the
end of the .seventeenth and tin- beginning of the
eighteenth century. His activity as a typesetter,
publisher, author, and translator extends from 1680
to 1724. He worked successively in the printing
establishments of David Tartas, of .Moses Mendez,
and of Asher Anshel & Co. He edited in 1690 a
Judseo-German translation of Manasseh b. Israel's
" Mikweh Visrael," and of the " Masse'otBinyamin "
(Itinerary of Benjamin of Tudela). lie published
the following works: in 1706, his own "Leb Haka-
mim " con t tuning a treatise on morals, together with
the ethical work " Leb Tob," by Isaac b. Eliakim of
Posen, both in Juda?o-German ; in 1711, a new edi-
tion of the " Ze'enuli u-Re'enah " ; in 17 is, a calen-
dar for the year 5479 ( = 1719); and in 17'J'2, Isaac
Aboab's "Menorat ha-Ma'or," with the Judajo-Ger-
man translation of Moses Frankfurter, which Frank-
furter himself revised. Drucker had two sons, Hen-
del F.lhanan and Jacob, both of whom were the
printers and publishers of Juda:o-German transla-
tions of various works.
Bibliography: Btetnacbnelder and Caaael, Jiuiinhc Typo-
oraphU una Jildiacher BuchhandeU in Ereoh and Gruber,
/ \eue. xzvtll. 70; FOrst, BlbLJud. I. 49; ltenjncoh, 0?ar
ha-Sefarim, pp. 254, 33S; sielnscbuekler, Cat. Budl. Nos.
460L 7919.
j. P. Wi.
DRTJCKER, MICHAEL: Musician; born in
Russian Poland Dec. 81, 1861. At the age of five
he began the study of the violin under his father,
and in 1875 attended the Kiev Conservatory m. Ho
•inert director in Kiev in 1K77, and later
i idi r of the orchestra at the operetta theater there.
He then went to Warsaw to complete his studies.
After making extended conceit touts in Sweden.
Norway, Fiance, and Germany, he became concert-
director at the Lemberg opera house (1880), where
he remained for thirteen years. Then he removed
to Vienna, where he is (1903) active as a virtuoso
and music-teacher,
lliiii.iouRAi'iiv: Klsenberg, Das UcMiac fVitn, I. 91.
it >.. N. D.
ant i Semitic author and former deputy from Al-
ii born at Paris on May :>. 1844, Drumont'i
ancestry is not Jewish, as has been sometimes as-
erted. His ancestors came from Lille, where they
were porcelain-painters. Drumont Btudled at the
l.yeee. When Drumont was but sevi nteen hit
father died, and left him to earn his own livelihood.
He entered the Prefecture de la Seine, but soon left
this for the profession of letters. At first he worked
on the staff of several daily, weekly, and monthly
periodicals. Ho was one of the chief collaborators
on the "Liberte," "Gaulois," and "Petit Journal."
During the seventies he published several volumes
dealing with historical and theatrical themes.
In lssti Drumont withdrew from the stall of the
" Liberte " (owned by Pen ire, a Jew), claiming that
the newspapers wire unduly controlled by the
Jews, lie then issued his famous work in two vol-
umes, '• l.a France Juive," :i book which may be re-
garded as the beginning of the anti-Semitic move-
ment in Prance. Ii ivi .1:1. nt of the Jews of
thai country, :md analyzes the Jewish element of
tie French nation. The work, of course, is written
from an intensely prejudiced point of view. It
has passed through more than one hundred editions,
arousing wide spread interest, and was so< a trans-
lated into several languages. Because of it, Dru-
mont fought several duels, notably with Charles
Laurent and Arthur Meyer. In addition, Drumont
wmte the following books to explain his previous
work: " La France Juive Devant l'Opinion" (18861,
"La Fin d'un Monde " (1888), "Derniere Bataille,"
"Testament d'un Antisemite" (1889), etc.
Meantime the Panama affair, in which several
Jewish financiers were prominently involved, gave
to Drumont's agitation great popularity, and in
September, 1802, he founded the "Libre Parole,"
a daily journal of rabid anti-Semitic tendei
For his anti-Panama articles, Drumont was con-
demned to three months' imprisonment. In 11
was an unsuccessful candidate for the represent:.
tion of Amiens; the following year he retired to
Brussels. The Dreyfus affair helped him to regain
popularity, and in 1898 he returned to France and
was elected deputy for the first division of Algiers,
but was defeated as a candidate for reelection in
BiiiLTOc.RAFiiY: Dewamin, < opeditme des
NotabilUts (in XIXc Steele, i. 218et geq., fans. 1901; Curi-
nier. DictUmnaire National des I 'ontemporaiiiA, i.93i
Paris, n. il.; Nouveav Larousse tllustrfc, ni. 856; De Guber-
natis. Victionnaire Tnternationai des Ecrivainsdu Jour,
', Paris, n.d.
v. A. M. F.
speaks only once of drunkenness in its relation to re-
sponsibility lor contractsor tor crimes; namely, in
iln' following baraita ('Er. 65a):
" A drunken man's purchase is a purchase ; his -
if be commits a capital offense, they put him to death: if tie
an act punishable by stripes, they Bog in 1.1 : in a word, be
is deemed of sound 1 that he is tree
from prayer [elsewhere the reel Iden 10
the drunken man], 1: . u ai only until
the man has in ins drunkenness as Lot went; but
when he has gone as far as Lot, he is tree tr sverythlng.' "
These rules are followed by all tin codi , e.g.,
Maimonides, "Yad," Mekirah, xxix. ; Shulhan
"Aruk, Hoshen Mishpafc 222, 22.
Speaking broadly, these principles agree with those
of the English-American law. Compare, however,
Fr.u n and Mistake, Law ok.
1 .. (i. L. N. D.
DRTJSILLA: Daughter of A: rippa I. and Cy-
pres (Josephus, "Ant." xviii. 5. § 4; idem, "15. J."
ii. 11, § 6) ; bornin38. She was only six years old at
her father's death (44), and was subjected to the
insult of having the portraits of herself and two sis-
ters, Berenice and Mariainnc, carried into the houses
of ill-fame of Ctesarea by the Roman soldiers, who
rejoiced over Agrippa's death (" Ant." xix. 9, § 1).
The sisters did not enjoy a good reputation, the
beautiful Drusilla being even worse than her elder
sisters. Her father had betrothed her to Epiphanes,
son of Antiochus of Commagene; but as Epiphanes
refused after Agrippa's death to keep his promise
to embrace Judaism, Drusilla was married by her
brother Agrippa II. to Azizos, King of Emesa, who
accepted the Abrahamic covenant ("Ant." xx. 7, §1).
Drusilla dissolved her marriage with Azizosabout
the year 53, the newly appointed procurator of
Judea, Felix, having fallen in love with her. With
the help of a Cypriote magician, whose name is
variously given as " Atoinos" and "Simon," he in-
duced her to follow him. though a pagan, and to
become his wife, contrary to the laws of her people
1 Acts xxiv. 24). Envy of her sister Berenice aided
in driving Drusilla to this step.
By Felix, Drusilla had a son, Agrippa, who, to-
gether with his wife, perished during the eruption
of Vesuvius in 79 ("Ant." xx. 7, § 2).
Bibliography: riasna£*e, Histoire des Juifs. i. 1ST: Gr&tz.
Gesi h. 4th ed.. iii. 354. 428, 438; Gerlach. in ZeUschrift far
Lutherische Theologfe, 1869, pp.68 el seq.; Seiiiirer, Gesch,
3d ed.. i. 573. It is said in the Prosopographia imperii Bo-
mani. ii. 95, Unit Tacitus, in his History I v. 9), confounds
two wives of Felix of the name of Drusilla.
c;. S. Kr.
DRUTZK. See Mohii.ev Government.
DRUYA. See Wilna.
DRTJZHKOPOL. See Yolhtnia.
DUAL : Fi >rm of a noun or verb indicating its
application to two persons or things. Arabic is the
only Semitic language that has the dual form for the
verb as well as for the noun; in Syriac only a few
traces of the dual have been preserved. In Hebrew
the dual has been preserved in the case of the noun
only, its suffix being "ayim." It is used chiefly to
designate objects that are found naturally in pairs, es-
l> eially members of the human body or of the bodies
of animals. It is also us d of the teeth, because they
form a pair of rows (" shinnayim "). In addition,
the dual is used for tl lucts of human skill
which are constructed ia such away that the sin-
gular would m t apply to them; «..<•., "melkahayim"
1," tnisparayim " (scissors). The numeral "she-
ll " (two) is likewi ;e a natural dual, as are also
such expressions as "kitlayim" (twofold), "kil'a-
\im" (two kinds; corresponding to the Ethiopian
numeral for " two").
But the dual i< occasionally used to indicate two
objects not naturally connected; e.g., "yomayim"
(two days), "shebu'ayim" (two weeks), "shena-
tayim " (1 wo yi ars), "ammatayim " (two ells), Neo-
Elebrew "lel'ahayim" (i wo spans). The numbers
200 and 0,000 are also designated by the dual: "ma-
tayim," "alpayim." A special group of the dual is
formed by geographical names, principally those of
ci'ie^ ending in "ayim " ; for example, " Ilamatayim "
i.V. V. "Ramathaim"), "Horonayim" (A. V. " Horo-
naim "), " Kiiyalavim " ( A. V. " Kiijalhaitn." " Kiri-
athaim "), etc. lu one of such nanus the dual form
has been contracted to "an"; namely, "Dothan " for
" Hothayin" (Gen. xxxvii 17). To tliis group bi
longs also the Hebrew name of Egypt, " Mizrayim "
(A. V. "Mizraim" = Upper Egypt and Lower
Egypt); also " Aram-Naharayim " (A. V. "Aram-
naharaim " = thc Aram of the two rivers Euphrates
and Tigris, or, according to a recent view, Euphrab 9
and Chaboras). " Yerushalayim," however, the
name of Jerusalem, according to the Ma
ing of the name DPBOT, must not be explained as a
dual, as it is one of several winds ha\ ing the suffix
"ayim " that are not duals. Tims, " ma vim "|
and " shamay im plural forms, thi
preceding the plural ending "im" being radical.
This was recognized by as early a grammarian as
Abual -Walid ("Luma',M pp. 285 etseq. " Rikmah,"
pp. 173 while Abraham ibn Ezra (" Sefer ha-
Shem,"i ; i tmentary to Gen. i. 2) holds that they
are duals, and attempts to explain them as such
on the ground of natural philosophy.
Hayyuj and Abual- Walid have burrowed a term
■ Arabic grammar foi the dual, "tathniyyah."
Abual Walid devotes to the dual, as a variant of t he
plural, a short chapter el' his chief work, "Lunia1"
. -"Rikmah.'' pp lis,/ teg. I. Ibn
Ezra calls the dual "leshon shenayim"; the later
.lew ish grammarians use the term " ribbui ha-zu
paired plural."
Bibliography : Pbulppl, Dot Zahlwort Zvx i (m Si mttischen.
\aZ.D. M. O. xxiil. 21-98.
a. W. B.
DUALISM: The system in theology which ex-
plains the existence of evil by assuming two i
nal principles — one good, the otherevil. This dual-
ism is the chief characteristic of the religion of
istcr, which assigns all that is good to Ahura-
mazda (Ormuzd), and all that is evil to Angro-
mainyushi Ahriman; seeZoROASTRi lnism). Against
this dualism, which may have some basil
in Chaldean in si r of the Exile pro-
ing the doctrine that the Lord
" formed the 1 ' that lie
"is the Maker of peai e and '
\lv. ?). The verse has found a place i
daily litui l.i i i'koy), but with the i b
of the word " ta '" (evil) into "ha-kol" (all), prompted
by an aversion to ha\ in ur " e\ il " directly associated
With the name of G Vum.
R. xi. 16). The same idea occurs in Lam. (iii 8
Ilehr |: " t >ut of the mouth ol High ci
cih there not evil and good?" No less emphatii
the Rabbis in thi ition to the dualistic vi
of Parseeism when they teach that both death and
i in' evildi i king
for the Lr 1 (Gen. R. ix 89a, Bib ;
shall 77b; Mai mom i i H binah com
mental) : see Si-. |
Zeller ("Gi 9 h. der Philosophic" 3d ed., iii. 350)
mistakenly ascribes dualisl ic notions to the 1 Issenes
(Hilgenfeld, " Ketzergesch. des LTrchristenthums,"
1884, p. 109; I. On the contrary, Philo
("Quod Omnia Probus Liber," - that ac
cording to them "God 01 good,
and nothing that is e\ il." They beheld in life only
certain contrasts— opposing tendencies of puril
impurity, of good and evil — and, following am ii til
Chaldean traditions, placed the one to the right (to-
ward the light ) and the other to the left (toward the
night) (Josephus," B. J."ii. 8, §9; "Clementine Hom-
ilies," ii. 15, 33; xix. 12; " Kccognitioncs," iii. 24) —
views which are found also among the Gnostics and
the Cabalists (see Jew. Encyc, iii. 4">8, s.v. Cabala).
Of course, the tendency toward evil was found by
them, as well as by Philo, in matter — the things of
the senses— in contradistincl ion to the spiritual world
(Zeller, I.e. p. :11s; see Philo); but this does not
■ i 'in rail iet i la- belief in Cod as Creator of the visible
world. There were, however. Gnostics who would
■ the creation of the visible world to the dem-
iurge ("artificer"), an inferior god mentioned in
Plato's "Timaus" (i 2D); and this doctrine of "two
powers" (nniin Wi. frequently alluded to in Tal
mud and Midiash (Hag. 15a; Gen. II. i. ; Keel. R. ii.
12; see Ki.isua in \ Abuyah), actually led its fol-
lowers to the dualistic view ascribing evil to the in-
ferior god. Thus 1 1 nal ism became t lie chief doctrine,
'• one hand, of the Manicheans, a sect founded
on Zoroastrianism, and, on the other hand, of the
anti-Judean Christian Gnostics, who opposed the
old Testament as recording the dispensation of an
inferior god. the author of evil (Hilgenfeld, I.e. pp.
192,209 832 383,526; see Gnosticism; God; Mam
Among Jewish philosophers Saadia ("Emunot
we-De'ot," ii.) takes especial pains to demonstrate
the untenaliilit y of dualistic definitions of the Cod-
head. Were there two creators, it must be assumi d
that only with the help Of the other could each
create, and that therefore neither is omnipotent.
Light and darkness do not prove t he contrary, for
darknessisi ration of light (see Saadia). In
the Maimonidean system the difficulty of reconciling
the existence of evil with Cod's unity is solved by
the assumption thai evil is only negative ("Moreh,"
iii. 8). ' K.-T.. G. II.
DTJARTE, LTJIS (alias Luis Noble): Chilean
M i oi born in Evora, Portugal, at the end of the
sixteenth century He served for six years in the
ii army, and, 1" - d of stealing a i
eiiix.was imp: oned byorderof the Inquisition in
10. A Jesuit i nd need liiui to Confess, premising
him speedy acquittal. He, accordingly, admitted
\u- . 161 ii his secret adherent e to Judaism, a a
e lession to his voluntary sell denunciation, he was
admitted to "secret reconciliation"; and was sen-
I to do "spiritual penance." The alcaldes.
dering this punishment inadequate, had him
In the galleys.
| 'I'. >!■ .hi! i al del
G A K.
DTJARTE DE PINEL. Seel sque, Abraham.
DUBLIN : Chii of In land. The Jewish
community in Dublin is one of the oldest of those
which have been founded in Great Britain since the
Resettlement, having been established in the first
half of the eighteenth century. In the year I7IM
Michael Phillips acquired some freehold ground at
Drumcondra, opposite Ballybough Bridge, which
lie presented totheJewsof Dublin foracemel
Borne j eai a later i he Jews ol I lublin sought |
niary assistance from their Polish and German core-
ligionists in Loudon, for the purpose of building a
wall round their cemetery. Their applications were
refused, but they received the desired help from the
Bevis Marks congregation, which, besides defraying
the expenses of the work, sent an agent from Lon-
don to supervise it. The title-deeds of the Dublin
Jewish cemetery were then deposited at Bevis
Marks, with the archives of which congregation they
are still to be found.
Toward the end of the eighteenth century (about
1791) the Dublin community worshiped in Marl-
borough street, "in the yard of the glass-works."
But the congregation fell into decay, and its effects
were seized and sold for rent. Two scrolls of the
Law were, however, rescued, and for some time they
remained in the possession of "the brothers Cohen."
Other scrolls, which had been borrowed from the
Bevis Marks congregation, appear to have been pre-
viously returned.
The congregation was resuscitated in 1822, when
the few remaining families joined to open a place of
worship at 40 Stafford street, the residence of J. W.
Cohen. In 1829 this place of worship was enlarged,
and about the same time "the brothers Cohen " pre-
sented to the congregation the two scrolls of the
l.nv \s Inch they had rescued from the former build-
ing. Six years later the congregation removed to
Mary's Abbey, where it had bought a meeting-house
for £300. In 1842 the Mary's Abbey congregation
expressed a wish to affiliate with the Portuguese
Synagogue of London, but nothing appears to have
resulted from the negotiations. Subsequently the
congregation removed to their present building in
Adelaide Road.
Iii recent times, in addition to the principal syna-
gogue in Adelaide Road, there have grown up a
number of minor synagogues, or "hebrahs," of
which at present there are five, situated respect-
ively in St. Kevin's Parade, Camden street, Lennox
street, Oakfield Place, and Lombard street. The
principal ministers have been J. Sandheim, Philip
Bender, and L. Mendelsohn.
Other Jewish institutions are: the Board of Guard-
ians (founded 1882), the Ladies' Benevolent Soci-
ety, Haehnosath Orechim, and Medical Relief Soci-
ety (founded 1888), and the National and Hebrew
School (founded 1893), in Adelaide Road, which en-
rolls 100 scholars. The present Jewish population
of Dublin is about 2,700. The Dublin community
has for many years included a large number of
cultured Jews, who have taken the highest distinc-
tions at Trinity College.
BIBLIOGRAPHY: Law's and Regulations of the Hebrew Con-
areaatian in Dultlin, Historical Preface, Lomlon, 1839; Pic-
clotto. Sketches of Anoio-JevH/sh History, pp. 77, 168.325;
Archives of the London Spanish nnd Portuguese Congre-
gation ; Jewish Year Book, 1902-03.
J. I. H.
DTTBNEB, MAGGID. See Jacob ben Wolf
DTJBNICZA: Bulgarian town; 22 miles south
of Sofia, and on the left bank of the Jerma. In
tracing the origin of its population by the names of
the families at present found there, one discovers
French, Spanish, Arabian, Hungarian, and other
elements. It is known that there were Jews at
Dubnicza in 1536. Among the chief rabbis of Dub-
nicza were Solomon Moreno (1680-1750) and Abra-
ham b. Samuel Alkalai (1793-1811). The Kirjali,
a band of brigands that terrorized the Balkans at the
end of the eighteenth century, occupied the town se v-
eral times. In 1793 and again in 1794, a tribute was
imposed amounting to 3,000 piasters on the first occa-
sion, and 300 on the second. The share contributed
by the wealthier Jews was determined by the assess-
ments of Chief Rabbi Alkalai. It also appears from
"Hesed le- Abraham " that the community of Dub-
nicza paid two classes of taxes not demanded from
Jews anywhere else. Abraham Alkalai (1741-1811),
a celebrated rabbi who was born at Salonica. first be-
came prominent at Dubnicza, where he officiated for
twenty years. The town esteemed him so highly
that his tomb has become an object of pilgrimage.
Dubnicza has a population of 8,000, about 1,150
being Jews. The latter are chiefly engaged in vari-
ous trading and mechanical occupations, and the
carpet-weaving industry is entirely in their hands.
The synagogue dates from 1825. There are a boys'
school with an attendance of 216, and two societies,
a bikkur holim and an association of Zionists. The
cemetery at Dubnicza contains a tombstone bearing
the date 5330 (1569) and the name "Mosse b. Morde-
khai Frances. " There are also some synagogue ap-
purtenances dating from 1740.
Bibliography : Rumanian Jewish Year-Book, Bucharest,
d. M. Fk.
DTJBNO : Town in the government of Volhyuia,
Russia. According to the census of 1897 it had a
population of 13,785, including 5,608 Jews. The
chief sources of income for the latter are in trading
and industrial occupations. There are 902 artisans,
147 day-laborers, 27 factory and workshop em-
ployees, and 6 families cultivate 90 deciatines of
land. The town has a Jewish hospital, but no edu-
cational institutions except several hadarim. The
earliest date given in connection with the Jews of
Dubno is the beginning of the seventeenth cen-
tury. In 1650 there were in Dubno 47 Jewish and
141 Christian taxable households.
The following list of Dubno rabbis extends from 1600 to the
present time: Isaiah ba-Levi Hurwitz (1600-06), author of
"SheneLuhot ha-Berit." Samuel b. Aaron ba-Levi Hurwitz
(1625-30), cousin of Isaiah Hurwitz. Zebi (Hirsch) b. Ozer, son-
in-law of Abraham Hayyini Shor, chief rabbi of Satanow : author
of n"3. Meir b. Moses Ashkenazl, the father of Shabbetbai
Kohen (ShaK); died at Dubno Nov. 25, 1649. Judah ha-I.lasid,
martyred 1619. Abraham Heilprin (1660-62),
Rabbis. son-in-law of the physician Jelilel Michael
Epstein. Nahnian b. Meir ba-Kohen Bapo-
port (also called Nahnian Lifsches); died in 1674; previously
rabbi of Kremenetz (Volhynia) and Belz (Galicia); took part in
the Council of Four Lands at the fair of Jaroslaw. Moses
h. Joseph, died at Lemberg May 22, 1684. Israel b. Mordecal
Tt)lls (also called Israel Swinhar). Simhab b. Nahman ha-Koben
Itapoport, died at Szebreczin July 15, 1717 ; son-in-law of Israel
b. Mordecai ; replaced the latter in the rabbinate of Dubno from
1082 to 1688; rabbi of Grodno to 1714, of Lublin to 1717; called
to the rabbinate of Lemberg in the same year; he died on his
way there. Joseph b. Judah Yudel of Lublin, died April 13.
1706; wrote a work entitled " Ne'imah Kedoshah," containing
moral precepts and a poem for the Sabbath. Samuel b. Shalom
Shakna of Cracow, died at Brody June 22, 1729. Isaac b. Saul
Ginzburg (1712-15). Eleazar b. Issachar Baerof Cracow (1715-
1719), maternal grandfather of Ezekiel Landau. Heschel b. Ele-
azar (also called R. Heschel "der Kleiner"), died July 25, 1729.
/allium Ephraim b. Raul. Abraham b. Samuel Kahana, died
1741 : previously rabbi of Brody and Ostrog (Volhynia). Isaac
Dub now
Moses b. Abraham Kahuna (d. 174-5). Saul h. Aryeh Lob, born
at ReJflCho 1717: died at Amsterdam June 19, 1790; son-in-law
of Abraham Kahana and author of "Blnyan Ariel" (1745 Ve.
NapbtaU Berz b. Zebi HIrsch (d. May 17. 1777). Ze'eb Woll i>.
Napbtall Herz, born at Brody 1746: died at Dubno 1800; pre-
rlously rabbi of Radzivil. Volhynia ; his respnnsa were pub-
llabed in the "TM'erel Zebi" of Zebi Uirsch, rab r Brodj
(Lemberg, 18111. Nathan ba-Levi ilurwltz. I.layyim Mordecal
Mart'aliot, brother-in-law of Nathan Hurwitz and author of
•'Sba'are Tesbubah." Hayyim Jacob b. Ze'eb Wolf, previously
rabbi of Eoyno, Volhynia: died Bept 25, 1849. David Zebi
Auerbach, son-in-law of Hayyim Jacob and author of "Mal-
bushe Taharah " (unpublished). Henahem Blende] Auerbach.
son of David Zebi, is ihe present ( l'.ntli Incumbent.
Biih.io<;rai'uy : p. Pesls, *//• Dubno toe-RaoDaneho, cracow,
1902: Reqesty I Nadrrirt. I. 889, 482, St Petersburg, 1899;
E. H. uargolyesb, in wed, KhronUsa Voskhoda, 1887,
p. 45.
ii B. S. J.— M. Ski..
poet, grammarian, and student "I the Masorali;
born at Dubno. Volhynia. Oct., 1738; died
at Amsterdam .June 26, 1813. When he
was fourteen years old his parents
married him to the daughter of the
Talmudist Simbab ben .Joshua of
.in ill', ing exhausted
the knowledge of his Yolhyii-
ian instructors, Dubno went
i ia. studying there lor
il years Biblical exe
gesis and grammar under
the direction of Rabbi Si l
onion of Cliolm. Dubno
goon became proficient in
these branches of .Jewish
science, and was charged
by his master with i he
revision and publication
of his work on the 1 [e-
brew accents, "Sha'are
Ne'imah" ( Frankfort-on-
in, 1766)
From ITDT to 1772 Dub-
no lived at Amsterdam.
d by iis rich col-
lections of Hebrew books.
On leaving Amsterdam lie
settled in Berlin, earning a
livelihood by teaching. Among
his pupils was the son of Moses
Mendelssohn, who. highly appreci-
ating Dubno'a scholarship, became
his patron and friend. Dubno wrote
a commentary for Mendelssohn's
translation of the Bible, of which only a portion —
the "'Alim li-Terufah" (Amsterdam, 1778) — was
published. See Jew. Enctc. iii. 192, ».v. Biiii.k
During his stay at Wilna Dubno wrote a poem.
preceded by a dissertation on the writing of the
Scrolls, entitled " Birkat Vosef " (The Benediction of
Joseph), published at Dyhernfurth, I7s:i. After the
death of Mendelssohn, Dubno slopped for a short
time in Frankfort -on the Main, and then returned to
Amsterdam. There, at first feted, and later ignored.
deriving a scanty income from the loan of the I ks
from his rich library, he remained unlil his death.
In addition to the works mentioned above, Dubno
wrote the following: (1) Poems, appearing (p, 84)
Solomon luihno.
among those of Immanuel, published by LOb Wolf
at Berlin, 1770; in the '"Bikkure To'elet" (pp.4,
114), published by the Ansho To'elet Society of
Amsterdam; and in Heidenheim's "Sefer ijero
bot " (2) " Eliel Yahid," an elegy on the death
of Jacob Emden, published at Berlin, 1770. (IS) A
preface to Moses Hayyim Luzzatto's poem "La
Vesharim Tehillah," if,. 1780. (4) A work on the
geography of Palestine, promised by him in his
commentary on Genesis, where he displayed a
profound knowledge of the subject. Luncz ("Je-
rusalem," 1*!I2. pp. KIT et feq.) identifies this work
with the "Ahabat Ziyyon " of Dubno's father in
law, Simbab ben Joshua; but as this is a mere
plagiarism from the Karaite Samuel ben David's
story of his voyage to Palestine, published in Gur-
land's "Ginze Fisrael," it is probable that Lehren
(" ( Catalogue," p. 247) is right in doubting the
identification. (5) " Keshimah " (Register),
catalogue of his library, published at
Amsterdam, 1814. It contains 2,076
printed works and 100 manu-
scripts. Dubno left a great
number of essays, poems, etc.,
which are still extant in man-
Bibliography: De Rossi, Dtot
>, p, 92 ! Zunz, Z.O.p.241 :
*>... ,,.» i ,,..,,.•
Idem, The Itiru rcwy of Rahhi
Benjamin ■■' Tudela, ii. 891;
Carmoiv, Ilcvue Orientate,
11. :tlii el wq.; Delltzsch, Zur
Gesch. tier Ht.hr. 1'oerie,
p. lis; steins braider. Cat.
BodL col. ~**>:t; Auerbach,
Gesch. <ler Israel Ge-
meinde Balberttadt. p.
1711 : Kavserluii.', "Monti
MfnileUmahn, pp. 287 2su,
l. a. I. Bit.
VICH): Russo- Jewish
historian; born at Mstis
lavl, government of Mobi-
lev, 1860. He attended the
Jewish government school of
his native town, and then the
district school, whence lie was
graduated in 1877. In search of
knowledge and the means of sup-
port, Dubnow moved from place to
place, visiting Wilna. Dunaburg.
Mohilev, and Smolensk. He earned
his livelihood by tutoring, and at the same time
prepared himself for university work. In 1880
he sitiled in St. Petersburg, wlicre lie soon be-
came a contributor to the " Busski Yevrei," pub-
lishing his first article on the liistorical develop-
ment of Jewish thought under the title "tilavnyye
Momenty i/. Jstorii Yevreiskoi Mysli." About this
lime (1881) he also assumed charge of the foreign
news department of the Husso Jew
His Jour- ish periodical "Ha/svyet." Disap
nalistic proving the pan Palestinian policy of
Activity, this periodical. Dubnow in 1882 trans-
ferred his literary activity to the
"Yoskliod." on which periodical he has since re
luained an active collaborator in the field of Husso
Jewish history and Russian Judaism in general.
Among the more important of his early contribu-
tions are his articles on Shabbethai Zebi, under the
title "Sabbatai Zewi i Pseudomessianizm v XVII.
Vyekye"(in "Voskhod," 1883, Nos. 9-12), and on
the Frankists, entitled " Frank i Yevo Sekta Chris-
tianstvuyushchikh " (ib. 18S3, Nos. 1-10). In 1883
he assumed charge of the critical department >f the
"Voskhod." He also wrote an essay on reform in
the Jewish religion, entitled "Kakaya Samoeman-
cipatziya Nuzhna Tevreyam" (ib. 1888, Nos. 5-8),
which created a stir in Orthodox circles. Among
his other valuable contributions on the Jewish ques-
tion may be numbered his articles on the civic con-
dition of the Jews and on the reform of Jewish
school education in Russia, ami his critical reviews
in "Voskhod." 1885 to 1887. Another important
work of Dubnow 's is his monograph on the history
of HasidismC'IstoriyaChassidizma," in "Voskhod,"
1888-93). This work is based on the study of orig-
inal and hitherto unexploited sources.
In 1891 Dubnow set himself to the task of creating
among the Russian Jews an interest in their history.
For this purpose he published a series of articles in
"Voskhod," outlining a plan for the study of the
history of the Jews in Russia, and advocating the
establishment of a Russo-Jewish his-
Dubnowas torical society. These articles were
Historian, afterward printed in book form under
the title " Ob Izuchenii Istorii Russkikh
Yevreyev," St. . Petersburg, 1891. Although the
appeal made by Dubnow did not create such a \\ ide
spread interest as he had anticipated, his efforts were
seconded by many persons interested in the history
of the Jews in Russia. From the many unpublished
documents gathered by Dubnow from libraries and
from the " pinkeses " of Jewish communities, he pre-
pared a series of contributions bearing the title " Isto-
richeskiya Soobscheniya " (in "Voskhod." 1893-95).
Among Dubnow s other historical studies may be
mentioned his articles on the part taken by Jews in
the French Revolution (in "Voskhod," 1889) and on
the Jewish historian Griitz (ib. 1892, Nos. 2-9). In
1893 he published (in "Voskhod," pp. 9-12) a philo-
sophic historical study, "Chto Takoe Yevreiskaya
Istoria"; a German translation by I. F. [Fried-
lander] appeared in Berlin, 1898, and an English
translation was published bj' the Jewish Publica-
tion Society oi Am :ira in 1903, His "Yevrei-
skaya Istoria," Odessa, ls97, a two-volume work
on the history of the Jews from the beginning of
the post Biblical period up to lss2, is an adap-
tation of the handbooks of Jewish history by S.
Baeck and M. Brann, but it also contains original
contributions to tin- history of the .lows in Poland
and in Russia. In 1900 Dubnow published a brief
history of the Jews for the Jewish youth, entitled
"Uchebnik Yevreiskoi Istorii Diva Yevreiskavo
Yunoshestva, " in three parts (ib. 1900-01 1. In the
same year appeared the first part of his larger his-
tory of the .lews from the earliest to the present
time, entitled " lyalstoriyaYevreiye^
1901). The second part, dealing with the period
beginning witli the Babylonian captivity, is now
(1902) appearing as a supplement to the monthly
edition of the" Voskhod." Dubnow's recent labors,
apart from his historical researches, consist in a series
of letters devoted to the discussion of ancient and
modern Judaism as regards the development of its
national consciousness. These have been published
in the " Voskhod " since 1897 under the title " Pisma
o Starom i Novom Y'evreistvye."
Dubnow's works are all characterized by elegance
of literary style. He is also a fluent writer in He-
brew, and has contributed valuable articles to the
Russo-Hebrew periodicals, among them his articles
" Ila-Hasidim ha-Rishim ba-Erez Yisrael," in "Par-
des," ii. 201, Kiev. 1894 ; " Nabpesah we-Nahkorah,"
ib. i. 221; and "Hasidim Parze Geder," in "Ha-
Shiloah," v. 7. He is also a contributor to Brock-
haus1 "Lexikon" and to Efron's "Russian Ency-
clopedia," for which he wrote the articles on the
Frankists and the Hasidim.
Since 1890 Dubnow has been a resident of Odessa.
H. R.
DTJBOSARY: Village in the government of
Kherson, Russia. In 1897 it had a population of
13,270, of whom about 5,000 were Jews. A consid-
erable number of the latter arc engaged in to-
bacco growing, while many others are occupied in
wine-making and fruit-growing. Dried fruits and
tobacco are the chief articles of trade. There are
910 artisans, 186 day-laborers, and a number en-
gaged in agriculture and bee-keeping. There are
the usual charitable institutions in the village, and
a hospital and dispensary. There are also a Talmud
Torah with 130 pupils, a private school with 580
Jewish pupils, and 18 hadarim.
h. r. S. J.
DUBOVO. See Kiev.
DUBROVNA: Village on the banks of the
Dnieper, government of Mohilev, Russia. In 1898 it
had s.087 inhabitants, of whom 4,559 were Jews.
Dubrovna is known as the first and almost the
only place to manufacture woolen tallits. This
occupation dates back many Mars. It is known
that in 1750 a factory for tin ir manufacture existed
in Dubrovna, but they had been made here even
earlier. The artisans work in their own homes, and
are often hi Iped by their wives and children. There
are about 000 families so engaged. Tin dyers, who
dye the woolen thread a dark blue (" tekelet "), earn
from eight to ten rublcsa month. The more numer-
ous class of weavers, with the hard, incessant work
of their families, even of children of six or seven
years, earn less than the dyers. The launderers
(10 or 12 families), who wash the tallits, earn more
than the others — sometimes five rubles a week. The
shavers (" goler " ; about 20 families), who cut the
nap from the surface of the tallits, receive the least
of all. The work is carried on amid very unsanitary
surroundings. The peasants ate exploited by the
dealers who supply them with wool and purchase the
finished article. The dealers (there are only three
or four of them) have agencies in all important com-
mercial (enters, and their agents cover every town
and village within the Pale of Settlement. The
Dubrovna tallit was formerly sold abroad, even in
America; but within the last ten years the machine-
made tallit of South Russia and Lithuania is sup-
planting that made in Dubrovna.
The pitiable condition of the weavers has lately
attracted the attention of their Jewish coreligionists.
Thanks to the < peration of the Jewish Coloniza-
tion Association, several Jewish capitalists have
organized the " Aktzionemoye Obshcbestvo Dniep-
rovskol Manufaktury " (a stock company for the de
velopment of Dnieper manufactures), « ith a capital
of 1,200,000 rubles. Two-thirds of the shares have
been taken by the Jewish Colonizati. n Association
The ultimate purpose of this undertaking is to n
ganize and raise the level of the weaving industry
among the Jews in Dubrovna and to furnish employ-
ment to those needing work. Besides the weavers
there are in Dubrovna 2T0 Jewish artisans and 24
day -labor.
The local charitable institutions arc: a socii fcy
for the aid of the poor, founded by the governor oi
the province: a bikkur In. I i in ; anil a lehem ebyonim.
The Jewish children are taught in the Talmud 'I
(72 pupils). T ty-six hadarim
pupils), a j eshibah (60 pupils), a government si hool
(175 pupils, part of whom also attend the yeshibah
ie hadarim), and the distrii I school, k Ith 36
pupils in the industrial departmi
Bibliography: M. v.. Tevrei-Kustar, li
Zhurnal, 1886, No. 12; O. Lurye, Dulwovt I
tori/, 1 form, Mos-
. 1890); N.v.i.., Duhrmv.nskaya KuMarnaya Pi
Oct., 1890; Dr. Feieenberar, O. Dubro-
ii. ii. 9 ■'
DUDERSTADT: A city in Eichsfelde, |
inc.- of Hanover. Jews have- lived there as early
as the beginning of the fourteenth i
pears from c al oi the prn ill ges for that
town l.\ Duke ll.niyn.cn Nov. IT. 1814. They
; izenship, .■
liasizcd by the dukes Henry, Erni -t. and \\ ill
iam in their confirmation of the privileges on July
15, 1824. A : : . i tadt
are mentioned in a document dated May 1 i I
vcar 1888, according to which the Ji n Samuel
si. hi inf.. n- tin mi i! a \ earlj ii
that building amounting to one farthing. The
Jews of Duderstadt wi re I in the i alam-
whicb followed tin- Black Death
After some decades a Jew of I
v til.'. I again in I duderstadt, ^ ho, d
i Is, paid on. i ■■ u ish
protection monej ("Jodinschot"). 1 1 owed
by other Ji nth century. In 1 185 the
council of ii.. place made a contract with Isaac of
Amoneburg and his gon Pivis to receive line
the city up.. n a payment of 120 gulden; in 1 I 51
fined the rigli I lien it
granted certain <.f them, such as tic children of
" Nai hi.:. .rui anil Si halain
Hem. nt f..r three years. The number of Jews in
Duderstadt from 1 150 to 1 WO was L2, and thi ir an
nual payments averaged from 5 to 14 marks The
council in 1465 received " Abraham de Jodde myt
syncr modi r" (Abraham the Jew with hi mothi i
for seven \ ears, ami in I Is'.i Nullum J " Na
thanite woman," and Melr oi WDrzburg (Nathan's
brother) for six years. A I thai time a -;. n.i
was erected again, and its inventory for the years
1435 42 and lino lias I. ecu preserved. A Bp
■ was assigned to tin- .lews, which is first men-
tioned in 1 197. There isals.. documentary evidi
of a"Jews' Gate" (first in 1469)and of a"Joden-
boru " (Jews' bath, 1495). Only scanty records ex
ist for the following centuries. In 1902 the com-
munity numbered about 100 souls. Its new temple
was dedicated Aug 24, 1*98.
BiBLioGRAPn Y : Job. Wolf, Gcsch and Beschrcibung der
. i geq., GOttinjren, 1803; Idem,
I'ni,' G i I
zumJahre 1500, Hildesbelm, 1885, Nos. 14,
i8 72, 11".. 285,370, i to No 370. and Nos. 190.503,510.511,
515, .M... Supplement No. viii.; M. Wiener, in Monatstchrift,
1. 127 it seq.; Salfeld, Da aa/ri — I def Vttrnoeroci u.
Hurt., p. B3, note 7, and p. 284. note 5 (sei Lewinsky's!
In Zeitsch. fur Hear. Ilild. U1.82) ; AUa.ZeU.desJud.aept.
. i. S7.
8. A. Lew.
rabbi and codifier ; lived in the second half of the
thirteenth century at Dueren, from which place
took his name. He was one of the leading ( lerman
Talmudical authorities of his time; and his work
'• Sha'are Dura," on the dietary law 3, is the stand ml
3i eral high authorities who lived after him,
among them Israel Isserlein, Solomon I, una, Ii. Na-
than Shapiro, and [sserles, added to his b
and explanations, with which it lias often been pub
lished: Cracow, 1538; Venice, 1".17, 1564; Constanti-
1553; Lublin, 1575,1699; Basel, 1599; Jessnitz,
1 72 I ; and many times in the nineteenth ci ntury.
According to Zunz, Dueren maybe the I lach
Metr he Hasid ("the Pious") who wrote "Tikkun
Shetai'oi." a w oik containing the forms and laws of
documents and deeds. It is still extant, in manu-
script in the Vienna Royal Library.
i , : ...in-. / 1 -T>i ;
. , i i , .... t, . Bfli ; /..'.in. 'i. i ut. Hebr. I'-
ll,, ; I; /..in/. /../. ...(» i I ; Benjacob,
i.. ... N. T. I.
DTJKAN (pn. NJ2H): The "platform" upon
which i li the Temple priests stoml to pronounce the
liction i.Mid. ii. 6), (2) the Levites stood during
their singing (hence, also, name for the Levitical
service i impare Meg, 8a), and (3) the teacher
or assistant teacher sat while instructing the chil-
l; l; 21a). The name "dukan," how.
in the course of line-, came to be applied chiefly to
the priestly blessing. The call to the priest tor
; was, " Go up to Ihe dukan " (Shah, t
compare Targ, Y.r. to Num. vi. 28); hence ".in
'..r "duchenen." Sec Blessing, Pkd h.y.
Hull IndiAI'IIY : Levy. .Yi u/itl.r. ll'.',il,rt.,s,v.; .1
DUKES, LEOPOLD: Hungarian historian of
1 1 literature; I i al Pi but B
i .ii. .1 at Vienna ft.ug 8 1891 He tndii d
Talmudical literature in the yeshibah of Moses Sofer,
rabbi of Pri passion for Biblical stud
i. s, which found no sympathy in his native!
led him to the yeshibah of Wttrzburg, win
devoted himself to the acquisition of a seculai -
cation. After u prolong, d -lay al W llrzbut
..I I ie; hut displeased with the manners
oi his felloe citizens, and impelled by a thirst for
knowledge, he visited the principal European cities
in which there were libraries containing Hebrew
manuscripts, He lived successively al Munich,
Leopold Dukes.
Frankfort-on-the-Main, 1843;
sic, 1844: three "beitriige,"
Tubingen, Hanover, Hamburg, Paris, Leipsic, Ox-
ford, and then spent about twenty years in London.
Dukes was an original character, a fact due prob-
ably to his solitary life and privations. His scholar-
ship was extensive and exact, and his works cover
the fields of exegesis, Haggadah, grammar, Masorah,
the history of literature, ethics, and poetry. In
all of these he made many ingenious and impor-
tant discoveries; and
his books became in-
dispensable supple-
ments to those of
Zunz, Rapoport, and
Dukes was the au-
thor of the following
works :
" Raschl zum Penta-
teuch," translated into
German (in Hebrew char-
art, sre) and explained, 5
vols., Prague, 1833-38;
'' Ehrensiiulen und Denk-
steine zu einem Kiinfti-
gen Pantheon Hebraiseher
Dichterund Dicntungen,''
Vienna, 1837 ; " Moses ibn
Ezra," Altona, 1839 ; "Zur
Kenntniss der Neunebral-
schen ReliglSsen Poesie,"
" Rabbinische Blumenlese," Leip-
publisbed by Evvald and Dukes:
I. "Beitrage zur Geschichte der Aeltesten Auslegung und
Spracherklarung des A.T."; II. " Literatur-Historiscbe Mitt-
lieilungen iiber die Aeltesten Hebr&iscnen Exegeten, Gram-
matiker, und Lexicograplien," Stuttgart, 1S44; III. " Ueber
die Arabiscb Geschriebenen Werke JudiscberSpracngelenrten,"
Stuttgart, 1844; "Sefer Dikduk, die Grammatischen Schriften
des JeliudaChajjug," Frankfort, 1844; " Konteros ba-Masorah,"
Tubingen, 1845; " Kobe? 'al Yad, Handscbriftliche Inedita iiber
Lexlcograpbie," Esslingen, 1846; "Die Sprache der Miscbna,"
i/». 1846; "Slitr'al Mot," etc., elegy on the death of Meyer
Joseph Konigsberg, London, 1847; "Les Proverbes de Salo-
mon" (historical Introduction), In Caheu's Bible translation,
Paris, 1851 ; "Glnze Oxford," extracts from manuscripts, in
collaboration with II. Edelmann, London, 1850; "Nabal Kedu-
mim," on the history of Hebrew poetry in the Middle Ages, in
two parts, Hanover, 1858; "Zur Rabbinischen Spruchkunde,"
Vienna, 1858; "Shire Shelomoh," Hebrew poems of Solomon
ibn Gabirol, Hanover, 1858; "Salomo ben Gabirol aus Malara
und die Ethischen Werke Desselben," ifi. 1860; "Phllusoph-
isches aus dem Zehnten Jabrtiundert," Nakel, 1868.
In addition to these works, Dukes was a frequent
contributor to all the Jewish scientific periodicals,
chiefly to the "Literaturblatt des Orients," which he
enriched with numerous valuable articles on the
history of Jewish literature.
BmLioc.RAiMiY : Beth-El, Ehrentcmpcl Verdienter Unga-
rischir Israeliten, pp. 127 ct seq.; II. Zirndorf, in PopulUr-
wissemclmfUichc MonatxbUltter, 1892, pp. 137 ut 81 <;.
s. I. Br.
DUMAH (= "silence").— Biblical Data: 1.
Son of Ishmael (Gen. xxv. 14; I Chron. i. 30). Suk
( " market ") Dumah has been found in Dumat al-Jan-
dal in Arabia, called "Jauf" to-day (Yakut, s.v. ;
Burkhardt," Travels in Syria," p. 6G2), and compared
with Domatha (Pliny, "Historia Nat oralis," vi. 32;
StephanusByzantius, s.r.). The Dumathii are men-
tioned in Porphyry. " De Abstinentia" (ii. 56), as an
Arabian tribe which sacrifices a boy every year and
buries him under the altar of its idol. The name
"Dumah" seems to point, like the name " Hadra-
maut "(ryiDtVn. Gen. x. 26), to some legend of Hades
(compare Glaser, "Skizze der Gesch. und Geogra-
phic Arabiens. " 1890, p. 440).
2. Name of aland probably identical with the ter-
ritory of the tribe of Ishmael (Isa. xxi. 11). The Sep-
tuagint substitutes "Idumea" (see commentaries ad
lot .andcomp.AbuaLWalid's" Dictionary,",*.;', on).
3. Name of a city of Judah (Josh. xv. 52). The
Ginsburg MS., the Vulgate, and the Septuagint
have "Rouma," but Jerome's anil Eusebius' Ono-
mastica, s.r., mention a village of the name of
"Dumah," which has been identified with " Khirbat
Daumah " in the neighborhood of Bait Jibrin.
4. Name for the nether world (Ps. xciv. 17 [the
Septuagint has *A<5i7c], cxv. IT).
E. f>. II.
In Rabbinical Literature : " Dumah " is the
Dame of the angel who has charge of thesoulsof the
nether world. According to Dozy ("Die Israeliten
in Mecca," p. 95, note), the name was adopted also
by the pre-Islamic Arabs (compare Wolff, "Mohara-
medanische Eschatologie," 1871, Arabic text, p. 39;
German trans. , p. 69, where " Kuman " seems a cor-
niption [another reading is "Dhudat"] of "Dumah,"
as the name of the angel who has charge of the
souls). The angel of death has to deliver all souls
to Dumah, both the righteous, who are led to the
place of eternal bliss, and the wicked, who are to
meet their doom (Hag. 5a; Shab. 152b). He also
announces the arrival of newcomers in the nether
world (Ber. 18b). Dumah takes the souls of the
wicked ami casts them down "in the hollow of a
sling" into the depth of Hades, and this is repeated
every week at the close of the Sabbath, when the
souls, after the day's respite, must go back to their
place of torment (Shall. 152b, after I Sam. xxv. 29;
Pesik. R. 23; She'eltot, Bereshit i.). According to
Midr. Teh. to Ps. xi. (see ed. Buber, 102, note),
Dumah leads the spirits every evening out of Hades
into Hazarmayct (the Courtyard of Death), a walled
place with a river and a field adjoining, where they
cat and drink in perfect silence. Many authori-
ties, such as Jacob Tarn and Solomon b. Adret,
have the word "Sabbath " added, so as to refer only
to Sabbath evening (see Demonology ; compare Tan.
Yelamdenu, Ha'azinu: "Prayer is said for the dead
that they may not have to return to Gehinnom").
Dumah was originally, according to the Cabalists,
the guardian angel of Egypt; but when flee-
ing before the Lord's decree (Ex. xii. 12), he was
placed in the nether world over the spirits of the
dead (Zohar ii. 18a). Mashhit, Af. and Hemah are
the officers of execution tinder Dumah (Recauati,
Wayera). The name of Dumah is found also on a
Judseo-Babylonian vase in the Louvre (see Schwab,
" Vocabulaire de l'Angelologie," 1897, p. 707).
" Dumah " is also the name of one of the seven
departments of Gehinnom, and those who have
been guilty of slander and the like are "silenced"
there (Midr. Teh. and Yalk., Makiri, toPs. xi. ; com-
pare, however, 'Er. 19a, where Dumah is not men-
tioned). It is identified by R. Levi with Hazarma-
vet (Gen. x. 26; see Gen. R. xxxvii.). "When the
soul has been drawn out of the body by the angel
of death, it remains seated above the nostrils until
decay sets in ; then it breaks out into wailing, and
it cries to God, saying: ' Whither am I brought?'
Instantly Dumah takes it and brings it to the Court-
yard of Death [I.Iazarmavet, seemingly the purga-
tory mentioned in the Testament of Abraham, xiv |.
where the spin! - red, and if the soul be that
of a righteous one, the call goes forth : ' Make room
fur this N N, the righteousl ' Then it ascends from
department to department, according to its merit,
until it beholds the face of the Shekinah. If the soul
be that of a wicked one, it descends from department
to department according to its demerit " (Midr. Teh.
l.e : Jellinek, "Bel ha-Midrash," v. 43 «<«?.).
- - K.
VICH : Russian lawyer; born at Mohilev-on-thc-
Dnieper, 1836, of poor Orthodox Jewish parents;
died at St. Petersburg lv^~. He received his first
instruction in the beder, hut ran away from home at
the age of fourteen, and entered the Agricultural
School at Gorigoretzk, from which he graduated in
1855. During this time he was left entirely to his
own resources. By his exceptional abilities I
tracted the attention of his instructors, who took a
great interest in him. After leaving the school
Dumaahevski found employment at the office of the
I. d£d ration Committee in Odessa. Here he
was noticed by the Russian surgeon and philanthro-
pist Pun v. who helped him to enter the Richelieu
Lyceum of that City; and there he studied law,
Lab r he attended the University of St. Petersburg,
graduating in 1862. Here again his abilities attract-
ed the attention of the authorities, and he "as Bent
abroad at the expense of the government to complete
his i a , a professorship being promised him
on his return. After his return in 1865 a new law
was passed prohibiting Jews from occupying pro-
rs' chairs of legal and of political science. He
accepted a position in the Ministry of 101 m at ion, and
lain iic served in tin- .Ministry of Justice, by which,
for valuable services on the Committee for Reform-
ing the Legislation of Poland, hi was appointed first
my of the third department of the Senate.
Dumaahevski was for many years one of the edi-
tors, and finally the owner, of the "BudebnyiVyesI
nib " (Messenger of Judicial Affairs), and was author
of the following articles and works on jurispru-
dence: " Nashe Pravovyedenie," etc., in the ".lour
nalof the Ministry of Justice," l^c,7 ; "< teherk Frant-
zuzskavo Orazhdanskavo Sudoproizvodstva," ib.
l^t'i") and 1807 (published also in the "Journal of
Judicial Affairs"); " O Predyelakh Ylasti Kassatz-
ionnavo Dcpartainenta Senata," Wi7 ; and "<) Silye
Cassatzionnykh Ryeaheni." His chief work is
" Sisteniatiehi ski Svod Kvesheni K a -at .'ionnavo
Departamenta," etc, (Systematic Collections of the
Decisions of the Appeal Department of the Benate,
with notes by Dumaahevski), St. Petersburg, many
editions. Of special interest as pertaining to the
Jewsare the articles: " Nuzhen li ZhoUXnal dlya Vev
reyev i na Kakom YazykeV" (Do the Jews Need a
Special Periodical, and in What Language?), pub-
lished in " Russki Invalid " in 1S.VJ; " I'rak po Kiblcis-
komu i Talmudichcskomu Pravu " | Marriage A cord
log to Biblical and Talmudic Law), in "Biblioteka
dlya Chtenlya," 1861; "Yevrel Zemledyeltzy v
Rossi) " (Jewish Agriculturists in Russia), In " Vyest
nik Imper, Russkavo (Jeogr. Obshchesty a. "
Dumashevski advocated a practical tendency in the
study of civil law, opposing the historico-philosi ph
ical side; and at the same time he was a partizan of
the dotrniatir- (levelopnicnt of Russian civil law. In
his will he left 86,000 rubles to the University of St.
Petersburg under the condition that this be entered
as a gift " from the Jew Dumashevski. "
tiini.iooRAPHv: N. s. RtubkowsM, Sovremennye itumko-
Yrvrriskiye Dueyateli. part i„ Odessa, 1899; Ha-Asif, War-
saw, 1889.
II. R.
DUMB. s,r Deaf-Mi mbm.
DUNABTJRG. Sec Dvinsk.
DTJNASH BEN LABRAT : Philologist and
pot I of the !• nth century. For the name "Dunash.
which Joseph Kimhi on one occasion ("Sefer ha-
Galui," p. 62), for the sake of the rime, writes C'l^n
("Dunosh"), si e Dunash ii;n Tamim. BLabra{"
(EtX "O^1, generally written without X, 1313?) does
not occur elsewhere as a given name; hence "Ben
t " may be the family name. "Labrat" has
been explained as " Laurat" (Steinschneider, "Jew.
Quart. Rev." xiv. 180) and as "Librat," "Librado"
(Derenbourg, "Opuscules," p. 2). Hothof Dunash 's
nanus, therefore, are of Romance origin. Abraham
ibn Ezra Hebraizes "Dunash " into " Adonim " ; Du-
nash himself employed the Biblical name " Adoni-
jah." which is a mnemonic device containing the
servile letters ("Criticism of Saadia," No. 6). Du-
nash was of Lcvitieal descent (Moses ibn Ezra calls
him " Al-Levi"), and to this origin also his pupil
Jehudi b. Sheshel dedicated a few panegyric ■> <
(Polemic Treatise, verses 10 Hi). Dunash 's family
came originally from Bagdad, although he himself
was born in Fez (Moses iini Ezra),
While still young, though doubtless equipped
with a rich fund of knowledge, Dunash, perhaps in-
fluenced by the origin of his family, journeyed east-
ward and became a pupil of the renowned gaon of
Sura, Saadia, whom, in his tract against Mrnahem
b. Saruk, he proudly designates as his master.
The term employed by Dunash in this connec-
tion ('3pT. verse 101 ; the pupils of Menahem more
clearly expressed it as -p-n -ppr, p. 48) is responsi-
ble for the singular belief that Du-
Becomes nash was a grandson of Saadia; but
a Pupil of the pupils of Menahem (p. 27) ex-
Saadia. pressly designate him as the "least
Important of the pupils of Saadia."
Dunash himself relates that he submitted his Hebrew
verses, containing the first application of an Arabic
tie ler, to the gaon. who expressed his astonishment
at this innovation in the words, "Such a thing has
hitherto been unknown in Israel." Dunash was,
therefore, still very young when he adapted the
Arabic meter to Hebrew poetry. This innovation
created a new epoch for Hebrew poetry, and w as
probably inspired in North Africa, where Ibn Ku
raish and Dunash ibn Tamim prepared
Founder the way for a systematic comparison
of New of the Hebrew and Arabic — a com
Hebrew parison to which Ibn Labra\ after
Meter. ward gave his indorsement in his trait
against Menahem. It may be accepted
as a historical fact that Dunash was the founder of
tin' new Hebrew meter. He is as such regarded by
his opponents, the pupils of Menahem, who objected
to the innovation on the ground of its inappropriate-
ness, although they themselves follow the example of
Dunash by writing metrical verse. Dunash is cele-
brated as an innovator by his pupil Jehudi b. She-
shet, who, referring to his work, says: " He created a
new foundation for our poetry, such as did not exist
in the days of our fathers." Another observation
which this scholar makes would seem to indicate that
Dunash did not hesitate to put forward his convic-
tions even when they clashed with those of Saadia.
After the death of Saadia (942) Dunash returned
to Fez, and thence went to Cordova, which city,
under the powerful influence of the statesman Hasdai
ibn Shaprut, was rapidly becoming a center of cul-
ture among the Jews of Spain. Of the circumstance a
of Dunash's life nothing further is known. He
seems, however, to have been a man of means.
Dunash soon found an opportunity for applying
his knowledge, his critical acumen, and his literary
talents to a matter of consequence. The first im-
portant product of Jewish literature in Spain had
appeared — the Hebrew lexicon of .Menahem b. Saruk.
Dunash wrote an exhaustive criticism of it, com-
posed partly in the metrical verse introduced by
him, and dedicated this comprehensive and logically
elaborated polemical treatise to Hasdai ibn Shaprut,
Menabem's patron. In the opening verses Dunash
proclaims the fame of this statesman, whose services
in the cause of his prince and of his coreligionists
were alike eminent. This dedication was skilfully
interwoven with a tribute to the great
Criticizes diplomatic successes which Hasdai
Menahem had shortly before obtained (in 960);
ben Saruk. namely, the acquisition of the ten for-
tresses, and the journey of the son of
Ramiro and his grandmother Tota to pay homage at
the court of the califs of Cordova (Dozy, "Histoire
des Musulmans d'Espagne," ii. 54 etseq.). The flat-
tery of Dunash impressed Hasdai powerfully; and
his attacks on Menahem lowered the latter in the
estimation of his patron. The supposition is justi-
fied that in consequence of the action of Dunash,
Menahem not only lost the favor of his patron, but
was treated by him in the harshi st. manner, even to
the extent of being deprived of his freedom, as is
known from the remarkable letter sent by Menahem
from prison to his former patron. That Menahem,
i Dunash intentionally emphasizes, should have
made the respected gaon Saadia the subject of un-
justifiable criticism, ami that he should have e.\-
pres ed opinions which placed Saadia in the cate-
gory of the founder of the hated sect of the Karaites
— these were the causes which especially roused the
resentment of Hasdai against, him.
Concerning the further relations between Dunash
and Hasdai nothing is known. It is probable, how-
ever, that the former obtained the position previ-
ously occupied b\ Menahem, Bui the pupils of the
latter arose to defend the scientific standing of their
teacher, who probablj died soon after his humilia-
tion and without replying to Dunash's criticism.
Three of them collaborated in the preparation of an
important polemical work, in which they adopted
the half-metrical, half-prosaic form employed by
Dunash. In this work they opposed the views of
Dunash and defended the honor of their master and
of their fatherland, claiming that Dunash had sought
to humiliate not only Menahem, but the Jewish
scholars of Spain in general. It is certain that the
conduct of Dunash — the foreigner, who doubtless
boasted also of his sojourn in the Babylonian high
schools — aroused the resentment of the native schol-
ars. Dunash was probably too proud to reply to
this attack in person, and therefore committed the
task to his pupil Jehudi b. Sheshet, whose still more
violent polemic, characterized by a coarse satire,
undoubtedly contained many arguments inspired by
his teacher. With this tract, which at the same
time sounded the praise of Dunash, the literary feud
engendered by Dunash'sattack upon Menahem seems
to have ended. This quarrel inaugu-
Results of rated the golden age of Hebrew philol-
His Quarrel ogy in Spain; and one of the partici-
witb. pants in it, Judah b. David Hayyuj,
Menahem. a pupil of Menahem, laid the founda-
tion of a new and wider knowledge of
Hebrew grammar. Dunash probably did not live to
witness this extraordinarj' development to which he
had given so powerful a stimulus.
Many years after the death of Dunash a second
but uncompleted polemical treatise of that, scholar
was discovered in Egypt (before 1140) by Abraham
ibn Ezra. In this work Dunash had begun to form
an alphabetical arrangement of his comments on the
grammatical and exegetical opinions of his teacher
Saadia. The greater part of the work, however, con-
sisted of scattered notes. In this criticism of Saadia
(which Abraham ibn Ezra answered by the tract en-
titled "Sefat Yeter") the doctrine of the triconso-
nantal nature of the weak roots already finds clear
expression. It was the study of Arabic which
enabled Dunash, like Hayyuj at a later period, to
arrive at this know ledge. But the latter, upon the
basis of his discovery, proceeds to the systematic
elucidation of the conjugation of the before-men-
tioned verbs; while Dunash does not go beyond the
statement that the first, second, or third root-letter
is weak and may be eliminated. Owing to its in-
complete form, this second writing of Dunash's was
never published by him; nor is there the slightest
reference to its existence before Ibn Ezra, who
praises Dunash by stating that "he was the only one
before Hayyuj who awakened somewhat from that
slumber of ignorance which, like a dee]) sleep, still
held others in its bonds " ("Safah Berurah," p. 856;
Bacher, "Abraham ibn Ezra als Grammatiker," p.
87). Ibn Ezra's contemporary R. .Jacob Tarn, the
eminent grandson of Rashi, in a very interesting
work defended Menahem b. Saruk against the criti-
cism of Dunash ; but Joseph Kimhi (iu"Seferha-
Galui ") sided with Dunash. Thus were the great
feuds that, agitated Spain during the tenth century
revived in France two centuries later.
The first work of Dunash was published from a
codex of the Bodleian Library (Neubauer, "Cat.
Bodl. Hebr. MSS." No. 1440), together with Jacob
Tarn's criticism of it, by II. Filipowski ("Critic*
Vocum Kecensioues," Loudon, 1855). The second
was edited by R. Schroter from a manuscript (No.
27,214) in the British Museum ("Kritik des Dunash
b. Labrat, " Breslau, 1866). The genuineness of this
treatise lias recently been contested by N Porges
(in the Kaufmann Gedenkbuch, Breslau, 1901), but
not on good grounds Bei I ppcnstein in "Monats-
schrift," 1903, i. 46. |
pp i ii 158 Bachei i 178 180;
His D. Kolm. in "Ha-Goren," iii., 1903,
Writings, pp s,i 89. The polemical wri
■ ii I lunash and of the pupils of Mi n-
ahemhave been edited bj 8. Q Stem ("Liber Re-
Bponsionum," Vienna, 1*70).
The poemsof Dunash ibn T.ahrat were early for
gotten (Al Harizi, " Tahkemoni, " iv.), only a few
ed, which ..
tically Teveal the name of Dunash, or Dunash ha
Levi (Mahzor Vitry, ed. Hurwitz, p. 178; Zunz,
"Liti b."p.484). One of these (Nnp' im)
is still included in the Sabbath si
books (Bar's "Gebetbueh," p. 257} Perhaps il is
Dunash, the creator of the new vei
lion, thai Solomi m ibn t lal irol , rator of it,
lias in mind when be prai I wi b
tlie words, "<> Samuel, dead is Ben I.
thou I iast taken bis place Were he living, he would
havi 3hir Shelomoh," No. 5
Bibliography : Bacber, Dit H
in Winter i u Qnscl
Idem ! ' briUschcn < ■
114 ; D. K"hn ' Kabana), /.'. D
I iiibllshed by tbe . i \
i. Stelnberz . in), Buda-
llimn lui'l S
t. W. B.
DUNASH IBN TAMIM : fthetenth
century and pi
peaking Ji •■> -. Ili^ Arabic name was "Abu
Sahl"; bis surname, according to an isolated
mem of Mi sea ibn Ezra, was "Al-Shafalgi," per
haps after his (unknown) birthplace. The name
mash," for which Abraham ibn I itutcs
the Hebrew "Adonini," is probably derivi
Latin "dominus," and nol fi the Arabian "dhu
nas " mankind), concerning which thi
ling to show that it was used as a proper i
• bai e l>' en nal n e to North
Africa ; the youi of Ibn Tamim,
1 1 i ! ; i . born
"( il Bodl." col. 897 ; -.1
Rev."x.519; •! Derenbourg, " Opuscules et
Traites d'Aboul-Walid," p. 'J 1 1
nicni of Abraham ibn Ezra to the effect that I
:u came from the ] from
Babylonia, or Bn dad (on one occasion he calls him
il of Moses ibn Ezra, n bo ■
him a nal - of [bn
family of Ibn Tamim Bagdad; hut it is
Abraham ibn I
i the appellal ion " Babyloi a Ibn
l.aij'.i to [bn Tamim. The ad
m Tamim's life and
gathered principally from his Feziri ntary
ed below.
In this commentary, which was written In the
Jaadia the Gaon is mentioned
longer living. The author refers, however, to the
correspondence which was carried on when hi
atj j eai sof age betwi
b. Solomon Israeli, and Saadia, before the hitter's
arrival in Babylonia, consequently b fore 928; hence
Tamim was born about the beginning of the tenth
iry. Like his teacher, he was physician inordi-
nary at the court of the Katiniiie califs of Caiman,
to one of these, Isma'il ibn al-Ka'im al Mansur,
■a dedicated an asl ronomical work, In the sec-
ond part of which he disclosed the weak points in
rinciples of astrology. Another of his a
nomical works, prepared for II. lai b. Isaac ibn
Shaprut, the Jewish statesman i isted
of thn (Ii the nature of the spheres; (2)
ii. .1 e dcula i :; i es of the
Btars. The Arabian author Ibn Baitar, in his I
mple medicaments, quotes the following inter-
irk on the rose, made by Ibn Tamim in
■ f his medicinal works : "There are yellow roses,
a Irak, as I am informed, al ib i ones. Tin;
hePei ian, which is said never to open."
The iginal of Ibn Tamim's com
on tie rah no exists. In the llo-
lirew translations the manuscripts are widely dis-
similar, and contain varying statements regarding
111 several of tie j Ibn
Tamim is expressly n [erred to as the author; in one
instance be is nai icd ;t with his teacher,
while in another Jacob 1>. Ni-Miu is named, who
I in Kairwan at the end of the tenth century.
i certain passa
ii, \\ bo is menl where as a
commentator on the Sefer Yczirah, actually had a
part in the authorship of the wi >rk. But the major-
ity of in nts contained in 1 1 atary
itself justify the assumption thai Ilm Tamim was
mthor, lie must, therefore, h a i the
ry of his teacher as his basis, while the
finishi by Jacob b.
Nissim (Steinschneider, "Hebr. Uebers." pp. :;
A short n cension of tl n j (Bod
Ician MS. No. 2250) was published by .Man.
bei Londi m, I
Jn tin- b i Hebrew philology Ibn Tamim
ranks as one of the fit t representatives of the sys-
tematic comparison of Hebrew and
Ibn Tamim Arabic [n his " Moznayim " (Preface)
as Gram- Abraham ibn Ezra mentions himbe-
marian. tv a and Judah ibt
and - pi alts i if him as the author of u
pounded i if 1 1< brew and A rabic." N
ibn Ezra says thai [bn Tc the tv. o
i ling to their lexicographical, not
their grammatical, relation-;, .and in this i
ful than ] BH II m:i N Am lit; mum at
a lati r pi ' iod. The latti tain
[bn Tamim's book. In the Yczirah i
i ■. [bn Tamim i j : "If God assi ts i tnd
life, ] -in w hieh
I have stated that Hebrew is the original tongue of
mankind a ; furtherc
■ ill show r - , .f the In o lan-
ry pure word in tie- Arabic can
■ ml in the Hebrew; that the Hi I in \ is a puri-
\rahic; and that the t
identical in both " In adding, " We have
rinciple from the Danitcs, who have
come to us from the land of Israel," he certainly
alludes to the well-known Eldad ha-Dani. Abra-
ham ibn Ezra (commentary on Eccl. xii. 6) men-
tions the interesting detail that Ibn Tamim believed
he could recognize the diminutive form of Arabic
names in several noun-formations of the Biblical
Hebrew (forinstancc, ]W3K: H Sam. xiii. 20). The
statement cited by Saadia b. DaDan (end of fifteenth
century), according to which the Mohammedans be-
lieve that Ibn Tamim was a convert to Islam, is
erroneous, and is probably due to the fact that Ibn
Tamim is often quoted by Mohammedan writers.
Bibliography: S. Slunk, Notice sur Abou'l-fVaU<l Merxran
Jbn-Djanah, in Journal Asiatique, 1850, pp. 43-60; Neu-
bauer. Notice sur la Lexicographic Hebral/hte, in ih. 1861,
pp. 156-108; Gnitz, Qesctl. v.; Steinsehnelder, Hehr. Debers.;
idem. ]>ie Ardbische lAUeratur dcr Judcn, p. 72; Kauf-
mann, in Rev. EL Juivcs. viii. 126.
o. W. B.
DUNAYEVTZY : Village in the government
of Podolia, Russia. It had a population (1898) of
13,000, of whom 7,000 were Jews. The chief sources
of income forthe Jewsare from trade and industrial
occupations. The most important articles of com-
merce are timber, grain, and cloth. Several of the
merchants do a fairly large business. From funds
collected for charitable purposes a wood-yard has
been established, where the poor can buy wood at a
reduced price. See Podolia.
Bibliography : Voskhnd, 1898, No. 4.
II. R. S. J.
at Cracow Jan., 1833; received his rabbinical edu-
cation at his native place; studied philosophy and
Oriental philology at Bonn and Heidelberg. In
1862 he was called from Bonn to the rectorate of the
Nederlandsch Israelitisch Seminarium in Amster-
dam. His ability soon made it famous as a school
of Jewish theology, ancient languages, and religious
philosophy. In 1874 he was made chief rabbi of the
Amsterdam community and of the province of North
Holland, and though he belongs to the strictly Ortho-
dox party, no dissension has marred his administra-
tion. The government recognized his ability and
activity by decorating him with the Order of the
Lion of the Netherlands.
Dunner is known by his researches on the Hala-
kah of the period of the Taunaim, and by his dis-
quisitions on the Toscfta. According to him the
Tosefta originated after the close of the Talmud,
being edited by a redactor who had before him an
ancient, or at least fragments of an ancient, Tosefta.
He asserts that a comparison of the texts contained
in the collections of the Tannaim with the two Tal-
muds will substantiate his contention. Diinner has
acquired a reputation as an orator. He has written :
"Die Theorien liber Wesen und Ursprung der To-
sephtha, Kritisch Dargestellt," Amsterdam, 1874;
"Glossen (Haggahot) zum Babylonischen und Pala-
stinensischen Talmud " (in Hebrew), 4 vols., Frank-
fort-on-the-Main, 1896-1903; "Kritische und Erlau-
ternde Anmerkungen zu Bedarsehi's Ohotham Toch-
nit," Amsterdam, 1865; "Leerredenen," 5 vols., ib.
1897-1901. Besides these works he has contributed
to the "Joodsch Letterkundige Bijdragen," "Mo-
natsschrift." " Weekblad voor Israeliteu," and "Is-
raelitische Letterbode."
Bibliography : Polat, J. B. DUnncr, lets Cit IXens
Leven en Werken, in Weekblad voor InraMitische Huis-
gezinnen, Rotterdam, 1899- 1900; l)e Joodsche Courant
Nos. 18, 19, The Hague, 1903.
S. S. SE.
DUNS SCOTUS, JOHN: Franciscan monk,
theologian, and scholiast; born at Dunston, North-
umberland, England (according to some, at Dun,
Ireland), in 1266 (?); died in Cologne, 1308. He was
the foremost representative of the Franciscan Order,
and founder of the Scotists, which school stood in
sharp contrast to the Thomists, or followers of
Thomas Aquinas, who, together with their leader,
belonged for the most part to the Dominicans.
In accordance with his opposition to the doctri-
nal speculations of Aquinas, Duns Scotus professed,
concerning the attitude that the secular authori-
ties and the Church should assume toward the Jews,
views which were diametrically opposed to the
more humane and enlightened views held by Aqui-
nas, and which represented a deplorable reaction.
Thus, whereas Aquinas denounced the forcible bap-
tism of Jewish children, especially on the ground
that such a course would be a violation of justice,
inasmuch as the child, not being possessed of its
full reasoning powers, is naturally under the juris-
diction of its parents (compare Guttman, "Das
Verhaltniss des Thomas von Aquino zum Judenthum
und zur Jiidisehen Literatur. " p. 4. Gottingen, 1891),
Duns Scotus stoutly advocated such baptism. Such
a procedure, he maintained, would mean a breach of
natural justice only in the event of its being under-
taken by a private person ; to the sovereign, how-
ever, the right appertains. Just as the jurisdiction
of local magistrates is limited by the authority of
higher functionaries, so the jurisdiction of the par-
ents ceases when it conflicts with the authority of
God. Accordingly, it is not only a privilege, but a
duty to take children out of the power of their par-
ents in case the latter are unwilling to bring them
up conformably to a true worship of God, and to lead
them in the right way (commeutarjr in Sent. iv.
4, 9: "Opera," ed. Wadding, viii. 275, Lyons, 1639).
And not only the children, but also the parents
themselves should be subjected to forcible baptism.
Nor can the words of Isaiah (iv. 22), according to
which the remnant of Israel shall be converted in
the last days, be cited against such a procedure,
since, in order to fulfil this prophecy, it would suf-
fice to transfer a little band of Jews to some island,
and to grant them permission to observe the Law.
Duns Scotus, in support of his contention, refers
to the decision of the Council of Toledo, which com-
mended King Sisebut for his piety in compelling
the Jews to an acceptance of Christianity (ib.).
Duns Scotus' acquaintance with Hebrew literature
was confined to the "Fons Vita; " of Ibn Gabirol
(whose name takes with him, as with William of
Auvergne, the form of "Avicebron") and to the
" Moreh Nebukim " of Maimonides. In one place he
makes mention of a rabbi who is unknown even
to the greatest scholars of Hebrew literature. He
speaks there of one "Rabbi Barahoc," who is a
worthy counterpart to the renowned "Rabbi Tal-
mud "; for he is indebted for this name to the Tal-
mud tractate Berakot, out of which a certain con-
vert of Jewish extraction communicated a passage
to a Franciscan monk, who interpreted it in a spirit
not very friendly to the Jews (" Qua?stiones Miscel-
lanea-," qu. 6, art. 21: "Opera," iii. 177).
The influence of Gahirol's philosophy shows itself
particularly in the doctrine which is at the founda-
tion of one of the most important dif-
Influence ferences between the Dominicans and
of Gabirol. the Franciscans. As earlj as ALEX-
ANDER of Hales, the founder of the
Franciscan theological school, the view is expressed
that not only corporeal, but also spiritual substance
is compounded of matter and form. This view is
held also by William of Lamarre, Bonaventura the
Mystic, Roger Bacon, and Raimond Lully, who were
all members of the Franciscan Order. Stoutly re-
jected by the Dominicans, this fundamental concept
of Gahirol's philosophy was adopted by Duns Scotus
and incorporated in his system as an integral part. In
his " De Rerum Principiis " (qu. 8, art. 4 : " Opera, " iii.
51) he expressly declares, in opposition to Aquinas,
in favor of a return to the standpoint of Avicebron.
The metaphysical and cosmological system which
is advanced in this work, presupposes Gahirol's doe-
trine of a unitary, universal substance underlying
all created things, both corporeal and spiritual. In
elaborating this doctrine Duns Scotus, as might be
expected of an independent thinker of his type,
follows his own individual bent. But as regards
the fundamental principles, the dependence of his
system upon Gabirol is so marked that, in the words
of Stockl ("Gesch. der Philosophic des Mittelaltcrs,"
ii. 808), "his work gives the impression of a running
commentary on the metaphysics of Avicebron."
Strange to say, Duns Scotus makes no meution
whatsoever of Gahirol's teaching on the will. In
his other works, which are mainly in the nature of
a commentary on the Bible, and in which, therefore,
then- is little occasion for a systematic substantia
tion of his theological doctrines, Duns Scotus rarely
refers to Avieebron.
With Maimonides, too, Duns Scotus shows more
than one point of contact. Like Thomas Aquinas,
he follows the statements of Maimon-
Influence ides concerning belief and knowledge,
of Mai- or the relation of revelation and rea-
monides. sou, which statements are all. in their
essential points, trainable back to
Saadia as their first source (see Guttmann, "Die
Religionsphilosophie des Saadia," pp. 24-25; idem,
" Das Vcrhaltniss des Thomas von Aquino," etc., pp.
32 et acq.). "The doctrine concerning the- existence
and freedom of God," says Duns Scotus, referring to
Maimonides, " had to be imparled tOthe Israelites by
means of revelation, although it may indeed !»■ de-
monstrated by human reason. Such a revelation
was necessary in view of the fact that the culture oi
the Israelites was of an Imperfect Order, and also be-
cause they were inclined to idolatry " (comment, in
Sent, i., dist. 2, qu. 8, 7, v. 294; compare "Moreh
Nebukim," ii. Iii). "Altogether, it can not but be
helpful to a people that even truths accessible to
reason should be authoritatively communicated to
them; since there is a general indolence in regard
to the discovery of truth, and the powers of compre-
hension of the average man are limited ; and, finally,
for the reason that errors are apt to creep into spec-
ulations independently carried on, giving rise to
doubts. Through an authoritative communication
or revelation such a danger is obviated " (Duns Sco-
tii—. /'<. p. 395; compare "Moreh Nebukim," i. ch.
xxxiv. ; Munk, "Guide," i. 118-130).
In connection with Aquinas' statements concern-
ing the divine attributes, Dunsdiscusses the view of
M iimonides, which he finds to be in harmony with
that of Ibn Sina, and which is to the effect that the
attributes applicable to God either refer to His activ-
ity or else arc of a negative character (commentary
in Sent, i., dist. 8, qu. 4, 2: "Opera," v. 751; com-
pare " Moreh Nebukim, "i. ch. Ii., liii. et seq.). To
Maimonides also is traceable the statement that there
occur in the Bible designations that are applicable
only to God — a view which the Jews held in regard
to the Tetragratnmaton (comment, in Sent, i., dist.
22, qu. 1,3: "Opera," v. 1053; compare" Moreh Ne-
bukim," i. ch. lxi.; Munk, "Guide," i. 271 et seq.).
Duns Scotus follows Maimonides also in his treat
ment of the various forms of prophecy, not to men-
tion other less important particulars. The highest
formof prophecy is, according to him, that in which
the prophet not only grasps the revelation thatcomes
to him, but is also aware of its coming to him from
God. Of this character was, for instance, the intui-
tion of Abraham, who would not have been ready
to sacrifice his own son had he not been convinced
that the command proceeded from God ("Qua!st.
Miscell." 6, 8: "Opera," iii. 17 1 ; compare "Moreh
Nebukim," iii. ch. xxv. ; Munk, "Guide," iii. 194-
195) l In the other hand, Duns Scotus combats the
opinion that the temporal character of the world can
not be proved an opinion held by Aquinas, and
borrowed by the latter from Maimonides, whom
Duns does not mention (" Quastiones in Metaphys."
qu. 1,18: "Opera," iv. 513; compare " Moreh Ne
btikim," ii. ch. xxi. ; Munk, "Guide," ii. 269).
Bibliography : Guttmann, DU BezWiwngen des Johanna
Dunt Scotia zum .hni,iii)tum, in Mntuilsscltrift. LB94,
xxjvlll. 28-39: Idem, Die Scholastic de* Dreteehnttn Jahr-
hundertg En uvren Besiehungt n sum Jvdenthvm und cur
JIUlixittrn Litrratur, Itreslau, Ml2.
i. J. G
DUPORT, ADRIEN : French lawyer and frii ad
of tin1. bws; born in 1758; died in exile 1798. Be
became a deputy to theStati - General in 1789, and
from the first was a member of the Jacobin party.
After the arrest of Louis XVI. in June, 1791, Du-
port In came a royalist. In the constitution of Sep-
tember, 1791, the Jews of France were not remem-
bered, although statements as to freedom of religious
opinions were inserted. On Sept. 27, 1791, Duport
proposed that the Jews be accorded all the privi-
h ges of citizenship in France, and the suggestion
was adopted despite some slight opposition. The
National Assembly next abrogated all exceptional
laws against the Jews.
Biblioorapht: Tbomaa, DtcMonary of Wographyt i. 87fl,
IMlllu.telpllU. MM ; l,l.il.\ In.ili. M. 230,
r>. A. M, F.
DURA: A valley mentioned only in Daniel (iii.
1). Here Nebuchadnezzar set up a golden image, to
the dedication of which he summoned all the officers
of his kingdom. The Septuagint (Codex Chislanus)
reads wep(/3<5Aov(" walls surrounding a city "), and this
may be due to the Assyrian "ibiru " (= a wall). The
place is therefore to be looked for in Assyria, I >e
litzsch ("Wo Lag das Paradies?" p. 216) says that,
according to Rawlinson, "Cuneiform Inscriptions of
Western Asia," iv. 38, 9-llb, there were three places
in Babylon called "Dura" (see also Schrader, "C. I.
O. T." ii. 128). In one of these places east of Baby-
lon, according to Oppert, ruins of an ancient statue
hi e been found.
E. g. ii. G. B. L.
widely scattered family, originally from Provence,
not from Oran ("d'Oran"), as some scholars think.
A "Mosse Duram " is mentioned in a list of Tarascon
Jevi s. L350-1487 ("Rev. Etudes Juives," xxxix. 268).
The Durans went first to Majorca, and finally settled
in Africa. Some of their descendants are met with
a late as the end of the eighteenth century, as shown
in the subjoined pedigree. M. K.
The principal members of the family w< re:
Aaron ben Solomon ben Simon Duran : Day-
van of Algiers in the fifteenth century. He and his
brother Zemab Duran lived at one time in Majorca,
from which they sent a responsum to the community
ot Constantinople ("Yakin u-Bo'az," 1., No. 126).
His name and those of his brothers Simon and Zemah
are associated as the authors of a responsum written
at Algiers and directed to the community of Oran
(ib. 1., Nos. 53-55).
Bibliography: Michael, Or ha-Hayuim, No. 316.
M. Sel.
Hayyim Jonah b. Zemah Duran : Published
at Leghorn iu 1703 the first part of "Magen Abot,"
u ritten by his grandfather, Simon b. Zemah Duran.
Moses Duran: Lived in Provence in the thir-
teenth century. His death (1380) was lamented in an
elegy by Abraham b. Isaac Bedersi (Zunz, "Z. G."
pp 164, 523).
Moses b. Zemah Duran: Elder of the Jewish
e immunity at Leghorn in 1790. He published apart
of the "Magen Abot" at that city in 1785 from a
manuscript in the possession of Zemah b. Benjamin
Duran and Zemah b. Hayyim Jonah Duran.
Nissim Duran: Son of Zemah and brother of
Sin* a Duran, of Majorca, v. lure be dii d alter 1395.
Profiat Duran (called Maestre Profiat, and
also Eibdi or Efodseus, from the initial letters of
|tOY1 tD^Blia 'JX; real name Isaac b. Moses ha-
Levi) : Philosopher, grammarian, and controver-
; born in the second half of the fourteenth
century, of parents from the south of France. It
is not known whether lie was born at Perpignan,
where he lived 6 years, or in a town of Cata-
lonia. In his youth he attended a Talmndic school
a liorl time, but instead of confi-
ning his studies to the Talmud, he took up philoso-
phy and other si ii nces also, in spite of the interdic-
tion of his teachers. Duran bi utor in the
iniily, and during the Moody persecution
of 1391 was forced to 1 le an ostensible convert
I islianity.
In order to return to Judaism, lie and his friend
David lionet Bongoroi , to Pales-
tine. Duran set out on his journey, but instead of
meeting his expected friend, he received a letter
from him stating that in consequence of the persua-
sions of the neophyte Paul de
ruled to remain true to the new faith, and exhorting
Duran to follow his example. Duran 's answer was
the famous satiric epistle called, after the repeatedly
recurring phrase, "Al Tela Ka-Aboteka" (Be Not
Like Thy Fathers). It was written about 1396, and
was circtdated by Don Mei'r Alguadcs, to whom it had
been sent. It is so ingeniously ambiguous that the
Christians, who called it " Altcca Boteca," interpreted
it in their favor; but. as soon as they recognized its
satirical import they burned it publicly. This epis-
tle, with a commentary by Joseph b. Shem-Tob and
an introduction by Isaac Akrish, was first printed at
tantinople in 1554, and was republished in A.
Geigi r's "Melo Chofnajim," 1840, in the collection
" Kobe? Wikkuhim," 1844, and in P. Heilpern's
" Eben Bohan," part 2, 1846. Geiger also translated
most of it into German (" Wissenschaftliche Zcit-
schrift," iv. 451).
Connei ted with this epistle is the polemic "Kelim-
mat ha-Goyim " (still in manuscript), a criticism of
Christian dogmas written in 1397 at the request of
Don Hasdai Crescas, to whom it was dedicated.
In 139."> Duran compiled an almanac in twenty-
nine sections entitled "Hesheb ha-Efod," and ded-
icated to Moses Zarzal, physician to Henry III.,
King of Castile. That Duran was familiar with the
philosophy of Aristotle as interpreted by the Ara-
bian philosophers, is apparent from his synoptic
commentary on Maimonides' "Moreh Ncbukim,"
which was published at Babbionetta in 1553, at Jess-
nitz in 1742, and at Zolkiev in 1860.
Duran 's chief work, praised by both Christians
and Jews, is his philosophical and critical Hebrew
grammar, "Ma'aseh Efod," containing an introduc-
tion and thirty -three chapters, and finished in 1403.
He wrote it not only to instruct his contemporaries,
who either knew nothing about grammar or had erro-
neous notions concerning it, but especially to refute
mistakes promulgated by the later grammarians.
He frequently cites the otherwise unknown Samuel
Benveniste as an eminent grammarian. See the edi-
tion of J. Friedlander and J. Kohn (Vienna, 1865).
Durau was also a historian. In an unknown
work entitled "Zikron ha-Shemadot " he gave the
history of Jewish martyrs since the destruction of
the Temple. GrStz has shown that this work was
used by Solomon Usque and Ilin Ycrga.
In 1393 Duran wrote a dirge on Abraham b. Isaac
ha-Levi of Gerona, probably a relative; three letters
containing responsa, to his pupil Mei'r Crescas ; and
two exegetical treatises on several chapters of II
Samuel, all of which have been edited as an appen-
dix to the "Ma'aseh Efod."
At the request of some members of the Benveniste
family, Duran wrote an explanation of a religious
festival poem by Ilm Ezra (printed in the collection
"Ta'am Zekenim" of Eliezer Ashkenazi), as well as
the solution of Ilm Ezra's well known riddle on the
quiescent letters of the Hebrew alphabet (quoted
by Immanuel Benvenuto in his grammar "Liwyat
Hen," Mantua, 1 557, without mentioning Duran),
and several explanations relating to Ibn Ezra's com-
mentary on the Pentateuch.
Bibliography: Monatsuchrift, Hi. 820 el seq.; J. Friedl leT
:nid J. Kohn, Ma'aseh Efod, Introduction, pp.2 12; S.Grone-
inann. 1 >i Proflatii lhinnii Vila ax Strain*. Breslau, 1869;
Stelnscbnelder, *'"'. Bndl. cols. 2112 etseq.l De Rossl-Ham-
berger, Htetorisches WQrttrbuch, pp. 261 et seo.\ Gross, Gal-
lia Jwlaudy pp. &k* ei m <;.. 47~ ; Gratz, Qesch. viii. 94, 4U3.
Simon b. Solomon Duran: Kabbi in Algiers,
1531; grandson of Simon lien Zemah. lit- and his
brother Zemah are the authors of the responsa which
appeared under the title "Yukin u-Bo'az," Leghorn,
1782, the fifty-one responsa printed in i1 cond
part ("Bo'az ") being Simon's work. His liturgical
poems (nine dirges) still exist in manuscript (Zunz,
"Literaturgeschichle der Svnagogalen Poesie," p.
684) M. K.
Simon b. Zemah Duran (RaShBaZ) : Rabbin-
ical authority; born Adar, 1361, not in Barcelona,
as Zunz (" Zcitsclirift," p. 132) and others assert, but
on the island of Majorca; a near relation but not a
grandson of Levi b. Gershon ; died in 1444. He was
a pupil of Ephraim Vidal, and of Jonah de Maestre,
rabbi in Saragossa or in Calatayud, whose daughter
Bongoda he married. He was also a student of
philosophy, astronomy, mathematics, and especially
of medicine, which he practised for a number of
years at l'alma.
After the persecution of 1391 (see Balearic Isi.es)
lie went with his father and sister to Algiers, where,
in addition to practising medicine, he continued his
studies during the earlier part of his stay. In 1394
he and the- Algerine rabbi Isaac It. Sheshet drafted
statutes for the Jewish community of Algiers.
After Sheshet 's death Simon was chosen as rabbi on
condition that lie would not, like his predecessor,
have his election confirmed by the regent. As Du-
ran bad lost all his property during the massacre at
Palma, he was forced against his will to accept a
-alary from the community, not having other means
of subsistence. He held this office until his death.
His epitaph, written by himself, has been reprinted
for the first lime, from a manuscript, in "Orient,
Lit." v. 452. According to Joseph Sambari, Simon
was much respected in court circles (" Medieval Jew.
Chron." i. 130).
Simon was a very active literary worker. He
wrote commentaries on several tractate's of the Mish-
nahand the Talmud and on Alfasi (Kos. 4, 5, 7, 11, 12,
and 10 in the list of his works given below); be treated
of various religiousdogmasand of the synagogal rite
of Algiers (Xos. 5, 8, 10, If!); while in his responsa
he showed a profound acquaintance with the entile
halakic literature. His theologico - philosophical
scholarship, as well as his secular learning, is eon
spicnous in his elaborate work, "Magen Abut," in
which he also appears as a clever controversialist
(No. 7). The same ability is evidenced in his wri-
tings against Hasdai Crescas, which afford him an
opportunity to defend Maimonides (No. 2); in his
commentary on the Pentateuch (No. 6), where lie
takes occasion to enter into polemics with Levi b.
Qerghon; and in that on the Book of Job (No. 1),
especially the introduction. In his commentary on
the Pirkc Alio! he shows a broad historical -
( No. 7. partiv.); and it is not improbable thai the
tradition which ascribes to hiin the historico didactic
poem " Seder ha-Mishneh leha Rambam " (No. 9), is
well founded.
Simon also wrote a considerable number of poi m
both religious and secular (Nos. 9 [V], 15); com-
mented on the' l'esah Ilaggadah, the I [osha'not, ami
the works of more ancient poets (Nos. 5 (<•), 13, 14);
and was the author of numerous pamphlets. The
V -2
following iisl of Durans writings is arranged ac-
cording to the lettersof the Hebrew alphabet, on the
basis of a catalogue drawn up by the author him-
self (Responsa, vol. iii.):
1. "Oheb Mlshpat," commentary on the Book of Job, with a
tbeologico-philosopbfcal Introduction, Venice, 1589 ; Amsterdam.
1724-27 on the Rabbinic Bible " Kehillat Mosh.-I ')
2. "or tia-Hayylm." controversial treatise against Hasdai
Crescas' " Or Adonai."
8. " Zobar ha-Rakla'," commentary on Solomon Ibn Gablrol's
" Azharot," Constantinople, 1516. (Jacob Hagls [" Potll Teke-
let"] ami Moses Pisante ["Ner Mizwab"] have reedlied this
work, of which a shorter recension also exists.)
4. "Huliltishe ha-RiLshbaz," uovellSB on and elucidations of
Nidilah, Kosh ha-Shanah, Klnnim, Leghorn, 1744. ("Hlddu-
i," novella? to Ketubot and Gittln [Kiirth, 1779], is errone-
ously ascribed to Duran.)
5. " Yal)in Sbemu'ah ": (a) precepts for slietiltah and bedlkab ;
i/'i " Ma'amar Itamez." precepts concerning hamez and maz-
zab; (c) "AfUtomen," commentary on the Pesab Haggadab ;
'(I) "Tif'eret Yisrael." on the computations of the new moon
("moladot"); 'n " Perush," oommeDtary on the Mlsbnah Zeba-
hitn, eh. v. ("Ezehu Hekoman"),and tbe "Baralta de Rabbi
yisbma'el" (taken from the sirrai subjoined thereto in the
prayerbooK (Legborn, 1744). Part tc) appeared as " Ma'amar
Allkomcn" with the Haggadab (ROdelhelm, 1828).
8. "Uwyat pen," commentary on the Pentateuch; also two
tints against Hasdai Crescas ('"Anaktin," "Ma'amar ha-
7. " Magen Abet," consisting of four parts with special titles:
1., "Helek Eloah mi-Ma'al"; II., " Helek Shosenu"; HI..
"Helek Ya'akob"; iv., " Helek Adonai 'Ammo." Part lv., a
commentary on Abut, including a literary-historical lntro-
ductlon on the sequence of tradition, appeared under the title
"Magen Abot," Leghorn, 1703; reedited by Y. Kischl, Leipslc,
is:,:,. Cnder the same title appeared parts I. -lib, with the ex-
ception of one chapter In part il. (to. 1785). The missing chap-
ter in ttiis edition, being a polemic against Christianity and
Islam, was published under the title " Kesliet u-Magen " (il).
i;s'> '.«i; reedited by Steinscbneider, Berlin, 1881). Extracts
from this chapter, "Setirat Emiinat ha-Nozrim," are contained
in "Mill.ieinet llobah." Amsterdam, 1710. It Is largely taken
from Protlat Duron's " Kellmmat ha-Goyim " (" Monatsscbrift,"
o 179).
s. "Minliagim." ritual observances, presumably treating of
Hi.- riles in All.
'.i. " Seller ha-Misbneh leha-Rambam." didactic poem, ascribed
b. Duran in MS. Poc. 74 (Neubauer, "Cat. Bodl. liebr. MSS."
No. 1971).
10. " Periish ha-Ketubbah weha-Get." on marriage contracts
ami ihwuves, t'oustantino|ile, f. 151C-48.
11. " Perush Hilkot Herakot le-llarif," commentary on Alfasl's
" Iterakot."
I:'. " Perush Masscket "F.duyyot," commentary on 'F.duyyot.
18. "Perush 'al ha-Hosha'not." published with the " Ilosha'-
DOt"accordlng to the Spanish rite, Perrara, 1563. 'A short ex-
tract from the "perush" is contained in the Spanish prayer-
k nf 1871.)
14. " Perush Kezat Plyyutlm." of which several pieces are
Inserted in the Algiers Habzor, Leghorn, 1772, (The commen-
tary mi the introduction, "[ItanikJ Asher Ishshesh." may also
he found In B. Goldberg's " Hefes Matmonim," pp. 85 ct sea.,
Berlin, 1845.)
1">. " Kuniras Tehlnnot u-Plzmonlm," religious and secular
poems. (The elegy ("klnah"] on the destruction of Jerusa-
lem, " F.ksof lc-snpper," wils published In Protlat Dtiran's " Ig-
geret Al-Tehl," Constantinople, c. 1577; that on the persecu-
tions in Spain in the second - dltlon nf " Magen Abot,'' I.eipslr.
1856. A larirer collection was edited by I. Moral! In part 1. of
bis "Znfnat I'n'aneah." Berlin, 1897.)
HI. " Iteiiiazc I'iskc Nlddah" (distinct from No. 4).
17. "Tlkkun ha-Hazzanlm." of which the title only Is known.
15. "Takkan.il ha Kashhaz," Inserted ill part II. of the re-
sponsa ( I'jl. and In .liidab 'Ayyash's responsa, entitled "Bet
Yehiidab." Leghorn, 17 in.
pi. "Tasbbaz," 802 responsa In three parts, Amsterdam,
1738-39; title eil., if,. 1741.
Bibliography : 11. Junius. R. Simeon /,. Zemaeh Duran. in
UonaltsehrifU xxlll.-'il el see.: a. Frankel, Ma. Ztit.de>
Jud. xxlv. 417. :■"! : Micliiu-I. "r fi.clfoi/non. p. 801 : stem-
scimei.icr. COt, 'I'"". No. 7199; He Rossi Hamberger, Htoto
rfeehet frdrUrbuch tier JUditchen Schriftttetter. pp. 92 el
.»,,/,; Zedner, Cat. Hear. Books /!rif. tfti*. pp. 708 el *cq:
Zunz. Literaturyesch. pp. 521 e( seg.; Gritte, (,c«/i. ,ld ed..
viii 1(10; Brody, In 7.-r. Monatsschr. 189", No. i ; I. Morali.
Ziifnnt l'a'tiwuh,U Berlin, 1*97; Kaufmann, in Jfouots-
MhrftdLn M.K.-H. B.
Solomon b. Simon Duran (abbreviated XaSh-
BaSh): Son and successor of Simon b. Zemah
Duran; born in Algiers about 1400; died there 1467.
In his youth he became familiar with the Talmud and
rabbinical literature, and with a resoluteness remark-
able for Ins time he protested against the Cabala.
Like his father, he was the author of many responsa
i published in Leghorn, 1742); his letter, written in
the language of the Talmud, to Nathan Nagara in
Constantine has been separately reprinted, with an
index of passages (" Kerem Hemed," ix. 110 et seg.).
ilis defense of the Talmud, written in 1437 against
I be attacks of the convert Geronimo de Santa Fe,
appeared under the title "Jlilhemet Hobah," and
also the title "Setirat Emunat ha-Nozrim," after the
second part of his father's " Keshet u-Magen." It
was also published separately at Leipsic in 1856. His
treatise "Tikkun Soferim," which has frequently
been ascribed to his father, is printed as an appendix
to the work "Yabin Shcmu'ah," Leghorn, 1744. A
dirge written by him has been preserved in manu-
Bibliography: Conforte, Kore ha-Dorot, p. 3">b; Kerem
Hemed, is. 114 ct eeq.; lie Itossi-Hamberger, Huitririsches
WOrterbuch, p. 94 ; Orient, iiiS12 et sr.q.; Griitz, Qesch. viii.
li-.il: Zunz, Oteraturgesch. p. 524; E. N. Adler, in Jew.
Quart. Be». xii. 147.
Solomon ben Zemah. Duran : Rabbi in Algiers,
where be died after 1593; great-great-grandson of
Solomon ben Simon Duran. In addition to some re-
sponsa, which have been added to Simon ben Zemah
Duran's collection, he wrote a detailed commentary
on Proverbs, which appeared under the title "He-
shek Shclomoh," Venice, 1623; six discourses on the
seven kinds of wisdom; a commentary on the book
of Esther; and a treatise on Jemperance. All these
works were completed by the year 1591, and pub-
lished under the title "Tif'eret Yisrael," Venice,
(c. 1596) (Roest, "Cat. Rosenthal. Bibl." pp. 494
et aeg.).
Zemah Duran (also called Astruc) : Father of
Simon Duran; went from Provence to Palma, and
thence to Algiers, where he died in 1404. He had
some knowledge of medicine and astronomy, and
was preacher at Algiers (''Rev. Et. Juives," xlii.
Bibliography: Isaac b. Sbesbet, Responsa. No. 60; Kay-
serllng, Qesch. di rjudi n In Spanien, i. 109.
Zemah. b. Simon b. Zemah. Duran: Great-
grandson of the preceding; died 1590; author of a
commentary on a liturgical poem for Puriui by Isaac
b. Ghayyath. Tliis poem, with the Aramaic text,
was printed in "Tif'eret Yisrael," a work written
by his son Solomon b. Zemah Duran (Roest, "Cat.
Rosenthal Bibl." Appendix, p. 494; Steinscbneider,
"('.,t Bodl." p. 27C.li.
Zemah. ben Solomon Duran: Great-grandson
of Zemah Duran.
Zemah. ben Solomon Duran: Talmudist; died
Sept., 1604; was mourned in an elegy by Abraham
Gavison (Nepi-Ghirondi, "Toledo) Gedole Yisrael,"
p. 49).
Pedigkeb of tub Duran Family.
("Cat. Bodl." eol. 2306.)
Zemah Duran, Jonah de Maestre
Nissim Simon, d. 1444 married Bongoda
d. 1467
' I
Zemah. d. 1590
Joseph (?)
d. after 159:1
d. 1604
Havvim Jonah,
6. M. K.
DURESS (Hebrew, D31X) '• In law, the use of
such unlawful force against a contracting party
as will entitle him to rescind a contract. The rab-
binical law on this subject goes back to the wars of
Vespasian and Titus, when many Jews, in order to
save their lives, gave up their lands to armed rob-
bers (" sikarikin " = daggermen ; Git. v. 6).
From several Talmudic passages (compare B. B.
40b, 47b ; B. K. 62a) the standards have drawn the
following rules:
" If one has been put under duress until he sells, and takes
the purchase-money, even if they hang him up till he sells, yet
the sale is valid, whether of movables or of lands, and this
though the price has not been accepted before witnesses. Hence
he should make his protest before two witnesses, and say to
them : ' Know ye that I sell this field [or this article] under com-
pulsion.' If the seller does this, the sale may be set aside after
many years' possession, and the buyer must make restoration.
But the witnesses must know of theirown knowledge that force
was used ; and when the protest is written out to be signed by
them, it should recite such knowledge on their part. This re-
fers only to a sale of property or to the compromise of a claim ;
but a gift of property, or the free release of a claim, is void
whenever the donor or releasor protests his unwillingness at
the time, though he be not under duress at all. Beating or
other bodily violence is not the only form of duress; duress
may i -i-i i" the lhn-al of ani harm which It is In tlie power
of the other party to Inflict. . . . But no protest is necessary to
prevent the possession of land which is taken by sheer violence
from ripening into a title by prescription. An admission made
bj the seller after the protest does not estop ; for it is presumed
that lie was forced to make it" (Maimonides, " Va.l." Mekirah,
x.; much to the same effect is Shulhan 'Aruk, Iloshen Mishpat,
What has been said as to deeds or other acts of
conveyance would, with proper changes, apply to
bonds or promises of payment made under compul-
sion ; but the case of sale under duress, being that
which occurs most frequently, has been especially
treated here.
i,. g. L. N. D.
DTJRKHEIM, EMIXE : French writer ; born at
Epinal, in the department of Vosges, France, April
15, 1858. He was educated at the college of his na-
tive town, and later in Paris at the Lycce Louis le
Grand and the Ecole Normals Superieure. From
188^ to 188? he occupied the position of professor
of philosophy in various lycees, in 1**7 became pro-
fessor of sociology at the Faculte des Lettres of the
University of Bordeaux, and in 190:2 was culled to the
Sorbonne. It was Durkheim who introduced the
study of sociology into the French universities. In
1897 he founded an annual, " L'AunceSociologique,"
in which he gives an ai count of the sociological liter-
ature of France and Other countries. He has pub-
lished the following works: u De la Division du Tra-
vail Social," Paris, 1893; " Les 1 1, - I, s de la Mcthode
Sociologique," Paris, 1895; "Le Suicide: Etude de
Sociologie," Paris, 1897. Besides these Durkheim
published a great number of essays in the "Revue
Philosophjque," "'Revue Bleue," and elsewhere.
Bibliography: La Grande EneycU>pedie\ JVouveau La-
rowsac Jllustre.
DURLACHER, ELCAN : Hebraist and pub-
lisher; born at Karlsruhe, Germany, in 1817; died
Dec. 21, 1889. He went to Paris in 1845 as a
teacher of languages, and founded a Hebrew pub-
lishing-house, which was continued, after his death,
by his son. He compiled a Hebrew reader and an
almanac, and wrote a small book entitled "Joseph
and His Brothers." His two most notable works
are a French translation of the German Mahzor, and
another of the daily prayer book, which he made
with the assistance of L. Wogue, whose edition of
the Pentateuch he published.
8. J. W.
DURY, JOHN: English divine of the seven-
teenth century. During his travels abroad he met
Manasseh ben Israel in Uil I, and heard from him an
account of Antonio dc Montesino's alleged discovery
of the Ten Tribes in America. In 1649 he addressed
a further inquiry to Manasseh on the subject, which
resulted in the publication of "The Hope of Israel."
Dury was also author of a pamphlet issued in 1G56
entitled " A Case of I li inscience : Whether It lie Law-
ful to Ad mil .lews into a ( Ihristian Commonwealth."
To a question put to him by Samuel Hartleb, as to
the general lawfulness of their admission, Dury re-
plied in the affirmative; but from the point of view
of expediency he considered that circumstances as
to a particular time and place might render their
admission unwise.
BiBLiooitAriiv : WorthlDgton'a Dion/, 1.78, 88; JewtihChran-
U>ndon), Feb. 10, 18W; Rev. B. Levy, in Trans. 1UM.
Soc. /■.'";/. Iv.
.i. G. L.
DTJSCHAK, MORITZ: Austrian rabbi and au-
thor; born in Triesch, Moravia, Nov. I I, 1815; died in
Vienna July 21, 1890. lie was a pupil in Talmud
of R. Moses Sofer of Presburg, and was for a long
time rabbi at Gaya, Moravia. In 1*7? he bei
preacher in Cracow and teacher of religion at thi
gymnasium of that city. lie was 8 modi m pirn hi I
and the author of works in the German langu
Although engaged to deliver his sen - at the
Temple, his sympathies were mostly with the old-
style Orthodox people of the "Klaus." who could
better appreciate his Talmudical knowledge Hi-
position as preacher was thus somewhat at laloUS;
and after several years' service he left Cracow and
settled in Vienna, where he spent his last days in
neglect and disappointment.
Duschak wrote much for various periodicals, and
was. besides, the author of the following works:
" Mor Deror," on Josephus and tradition, Vienna,
L864; " Has Mosaisch Talmudische Eheieeht mil lie
sonden-r Rucksicht auf die Burgerlichen Gesetze,"
Vienna. 1864; "Gideon Brecher, erne Biographische
Ski/.ze," Prossnitz, 1865; "Gesch. und Darstellung
iles .liidisi hen Cultus." Mannheim, 1866; "Das Mo
saiseh Talminlische Strafreeht," Vienna, 1*08; "Zur
Botanik des Talmuds," Budapest, 1871; "Schulgc-
sctzgebung und .Mcthodik der Alten Israeli ten,"
\ ti una. 1872; "Die Biblisch-Talmudische Glaubens-
lehre." etc., ib. 1872 ; " I tie Moral derEvangelien und
des Talmuds." Bri'uin, 1878. He also wrote "Jeru-
slialayim ha Benuya," a commentary on the Mish-
nah, treatise Mo'ed, Cracow, 1880.
Bibuographt: Ba-Asif, lssu, pp. 139 140; lla-Zc firah, xvli..
No. 183.
8. P. Wl.
rist; born at Prague Jan. 18, 1843; died there Jan.
11, 1901. He received his education at the Unter-
Realschule of his native town, and in deference to the
wish of his father became a teacher at theJudische
Hauptschule. Duschenes went in 1867 to the Uni
versity of Vienna, whence he was graduated as doctor
of law in 1871. Returning to Prague, he was (1878)
admitted to the bar and engaged in practise. Here-
tired from professional life in 1*99.
Duschenes, with Wenzel, Ritter von Belsky, and
Carl Baretta, edited from 1890 the " Oesterrciehisehes
Kechls I.exikon." published in Prague, which was
also translated into Bohemian. He took an active
part in the councils of Ihc Jewish community and
in the political life of Prague.
BIBLIOGRAPH v : < i, <,,,,,,/,,,/,, IVoclunvchrifb, Jan. 25,
[901, ft'. 82, S3; Proper Tageblatt, Feb. £.', 1801; Proger
< .< rtu Ind* zt Hung* 180L No. 3.
s. F. T. H.
ter; born in Siiasiiitz. Moravia, May G, 1800. He
attended the gymnasium in Vienna, and afterward
studied Romanic and Germanic philology at the
universities of Vienna and Paris. Since 1892 he has
bei n professor at the ( tber-Realschule in the seventh
district of Vienna. The following monographs of his
may be mentioned : "Zur Lautlehre des Franzo
In ii " 1**7 ; "Die Technik von ' Hernial in und Do
rothca, ' " 1888 ; " Das Stumme 'e* im FranzOsischen,
in Prosaund Vers," 1**9; - DieAnalytische Methode
im Sprai hiinlerrichlc " 1889 90; " Das Franzosiselie
Verb," 1*91; "Sur le 'Misanthrope' de Mol
■• Bhaki spi ii i i he Einfltlsse auf Schiller's
111 "' 1898; " I'eberdie (Jiicllen von (irillparzer's
'Esther,'" 1898; "Ueber die Quellen von deist's
'Prinz von Bomburg,'" 1900; "TJebungsbuch zur
FranzOsischen Syntax." 1901; "Zur Reform der
i '..i i i/o ■ i < iii 'ii Syntax," 1901; " Gesch. des Neuphi
lologlschen Verelnes an der Wiener OniversittLt,"
1902; " Choix de Lectures Expliqueea," L902,
DUSSELDORF: City in Rhenish Prussia, situ-
ated on the right hank of the Rhine. According to
the census of 1900 it has about 2 600 Jews (600 house
holds) in a total population of 213,767. In 1890 it
had 1,401 Jews in a total population of 144,642. Al-
though Dusseldorf was raised to the rank of a town
in 1288, its Jewish community is one of the young-
est in Germany, the history of the Jewsin theduchy
of Julieh-Berg, of which Dusseldorf was the capital,
dating only from L6U8; in Dusseldorf itself the first
records of Jews are of a much later date. The synods
or councils of the Jews of the duchy were usually
held in Durcn, and the name of Dusseldorf is rarely
mentioned in the records which have come down to
us. In the "ketab rabhanut," or contract, dated
June 6, 1746, by which It. Simson ha-Levi was chosen
rabbi of Julieh-Berg, it is stipulated that, inasmuch
as R. Simson had taken up his residence in Dussel-
dorf, which is remote from some parts of Jiilich, he
must visit central localities like Jiilich and Diiren at
least once a year. Similar stipulations were made
withR. Mordecai b.Eliezer Ilalberstadt, author of the
responsa " Wa'amar Mordekai" (Brilnn, 1790), when
he was chosen to succeed R. Simson in 1752. R.
Mordecai had already styled himself rabbi of Diis-
seldorf and the surrounding country, which tends to
prove that the community was rising in importance
in the second half of the eighteenth century. An
interesting incident during the rabbinate of R. Mor-
decai was the ordering by him of special pra3'ers
after the earthquake of Lisbon (Nov. 16, 1755; see
Carl Briseh, "Zur Gesch. d. Juden im Bergischen
Landc," in "Israelit," 1879, No. 7).
R. Mordecai died in 1769, at the age of 84, and
was succeeded by R. Jacob Brandeis (d. 1775), who
had been rabbi of Fiirth and of Darmstadt for
twenty years. It is stated by Adolph Kohut, editor
of the " Diisseldorfer Zeitung," that R. Judah Lob
Abraham Scheuer of Fiirth, who died in 1821. aged
87, was rabbi of Dusseldorf and of Julieh-Berg for 42
years. Since the incorporation of Dusseldorf in the
kingdom of Prussia in 1815, the community has not
been connected with the neighboring communities,
and later rabbis, as A. Wcdell or the present incum-
bent, have not been "Landesrabbiner," as were their
earlier predecessors.
The remains of numerous members of Heinrich
Heine's family are buried in the old Jewish cemetery
of Dusseldorf, which is now within the city limits,
and was closed Jan. 1, 1877. Among other promi-
nent personages buried there are David Selig, the
first Jewish "Stadtrath" of Dusseldorf (d. 1849); the
mother of Ilakam Bernays (d. 1855); and Solomon
Eichberg, who was cantor of the community for 50
years and died aged 85.
The anti-Jewish demonstration which occurred in
Dusseldoif at the time of the reaction in 1819, seems
to have been confined to "black marks and threaten-
ing placards placed on the doors of several Jewish
houses" (Graetz, " Hist." v. 30). After the emanci-
pation the Jewish community of Dusseldorf soon
rose to importance among the Jewish communities
of Germany, and is now the home of two prominent
Jewish national organizations — the Bildungsanstalt
fur Israelitische Lehrer and the Verein zur Verbroi-
tung und FBrderung der llandwcrke Untcr den
Juden. The last-named society, founded about 1880,
maintains a home for apprentices, and is doing
much good work. Stadtrath Gustav Berzfeld (b.
1828) is one of the founders, and was for a long time
its president. The Jewish community also has
charge of five foundations, which bear the names
of their founders or of their dedicatees: Martha
Horn, S. Scheuer, S. Simon, N. Franck, and D.
Fleck. The erection of the new synagogue was
decided on in March, 1899. Dusseldorf has the fol-
lowing institutions: Hebra Kaddisha we-Haknasat
Kalah; Hebrah Gemilut Hasadim; Hebrah Malbish
'Arumim; Zedakah- Verein for general charity ; and
Israelitischen Privatverein for the prevention of
house-to-house begging.
In 1901 the Regierungsbezirk Dusseldorf, which
comprises 24 districts, had 16,032 Jews in a total
population of 2,191,359.
Bibliography: AU(I. Zeit. des Jiu!. 1877, p. 379; Kaufmann,
Mi-Pinkes ha-Medinah shel K. K. DUsscldeirf, in Ozar
h(U$ifriit, iii. 7- IB; Israelii ische Monats&chrift (supplement
to Jlbliselie 1'ressc), 1888, No. 11, p. 43; Schulmami. Mi-Me-
liar Yixrael (Heine's biography), pp. 15-17, Vienna, 1876;
Aas Heinrich Heine's Stammhaum ViitcrUclierseits, in
Alia. Zeit. des Jud. 1901, No. 30; see also the supplement
Klenieintlehnie) to that periodical for 1898, No. 4; lor 1899.
No. -; for 1900, No. 41; for 1901, No. 48; StatistisehesJahr-
imeh des 1 >e>iiseh-hraetil isehen GemeindeibundeB, v. 15,
Berlin, 1901, s.v. DOsseldorf. A Gesehiehte iler JUdischen
Qtmi imle Diisseldnrfs, by A. Wedell, rabbi of that city, ap-
peared in 1888 as a pah of the fieselueldc Dtlsseldorfs, which
was published (Dusseldorf, 1S88) by its historical society in
commemoration of the tiuOth anniversary of the foundation of
the city of Dusseldorf.
D. P. Wl.
DTJSYATY. See Kovno.
DUTY (Hebr. "mizwah" = commandment; later
Hebr. " hobah " = obligation) : That which is due to
God as the Master of life, or to a fellow man, or to
oneself. " Duty " is an ethical term ; its recognition
as such is urged by the inner voice called conscience
(see Wisdom xvii. 11), which tells man what he ought
or ought not to do. It derives its sanction and au-
thority from God. " Fear God and keep his command-
ments, for this is the whole of man " (Eccl. xii. 13;
A. V. wisely adds the word "duty"). "Duty" is
too abstract a term to find a place in the Biblical ter-
minology, but the idea of duty as inseparable from
life is expressed in different forms in the Bible. It
is " the keeping of the way of the Lord " (Gen. xviii.
19); it is defined by Micah (vi. 8, Hebr.): " He hath
told thee, O man, what is good and what the Lord
rcquireth of thee : to do justly, to love kindness, and
to walk humbly with thy God "; and it is summed
up in the commandment: "Holy shall ye be, for I
the Lord your God am holy " (Lev. xix. 2). This
thought of duty runs through all Jewish literature.
" Walk after the Lord thy God; as He is merciful,
be thou also merciful; as He is kind, be thou also
kind" (Sotah 14a). So also Philo: "Man was cre-
ated in the image of God ; it must therefore be his
aim to become more and more like God " (" De Deca-
logo," § 197; " De Migratione Abrahami,"iii. §470);
"Man's highest duty is to imitate God according to
the best of his ability, and to neglect no opportu-
nity to become like God " (ib. § 40).
The Jewish conception of duty is therefore su-
perior to that of the Greek and the Roman in that it
emanates from a God of holiness, and life is based
upon duties and obligations which form the contents
of the Law, and the faithful fulfilment of which
by the Jewish people establishes their claim to the
title "'am kadosh " (holy people: Ex. xix. 6, xxii.
30; Lev. xi. 44, 45; xix. 2; xx. 7, 20; Num. XV. 40;
Deut. vii. 0; xiv. 2, 21; xxvi. 19;
The xwiii. 9). True, in the Pentateuch no
Extent of distinction is made between duties of
Duty. various kinds; the ceremonial duty is
of as great importance as the moral
act. In Lev. xix., which may be assumed to repre-
sent the spiritof Pentateuchal legislation at its best,
the duty to offer sacrifices (verses 5-7) — a purely rit-
ual obligation — is given as high sanction as the fear
of father and mother (3), the care of the poor (10
honesty in speech and dealing (11), respect for the
aged (32), love for one's neighbor (18), and similar
moral duties of the highest type. The command
to keep the Sabbaths (3) has no more binding force
than that requiring honesty in regard to weight anil
measure (35). From the standpoint of the Mi
legislation life in its various aspects is one, and do
distinction is made between the different kinds ol
duty enjoined ; God commanded them all, and there-
fore they all have equal sanction.
The prophetic conception of life, however, distin-
guished between the various kinds of duties. To
the Prophets duty meant chiefly to
Prophetic do justice and to love mercy (corn-
Hierarchy pare Isa. i. 20; Jer. vii. 5-8; Ilosea vi.
ofDuties. 6; Amos v. 24; Zech. vii. 9, 10). This
characteristic of prophetic thought is
expressed very clearly by R. Simlai (Mak. 23b).
Similarly, Bai.iva BEH JOSEPH ins PaKUDA, in his
" Hobot ha-Lebabot," distinguishes between thevari-
ous kinds of duties by dividing them into twocl.i
"hobot ha-ebarim " and "hobot ha-lebabot," the i s
tenia! religious duties and the duties of the heart, or
the ritual duties and the moral obligations. How
ever, though individual thinkers made these distinc-
tions, yet Jewish tradition developed the tli'
that all duties derive their sanctity from the Law as
the unchangeable will of God. And hen- lies the
danger of Legalism, inasmuch as every ceremonial
law is regarded from this point of view as an actual
debt (" hobah " = 6$eifo;fta) incumbent upon man.
and of which be must, rid himself nrQin 'T NV or
simply Xi"; Her. ii. 1, 8b, 20b; Yer. Sanh. vii. 'Jib;
Eccl. vii. 18) by performing it. This debt is a sin
while it remains unpaid (" hobah " | ; but when paid
it becomes a merit ("mi/.wah " ; Yer. Her. ix. 4 —
according to the Pharisees; compare Montefiore,
"Hibbert Lectures," 18112. pp. te7 568; see also
Cebemonies and tiii; Ceremonial Law; Com
In the fulfilment of duty, possibly the chief con-
sideration is tin' character of the motive. Why shall
duty be performed: for reward or for its own sake?
In this matter Jewish ethics resl on
Motive. the highest plane. The sages taught,
"Whether one do inii.li or little, all
that is necessary is thai tin- in lent ion be pure" (Ber,
17a). The classical saying of Antigonus of Sokb.0
clearly expresses the true Talmudic ideal of the spirit
that should accompany the performance of duty;
"Be not like servants who serve their master for the
sake of the reward, but be like servants who serve
their master not for the sake of the reward, and lei
the fear of Heaven be upon you " (Ab. i. 8), The
usual expression for this thought of doing duty for
duty's sake is " le-shem shamayim " (in the name of
God), or "lishmah" (for its own sake); thus it is
said. "Those who occupy themselves with communal
affairs should do so in the name of God," and "Let
all thy d.eds lie dune in the name of God" (Ab.
ii. 2, 10). Another manner of expressing the same
in appears in the phrase "rahmana libbaba'e"
(G 1 requires the intention of the heart to be pure;
■ Sanh 106b). This doctrine is clearly taught in
passages like the following: "The w ords ' to love the
Lord thy God, to harken to Him, and to cling to
Him ' mean, ' Let no man say, " 1 will study so that
people shall call me a wise man; I will learn that
they may call me rabbi; 1 will learn that I may be-
come an elder and preside over the academy."' Let
him learn for the loveof learning, and the honor will
come in the end " (Ned. 02a). So also says R. Elea
zar, commenting upon Ps. cxii. 1; "Happy he who
delighteth in His commandments, but not for there-
ward that might come from observing them" ('Ah,
Zarah 19a). Bahya (ib. Introduction) says: "I am
convinced that all actions which are to conduce to
the honor of God must have their basis in purity of
the heart and of the intention ; if t he intent inn be not
pure the ih "Is will not be acceptable, be they ever
so numerous, as it is said in Scripture, ' If ye heap
up ever so many prayers I will not hear, for your
hands are full of blood; wash yourselves, make
yourselves clean'" (Isa. i. 15, 10, llebr.). See
Etiiii s.
K. D. P.
DUX, ADOLF : Hungarian writer; born at Pres
burgOcl i 1822; died at Budapest Nov. 20,1881;
cousin of Leopold Dukes, He studied law and phi-
losophy a i the University of Vienna, and was con-
ed with the "Presburger Zeitung " until 1855,
when he became a correspondent of the "P
Lloyd He translated Alexander Petofi's and Josef
Botvos' Hungarian poems, and Catena's tragedy,
"Bank Ban," and wrote" Aus l'ngarn,"and various
stories in German under the title "Deutsch-Unga-
s. A. Kn.
garian clergyman; born inTemesvar, Hungary, in
1784; died in 1797, He attended the Talmud Torah
in Prague. Returning to Temesvdr, lie received in
i be title of " Morenu." Tun years later, exi ib d
mi the subjeel of conversion and distracted by n
lous doubt, he became a wanderer, and visited I n
den, Leipsic, Berlin, Amsterdam. Ariiheim, Wesel,
Halle, and even London. In 1707, owing to the
Influence of Pastor van Essen, he received baptism
in Amsterdam. Ill 17118 he married fur the third
time, and then St in lied theology at the I'niveisit y of
I trecht, becoming in 1777 a preacher at Mijdrecht.
A number of Duytsch's Bermonswere published;
and his ei mfessioti of faith, entitled ".lehova Ver-
heeiiijki door de Erkenning van den Waren Hessiai
Ji'/us Chris tU8," had a large sale. His principal
work was " Israels Verlosslnge en Eeuwlge Behou-
denis." 8 vols., Amsterdam, 1769-98. His " Neil, r-
lands Deborah 't Middle In Cod's Hand tol Kidding
Dyes and Dyeing
van 't Zinkend Vaderland " appeared in 1767, and a
new edition in 1873.
Bini.io(iR*riiY : De le Boi, Oesch. der Evangclischcn Juden-
Mission, pp. 59-61.
8. N. D.
DVINSK (formerly DUNABTJRG) : City in
the government of Vitebsk. Russia. It is situated
on the River Dilna, at the intersection of two rail-
roads. It was founded in 1278 by the Knights of
the Livonian Order, and in 1561 was annexed to
Poland. According to the census of 1897 it has a
population of 72,231, the Jews numbering 32,369.
The latter are engaged in commerce, industries, and
manufacturing. The local trade is entirely in their
hands, and the chief articles of commerce are flax,
flaxseed, and timber. Toward the end of the last
century the business transactions amounted to ten
minimis of rubles annually.
Industrial occupations are also left almost entirely
to the Jews. According to the official census of
industries made in 1893, there were in Dvinsk 330
industrial establishments owned by Jews, and 99
owned by non-Jews, while the number of Jewish
artisans was only 741. As a matter of fact both the
absolute and the relative number of Jewish artisans
is much greater. According to a private investi-
gation in 1898 there were 4,862 Jewish artisans, in-
cluding 2,193 masters, 1,760 journeymen, and 909
The most important of the trades followed by the
Jews are tailoring (1,210) and shoemaking. In the
32 local factories and workshops (match factory,
tannery, sawmill, button factory, etc.), all owned
by Jews, there is a total of 2,305 employees, of
whom 1,942 are Jews. There are in Dvinsk 658
Jewish day-laborers.
Taking the average family as consisting of five
persons, it appears that in 1898 thirty per cent of the
Jewish population of Dvinsk applied for aid from
the community. The help given to poor and desti-
tute Jews comes from a savings and lending asso-
ciation, and from various charitable institutions.
The first of these, founded in 1900, was established
as a mutual aid society. It has more than 1,200
members, and lent in 1902 (up to Sept. 1) various
small sums, ranging from 15 to 50 rubles, and ag-
gregating 41,321 rubles. There is another organi-
zation, established on charitable principles, for
the advancement of small loans. This is a loan
fund of 13,000 rubles founded in memory of M.
Vitenbcrg. Loans, secured by personal . property,
are advanced without interest. Of other charitable
institutions there area society for aiding the poor,
founded by the governor, with an income in 1899
ofs, 917 rubles; a cheap diuing-hall ; a bikkur holim ;
a dispensary; and a lying-in hospital.
In the year 1S9M, in the genera] srhools of Dvinsk
there were 1,203 pupils, 359 of them being Jews.
In the schools exclusively Jewish there were 401
pupils. The attendance in the general schools was
as follows: scientific high school, non-Jews 344,
Jews 36; girls' classical high school, non-Jews 240,
Jews 140; city school, containing industrial classes,
non-Jews 151, Jews 74; private four-class girls'
school, non-Jews 73, Jews 76; one-class girls' school,
non-Jews 30. Jews 33.
In the Jewish schools: Talmud Torah, 122; Jew-
ish school, with preparatory class, 116; three-class
Jewish industrial school, 87; private Jewish school
for boys and girls, 51 ; private Jewish one-class
school, 25.
In several of the general schools Jews are not ac-
cepted; and those that are open to them are so
crowded that many Jewish children can not gain
admittance. The poor people can not even send
their children to the "melammed," for the latter
charges from 40 to 50 rubles a year for instruction.
The local Zionist association opened in 1901 a model
free heder, where about 80 children get instruction.
Thanks to the efforts of the Zionists, there were es-
tablished in 1900 a library and reading-room, with a
charge of three kopeks for admission.
BiBLiooRAPnY: Moskovskiya Vyedomosti, 1886, No. 234;
Voskhod, 1900, No. 53 ; 1801, Nos. 18 and 28 ; 1802, No. 40.
H. R. S. J.
DWARF.— Biblical Data: The rendering in
A. V. of p^ (Lev. xxi. 20, literally " thin "), denoting
one of the physical disqualifications of
Bible. priests for the service. In this sense
pT is taken by Targ. Yer. (DJJ) and
Ibn Ezra ad loc. (comp. Bek. vii. 6), but the adopted
rabbinical tradition (see Sifra, Emor, 3; Bek. 45)
and modern commentators explain the word differ-
ently (see commentaries ad loc); nevertheless, the
dwarf is declared unfit for service (Hullin 63a ; Sifra,
I.e.; Bek. I.e. ; see Blemish). Legends concerning
giants and dwarfs exist among all nations (Tylor,
"Primitive Culture," i., ch. x. ; German ed., i. 379
et seq.; comp. Wutke, "Der Deutsche Volksaber-
glaube der Gegenwart," p. 42; Lehmann, "Aber-
glaube und Zauberei," p. 67, Stuttgart, 1898; Sei-
fert, "Zwerge und Riesen," in "Neue Jahrbucher
fiir das Klassische Alterthum," etc., vol. v., part 2,
p. 9). These legends are based mostly on primitive
conceptions regarding the original inhabitants of a
country. In the Bible the pre-Israelitic inhabitants
of the Holy Laud are supposed to have been gigantic
— a reminiscence of the prehistoric man (comp. the
Hebrew dictionaries a. v. D,*>,QJ, p}]}; also Gen. vi. 2
and the commentaries to the respective passages;
Baedeker, "Palastina." 5th ed., p. 59; Pirke R. El.
xxii.). Compared with these the Israelites regarded
themselves as "grasshoppers" (Num. xiii. 33).
Dwarfs are said to have been numerous in the tow-
ers of the fortresses of Tyre (Ezek. xxvii. 10 [A. V.
E. G. TT.
In Rabbinical Literature : In tradition the
dwarf (DJ3 or D3J, vivoc) is mentioned frequently,
and the word has been adopted in the
Talmud. Juda?o-German jargon. Onewhosees
a giant or a dwarf should say:
" Blessed be God, who alters, man " (Tosef., Ber. vii.
3). The apes were regarded by many nations as
human dwarfs (Tylor, I.e.), and strangely enough
the Talmud enjoins that the same benediction be
said when seeing an elephant, or apes, or birds look-
ing like men (see Rashi on Ber. 58b).
In opposition to the gigantic Philistines the Caph-
torim (Gen. x. 14, D'linSD : according to Targ. Onk.
Dyes and Dyeing
•Cappadocians," according to modern commenta-
tors "Cretes") are culled dwarfs (Gen. R, xxxvii.
5). There is here, no doubt, the general legend in
regard to dwarfish tribes and nations. Legendary
elements may perhaps also be found in the following
parable: The governor of a province summoned for
ihe king the men having the necessary military stat-
ure. A woman complained that her son, who was a
dwarf, but whom she called "swift-footed giant"
(uanpoehnjioc:), had been overlooked. She was an-
Bwered: "Though he be in your eyes a makro-
elaphos, in our eyes he is a dwarf of the dwarfs"
(Gen. R. l.xv. 11; Ca.it. R. ii. 15). L. B.
Nebuchadnezzar is frequently called in rabbinical
literature "tin' dwarf of Babel " (Pesik. xiii. I12aj
I'csik. R. xxxi.). or "the little one ell dwarf" (with
nee to Dan. iv. It, 17), "the lowest of men"
i Valk. ii. 1062); according to another tradition,
Pharaoh was the dwarf referred to in Daniel, I.e.
(M. K. 18a). The description "one ell the height,
one ell the beard, and one ell and a half another
member of his body "
in a k e s it probable
that the grotesque,
dwarfish figure of
some popular deity or
demon, such as the
Kirvpto Arabic Bes,
a god of music and
dancing which under
the Ptolemies ap-
peared on coins and
structures all over
Asia (Erman, "Zeit-
schrift fur Numis-
matik," 1882, pp. 296
tt seq. ; Wiedman,
"iEgyptische Ge-
schichte," pp. S91
595), was identified by the Babylonian Jews with
either Nebuchadnezzar or Pharaoh.
s. b. K.
DYATLOVO. See Grodno.
DYER, IS ADORE: American merchant and
communal worker; born in Dessau, Germany, 1813;
died at Waukesha, Wisconsin, 1888. He went to
America while young, living first, in Baltimore,
whence in 1*40 he moved to Galveston. He was
engaged in mercantile pursuits till 1861, when, after
a successful business career, he retired. In 1866 be
was elected to tin' presidency of the Union Marine
and Fire Insurance Company of Galveston, which
position he tilled until the company discontinued
business in 1880. He held high place in the Odd
Fellows' lodge, and was among the earliest of its
grand masters. The first Jewish religious services
In Galveston were held at his house (1856), He made
provision in his will for the maintenance of the two
Bebrew cemeteries, and left bequests to the Congre-
gation P.'nai Israel ("to afford Increased pews and
seating capacity forthe poor Israelite families who
are unable to purchas ■ rent same"), and to the
Protestant orphans' Home of Galveston.
Bibliography: Records of the 00 ton, l""1 ~M:
Encyclopedia of the New West, 18 I ■' -1 "ic Pro-
Medal Presented U> Leou Dyer by the Baltimore Community,
bate Qffla of Galveston, Texas. 1888; Publication* Am.
JiU. JIM. .sue. .Ne. :.', 1S94.
a. H. C.
DYER, LEON : American soldier ; born at Al-
zey, Germany, Oct. 9, 1807; died in Louisville, Ky.,
1883. At an early age he went with his parents to
Baltimore. Dyerwas sell-educated. In the early
part of his career he worked in his father's beef-pack-
ing establishment (the firstin America). Asayoung
man he enjoyed great popularity with the citizens
of Baltimore, and filled a number of minor public
offices. When the great Baltimore bread riots broke
out, he was elected acting mayor, and through his
intervention order was soon restored. While Dyer
was engaged in business in New Orleans in 1836,
Texas called for aid in her struggle for independ-
ence. Dyer was at that time quartermaster-general
of the state militia of Louisiana. With several hun-
dred citizens of New Orleans he embarked at once
on a schooner hound for Galveston, arriving two
days after the battle of San Jacinto. He received
a commission as
major in the Texas
forces, signed by the
first president, Bur-
nett. The Louisiana
contingent was as-
signed to the force of
Gen. Thomas Jeffer-
son Green, and saw
active service clear-
ing western Texas of
bands of plundering
M e x ican troops.
Winn Santa Anna
was taken from Gal-
veston to Washing-
ton, Major Dyer ac-
companied the guard,
and Santa Anna's autograph letter thanking Dyer
for courtesies received on the journey testifies to the
general's gratitude.
liver's natural talent and strong patriotic feeling
won him the confidence of ante-bellum statesmen,
and in Van Buren's administration he was chosen
to be the hearer of despatches to the Prussian gov-
ernment. Dyer saw extended service in the United
States army. He was on General Scott's staff In the
Florida campaign against Osceola, the Seminole
Chief, and was wounded in the neck in the final
battle which ended in Osceola's defeat and suhse-
quenl capture. During the Mexican war Dyer,
tin ii with the rank of colonel, was appointed quar-
ti rmaster-general by Gen. Wlnfleld Scott.
In 1848 Colonel Oyer crossed i lie plains to Califor-
nia, and settled in San Francisco, where he founded a
congregation — the Srst on the Pacific coast. Bcforo
his departure from Baltimore be had been presented
with a medal by the community "f thai city 1 1847)
BIBLIOGRAPHY: /.' 1888; En-
lopediaoftht Xi»' West, 1886; Publications Am. Jew.
Bi <
A. II. C.
DYES AND DYEING ( - jni¥) : Though not
mentioned a- a special art in the Bible, dyeing was
probably practised as in Egypt by the fullei
Dyes and Dyeing
the tanner. Dyed stuffs are mentioned among the
v. Btments of the high priest and the appurtenances
of the Tabernacle. Red, however, seems to have
been the only dye manufactured. In fact, in several
instances "adom" (red) is used as a synonym of
"zrba' " (later Hebrew and Talmudic), "dye," from
"zaba',"to dye, dip, immerse (see Ex. xxv. 5, xxvi.
14, xxxv. 7, xxxvi. 19, xxxix. 34); in Ezek. xxiii.
15 the word "tebulim" = dipped, is used; in Isa.
lxiii. 1, "hamuz" = leavened; in Judges v. 30,
" zeba'." Dyes, dyers, and dyeing, with occasional
mention of manufactured colors, are referred to in
the Talmud (Shab. vii. 2; Sheb. vii. 1-2; Pes. iii.
1; Tosef., Sheb. v. 1 ; Men. 42a-44a; Meg. 24b; Yer.
Shab. i. 8b, vii. 10c; B. K. 100b; Yer. B. K. ix. 6d).
Abba Hoshayah of Tarya, the saint, was a fuller
who also practised dyeing (Yer. B. K. x. 7c). Am-
ram, the dyer, is mentioned in Git. 52b. Regarding
the purple dyeing of the Pheniciaus see Delitzsch,
"Iris," 1888, pp. iSetseq. ; and Pukple. Especially
was the tribe of Zebulon believed to have acquired
this art, together with that of glass manufacture,
from the Pbenicians (see Sifre, Debarim, 354; Meg.
2Ga; nerzfeld, " Ilandelsgeschichte der Juden des
Alterthums," 1879, p. 106). According to Shab. 26,
the Jews in the vicinity of Tyre manufactured pur-
ple stuffs for the market (comp. Schilrer, "Ge-
schichte," 3d ed., ii. 56, notes, and Herzfeld, I.e.
pp. 108, 307). A Jewish gild of purple dyers is
mentioned on a tombstone inscription in Hierapolis
(Schurer, I.e., 3d ed., iii. 14). In the twelfth century
the Jews of Tyre were still purple dyers and manu-
facturers of glass (see Ben jamin of Tudela, " Travels, "
ed. Asber, p. 30b). In St. George, the ancient Luz,
Benjamin found one Jew to be a dyer (ib. 32b), and
in Thebes, Greece, the Jews were the most eminent
manufacturers of silk and purple cloth (ib. 16b).
They were noted for being skilled dyers also in Italy,
Sicily, and elsewhere (ib. 15a; see also Bedarride,
"Le8 Juifs en France, Italie et Espagne," 1867, p.
179; Deppiug, " Die Juden im>Mittelalter," German
transl ., 1834, pp. 136, 353, 401). Delitzsch ("Jewish
Artisan Life," p. 27) speaks of "Migdal Zeboa'ya"
("the tower of the dyers"; Lam. R. ii. 2), and cites
Yer. Shab. 3b to theelTectthat when walking abroad
the dyers hung red and blue threads behind one ear,
and green and pale-yellow threads behind the other.
Purple was the most costly dye known to the an-
cient Hebrews. "The blood of the purple mollusk
is used to dye wool purple" (Menahot 44a). Each
sh'll secreting but one drop of the dye, and the
work of preparation being tedious, such dyeing
was costly. Akhissar, the ancient Tbyatira, a Jew-
ish stronghold in Asia Minor, seems to have been
connected with the dyeing trade in the early cen-
turies, and even to-day the crimson fez usually worn
in the East is generally manufactured and dyed in
that locality (Brightwen, "Side-Lights on the Bible,"
p. 47). In antiquity the tradeobtained somedistinc-
tion, purple being the royal color. The almond-
trees of Bethel and Luz (" luz " = almond-tree) pro-
duced a color used in dyeing.
.bus seem for a long time to have held the
monopoly of the dyeing trade. In Asia they were
especially noted as dyers, as they were also, ac-
cording to Beckmanu, in Italy and Sicily. The
Jews' tax in southern Europe was sometimes called
"tincta Judreoruui," as it was levied on dyed goods
(Abrahams, "Jewish Life in the Middle Ages," p.
219; Giidemann, "Geschichte des Erziehungswe-
sens,"ii. 312).
In the itinerary of Benjamin of Tudela (c. 1170) it
is noted that Brindisi contained ten Jews who were
dyers (p. 45, Asher's ed.) ; that purple dye was found
in the neighborhood of New Tyre (p. 63) ; that one
Jew, a dyer, lived at St. George, the ancient Luz (p.
65) ; that the dye-house in Jerusalem was rented
by the year; that the exclusive privilege of carrying
on that business had been purchased by the Jews,
two hundred of whom dwelt iu one corner of the
city under the tower of David (p. 69) ; and that but
twelve Jews lived in Bethlehem, two in Bet Nuba,
one in Jaffa, one in Karyateu Binyamin, and one in
Zer'in, the ancient Jezreel — all dyers (pp. 75, 78, 80,
87). Rabbi Petbahiah of Regensburg visited Jeru-
salem in the twelfth century, and found only one
Jew there, Rabbi Abraham, the dyer (" Travels of
R. Petachia," ed. Benisch, pp. 38, 60). Nahmanides
(e. 1250) also found in Jerusalem only one or two
families of dyers (Graetz, "History of the Jews," iii.
Dyeing was the occupation of the Jews in Aragon
in the Middle Ages (Jacobs, "Sources," p. 16), and
there were many dyers among the Jews of Prague
in the seventeenth century (Abrahams, "Jewish Life
in the Middle Ages," p. 248). Dr. Wolff ("Narra-
tive of the Mission of Dr. Wolff to Bokhara," ii. 3)
mentions that in 1844 there were in Bokhara 10,000
Jews, "mostly dyers and silk merchants"; and
Franz von Schwarz ("Turkestan, die Wiege der In-
dogermanischen VOlker," p. 441) says that " the Jews
of Bokhara devote themselves to commerce and
industry. . . . Nearly all the dyers, especially the
dyers of silk, are Jews. . . . The Jews of Bokhara
have in a way monopolized the commerce with dyed
raw silk."
According to Errera ("The Russian Jews," p. 177),
the Jews in Russia created the industries of dyeing
and preparing furs. The manufacture of zizit,
tallit, and arba' kanfot in Russia, and the dyeing
which is incidental to the last two, have placed
a considerable part of the dyeing business in the
hands of the Jews of that country. See Artisans;
Bibliography : Giidemann, Geschichte des Erziehunyswc-
sois in Italien, p. 312, note v.
a. H. C.-K.
DYHERNFTJRTH : Town in Prussian Silesia,
with 1,463 inhabitants; founded Jan. 20, 1663. In
that year the Austrian emperor Leopold I. , desir-
ing to reward the Silesiau chancellor, Baron von
Dyhern, gave his estate Przig the rights and status
of a city with the name "Dyhernfurth." To fur-
ther the prosperity of his city its owner obtained
permission (July 12, 1667) to establish a printing-
house, which, however, soon ceased to exist. In
1688, under Baron von Glaubitz, the new lord of the
estate and of the city, the workers whom the printer
Sbabbethai Bass had gathered about him became
a community — the first in Silesia since the expulsion
of the Jews from that province in 1584. The Jewish
Dyes and Dyeing
cemetery established by Bass in 1689 lias twice been
enlarged (1805 and 1881) by purchase. Until 1761
the Jewsof Breslau buried their dead in the Dvhern-
furth cemetery. A synagogue had been established
and maintained by Feibl Pesong, its president ; in
1785 it was succeeded by a new temple, which was
superseded in 1851.
Among the rabbis who served the community of
D\ bernfurth were: Wolf Katz [y a Cohen Zedek.)
Schotten, who founded its hebra kaddisha; Rabbi
Jacob Lob Falk, later dayyan in Breslau ; and Haj
yim Kroner. A branch community existed formerly
in the neighboring town of Auras. The community
of Dyhernfurth has steadily diminished, number-
ing at present only nineteen; its president is M. B
Bibliography: GrOnwald, y.ur Qcgch. drr Jlldischen (,■-
meiml- Dj/hernfurth, in Uebermann'fl Jahrbuch zum
VaUuskaUnder, Brteg, 1883; Idem, Zur Oeseh. dtr Juden in
. in il>. 1862; Brann, Qesch. des Landrabbtw
esien, in Orlttz Jubelachrift, Breslau, IssT; Stalls-
ttachet Jahrbuch des Dcirtsch-lsracUt. Gemeindibundcs,
1 1 S. Si
Typography: The earliest Hebrew printing-
office in Dyhernfurth was established in 1681 by the
bibliographer Shabbethai ben Joseph Bass. The
place was well fitted for such an enterprise. East-
ern Europe was the best market for Hebrew books,
and. outside Prague, had no Hebrew printing office
at that time. A further point in its favor 'was the fact
that the books supplied by Holland werei ery expen-
sive. The first work to be issued from the pri
of Dyhernfurth was Samuel ben I'li's "Bel She
muel," on the Shulhan 'Aruk, Eben ba 'Ezer (His:.
In the same year appeared David ha Levi's commen-
tary on Rashi to the Pentateuch; three prayers to
be recited in the cemeteries (with a Judao-German
translation by Eliezer Liebermann); and the mystic
[.ravers of Nathan Xata' ben Mosesof Hanover. In
1708 the establishment was partly destroy ed by fire.
It was. however, soon rebuilt, and in 1712 Shab-
bethai transferred it to his son Joseph, whose name
appeared "ti the title pages, together with that of
his father, after 1707. During his last ten years of
active work, Shabbethai confined himself chiefly to
liturgical productions. In these years he issued four
editions of the Pentateuch ; ajurheo German edition,
by Hayyim ben Nathan, of the historical parts of
the Bible; four editions of the Psalms; seven of the
Siddur; four of the Mahzor; live of the Selihot;
and two of the Tikkwiu recited on the nights of
1 nt and Hosh'ana Rabba.
About this time Joseph, with his father, was ac-
cused by the Jesuits of circulating a book containing
blasphemies against Christianity. They were im
prisoned, and business was practically suspended.
The subject of the accusation was the "Slia'are Ziy-
yon " of Nathan of Hanover, published at Dyhern
furth in 17o.">. No works published by the Bass firm
from 171 1 to 1718 are known to be extant. In the
latter year business seems to have been resui 1 by
Berl Nathan of Krotoschin, husband of Shabbethai's
granddaughter Esther. Berl Nathan paid 5,000
thalers purchase-money. After Nathan's death in
17'JH. it was carried on by his widow.
About 1780 Jehiel Michael May from Breslau
established another print ie which, after his
death in 1790, was managed at first by his widow
Rachel, and his sons .Michael. Simon, Aron, and
Joseph, but later by Joseph alone. In recent times
a printing-office was established in Dyhernfurth by
\\ arschauer ..v. Co.
Although there have been issued from the Dyhern-
furth presses many important works, such as the
Babylonian Talmud and the Yad ha Hazakah, and
although for a long time they .supplied Silesia and
the neighboring territories with books, they failed,
owing to poor type and the lack of correctness, to
find much fa\ or.
Bibliography: cassel and Stelnschnelder, In Ersch and
Grulier. section li.. part 3H, p. 8" : C. F. Enger, Neutr Bu-
chereaaL Iz. 698. xiv. til , t sen., where are Riven the publica-
tions ol Dvhernlurih up to 1713; Brann, in Monauschrift,
il. 474 ft s"/.
J. I. Bn.
DYTE, D. M.: English Jew who distinguished
himself by saving the life of George HI. of England
under the following circumstances: On May 15,
1800, George III. attended the Drury Lane Theater to
witness a comedy by Colley Cibber; and while the
monarch was acknowledging the loyal greetings of
the audience, a lunatic named Hadfleld fired a horse-
pistol pointblank at his .Majesty. Two slugs passed
over the king's head, and lodged in the wainscot of
the royal box. The king escaped unhurt; but it
was only subsequently realized that Hadfleld had
missed his aim because some man near him had
struck his arm while in the act of pulling the
trigger. This individual was Dyte, father of Henry
Dyte, at one time honorary secretary to the Blind
Society. It is said that Dyte asked as his sole re-
ward the "patent" of selling opera-tickets, then a
monopoly at the royal disposal.
Bibliography: Plcclotto. Sketches o/ Anglchjtwiih History,
London, 1875 ; Howell, State Trialn.
J. G. L.
DYVIN : Village in the government of Grodno,
Russia. It has a very old Jewish community, bul
it is impossible to determine when Jews first settled
there. When the town endeavored to secure the
Magdeburg Law, the Jews contributed for the pur-
pose fifty gold coins, in return for which they were
to be allowed to avail themselves of the privileges
and income of the town. Not withstanding this the
burghers of i en attempted to curtail the rights of the
Jews. In 1684 King Ladislaus IV. granted them
certain privileges, and recognized their rights to the
IS! f bouses, market places, the public bath
and lands legally acquired by them. The right to
own a synagogue and a burial ground, and to fri i
and undisturbed conduct of religious services, was
also recognized. They ware pei mil ted toengage in
commerce, and to enjoy other privileges, on equal
terms with the burghers of Dyvin. They were sub
ject to the jurisdiction of the Dj \ in court, but had
the right to appeal from Ibis to the judges Of the
king's court. With the burghers, the .lews have
often farmed various profitable portions of munici
pal property, as, for instance, the Hour mills and
the distillery.
In 1656 the commissioners appointed by the king,
on the complaint of the Jews, reaffirmed that the
latter, having enjoyed for many years with the
burghers the privileges and ini tes of the city, and
having contributed to the expense of securing the
Magdeburg Law, were entitled to avail themselves,
to an equal extent with the burghers, of the income
from the farming of public property. But since
for a number of years they had neglected to avail
themselves of these rights, the commissioners con-
ceded to the Jews the right to share, as was done in
other towns, in one-third of the farming privileges.
Subsequently new differences arose between the
burghers and the Jews in regard to the unequal dis-
tribution of taxes for the maintenance of soldiers.
These differences were settled by mutual agreement
on I'. 1 1 9, 1661
In 1S98 there was in Dyvin a Jewish population
of 1,200 out of a total population of 10,000. Most
of the Jews are engaged in commercial and indus-
trial occupations; there are also 237 artisans. The
educational institutions include a Talmud Torah
with an attendance of 24 pupils, and ten hadarim
with an attendance of 115.
Bibliography : Regexty i Nadpisi, i. 365, 440, 448, St. Peters-
burg, lS'JS.
H. R. S. J.
DZHTJRIN. See Podolia.
DZIGOVKA. See Podoi.ia.
Reverse of Cop-
per Coin Bear-
ing an Eagle,
Attributed to
Hi'rod the
(After Madden,
" History .>( Jewish
EAGLE: The rendering in the English Bible
versions of the Hebrew "nesher." The nesher,
however, was bald; nested on high pocks; and was
gregarious in its habits (Micah i. 16; Job xxxix.
27, 28; Prov. xxx. 17), all of which characteristics
belong to the griffin-vulture, but not to the eagle.
Several species of eagles inhabit Palestine; and
these are probably all included in the term " 'ozniy-
yah" (Lev. xi. 13; Dent. xiv. 12;
compare Tristram, " Natural History
of the Bible," p. 1S1).
The Talmud says that the eagle is
the king of birds, but that it is afraid
of the flycatcher (Shab. 77b). It flies
rapidly without tiring ("1C'J3 7p =
"light like the eagle," Ab. v. 20).
The eagle is ranked among the
unclean birds — a fact variously ex-
plained by the Talmudic writers (Hul.
61a). The nesher is found deified in
the Assyrian Nisroeh. the vulture-
headed god (II Kings xix. 37; Isa. xxxvii. 38), and
in the Arabic idol Nasr. In Ezekiel (i. 10, x. 14)
the eagle is mentioned in connection with the
throne of Cod. In rabbinic parlance "nesher" is
used as a title of distinction; e.g., to denote the
Roman government (Sanh. 12a).
On the ancient fallacy that the eagle could renew
its youth see Bochart, " Ilierozoicon," part ii., bk.
ii., eh. 1 (compare Kimhi on Ps. ciii. 5).
Bibliography : J. G. Woods, Animals of the BiWe, Philadel-
phia, 1872; I.. Lewysohn, Uic Zoologle des Talmuds, 1858.
E. G. II. H. H.
EARNEST-MONEY: Part payment of the
price by tlic buyer of a commodity as a guaranty
that he will stand by the bargain.
Whciwcr the payment of the whole price secured
title to property, the payment of a part of the price
did the same. All objects, whether movable or
immovable, could be acquired by the payment of
money, and part payment was sufficient to make a
sale valid. The payment of a " perutah." the small-
est coin of Palestinian currency, on account of the
purchase was sufficient to bind the bargain iKid.
Ha; Maimonides, "Yad." Mckirah, i. 4; Shulhau
' Aruk, Hosben Mishpat, 190, 2). The law regarding
acquisition was restricted by the earlier rabbis,
however, to immovable property. Because of cer-
tain apprehensions, they provided that movable
property could be acquired only by actual posses-
sion of the object (B. M. 47b; see Alienation and
Acquisition). Hence, where there was no delivery
the payment of the purchase-money did not consti-
tute a sale. It was, however, considered a breach
of good faith if one of the contracting parties re-
tracted after the payment of an earnest or of the
whole sum, and the following curse (jnDC 'D) was
pronounced upon him:
11 He who revenged Himself on the men of the generation of
the Flood, and on the men of the generation of the division of
languages ["hanagah "], and on the men of Sodom and of Go-
morrah, and on the Egyptians who were drowned in the sea,
will revenge Himself upon him who does not abide by his word "
(B. M. 44a,J48a).
In cases of hiring and letting, the payment of an
earnest was sufficient (Hosben Mishpat, 198, 5, Is-
serles' gloss; 198, 6; 199).
In the case of immovable property the payment
of earnest-money constituted a sale where local cus-
tom did not require the formality of a deed of sale
(" shetar "). The remainder of the purchase-money
was then considered a loan to be paid by the buyer
at a stipulated time. If the seller was urgent for
the payment, and thus made it obvious that he sold
the property because be was in need of money,
either of the parties could retract before the pay-
ment of the last instalment; for it was evident that
the seller did not agree to sell except on condition
that he receive the full amount. If, however, this
urgency could be explained in another way — for
instance, when the property was in bad condition
and the seller was afraid lest the buyer find some
excuse to retract, or when the seller wished to re-
move to another place — then the sale was valid and
neither could retract (B. M. 77b; Maimonides, I.e.
viii. ; Hosnen Mishpat, 190, 10-16). In cases where
the earnest did not validate the sale, he who re-
tracted had to submit to the conditions of the other
party as to the manner in which the earnest-money
should be refunded (ib.).
A pledge, either for part or for the whole of the
purchase-money, was not considered an earnest, and
did not constitute a sale (Kid. 8b).
All the laws that applied to the acquisition of im
movable property applied also to tin- acquisition of
slaves (see Slaves). Sec also Kinyan.
Bibliography: Bloch, Der Vertrag, Bud . Saal-
scnuu, Lkvs Mosaischt /,'. i Ul, 01., Berlin. 1853.
s. s. .i. H. G.
EARNINGS. See Masti r am> Si v.\ \nt.
EARRING: A ring or hook passed through the
■ f the ear. Barrings, so widely used by East-
ern peoples, have no particular designation in He-
brew. Tbe word DTJ is applied to both the orna
ment for the ear and that for the nose; so that when
this term occurs in the Bible, it may mean either.
When the writer wished to specify, he added the
word JTX to indicate earrings, or p,x to indicate nose-
rings. The word DTJ ("stringed ornament"), the
equivalent of the Arabic "nazm," induces one to
suppose that the primitive form of the ear-pendants
was a string of pearls, beads, etc., of a globular
form. It is perhaps this shape which is indicated
by the word mS'OJ (lit. "drops," Judges viii. 26).
The references iii Ex. xxxii. 2 and Judges I.e. to
earrings of gold, show at the same time that there
also existed earrings of other materials. It was not
until the time of Ezekiel that earrings acquired a
circular form, and were then called ^jy (Ezek. xvi.
12). It is true that this word occurs also in Num.
xxxi. 50, bill there is nothing to indicate that it
means "earrings." The passage in Exodus proves
that earrings were worn by women and by the
youth of both sexes.
Earrings seem to have been regarded by Eastern
nations as sacred things — some scholars even sug-
gest as amulets — for the sons of Jacob surrendered
their earrings with the idols which Jacob afterward
concealed under the oak-tree (Gen. xxxv. 4). The
Targumand the Samaritan version of the Pcntateui li
always translate ou by N"Tp (Syriac, " kadasha " ),
which Buxtorf ("Lex. Rab." ••>•<•. SL'Tpt supposes to
mean "the ornament consecrated to Astarte"; but
there is no proof that this belief in the sacrcdness of
earrings was current among the ancient Hebrews.
If the word D'L'Tf?, occurring in Isa. iii. 20, A. V.,
really means "' earrings," the latter are so called lo-
calise, these ornaments being suspended from the
cars, they arc figuratively looked upon as whisper-
ing to the wearer
E. O. II. M Si i
EARTH (nOIX): The Hebrew expression for
"earth" means primarily earth or soil as an element,
and also the surface of the earth and plowed land,
the latter being probably of the red color charac-
teristic of Palestinian soil (compare Abual VI
"Dictionary," ».«.; Credner, "Der Proph '
1881, pp. l-'o ft seq.). Jbsephus says that the lie
brew for "man " (din * I, which is related to
"earth" aci Gen ii. 7. reall] mi
since virgin soil is red("Anl " 1.1, §2). Tie
lana also called the earth nddtx {afa/i86 in riu
odorct, "Qutest. 1.x. in Gen."; compare Mishnah
Shah. viii. 6); the expression is not found in the
other Semitic languages, surviving only in tin
toplast Adam. The original meaning of nDIK is,
however, not certain; Friedrich Delitzsch thinks it
means, as in the Assyrian, "arable land " ("The He-
brew Language Viewed in the Light of Assyrian
Research," p. 68). Another expression for "earth,"
px. is equivalent to "terrestrial globe." in contrast
with "the heavens." According to a rabbinical in-
terpretation, the earth has four names, "en
"tebel," "adamah," and "arka," corresponding to
the four points of the compass (Cen. R. xiii. 12
In Hebrew, "heaven and earth" together consti-
the universe. The earth has foundations and
pillars (I Sam. ii. 8; I's. lxxv. 4, civ. 5; Job ix. G.
xxxviii. 6); it rests on the ocean, out of which it
rises (Ps. xxiv. 2, exxxvi. 6); it is suspended in
(Job xxvi. ?,; the idea of its free suspension
in the air is especially worked out in the mystical
"Book of Creation" (Sefer Yezirah). Like most
peoples of antiquity, the Hebrews conceived of the
earth as a disk(Prov. viii. 27; Job xxvi. 10; Isa.
xl. 22); and they spoke, then-fore, of peoples like
the Assyrians, Egyptians, Persians, and Medea as
living at the ends of the earth (see Gesenius, Com-
mentary 011 Isaiah, i. 247). As Ezekiel (v. 5) could
describe the Israelites as being set in the " midst of
the nations." so also could he speak of their land as
being the "navel of the earth " (xxxviii. 12, Hebr.);
for Palestine in fad occupied a central position as
regards Assyria and Egypt, the two chief powers of
antiquity. In later tines, indeed, it u as positively
asserted that Palestine, or Zion, was the physical
center of the earth (Enoch, xxvi. 1, 2; Book of Jubi-
lees, viii.); and the Rabbis interpreted the phrase
"midst of the nations" as referring both to Palestine
and to Jerusalem as the center of Palestine (Tan., ed.
Ruber, iii. 78).
The earth was destined not, for a desert, but for
the habitation of man (Isa. xlv. 18). In Ecclus.
In \1 le lie- earth is called "the mother of all
living" (comp. Targum on Job i. 24). The Biblical
eption of the paramount importance of the
earth prevailed down to the time of the great as-
tronomical discoveries of Copernicus and Kepler.
The allusions of the Prophets to a new heaven and
a new earth (Isa, lxv. 17, lxvi. 22) were interpreted
even as early as Maimonides in a non-physical sense
("Moreh," ii. 29). In mystical speculations the
earth, like the other heavenly bodies, was taken to be
an animated being, having therefore its own genius
(Num. R xxiii. 6), and also its guardian angels
(Schwab, " Vocabulaire de 1'Angelologie," p. 75).
Bibmoorapbt: (iesenius. Th, i. I5i; RosenmOJler, Handbueh
der Itil'l. Alt' jthiiiiisl;iin<t< . 1833, i. 1, I r sou.
Kosmogom id< r und //■ brfii r,
i a. it. s Kb.
EARTHQUAKE: The Hebrew word "mash."
as well as its Assyrian ami Arabic equivalents des-
ignating an earthquake, is indicative of a great
or tremendous roaring. In Ps. lx\ii. 10 the
-line word is used to describe the gentle rustlir
* heat. It is als ipio\ el in poetrj to express the
harmonious choral BOng of angels. It would thus
seem that during an earthquake the Hebrew was
most impressed i > % the rumbling connected with it,
which In regarded as a theophanj (Pa xviii. 8
[A. V 7]; Hah. iii 6; Nahum i, •'>. Isa \ 26) The
trembling anil smoking of the mountains, as during
the revelation on Sinai (Ex. xix. 18, xx. 18), the
moving of tlic door posts, as during Isaiah's ini-
tiation (Isa. vi. 4), accompanying great theopha-
nics. must in the \ lew of the authors be regarded as
earthquakes (com]). I Kings xix. 11, 12).
Palestine was subject to frequent earthquakes,
the volcanic nature of the region around the Dead
Sea and the Sea of Gcnnesaret being a contributory
cause. The earthquake mentioned under Ahab (I
Kings xix. 11) is legendary, hut that under Uzziah
(809-759 n.c.) is historical: time was counted
from it (Amos i. 1; Zecli. xiv. 0). Ibn Ezra and
R. David Kimhi refer Amos' entire prophecy, es-
pecially Amos i.x. 1, to this earthquake (coinp. Euse-
bius, " Demonstratio Evangelica," vi. 18).
Josephus describes an earthquake that occurred
in Judea during the battle of Actium. The earth
trembled, and many animals and more than 30,000
persons perished ("Ant." XV. 5, § 2). The earth-
quake at the death of Jesus is mentioned in Matthew
(xxvii. 52), but not in the other Gospels (see Cruci-
fixion). A few years before Bar Kokba's insurrec-
tion, the cities of Csesarea and Emmaus were des-
trojed by au earthquake (Eusebius, "Chronicon,"
eleventh year of Hadrian). In 499 severe earth-
quakes devastated Asia Minor, continuing until 502,
when the synagogue of the Jews at Beirut fell (As-
semani, "Bibl. Orient." i. 272; "Jerusalem," vi. 17).
Antioch was visited by numerous earthquakes in
the sixth century (Proeopius, "De Bello Persieo,"
ii. 11; Evagrius, "Hist. Eccl." v. 17, vi. 8). Bar
Hebrseus, 'Abd al-Latif, and the "Gesta Dei per
Francos" mention many earthquakes in Palestine
during the Middle Ages. On Jan. 1. 1837, the
whole province of Galilee was shaken; the cities of
Safed and Tiberias especially suffered, 4,000 Jews
perishing. The seismic disturbance was also fell at
Tyre, Bidon, Beirut, and even at Jerusalem. The
last-named city has otherwise been free from earth-
quakes (Robinson, "Biblical Researches in Pales-
tine," etc., iii. 500-585; "Jerusalem," v. 295).
The Rabbis, following Joel and Amos, use the ex-
pression JNC in the sense of " earthquake " (Yer. Ber.
13c; Ex. R. xxix. 9). Earthquakes, according to
them, are a divine punishment for the performances
in the circus and theater of the heathens, or for their
immorality. Others held that earthquakes were
meant to remind men of their sins. An earthquake,
like thunder and lightning, called forth the benedic-
tion, "Praised lie Thou, Eternal One, with whose
power and might the world is filled " (Ber. ix. 1).
A chapter on "Thunder and Earthquake," in the
form of a calendar, is contained in the appendix to
"Milhemet Hobah," Constantinople, 1710.
Bibliography: Forblger, Handbuch </. r Alten Qeowraphie,
1.636; M. I ; :> > i r 1 1* ■ r. Ua» ErtZbeben in -''" Taaen U8W8, Id
Monatmchrift, 1870, ilx. 241.
E. G. II S. Kit.
EASEMENT : An incorporeal right, existing
distinct from the ownership of the soil, consisting of
a liberty, privilege, or use of another's land without
profit or compensation ; as, an easement consisting of
a right of way, a right to running water, to free air.
etc. According to rabbinical legislation, an ease-
ment was acquired by mere possession, provided no
objection was raised against it by the other parties
concerned. The later authorities, however, dilfered
with regard to the conditions that constitute such
possession (see Hazakaii). If one erected a rain-
spout from bis roof leading to his neighbor's prem-
ises, and the neighbor did not object, he acquired
the use of his neighbor's premises to that extent,
while the neighbor also acquired the use of the
water coming from the rain-spout onto his premises.
The owner of the rain-spout could not remove it
without the permission of his neighbor, while bis
neighbor could not compel him to remove it after he
had once acquired the right (B. B. 58b, 59a). For
such a right could never be destroyed; and con-
sequently if one acquired the right of opening a
window or a door into his neighbor's premises, the
right, or easement, would exist even after the house
containing the window or door was destroyed ; and
in rebuilding the house, he might open a window or
a door of the same size and in the same place, even
if his neighbor then objected (ib. 60b). One who
possessed an easement of a window1 overlooking his
neighbor's premises could prevent bis neighbor from
building in front of it and thus shutting out its
light ; or if his neighbor were to build a wall against
tin' window, he could compel him to remove the w all
at least four cubits from the window (ib. 22a, 59b).
In some cases the possession of an easement was
not sufficient to establish a right to it. The con-
struction of a window opposite another's window,
even though the other did not object at first, did not
establish an easement, for the Rabbis considered it
indecent to look into another's house and watch his
actions and movements (1TNT pm ; *&. 60a). The
establishment of a baker's or of a potter's oven,
which emitted large volumes of smoke, or of a factory
from which much dust issued, in the immediate vi-
cinity of another's house, or of anything that caused
obvious" injury to another's property, although no
objection had been raised against it at first, did not
constitute an easement (ib. 23a). The rules which
applied to easements in the property of individuals
also applied, with a few exceptions, to easements
in the common property of the community. See
Boundaries; Neighbors; Partnership.
Bibliography: Maiiuonides. Yad, Shekenim, vn. .\ii.: earn,
Shulhan \lruh. Hoshen ilUhpat, 153-150 ; Bloeh, Das llc-
sitzrecht, Budapest, 1897.
s. s. J. II. G.
EAST : ITHDor SPDETimtD = "rising" or "the ri-
sing of the sun " [opposed to y^yo = " west " : Isa.
xli. 2. 25; Ps. 1. 1, ciii. 12], or mp = [lit. "for-
ward"] the direction of the face, west being "be-
hind " [Tint*], north " to the left " [^N»y], and south
"to the right" [["D": Job xxiii. 8-9; On. xiii. 14,
xxviii. 14; Num. x. 5. 0]): Worshipers of the sun
turned toward the east, with their backs to the
Holy of Holies (Ezek. viii. 1G; conip. Suk. v. 4),
whereas the Jews of the Exile prayed toward the
Temple (Dan. vi. 11; I Kings viii. 38, 44 et scr/_ ;
Ber. iv. 5; Sifre, Debarim, 29). For those living
in the west, therefore, the east was the direction in
which they were to pray (see "Kiblab" in the ar-
ticle Mohammed).
East is the part of the world where God planted
paradise (Vita Ada; et Evse, 18, 22; [Lat.] Apoc.
Mosis, i., according to Gen. iil. 24, I.X.X Accord
Ing to the "Didascalia," prayer is offered with the
face turned to the east God ascended to the
heaven of heavens to the east, and because paradise
is Bituated in the east" ("Aposl Const." ii. 57).
This was enjoined on the earl] Christians (see
Clemens Alexandrinus, "Stromata," vii. 7; Syriac
< 'am ins [Teachings] oi the Apostles, i. ; Ante Nicene
Library, viii. Otis. New York, 1890; Tertullian,
"Apology," 16). A much older custom, which goes
hack to very primitive limes and is connected with
the belief that the dead go down to the land of
Hades in the west, but will rise again with tin- sun
in the east, is the bur_\ ing of the dead w ilh the face
toward the east (see Trior. "Primitive Culture."
1874, pp. 422 ttseg.). See also Mizrah.
Bibliography : Scourer, Gesch. 3d ed., ii. i'iX Leipstc L898;
LOW, <<< *<itnini ll< Scfirittf n, 1K1IS. iv. Itti ft .>"/. : smith ami
Cheetbam, Dictionary of Christian Antiquities; sinitli.
Dictionary of the Bible.
v.. G. II. K.
EAST INDIES. See Cochin; India..
EASTER (from "Eostre," "Ostara," the Teuton
goddess of the rising day, particularly of spring):
Xame give n by Anglo-Saxons to the Christian Pass-
over as the Feast of Resurrection, and rather incor-
rectly used for the Jewish Passover (Acts xii. 4, A.
V.). Originally "Pascha,"or "Passover." was the
name given by the Christians to the fourteenth daj
of Nisan as the day of the Crucifixion, corresponding
to the eve of the Jewish Passover, the season of the
sacrifice of the paschal lamb; this was followed by
the memorial of the Resurrection on the succeeding
Sunday; the former was regarded as a day of fast-
ing and penitence, the latter as a festival of joy.
1 nder the first fifteen bishops of Jerusalem, who
were all Jews, no difference occurred between the
Jewish and the Christian dale-.
In the course of time it appears that custom and
tradition differed in the various churches of the East
and the West, some laying sirens upon Friday as
the historical day of the Crucifixion, others again
adhering more to the Jewish custom of celebrating
the fourteenth day of Nisan; but as the anti-Judi an
element obtained ascendency, the connection of tin-
Jew ish and the Christian Passover was severed, and
adhesion to the fourteenth day of Xisan by Christians
(the " Quatrodecimani") was condemned as heresy
Greater stress was laid, in the Western Church at
least, on the connection of Faster with the vernal
equinox of the sun than with the full moon of the
fourteenth of Xisan. In other words. Faster became
a s..iar date, when as Passoverwas essentially lunar.
The Metonic cycle was. however, employed by both
Jews and Christians to reconcile the calculations
by sun ami moon respectively : Passover and Easter
always occur, therefore, about the same time of
the year, though they only rarely fall on the same
(lay. At the Nicene Council in 825 it was decided
that the Christian Passover should be celehrah d on
the Sunday following the full n n of the vernal
equinox (March 21 1; and in the \\ estern I Iburcb it
was decreed that, in case the full moon falls on Sun
day. so Unit there ari^s lie- possibility of a common
celebration of Passover by Christians and .lews, the
Christian Passover should be postponed until the next
Sunday; th' reason for this given by Emperor Con-
stanline (Socrates, "Hist. Feel." i 9) was that "it
Seemed very unsuitable that we should follow this
custom of the Jews, who, constantly erring in the
Utmost degree, Celebrate the Feast of Passover a
second time in the same year"; i.e., celebrate it
s imeti s before the spring equinox. See Passover.
Thus the Crucifixion day. the Friday before
i . gradually lost its ancient paschal, or Jewish.
character, and the day of the Resurrection assumed
mole ami more the character of the Teutonic and
Slavonic spring festival with all its pagan rites and
festive symbols. Regarding the | Easter) egg tit the
Jew ish Seder, see Si der
Bibliography: Schaff-Herzog, Encyc; Smltb, Diet, of ( ftrto
lian AntitpMAeK and the literature tn Herzog-Plltt's lz-ai-
Encye. s.v. PessaA.
EATING. SeeBANQi ets; Clean and Unclean
Animals; Cookery; Diktaiiy Laws; Food.
EBAL (;>3'y; Septuagint, Yaijia}. ; now called
"Jabal Slamiyyah"): I. A bare mountain 2.900 feet
iaigh. north of Sichetn. opposite Mt. (hri/.im. At
the base toward the north arc several tombs. The
higher part is on the west, anil contains the ruins of
some massive walls called "Al -Kal'ah"; east of this
are other ruins now called "Kunaisah." In the
i >ld Testament Ebal is mentioned only infrequently :
Joshua built an altar of unhewn stones there (Joshua
viii. 31 et neq.; compare Dent, x.wii. 5-7); there
must have been a sanctuary on this spot. Another
account (Joshua viii. 82; compare Deut. x.wii. 1-4,
8) rclat' a that large stone slabs whitened with lime
were erected there with the Law inscribed upon
them. In Deut. xi. 2i(, xxvii. 18; Joshua viii. 33,
one half of the people wire ordered to place them
selves on Mt. Ebal to pronounce curses against those
who disobeyed the twelve precepts of prime relig-
ious and ethical importance, while: the remainder of
the tribes, standing upon Mt. Gerizim opposite, pro-
nounced the corresponding blessings upon those
who obeyed them. 2. Name of an Edomite tribe
[Septuagint, I'oiii,'/; Cen, xxxvi. 23; I Chron. i.
to, 3. Nam,- of an Arab tribe (1 Chron. i. 22:
Gen. >:. 28); the Samaritan text has "Ebal" also.
the Septuagint iv. ;■ • ; while the Masoretic reading
is biyC'Obal").
i-;. o. u. I' Bu.
EBED-MELECH —Biblical Data: A Cush
ite officer at tin- court of Kinur Zedekiah, who in
lenedeil in behalf of Jeremiah, and was sent by
the king with thirty (Ewald and Duhm, "three")
men to draw up tin- prophet from I In- pit (A. V.
" dungeon ") into which In- had been cast by order
of the princes (Jer, xxxviii. 4-18). For thisdellv-
eranee 101 led-iiielech was prophetically assured of
safety in the general overthrow of Zedekiah
n; 18). The name occurs in the Phenician inscrip
tion, "C . I. S " i. iti. 8 (Lidzbarski, in " Randbuch
der Nbrdsemitischen Epigraphik," p. 884; Bee also
Grey " Hebrew Proper .Names." pp. 117. 147)
a. o. II. G. 11 I.
In Apocryphal and Rabbinical Litera-
ture: Ebed-melech is tin- hero of popular legend
According to "The Rest of the Words ,t Baruch."
Ebed Tob
published by J. Rendel Harris in Greek under the
title Id l\(if)c0.n-,iu(va lep tn I ioQj/tov (Cam-
bridge, 1889), Ebed-melech slept under a tree during
the sixty six years which elapsed between t lie de-
struction of the Temple in the month of Ab and the
return of the exiles from Babylonia on the 12th of
Nisan; during all this time the tigs in the basket
which Jeremiah had sent him to carry to the sick in
Jerusalem remained fresh as when first put there.
Ebed-melech is also counted among the nine persons
who entered paradise alive | " Masseket Derek Ere/,."
i., ed. Taurogi, p. 8; "Alphabeticum Siracidis," ed.
Bteinschneider, pp. 27 <t seq.; comp. "J. Q. H." v.
409-419). K.
There is a disagreement among rabbinical writers
as to the identification of Ebed-melech. Jonathan b.
Uzziel rendered the name "the servant of the king,"
considering "ha Kushi" to apply to Zedekiah. This
interpretation was adopted by the Talmudists (M.
K. 1Gb). But the Talmud does not state who tin-
servant of Zedekiah was. In Pirke Rabbi Eliezer
liii (see also Pesik. R., ed. Friedmann,131b), Ebed-
melech is identified with Baruch b. Neriah, to whom
the epithet "ha-Kushi" is referred. Still, Ebed-
melech is generally counted among the nine persons
who entered paradise alive, or among the thirteen
who never tasted death (Derek Erez Zuta ch. i.,
end; Yalk. ii. 367; Talk, I.Iadash, g.v. pJJ »). The
source of this legend is Jeremiah xxxix. 16, from
which is also derived the Ethiopian legend that
Ebed-melech, like Honi ha-Ma'gal, slept for seventy
years (see It. Basset, "Les Apocryphes Ethiopiens, "
fascic. \., and Syriac MS. No. 65, fols. 230b-247a in
the Bibliotheque Nationale of Paris).
s s. M. Sel.
EBED TOB. See Ar.ni Hrha.
EBEL RABBATI. See Skmaiiot.
EBEN-EZER (Hebr. "Eben ha-'Ezer " = the
stone of help): 1. Scene of two battles in which
the Israelites were defeated byvthe Philistines. In
the first engagement they lost 4.000 men. The Ark
of the Covenant was then fetched from Shiloh, in
the hope that its presence might bring victory to
the Israelites; but in a second battle they lost 30,-
000 men. The Ark was captured, and Hophni ami
Phineas, the sons of Eli, were killed (I Sam. iv
The exact site of Eben-ezer has not been deter-
mined. It was near Aphek, and near enough to
Shiloh for a man who had been in the second bat-
tle to reach Shiloh the same day that it was fought
(see 6. A. Smith, "Historical Geography," p. 223.
2. Name given by Samuel to the stone set up by
him betwe.n Mizpehand Sinn to commemorate the
vieton of the Israelites ii Sam. vii. 12).
•'■ ■'" C. J. M.
EBER : The eponymous ancestor of the He-
brew-, grandson of Arphaxad and great grandson
of Shem; father of Joktan. the ancestor of the
Arabs, and of Peleg, among whose progeny, in the
fifth generation, was Alnam ((Jen. x. 22, 25-30; xi
The word " Eber " signifies "the region beyond."
Of the nine words in Genesis that designate Bhem's
defendants, at least two, " Arphaxad " and "Serug "
(Gen. xi. 10, 21), are identical with the names of
districts: the former indicating the district of Arra-
paehitis on the upper Zab, the latter the place where
Abu Zaid of "Saruj," the hero of Hariri's " Maka-
mat." had his home. The conclusion is therefore
warranted that the term "Eber" originally desig-
nated a district.
The use of " Eber " as a " nomen appellativum " is
common ; it denotes originally " that which is be-
yond." This explains the fact that, in the genealogy
of the Semites, Abraham and, especially, Israel are
called descendants of "Eber"; for if "Eber" had
been originally the name of a person, it would be
strange that Abraham should have been so closely
linked with him, since Eber was not bis immediate
ancestor, but one six times removed. It is because
" Eber" was originally the name of a region that it
took so important a place in the genealogical tree.
"Eber" designates the region occupied longest
and most continuously by the peoples that traced
their descent from Shem through Arphaxad. This
is apparent in the words, "And ships shall come
from the coast of Chittim [Kition, on the island of
Cyprus], and shall afflict Asshur, and shall afflict
Eber" (Num. xxiv. 24). Here " Eber " designates a
country in the neighborhood of Assyria, and to a
certain extent forming a part of it — the country be-
yond the Euphrates. The importance of that river
for anterior Asia may serve to explain the fact that
the country beyond the Euphrates was designated
tear' e;ii\f/n as the "region beyond."
The Babylonian name corresponding to the He-
brew "Eber ha-Xahar" is "'Ebir Nari" (comp.
Winckler, "Gesch. Israel's," i. 223, note 1). It oc-
curs in an inscription of Assur-bel-kala (Homniel,
"Ancient Hebrew Tradition," p. 195, line 5) about
1100 B.C. In I Kings v. 4 (A. V. iv. '.'4) "'Eber
ha-Nahar" is descriptive of the limits of Solomon '9
Hommel's opinion is that the region beyond
Wadi Sirhan is indicated; but see Ed. Konig. " Funf
Xeue Arabische Eandschaftsnamen im Alten Testa
ment," 1901, p. 44.
1 a. h. E. K.
EBER BEN PETHAHIAH : Moravian schol-
ar; lived in Ungarisch-Brod at the beginning of the
eighteenth century. Steinsehneider indicates the
possibility of the name being merely a pseudonym.
It appears on the title-page of "Mar'eh ha-Ketab
we-Rashe Tebot," a guide to Hebrew-German and
its abbreviations (n.d.). See Hayyim b. Menahem
of Glogau.
Bibliography: Bteinschneider, Cat. Bodl. col. 901s Fiirst,
Bihl.Jiid. L.219; Benjucob, Ozar ha-Si-farim, p. :!70
M. Sel.
German mathematician; lived at Frankfort -on-the-
Main in the first half of the sixteenth century. He
was the author of a work entitled "Sefer ha-Zifar,"
containing mathematical problems with solutions,
which was finished Tuesday, Feb. 27, 1537.
Bibliography : Neubauer, Cat. Budl. Hebr. MSS. No. 1271, 10.
If. Sel.
German jurist and author; born in Berlin Jan. 26,
Ebed Tob
1813; died at Amsdorf (Riesengebirge) July 7,
1884. He was educated at the universities of Berlin
and Bonn. In 1849 he became privat-docenl at the
University of Breslau in natural ami criminal law,
and in l*",i associate professor.
Eberty's principal works are: "Die Gestirne und
die Weltgeschichte : Gedanken iilur Raum, Z<it, und
Ewigkeit," Breslau, 1840, 3d ed. 1874; translated
and published in English, and retranslated into Ger
man by Voigts-Rhetz, Leipsic, I860; "Versuch auf
dem Gebiete des Naturrechts." Leipsic, 1852;
"Geschichte des Preussischen Staats," T vols., Pro
Iau,l866-73; " Walter Scott, ein Lcbensbild," 2 vols.,
Leipsic, 1860; translated into several languages,
and reissued in 1S70; " Lord Byron, eine Biographie,"
3 vols., ib. 1862, 2d ed. is79; " Jugenderinnerungen
eines Alien Berliners," Berlin. 1878. De le Roi, in
his "Geschichte der Evangelischen J uden- Mission "
ii. 340), eites Eberty asaconvert to Christianity.
Bibliography : Mt '/' n K"ur> nialtiona-lA xQton.
B. M. Co
A Levite, descendant of Kohath, and one of the an-
cestors of the prophet Samuel and of Heinan, the
singer. In Exodus vi. 21 and I Chronicles vi. 22
(87), ix. 19, Ebiasaph (Abiasaph) occurs as a son of
Korah and brother of Assir and Elkanah; but in I
Chronicles vi. 8 (2:3) he is stated to have been a son
of Elkanah, son of Assir, son of Korah.
K. M Bl I
EBIONITES (f rom D'JVSK = " the ] ">: Sect
of Judoeo-Christians of the second to the fourth cen-
tury, They believed in the Messianic character Oi
Jesus, but denied his divinity and supernatural or-
igin; observed till the Jewish rites, such as circum
cision and the seventh-day Sabbath ; and used a ires
pel according to Matthew written in Hebrew or
Aramaic, while rejecting the writings of Paul as
e of an apostate (Irenseus, " Ad versus Ha?re
i. 202; Origen, "Contra Celsum," ii 1; Eusebius,
"Hist. Keel." iii. 27; Hippolytiis. "Refutatio Ha
resiiim." vii. :!l ; Jerome, < Commentary on Isaiah, i. '■'•.
12; on Matt. xii. 18). Some Ebionites, however, ac-
cepted tie' doctrine of the supernatural birth of
Jesus, and worked out a Christology of their own
(Origen, I.e. v. t;i i.
The origin of the Ebionites was, perhaps intent ion
ally, involved at an early date in legend. Origen
("De Principiis," iv. 1,22; "Contra Celsum," ii. 1)
still knew that the meaning of the name •• Ebionim "
was"poor," bul refers it to the poverty of their
understanding (comp. Eusebius, l.c i, because they
refused to accept tie- Christology of the ruling
Church. Later a mythical person by the name
of Ebion was invented as the founder of the sect
who, like Cerinib, his supposed teacher, li
the N azaiienes in Kokabe, a village in the district of
I in -an on the eastern gide of the Jordan, and, ha
Spn ad his heresy among the Christians who lied to
this part of Palestine after the destruction of the
Temple, migrated to Asia and to Rome (Epiphanius,
" Il.erescs/' x\\. 1. 2; Hippolytus, l.c vii ■■'<. \ 22:
Tertullian, "De Prascriptione Bsereticorum," 83
The early Christians called themselves preferably
"Ebionim" (the poor; comp. Epiphanius, l.c xxx.
17 ; Minucius Felix Octavius, eh. 86), because they re-
garded Belf-imposed po^ ertj asa meritorious method
of preparation for the Messianic kingdom, according
to Luke vi. 20. 24: " Blessed are ye poor: for yours
is the kingdom of God"; and" Woe unto you that are
rich ' for ye have received your consolation " ( Mi -
sianic share: Matt. v. :!. "the poor in spirit." is a
late modification of the original ; comp. Lukeiv, is
vii. 22; Matt. xix. 21 <t .«,</., xxvi. 0 etseq.; Luke
xix. S; John xii. ~r. Rom. XV. 26; II Cor. vi. 10, viii.
9; Gal. ii. 10; Jamesii. 5 etteq.). Accordingly they
messed themselves of all their g Is and lived
in communistic societies (Acts i v. 34 et seg.). In this
practise the Lssenes also were encouraged, partly
by Messianic passages, such as Isa. xi. 4, xlix. 3
(COmp. Kx. R. xxxi. ), partly by Deut.xv. 11: "The
poor shall never cease out of the land"— a passage
taken to be a warning not to embark upon com
merce when the study of the Law is thereby neg
Iected iTa an 21a; comp. alsoMek., Beshallah, ii.,
ed. Weiss. 56; see notes).
Origen (l.c. ii. 1), while not clear as to the precise
meaning of the term "Ebionim," gives the more
important testimony that all Juikco christians were
called "Ebionites." The Christians that tied to the
trans-Jordanic land (Eusebius, "Hist. Eccl." iii. 5,
'■',), remaining true to their Judean traditions, were
afterward regarded as a heretic sect of the Ebion-
ites, and hence rose' the legend of Ebion. To them
belonged SvMMACitfs, the Bible translator (ib. vi.
Bibliography: Herzog-Hauck, Beal-Bneye. s.\. Ebfontten;
Harnack, History "' Dogma, pp. 899 300, Boston, 1895; llil-
ffealeld, Ketzergi chichte, 1884, pp. i.'l 146, where tbe leg-
emlarv FUuori is trnite.t as it tilsturieul [.risen.
EBONY (D'JIH): This word is mentioned only
e in the old Testament, namely, Ezek. xxvii. 15,
where it is stated that the Arabian merchant people,
the Dedanites (see Dodanim), brought horns id' ebony
lo Tyre. The genuine ebony is the wood of the
jyiospyros Ebenum and of several kindred species.
It is now indigenous to eastern Asia and Ce\lon,
but is found in Zanzibar and Mozambique also, in
ancient times ebony was brought from Ethiopia
and this variety, which was considered superior to
that of India, was held lobe very precious. The Pile
nicians, Egyptians (Thebes ; see "Zeit. fin- Aegyp
;ie," 1886, xiii.), and Babylonians ("ushu"; see
Schroder, " K. I: " iii :;7i used ii for fashioning im
agesof their gods and all kinds of precious vessels
acred and profane Use Chewio thinks, with
s • degree of probability ("Encyc. Bibl."), that
ebony is nienii 1 also in I KiiiL's \ 'J'.', where,
corresponding to Ezek. xxvii. 15, he reads D'jsni ;"•
" i\ oi v and ebony," instead of D^nj"'.
i , .'. u I. Mi
EBRON (A V., incorrect 1\ , Hebron). See \ r.
Hon. of which it is a variant form.
EBSTEIN, WILHELM: German physician.
born in Jauer, Prussian Silesia, No\ '-'■ 1886 He
studied medicine al the universities of Breslau
and Berlin, graduating from the last named in 1859
In this year he was appointed physician at the
Allerheiligcn Hospital, Breslau; in 1868, chief phy-
i, i in ai the municipal poorhouse; in I860, privat
docent; in 1874, professor in Gottingen University
(which chair he still [1903] holds); and in 1877, di-
rector of the university hospital and dispensary,
Ebstein's specialties are malassimilation and de-
fective nutrition, in the treatment of which he has
introduced several new methods. He eliminate-; the
hydrocarbons from the food almost entirely, but al-
lows fat to be taken with adequate albumen, his
theory being that fat contains nutritive matter
equivalent to two and a half times that of hydro-
carbons (see the following by Ebstein: "Die Fett-
leibigkeit," etc., 7th ed., Wiesbaden, 1887; "Fctt
oder Kohlenhydrate." Wiesbaden, 1885; and " Was-
sereutziehung und Anstrengende Muskelbewegung-
en," ib. 1885; also Oertel, "Die Ebsteinsche Flug-
schrift liber Wasserentziehung," Leipsic, 1885). In
this field Ebstein has become one of the leading spe-
cialists of the world.
Of his numerous works maybe mentioned: "Nie-
renkraukheiten Nebst den Affectionen der Nieren-
becken und der Urnieren," in Von Ziemssen's
" Handbuch der Speziellen Pathologie und Thera-
pie," 2d ed., vol. ix. ; " Traumatische Leukiimie," in
'• Deutsche Med. Wochenschrift," 1894 ; " Handbuch
der Praktischen Medizin," ib. 1899; "Die Medi-
zin im Alten Testament," Stuttgart, 1901; "Hand
buch der Praktischen Medizin," (with Schwalbe),
ib. 1901 ; " Die Krankheiten im Feldzuge Gegen
Hussland," ;'*. 1902; "Dorf- und Stadthygiene," ib.
1902; "Die Medizin in Bibel und Talmud" (New
Testament and Talmud), ib. 1903.
Bibliography : Paget, Bingraphisehes Lexiknn.s.-v.; Meyers
Konversations-Lextkon, s.v.; Brorkhaus, Konversations-
Lexikim, s.v.
s. F. T. II.
"Ecclesiastes" — literally, "Member of an Assembly,"
often thought to mean (after Jerome) " Preacher " — is
the Septnagint rendering of the Hebrew "Kohelet,"
apparently as an intensive formation from the root
"kahal," with which such forms as the Arabic
" rawiyyah " (professional reciter) have
Name been compared. The Hebrew word is
and Au- given by the author of the book as his
thorship. name, sometimes with the article (xii.
8, and probably vii. 27), but ordinarily
without it : similar license is allowed in Arabic in the
case of some common nouns used as proper names.
The author represents himself as the son of David,
and king over Israel in Jerusalem (i. 1, 12, 16; ii.
7, 9). The work consists of personal or autobio-
graphic matter, with reflections on the purpose of
life ami the best method of conducting it. These,
the author declares, were composed by him as lie
increased in wisdom, were "weighed," studied, cor-
rected, expressed in carefully chosen phrases, and
correctly written out (xii. 9, 10), to he taught to the
The fact of the author describing himself in the
foregoing style, together with bis statements concern-
ing the brilliancy of his court ami his studies in
philosophy (i. 13-17, ii. 4-11), led tin- ancients to
identify him with Solomon; and tin-; identification,
which appears in the Peshitta, Targum, and Tal-
mud (compare 'Er. 21b; Shab 80a), passed unques-
tioned till comparatively recent times The order
of the Solomonic writings in the canon suggested
that Ecclesiastes was written before Canticles (Rashi
on B. B. 14b); whereas another tradition made
their composition simultaneous, or put Ecclesi-
astes last (Seder 'Olam Rabbah, ed. Ratner, p.
66, with the editor's notes). The fact that Kohelet
speaks of his reign in the past tense (i. 12) sug-
gested that the book was written on Solomon's
death-bed (ib.). Another way of accounting for it
was to suppose that Solomon composed it during
the period in which he was driven from his throne
(Git. 68b), a legend which may have originated from
this passage. The canonicity of the book was, how-
ever, long doubtful (Yad. iii. 5; Meg. 7a), and was
one of the matters on which the school of Shammai
took a more stringent view than the school of Ilil-
lel; it was finally settled "on the day whereon
R, Eleazar b. Azariah was appointed head of the
assembly." Endeavors were made to render it
apocryphal on the ground of its not being inspired
(Tosef., Yad. ii. 14; ed. Zuckermandel, p. 683), or
of its internal contradictions (Shab. 30b), or of a
tendency which it displayed toward heresy — that is,
Epicureanism (Pesik., ed. Buber, viii. 68b); but
these objections were satisfactorily answered (see S.
Schiffer, "Das Buch Kohelet," Frankfort-ou-the-
Main, 1884). It was assumed that Solomon had
taken the name "Kohelet," just as be had taken the
name "Agur" (Prov. xxx. 1), as a collector (see,
further, Eppenstein, " Aus dem Kohelet-Kommentar
des Tanchum Jeruschalmi," Berlin, 1888); and
probably the Septuagint rendering represents a
theory that the name contained an allusion to I Kings
viii. 1, where Solomon is said to have gathered an
As to the age of the work, there is an indication
of the latest date at which it could have been writ-
ten in the fact that Ben Sira repeatedly quotes or
imitates it (Ecclus. [Sirach] xxvii. 26, from Eccl.
x. 8, verbatim [comp. LXX.]; xviii. 5, from Eccl.
iii. 14, inverted, probably for metrical reasons; xxx.
21, from Eccl. xi. 10; xxxiv. 5b, from Eccl. v. 9;
xiii. 21, 22, after Eccl. ix. 16; xxx vii. 14, after Eccl.
vii. 19; xxxiv. 1, after Eccl. v. 11; comp. "The
Wisdom of Ben Sira,"ed. Schechter and Taylor, In-
troduction, pp. 13 et xn/.. anil p. 26, note 2). Since
Ben Sira declares himself a compiler from the Old
Testament (xxiv. 28), whereas Ecclesiastes claims
originality (xii. 9, 10), it seems certain, in the case of
close agreement bet ween the two books, that Ben Sira
must be the borrower. This fact gives some date
about 250 or 300 ji.e. as the latest possible for the
composition of the book in its present form; fortius
repeated borrowing implies that Ben Sira regarded it
as part of his canon, which would scarcely contain
any works that had been produced in his lifetime.
With this fact the nature of Ben Sira's language, as
preserved in Talmudic quotations, agrees; for such
decided Neo-Hebraisms as pDJ? ("business "), NDL"'
("lest"), and ncnn ("authorize") are
Date. not found in Ecclesiastes, though, had
they been in vogue in the author's
time, he would have had constant occasion to em-
ploy them. He uses instead J'sn, DtD^ (vii. 16, 17;
also used in the Phenician Eshmunazar inscription),
and LTPK'n. Though allusions to Ecclesiastes are
Dot common in the New Testament, Matt, xxiii.
i; V., "These y> have done, and not
to have left the other undone," seems clearly a
reminiscence ol Eccl. vii 1\ It is therefore nec-
essary i" reject all theories thai bring the
down td a date later than 250 b.i . including that
of Qraetz, who regarded it as Hcrodian — iu which
he is followed by Leimdorfer (Erlangen, 1891
who makes Simeon ben Shctab the author— and
that of Kenan, who places ii somewhere before
100 b.c. These theories are largelj based on con
iral interpretations of historical allusions, which,
though often attractive, arc not convincing. The
Grecisms supposed to be found in the hook are
all imaginary (for instance, DJJTS has no connec-
tion w itli <.'"■ ; I'" ; the phrase " under the sun. " w hich
irs bo frequently, is also found in the Estunu
nazar and Tabnith inscriptions, not later than 800
B.C., as the equivalent of "on earth"), and the sup
positions as to borrowings from Greek philosophy
which some have profi — d to detect are all fallacious
i ids, " L'Ecclesiastc et la Pb.ilosopb.ie
ue," 1890
i in the other hand, there i> much in the language
which, with the present knowledge of Hebrew, one
should be disposed to regard as characteristic ol a
comparatively late period. II. Grotius, in the six
teeuth i entury, collected about, a hundred won Is and
phrases of this sort occurring in the I k; but sev-
eral apparent modernisms may represent u-nv.es
which must have been, introduced into Palestineat
an early period [e.g., i" for tj's. and the abstracts
in ni. both from Assj rian), or words which may have
largely used in ancient times (e.g., "takken."
"to correct," also Assyrian i; and even in the case of
s • idioms which seem especially characteristic of
late Hebrew, the likeliest account is that thej were
preserved through long ages in remote dialects
(so "kdiar." "already," occurring only in this I k
— apparently an old verb," kabur," "it is great"
" it is :i Ion Lr time since" ■ comp. the Arabic " tain-.
certain Persisms, however (QjriS. "account" [viii.
11], Persian "paygham"; DT1S, "park" pi. 5],
Zend "pairidaeza," Armenian "parte/ seem to
provide a more certain clue; and thai the I k is
post -exilic may be assi i led with con Ii dene. 1 1
how near the latest possible limit the date can he
brought down can uol be fixed with precision
Hence the Solomonic authorship (which few now
hold) may be dismissed; nor indeed could the
I kin,' of the dynasty have spoken of "all which
u ere in Jerusalem before me."
Beyond the fact that tjohelel was uncritically
identified with Solomon, ii seems impossible to .lis
cover any connection between the two nana s Thi
interpret a lion of the wool " Kobe let. " as a si i list an
live is purel) conjectural; ami though the phrase
rendered "masters of assemblies," but mon
ifying " authors of collections," lends some color
to the rendering "collector," it is not frei
grave difficulty. As a proper name, bowevet it
might be derived from "kabal" in one ol the Arabii
i i i hat i though its use with the ai
would in that case constitute a difficulty; finally,
it might be a foreign word The Talmud seems
rightly to call attention to the importance ol th<
V -3
pnsi tense in i. 12; for one who s;[N s "] tea* king"
implies that his reign be must bespeaking
either as a dead manor as one who has abdicated.
Kohelet is then either a fictitious person or an adap-
i ol si monarch, like Al-Nu'man of Arabic
mythology (Tabari, i. s;,:;,, win., becoming eon
- -i the instability of the world, abandons his
throne and lakes to devotion. Similarly, I£ohelei
appears to pass from king to preacher, though it is
not. actually stated that he abandons his throne.
The references to kings in all bul the earliest chap-
ters rather imply that the author is asubject; hut
this may he unintentional. The authors idea of a
king would seem to he modeled on tin narehs of
Persia, with kings and provinces subject to them
• , ai.d the gardens with exotics ui. 5) and iiri
parks (ii. hi are lik, |j to bi long to the same
The Israelitish name for I hid is now.
ployed, nor does there appear to he any refereni ■ to
.1 in laic matters ; hence there sei msto he a possibility
that the honk is an adaptation of a work in some
other language. This supposition would agree with
V l that certain of the idioms found in it arc not
so much late Hebrew as foreign Hebrew (e.g., vii.
24, viii. 17, xii. 9); with the frequent use of the parti
cipial present ni ii . with the unintelligible
character of several phrases which are apparently
cor ru pi i, ,g., iv. IT, x. 15, much of xii I 6 . and with
I he want of sharpness ih il e ha lad el' i/es s( ,,,,,. ,,f the
aphorisms i, g.t x. 9). Further, the verb JJN (xii. 9),
which describes a process to which the author says
he subjected his proverbs, should, on tin analog)
of the Arabic "wazan," refer to the numbering of
syllables; and the following phrases, apparently
meaning "searched out and corrected " or "can 'fully
straightened," have the appearance of referring to
metrical correctness, though their exact import is
not eaSJ to fix. Of any such formal technicality
the verses of Klohelet bear no trace in their existing
form; yet there are places where the introducti i
words would bi re intelligible d thi author had a
fixed number of syllables to make up (< . xii. 2,
" while the sun or tlu UghtorWie moon or the stars
be not darkened"). If this he so, the character ol
the idioms noticed o g., xii. 9, "the wiser Koh. 1. i
me, the more did he teach ") n nders h probable
that the language of the model was [ndo < termanic
and the introducti. f the names "David," "Israel,"
and "Jerusalem," as well as the concealment of all
names in the case of the anecdotes which the author
introduces (e.#.,i v. 18 la. i 14 16 is with the view
of ac commodating the w ork to Jewish taste.
In Ecclesiastes there are some continuous sections of
siderable length : (1) goheli I 's au phj . i
mi ni of the if" trim a of deter
minismand Epicureanism, ix. L— 13; (3) a description
Of death, xii. I 8. The 1 c-sl of I he hook is i n short
■ rap I is or isolated aphorisms, and the author in
xii. 11. 12 di clares that the aphorisl
rior to the continuou a doctrine which in
modern times has been associated with the nat
Bat In the autobiography the author states that
he experimented with various ion us of Btudj . i
lire and i nterprise, in the hope ol finding the mean-
ing of theendless chain of phenomena, bul that lie
abandoned them in disgust. The morals thai he
draws, however, appear to be inconsistent; since.
while somi verses encourage the theory
Contents, thai pleasure is the summum bonum,
others seem to warn youth against any
mi, I, \ iew. This inconsistency, which could proba
blj be paralleled from the works of Oriental pessi-
mists likeOmar Khayyam and Abu al 'Ala of Ma'ar-
rah, attracted attention, as has been stated, in early
limrs: bul the various attempts that have been
to bring theauthor into harmony with himself
are too subjective to be convincing. Tims some
would regard all the edifying passages as interpola-
tions (so Haupt, "Oriental St in lies." pp. 243 et aeg. I;
■ alius u< ni ill regard the Epicun an passages as to be
read with interrogations (so some rabbis), while it
lias also been suggested (by Bickell, " Der Prediger "
that the sheets of the I k have been displaced
None ni Hi' e opinions ran be received without ex-
ternal evidence. It seemsmore probable, therefore,
that the author expresses the varying sentiments of
different moods, just as the second of the writers
mentioned above alternates between orthodoxy and
After his personal history the author proceeds to
give illustrations of more general experiences. In
these he speaks as a subject rather than as a king ;
he cites the prevalence of injustice in the world.
for which lie had some tentative solutions (iii. 17.
18); later, however, he relapsed into the Epicu-
rean conclusion (iii. 22), accentuated by further ob-
servation into pessimism (iv. 1-4). At this point he
proceeds to introduce a variety of maxims, illus-
trated by anecdotes, leading up to the conclusion
(vii. ITi that the plan of the universe is incompre-
hensible. Chapter ix. formulates the doctrine that
men's actions and motives are all foreordained, and
advises gaiety on the ground that whatever is to
happen is already fixed, and that there will be no
mom for activity in the grave. This is emphasized
by anecdotes of the unexpected happening (11-16).
There follows another series of maxims leading up
to a poetical description of death, and, after some
observations on the value of the aphorism, to the as-
sertion that the substance of the whole matter is
" Pear God and keep his commandments, . . . forGod
shall bring every work into judgment " (xii. 13-14).
The felicity, wisdom, and profundity of man}- of
the aphorisms probably endeared the book to many
who mighl have been displeased with the Epicurean
and pessimistic passages. Yet without the idea that
Kohelet was Solomon one could scarcely imagine the
work ever having been included in the canon ; and
had it not been adopted before tin- doctrine of the
Kesiirreciii.n became popular, ii is probable that the
author's views on thai subject would have caused
his book tn lie excluded therefrom. Mystical inter-
pretation of the hook began fairly early (sec Ned.
82b); and the work was a favorite source of citation
with those rabbis who, like Saadia, were philosophers
as well as theologians.
Bibliography: Bee, besides tin- commentaries <>f Hitzitr. De-
Utzsch, Volck-Oettll, Siegfried, and Wlldeboer, the following :
Ewald, Poetischi Schriftendi intents, tv.; Renan,
L'EecUsiaste, Paris, 1882; Graetz, KnheUth, Breslau, 1871 ;
i'. ii. ii. Wright. Tin Booh of Kohelet, London, ws:i: Bick-
ell, Kohelet, 1886 ; Plumptre, 1 Cambridge, 1881 :
Tyler, Ecctiatastcs, London, i -7 1 ; wQnsche, Bibliotheca
Rahhuiiiti. Midrash Kohel< th, 1880; Cheyne, Joh and Soto
man, London, I88i : also the following monographs on special
points: Haupt, ih, Boohof Ecclesiastes [Oriental Studies
of ttu Philadelphia OrU ntalClub), 1894; Euringer. Di rJfcf
soratext des Kohelet, Leipslc, 1890; KOhler, Ueber die
Qrundanschauungen des Buche$ Kohelet, Eriangen,
Bickell, Der Prediger Uber den Wert des Caseins, Inns-
bruck, 1884; Schiffer, Das Buch Kohelet Nachder .1
sung d< i ii i In n d* s ratmuds und Midrasch, issi ; Renan,
Histoirt dik Peuplt d'Jsrael, vol. v., cb. xv.: Piepenbring,
Uistoin du Pi upl< d'Jsrael. fur further bibliography con-
sult Palm, Di< Qoheleth lAtteratiir, Tubingen, 1888; and
Siegfried, Commentary, pp.25 .',.
j. Jii. D. S. M.
n \1 s.
ECIJA (n3D,X) : Spanish city in the province of
Seville. A charge of ritual murder occurred in the
time of the "great king" Alfonso (Alfonso X.or
Alfonso XL). The Jew charged with the crime
was imprisoned on the eve of the Passover. At
the mere report the populace rose. Many Jews
saved their lives by taking refuge in the houses of
the nobles. In Ecija, his birthplace, the fanaticism
of the archdeacon Ferrand Martinez found a fruitful
soil. At his bidding the synagogue was destroyed
i Dec. 1390, not 1395 as in Jacobs. "Sources," X...
1318). The great Jewish massacre in 1391 spread
from Sevilleto Ecija. where most of the Jews joined
the Church. With no less cruelty were the Maranos
treated in 147:3, until a few knights came to their
Btm.IOC.RAPHY: Ibu Verira. Shrhrt Ydnuhth, pp. 25,88;
dorde los Hi' is. Hist. 11. 611 et seq., iii. 159; Jacobs. Sourci -
G. M. K
ECIJA, JOSEPH DE. See Benvexistk, Jo-
ECK, JOHANN MAIER VON : Catholic theo-
logian ; born at Eck, Bavaria. Nov. 13, 14HG; died in
Iugolstadt Feb. 10, 1543. one of the most active
antagonists of Luther, he was an equally zealous
enemy of the Jews. Iliswork, " Verlegungeines Ju-
deii-Buchleins, Darin ein Christ (der) Ganzen Chris-
tenheit zu Scbmach Will, als Geschahc den Juden
Unrecht, in Bezilchtigung der Christ -Kinder-Mord,"
an endeavor to fasten the blood accusation on the
Jews, was published in Iugolstadt in 1542. Eck
translated the Vulgate into German in an eflort to
counteract the influence of Luther's version of the
Bible. His translation, known as "Die Ingolstadter
Bibel von 1538," is by no means as accurate or as
well written as Luther's version. He also edited
Haggai in Hebrew.
Bibliography : Allgcmrinr Deutsche Biographic, r. 596;
Fflrst. fli'M. Jud. i. 220; Gr&tz, Gesch. ix. 310 • ' Kg.;
Berzog-Hauck, Real-Encyc., and (Vetzerand (Velte's JSTirc/i-
. nlexikon, s.v.
j. A. M. F.
ED ("witness"): Name supplied by the English
versions for the altar erected by the tribes on the
east of the Jordan (Joshua xxii. 34). The name does
not appear in the Masoretic text nor in the Septua-
Lrint. The Hebrew reads simply, "And the children
of Reuben and the children of Gad called the altar,
for il is a witness between us I hat the Lord is God " ;
ami it would seem that the name of the altar must
have been dropped by a copyist.
THE .ll'.W l-ll ENI 5TCL0PEDIA
Dillmann (Joshua ml /■»■.) suggests "Gal ed
in Gen. \x.\i. 47 (A. V. "Gal ed
i . <;. 11. G. B. L
DISHA : Two Hebrew appellation
lively "holy congregation" and "
; the former 1" liar to the Pali stinian
sources, while the latter is used exclusively in thi
Ionian Talmud. They designate a Palestinian
ciation of scholars that flourished in the second
ury (last tannaitic generation), and of which
ben Meshullam and Simeon ben Menasya were
members; bu1 whether these two constituted the
whole assoi iation, or merely formed pan of a larger
aggregation, can only i"1 conjectured, the purport
of the main sources relied upon in this instance being
ewbat ambiguous and contradictory. The Pal
cstiniaii Talmud (Ma'as Sh. ii 53d) asserts, "By
'Edah Cedoshah are meant R Jose ben ha Meshul-
lam and R. Simeon ben Menasya."
Biiti.ioiiiiAi'iiY : Zacuto, Yuhaxin.ed. FUipowsH, p. 70; Hell-
prin,S?derha-Dorot,ll t'imb. .!/■ numm : i rankii,
Darin ho- ilinhnah.p. 301 ; Hriill. Mebo ha-Mishnah, I. 838;
Bacher, Ag, Van. 11. 489 d seg.; Bamburger, /,'. B. T.. ii.
- B
EDDINTJS: One of the three "holy singers
.... tin' sons of Asaph" (I Esd i 15), at Josiah's
Passover. He alone belonged to the royal suite.
The name is a Greek equivalent of "Jeduthun."
See the parallel passage— II Cbron. \\\v. 15,
i . g. it E. 1 N.
LEVI : Russian preacher ; born at Zamoscz, govern
ment of Lublin, Poland; died at Slonim 1827, He
«as a pupil ni Elijah Wilna, and, besides possessing
i bomiletic talent, was a Hebraist and a Tal
mudic scholar. Hewrote: "Safah le-Ne'emanim,"
a concise Hebrew grammar for beginners (Lemberg,
1798); "Alike Xehudah," a collection of homilies, of
which only the first volume, containing twentj four
sennnns. appeared (/'>. lsir.v " Me Xeftoah," a com
mentary on Maimonides' introduction to T°noro'
(ilyelostok, 1816); "Mayim Teborim a commen
tarj on Tohorot (ib. 1817); "Iyye ha Yam," essays
on the Haggadah, edited by his son Solomon (Os
trog, 1835); "Yam ha-Talmud," casuistic nob
"Redife Mayya,"on Hebrew synonyms.
Bujlioorapiit : FOrst, BO>l. Jud. i. 230 ; Fuenn, Kenesct \TU
. . Zi-iiiiii. B(hl. Post-Mi ndds. p. 71.
K. M. S,:i.
thor and editor ; born in Swislocz, Russia, 1805; died
at Berlin, Nov. 20, 1858. He was the boh of a rab
binical scholar.and receiveda \ d Talmudical edu
cation, which he later supplemented bj acquainting
himself thoroughly with ancient andi lern Hebrew
literature. In 1839 Bdelmann published bis flrsl
work, " Haggahot u-Bi'urim," notesand commenta
riestothe"Me'irat 'Enayim" of Nathanson and Et
linger, Wilna, 1889. Five years later be publi bed
•• ■ Alim le Miliban," specimens or extracts from bis
work on difficult passages of the Haggadah In the
Talmudimand Midraahim, with an appendix,"Me
eiiiat Sefer," on Purim and the Megillah, Danzig,
1844. The following year he published in KOnigs
berg (where, as at Danzig, he had chai rint-
itablishment) two critical editions ol the Hag
gadah for Passover, with introductions, annotations,
etc. The same j ear he published, a ■ ■ ■ i ■
in HegyonLeb," which is commonly
known as " I aml-hiil IT- Prayer Book." To this
work Kill liiiann also contributed gli ineii
dations, and nob 3.
Edelmanu pi nl about I a land and
was one of the first c petent scholars to examine
the manuscripts and rare printed books of the Op
penheim collection in the Bodleian Library, Oxl
and to gii le world some knowledg
ilnir contents. In ibis work he was assisted by
Leopold Hi RES; and I bey joint ly editei I and pub-
lished "Ginze Oxford" (with an English transla
tion bj M II Bresslau, London, 1851).
To Hi is period ol Edelmann'sactivitj belong also:
"Derek fobim," ethical wills of Judab ibn Tibbon
and Ma in ion ides ; also ancient Arabic and Greek prov
erbs rendered into Hebn w . with English translation
by Bresslau. London, 1852 ; "Dibre Hefez," extrai Is
from various unprin ted v rnks, London, 1853; " Tehil-
lab la Yesbaiiin," poem bj Moses ILn vim Luz
/.\ttii from an Oxford manuscript, with preface by
Edelmann, I Ion, 1854; and "Hemdah Gennzah,"
unedited manuscripts by early rabbinical authori
ties, with a literary-historical introduction, Konigs-
berg, 1856. Edelmann also brought out a valuable
critical new edition of Bstori ba I'arbi's "Kaftor
u-Ferali." Berlin, 1851, and wrote "GedullatSha'ul,"
a biography of Rabbi Saul Wahl, the alleged one
day King of Poland, with an appendix, "Nir le-
Dawid ule Zar'o," the genealogy of Denis M. Sam
in I of London, a di scendant of that rabbi. Loni
1854. In 1852 Edelmann settled in Berlin. For
three months before bis death he was in the insane
departmi nl of the Charite hospital of that city.
BIBLIOORAPHT I Zelllill. Bibl. /'"•' '/• "<!• '- -. v. : .Wli;. /..'
den Jud 1838.No.51; FOrst, Btol. Jud. I. 222.
I ,, P Wi.
grammarian and commentator; born in \\ ilna Jan.,
1821; died in Warsaw Dee., 1892. lie received a
i Talmudical education at home and later at the
yeshibahof Volozhin. Helivedin Rossein forabout
thirty years, mainly in the employ of a rich mer
chant of the name of Gabrilovitch, bul for a part
of the time in business for himself. Edelmann was
the first to discover the latent talent of the poel
Judah Loeb Gordon, for whom ho obtained a po
limi as teacher In Gabrilovitch 'a bouse. After the
death of bis wife Edelmann left Rossein and lived
for a short time in Tels (1867). Later he was em
ployed successively in Mohilevand KOnigsberg. In
bis latei days he was again in business for himself,
first in Brest and then in Kovno, and at last settled
in \\ ii saw. the home of his surviving children, whi n
he died
Edelmann was the author of the following works:
"Sbosiiaiiniin." containing, 1" sides some treatises on
grammai and exegesis, a few poems, and a commen
tary on Canticles, Eonigsbei g, I860 "Ha Meslllot,"
in three parts, of which the first treats of the Maso
i, m oi the Bible and of the i ban ■■ d readings
i Ing in the Bible quotations of the Talmud
the second is a quasi-critical commentary on
Psalms Ixviii., xc, and c, and the third con
tains commentaries and i xplanations on various dif
tic ii 1 1 passagi a of the Haggadah, W'ilna, 1875; "Ha-
Tirosh," acommentarj on Mid: bah, part 1,
Genesis, Warsaw, 1891; ami "Doresh Reshumot"
athing criticism of the liberal views advanced
byWcissin "Dor"), ib. 1892. lie also contributed
valuable articles to Puenn's "Ha Karmel" ami At-
las' " Ha-Ki n m
Edelmann was considered "m' of the foremost
champions of Orthodoxy in modern Hebrew litera-
Bibi i:\rnv: Hakam we-Dar, a biography "f s. R. Edel-
iiianii bj ins son Hordecai Isaac Warsaw, t885 (Hebrew);
Zeiilin, Ilihl. i:.si-M, u,l, h.
i g. P. Wi.
DAH : Polish rabbi; burn in Posen, 1555; died at
Ostrog Noi 30, 1631. He was a son-in-law of Rabbi
Moses Ashkenazi, author of "Zikron Mosheh." Sam-
uel bears the name of his mother -in law. Edel. In
Slllllllel Fil.'lS.
(from a traditl
1585 his wife's parents founded for him a targe \ eshi
bah, which was under his management until 1609.
His mother in law supported the students out of her
own money. In 1590 he was already recognized as an
eminent scholar, and together with other rabbis, who
were in conventionatthecity of Lublin, he signed the
anathema against the use of money for the purpose
of securing a rabbinical position. In Hi Hi in- became
rabbi of Chelm, which position he held \\ it ii dis
linetion for four years; lie was I lien elected rabbi
and head of Iheveshibah at Lublin (1614). From
Lublin he was called to Tictin (Tykoczin). During
the remainder of his life Edels was rabbi and head
of iheveshibah of Ostrog, in the Russian province
of \ olhynia.
Edels conceived a new method in the study of the
Talmud. His efforts were directed toward the in-
vestigation of the Tosafot, and the explanation of
any passages on them which seemed to be unclear
or to contradict the Talmud. He thus succeeded
in producing many "hiddushim" (novelise) on the
entire Talmud. Ilis constant desire was to discover
something new and original, and because of his orig-
inality discussions that were really complex and
difficult seemed to him extremely simple.
Edels in 1600 published part of his hiddushim
anonymously. On learning that his new method
had made a favorable impression upon bis contem-
poraries, he published the remaining part in 1011.
Edels also endeavored to apply his new method
to the Haggadot of the Talmud. This he did in a
work which he published in 1027 in opposition to
the many rabbis who devoted their time to the
Cabala, and who tried to explain the Haggadah by
means of it. Edels considered tin' method of bis
opponents as a mere waste of time.
From his various works it is clear that Edels pos
sessed a know ledge of astronomy and philosophy ; of
the latter science, indeed, he made a dee]) and care-
ful study.
His published works are: novelise ou Bczah and
Yebamot, Basel, 160(i; on Niddah and Nedarira,
Prague, 160'.!: and ou the other treatises of the Tal-
mud, Lublin. 1611-21; novelise on the haggadic
portions of the Talmud, vol. i.. ib. 16'-7; vol. ii.,
Cracow, 1631; supplement to parts of his halakic
novelise, Lublin. 1670; hymns for the Sabbath in the
work "Kabbalat Shabbat," ib. 1630. Most editions
of the Talmud contain Edels' novella1
Bibliography : Hit-X, sfler. No. 20, Lemberg, 1864 : C. N. Dem-
bitzer. Kclihit Yofi, ii. l~(i. Cracow. lsiM: n. Frledberg, Ln-
}i,,t yjll;ar,,ii. p. 16, Drohobkz, 1897; idem, Oasch. der Fa-
mine Schar, p. 10, FTanfcfort-on-tbe-MaJn, 1901 ; S. A. Horo-
iletzky. SI,, in mi-si,, murl. Drohobicz, 1875 ; s. it. Nlssea-
baum, L,k,,r,,( ha-Yehudim be-LuWin, p. 34, Lublin, 1899;
Steinschneider, Cot. Bodl. col. 2419: Gratz, Qeseh. Hebr.
transl.. viii. Ill, Warsaw, lsuy; 51. Perles, ihijilhit Yuhasin,
p. 32, Warsaw, 1899.
i. g. B. F.
EDEN, GARDEN OF (Hebrew, py JJ; Arabic,
"Jannat 'Adn ". — Biblical Data : Name given to
the "earthly paradise1' occupied by Adam and Eve
In-fore their fall through sin. The word "Eden," per-
haps an Assyrian loan-word, is of the same root as
the Assyrian "edinu," synonymous with "seru"
(= field, depression; compare the Arabic "zaur."
which is the name still given to the country south
of Babylon and extending to the Persian Gulf; the
nomadic tribes inhabiting it were called by the As-
syrians "sabeedini") (see Delitzsch, "Wo Lag das
Paradies?"). Its connection with the Hebrew word
py is of later origin. Sprenger ("Has Leben und
die Li lire des Mohammad," ii. 507) explains it
h the Arabic " 'adn."
The writer of the Biblical story of Eden (Gen.
ii.— iii. ) is evidently describing some place which he
conceives to 1 a the earth; hence the exact details:
"God planted a garden eastward, in Eden," etc.
Many attempts have been made to determine the
precis,- geographical location. The most ancient
tradition, going back i" Joscphus and followed by
must of the i burch Fathers, makes Bavilah equiva-
lent to India, and the Pison oi E its rivers, while
Cush is Ethiopia and the Gihon the Nile. Avery
popular theory places Eden in Babylonia. Calvin
the Shut (al 'Anil) — formed bj tlie union of the
Tigris and Euphrates — the river that "went out of
the garden"; but it is now known that in ancient
times the two rivers entered the Persian Quit
arately. Friedrich Delitzsch also places Eden in the
country around Babylon and south of it. a country
which was bo beautiful in its luxuriant vegetation
ami abundant streams that it was known as " Kar-
Duniash, " or " garden of the god Duniash." Raw-
linson even tried to show the identity of the nam' 9
"Gan-Edcn" and "Kar-Duniash." This 1
watered practically by the Euphrates alone, which is
here on a higher level than the Tigris. The Pison
ami the Gihon arc identified with two canals (thej
may originally have been river-beds)
Views of which branch out from the Euphrates
Delitzsch. just bcl^w Babylon The for 1 to
the west, is the I'allacopas. upon which
l'i was situated, ami Bavilah is tli us identified w ith
the portion of the Syrian di -■ 1 1 bordering on Baby-
lonia, which is known to have- been rich in gold.
The latti r, Gihon, is the shatt al-Nil, which passes
the ruins of the ancient Kreeh, while Cush is the Mat
Rashshi, or the norl hern part of Babylonia proper
i uriously ei gh, this region was also called " Me-
luha," which name was afterward transferred to
Ethiopia. Other Assyriologists (e.g., Haupt, "Wo
Lag das Paradies?" in "Ueber Land und Meer,"
1894 95, No. 15) do not credit the Biblical writer
with the definiteness of geographical knowledge
■which Delitzsch considers him to have had.
A very natural theory, which must occur toany
one reading the Babylonian Gilgamesh epic, con-
nects Eden with the dwelling of Parnapishtim, the
Babylonian Noah, at the "confluence of streams."
This is supposed to have been in the Persian Gulf
or Nar Marralim (" Stream of bitterness"), into which
emptied the fourrivers Euphrates, Tigris, Kercha,
and Karun (compare Jensen, " Kosmologie der I
loniir." p. 507, and Jastrow, " Religion of the Baby-
lonians and Assyrians," p. 506) It is probable,
however, that the story as given in the Bible is a
later adaptation of an old legend, points of which
were vague to the narrator himself , and hence any
attempt to find the precise location
The of Eden must prove futile. Indeed,
Gilgamesh the original Eden was very likely in
Epic. heaven, which agrees with the view
on the subject hi Id by the A rabs
Gunkel, in his commentary on Genesis, also adopts
this view, ami connects the Btream coming out of
Eden with the Milky \\a> and its four brat
Though there is no one Babj Ionian legend of the
li n oi Eden w il h w inch the Biblical storj can bi
compared as in tbecase of the stories of the Creation
ami of the Fl 1, tl are nevertheless points of re
lationship between it and Babylonian mythology.
<>n 0 1 the tablets found at Tell el Amarna. now
in the Berlin Museum, occurs the legend of Ad.ipa
Adapa, the first man, is the son of the god Ea, by
whom he has been endowed with wisdom, but Dot
with everlasting life. He lives in Eridu, and i
for the sanctuat i I >m d . . fish
m sea the south wind suddenly arises and
urns his boat. In his anger Adapa fights with
nth w in. I and breaks his w ingS so that he can
not blow for seven da- - a mi. the god of heavi a,
hearing of this, summons Adapa before him. Ea
gives his son instructions as to his behavior before
Ami. among other thin-she tells him: "lire.,,! of
death will liny oiler thee: eat not of it. Water of
death will tiny b d I of it." Adapa
does as he is told, but the bread and water Ann
- to be placed before liini are of life, not of
death. Thus Adapa loses his chance of eternal life.
Be puis on the garment, however, which is offered
him, following Ea's instructions. In
The El- this storj the bread of life is parallel
Amarna to the tree of life in the Biblical story
Tablets. It is probable that the water of life also
formed a part of the original story.
and that the rivet ol Eden is a trace of it. In Ezek.
\l\ii. 6-12 and, with some variation, in Rev. wii.
1, 2 mention is made of a " river of water of life, . . .
and on either side of the river was there the tree of
life," showing that the water of life was associated
« ith the tree of life.
Further, in the Biblical story, as in the Adapa
legend, man is prevented from eating the food of
life through being told that it means death to him.
"In the day that thou latest thereof thou shall
surely die" (Cen. ii. 17) ; and il is Ea, who lias
formed man. who is the means of preventing him
from attaining life everlasting, just as it is God who
removes man from out of Eden "lest he put forth
his hand and take also of the tree of life, and eat.
and live for ever" (ii. iii. 22). Jastrow (I.e.) rt marks
that the Hebrew story is more pessimistic than the
Babylonian, since God even begrudges man knowl-
edge, which the Babylonian .rod freely gives him.
Adapa. who has been endowed willi knowledge,
puts on the garment given him by Ann. and Adam
and Eve, after eating of the tree of knowledge, make
for themselves garments of fig leaves.
Bchrader("K A T. " ii. I, 528) calls attention to
the possibility of associating the name "Adam "with
"Adapa" The "garden of God," situated on the
mountain, in Ezek, \w iii. bi. II. and the tall cedar
in Ezek. \ \ \i 8, may have some connection with the
cedar-grove of Khumbaba in the Gilgamesh epic and
with the hi Lib cedar in the midst of t he grove In
this connection may be mentioned the attempt to
associal I 1 di tl w ith I he t intain in Iranian ins I Ii
. out of which rivers Mow . or with Ihe Indian
mountain Mam with the four rivers (Le mant)
Jensen ("Keilschriftliche Bibliothek," \i | places
the " confluence of the streams " in the Far West, and
associates the island with the Greek Elysium.
The snake in the Btory is probablj Identical w ith
tin' snake or dragon in the Babylonian Btorj of the
i In ation in the lb itish Museum there
Snake and is a cylinder seal w hich has been sup
Cherubim, posed by Delitzsch, among others, to
i. pn sent the Babylonian storj of
Eden (see illustration, .liw ENCYC i 174) The
seal represents two figures, a male ami a female,
Seated "Il opposite sides ol a tree, with hands
stretched toward it; behind the woman is an up-
right snake. This picture alone, however, ishard-
|y sufficient basis for believing that the Babyloni
ans had such a story. The cherubim placed to
guard the entrance to Eden are distinctly Babylo-
nian, and are identical with the immense winged bulls
and lions at the entrances to Babylonian and Assyr-
ian temples. Sec Cherub.
Bibliography: Guttmacber, Optimism and Rdlaitmi i
the Old and ,\. w Testaments, pp. 243-245, Baltimore, 1903.
i ,.. a. M W. M.
In Rabbinical Literature: The Talmudists
and Cabalists agree that there are two gardens of
Edei e, the terrestrial, of abundant fertility and
luxuriant vegetation; the other, celestial, the habi-
tation of righteous, immortal souls. These two arc
known as the "lower "and "higher" Gan Eden.
The location of the earthly Eden is traced by its
boundaries as described in Genesis.
In 'Erubin 19a (comp. Rabbinovicz, "VarifE Lee
tiones,"ad loc.) Resh Lakish expresses himself to the
following effect: "If the paradise is situated in Pal-
estine, Beth-Shean [in Galilee] is the door; if in
Arabia, then Bet Gerim is the door ; and if between
the rivers, Damascus is the door." In another pari
of the Talmud (Tamid 3'>b) the interior of Africa is
pointed out as the location of Eden, and no less
a personage than Alexander the Great is supposed
to have found the entrance of Gan Eden in those
regions which are inhabited anil governed exclu-
sively by women. Alexander, who desired to in-
vade Africa, was directed to Gau Eden by the ad-
\ ice of the "elders of the South."
A haraita Axes I he dimensions of Gau and of Eden
by comparisons with Egypt, Ethiopia, etc. : "Egypt
is lou parasangs square, and is one-sixtieth the size
of Cush [Ethiopia], Cush is one-sixtieth of the
world [inhabited earth], the Gan being one-sixtieth
of Eden, and Eden one-sixtieth ofGehinnom. Hence
the world is to Gehinnon in sizeas the cover to the
put " (Ta'an. 10a). The sameuaraita in the Jerusa-
lem Talmud defines tin- territory of Egypt as 400
parasangs square, equal to forty days' journey, ten
miles being reckoned as a day's journey (Pes 94a).
The Rabbis make a distinction between (Ian and
Eden. Samuel liar Nahman says that Adam dwelt
only in the Gan As to Eden — " No mortal eye ever
witness, i h. 0 God, beside thee " (Isa. lxiv. 4, Hebr. ;
Ber. 34b).
The Midrash (Gen. R. wi. 7) identifies the "four
heads" of the rivers with Babylon (Pison), Medo-
Persia (Gihon), Greece ' (niddekel),
Identi- Edom Rome (Perat), and regards Ha
fication of vilah as Palestine. The Targum Yet ti-
the Four shalmi translates " Havilah " by " Hin-
Kivers. diki " ("Hindustan." or India', and
leaves " Pison " untranslated. Saadia
Gaon in his Arabic translation, renders "Pison" the
Nile, which 11m Ezra ridicules, as " it is positively
known that Eden is farther south, on the equator."
Xahmanides coincides in this view, bul explains
that the Pison may run in a subterranean p
from the ci piat or northward. Obadiah of Bertinoro,
the commentator of the Mislmah, in a lettei
bing his travels from Italy to Jerusalem in 1489, re
lates the ston of .lews arriving at Jerusalem from
" Aden, the land where the well known and famous
Gan Edi n is situated, which is southeast of Assyria."
Jacob Satir, who visited Aden in 1865, describes it in
his •• Elien Sap pit- " (ii.3)as sandy and barren, andean
not posssibly indorse the idea of connecting Aden
with the Eden of Genesis. The opinions of the most
eminent Jewish authorities point to the location of
Eden in Arabia. The "four heads" or mouths of
the rivers (= seas) are probably the Persian Gulf
(east), the Gulf of Aden (south), tin' Caspian Sea
(north), and the Red Sea (west). The first river,
Pison, probably refers to the Indus, which encircles
Hindustan, confirming the Targum Yerushalmi.
The second river. Gihon, is the Nile in its circuitous
course around Ethiopia, connecting with the Gulf
of Aden. The third river, niddekel, is the Tigris,
which has its course in the front (]"IOTP> "f ASSUI
(= Persia i, speaking from the writer's point of view
in Palestine. Some explain the difficulty of finding
the courses of tin.' rivers by supposing that since the
I teluge these rivers have either ceased to exist, en-
tirely or in part, or have found subterranean outlets.
Indeed, the compiler of the Midrash ha-Gado] ex-
presses himself as 'follows : "Eden is a certain place
on earth, but. no creature knows where it is, and the
Ih.lv One. blessed be He! will only reveal to Israel
the way to it in the days of the king Messiah " (Midr.
ha-Gadol, ed. Schechter, col. 75).
The boundary line between the natural and super-
natural Can Eden is hardly perceptible in Talmudic
literature. In fact, "Gan Eden and heaven were
created by one Word [of God], and the chambers of
the Gan Eilen are constructed as those of heaven,
and as heaven is lined with rows of stars, so (Jan
Eden is lined with rows of the righteous, who shine
like the stars" (Aggadat Shir ha-Shirim, pp. 13, 55).
The leviathan disturbs the waters of
Earthly the seas, and would have destroyed
and the life of all human beings by the
Heavenly bad breath of his mouth, but for the
Gan Eden, fact that he occasionally puts his head
through the opening of Gan Eden, the
spicy odor issuing from which acts as an antiseptic
to his bad smell (B.B.75a), Hiyya bar Hanina says
that (bid had prepared for Adam ten canopies of
various precious stones in Gan Eden, and quotes
Ezek. xxviii. 13 (P.. 15. 75a). This, according to the
Midrash. relates to the celestial Gan Eden. The Zo-
har claims for everything on earth a. prototype al>o\ e
(Yitro 82a). Xahmanides also says that the narra-
tive of Eden in Genesis has a double meaning, t hat
besides the earthly (Ian Eden and the four rivers
there tire their prototypes in heaven (Commentary
to Gen. iv. 13). See Paradise.
.T. D. E.
In Arabic Literature: The Arabic word foi-
l-Men is - 'Adn," which, according to the commenta-
tors and lexicographers, means" fixed residence." i.e.,
the everlasting abode of the faithful. " 'Adn." pre-
ceded by " jannat " (gardens), occurs ten times in the
Koran (suras i\. 73, xiii. '.':!. \\i. 33, xviii. 30, xi.x.
62, sx. 78, xxw. 30. xxxviii. 50, xl. 8, xli. 12), but
always as the abode of the righteous and neveras the
residence Of Adam and Eve, which occurs in the
Koran only under the name of "jannah" (garden),
although the .Moslem commentators agree in call-
i u lt ii " Jannat 'Ado " (the Garden of Eden) I
I occur tin- words: "And we have said to Adam:
j with thy ■« ife in the garden [" fl al-jannah
which Baidawi explains: "The garden lure- i
I (aral-Thawab' [The House of Ri i ompense], which
i- the fourth of the eighl heavens." According to
t he Koran, the gardens of Eden are in heaven, and
form a pari of the blissful abode of the believers.
In sura ii. 23 il gives the command: "Announce that
the belie\ its w ill reside in delighl ful gardens," on
which Baidawi remarks: "According to Ibnal-'Ab
lias, there are seven gardens, <>i f which is called
'Firdaus' [Paradise] and one ''Adn' [Eden]."
Hence there is a difficulty as to the Eden from
which Adam was cast out. Baidawi says on sura
ii. '2:!: "Some people have though! thai ihis Eden
was situated in the country of the Philistines, or
between Persia and Karman. God created it in
order to put Adam to the test." Mohammed Tahir
("Majma' al-Bihar," p. 225), speaking of the tradi-
tion that the rivers Jaihun and Jaihan are rivers
of the garden (" al-jannah "), says: "The terms are
figurative, implying that faith extended to those
ons and made Hutu rivers of paradise." In
another place (ii. p. 164) he says: "The four rivers,
Sihan [Jaxartes], Jaihan [Gihon], Furat [Euphrates],
and Nil [Nile], are rivers of paradise." Abu Mo
hammed Mu'afa al-Shaibani, author of the " Uns al
Munkati'in," states the following tradition : "When
God created the Garden of Eden, He created in it
thai which the eye had never seen before, that which
the ear had never heard of before, and that which
had never been desired before by man's heart."
There is another tradition that God, having created
the Gardi a of Eden, ordered it to speak. 'I'll
den pronounced the following words: "There is no
God besides Allah." The garden was ordered to
speak a second time, and it added: "The faithful
will be happy." After a third order it said; " m
nr ]i\ pocrites will never enter me." Wahb ibn Mu
Dabbahsays: "There is a tradition that the Garden
1 Eden has eight gates, the porters of which must
let anybodj come in before those who despise
earthly things and prefer those of heaven " Ac
cording ti i tradition the tree of life was a stalk
of wheat— which in the days of Adam grew to the
size of a tree- a vine, a fig tree, or a " tree that who-
ever cats of it grows young again " (Baidawi, Com
mental -\ mi Koran, sura ii. 88) W i il, in " Biblische
Legenden der Propheten," gives some interesting
traditions in regard to Eden and Satan,
Bibliography: Hughes, Dictionary o) Telam, s.v, Eden;
D'Herbelot, Biblinthfnui n U nta • imed
II al-Bihar, pp. 164, 225; \ Gelgi
and Mam, pp. 82, 83, Had] i
i ... ii. M. Ski..
EDER, EDAR; 1, A placi near EphratL
[ehem Jacob, while journeying from Bcthle
hem in Hebron, encamped "beyond the tower ot
Eder" (" Migdal 'edi r," Gen. \\w 21) The nam.'
"Migdal-'edcr," signifying "tower of the flock," was
probably derived fn in n tower used asa lookou
robbers (comp. Micah h . s
2. A city in Judah " toward the borderof Edom in
the south " (Josh. xv. 21, R V l, identified by Conder
with Kliiriiai al 'A ilar. five miles south ol G
3. A Levite of the Merari clan, a contemporary
: David (I ( Ihron. xxiii. 28, xxiv. 80).
4. A Benjamite chief (A. V. "Ader," I Chron.
viii. 15
i g ii. E. I. N.
EDERSHEIM, ALFRED: Christian thei
Lrian and missionary to the Jews; born at Vienn
Jewish parents, March 7, 1825; died at Menton
March 16, 1889 He embraced Christianity in 1846,
ami was for some time a missionary to the Jews in
Jassy, Rumania. After having been successively a
Presbyterian and a member of the Free Church, he
joined the Episcopalians, settling al Oxford in 1882.
His last ecclesiastical appointment was thai <>f vicar
ot Loders, Dorsetshire, which h I in 1S83.
Edersheim's works include: "A History of the
Jewish Nation After the Destruction of Jerusalem,"
1856; "The Temple; [ts Ministry and Servici
1874; " Lifeof Jesus, the Messiah," 2 vols., 1888 (his
mosl important work); "Prophecy and History in
Relation to the Messiah," being his Warburtonian
Lectures; and a commentary on Ecclesiasticus, in
\\ ace's commentary on the Apocrypha.
BiBLiooRAPni : Tnhv m H^im. (Kdereheim'a autobiography),
London, 1890; Diet, yattonai Biography, s.v.; Ih, |
(London), Man b 20, 1889.
EDESSA 1 1 rliai. 'Oopoipn)): The present I
a citj in the vilayet of Aleppo, Asiatic Turkey. No
mention "I the name is found in Jewish writings,
oxcept, perhaps, in Vmna 10a (JOIN or mz'ix
Neubauer, "G. T." p. 346; but explained bj Jas
trow, s.v., as Warka in southern Mesopotamia). The
nil Ter. has Din (" Edessa ") for TIN '" Gen.
s 10, Jews certainly lived here in early times.
One of the pre-Christian rulers, Bakru I., smi of
Phradasht (115-112), is said to have been saved by
a Jewess named Kutbi, whom the Mesopotamians
afterward adored as i goddi - (( ureton, "Spicilc
gium Syriacum," 25, 11). At the beginning of the
first centurj c.e. a Parthian family ruled here,
Hrsl member was Abgar VII. , son of 1/
son of Helena ol Adiabene, When Addai, the apos
tie, came t'> Edessa, In1 is sail 1 to have stayed at the
of a Jew named Tobias, and to have converted
many nt his host's coreligionists. The influence of
the Jews is seen as well in the fact that the Peshifta
translation -with its Jewish tendencies «:■< madi
in Edessa, as in the Jewish material i" !»' found
i.i the writings of such Sj riac Church fathers as St
Ephraim. The old Edessan chronicle mentions at
least two synagogues (Rnn KTOe> n*2< one ol
which was turned by Bishop Rabbula (412) into the
!, ipel of M.n Stephen (though Heller reads N'liy.
a ( Ihristian seel i . the notice is repeated in psi
Dionj siu- ol fi ii iiin' and bj Bai 1 Ii bncus The
latter relates also (" Eccl Chron ' i 859) that the
M,i ii in Mohammed ibn Tahir built a mosqui in s-'">
where formerly there had been a synagogue. The
city was \ isited by Pedro de Texeira I ev< utei uth
md Bi njamin II (c I860 both reporl
the legends which i :ct the place with Uira
because of its proximity to Harran The S
Midrash identifies yiN with Edessa, as in
Yet. (Budge, "The Bee," p 87; Be/.old, "DieSclmtz-
liable," p. 154). Tin house where Abraham was
born and the furnace into which he was thrown by
\i mi ■ml an- still to be seen, and the great mosque still
bears the name "Khali! al-Rahman" {i.e., "Abra-
ham"). The bouse of Job is also to be seen, and, ac-
cording to Julius Africanus, the tent of Jacob was
preserved here. According to Benjamin II.. the
fcitj had, in li is i lay. 150 Jewish inhabitants; accord-
ing to Cuinet, the whole sanjak, of which Drfa is
tin- capital, lias at present about :!f>T .lews in a total
population of 143,483; the city itself 322 in a total
of 55,
Bibliography : Rubens Duval, Histnire . . . d'Edesse. pp. 16
rtaeq.; i.. Hauler, UnUrsucUungen Uberdie Bdess. Chronik,
pp.8, 106; Bonet Maun, in Rev. Hist, dea Relig. xvl. 381;
i Asu . s.v.i.
j. Q.
EDINBURGH: Capital of Scotland. When the
Jews bi gan to settle in Scotland early in the nine-
teenth century, tbey appear to have hern attracted
in the first instance to Edinburgh. The first regular
sj nagoguc was established in 1*10 with twenty fam-
ilies. This synagogue was situated in a lane off
Nicholson street. After a year the congregation
moved to a small hall in Richmond Court ; and here
it remained until it acquired a synagogue in Park
Place, the old Iioss Ihmse having been adapted
for the purpose (1868). The congregation worshiped
here until quite recent years. The present syna-
gogue in Graham street waserected in 1S97. Until
1880 there was only one synagogue in Edinburgh.
II\ that time a number of foreign families, princi-
pally engaged in the water-proof clothing industry,
had settled iii the Dairy quarter of the city, and they
formed a congregation and erected a small place of
worship in Caledonian Crescent.
The original cemetery of the Edinburgh Jews was
situated near the Causeway side. This ceased to be
used about a quarter of a century ago, when a por-
tion of the Echo Bank Cemetery was acquired and
railed off for Jewish purposes
The first minister was the Lev. Moses Joel of
London, who continued in office forty-six years.
until his death in 1862. He was succeeded in the
order named l>v El kan, Rosebaum, Abraham Har-
field (1864-66), B. Rittenberg (1867-73), Albu, and S.
Davidson. J. Fttrst, a native of Courland, educated
at the rabbinical college of W'ilna. has been the min-
ister since ls7!i
Edinburgh has three Jewish charities: a benevo-
lent loan society, a board of guardians, and a lying-
in society. A Hebrew school is attached to the
Graham Street Synagogue; and there is a Jewish
literary society as well as a Jevi ish amateur orches-
tral society. The .bus number (1903) about 2,000
in a total population ol 31 '■ 000
Bibliography: Edinburgh /•>, rtinfl Express, March 29, 1883:
./, wish ) - oi Bool ■ I
J. 1. II.
EDINGER, MARKTJS: German deputy ; born
al Worms Jan. II. |sos: died at Mannheim Feb. 9,
1879 He was the first Jew summoned by the gov-
ernment to act as juror, serving at \|a\ encc in ls47.
It was in- who brought about at Mayence, in spite
of the passionate opposition of the orthodox, the
holding of regular synag services in German
lb- took an active part in polities. In Isjs ],,. u.ls
of ile- leaders of tin- Democratic party, and his
services wen- acknowledged in the following year
when lie was elected mayor, while in 1850 he was
sent as deputy to the Upper House of Hesse — a dis-
tinction rarely enjoyed by a Jew in thosedays. The
success of the reactionary party in 1853 obliged him
io retire from his office for a time,
s. S. Ro.
EDOM, IDUMEA (DHK, 'Uov/iim): Edom is
the name which was given to Esau, the first-born
son of Isaac, on the day lie sold his birthright to
Jacob for a mess of pottage, the reddish color of which
ui\es it its name — "Adorn" (Gen. x.w. 3u). The
country which was subsequently inhabited by Esau
and his descendants w as called " the field of Edom"
(Gen. xxxii. 3. R. V.) or " the land of Edom"(Gen.
xxxvi. 16; Num. xxxiii. 37). "Edom" in the Bible
is also used as an equivalent for " Edomites," though
the expression "the children of Edom" occurs but
once (Ps. exxxvii. 7). The country had before that
been called "Mount Seir" (Gen. xxxii. 4 [Hebr.],
xxxvi. 8), from "' Seir" the progenitor of tlieHorites,
who lived there previously (Gen. xiv. 6; xxxvi. 20,
21). According to Josephus ("Ant."i. 18,§1), the
name " Seir" is due to the fact that Esau was hairy
(Gen. xxv. 25), but according to Gen.
Biblical xiv. 6, the mountain was called " Seir "
Data. long before Esau's birth. The bound-
aries of Edom are very concisely de-
fined: Tiie country stretched along the route
followed by the Israelites from the Sinaitic peninsula
to Kadesh-barnea, that is, along the east side of the
valley of Arabah. Southward it reached as far as
Elatli, which was the seaport of Edom (Dent. i. 2; ii.
1, 8). On the north of Edom was the territory of
Moab (Judges xi. 17, 18; II Kings iii. 8, 9). The
boundary between Moab and Edom was the brook
Zered (Dent. ii. 13, 14. 18). The ancient capital of
Edom was Bozrah (Gen. xxxvi. 33; Isa. xxxiv. (1,
lxiii. 1, el al ). In the time of Amaziah (S3S B.C. ).
Selah (lifT/ia) was its principal stronghold (II Kings
xiv. 7); Elatli and Ezion-gaber its seaports (I Kings
ix. 26).
Contrary to the promise of Isaac that Esau's
dwelling would be of the fatness of the earth and of
the dew of heaven (Gen. xxvii. 39), Edom was a
rocky and calcareous country. Esau is described as
a man who subsisted by hunting (Gen. xxv. '21 1 1
piissiiu ), as his descendants, the Edomites, did, living
amid rocky fastnesses and mountain heights (Jer.
xlix. Ill; Obad. :!. 4). The name "Mount Seir" or
" Mount of Esau " shows that Edom was a mountain-
ous country, and therefore it was called by later
writers "Gebalene" (the mountainous).
According to the Bible, immediately after Isaac's
death Esau settled in Mount Seir (Gen. xxxvi. 6, 8),
where he had lived before (Gen. xxxii. 3). The
Edomites soon became powerful enough toextirpatc
the Horites, the former inhabitants of
Rulers of the country (Deut. ii. 12), whose ways
Edom. of life they adopted. As among the
Horites, each tribe was ruled by a
prince or chief (tpf>N), whose position resembled
probably that of an Arab sheik (Gen. xxwi. 15-19,
29-30). Later the Edomites organized themselves
THE .ii;\\ l>II J.M ', ( LOPEDLA
into a kingdom, and bad had eight kings when lin-
king in Israel began bis n icxxvi 81
Howi mi. :i list "i chii [s gh en after il
tin- kings (ib. xxxvi to 18) liowsthal subordinate
chiefs ruled under the sovereignty of the king. In
the time of Moses both chiefs and kin ioned
(Ex. xv. 15; Num. xx. 14). When the Kin
■.i refused to allow the i liildn d oi [srai I to pass
igh his land on thi ir way to the land of Canaan
l i,i. 1 il.-, were expressly ordered not i i wage war
upon the Edomites, but to go round their cou
(Num. x\. 14-21; Dent. ii. 4-6). Neither did the
King of Edom attempt hostility 9 against the Israel-
ites, though he prepared to n sist aj irression.
Nut hi ni; further is heard of the Edomites until their
def< at by Saul four bundred years- later 1 1 Sam. xi\ .
t; : forty years later David overthrew the Edomites
in the "valley of salt," and his general Joab slew all
their males (il Sam. viii. 18, II; I Kings XI L5, 16).
Eadad, one of the royal family, fled to Egypt, and
a ft. r 1 hi id's ileal h returned and endeavored to ex
cite bis countrymen to rebellion; failing in which he
to Syria (ib. xi. 14-22; Josephus, " Ant." viii.
7. § To. From that time Edom remained subji ctto
Israel. David placed over the Kiloniilcs Israelite
ernors or prefects (D.3.M : II Sam. viii. 14), and
this form of government seems to bave continued
iin.ler Solomon. When Israel divided into two
kingdoms Edom became a dependency of Judah. In
the time of Jehoshapbal (914 B.C.) a king of Edom
is mentioned ill Bangs iii. 9. 10, 13, 36 who was
I rohalily a .1 in lean appointed by I In- King of Judah.
Ii is stated further (II Chron. xx. 10-23) that the
inhabitant si if Mount Si ir invaded Judea in conjunc-
tion with Amnion ami Moab, ami that the invaders
turned against one another ami were all destroyed.
Edom revolted against Jehoram, elected a king of
its own. ami afterward retained its independence
ill Kings viii. 20-22; II Chron. xxi. 8). Ama/.iah
attacked the Edomites, and Blew 10,000 in battle;
10,000 more being dashed to pieces from the cliffs.
Their stronghold, Sclab, was taken, Inn the Israelites
were never able to subdue Edom completely ill
Kings xiv. 7; [I Chron. xxv. II, 12).
In the time of Nebuchadnezzar the Edomites took
aii active part in the plunder of Jerusalem ami in
the slaughter of the Jews (Ps. exxxvii 7: Obad.
11,13,14). It is on account of these cruelties thai
Ed wass.i violently denounced bj the Prophets
(Isa. xxxiv. 5-8; Jcr. xlix. 7 '.''.'; Obad. /"i
Edom is mentioned in the cuneiform inscriptions in
the form "Udumi" (u); three of its kings are known
from the same sourci : Kaus-malaka al the tit f
Tiglath-pileser (c. 745), Malik-rammu at the time
■ ■t Sennacherib (c. 705), and Kaus-gabri al the time
of Esarhaddon (e. 680) According to the Egj ptian
Inscriptions, the "aduma" at times extended their
possessions down as far as the borders of Egypt
Muller. "Asien un.l Europa," p. 13 i.ftei the
conquest of Judah by the Babylonian; the Edom
ites were allowed to settle in southern Palestine,
\t (he same lime they Here driven In the Naha
Leans from lilunna. In southern Palestine lhe\
prospered for more than lour centuries. Judas
Maccabeus conquered their territory for a time 1 1 i
h;;:. "Ant " \ii B, .':'- 1, 6} Tin j were again Bub
bj Ji bn IP i. anus (, 125 b.i by \\ bom they
were forced to observe Jewish ritesand laws i ib. xiii.
9 !. xiv. 4, § 4). The} were then incorporated
with the Jewish nation, and their coun-
Post- try was called by the Greeks and Ro
Biblical mans "Hum. a" Mark in s, |'i.,l
Times. omy, "Geography," \. 16). Willi
Aniipaier began the Idumcan d) nasty
that i uled over Judea till iis [uesl bj the I!"
mans. immediately before the siege of Jerusalem
20,000 l'luineans. under the lea. l.l ship of ,I,i I in. Sim
eon, Phinehas, and Jacob, appeared before Jcrusali m
io fight in behalf of the Zealots n lio n i re besieged
in the Temple (Josephus, " I!. J." iv, I
From this time the fduiro ans ceased to be a sepa
rale people, though the name " Iiluniea" still existed
the ti f Jen
A. cording to tin Law 1 1 »eul \ xiii. v. 9), the eon
iiion could ma receive descendants of a mai
riage between an Israelite ami an Edomite until the
fourth generation. This law wasasubject of i
troversy between K. Simeon ami other Talmudists,
Mho maintained that female descendants were also
excluded until tin- fourth generation, contrary to H.
Simeon, who regarded the limitation as applicable
in ...iii io male descendants 1 5Teb. 76b).
The name " Edom " is used by the Talmudists for
the Roman i mpire, ami the) applied to Koine everj
passage of the Bible referring to Edom or to Esau
In Leviticus Rabbah (xiii.) Rome, under the name of
"Edom," is compared to a boar, and thesymbolic
name " Seir " was used i.\ the poets of the Middle
\ ", s not only for Home (c p I ..
Use . lus. I. 26, II. in i, but also for Chris
of Name, tianity (Zunz, "Literaturgesch." p.
620) I 'a this ;e count the word
•• Edom " was often expunge, 1 bj the censor and an-
other name substituted (I'opper, "( 'eiisorship oi Hi
brew Books," p. 58). In place of " Ed ," the word
"Hazir" (swine) was occasionally used, perhaps as
a mere term of reproach (I'm see Epstein, " Bei
zur .link Allerthuniskunili ." p. 35). In Mi.lrash
Tanhuma Bereshit, Hadrian is called "the King ol
Edom " The Talmudists, however, made an excep-
tion in favor of Antoninus Pius, whom I hey assured
would attain paradise, because he had not acted in
the manner of Esau ('Ab Zarah 10b). 'Abodab
Zarah 10a, however, explaining Obadiah, vet
says that Edom bad neither written nor spoken lan-
This is inconsistent with Its application to
Koine. S.e Tim \n
liiiu.i.M.itAriiY : Buhl, DU EdomUi r,1893; NOldeke, InCueyne
,. Btbl II. lis] ; Trumbull, Kadeali Barnea;
Uii.'iiiL'.n. Bettrttgt ui Semit Relialnnagescft p 10: Horn
in. i. Ancient ffefcr. Trad., Index ; Rapoport, Bitch ti
p. 14,
a. M si i
EDREHI, MOSES: Moroccan cabalist and
teacher ol modern and Oriental languages ol the
, .1 Ii, i pat I ol I he nineteenth eelltlin ; l„,rn ill Mo
isided in Amsterdam and in I Ingland He
was the author of : " Sad Moshch," sermons for the
festivals, Amsterdam, I ^i 1: > "Ma'aseh Nissini,"an
account of the River Sambatyon, London, 1834 (of
this a Hebrew and a German edition appeared al Am-
sterdam 1818); " An Historical Account of the Ten
Tribes, Settled Beyond the River Sambatyon in the
Bast," London, 1836. Edrebi was a Una believer
in the existence some-
where in western
Asia of I li c Ten
Edrehi appears to
have been in Edin-
burgh in 1829, for in
June of that year
there appeared in
■■ Blackwood's Mag-
azine " one of Chris-
top her North's
"Noetes Ambrosi-
an.c, "devoted in large
measure to Edrehi's peculiarities. His long beard
and Oriental costume, and the mixture of tongues
be employed to convey his meaning, are all ad-
verted to with kindly humor.
Bmll. col. 1799 ; ZeUner,
Moses Edrehi.
Bibliography i Stelnschnelder, i m
Cat. Heir. Books lint. Mus. s.v.
G. L.
EDREI: Ancient city in the Jordan valley, at
present Der'at, southeast of Mnzerili. Tlie city is ap-
parently mentioned as " ( itara " in Egyptian inscrip-
tions. In the Old Testament Ashtaroth and Edrei
are referred to as the capital cities of King Og (Josh.
xii. 4, xiii. 12). According to Num. xxi. 3:! and
Deut. i. 4, Og was defeated in a battle at this place.
Edrei is mentioned as a boundary of the Israelitish
conquests (Dent. iii. 10) and as situated in the terri-
tory of Manasseh lying beyond the Jordan (Josh
xiii 31). Then the city disappears from historical
notice, and it is met again only in post-Biblical
times After Pompey'sconquesl of the land, thecity
belonged to the Roman province of Syria, later to"
the province of Arabia. Eusebius calls it "Adraa "
li was the scat of a Christian bishop. Part of the
.bus whom Mohammed drove from Medina came
to " Adra'at."as the Aral is called thecity. In the his-
tory of the Crusades, "Adratum " is spoken of . The
present comparatively populous city contains few
ruins, as the old city was completely destroyed. A
great Roman aqueduct ran from the city to Mukes.
Extensive subterranean dwellings, forming an entire
city, arc one of the remarkable features of Der'at.
Bibliography: w. Max Mailer, Asten und Ennma, p. 159;
WeLzsteln, RefucfoericM, p. IT: Schuiimclit-r, .-Inns thr Jor-
dan, pp. 1 lis; /. /<. /■. r. xl.40; Scborer, Gesch. it. 38.
E. G. B. F. Br
EDRIS. See Enoch in Arabic Literature
EDUCATION. -Biblical and Pre-Talmud-
ical Data : The moral and religious training of the
people from childh 1 up was regarded by the Jews
from the very beginning Of their history as one of
the principal objects of life. Of Abraham the Lord
says: " I have singled him out [A. and li. V. "known
him "1 to the end that be may command his children
and his household after him that they keep the way of
the Lord to do justice and judgment" (Gen. xviii
lit, llehr.i. All the festivals and ceremonies have
for their object the inculcati E reli dousand moral
lessons in the children ( Ex. xii. 26 1 1 St 7 ; xiii. 8, II ;
Deut. iv. 9 el teg. ; v\. 20 etseg ; xxxii. 7, 46) Espe-
cially an- the fundamentals of the faith coupled with
the admonition to teach the children and bring its
truths by words and signs constantly and impress-
ively to their consciousness (Deut. vi. 7, i\. 19).
The whole Law was at an early stage utilized for
public instruction, The Deuteronomic law, what-
ever its contents were, was to be written "very
clearly "on large stones on the highways, that all
the people might read (Dent, xxvii. 1-8); and while
each king or leader was to keep a copy of the Law
and read therein all the days of his life (I)eul. xvii.
18; com] 1. Josh.i.8), all the people, "the men, women,
and the little ones," were to assemble every seventh
year at the close of the Sukkot festival to hear and
to learn the Law. Out of this Biblical ordinance
was evolved the custom of completing one consecu-
tive reading of the Pentateuch at the Sabbath serv-
ices within every three years (probably seven orig-
inally, later three and one-half, finally one year:
Schtirer, "Gesch." 3d cd., ii. 455; see Pentateuch
and Liturgy). This custom, however, of reading
the Law every Sabbath in public is so old that Jose-
phus("Contra Ap" ii. 17; "Ant." xvi. 2, § 4), Philo
("De Septennario," 6), and Eusebius ("Pnvparatio
Evangelica," viii. 7, 12) assign its origin to Moses
(conip. Acts xv. 21).
At any rate "Torah," denoting originally "Law "
(Ex. .xxiv. 12; Lev. vi. 2, vii. 1, xxvi. 40), assumed
in the course of time the meaning of "religious
teaching" (Deut. i. 5, iv. 44; Mai. ii. 7; Ps. xix 8;
cxix. 71, 174; Prov. iii. 1, iv. 2, vi. 23, vii. 2),
and religion to the Jew became the synonym of
common instruction. For a long time the priests
and Levites, as the keepers of the Law, were the
main instructors of the people (Deut. xxxi. 9,
xxxiii 10, Jcr ii. 8, xviii. 8; Mai. ii. 6; II Chron.
xvii. 7; Book of Jubilees, xxxi. 15). According to
ancient rabbinical tradition, the tribe of Issachar
produced many teachers of the Law (Gen. R. lxxii.,
xcix. ; Sifre, Debarim. 354. based on I Chron. xi.
33); also the descendants of Jethro the Kenite are
singled out as teachers (Mek , Yitro, 2; Ab. R. N.
xxxv., after I Chron ii. 55).
The recital of the chapters Shema' and Wchayah
Im Shamoa' (Deut. vi. 4-9, xi. 13-21) in the daily
liturgy instituted by the founders of the Synagogue
impressed each father with the obligation of teach-
ing his children. Josephus (" Contra Ap." i. 12, ii.
is--.'.",; "Ant." iv. 8, § 12), and Philo ("Legatioad
Caium," 10,31) point with pride to the fact that
Jewish children were from earliest childhood in-
structed and trained in the Law and the traditions
of their fathers. The Books of Wisdom contain
many pedagogic rules. Father and mother are re-
garded as the child's natural instructors (Prov. i. 8,
iv. 1, vi. 20, xiii. 1. xxxi. 7; Ecclus. [Sirach] x\x.
1-13); " fear of the Lord," as the chief part or begin-
ning of knowledge (Prov. i.7; comp ix. 10) The
application of "the rod of correction " is often rec-
ommended (Prov. xiii. '^4; .xix. 18; xxii. 15; xxiii.
13; x\i\. 15, IT), though to the intelligent re-
proof is better than a hundred stripes (xvii. 10). The
chief admonition is to train the child at the right
a < (xxii. 6), and the child's life itself is to be a con-
tinual training (Prov. i. 2, 7, 8). The daughters
probably remained under the supervision of the
mother until their marriage (Cant. viii. 5).
From Ibe bands of the parents, whose place in
royal houses was taken by tutors (D'JDIN: II Kings
\. 1. 5; comp 11 Sum. xii. 25), the child passed into
tin- I) professional teachers (D'llb or Q^vsX
Prov. \ 13; Ps. cxix. 99), called also "the wise"
(Prov. \iii. 21). Tlie public teachers were also
termed D'J'SD (Neh. \iii :. Ezra viii 16; 1 Chron.
xxv. 8) and D^'SCO (Dan. \i. :;::. ::."•; scii. :: The
pupils (D'TC>. Isa. vi'i. Hi. liv. 13; or D'TV^n I
Chron. xxv. 8) were addressed as "children" (Ps.
xxxiv. 12; Prov. i. 8; Ecclus. [Sirach] ii. 1; iii. 1.
17. an. I frequently . see also I 'id v. ebb).
It is int i i < —i i i ■ l: to i..ii'' thai the commandment
"teach them diligently to thy children" (Dent. \i
8) was referred to the instruction of pupils okx TJ3?
TTD?n)at atimewhen tin- propagation of the Law
was made the chief aim of life (Sifre, Debarim, 34;
comp. Abot i. 1-2; Peah i. 1), and the synagogues
were called "plans for instruction" (Philo, "De
Vita Moy sis," iii. 27) It is quite characteristic of
Judaism that the prophetic ideal of the future is of the
time when "tin- earth shall be full of the knowledge
nf tin- Lord b i tin- waters cover tin- si 'a " i [sa. xi. 9),
when all will know the Lord, "from the leasl ol
them nut" tin- greatest of them" (Jer. xxxi. 84).
Tin- time of King llezekiah was believed to In- of
this kind, -when men. women, ami children alike
studied ami knew tin- Torah (Sanh. 94b)
Bow old the Institution of the cmon n"2- or
"Ihouse. is, first mentioned in Ecclus. (Sirach)
li. 23, it is difficult to saj (si e Bl T ii \ Mini; \sn).
Bibliography i Hastings. Dtet. Bible, b.v.; < beyne and I
Kncyc. B(bl. B.\ : Hamburger, R. B. T. s.v. Erztehuny and
/ n( l,i ; 5 liOn '. Bi ■ h, II. 3, 419 128.
i i. ii. K.
In Talmudical Times: The period of 1 k
learning or of the scribes ("soferim") has received
Its n.i i ne i n.m the practise of transcribing and com-
menting on the Book of the Law. In the latter
years of the kingdom of .1 in lab. ami more especially
under the discipline of the Exile, the religious
teachings and the moral principles ol the Law and
the Prophets had assumed definite shape as the be
lief and religion of the people. After the end of the
Exile it became necessary to preserve these teach
tags and the documents containing them. The
education of the people passed from the hand of the
prophet into those of the scril • " sofer " (Mai. iv.
4). This period is introduced by Ezra the 8cribe,
who is extolled as the "restorer ol the Torah"
(8uk, 20a); and jusl as a band of disciples gathered
around Samuel, ao men gathered around Ezra who,
following Samuel's example, read the Law to the]
pie distinctly and explained its meaning (Neh. viii. 5
i, Ezra belonged in the priestly casti . to w horn
the task of education fell from this time forward,
-i'ii the priest's lips should keep knowledge, and
tin v should seek the law at his mouth . for he is the
messengcrof the Lordofhosts" (Mai ii. T) [i
the i""U of Bcribcs came from among the I i
(Neh l.e ; II Chron. xxxv. 3, where the educational
aeti\ it) of the Levites is by an anai lironi m I
ferreil to an earlier period I The nun 1 1
are designated as D'J'aO or D,?'3B>B •'■' .expound
era of the Torah. Here for the first time in Jewish
history is an organized body of teachers flieProph
eta ii-nl been replaced by the priests; these in turn
were succeeded by the scribes, "the wisi
l!. B. 12a, toajD =yiy Darn. The latter are des ribi d
in Dan. sii 3 as the teachers, D^atPDJl j" thej that
he wise shall shine as the brightness of the firma-
ment ; and they that turn many to righteousness, as
the stars for ever and ever." The Talmud refi rs the
d clause to the teachers. The stud] ol Scrip
i ' -v I., be the central point of the life of the
people, and divided them into two classes, the erudite
scribe ('■ bakam " or"haber ")and the unlettered i
i" 'am ha are?"; compare Josi phus, " Ant," i .
The 'i first restricted their educational
activities to adults, delivering free lectures in syna
tea and schools (see Bet ha-Midkash), while
the eil mat inn of eh ii. ben remained, us in olden times.
in the bands of their fathers. But as boys often
lacked this advantage, the state employed teach
era in Jerusalem (I!. I!. 21a), to whose
The care the children from the provinces
Reform of were entrusted; and as these did not
Simon suffice, Bchools were also established
benShetah.. in the country towns. This arrai
ment must probably be referred to an
ordinance of I!. Simon b. Shetah (Ter. Kit viii..
end), who was one of the presidents of the Sanhedrin
during the last century of the Jewish siaie These
district schools were intended only for youth
sixteen and seventeen years of age who could pro
villi- for themselves away from home. The high
priest Joshua b. Gamla instituted public schools
for boys si\ and seven years of age in all the cities
of Palestine, and on this account he was praised as
the man who prevented teaching in Israel from
being altogether neglected. It was said that no man
who p ret en, led to the title "Talmid hakam" ought
to live in a place where there were no teachers foi
children (Sanh. 17b). one teacher was employed
foreverj twenty five boys If the number reached
forty, he was given an assistant ("resb dukna".
I: i; , Many rabbinical sayings indicate the
extraordinary value placed by the Kabbis on eduea
tion, mi the school, and on the teacher. R. Eleazar
b Sbamua
" Let toe honor ol thj pupil in- as mucb to thee as tblne own.
and 'in- bonoi "f no c panlou I " baber"] as mucb astbi
p reverence I rtlij t«ii nei as mucb
as iin- reverence for God" (Ab. Iv. 12). " rbe -nun -
- Ighs all "ii'i o lite s '' raanda " (Peob i. 1 ■.
"Touch not my anointed [Ps. cv. 15]i this refers to the school
children: and do nol offend my prophets : this refers
era.*1 " By the breatb from the moutb "f Bchool children
■ lined " (Bhab. 119b). " Teaching musl w
Interrupted even for the reestabllshmenl .-t the Banctuai
lerusalem " (Ui.). "Instrucl thy son with tbe assistance of a
i l text" (Pes. 112a). " The advantage ol revli
.1 : U> I'eVleW III) tlllie- I- heller Mini i | le'.l I - "
" As I have taugbl you without pay, says God, so
musl you i led.38s
The duty to give free instruction refers, however,
onlj to teaching in the academies, nol to clem, n
uction Women were excluded from this in
B true tion. While, en the one hand.
Education thej were required to be taught the
of Women. Torah, on the other hand it was said
by R. Eleazar that lie « ho instructs
bis daughter in the Law is like one « ho teaches her
indecorous things (Somali in I) 5Tcl there were
always educated, even learned, women Theseprin-
ciples obtained throughoul the Middle Ages. Since
religion entered into the whole sphere of life, as in
determining the calendar, in agriculture, etc., astron-
omyand mathematics formed an integral part of in-
struction. Indeed, it is said that knowledge of these
sciences reflected h r upon Israel in the eyesof
the nations (Shab. 7.">a, with reference to Deut. iv
6) Furthermore, it was the duty of a father to
let his son learn a trade not only that he might be
able to support himself, but also because a one-sided
intellect ual occupation with the Torah was not con
sidered to be conducive to success, but rather a
drawback from a moral point of view (Ab ii. 2;
Kid. 29a). Accord-
ing to one opinion,
a father was in duly
bound to have his
son taught even
swimming (Kid.
With the dissolu-
tion of the Jewish
state, the Jewish
system of educa-
tion, while preserv-
ing intact its main
characteristics, be
gan to be differen-
tiated according to
the varying sur-
roundings and out-
ward circumstances
of the Diaspora. In
Egypt and in other
countries along I be
Mediterranean, Ju-
daism succumbed to
Hellenism; but in
Palestine the former
conquered the latter
so completely that
after the destruc-
tion of the Temple
the scribes formal-
ly banished Greek
learning from the
Jewish schools
(Yer. I'eali i. ; B
K 82b, 83a; Sotah 41a. Men 64b
uncompromising attitude toward
German Jewish School of the Sixteenth CeDtury.
(After a contemporary woodcut.)
99b). But this
alien sciences "
has never been adhered to either in principle or in
practise. The Middle Ages furnish abundant proofs
that the .hns took a large part in the culture ami
learning of the nations among which they dwelt.
Even alter the dissolution of the Jewish state,
Palestine remained for some time the seat of the
patriarchy, anil in consequence the center of Juda
ism. The most momentous achievement of that
period was the final compilation of the
Post- Mishnab; and this became the founds
Talmudic Hon forall the lectures and discussions
Education, in the schools. Toward the end of
the tilth century this compilation was
editetl underthe name " i lemara " or " Talmud," and
became the principal subject for study in the schools
ot the Diaspora. Babylon contributed largely to the
work through its flourishing academies in Nchardea.
Sura, and Pumbedita. The schoolhouse ("sidra,"
from which the presiding officer was called "resh
sidra") was visited by hundreds of pupils, who lis-
tened all day long to the led urer or to his interpreter
("met urgeman"). Gatherings, also ("kalian"), which
attracted men from far and near, were held in the
spring and the fall of the year At. these gath-
erings lectures were delivered, important decisions,
or rules of conduct, werelaid down, and rabbis were
appointed with certain formalities and ceremonies,
which served later as patterns for European universi-
ties (compare Jacob Alting, "Hebrteorum Republics
Amsterdam, 1652).
Discourses, also,
called "rigle." were
delivered on feast-
days. Every com-
munity had. in ad-
dition to the higher
schools ("metid-
tas"), preparatory or
elementary schools
frva; njsSix rva
-I2D; N^13DX = ".t"-
, i under direction
of elementary teach-
ers cp-m' npa;
iMi2~-<"<^: '■■.'").
where the children
were taught the He-
hrew alphabet and
the Bible.
The influence of
Arabian civiliza-
tion in developing
the scope of Jewish
education is quite
noticeable. From
the middle of the
seventh century the
rector of the acad-
emy at Sura bore
the title "Gaon."
The Geonim, in-
stead of condemn-
ing secular knowl-
edge considered it a means for advancing and
completing Jewish religious thought (Gratz, "Ge-
schichte," v. 208). It is fair to assume that at. that
time, and in the homes of the great scholars of those
days, in both the Orient and the Occident, special
attention was paid to the system of education. A
proof of this is to be found in such works as the
"Testament" of Judah ibiiTibbonof Granada (1120-
1190). as well as in the twenty seventh chapter of the
"Cure of Souls." by Joseph b. Judah ilm Aknin of
Barcelona (end of twelfth century) Both writings
give in detail a number of rules for pedagogy and
for the course of instruction to be followed in the
schools Joseph ilm Aknin lays down the following
desiderata for the successful teacher. He must ha vs
complete command of the subject he wishes to
teach: be must carry out in his own life the prill-
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-ns> )i )'P' f«pp yn i» hp ipf> pif p/3 oSw : jj jis Pi cfa j»p-r5 p^p :i
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cncopo zv rji psn<p mop '3PP lau' f»i p^p pp is ri j'^ii j>vi of> t>irf»
rj 'f> pip ooj ?f> iip o * ila i'-i nr>p "icon vx nnb tcp rbsvs ci:p ■ coip
^PifP TipppTPO'jep wpopj 'eoiooiTowp^ppjiPD-iosripp'r'p
,JP^p ibcpp j))Pa P3ip p» ^)p ">3ppj opp "W32P "]*np ci;h - c^pspj ppj?.rpJ
ppj f3 ipf» < )p-»pp3 pia?P) JiJS'PP 0P3 B'WP \ri0P *>PPP ->*CPP J)W>3 O*
Pagb from Elijah Uizrahi's "Mbpar,' rui Pu irew VRiTiiymc, Primtkd hi
(|„ n, i Library, N.« Vurk.j
ciples he wishes to inculcate in his pupils; he must
. sacl no pay for liis Ue must look »i|n m
his pupils as if they were his own sons,
Qualifica- and treat them accordingly; lie must
tions of train liis pupils t'> lead an ethical life;
a Teacher, he must not be impatient, but come to
his pupils with a happy countenance ;
and he must teach his pupils according to the range of
their intellectual abilities. The following order of
studies to he pursued is recommended: reading, wri-
ting. Torah. Mishnah. Hebrew grammar, poetry,
Talmud, philosophy of religion, logic, arithmetic,
geometry, optics, astronomy, music, mechanics,
medicine, and, lastly, metaphysics. Joseph also lays
down rules which the pupils arc to follow. They
are to keep their bodies and souls pure; not to be
ashamed to ask instruction in that in which they are
ignorant; not to think of future gain or that their
study has an ulterior object; to commence their
studies by learning the elements and principles upon
which science is built , to let no moment of the day
or of the night pass in idleness; to make tlie acquisi-
tion of wisdom an end in itself ; to leave their place
of residence for some other place famous for its
learning; and, lastly, to show their teachers even
greater honor than their parents.
From the thirteenth century onward the "seven
sciences" (J"llC3n njJQB>), enumerated different]}' by
various writers, comprised the prescribed curricu-
lum among Jews as well as among Christians. Other
authors who insist upon having education and
teaching placed on a scientific basis arc: Judah b.
Samuel b. Ahbas iu his "Ya'ir Netib" (c. 1250);
Shem-Tob b. Joseph Falaquera (died after 1290),
especially in his didactic novel "Ha -Mebakkesh ";
Joseph Ezobi (c. 1250) in bis didactic poem "Ka'arat
Kesef " ; and Profiat Duran of Catalonia (c. 1330) in
the introduction to his grammatical work "Ma'ase
Efod." Systematic Jewish education in Italy re-
ceived like care and encouragement, due in pari to
the influence of scholars from Spain and Provence
Deserving of mention in this connection are: Jacob
b. Abba Mari Anatolio of Provence; Zerahiah b.
Isaac of Barcelona, who lectured at Rome; Kalony-
mus b. Kaloiiytuus of Provence; and the native
Italian Jews Judah It. Moses of Rome and the poet
Immanuel. All these men, belonging to the thir-
teenth century, stimulated interest in the "alien
Sciences" and in the scientific treatment of Jewish
literature. Numerous hints on pedagogy are scat-
tered throughout their works. The "Book on
Ethics.'' \,} Jehiel b. Jekutiel of Rome (1278), in
which are found together with the i al teachings
of the Rabbis maxims from Aristotle, Porphyry,
TheophraStUS, and the emperor Frederick II., gives
the best view of the intellectual status of the Italian
Jews of the period.
Side by side with this scientific trend went the
endeavor to guard Jewish education against the in-
fluences of the current culture in so
In far as it was a menace to religion.
Northern This was the special work of the Jews
Europe. of northern France and of Germany,
where their Christian neighbors also
were backward in learning. This one-sidedness
and concentration shaped the system of education
and teaching for the Jewsof northern France and of
Germany. The so-called "Mahzor Yitrv" of Sini-
hah b. Samuel, a pupil of Rashi, describes i? 508)
how a child received its first instruction— a descrip
t i' hi that is supplemented by the contemporaneous
"Sefer Asufot":
(in ttie Feast i if Weeks, the day when the Law was proclaimed.
tlie cbild was handed over to the scl I With especial ceremony.
Having been bathed and (tressed, the boy was taken to the syna-
gogue at daybreak, and flared before the Torah, [rum which
was read the passage fur the day (the Decalogue, Ex. xix. in rt
■■<!.•. Then he was led to liis teachers. While en tlie way lie
was wrapped in a shawl or a cloak to guard him from the evil
eye. The teacher took the child in Ins anus, and tbensethim
down. After this he took a slab upon which were written the
first four and the last four letters of the Hebrew alphabet and
the sentences: " Moses commanded a law, even the inheritance
of the congregation of Jacob" (Dent, xxxiii. t); "Let in-
struction be my vocation "; and the first verse of Lei Iticus. This
slab was placed at the head of the infant In his cradle when he
v. as Darned : even in ancient times it was used for the first in-
struction witli the idea that the slab which treated of the pure
ohe sacriflcesl should first occupy the attention of the pure (the
children). The teacher then pronounced slowly all the letters
of the alphabet, tlie pupil repeating them. The last four letters
were pronounced in their proper order as one word (nenp). and
also backward as one word (pitST1). The slab was smeared
with honey, which the child might lick off and taste as it were
the sweetness of instruction. There was also a honey-cake
made of three kinds of fine flour, upon which were marked the
Biblical verses Ezek. hi. 3; lsa. i. 4. 5: I's. oxix. 9. 11, 12, 13. 34,
97, 130, 140.
There was also an egg inscribed with Biblical
verses — a supposed preventive of forget fulness.
While reading the pupils were required to sway
their bodies and to recite to a certain tune, which
varied with the different parts of the Bible. The
text was translated into the vernacular. The chil
dren soou advanced to the Mishnah and Talmud,
so that at thirteen years of age a boy had attained a
certain independence and was in a position to enter
the yeshibah or academy. Here he listened to lee
tures on the Talmud remarkable for their depth and
acuteness, and then took up the wan-
The dering life of the "bahur," which re-
Wandering sembles much that of the Christian
Scholar, bacchant or traveling scholar (see Ba-
hur). The constant influx of new ele-
ments stimulated the teaching at the academies, and
this again influenced the life of the Jewish congre-
gation. A picture of this life is to be found in the
" Book of the Pious," by Judah of Ratisbon. Com
pared with the surrounding Christians, the Jews are
seen to have been in no wise inferior to them, but, on
the contrary, somewhat superior because their intol
leets were sharpened by Taltnudic studies. A Chris
tian lay preacher, Sebastian Lotzer, refers to the ad-
vantage enjoyed by the Jews in being instructed iu
the Law from their youth. The medieval period ends
in France with the expulsion of the Jews from that
country in 1395; in Germany with the persecution
of the Jews there in 1348; and in Spain and Sicily
w ith the expulsion of the Jews therefrom in 1492.
The ideas on education which the Spanish Jews
carried with them were developed more freely in
their new surroundings. In Italy especially, under
the influence of the revival of learning, this was
most, apparent, as may be seen in the curriculum
published by David Provenzale, in Mantua in 1564.
for the educational institution which he had intended
to found. This curriculum includes the Bible and
the Talmud with the best commentaries, Hebrew
grammar, Jewish philosophy, composition and cal-
ligraphy, Latin and Italian philosophy, medicine,
mathematics, cosmography, and astrology. Thi
shows the intellectual status of the [taliai
how they became thi of nearly all the He
braists of the age of humanism. The Spanish and
e Jew scarried their educational ideas also
into Holland. The school at Amsterdam, which
za attended, was admired by Shabbcthai Shei
tel Hurwitz (" Wawe ha-' Amuddim 9
of it -i s_\ stcmatic arrangement, and w as held up as a
rn to th.' congregations of Germany, Austria,
and Poland. According to Shabbethai Ilass, it com
prised si\ classes, the curriculum being: (1) Hebrew
reading, until the praj i 1 3 were mast ! i The
iteuch w ith tin- tonic accents. (8) Reading and
translation from the Bible, w ith Rashi s commentary
upon the weekly section. (4) The
In Am- Prophets and the Hagiographa with
sterdam. the tonic accents. (5) Lectures on
Hebrew grammar and discussions oi
halakic passages from the Talmud, tin- class b
luctedin Bebrew. (ti) The school proper, called
"'Ez Hayyim," and presided over by the grand
rabbi. The subjects taught in the school proper
wi re the Talmud with Rasbi and Tosafot, responsa
and discussions on the code of Maimonides. The
hours of instruction were from 8 to 11 I M. and
from 2 to 5 P.M., or until the afternoon service.
The educational systems of the .lews in German] ,
Austria, and Poland were defective in so far as the
grading of classes was so arranged thai pupils were
instructed in the most difficult passage - oi tie'- Tal-
mud even before they had mastered the Bible, and
were thus trained to excel in seephisiie- dialectic
Many rabbis declaimed against these C Hi ions,
which were not improved until the beginning of the
nineteenth century, and then only gradually.
Even before Moses Mendelssohn, individual .1. .-.
had attained to the general culture of their time-;
for instance, the physician Tobiah
Eighteenth. Nerol, who was born in Metz, 1652,
Century, ami who, by permission of the Elector
of Brandenburg, bail sun lied in Frank
fort-on-the-Oder; tin' ichthyologist Blocb of Berlin;
and others. Yet to Mendelssohn is due 1 he gi
improvement of tin' Jewish educational system.
lie bad many followers, who. as contributors to
the Hebrew periodical "Ha-Meassef," were called
" Measseflm," and were instrumental in raising their
coreligionists te> higher intellectual planes. In Aua
tria especially , Hart w \l' Weasel] 's I [ebrew circular
letter, " Words of Peace ami of Truth" (1782) in
which h'' advocated general culture, justifying it
from the standpoint of the Jewish religion, stirred
up the .lews to cany mil He- suggestions oi
pcror Joseph II. for improving their school system.
Th.' actual systematic reorganization of th'- Jew
lab. Bystem of education and teaching dates from the
founding of the following schools:
(1) Tin' Jewish Free School oi Berlin, founded in
l?Ts under the leadership of David Friedlander and
banc Daniel Itzig. Th.' following Bubjects were
taught: German, French, Hebrew, business technol-
ogy, arithmetic, bookkeeping, writing, and ilia
lie.' Wilhclm School of Brcslau, founded in
1791, but discontinued Boon afterward.
The' Jildische Haupt- und Freischule (Hei
liche Franzschule) of Dessau, founded in 1799 bj an
association of Jewish young men.
Jacobsonsi bule(daj ami boarding-si b
1 Beesen in the Harz Founded in 1801 by Israel
son (born in Halberstadt 1768,
Modern died in Berlin Sept. 13, 1828). The
Schools in school is. in accordance with the- in-
Germany. tent ions oi its humane founder, a non
Be ctai iarj educational instil ution for
bo_\s. li is still flourishing, ami was attended
between the years 1888 ami 1867 by 1,414 pupils,
of whom 719 wen- Christians.
I Ri .1 und Vol ksschule der Israeli tischen
(Jem. inde in Frankfort on the Main (Philanthropin),
founded in 1804 by Sigmund Geisenheimer. It
was at lir irian, but when the city came
under Prussian rule the school was restricted to
Jewish youth.
6 flu Samson 'sche Freischule of Wolfenbllttel,
including a boarding-school, founded in lsu; i,y
Isaac Herz Samson. L.Zunzand M. Josl were pre-
pared there f.ir the- university.
', i Tin- Huh School at Tarnopol in Galii i i
founded in 1813 by Joseph Perl; its normal courses
served as models for other normal schools of Austria.
Since the beginning of the nineteenth century the
following governments have interested themselves
in Jewish schools: Prussia, which introduced i
pulsory education (comp. I. Gei er, "Zeit. fQr die
Geschichteder J mien in Deutschland,"iii. 29«<«
Wilrttemberg (" Mitteilungen der Gesellschafl I li
Di utsche Erziehungs- und Schulgeschichte,"ix. 51 et
»i q. i; 1 lanover, Bavaria, Baden, 1 [esse, etc. Since the
emancipation of the Jews their children have entered
the slate- or municipal schools, receiving religious in-
struction in the same' way as the pupils of other de-
nominations. In Austria the Jewish teachers of re-
employed in the public sch. mis have- the same
official Btanding as their Christian col
General leagues, which is not the case in I'rus-
Com- sia. Besides this, Jewish children
pulsory receive instruction also in special re
Education, ligious schools (Talmud Torah Schu
li'ii). The founding of Jewish ele-
mentary schools called for normal scl Is for Jewish
nis. in 1809 a teachers' seminary was founded
ii i a.- 1 1 . others are in Berlin.Hanover, Htlnster, etc
Wiih this awakening to the need of general cul
ture came the demand for scientifically trained rabbis.
The following institutions provide BUCh training:
the Jewish Theological Seminary at Breslau, founded
by Frftnkel ; the [nstitute for the Science of Judaism
at Berlin : the < Irthodox Rabbinical Seminary at Ber
lin; the- Stale Rabbinical Scl 1 at Budapest; the
Jewish Theological Institute' of Vienna. Tin last
two institutions are supported, the first
Education entirely, and the si cond partly, bj lie
of Rabbis, government. Similar institutions ex
ist in Talis. I ilon, Florence, Cincin
nati. and New York (see Si.min \i;n s. R \i;r.i\ie \i
\ of old, larger communities support schoolhouses
(Bmo 'JG), where popular lectures on the Bible,
the I a i mud, and the Midi ash are delivered.
In the eastern countries of Europe, in Russia, Ru-
mania, and Turkey. Jewish education is in almost
the same condition as it was prior to Mendelssohn;
Unit is, those countries are given over to one-sided
Talmudic study, and hold aloof from general cul-
ture (see Alliance Israelite Dnivekselle). The
Russian government lias founded rabbinical schools
—for instance, at Jitomir— which furnish the offl
ciallj recognized rabbis. More important, however,
are the yeshibot. The rabbis who direct these are
remarkable for their minute knowledge of the Tal-
mud as well as for their antagonism to culture. In
Rumania the Jews arc not onl) curtailed in their
civic rights, but their educational opportunities also
are limited by the government. For education in
other countries see Pedagogics.
Bibliography : GOdemann, Das Judische Unterrichtswesen
11 ,,/,,, tid d( • SpanUch-Arabvschi n Period?, Vienna, 1873;
Idem, Bench, -i vols., Vienna, 1880-88 ; idem, QueUenschrifteii
Qcxch.de* UnterrUMs itnd dear Erziehung bei Deuisch-
enjuden, Berlin, 1891 ; Samuel Marcus, Die POdagogih des
Israelltischen foBres, 2 vols.. Vienna, 1877; B. Btrassburger,
Gesch.der Erziehung and des Unterrichtx bei den Israe-
l:i.ii. mil einem Anhang, BQMographU der Jttdischen
Pltdagoole, Stuttgart, 1885; Ludwig Uorwitz, Gcsch. der
Herzoglichen Franzschule in Dessau I799-1S49, in Mii-
theUungen des Pereins fttr AnhaUi&che Gcsch. und Al-
terthumxkunde, vi.; Ehrenbertr, Die Samsmi'gchi Frei-
nchuh n,i WolfenbUttel.m Orient, Lit. 1844, pp. 66 et seq.;
Ariiiii-iin. Die Jaenbsanschuli ;» Seesen. am Harz, Bruns-
wick, 1867; Baerwald, Zur Gesch. der lictd- inn I FoVaschule
der Isnnlitisilif a Gemeindt in l-'ntnl.tiiri-a.-M., in
Einladungsschrift, 1869-75; Das JUdische Schuhiiehrer
Seminarlum in Berlin, Berlin, 1840; Joseph Perl's liing-
raphy. In Buscb's Jahrbuch, IS46-47.
M. G.
Trade-Schools : As soon as emancipation came
there was a tendency among Jewish philanthropists
to train their poorer coreligionists in handicrafts,
though there were many difficulties in the way ow-
ing to the existence of the gilds. Thus, Jacobson
u ished to train Jews as artisans as early as ISO.",, and
was encouraged by the government of Westphalia
to do so, though he was informed thai they would
not be allowed to enter the gilds (Ki'ilf, "Jacob-
son," p. 11). Notwithstanding this, many societies
for the training of Jewish boys in handicrafts
were formed , the earliest, so far as is known, being
that established in 1798 at Copenhagen ("Orient,"
1843, p. 58). This was followed at
Technical Cassel in 1802; and during the next
Training- fifty years general associations were
Among formed in Prussia (1812), Bavaria
Jews. (1830), Baden (1833), Saxony (1837).
Hanover (1841), Hungary and Bohe-
mia (1846); in many eases these general movements
had been preceded by local associations, the success
of which led to their spread.
In 1888 Baron de Ilirsch gave large sums of
monej 2,000,000 gulden) for the training of Jewish
artisansin Galicia and Bukowina. In the preceding
year \. Handler of Leipsic had given 100,000 marks
for a school for Jewish boys to be trained as artisans
("Allg. Zeit. des Jud."1888, p. 505). In 1844-45
many private benefactors devoted their money to
a similar purpose. In the former year II. Todesco
founded a prize of 500 florins for every Jewish jour
neyman who completed his apprenticeship at Vienna
("Orient," 1844, p. 188), and 1). Massaroni of Home
gave '.'.000 florins to the Trabotti foundation to train
each year I wo Jewish lads as watchmakers ("Allg.
/., i! des Jud." 1845, p. 6
The following is a list of some towns and countries
in which exist certain of the most effective associa-
tions that have helped to train Jews in handicrafts
throughout Europe in the nineteenth century.
Countries in which general institutions exist are
indicated by italics.
Orient, 1843, p. 58.
A. Z.J. 1891, No. 1-'.
p. 2.
A. Z. J. 1882, p. 71 ; 1800, pp. 22. vl.
A. Z. J. 1S4U. p. 214 ;
ISKJO, p. 115.
A. Z. J. 1845, p. 22.
A. Z. J. 1888, p. 165.
A. Z.J. 1N37. p. 4.
BadV ii
A. Z. .1. is:j7. p. 382.
A. /.. J. 1838, p. 497.
A. Z. J. 1839, p. 393.
A. Z. J. 1837, p. 1<">.
A. Z. J. 1889, p. 550.
Orient, 1843, p. :£.">.
A. Z. J. 1841, p. 84.
A. Z. J. 1841, p. 325.
A. Z. J. 1883, p. 107 ;
Jahrb. i. 69.
A. /.. J. Is4:>. p. 297.
A.Z.J. 1843, p. 324
A. Z. J. |s4.-.. p. 47s.
VVertheimer, jabrb.
lit. 52.
H u n a a r w
Low i
A. Z. J. 18*5. p. 748.
A. Z. J. 1846. p. 030.
Bayi ■(
Univers. Isr. April 19, 1901.
A.Z.J. 184-'. p. 114.
Hebr. Bibl. xix. 4,'>5
Galicia and Bu-
kowtna (Baron
de Hirsch)
A. Z. J. 1888, p. 790.
A. Z. J. = Allgemeine Zeitung des Judentuuins.
In more recent times the Alliance Israelite Uni-
versale and the Anglo-Jewish Association have estab-
lished technical schools as part of their regular work
in the East, while it is the aim of most apprentice-
ship committees, attached to boards of guardians
and other Jewish philanthropic institutions, to train
in manual labor the lads entrusted to their care.
See Alliance Israelite Uniyerselle; Anglo-
Jewish Association.
a. D.-J.
ical founded by Giuseppe Levi, and published by
him, in conjunction with Esdra Pontremoli, at
Yercelli ( 1853-74). It advocated moderate Jewish
reform, to be brought about by the cooperation of
all communities. Luzzatto, Delia Torre, Cantoni,
Mortara, and Benamozegh were among its contribu-
tors. After Levi's death in 1874 the periodical
was continued in Casale by Flaminio Servi under
the title II Vessili.o Israelitico.
Educatorc, iii. 322.
I E.
'EDUYOT (" Evidences " of the sages on ancient
halakot; called also Behirta ["Choice" of hala-
kot]): The seventh treatise in the order Xe/.ikin of
the Mishnah. When, after the destruction of the
Temple, it became necessary, through the removal
of R, Gamaliel II. from the office of patriarch, to
decide religious questions by the will of the majority.
there was produced, as the groundwork of the trea-
tise 'Eduyot, a collection of unassailable traditions.
• T i
i e i
3 S i
<: a b
5 *£
* - 1
* g •
— a
From time to time more material was added to this
groundwork, until the treatise was concluded on the
redaction of the whole Mishnah. There is no con-
nection between the many subjects touched upon in
the 'Eduyot; and an exhaustive discussion of each
is not its purpose. Even the names of the sages re-
sponsible for the halakot provide but a loose thread
of union.
Following is a synopsis of the longer portions of
the treatise:
Chapter i.: In 1-3 a matter of dispute between Hillel and
Shammai is again brought up for consideration ; namely, the
chief rules to be observed in regard to uiddah, hallab, and
mlkweh. In 711 the schools bring forward various decisions
relating either to Levitical purity or to priestly tithes ("toho-
rot." "zera'im"). In 12-14 a group of halakot is given in
which the Hillelites incline to the opinion of the Shammaites.
Chapters ii. and iii.: Insertions in which Hanina, " the deputy
of the high priest," reports concerning certain customs in the
Temple and other precedents at Jerusalem (ii. 1-3). Each mish-
nah consists of three halakot, which were pro-
Contents, pounded by Ishmael or in his school, or by
Akiba or in his house of learning (4-8); they
are followed by two haggadic sentences of Akiba (9-10), In
eh. iii. space is given to Dosa ben Harkinas, who was promi-
nent in the disputes with (iainaliel; and matters relating to
tohorot and zera'im are treated together with a marriage law.
in 7-12 the thread dropped in ch. ii. is taken up again : it con-
tains four questions disputed by Joshua; three byZadok; four
by Gamaliel (besides two groups of his teachings, each
group consisting of three parts, which reconcile the conflicting
opinions of the two schools) ; and three by Gamaliel's colleague,
Eleazar ben Azariah.
Chapter iv.: Continues i. 12-14 by giving the exceptional cases.
Here the Shammaites appear as putting a milder construction
upon the Law than the Hillelites (1-12).
Chapter v.: Gives other halakot in which the Hillelites and
Shammaites take a stand similar to that taken in the earlier
chapters. These halakot are severally mentioned by Judah,
Jose, Ishmael, and Eliezer (1-6).
Chapter vi.: The opinions of new colleagues of Jose, Joshua,
and Eliezer are given in continuation of ch. iii., partly treating
of the same subject (1-3) .
Chapter vii.: Joshua and Judah again appear (1-7), and Ga-
maliel's halakot are given on the consecration of the new moon
and of the leap-year, a subject of dispute at the time. In 8-9 the
opinions of older colleagues are given.
Chapter viii.: The opinions of members of the house of Beteira
(1, 3) and of important contemporaries and older teachers (2, 4)
are presented ; also a balakah of Akiba on a marriage law,
already treated, and a statement of Joshua on the future mission
of the prophet (5) . To this the opinions of other teachers are
The tractate closes with an ethical teaching : " The wise men
say, Elijah will not appear in order to draw7 some nigh and to
keep others away, but in order to bring peace into the world :
' Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming
of the great unci dreadful day of the Lord : And he shall turn
the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the
children to their fathers ' (Mai. iii. 23-24 [A. V. iv. 5-6])."
The space in this treatise allotted to each of the
teachers is in proportion to his importance; and
the frequent occurrence of Akiba's name is justified
by the great conciliatory part which he took in the
disputes of the time.
A synopsis of some of the insertions follows:
In 1. 4 i'i this question is put : " Why are not the names given
of the authors of those halakot which are not a 'pted?" The
answer is: "To show that after a clearer in-
Insertions. sight they withdraw their opinions and do not
abide by them stubbornly; or they are used as
sources to serve as precedents in certain cases." in v. 6 Akiba
hen Mahalalel is cited as having llriulv adhered to his opinion :
but at his death he bade his son yield to the majority. In ii.
<.i 10 and viii. 8-7 are sayings to encourage the people for the
loss of the Temple.
The Tosefta to 'Eduyol generally follows the or-
der observed in the Mishnah. After the introductory
halakot (Tosef. i. 1-3 = Mishnah i. 1-3) and the
peace exhortations (Tosef. i. 4-6 = Mishnah i. 4-6),
those cases mentioned in Mishnah i. 12 are taken up
in which the Hillelites yield to the Shammaites (To-
sef. i. 6), the disputes between the schools being
omitted. Sentences follow (Tosef. i. 8-14 = Mish-
nah ii. 5-10) advising a wise and moderate limitation
of individual opinions where certainty is lacking
in cases of dispute. After a short selection from the
third chapter of the Mishnah (Tosef.
The i. 16-18 = Mishnah iii. 3, 6, 7), con-
Tosefta. sideration is given to the occasional
milder constructions of the Shamma-
ites and the severer ones of the Hillelites (Tosef. ii.
2-9 = Mishnah iv. 6, 7, 11 ; v. 1, 3-5). In Tosef. ii.
9, the exceptional opinion of Akabia (Mishnah v.
6, 7) is considered. Tosef. ii. 10 (= Mishnah vi. 3)
and iii. 1 ( = vii. 2) touch briefly upon the chief oppo-
nents of Gamaliel. Tosef. iii. 2, 3 (= Mishnah viii.
5) gives laws of purification which have reference
to the position of Jerusalem after the destruction.
The conclusion (Tosef. iii. 4). agrees with Mishnah
viii. 7. Tosef. i. 7, ii. 1-2, and ii. 6 do not wholly fit
into this treatise. The last paragraph is a fragment
from the Mishnah of Eliezer ben Jacob.
In general, the Tosefta took as a basis a treatise
which dealt only with the chief questions regarding
the day called "bo ba-yom " (that day); but the
Mishnah of Eduyot is of a wider range.
Bibliography: J. H. Diinner, Einifles liter Ursprungund
Bedeutitng des Traktats'Edu)i<it, in Monatsschrift, 1871,
pp. 33-42, .">y-77; Iiabbinowicz, Leginlation Criminate, pp.
205-212, Paris. 1871: Scbwarz, Controverse der Scham-
maiten und Hilhlitcn, Vienna, 1893; BruM's Jahrh. iv.
63-64; Rapoport, in Kerem llnnrd, v. 181; Krochmal,
Monh \tl>uhtha-Zcman, pp.' 163-164 tt passim: Kluger,
Ueber fjenesis und Composition der Halachasammlung
•Eduyot, Bieslau, 1895; L. A. Rosenthal, Ueber den Zusam-
merihang der Misrhna, pp. 37-63, strasburg, 1891; idem,
Ueher die Hagada in derMechUta, in Kohut AfemoriOI
Volume, New York, 1897; Albert Bcheinln, Die Hoekschule
zu Jamnia, Krotoschin, lsits ; Rosenthal, Die Misrlina:
Aufbdu und Quellenscheidung, Strasburg, 1903.
s. s. L. A. R.
'EFA or HEFA: Rabbinic scholar of the fourth
century. He was a native of Babylonia, who. al-
though but few halakot and fewer haggadot are
associated with his name, acquired considerable
fame as belonging, to "the ingenious scholars of
Pumbedita " (Sanh. 17b ; Men. 17a). His full name,
which was"'Efa b. Rahba," appears once in the
Babylonian Talmud (Sanh. i.e.); but in Yerushalmi
he is always cited as "Hefa," without patronymic
or title.
BiBLioGRArnv : Frankel, Mebo, p. 85a; Heilprin, Seder ?io-
Dorot, ii., s.v.
S. S. S. M.
EFES, AFES, or PAS : Scholar of the third
century; secretary to the patriarch Judah I. (Gen.
R. lxxv. 5), and one of the last tannaim. Af-
ter Judah 's death, while Efes conducted a col-
lege in southern Judea, on account of which he was
called " Efes (in Yerushalmi, " Pas ") Daromi "
(Yer. Ta'an. iv. 68a; Eccl. R. vii. 7), he was made
principal of the academy at Sepphoris, although the
dying patriarch had ordered the appointment of
Hanina b. Hama to that position. The latter re-
fused to supersede Efes, who was his senior by
two years and a half (Shab. 59b; Ket. 103b; com-
THE JKWisii i:m v« LOPED] \
pare Yer. I.e. ; Eccl. R. I.e.). Hosha'yah Rabba was
one of his disciples, and reported in his name several
haggadic remarks, among them one bearing on Isa.
U :: (Hebr.): "Nations shall walk by thy light,"
from which he argues that Jerusalem will in the
future become a torch by the light of which people
will walk i Pesik. -\\i. 144b). Hosha'yah reports also
a civil law in Efes' name ( Ver. Yoma v. 43a); and
Simeon b. Lakish applied to him for information on
a ritualistic point ('Er. 65b; Yer. 'Er. iv. 23c).
s did not survive Judah I. many years, lie
was succeeded by II vmn \ i:. II wt \.
Biiu.ioGRAPiir: Frankel, Mebo, p. 122a; Halevy, Dorot ha-
liiflinniin, 11. 133a el tea.; Bacner, Ag. Pal. Amor. i. 91;
Hellprln, Seder lut-lximl, ii„ s.i\\ Weiss, LXjr, lii. 44.
8. S. S. M.
EFODI. See Duran, Pkofiat.
of Valencia in the second half of the fourteenth cen-
tury. He was a contemporary of Nissim b. Reuben,
ralilii of Barcelona, and of Simeon b. ?emah ( EtaSH-
\W/,\. whom he consulted on rabbinical questions.
He occupied the rabbinate of Valencia formore than
forty years. Efratl was held in high esteem by his
contemporaries, notwithstanding the fact that at the
very outset of his career he had had occasion to at-
tack certain powerful members of Ins community
w hose act ions had given public offense. He enjoyed
the reputation of being a great Talmudist and mys-
is credited with a knowledge of secular
sciences also. He seems to have been opposed to
casuistry. In his decisions there is good reason
to suppose that he largely followed Maimonides,
Toward the end of his life there came to Vali
Basdai b. Solomon, a distinguished casuist, who en-
deavored to defame Efrati and attacked him openly.
Efrati's literary remains consist only of a few re
sponsa, which are to be found in the collection of
Isaac b. Sheshet.
BIBLIOGRAPHY: Weiss, Dur, v. 157-161; Aziilul, Slum hn-Ur-
ttnlim, i. 77b.
s. s. M. Sel.
EGER (Czech, Cheb) : Bohemian town, on the
righl bank of the River Eger. The population of
r in 1890 was 17,148, including 508 Jews. The
oldest document mentioning the Jews is dated Match
12, 1314, and refuses them permission to inhabit a
oi w street, near the monastery. They are again
mentioned in a document of Oct. 28, 1822, in which
the emperor Louis the Bavarian pledgi 9 Eger to
John, King of Bohemia. Louis annulled all thi -
of Abbot Gricbel of Waldsassen to the Jews. At
that time the .Jews inhabited a special part, of the
i ity called " Cnter den Juden."
About 1882, under Charles IV., many rii b .bus
settled in Eger, where they succeeded so well that
ia a short time the Jews formed one I'm nth the pop-
ulation of the town. They had then a high school,
' nagogue, a synagogue courtyard ("Judenhofl "),
a house for the cantor, and a cemetery. Their
wealth aroused the jealousy of the other inhabitants.
The charges against the .lews tit the time of the
Black Death (1848) reached Eger on March 25,
1849; and in 1850 they were suddenly attacked bj
tin- mob, Incited by a monk 's preai bit ■ near])
all were massacred, their goods appropriated, and
their books taken to the town hall, whence t hey were
sent to the imperial Library of Prague, The strei I
when- this occurred still beats t in' name " Mordgass
chen." <bt May 15 the citizens were absolved from
all guilt in the matter by Charles IV himself. It
seems that the few survivors Bed to Kdnigsberg, a
neighboring town, where they gave Jewish burial to
man] of the dead whom they had carried with them.
Some. lews returned to Eger shortly after this, for
four "Judenmeister" (rabbis) are mentioned in 1352,
and a tombstone of a Jewess, " Kele " (1358), is still
to be seen. They repurchased fromAlbrecht Noth-
heft, the "Landvogt," their synagogue, school, and
cemetery. This pun base was continued by Charles
Nov. 6, 1364. On Jan. 25, 1879, King Wenzel form-
ally declared that the .lews of Eger were his serfs
(" Kammerknechte "), and that they could be sum-
moned only before the royal judge of the town;
thej were thus protected against the injustice of
the popular authorities. Two years later, May 5,
1381, he freei 1 the . lew a of Eger (together with other
inhabitants) from taxes forflve years in return for
financial assistance. In 13!I0 he remitted all debts
(hie the- Jews. He included them in t lie safe-con-
duct given (1891) to the inhabitants of the city, so
that they had protection within the empire and in
Bohemia. Many documents of the fifteenth and
sixteenth centuries evidence the jealousy aroused
through their success by the "Jewish bread -thieves."
In 1410 they had their own "Tanzhaus" in the
" Judengasse."
In the fifteenth century, during the Hussite troub-
les, a deputation from Eger complained t<> King
Sigismund (1430) that the Jews, on the strength of
their old privileges, were not performing military
-- i '. ice. The city council thereupon received permis-
sion (Oct. 3) to expel all the Jews, The synagogue be-
came a chapel. But the council soon repented, and
in 1 184 received permission from Sigismund to allow
as many Jews to cnter the city as business interests
demanded. A safe conduit was given on Oct. 1.
Each Jew ish family was to pay fifty florins " Schutz-
geld." In 1487 there were two families, In 1457 only
three, the last with the express permission of King
Podiebrad. In 1468 King George .agreed to there-
quest of the Senate to put the I i .1, .. , under the
dominion of t be city itself.
At, the present time the community of Eger has
i hoe village dependencies, a synagogue, a cemetery.
a bebra k&ddisha, a society of synagogal chorists,
and a woman's benevolent society. See BOHEMIA
Worthelmer, Dfi Judi n t»i Oa U rreleh, p.
! prana, Nos. 021, 714;
Fried] ler, WaterialicnzurQcsch.der Juden in BOhmt n,
178; Helnrtcb Gradl, Bfonumenfci ETarano. Nos
pp.ll 14, 17, BrOnn, 1888 ; Jacob Simon, Urkundliches Va
Icrtai " ' Qi ch. dei Egerer JiUUnqa&e, In tfonatsachfifU
1117.287 el 146 Salfeld, Mariyrologium, pp
M. Ski..— G.
EGER or EGEBS: A family established for a
long time at Halberetadt, Germany. It appears to
have been originally known by the name of "Gins"
or "Ginsmann," by which appellation the tirst two
definitely authenticated members, Mayer and Ds
vid, arc known. |{. Akiba Eger of Posen, likewise
called liimseli u Ginsmann " while in Priedland. To
the same family probably belongs Jaci bl ■■ i some
time teacher at the Training-School for Teachers in
Biographical sketches of the foregoing and "f
some of tlic other important members of the family
follow the subjoined pedigree:
The shtadlan It. Haver (Jinsmann
(Halberstadt, Germany; d. 1874)
Elijah Eger (J. 1705)
Lob Eger
(d. 1750)
David Ginsmann (d. 1601;
celebrated as a " harif ")
Elitah Eger
id. 1781)
Sinihah Bunim Eger
'(d. 1761)
I 1
Mayer Eger David Eger Akiba Eger
(author of " Mishnat de-
Ilabbi Akiba " ; d. 1758)
Lob b. Eger
(rabbi in Halberstadt ;
d. 1814)
Wolf Eger (rabbi
Samuel Levin Egers
(author of " 'Atteret
Paz "; " Landrab-
biner" in Bruns-
wick; d. 1842)
Akiba Eger (rabbi
in Halberstadt;
d. 1834)
Joseph Eger (assistant
rabbi ; d. 1854)
Jacob Egers
(d. 1891)
Gitel = Moses Guens
Akiba Eger (rabbi
in Posen ; d. 1837)
Bibliography : Auerbaeh. Grsch. der Israel it isehen Gemeinde
Halberstadt, pp. 32, 33, 142, 1866.
J. H. Gut.
Akiba Eger (Eiger) the Younger (Akiba
ben Moses Guens): German rabbi and champion
of Orthodoxy ; born at Eisenstadt, Hungary, Nov.
8, 1761 ; died at Posen Oct. 12, 1837. Akiba's mother,
Gitel, whose family was probably from the Bohemian
city of Eger, was the only daughter of Akiba Eger
(d. 1758), formerly rabbi of Presburg, whose name
was taken by his grandson, Akiba ben Moses Guens.
At an early age Akiba show"ed great proficiency
in Talmud, so that his uncle, Wolf Eger, later rabbi
of Leipnik, took him under his care at Breslau.
Akiba distinguished himself so highly that the
wealthy Itzig Margalioth of Lissa gave him his
daughter Glueckche and provided for his needs.
He refused to accept a rabbinical position, bis ideal-
istic nature being repelled by the idea of deriving
material benefit from the study of the Law. The
great conflagration which destroyed Lissa in 1791
impoverished his father-in-law and forced Eger to
accept the rabbinate of Markisch Friedland in West
Prussia. His noble and self-sacrificing character
and his great Talmudic learning made him univer-
sally beloved, and won for him an international rep-
utation among orthodox Jews. He repeatedly ex-
pressed a desire to resign his charge and to accept a
position as teacher, or a small stipend from wealthy
patrons of a bet ha -mid rash, in order to escape from
the religious responsibilities of the rabbinical office,
but remained in deference to the entreaties of his
congregation and family. When his daughter Sorel
married Moses Schrelber in L813, he allowed his son-
in-law to present his name as a candidate to the con
gregation of Triesch (Muuz, "Rabbi Bleasar, Ge-
naunt Bchemen Rokeach," p. 143. Treves, L895).
For unknown reasons the change was not made, but
,i \ car later he was called to the important rabbinate
of Posen. Prom that time his real public activity
began, and lasted till his death twenty-rive years
Eger's Talmudic learning moved altogether in
the paths of the dialecticism eorn-
Spiritual mon among the rabbis of the eight-
and eeuth century. An example is given
Religious by O. H. Schorr in "He-Halu?," ii.
Activity. 29. His mode of thinking on such
subjects may be judged from the
billowing quotation:
" I saw an admirable explanation of a Talmudic saying in the
"Emek ha-Melek.' ' The Talmud says (Hul. 69a): "Because
Abraham said. Neither a thread nor a shoe-latchet (Gen. xiv.
23). his descendants were privileged to wear the thread of the
zizit aud the strap of the tenllin.' As the strap of the teOIliu,
wound about the left arm, corresponds to the shoe-latchet, it is
proper that we should tie the latchet of the left shoe first "
(Notes on Shulhan "Aruk, Orah Hayyim, p. 1, Berlin, 1862).
In casuistry he was of the ultra-rigorous type. In
a circular, published both in Hebrew and in German,
he appealed in the most solemn terms to his col-
Akiba Eger the Younger.
leagues not to allow the use at Passover of alcohol
made from potatoes. He prohibited the writing
of a bill of divorce upon parchment originally
manufactured for use as a scroll. It should, how-
ever, be added that in his decisions he was guided
by humanitarian views, and allowed many things,
otherwise forbidden, out of consideration for the
poor and the widow.
Eger was naturally a strict opponent of Reform,
and declared the slightest change in the order of serv-
ice inadmissible: "If one disturbed only the one-
thousandth part of the words of our Rabbis in the
mi: .ii.uimi ENi \t i.ui'i:i>iA
Talmud the whole Torah would collapse" (sec
"Eleh Dibreha-Berit," p. 07. Altona 1819). He
was also opposed to secular learning, and one or two
hours a day for that purpose was the utmost con
ccssimi 1m- would make to the government when
compulsory secular education of Jewish children
was introduced into Prussia. He accordingly re
buked Solomon I'm ssner, though somewhat mildly,
fur having advocated secular schools for the Jews in
place of the heder (Elias Plessner, "Biblisches und
Rabbinisches aus Salomon Plessner's Nachlass,"
Hebr. part, p. 13, Frankfort-on-the-Main, 1891
Though when measured by modern standards Akiba
Eger appears extreme in his views, compared with
his contemporaries, and especially with his son in-law
Moses Scil'er. he presents really one of the mildest
types of Orthodoxy. In spite of an extremely deli
eaie constitution he of ten spent whole nights al the
bedside of the sick, and his conduct during the
cholera epidemic of 1831 was recognized by Preder
iek William III in a special royal order addressed
tu the chief of the province.
Of his works the following have been edited:
•• Hilluka de-Rabbanan," not< a on Nissim Gerondi -
novella to Baba Mezi'a, Dyhernfurth, 1822; Re
sponsa, Warsaw, 1834, reprinted with additions, ib.
1876; "Derushwe-Hiddush," novella
HisWorks. on various Talmudic treatises and
homilies, ib 1839; Glosses on the Tal-
mud, printed in the editions of Prague, L830 B4
and Warsaw, 1860-68; Tosafot, glosseson theMish-
nali. in the editions of Altona, 1841-45, and Warsaw,
1862 67; "Hiddusbe Rabbi Akiba Eger," notes on
various Talmudic treatises. Berlin, 1858; Notes on
the Shulhan 'Aruk, roreh De'ah, in theedition of
Konigsbrrg, lx-V.t; Notes on Shulhan 'Aruk. Orah
Hayyim, edited by Abraham Bleicherode, Berlin,
1862; Notes on Shulhan Aruk, lloshen Mishpaj
and Eben ha-'Ezer, edited by Nahum Streusand,
Thorn, 1869; a further collection of Responsa, edited
by Isaac Caro, Vienna. 1889.
Bibliography : Eaempf. Btographt d< Hbchoertthmten
Hachseligen Herrn Akiba Eger, Oberrdhbiner su Posen,
etc', Llssa, 1838 : K. I. FOrstenthal. Ebel Fahid, Tram
dicMaufdeii Tod des R. Jacnb Moses Eger, Breslau, 1838 ;
Tdlednt />'. Akiba Eger, bj bis sons Lbrabam and Solomon,
m the Berlin edition of ins note* on Orah (Jayylm, 1882, re-
printed, Warsaw, 1875. From the latter Solomon Sofer's
(Schrelber) Hm) ha-MeshuUasli (Pacs, 1887) Is largely taken.
Boer's ethical will has i a published, together with that
of Jacob Llssa, under the Htle Zaunoa'ol Ha-Qeonim, War-
J. D.
Akiba Eger the Elder of Presburg : German
rabbi; born at Halberstadl about 1720; died at
Presburg Sept. 17. 1758. When he was twenty
years old he had adispute on Talmudic matters with
Melr, chief rabbi of Eisenstadt. In I749he was
elected rabbi of ZQlz (Silesia), and in 1756 "as ap
pointed assistant to Rabbi Mosi a Harif of Pn
burg. Eger was the author of "Mishnat dc Rabbi
Akiba." novella- on several treatises of the Talmud,
Fi'irth. 1781; and of Beveral Responsa, published
In the "Bene Ahubah" of Jonathan Bybeschutz,
Prague, 1819
Bibliography i Stelnschnelder, In Erach and Gruber. /
BecUon i.. pari 67, p. 845; I rankel, In OrU nl i
i i Neubauer.ln Berliner's Magazin, I. 13; Auerhach, •■■
,i,, hroeltttechen Qemeind< Halberstadt, pp. 88. 71.
i .. a. M Bel,
Jacob Egers: German scholar and educator;
at Halberstadt Jan. 18, 1834; died at Berlin
Nov. 17, ls'.q He was for more than twenty years
a n cist, a- at I In- Training-School for Teachers ("Lehr-
erbildungsanstalt " I in Bi rlin,
lie published the diwan of Abraham ibn Ezra to-
gether with the latti r's secular poetry and allegory,
"llai hen Mekiz," Berlin, 1886, some parts of which
were translated into German by I). Eaufmann; and
two poi ms oi Solomon ibn Gabirol with notes in the
"/.mi/ Jubelschrift," Hebr part, pp 192 200
Bibliography: Oester. Wochenschrift, 1891, p. 888.
M. Si i..
Lob b. Akiba Eger: German Talmudist; died
at Halberstadl 1814. In I77."i Eger was appointed
rabbi oi the community in succession to his late
teacher, Isaac Schwanfeld. He devoted his whole
energies to furthering Talmudic st udiesin his native
city, his yeshibah in consequence achieving a high
reputation. In collaboration with his brother Wolf
he published supplementary notes to his father's
work, " Mishnat de-Rabbi Akiba." A funeral ora-
tion deliver. .1 ii\ Eger on the death of Frederick
the Great (1786) gives proof ol his oratorical attain
incuts, a few of his sermons have been preserved
in manuscript. Some of them denounce the fash
ions then coming into vogue, especially the wearing
of jewelry by women; others warn against buying
Christian sacred vessels, c\ en when offered bj the
BlBLIOiiliAi'iiv : Auertmeh, Ocsch. ikr Ism, I Hi.-' /,, nQemt
Halberstadt, p. 105.
i ,. A Pb.
Nathan ben Abraham Eger: Bohemian Tal
mudic scholar; lived at Prague in 1 hi ■second half of
the seventeenth century. He was the author of
"Gan Nata '." a commentary on the Shulhan 'Aruk,
Orah Hayyim, Prague. 1695, and of ten reprinted.
ituii iooraprt : Wolf, BiW. //' It. ill.. No. 1723c : Stelnscbnet-
in ( at. BndJ. col. 2085
M. Sir.
Samuel Levin (Perez Sabel) Egers : German
Tal i nudist ; horn in Halberstadt June 9, 1768; died in
Brunswick Dec. :',. 1842 He was f themost
brilliant pupils, and afterward an assistant, in his
father's yeshibah. In 1809 he was appointed rabbi
of Brunswick, and filled this position until his
i .is was not adverse to the introducti f re-
forms; thus he founded in 1828 an "Elemental
sehule " iii Brunswick ; and three years later he in
troduced the confirmation of boj a and
In 1886 Egers became blind; but in spite of his
re sufferings he did not relax his labors. Ln
[g42 be gave his assent to a plan to render the
synagogue service shorter and more intelligible.
I ,i rorks Include : " \n. i. I Paz," novi lice on
i. I. " Rimmon Pi rez." novella, on Eetubot, Al-
tona, 1828; hesides several homilies.
BIBLIOGRAPHY : llei/f.l.l. m III,;. Z, It. dtsjud. 1842, pp. 112,
181, 762, Buppl. t.. 1843; Zunz. Z. O. i 842; luerbach, Qesch.
i raeUtlKchrn (jcmclndi Halberstadt, p. 108.
G i;
Solomon ben Akiba Eger: German rabbi; horn
i - , 1785; died in Posen Dec 22, 1852 In 1880
he became rabbi of Kalisch, Russian Poland, and on
the death of his father (1837) he succeeded him in the
rabbinate of Poscn,
which charge he held
till the year of his
deal h.
His published works
arc: notes on the work
of B. Alfasi. Wilna,
1560; a biography of
las lather, Berlin, 1862;
Notes <>ii the Talmud,
|.V \',i " *&■ Wilna, l^o. Notes on
the Shulhan 'Aruk,
5 oreh De'ah, Konigs-
Lewysohn, VbUstUndiQi
Biographte dee 7». Akiha
Eger. p. 35, Posen, 1 ST."> : S. Jewnin, Nahlat 'ulamini, p. 11,
Warsaw, 1882s S. Sofer, Hut harMeshulldsh. p..">la, Munkacs,
Solomon ln'ii Akiha Eger.
i.. a.
IS. Fr.
Wolf ben Akiba Eger : German Talmudist ;
lived in the second half of the eighteenth century.
He was born in Halberstadt, and married the daugh-
ter of Joseph Teomim, the rabbi of Breslau, where-
1 1 1 ii ii i he took up his abode in that city. He con-
ducted a school which attracted great numbers of
youth possessed of a desire for Talmudical study.
After 1780 he was called as rabbi to Leipnik, which
position he held until his death. Together with his
brother LOb he edited his father's "Mishnat de-
Rabbi Akiba.'' and added to it a supplement of
his own, Fiirth, 1781.
Bibliography : Auerbach, Gesch. der Israelltisehen Oemeinde
HalberstadU p. 103; Lewysohn, VoUgtitndlge Biographie
del 11 Akiba Eger, pp. 1-16, Posen, 1881; Walden, Shem
harOednlim he-J^adash, 1. 29,
i.. G. A. Pe.
EGESIPPTJS. See Joseph b. Gorion.
EGGS (nS'3).— Biblical Data: The Old Testa-
ment refers to eggs of birds^Deut. xxii. 6) and of
vipers (Isa. lix. 5, A. V.. "cockatrice"), and to the
well known fact that the ostrich leaves the egg in
the warm sand and allows it to come to maturity
through the heat of the sun (Job xxxix. 14). The
humane command is given not to take away the
dam together willi the eggs from the nest (Dent.
I.e.). The custom of collecting eggs which had
been left inathe nest is made use of in the fine im-
agery of Isaiah (X. 14).
In Rabbinical Literature: According to the
Rabbis (IIul. 64a), the eggs of birds suit-able for eat-
ing have one end oblate and the other pointed, and
the while- surrounds the yolk; whereas with the
eggs of impure birds the ends are either both pointed
or both oblate, while at times the yolk is outside the
while. In the eggs of amphibious animals the yolk
and white are intermingled. Impure birds may sit
upon and hatch the eggs of pure birds, and rice
versa (IIul. 188b). The male bird sometimes sils
upon the egu's. as in thecaseof the partridge; accord
ing lo sonic authorities both the eggs and the siller
may then be taken, though seemingly in opposition
lo Dent. xxii. 6 (//-.). The development of the egg
proceeds from the chalaza of the oblate end, which
is supposed to represent the original seed (IIul. 64b)
— a mistake opposite to that of Aristotle, who traces
I he development from the chalaza of the other end.
The strength of the shell was known to the Rabbis,
who stated that it was used sometimes to support a
bedstead (Bezah 3b). The egg of the ostrich was
sometimes used as a vessel (Kel. xvii. 14), and iis
membrane was used in medicine (Shah. 110b); the
hens egg was used as a liquid measure (Yoma 80a;
'Er. 83), of which 144 went to a seah. For the egg
of the phenix see Bab Yokni. Unclean birds and
their eggs are alike prohibited ; therefore the above
criteria are used in the halakic textbooks (see Shul-
han 'Aruk, Yoreh De'ah, 66, 86).
In Jewish Ceremonial : A roasted egg is
included among the objects placed upon the
Seder table on the eve of the Passover to repre-
sent the " hagigah," or burnt offering, offered at
the three chief festivals (ih. Orah Hayyim, 476).
Eggs are also to be eaten first of all at the meal
of the Seder, the reason given for this by some
authorities being that all joyful occasions should
have a touch of the mournful, as indeed the Ninth of
Ab always falls upon the same day of the week as
the first day of Passover (Isserles, adloc). Eggs
mixed with ashes are used on the eve of the Ninth of
Ab as a sign of mourning. It is possible that this
identification of eggs and mourning is due to the
fact, that the mourners' meal always includes an
cgLr, perhaps to suggest the idea of the resurrection,
as soaie u i iters, hold. Yet eggs are associated with
the joyful festival of the thirty-third day of 'Omer,
when they are used, like Easter eg^s, to amuse chil-
dren; the one custom is probably derived from the
other. It is usually said that the egg at the Pass
over represents life and creative force, but this is
not borne out by the common view given above.
< in the occurrence of the egg in creation-myths see
Modern Superstitions : In Russia a bride, to
be blessed with children, carries an egg in her bosom
while going to the huppah. In the Orient the bride
steps over a fish roe with the idea that this will
give fecundity. He who gets the roasted egg of the
Seder on the morning of the second day of Passover
will lie specially lucky, and will gain whatever he
wishes while eating it. If you steal an egg you
will have seven years of poverty, and after death
your body will roll round in the grave. A childless
woman who is lucky enough to find an egg with a
double yolk will, if she eats it, surely bear children.
Bibliography: Lampronti, Paluul Yizhak, 16a, 17a; I.ewv-
suim. Zoologit dea Talmuds, 88 is. 183,240'.
s. s. J.
EGLAH c heifer"): Mother of Ithream, David's
sixth son (I Chron. iii. 3). The expression "wife
of David " (II Sam. iii. 5) probably means the favor-
iie wife of David. According to the Targum, Eglali
is identical with Miehal. the daughter of Saul, and
David's favorite w ife
i ■. o. ii. E. I. N.
lali "): A place mentioned in ancient oracles against
Moab (Isa. xv. 5, R. Y.: Jer. xlviii. 34, R. V.), to-
gether wiih Zoar, Luhith, and Horonaim. It lias
been identified with the ' \)u'/'/n mentioned by Jose-
plms ("Ant." \iv. 1, | li in connection with Zo
bar as an Arabian town, while others bave claimed
it ti. be the Ajlun, a mountain range, district, and
city north of Jabok. The former identification is
the more likely. Theremusl bave been th;
kin>«n as"Eglah"l Ueifei , the ordinal numeral
: added, :is is also the custom in Arabic nomen-
clature, to distinguish them. Misled by the nu-
meral, some commentators havi that three
bonis of a mountain near Zoar were known us
"Ik ifris." taking the name as an appellative. Most
of the commentators bave translated " Eglath-Sheli-
. "the three year-old heifer" (A. V., Tai
Rashi, Kimlii. i E. G. H.
EGLON : A king of Moab, who overcame the
and captured the "city of palm
which is probably meant Jericho (Judges Hi 13). Be
bi Id the Israelites in subjection for eighteen ;
and they were then delivered by Ehi i>. who assas-
sinated Eglon ( ii 15 -26)
J. .in G. A B
Talmudisl ; lived at Constantinople during the six-
teenth century. Be was the author of "Gal shel
sim," expositions on Genesis, published al Bel
vedere, near Constantinople. Be also edited the
responsa of the Geonim, comprising 400 numbers,
Constantinople, 1575.
Biri i'.m'iiv: Fiirst. Bilil. Jittl. i. 234; Steinscbnelder, Cat.
i: n i col. 1726.
B. P
A I I 111 ISM.
Austrian rabbi ; born in Galicia 1733 ; died al Pres-
burg Sept. 21, 1785. Egra's father was of Buczacz,
Galicia, but Meshullam Egra was at Brody as a boy
of nine. At about that age he delivered a casuistic
homily in the large synagogue of Brody, and
bad a discussion with its rabbi, Isaac llurwitz.
whose son-in-law he became, Be was a contempo-
rary of Sender Margoliouth, with whom be discussed
ritual laws, and the master of Jacob Lissa, author
ol " Derek ha Bayyim." Egra was al first rabbi of
Tusmenetz, becoming rabbi of Presburg in 177"'
Be wrote "She'elot u-Teshubot RaMA" (the lasl
word of the title being an abbreviation of " R. Me
shullam Egra"), responsa, Czemowitz,1862;andan
unpublished work on Maimonides.
Bibliography : Walden, Shem ha-OedoUm h< ii-i-i.i u.
i M Bel.
EGYPT.— Ancient and Biblical: The vallej
of the Nile north of the first cataract, havii
area of 9,000-12,000 square miles of arable ground.
Al si rainless, the country depends upon the in
undations of the Nile and artificial Irrigation (comp.
Dent. ,\i. 10; Zech. xiv. 18), although the narrow
valley and its triangular prolongation of alluvium,
the Delta or Lower Egypt, possess au extremely
fertile soil Egypt had in early timi Invited
tlora, which, like its fauna, was of an entirely Alii
can character. The same may be said of its popu-
lation, which, quite in agreement with Gen. x.,
formed a brani b of the great white African or
Bamitic family.
Tradition has preserved the recollection of the
early ili\ ision of Egypt into two kingdoms, (a) that
of the red crown in the north, whose capital was
(i) that of the white crown in the south,
with its capital at Eileithyiaspolis, the modern El
Kit , and in literary style Egypt is always d<
nated as "the two countries " (comp. "Mi?rayim,"
dual, but s<e below Jet these formed one king
dom «'' i n bt fore Eing Met oul 8500 b i
whom the later books of history considered as the
first historical king. The division of the country
into about 1 bitty (thirty si\v; later, forty two) Homes
unties points to a still more primitive period,
indicating that many independent tribes may have
inhabited i be land.
Some very primitive traits always adhere even to
the later, highly developed culture. The ch.n,
was remarkably scanty long after 3 i.e. j and the
iv of metals, although these were known very
early, forced not only priests (in analogy with the
old Israelii ish custom referred to in Kx. iv. 25 and
Josh v. 2), but also sculptors, masons, and other
craftsmen, generally to use stone implements nearly
up to 1 > ii i . The religion above all remained
most primitive: it never concealed that its hun-
dreds of local divinities, iis sacred animals, lues, and
stones, had their most perfi v and origin in
the fetishism or animism of the negroes, although
even in prehistoric time higher ideas, partly of un-
doubtedly Asiatic origin (especially traits of that
astral mythology of which the clearest expression is
found in Babylonia), mingled with it. The language
and the nice remained \ <■> j < onsistent.
The history of Egypt can be best divided after
the system of Mahetho, using his scheme of thirty
royal dynasties from Menes to Alexander. Although
these groups of kings do not represent genealo
ally correct divisions, and are often quite conven
tional, the uncertainty of chr logy, especially
before 2000 b.c . forces the Btudent to use that ar
incut. Dynasties 1 6 are called the ancient
empire, dynasties 11-18 the middle empire, and dy
nasties is 26 the new empire.
The tombs of Manetbo's"Thinitic"d3 nasties l and
2 have recently been excavated near This Abydos
specially Petrie, " Royal Tombs,"
The OOQetseq.) Whether that of the half-
Ancient legendar) Menes is ai z them re
Empire, mains disputed, but some of the tombs
ma) be e\ en earlier. The ails and
architecture were even then highly developed at
tbi royal court; and that the system of hieroglyphic
vv riling was perfectly established as early as liulll)
B.C. is shown by I he inscriptions The resid
of those ancient kings seems to have been partly
ii This, partly in the ancient capitals of Upper
Egypt, the twin cities Bieraconpolis and Eileithy-
iaspolis. Less well known al present is dynasty 8,
which moved the capital not far south of Memphis.
The earliest known pyramid (in steps, becausi
finished), near Bakkarah, was built by King Zo» i oi
this dynasty, who Seems to have lirsl exploited the
mines near Sinai, which furnished the COppei
and weapons. Dj nasty i (from ab i
is famous for the construction of the three i
est pyramids, those of Cheops (Kbufu), Chepbren
(Kha'f re'),andMycerinus(Men-ka[u]-re')nearGizeh
—monuments which the successors did not try to imi-
tate. Bnefru(i), the first kin;:, seems to have waged
extensive wars in Nubia and Palestine. From dy-
nasty 5 remainders exist of several gigantic monu-
ments in the form of huge obelisks (not monolithic!)
on platforms, dedicated to the sun-god Re' (see
Pillars). In dynasty King Pepy (pronounced
"Apopy"?) I. (e. 3450 n.c.) was a great builder; he
founded Memphis prop-
er. With dynasty 6
closes the period called
conventionally the an-
cient empire. Of its liter-
ature only religious and
magic texts (chiefly from
the funerary chambers of
the pyramids in dynas-
ties 5 and 6; comp. Mas-
pero. "l.es Inscriptions
des Pyramides de Saqqa-
rah." 1*94) have been
preserved. Egyptian
sculpture reached its
acme of perfection at
that time.
Afier the sixtli dynas-
ty the centralization of
the government broke
down, and
The Middle the nom-
Empire. archs or
counts be-
came independent
princes. The long wars
which they waged over
their possessions or the
crown of the whole
country, led to the es-
tablishment of two rival
kingdoms, one (dynas-
ties 9 and 10) at Her-
acleopolis, the other (dy-
nasty 11) at Tin 1 1 -
The younger Theban
family finally united
Egypt again under one
scepter (ft 2150 B I
Much more important is
the 12th (Theban) dy-
nasty (e. 2000 to 1800
B.C.) of seven kings —
four of whom were called
Amen em-he't, and three
I vi rtesen (or Ba-n usor-
et)— and a queen. The fertile oasis of Fa(i)yum
was created by diking off (not excavating! tin-
lake called ". Moeris" (after Amen-em-he't III.).
Nubia to above the second cataract was conquered;
but a powerful Canaauitish kingdom prevented con
ipiests in Asia— only Usertesen III. records an ex-
pedition to Palestine.
The following peril id 1 13th and 14th dynasties) soon
developed the former decentralization, together with
civil wars and anarchy. One hundred and fifty kings
— i.e., aspirers to the crown — are recorded. This
Miii'-pt:ih II. Mi-nti'
I . :,, Flinders P.-lri.-, '*
explains the ability of a Syrian power, the so-called
I Iyksos (better "Hyku-ssos" = " foreign rulers," mis-
translated "shepherd kings" in Manetho), to con-
quer Egypt (ft 1700?). On this family of (7?) rulers.
in whose time, after Ex. xii. 40, the immigration of
Israel into Egypt is usually assumed, see Arornts.
Most scholars consider them as Canaanites, some-
what after Josephus' confusion of "Hykussos" and
"Israelites"; but it seems that those kings were of
non-Semitic (northern! i
origin (comp. " Mittheil-
ungen der Vorderasiati-
schen Gesellscbaft,"
1898. p. 107). The nom-
archs of Thebes re-
volted against t h e
foreigners (»■. 1630B.C.?),
and af tera long struggle,
especially around the
stronghold of the for-
eigners, Hat-wa'ret
(Auaris) (near Tanis'/),
expelled the Hykussos
soon after 1600.
These circumstances
gave to the new dynasty
(the 18th) a warlike
The New Following
Empire. the claims
of their
predecessors, its kings
conquered and held
about two-thirds of
Syria; the north seems
to have been under the
control of the Mesopota-
mian kingdom Mitanni,
and it withstood, there-
fore, the Egyptian
attacks. Amosis (A'h-
mose) I. began those con-
quests. Amenophis
(Amen-hotep) I. died
after a short, peaceful
reign. Thutmosis
(Dhut[i]-mose) I. pene
trated to the Euphrates
(after 1570). Thutmosis
II. 's reign was filled ap-
parently with internal
disturbances connected
with the question of
succession. Thutmosis
III. (c. 1503) stood for
twenty-two years under the control of his aunt
Ma'-ka-re or Ha't-shepsut (who has commemorated
in her beautiful terrace-temple at Per al Balm a
commercial expedition to Punt, i.e., the incense re-
gion east of Abyssinia). His independent rule
is marked by fourteen campaigns, reaching as far as
northern Mesopotamia, and by great constructions
(the temple of Karnak, etc.). Amenophis II., Thut-
iiinsis IV., and, less successfully, Amenophis III.
(ft 1436) maintained the Asiatic, conquests ; Ethiopia
as far as Khartum had been subjected and, unlike
II. wiili Added Inscription of
inlng the Israelites.
Six Temples at Thebes.")
i, which was merely tributary, had be< n made
a province by the first kings of dynasty is.
A iiii-ii< iphis IV tr. 1400) is a most interesting |" r
son. He attempted a great religious reform; ma
king the sun-disk his chief god, and persecuting
the cult of several gods, especially that of the
Theban Amon, the official god of the empire, with
such hatred that he even changed his royal name
and his residence. At his new capital, the modern
Tell el-Amarna, the famous archive of cuneiform
despatches has been found, which shows him cor-
responding with all the important kings of western
Asia, but unable to control his Syrian possessions
owing to the great struggles which his innovations
had caused in Egypt. Alter his death (c. 1383) his
reforii overthrown, especially by his fourth
successor. Har-em-heb(e). The religion, mummified
again, kept its deplorable slate of contusion forc\ er.
dence for Israel's stay in Egypt. Me(r)neptah
warded off a great invasion of Libyans allied with
pirates from Asia Minor and Europe. The nineteenth
dynasty ended with several short-lived, powerless
rulers, among them a Syrian (officer?) as usurper.
Setnakht(e) reunited the country and established
a n< u dynasty (the '-20th) somewhat before 1200. His
son Rameses III. tried to imitate
The Rameses II. , especially as builder, He
Ramesides. fought with the Libyans, who pressed
more than before on Lower Egypt;
with tin northern pirates; with the Philistines, who
had just settled in Syria: with the Amoritcs; and
with small llittite princes. His successors, the
Ramesides (Rameses IV. XII.), had short, inglori-
ous reigns; Palestine and Phenicia were freedfrom
the c lit ion of an Egyptian dependency, which had
been their lot for more than -100 years. The priest-
israki.itks Building storehouses tor Pharaoh.
(from si, 111 nated bacgadah In Ifaa ponMrioa of the F.»rl ofCrawford.)
The 19th dynasty begins with Rameses I. (after
I860?). Sethos (Setoy) I. and Rameses II. main-
tained only the smaller half of Syria against the
aching empire of the Hitiiies. Both were v< iy
active as builders; Rameses II. (the "Sesostris" of
the Creeks, reigning 67 years from about 1830?) was
undoubtedly the greatest builder of the Pharaohs,
even after taking into account the many cases where
he appropriated monuments already in existence.
Under his son Me(r)neptah (c. 1268' l oi i urs the lirst
mi mental mention of Israel apparently dwelling
rebellious nation in Palestine. Ex. i. 11, on the
other hand, seems to fix upon Rameses II as the
Pharaoh of the oppression (see Rameses) while
\h ■ mept.di is generally considered as the Pharaoh
Of the Exodus. How to fit the new monumental
data in with the Biblical chronology is yi I an open
question, then- being no certain monumental evi
hoed had become so wealthy by numerous donations
that the royal power vanished, and finally the high
priests of Thebes became kings. They had soon to
3 ield to the twenty-first (Tanitic) d.\ nasty (c. 1100).
Its seven kings wife hemmed in by their Libyan
mercenaries, whose generals gained great influence.
Therefore the Pharaohs were unable to interfere
in Syria, where the Philistines were waging war.
Solomon's Egyptian wife (1 Bangs ix, 16, 34; xi. 1)
would seem to have been a daughter of the follow-
ing ruler (comp. ib. ix. Hi, which states thatGezer
was her dowry I.
Shoshenk I. (the Biblical " Shishak " i, a descendant
of Libyan generals, who founded the twenty second
• I llubastile dynasty (c, 950 B.C I, cheeked the Phi
list i ins. arranged the division of the Israelii ish king
ill mi. evidently in favor of Jeroboam (comp, I Kings
xi. 18), and ransacked Palestine (ti xiv. 25; II Chron.
xii.i. On the Edomite Hadad (I Kings xi. 17-22)
see below. Shoshenk's successors, however — 3
Shoshenks. 2 Takelots, 3 Osorkona (Wasarken), 1
Pemay — could not maintain this influence in Asia.
After 800 B.C. Egypt was again practically divided
into about twenty kingdoms ruled by the generals of
the larger Libyan garrisons. The new kingdom of
Ethiopia was thus able to occupy Thebes; about
750 the Ethiopian king P-'ankhy even tried to con-
quer all Egypt. Only his grandson Shabako was,
however, able to accomplish this and to subject the
most powerful of the many princes, the ruler of
SaYs and Memphis (Bocchoris or Bok-en-ranf. the
son of Tef-nakite), somewhat before 700. Neither
lie nor his successor Shabatako seems to have been
able to interfere in Syria, finding it difficult to main-
tain Egypt It lias been shown conclusively by
Winckler (especially in " Mittheilungen der Vor-
derasiatischen Gesellschaft," 1898, p. 1; comp. also
Schrader, "K. A. T." 3ded., p. 145) that the king
So with whom lloshea had conspired against Assyria
ill Kings xvii. 4) was Sib'e, viceroy of Musri, i.e.,
northwestern Arabia (not Mizraim-Egypt, cunei-
form "Misri"), and that various other conflicts be
t ween Assyria and Egypt ( V) refer rat her to this Musri
(which curiously had a king, Pir'u,
Musri and formerly understood as "Pharaoh").
Mizraini. Few scholars, however, have accepted
in all its conclusions the inference
drawn from this, namely, that a great many Bib-
lical passages originally refer to this Musri, not Miz-
raim-Egypt (thus Gen. xiii. 10; xvi. 1, 3; 1. 11;
I 8am. xxx. 13; II Sam. xxiii. 21 ; I Kings iii. 1, xi.
1 1 1 1 aeq. ; Hadad's and Jeroboam's exile [see above] ;
and even Israel's servitude in Egypt).
The third king of the twenty-fifth (Ethiopian)
dynasty. Taharko (see Tiuiiakaii), hadasharein re-
bellions of the vassals of Assyria, especially in the
rebellion of Tyre, which led to two expeditions of
Esarhaddon against Egypt. It was conquered in
the second campaign and -divided among twenty
princes, descendants of Libyan generals. Taharko
and his successor Tandamani repeatedly disputed
without success the possession of Egypt by the
Assyrians (comp. Nahuni iii.); about 660 B.C.
Psam(m)ethik I. (son of Necho I.), a descendant
of the .Mill dynasty, nominal reign 664-610,
made himself independent of Assurbanipal's sov-
The new Baltic dynasty (the 26th) brought the first
centralized government tiller several centuries, and
new prosperity, which was demonstrated by a re-
markable archaizing revival of art. The enterprising
Necho (Nekau) 11. (610-594) undertook the conquest
01 Syria, which, however, was frustrated by his
defeat at Carchemish by Nebuchadrezzar. He
built a fleet, dug the first connection between the
Nile and the Red Sea, and sent Phenician sailors
around Africa. After Psamdn icthik
Saitic 11.(594 588), Apries or Uaphris ( Pha-
Dynasty. raoh hophrah. 588-569), seeking to
check the Babylonians who menaced
Egypt, instigated and aided the Jews (Jer. xxxvii.
5; comp. Ezek. xxix. 6) and Tyrians and received
their fugitives (Jer, xli. 17). This policy seems to
have been continued by his successor, the clever
usurper Amasis (A'hmose II., 564-526), who still
warded off the destruction threatened in Jer. xlvi. 26.
But when the Babylonian empire had been su-
perseded by the Persian, PsanMmietliik III. could
not maintain himself any longer. In 535 Egypt was
conquered by Cambyses, and remained a Persian
province notwithstanding various rebellions, led
by the half-Libyan soldiers, in 4*7, 460, and most
successfully in 414. The period of independence
(414-350V) was filled by internal struggles and by
wars of defense against the Persians. The Mace-
donian conquest brought Egypt independence under
the dynasty of the Ptolemies. But Egyptian cul-
ture was sinking fast; thenative population (which
rebelled repeatedly against the foreign rulers, led
again by the old soldier class of Libyan descent) was
reduced to the position of heavily taxed pariahs;
and the kings in Alexandria considered their empire
a^ a part of the Greek world. The annexation by
Rome (31 B.C.) aggravated this decline of an old
civilization, though temples were repaired or built
by the Roman government and decorated with
very poor hieroglyphics till about 300 c.E. The
condition prophesied, that Egypt should be with-
out native rulers, can, however, be traced back, as
an actuality, as far as the tenth century B.C. (see
For the political history of the Ptolemies down to
Ptolemy XVI. and the famous queen Cleopatra VII.,
see Ptolemy. The great development of African
commerce by Ptolemy II. and the building of the
Jewish temple at Leontopolis under Ptolemy VI.
may be mentioned. Palestine was an Egyptian
province until 198 B.C., when Antiochus III. the
Great conquered it. The attempt of Ptolemy VI.
Philometor to regain it (I Mace. xi. 1) was ended by
his death in 145 B.C.
The Biblical name (land of) "Mizraim," or (in
more poetic style) "Mazor," is Semitic ("Misri" is
the earliest Babylonian form) and may have some
connection witli that of the neighboring Musri (see
above). The Biblical (dual?) form was usually un-
derstood as an allusion to the prehistoric division
of Egypt, but, although the Hebrew (and Assyrian)
has a speeial name for Upper Egypt, "Pathros"
(Isa. xi. 1; Jer, xliv. 1; Ezek. xxix. 14, xxx. 14),
the ending "ayim" is now considered as a locative
by scholars. The common Egyptian designation
was "Keme[t] "= "black." i.e., "fertile land."
The classical name " vEgyptos " seems to be con-
nected with the old name of Memphis, "(H)a(t)-
ka-ptah." The Bible calls Egypt also "land of
Ham" (Ps. cv. 23, 27; comp. Ps. lxxviii. 51, cvi.
22), or contemptuously "Rahab," i.e., "boasting
monster." The fertility of the country is men-
tioned in Gen. xiii. 10; Ex. xvi. 3; and Num. xi.
5 (see Deut. xi. 10 on the necessity of laborious
irrigation). That the country depends on the Nile
(the abundance and overflowing of which are prover-
bial ; see Nile) is indicated by the Prophets, who
threaten Egypt often with its drying up (e.g., Isa.
xix. 5; comp. also the kiue of Pharaoh's dream
rising from the river [Gen. xl.J). On other disad-
vantages of the country see Plagues.
The monuments furnish several examples of per-
mission given to large numbers of fugitive or starv-
jng - iii the land, as Gen. \lviii.
Traders had always free access, as Gen
x\\i ii. 25 and xlii. "-' imply. Hence aftei i 700 b <
Egj pi had i onstantly a large Semitic
Biblical element of population.especially along
Keferences. the eastern frontier of the Delta (comp.
Isa. xix. 18 on five cities speaking the
language of Canaan). The Egyptian cities mentioned
in the Bible all belong to this pari of the country.
Thebes) and Syene show, however, that the
land south of Memphis also was well known in Pal
More Jews and Samaritans immigrated in
the Ptolemaic time, settling especially around Alex
andria. The heavy taxation of the Egyptian pi-a-,-
antsaml their serfdom, from which only the priests
exempted, are mentioned in Gen. xlvii. 20 26;
tin' hard socage of the Israelites in Egypl was tin-
usual one of royal serfs, into the condition of whom
"durrah") were especially characteristic products
of the fields (Ex. ix. 31-32, R. V.).
In morals, tin- marriage of brothers and sisters as
a regular institution was the principal difference.
Women bad greater liberty even than In Babylonia
(comp Gen. xxxix.). The Egyptianswere very in-
dustrious (as their gigantic constructions attest), but
neither enterprising (hence they never made good
sailors or trailers) nor warlike. From the earliest
period they preferred to employ foreign mercenaries
(comp. Jer. xlvi. 9; Ezek. xxvii. lit). Heme Egypt
a conquering power only on a rather limited
scale (comp. on its military weakness II Kings xviii.
21; tsa. xxxvi. 6). The country exercised a strong
influence in the development of Eastern culture
chiefly bj its remarkable art and industries, less by
science because of the national writing, the hiero-
glyphs, which could nol be adapted toother lan-
TeU al-Tahudtyyab (The Mown] of the Jews), Egypt.
(Ftom "Mctnobt t,£ Eg>pt BxploraUoD Kuo.i.")
the colonists of Goshen had to enter. The most im-
portant industry, the weaving of various kinds of
linen (of which"buz" [byssus] and " sheah. " kept
their Egyptian names with the Bcbrews), is alluded
to in [sa. xix. 9; Ezek. xxvii. 7; and Prov.vii. 16.
of Egyptian customs, the shaving of the heard and
(sometimes) of the head (which, however, the better
9, except the priests, covered again by a wig),
incision, the laws of clean and unclean (almost
as complicated as those of Israel and often quite
analogous), the custom of embalming the dead by
along process (mummification), and the long mourn
big are alluded to in Gen. xli. II; Joshuav. 9(?);
\liii. :vi, xlvi. ;S6, 1. 2-3, respectively. Other-
wise the customs did not differ very much from those
of the Syrian peasants! heer largely replaced wine, as
cast ii, etc., did the olive oil, and linen the woolen
clothing of Syria). Flax and spelt (the I lern
guages (what the Greeks called hieratic writing
was merely t he cursive form ; the demotic was a kind
of stenography, developed from that cursive after
700 b.c).
Of the enormous number Of local divinities (usu-
ally arranged in triads -father, mother, and child —
as in Babylonia) the Bible mentions only the god of
Thebes, since the l*th dynasty the official deity of
Egypt (see Amon); for the sun god (with whom later
religion tried to identify almost all ancient local gods)
Bei I '.i . i ii-siii:mi sn. For the reputation of Egyp-
tian learning see an allusion in 1 K in l; s i\. 80; for
magic. Isa. xix. :i: Ex. vii. 11. The magic litera
ture is. indeed, endless. Modern scholars consider
Babylonia as generally more advanced in science (ex
cept, perhaps, medicine, which wasan Egyptian spe
cialty). Contrary to a popular erroneous view on
the character of the Egyptians as gloomy, they were
extremely superstitious, but less serious than any
branch of the Semites, as a very remarkable enter-
taining literature and their non-official art demon-
strate. Their massive architecture forms no contra-
diction, being relieved by polychromy.
Bibliography: Bistory: Flinders Petrie, Bistonj of Egypt,
I895et sea.; Wiedemann, Aeguptiscln <;. ■-«■ I i.l.sst; E.Meyer,
i,,-,l,„l,t, des Ait, 11 Aegyptens, Berlin. 18S7; Maspero,
History "f tin Ann, m <n u nl, 3 vols., French and English,
1895 99
Contact between Egypt and Uia: W.Mas Miiller, ^tsicn
urn! Europa, 1893; Idem, in Hi r All, orient, 1901, No. 4.
Egypto-BibllcaJ questions: Ebeis, Aegypten and die
Willi, r Monte, 1887 (antiquated); Brugsch, Steininschrift
in,, t Bibt Iwort, 189] (requires caution).
Language: la man. i:,jin,ti,in Grammar, German and
English. 1894; Brugscb., Hieroglvphtech-DemottBeha W6r-
t, , h, 1861 BO. For lie I optic, Stern, KoptiscJie Qrammatik,
1880; SteindortT, ai the Porta Liuguarum Orientalium,
1894; Peyron, Lexicon Coptic um, lSK. on the Egyptian loan-
words from Semitic Bondi, /'</a Hebrtf&jcft-P/iontetecften
Sprachzweige AngehOrige LennwOrter, etc., 1886.
Mania as and customs: Erman, Aegypten und Aegyp-
tisches L, bt n. 1883 (Eng. ed., 1894); Brugsch, X»ie Aegyptu-
logie, 2ded„ 1897.
Religion: Wiedemann, JDie Religion der Alien Egypter,
1890 I Eng. transl., 1896); Brugsch, lieligiun und Mythotogie,
1884 88; Maspero. ia Mythnlogie Egypt iennc, 1889; Lan-
zone, I>izi,,miii,i di Miii'liigin Egiziana, 1881.
Names : Proper names, Liebleiu, Ho roghiiihiscln s Pi ami n-
iriirhii,. 1871-4K; ancient geographical names. Brugscb, i>ic-
tiiiuiiuiii Qeorgraphigue, 1877-80 (witb much caution).
Literature: Translations in i;ni,ids,if the Past; Griffith, in
T/o World's Besi Ltteratui-e, 1897; Petrle, Egyptian Tales,
1893; Maspero. Cnntes Populaires, 1883; W. M. M idler, .Die
l.t, i„ <i„„*i, der Alien Aegypter, 1899; Wiedemann, in J>er
Atte Orient, lii., part 4: the so-called Booft or' the ZJeircf,
ed. Naville, 18S6; transl. by Le Page Renouf, 1896 ef seg.
Deciphernient of hieroglyphics : Brugscb, X)ir Aegypto-
logie, Leipsic, 1881.
A rt : Perrot and Chipiez, Eng. ed., 1S83 ; Maspero, Egyp-
tian Archeology, Eng. transl., 1893 ; Flinders Petrie, Egyp-
tian I >, .niiiiir, Art, 1895; Roseiiini, Monumenti del Egilto,
184£ et st'/.: champollion, Monuments, 1835-45; Lepsius,
Denhniiil, i ans Aegypten, 184!*-58; annual publications of
the Egypt Exploration Fund and Survey of Egypt.
Repertories on Egypt in general: Jolowicz, llihtintheca
JEgyptieica, 1858-61.; Ibraliiui-Hilmy, Tlte Literature of
Egypt and tin Sudan, 1886-88.
e. g. it. W. M. M.
In Medieval and Modern Times : * The
history of the Jews in Egypt during the Greek and
Ptolemaic periods centers almost completely in the
city of Alexandria (see Jew. Encyc. i. 361 el seg.).
As early as the third century B.C. there was a wide-
spread Jewish diaspora in Egypt. In addition to
those in Alexandria a colony of Jews existed during
the Ptolemaic period at Athribis in Lower Egypt, on
the Damietta arm of the Nile (ib. ii. 273). An in-
scription in which the Jews dedicate a synagogue to
Ptolemy and Berenice has recently been found near
the canal which connected Alexandria with the Ca-
nopic mouth of the Delta (T. Heinach, in R. E. J.
xlv. 161; Mahaffy, "Hist, of Egypt," p. 192).
Farther to the south, on the west hank of the Nile,
was Fayum. identified by Saadia (to Ex. i. 11) with
Pithom. A papyrus of the year 238-^237 B.C. men-
tions a certain [onathas of this city (Mahaffy, "The
Flinders Petrie Papyri," part ii., pp. 15, 23). An-
other papyrus of the same date records that the
Jews ami Greeks in a place called "Psenyris" had
to paj a special tax fortheslaves in their possession
(compare idem, "Hist. of Egypt," p. 93; T. L. Z.
1896, 2. p. 35); and in a third papyrus a place called
"Samareia" in the Fayum is mentioned, together
with a number of names, among which is that of a
certain Sabbathion, a Jewess according to Schurer
{ib 20 p. 522) and Reinacb (R. E. J. xxxvii. 520).
Another papyrus of the third century b.c. (Grenfell,
* For the titles of works cited under abbreviations, see Bibli-
ographs at tin- end "f the article.
"The Oxyrhyuchus Papyri," i. 74) mentions a Jew-
named " Danooul. " For the Roman period there is
evidence that at Oxyrynchus (Behneseh), on the easl
side of the Nile, there was a Jewish community of
some importance. It even had a Jews' street (R. E.
J. xxxvii. 221). Many of the Jews there must have
become Christians, though they retained their Bib-
lical names (< .g.," David "and "Elisabeth, "occurring
in a litigation concerning an inheritance). There
is even found a certain Jacob, son of Achilles
(«. 300 C.E.), as beadle of an Egyptian temple. A
papyrus of the sixth or seventh century c.B. con-
tains a receipt given to Gerontius, quartermaster of
the general Theodosius, by Aurelius Abraham, son of
Levi, and Aurelius Amun, sou of David, hay-mer-
chants. To the same century belongs a papyrus
detailing an exchange of vinegar for must between
Apollos of the Arab village in the Arsinoe m
(i.e., Fayum) and the Hebrew Abraham, son of Theo-
ilotus (s.c also Wessely in "Sitzungsberichte der
Kaiserlichen AkademiedcrWisscnschaftenin Wien,"
1902, pp. 12 it trnj. For a Hebrew inscription at
Aiitinoe, in Middle Egypt, see Jew. Encyc. i. 630,
s.v. Antinoe).
Knowledge of the history of the Jews in Egypt
from the time of the Arab invasion is still very frag-
mentary. There are a few scattered notices in the
Hebrew chronicles and travels of later
From the periods; but the best information
Arab comes from the fragments found in
Conquest, the Cairo genizah and in part pub-
lished by Neubauer, Schechter, Hirsch-
feld, Margoliouth, Kaufmaun, and others. To these
may be added occasional references in Arabic works
on Egyptian history and topograph)'. No attempt
has yet been made to put this material together.
During this period, Egypt was known to the Jews
by its old name D,_iVD; for which, at times, was
substituted tp JTDT'D (Ezek. xxx. 13) or D^'ID D13^D
(Ezek. xxix. 10; see Ahimaaz Chronicle, 128, 7). It
was also known as "the Diaspora" (n?13, Al-Harizi,
§46; M. xli. 214, 424; J. Q. R. xv. 86, 88;' riV?3
ib. 88). In the Ahimaaz Chronicle N'JlfjUQ is per-
haps used once (126, 2; see Z. D. M. G. Ii. 437).
This last is derived from p33. a name given to Fostat
(M. V. p. 181; J. Q. R. ix. 669; synonymously,
"llOf. ib. xv. 87), which was known to Strabo and
other Greek writers as well as to the Arabs, who,
for the sake of distinction, often called it "Babylon
of Egypt" (Pauly-Wissowa, "Real-Encyc." i. 2699;
Z. D. M. G. Ii. 438; L.-P. p. 3). The name "Bab-
li-on" (Heliopolis) was popularly con-
Cairo, nectcd with Babylon (Lane-Poole,
"Cairo," p. 214). Cairo itself (Misr
al-Kahirah, "the victorious") is called 1VD, or, as in
Arabic, sinxp^N "IVD (S. 118, 7); it wasanew city,
founded by the vizier Jauhar in 969 for the Fati-
mites. The older city was farther to the southwest.
It was called "Al-Fostat" (the camp), and was
founded by 'Amr ibn al-'Asi in 641 (B. p. 341). It
remained the official capital for three centuries, and
the commercial capital up to the time of the cru-
sading King Amalric (1168), when it was burned.
Its Hebrew name was DKDDS, D'lVD DNDDD (Z. D.
M. G. Ii. 451 ; Kaufmann Gedeukbuch, p. 236),
"IVD LDNDDQ (8. 118, 5); or "the older M.," D'ISD
n::M,n (G. p. 34), np'njfn D'-rso (or np'njfot tus,
B 136, 29). Synonymously, Fostal was culled
DI^'J VlSt' or D'lVD T12L", iu accordance with
tin- translation of T"i2l" (Jer. xliii. 10); by the
dtes D'lVD fra'a1 I L. notes, p. 61 ; compare Jer.
xlvi. 30). Another Dame for Fostat wis ;j,>v (Zoak),
r~VT |VX (Al-Harizi, "Tahkemoni," j -Hi; S. 118,
i for the inhabitants ;yvniJ3 (J. Q. It- xiv.477;
compare p'S mJ3. Curiously enough, Benjamin of
Tudela uses the name "Zoan" for a stronghold
between Cairn and tin' .Mukattani Hills.
Alexandria was identified with the Biblical so
ptJK (Nahum iii. 8) and so called by Ibn Salir
("Elien Sappir," i. 2a), though the Greek name was
used, DnvtD b'" N"nJD2^X (Conforte, "Kore
ha Dorot," p. 5a); and. following the Arabic, the
tile adjective ,_n:rDS or ,_nj2D (see Neubauer,
Bodl. llehr. MSS."No. 146). Theregionof
the east arm of the Nile was called by its Arabic
CX'OI. i.e., Damietta; or, symbolically, 'X
iinD3. *11D23 ("Abiathar Megillah" and Benjamin
Of Tudela; see J. Q. R. xv. bil). In the letter of Al-
Afdal's ex-minister of finance (see below) occurs the
,DS,Ot3,t3t;i,N=f'f ™ 'IW'DB, Tamiathis, i.e.,
Damietta Z. D. M. G. li. 447). The Fayum was
rally identified with the Biblical "Pithom"
(D1JVD) and so called (Dunash b. Tamim; compare
, "Gesch." llehr. transl., iii. 465). The gentile
form was tJin'SPl (M. J. C. i. 40); or, according to
d)ic, 'DVB?R(«-0., Saadiaand Xathanael).
idia was naturally well acquainted with Egyp-
tian topography. In liis translation of Gen. x. 13,
14 he has the following identifications:
dhv? = Inhabitants of Tanls.
D-::? = " " Alexandria.
O'DnS = " " Behneseh.
E-nrcj = " " Farama (Yakut, iii. SS2).
D'Diro = " " Itiyama <u/< //*, i. 899).
0yrh02 = " *' Sa'id.
D'lrc; = " " Damietta.
Jerome was in Egypt iu the year 400; be mentions
five cities there " which still speak the Canaanitish
[»'.«., the Syriac] language." This perhaps refers to
Aramaic — not to Coptic, as Krauss believes — and
may very well have been due to the large colonics
ot Jews in the land (J. Q. It. vi. 217). The part
taken by the Jews in the Arab invasion of Egypt is
not clear. In addition to the Jews sett led there from
times, some must have come from the Arabian
peninsula. The letter sent by Mohammed to the
Jewish lianu Janha in Malum near Aila ( Wellhau-
sen, "Skizzcn," iv. 119) in the year
The Jews 630 is said by Al Baludhuri to have
and the been seen in Egypt ; and a copy, writ-
Arabs, ten in Hebrew characters, has been
found in the Cairo genizah (.1. (J I!,
xv. 173). Hebrew papyri tire found in the Theo-
dore Graf collection covering the period 4S7-909.
Tie- .lews had no reason to feel kindly toward the
former masters of Egypt. In 62'J the emperor Her-
aelins I. had driven the Jews from Jerusalem (Bury,
"Later Roman Empire," ii. 215). According to Al-
Makrizi, substantiated by Eutychlus, this was fol-
lowed by a massacre of Jews throughout the empire
— in Egypt, aided by the Copts, who had old scores
against the Jews to wipe out, dating from the Pel
sian conquest of Alexandria at the time of Emperor
Anastasiusl. (502) and of the Persian general Shahin
(617), when the Jews assisted tie conquerors against
the Christians (P.. pp. 82, 134, 176). The treaty of
Alexandria (Nov. 8, 641), which sealed the Arab
conquest of Egypt, expressly stipulates that the
.lews are to he allowed to remain in that city ( B. p.
320); and at the time of the capture of that city,
Ann, in his letter to the calif, relates that he found
there -10,0110 Jews.
Of the fortunes of the Jews in Egypt under the
( linmiad and Ahbassid califs (641-868), the Tulunids
(863-905), and the Ikhshidids. next to nothing is
known. One important name has come down from
that time, viz., Mashallah (770-820), the astrologer,
called " Al-Misri" or " Al-Alaksaudri " (B. A. §18).
The Fatimite 'Ubaid Allah al-Mahdi, who founded
the new Shiitic dynasty in 909, is said to have been
the son of a Jewess, or to have been a Jew adroitly
exchanged for the real heir. This is probably noth-
ing more than an invention of the Sunnites tending
to discredit tin- Alid descent of the new house (Weil.
"Geschiehte der Califen," ii. 600; Becker, "Beitrftge
zur Geschiehte Aegyptens," p. 4). During the ear
Her period of this dynasty lived the gaon Saadia
(892-942). whose teacher in Egypt was a certain Abu
Kathir mentioned by Al-Mas'udi (Griitz. "Gesch."
v. 282).
The Fatimite rule was iu general a favorable one
for the Jews, except the latter portion of Al-Hakim's
reign. This is directly confirmed by the iaudatory
terms iu which the dynasty is spoken of by the au-
thor of the "Abiathar Megillah" (discovered by
Schechter, J. Q. R. xv. 73). From this time on
Jews are found prominent in the service of the
califs. Isaac b. Solomon Israeli, the physician (d.
953), was recalled to Egypt from Kairwan and en-
tered the service of 'Ubaid Allah; he was still in the
royal service at the death of Al-Mansur (952). Al-
Mu'izz (952-975) had several Jews in
Rule of the his service. The Bagdad apostate
Fatimite Ya'kub ibn Killis, who bad been the
Califs. right-hand man of the I khshidid Kafur
(966), was driven by the intrigues of
the vizier Ibn al-Furat to enter the service of Al-
Mu'izz. He was probably with Jauhar when the
latter led the calif's forces into Egypt, and he
became vizier under the calif 'Aziz. This Jau-
har, who lor some time was practically ruler over
Egypt and Syria, has been identified by DeGoeje
with Paltiel, of whom the Ahimaaz Chronicle speaks
with much enthusiasm (Z. D.M. G. Iii. 75). Jauhar
is known to have been brought from South Italy;
hut the identification is still very uncertain. The
first fifteen yearsof Al 'Aziz's reign were dominated
by Ibn Killis, whom Kaufmann has endeavored to
identify with Paltiel; these were years of plenty and
quiet. A Jew, Manasseli, was chief secretary in
Syria (J. Q. R, xiii. 100; B. A. § 60; L.-P. p. 120).
Hoses h. Kleazar. his sons Isaac and Ishmael, and
his grandson Jacob, were in the service of this calif
ii; A. ; 55)
The foundation of Talmudic schools in Egypt is
usually placed at this period, and is connected with
the story of the four captive rabbis who were sold
into various parts of the Diaspora. Sheniariah h
Elhanail is said to have been taken by the Arab ad-
miral Ibn Rumahis (or Damahin) to Alexandria and
then sent to Cairo, where lie was redeemed in the
tenth century (Ibn Da'ud, ed. Neubauer, M. J. C.
i. 68). A letter from him is published by Sehechter
(J. Q. It. vi. 222, 596), and one from Hushiel to him
(t8. xi. 044). That he was settled in Fostat is proved
by a legal document, dated 1002, in his own hand-
writing. His cosignatories are Paltiel b. Ephraim,
Solomon b. David, Aaron b. Moses, and Jalib b.
Wahb. He is here termed " rosh" (ha-yeshibah ;
J. Q. R. xi. G4S; "Teshubot he-Geonim," ed. Har-
kavy, p. 14"). Early responsa sent to Egypt are
made mention of (Hi. pp. 20, 142. 140), and one by
Samuel b. Hofni (?) to Shemariah is likewise men-
tioned (J. Q.'R. xiv. 401).
That the mad calif Al Hakim (996-1020) during the
first ten years of his reign allowed both Jews and
Christians to remain in the somewhat exceptional
position which they had obtained under the tolera-
tion of A1-' Aziz is proved by the fragment of a versi-
fied megillah, in which the ealif ^>X "101X2 fin (Al-
Hakim bi-Amr Allah) is lauded as "the best of ru-
lers, the founder of hospitals, just and equitable"
(J. Q. R. ix. 25; Z. D. M. G. li. 442). But the
Jews finalty suffered from the calif's freaks. He vig-
orously applied the laws of Omar, and compelled
the Jews to wear bells and to earn-
The Pranks in public the w len image of a calf.
of the A street in the city, Al-Jaudariyyah,
Mad Calif, was inhabited by Jews. Al-Hakim,
hearing that they were accustomed to
mock him in verses, had the whole quarter burned
down; and, says Al-Makrizi, "up to this day no
Jews are allowed to dwell there " ("Al-Khitat," ii.
5). According to Al-Kalkashaudi (" Subh al-A'sha,"
transl. Wustenfeld, p. 73) the Jews then moved into
the street Al-Zuwailah. Both of these streets were
in the northwestern part of the city, not far from
the Darb al-Yahud of to-day.
During the reign of Al-Mustansir Ma'add (1035-
1094) the real power was wielded by his mother, a
black Sudanese slave, who had been sold to Al-Zahir
by Said, a .lew of Tustar. This Said had two sons,
Abu Sa'id. a dealer in antiquities, and Abu Nasr
Barun, a banker. Through the intrigues of Abu
Said the vizier 11m al-Anbari was deposed and his
place taken by an apostate Jew, Abu Mansur Sada-
kah ibn Yusuf. After nine months Sadakah, fear-
ing the power of Abu Sa'id, had him put to death
I \\ ustenfeld, " Fatimiden," p. 230). To the eleventh
century belongs the papyrus litter sent (1046) from
Egypt t.i the Palestinian gaon Solomon b. Judah
(" Mittheilungen aus der Sammlung der Papyrus
Erzherzog Kainer," 1892, p. 127). It seems that an
Egyptian community had been rent asunder by the
presence in the synagogue of Solomon Sabik, a haz-
zan who had been excommunicated by the bet din of
Ramleh for witchcraft. Sabik's letter of recom-
mendation from the Palestinian gaon was considered
a forgery; and a new letter from the gaon was
demanded (R. E. .1. x\v. 272: .1. Q, R. xv. 82). A
papyrus deed of gift, dated 1089, names Abraham b.
Shemaiah as head of the rabbinate .at Fostat, his cob
leagues being Samuel the Spaniard and Halfon b.
Shabib, the hazzan ("Fuhrer durch die Sammlung
der Papyrus Erzherzog Rainer," p. 266). At this
time there lived also Ephraim ibn al-Zafan (Za' fa-
ran; died 106S), a noted court physician, from whom
Al-Afdal once bought a library of 10,000 volumes,
and who, when he died, left more than 20,000 books
(B. A. § 142).
At the beginning of the twelfth century a Jew,
Abu al-Munajja ibn Sha'yah, was tit the head of
the Department of Agriculture. He is especially
known as the constructor of a Nile sluice (1112),
which was called after him "Bahr Abi al-Munajja"
(Ibn Dukmak, "Description de l'Egypte," ii. 46,
Cairo, 1893; Al-Makrizi, I.e. i. 72, 477; Ibn Iyyas,
"Bada'ial-Zuhur.'Mi. 109, 182; Al-Kutubi,"Fawat,"
i. 89; Al-Kalkashaudi, I.e. p. 27). He fell into dis-
favor because of the heavy expenses connected with
the work, and was incarcerated in Alexandria, but
was soon able to free himself (J. Q. R.
Jewish xv. 73). A document concerning a
Ministers, transaction of his with a banker has
been preserved (J. Q. R. xv. 168).
Under the vizier Al-Malik al-Afdal (1137) there was
a Jewish master of finances, whose name, however,
is unknown. His enemies succeeded in procuring
his downfall, and he lost all his property. He was
succeeded by a brother of the Christian patriarch,
who tried to drive the Jews out of the kingdom.
Four leading Jews worked and conspired against
the Christian, with what result is not known.
There has been preserved aletter from this ex -minis-
ter to the Jews of Constantinople, begging for aid
in a remarkably intricate poetical style (J. Q. R. ix.
29, x. 430; Z. D. M. G. li. 444). One of the physi-
cians of the calif Al-Hafiz (1131-49) was a Jew, Abu
Mansur (Wustenfeld, p. 306). Abu al-Fada'il ibn
al-Nakid (died 1189) was a celebrated oculist (B. A.
§ 151).
In this century a little more light is thrown upon
the communities in Egypt through the reports of
certain Jewish scholars and travelers who visited
the country. Judah ha-Levi was in Alexandria in
1141, and dedicated some beautiful verses to his
friend Aaron Ben-Zion ibn Alamaxi and his five
sons of that city. At Damietta Ha-Levi met his
friend, the Spaniard Abu Sa'id ibn Halfon ha-Levi.
About 1160 Benjamin of Tudela was iu Egypt; he
gives a general account of the Jewish communities
which he found there. At Cairo there were 2,000
Jews; at Alexandria 3,000, with a R. Phineas b.
Meshullam, who had come from France, at their head ;
in the Fay um there were 20 families ; at Damietta 200;
at Bilbais, east of the Nile, 300 persons; and at Da-
mira 700. At Mahallahf Yakut, iv. 428), now Mahallat
al-Kabir, half-way on the railroad line between Alex-
andria and Damietta, Benjamin found 500. Sam-
ban (119, 10) mentions a synagogue here (n^TO^N).
with a scroll of the Law (seen as late as 1896 by S.
Sehechter) in a metal case, which was used only on
Rosh Hodesh, and which was supposed to entail the
death of any one who swore falsely after having
touched it. Benjamin also found 200 Jews at Sefl
tan and 200 at Al-Butij, on the east bank of the
Nile. Sambari (156, 16) speaks of Jews also at
Reshid (Rosetta), where Samuel b. David saw two
synagogues (G. p. 4).
The rigid orthodoxy of Saladin (1169-93) does
not seem to have affected the .lews in his kingdom.
,\ Karaite doctor, Abu al Bayyan al Mudawwar(d.
who had been physician to the last Fatimite,
treated Saladin also i B.A. § 158): while
Mai- Abu ab.Ma'ali, brother in law of Mai
monides. monides, was likewise in bis service
L55). In 1U!<) Maimonidea wen!
to Egypt and settled in Fostat, where he gained
much renown as a physician, practising in the
family of Sal
adin and in that
of his vizier
Kadi al-Fa<J il
al - Ba i sami .
The title " Ra'is
al Tmma"or"al
Millah" (Head
of the Nation,
or of the Faith),
was bes to w ed
upon him. In
Fostat, he wrote
his" M i sh no h
To rah" (1180)
and the " Moreh
N. bukim," both
of which evoked
Opposition even
from the Mu-
ll b in in e il a n s,
« ho commented
Upontle ill i.l o.
R.Vi.218). From
this plaCC hesent
man) li ttei 3and
OSS ; I </.. to
Jacob, son of
Nathaniel al-
l-\i\ J Mini, on the
do- Messiah
in South Arabia,
and to R. Hasdai
ha - l.e \ i. i he
Spaniard, in Al-
exandria ("Te-
Ol In Kiln
ham." p.
In 1178 he for
warded a rc-
quesl to the
i A l ric an
communities to
■id in releasing
a number of cap-
The origi-
nal of the lasl
inent ha s
been preserved (M. xliv. 8). He caused the Karaites
removed from the court (J, Q l: xiii 104). He
also served Saladin's successors as physician.
Maimonides' presence in Egypt a1 ibis time was
quite fortunate. A certain /ui.i. also called " 5Tahya,"
had supplanted the nagid Samuel for sixty four
'lays Samuel, however, was reinstated. Zuta
hoarded up much wealth, and when tin- nagid died
(before 11(19). denounced bis manner of collecting the
Plan if the CM i of I ;ni". Twelfth Century.
(Afi.T La Pool*, " M '
revenues. Though the accusation was proved tube
false, Zuta induced Saladin to sell him the dignity,
anil under the name of " Sar Shalom ha-Levi " be
greatly overtaxed the people for four years— prob
ably from 1 IS") to 1189, two documents written
during his tenure of office bearing these dates re-
spectively (.1. Q. R. viii. 555). Maimonides, with
the aid of R. Isaac, whom Harkavy and Neubauer
connect wit li Isaac b. Shoshan ha-Dayyan, succeeded
in driving Zuta
OUtof office; and
he and bis son
were put under
the ban for t la-
de nunciations
which they had
burled right and
left. The mat-
ter was even
brought to the
attention of the
vizier ( "]f>0). A
megillah ("Me-
gillat Zuta ") re-
counting these
events was writ-
ten in rimed
prose by Abra-
ham bau Hit,-
i.ki, in 1190 (.1.
Q. R. viii. 541,
iv 721, xi. 532;
W e r t b e i m e r,
"Ginze Yerusba
layim,"i. 87; see
also Harkavy in
"Ha - Mi/pah,"
1885, ii. 5 13;
Kaufmann, in M.
xli. 460, and. I. Q.
R. ix. 170).
The severe
pest that visited
Egypt in 1201-
1202 in conse-
quence of an ex-
ceptionally low-
Nile, and which
is graphically de
scribed by the
physician 'Abd
al l.atif, is also
described in a
lb blew frag-
ment which is al
present in the
possession of A.
Wolf of Dresden (Z. I). M. Q. li. 448)
It was during the nagidahip of Abraham Maimoni-
des, who was physician toAl Malik al Ixamil (1218
88), that Al ll.iri/i went to Egypt, of
Al-Harizi's which he speaks in the thirty sixth
Visit. and forty-sixth tnakamahs of his " Tali-
kiuioiii " The former is supposed by
Kaminka to be possibly a satire on Zuta (M. xliv.
220; Kaininka's e.l . p xxix.; but DW3D niust refer
to South Arabia). In Alexandria Al-Harizi mentions
R. Simhah ba-Koben, the Karaite I toadiah (the royal
scribe) and his sou Joseph, R. Hillel, and R. Zadok,
thehazzan. In Fostat he mentions especially the day -
yanMenahemb. R. Isaac. He also met Abraham Mai-
monides; and in Egypthe began to write his "Tah-
kemoni " At the beginning of the thirteenth century
there lived Jacob b. Isaac (As'ad al-Din al-Mahalli), a
renowned physicianand medical writer (B. A. § 163).
A letter to Hananeel b. Samuel (p. 1200), author of
commentaries to the Talmud, has been published by
Horwitz (Z. II. B. iv. 155; compare B. A. § 160).
In 1211 a number of French rabbis, at the head of
whom were the brothers Joseph and Melr ben Baruch,
emigrated to Palestine, and on their way visited
Abraham Maimonides, who mentions them in his
"Milhamot Adonai " (ed. Leipsic, p. 16a; see R. E.
J. vi. 178; Berliner's "Magazin," iii. 158).
Under the Bahri Mamelukes (1250-1390) the Jews
led a comparatively quiet existence; though they
had at times to contribute heavily toward the main-
tenance of the vast military equip-
Under the ment, and were harassed by the cadis
Mam- and ulemas of these strict Moslems.
elukes. Al Makrizi relates that the first great
Mameluke, Sultan Baibars (Al-Malik
al-Thahir, 1260-77), doubled the tribute paid by the
"ahl al-dhimmah." At one time he had resolved to
burn all the Jews, a ditch having been dug for that
purpose; but at the last moment he repented, and
instead exacted a heavy tribute, during the collec-
tion of which many perished (Quatremere, " Histoire
des Sultans Mamelukes," ii. 104). Under Al-Nasir
Mohammed (three times sultan, 1293-1340) the trib-
ute from Jews and Christians amounted to 10 to 25
dirhems per head (L.-P. p. 304).
An account is given in Sambari (135, 22) of the
strictness with which the provisions of the Pact of
Omar were carried out. The sultan had just re-
turned from a victorious campaign against the Mon-
gols in Syria (1305). A fanatical convert from Ju-
daism, Sa'id ibn Hasan of Alexandria, was incensed
at the arrogance of the non-Moslem population, par-
ticularly at the open manner in which services were
conducted in churches and synagogues. He tried
to form a synod of ten rabbis, ten priests, and the
ulemas. Failing in this, he endeavored to have the
churches and synagogues closed. Some of the
churches were demolished by the Alexandrian mob;
but most of the synagogues were allowed to stand,
as it was shown that they had existed at the time of
Omar, and were by the pact exempted from inter-
ference. Sambari (137, 20) says that a new pact
was made at the instance of letters from a Moorish
king of Barcelona (1309), and the synagogues were
reopened; but this probably refers only to the reis-
suing of the Pact of Omar. There are extant several
notable fetwas (responsa) of Moslem doctors touch-
ing this subject ; e.g., those of Ahmad ibn 'Abd al-
l.Iakk, who speaks especially of the synagogues at
Cairo, which on the outside appeared like ordinary
dwelling-houses — a fact which had occasioned other
legal writers to permit their presence. According
to Taki al-Din ibn Taimiyyah (b. 1263), the syna-
gogues and churches in Cairo had once before been
closed. This fanatical Moslem tills his fetwas with
invectives against the Jews, holding that all their
religious edifices ought to be destroyed, since they
had been constructed during a period when Cairo
was in the hands of heterodox Moslems, Ismailians,
Kannatians, and Nusairis (R. E. J. xxx. 1, xxxi. 213;
Z. D. M. G. liii. 51). The synagogues were, however,
allowed to stand (Weil, I.e. iv. 270). Under the same
sultan (1324) the Jews were accused of incendiarism
at Fostat and Cairo; they bad to excidpate them-
selves by a payment of 50.000 gold pieces (Quatre-
mere, i.e. ii. 16). The dignity which Moses Maimonides
had given to Egyptian-Jewish learning was not
maintained by his descendants. In 1314 the French
philosopher and exegete Joseph Caspi went on a spe-
cial mission to Egypt, where he hoped to draw in-
spiration for philosophical study ; but he was much
disappointed, and did not remain there for any
length of time (Gratz, "Gesch." vii. 362). During
the period just referred to lived Abu al-Muna al
Kuhin al-Attar, who compiled a much-used phar-
macopoeia (ed. Cairo, 1870, 1883; B. A. § 176). and
the apostate Sa'd ibn Mansur ibn Kammuna (1280),
who wrote a number of tracts on philosophy and an
interesting controversial tract on Judaism, Christi-
anity, and Islam (B. A. § 178).
Under the Burji Mamelukes the Franks again at-
tacked Alexandria (1416), and the laws against the
Jews were once more strictly enforced by Sheik al-
Mu'ayyid (1412-21); by Ashraf Bars
In the Bey (1422-38), because of a plague
Fifteenth which decimated the population in
Century. 1438; by Al-Zahir Jakmak (1438-53);
and by Ka'it-Bey (1468-95). The last-
named is referred to by Obadiah of Bertinoro (O. p.
53). The Jews of Cairo were compelled to pay
75,000 gold pieces (Muir, "Mamluks," pp. 136, 154.
180). During this century two travelers visited
Egypt — namely, Meshullam of Volterra (1481) and
Obadiah of Bertinoro (1488), just mentioned — and
they have left accounts of what they saw there (see
Bibliography, below). Meshullam found 60 Jewish
householders in Alexandria, but no Karaites or Sa-
maritans; there were two synagogues, a large and a
small one. Fostat was in ruins; but he mentions
the Elijah and the Damwah synagogues. In Cairo
he found 500 Jewish householders, 22 Karaites, and
50 Samaritans; six synagogues, and a royal inter-
preter of Jewish descent, one Tagribardi. Of other
prominent .Tens he mentions ]{. Samuel "pi a rich
and charitable man, physician to the sultan, and his
son Jacob; R. Joshua "I0r6x and Zadakah b. n31J>
(M. V. pp. 176-187).
Obadiah was protected in Alexandria by R. Moses
Grasso, interpreter for the Venetians, whom he men-
tions sis a very prominent man. He speaks of only
25 Jewish families there; but there were 700 Jews
in Cairo, 50 Samaritans, and 150 Karaites. The Sa-
maritans, he says, are the richest of all the Jews,
and are largely engaged in the business of banking.
He also met there Anusim from Spain (O. p. 51).
The Jewish community must have been greatly aug-
mented by these exiles. They were well received,
though occasionally their presence caused strife, as
in the case of Joseph ibn Tabul, who insisted upon
joining the Sephardim, though he really belonged
to the Arabic community. Sulaimah ibn Uhna and
— ■
I r,ANR*m..T0 8 ■■B.Jl-UAH.TW.UmifHtTOEr.
■ \
Hayyim Vital interfered, and copies of their letters
to iini Tabu! have been preserved (Frumkin, "Eben
Shemuel," p. 7>. Amoug their number may be
mentioned Moses b. Isaac Alashkar, Samuel Sidillo
(1455-1530), 1 >avid ibn Abi Zimra (1470-1572), Jacob
Berab (whocame IV.. in Jerusalem in 1522; Frumkin,
p. 30), and Abraham ibn Shoshan, the last three
holding official positions as rabbis. Moses de Cas-
tro, a pupil of Berab, was at the head of the rabbin-
ical school at t 'airo.
On Jan. 22, 1517, the Turkish sultan, Salim I., de-
feated Tuman Bey, the last of the .Mamelukes. He
made radical changes in the affairs of the Jews,
abolishing the office of nagid, making
Under the each community independent, and pla-
Turks. cing David ibn Abi Zimra, at the bead
of that of Cairo. He also appointed
Abraham de Castro to be master of t lie mint. About
this time David Re'ubeni was in Cairo (1523?); he
-peaks of the Jews' street there I D'TinTI r6"DD =
"Darb al-Yahudi"), of their occupation as gold
smiths, and of Abraham de Castro, who, he says,
lived as a pseudo-Mohammedan (M. J. C. ii. 141).
It was during the reign of Salim's successor, Sulai-
iniiii II. , that Ahmad Pasha, Viceroy of Egypt, re
venged himself upon the Jews because De Castro
had revealed (1524) to the sultan his designs for in-
dependence (see Ahmad Pasha; Abraham de Cas-
tro). The "Cairo Purim," in commemoration of
their escape, is still celebrated on Adar 28.
The text of the raegillah read on that day has been published
by Lowe in " Ha-Maggid," Feb. 14, 28, ism;, and. from a jrenizah
fragment, in j. Q. it. viii. :'. 7, *>ll. The short report <>f an eye-
witness, Samuel b. Nahman. is given in Neubauer, "Aus der
Petersburger Bibliothek," p. 118. Secondary sources : Ibn Ver-
ga, Addita ma. p. Ill : s. 145, 9 (see .1. Q. I!, xi. 656); Josepb
ha-Kohen, " 'F.mek ha-Bakah," pp. 76,95; fctem, " Dibre ha-
Yamim," p. 73.
Toward the end of tbe sixteenth century Talmudic studies in
Egypt were greatly festered by Bezaleel Ashkenazi, author of
the " Shittah Mekubbezet." Among bis pupils were Isaac Luria,
who as a young man had gone to Egypt to visit a rich uncle, the
tax-farmer Uordecal Francis (Azulai, " Sbem ba-Gedolim," No.
and Mnahaui Monson (1594k Isbmael Eohen Tanujl fin-
ished his " Sefer ha-Ztkkaron " in Egypt in 1543. Joseph ben
Hoses >li Tranl was in Egypt for a time (Frumkin, I.e. p. 69), as
well as Hayyim Vital Aaron ibn Hayyim, the Biblical and Tal-
mudlcal c mentator (1609; Frumkin, (.c pp. 71, 72). 01 Isaac
Lima's pupils, a Joseph Tabul is mentioned, whose son Jacob,
a pi itnent man, was put to death by the authorities ("Sar she!
Miziayim"; Conforte, " Kore ha-l)oi,,t,'' 40b).
According to Manasseb b. Israel (1656), "The
viceroy of Egypt lias always at his side it Jew with
the title 'zaraf bashi,' or 'treasurer,' who gathers
the taxes of tin' laud. At present Abraham Alkula
l^l^^s] holds the position." lie was succeeded
by Raphael Joseph Tshelebi, the rich friend and
protector of Shabbethai ?ebi (Gratz, "Gesch." x.
34). Shabbethai was twice in Cairo, the second
time in 1660. It was there that lie married the ill
famed Sarah, who bad been brought from Leghorn
(ib. p. 210). The Shabbethaian movement naturally
Created a great stir in Egypt. It was in Cairo
that Miguel (Abraham | C lrdoso, the Shabbethaian
prophet and physician settled (1703), becoming
physician to the pasha Kara Mohammed. In 1641
Samuel b. David, the Karaite, visited Egypt. The
account of his journey (G i. t) supplies special in-
formation in regard to his fellov sectaries, lb de
scribes three synagogues "I the Rabbinitesat Alexan-
dria, and two tit Rash id (G. i. 4). A second Karaite,
Moses b. Elijah ha Levi, has left a similar account
of the year 1654; but it contains only a few points
of special interest to the Karaites (/A).
Sambari mentions a severe trial which came upon
the Jews, due to a certain "kadial-'asakir" ( = " gen-
eralissimo,'' not a proper name) sent from Constanti-
nople to Egypt, who robbed and oppressed the/n,
and whose death was in a certain measure occasioned
by the graveyard invocation of one Moses of Dam
wah. This may have occurred in the seventeenth
century (S. 120, 21). David Conforte was dayyan
iu Egypt in 1671. In Sambari's own time (1672)
there were Jews at Alexandria, Cairo, and Damanhui
(R. Halfon b. 'Ula, the dayyan); at D'3^13 or D'sha
(S. 133, 11; 136, 18;R. Judah ha-Kohen. the dayyan;
this city is perhaps identical with Bilbao's, though a
genizah fragment in Cambridge mentions the city
DUTO in 1119); at Mahallah (R. Perahiah b. Jose.
the dayyan), at Bulak (S. 162, 7), and at Rashid iS.
136, 10), where he mentions Moses ibn Abu Darham,
Judah ^XifL''D, and Abraham ibn Zur. Sambari
gives also the names of the leading Jews in All \
andria and Cairo. His chronicle (edited in part by
Neubauer, and reprinted by Berliner, Berlin, 1896)
is chiefly valuable for the history of the Jews in
Egypt, his native country. From 17(59to 1773 Hay-
yim Joseph Azulai was rabbi in Cairo (J. Q. R.
xv. 333).
Solomon Hazzan gives the following list of rabbis at Alexan-
dria during recent times: Jedidiah Israel (1777-82), his nephew
Israel (1802 23), Solomon Hazzan (Is::.'.' 36), Israel M,.ses Hazzan
(1862), Nathan Amram Use,:.' 73), Moses Pardo (1873 74>, and
Elijah Hazzan (1888). Israel Yom-Tob, who was nominally chief
rabbi of Cairo, died April s, 1892, and was succeeded by Aaron
ben Simon i " tsraelit," 1892, p. 639).
Two Jewish travelers have left an account of the
condition of the Jews iu Egypt about the middle of
the nineteenth century. Benjamin II. found in Al-
exandria about 500 families of indigenous Jews and
150 of so-called Italians. Each of these communii ii 9
had its own synagogue, but both were
In tbe presided over by R. Solomon Hazzan,
Nineteenth a native of Safed. In Cairo also he
Century, found two Jewish communities; the
indigenous numbering about 6,000
families and the Italian 200. Both were presided
over by Hakam Elijah Israel of Jerusalem. Benja-
min speaks of their eight synagogues, one of which
is called "the Synagogue of Maimonides. " In Fos-
tat. or old Cairo, he found 10 Jewish families, very
poor, anil supported by their richer brethren in Cairn
In Damietta there were 50 Jewish families, and be-
tween that place and Cairo several scattered Jewish
communities which had lapsed into a dead state of
ignorance (Benjamin II., "Eight Years in Asia and
Africa," pp. 230 et Beg.).
Ibn Safir ("Eben Sappir." pp. 26 ct an/., Lyck.
1 still) gives a more detailed account. He says that
most of the Jews at present in Alexandria went
there in recent times, after the cutting of the Mali-
mudiyyah Canal. A number had gone from Rashid
and from Damietta, so that only a handful of .lews
was left in those places. The number in Alexandria
In estimates tit 2,000. Among the synagogues « ere
the Kauisal 'Aziz, a small one, and the Kan is Sarda-
hil, a large one. The Elijah synagogue had been
rebuilt three years before his arrival. He speaks also
synagogue with Sephardic ritual for the Italian
Jews, numbering 100, and of a special synagogue
for 50 Jews who had come there from eastern Eu-
rope. Of .lews in other parts of Egypl he mentions:
Tanta, between the Rosettaand Damiettaarms
of the Nile, with a synagogue; 40 families in Man-
surah; 20 families in Mahallah, with a synagogue
. 20 families in Bet Jamari (V); 5 families at
Ziftrli, on the left bank ol the Damietta arm, 10
.lews at Benha, ami only 1 in Fayum (p. 25a). In
i In' f • > 1 1 i i ■ 1 600 families of native Jews and 60 of
Italians. Turks, etc., following the Sephardic ritual.
and 150 Kami i '■ families living in a separate quarter.
New Synagogue al Cairo, Egypt.
(Alt.. ,
Tin' Jews live in the northwestern pan of the city
in a special quarter called " Darb al Yalnuli." The
lanes are narrow, but the houses are large. The Jews
ii to-do and are engaged largely in the banking
business. The cemetery is two hours distant from
tlir city, and the mans arc not marked by anj
There is. however, a monument to accle-
brated pious man. R. Hayyim 'D1B3, to which the
Jews make pilgrimages, taking off their shoes as
they approach it. Kapusi (?) must, have lived to
waul the end of the sixteenth and at the beginning
of the seventeenth century. Heis mentioned in a
document of the year 1607, together with Abraham
ro, Benjamin ';-;np ('J'JNp, Confortc, l.e p
41b), and Moses Arragel (Hazzan, "Ha-Ma'alot ii
Bfoelomoh," p. 12a), and by Conforte (/'».).
The head of the Egyptian Jews outside of Ales
ainlria was l{. Elijah Israel b. Isaac of Jerusalem,
Whose power over the community was considerable.
Ibn Saiir mentions as leaders of the communit]
i "in Tni i b. Elijah Israel, a judge; Jacob -siiai
the Ya'hrz family ; Jacob Catawi ; Saadia ; and Abra
liam Rosana. In the ruined citj of Fostat be found
twelve Jewish families, whose number was increased
during tlir summer by the rich Cairo Jews who go
i here for a time (" Eben Bappir," p 20a i.
Blood accusations occurred at Alexandria in 1S44
I.I. .St. "Neuele ( ll :SI 111. lit e. " ii. 880), in L881 (Jew.
Eki re. i 366), and in Jan., 1902 (see "Bulletin All.
far." 1902, p. -J4 1. In consequence of the Damasi i -
\m vin. Monteflore, Cremieux, and Solomon Munk
\ i-ite.l Egypt in 1840; and the last two did much to
raise the intellectual status of their Egyptian In. t h
nil by the founding, in connection with Rabbi Moses
Joseph Algazi, of schools in Cairo (Jost, I.e. p.
368; idem, "Annalen," 1840, p. 429).
In 1892 a German -Italian congregation was
formed at Port Said under Austrian protection ("fa
raelit." L892, p. 1620), When Khartum fell into the
hands of the Mahdil 1885), seven or eight Jews were
found th.re, among them Neufeld. They weri
however, all foreigners .
According t<> the official census published in 1898
(i., xviii.), there were in Egypt 25,200 Jews in a total
population of 9,734,405. Of these, 12,693 were
ptiansand 12,507 strangers. Their distribution
in the various cities was as follow s
NO. "f .tews.
Sot . i norat*.
PrOt .... ..v.
t pper
:.'.". :.i < i
The Alliance Israelite [Jniverselle, together with
the Anglo-Jewish Association, maintains al Cairo a
hoys' and a girls' school, founded in 1896. There
aie Zionist societies in Cain.. Alexandria. Mausiirali.
Suez, Damanhur, .Mahallah. Kobra, and Tanta. The
Zionist society liar Cochba in Alexandria founded
ih. o a II. l.i. •« school in 1901; it issues a journal,
"l.e Messager Sionist," which in 1902 superseded
the " Mebassereth Zion."
The Egyptian communities were presided over
for many centuries by a nagid, similar to the " rcsh
galuta" in the East. < Ine of the i arli
Con- est references to the Egyptian nagid is
stitution ; to be found In the .Midi ash Agadal Be
the Nagid. reshit (p. 1 10, Warsaw, 1876), Bis full
title waspN dj) I'M (compare the title
of Simon .■.■....■»./ = ^x DJ? Itfi '• Mace. xiv. 28), or
hSjd Qi» TJJ (MS. Cambridge Add. No. 8124, Da
vi.l Maimoni.i.s. 1396), or perhaps D^BTI IB* (Ben
jamin of Tudela; compare /. I> M '• lii 446; J
(J K ix 118); and Sambari (1 16, 20; 133, 7)speaksof
him ;i- ^xil"- S; nv!,,; N'L"J His authority al times,
when Syria was a part of the Egyptian Mohammedan
empire, extended over Palestine; according to the
Ahimaaz Chronicle (130 5), even to the Mediterra
nean littoral on the west. Ln one document ("Ixauf
mannGedenkbncb,"p. 236) the word is used as syn-
onymous with " padishah. " The date is 1209; but
the term may refer to the nou Jewish overlord. In
Arabic works he is called "ra'is al-Tahud" (R. E.
.i xxx 9); though his c lection with the "shaikh
al-Yahud," mentioned in many documents, is not
clear Meshullam of Volterra says expressly that
his jurisdiction extended over Karaites and Samari
tans also; and this is confirmed by the official title
ol the nagid in the instrument of con\ eyance i>t' the
Postal synagogue. At tines he bad an official vice-
nagid, called by Meshullam tjj *jnvi (M. V. p.
187, 5); in Hebrew, DnBTl mojH-J- Q. R. x. 163).
'I'd assist him he had a bet ilin nf three persons (S.
133, 21) — though Meshullam mentions four judges
and two scribes, and the number was at times in-
creased even in seven— and there was a special
prison over which lie presided (M. V. p. 186). He
had full power in civil and criminal affairs, and
could impose tines anil imprisonment al will (David
ilin Alii Zimra, Responsa, ii.. No. 622; M. V. ib. ; O.
p, IT) He appointed rabbis ; and the congregation
paid his salary, in addition to which he received cer-
tain fees. His special duties were tocollect the taxes
and to watch over the restrictions placed upon the
further construction of synagogues (Shibab al Din's
"Ta'rit," cited in R. E. J. xx.x 10). Even theolog-
ical questions — regarding a pseudo-Messiah, for ex
ample— were referred to him (J. Q. R v. 500. X.
1 4Ui On Sabbath be was escorted in great state
from his home to the synagogue, and brought back
with similar ceremony in the after] n (S 116, 8).
On sinihiit Torah he had to read the Pentateuchal
lesson and to translate it into Aramaic and Arabic.
Upon his appointment by the calif his installation
was effected with much pomp runners went before
him: anil the royal proclamation was solemnly read
see E X A. Her in .1 Q Ii. i\ 717)
The origin of the nagidship in Egypt is obscure.
Sambari and David ibn Abi Zimra (Frumkin, "Eben
Shemuel." p. is) connect it directly with a daugh-
ter of the Abbassid calif Al Tat (974-
Orig-in of 991), who married the Egyptian calif
the Office. 'Ailmlal Daulah (977-982). Bui 'Adud
was a Buwahid emir of Bagdad under
A I Muktafi . and, according to Ibn al-Athir ("Chron-
icles," viii 521), ii was Idud's daughter who mar-
ried Al Ta'i. Nor does Sambari give the name of
the nagid sent from Bagdad On the other hand.
the Ahimaaz Chronii ■ i the Paltiel who was
broughl by Al Mu'izz to Egypl in 952 the title of
"nagid " (125, 26; 129, 9; 130, I); and it is possible
that the title originated with him. though tin ac
counts about the general .lauhai ma) popularly have
been transferred to him. If this i„ . ... f0]
lowed by hi- -on. R. Samuel (Ahimaaz Chronicle,
130,8) who ictions, especially to the Jews in
the Holy Land, are noticed. This musl lie the Sam
ucl mentioned as head ol the Jews many hundred
years previous b) Samuel b. David, and claimed as
a Karaite. The claim is also made by Firkovitcu,
and his date is set at 1063. lie is said to have oh
tained permission lor the Jews to go about at night
in the public streets, provided they had lanterns, and
to purchase a burial-ground instead of burying then
dead in their own courtyards (G. pp. 7.61). The
deed of conveyance of the Rabbinite synagogue at
Postal (1038), already referred to. mentions Aim
(Ibn?) Imran Musa ibn Ya'kub ibn Isliak al-Isra'ili
as the nagid of that time. The next nagid men-
tioned is the physician Judah b. Josiah, a Davidite
of Damascus, also in the eleventh century (S. llti.
20; 133, 10); a poem in honor ol his acceptance oi
the office has been preserved (.1. (I I!
Succession viii. 566, ix. 360). In the same cen-
of tury lived the nagid Meborak b
Nagddim. Saadia, a physician (J. Q. R. viii.
557): he is referred to in a. contract
dated 1098 (ib. ix. 38, 115), in the epistle of tin-ex-
minister of finance of the vizier AlAfdal (Z. I). M.
(j. lii. 440), and in a Lewis Gibson fragment (.1. Q.
I! ix. 116). lie was maligned by the ex i larch Da-
vid, and was forced to take refuge for a time in
Fayum and Alexandria (ib. xv. 89).
It is uncertain whether there was a nagid named
Mordecai; the expression "Mordekai ha-Zeman"
is probably appellative (ih. ix. 170); but the frag-
ment of a poem (see "He-Haluz," iii. 153) ad-
dresses him as " Xcgid 'Am El," which is quite dis
tinctive (J. Q. R. viii. 553). His full name would
then be Mordecai b al-Harabiyyah. He was suc-
ceeded by Abu Mansur Samuel b. Hananiah, who
was nagid at the time of Judah ha-Levi (1141). Ib-
is not to be confused with Samuel ha-Nagid of
Spain, as he is even in Sambari (S. 156, 24; see. I.
(j. U. ix. 170, xiii. 103; M. xl. 417). He was living in
1 157, but not so late as 1171, as he is not mentioned
by Benjamin of Tudela When Benjamin was in
Egypt the nagid was Nathanael (Hibat Allah ibn
•laini. a renowned physician; B. A. SJ 145). This
can be seen from Benjamin's description, though
the title is not used (despite Neubauer, J. tj. R. viii.
553) He is mentioned in 1104 in a marriage con-
tract published bv Merx ("Doc. Paleogr." 1894; M.
xxxix. 150, xli. 214: .1. Q. R. xiii. 103; B. A. § 145).
During the time that he fanned the revenues the
usurper Zuta must have held office (M. xli. 463)
Zuta was ousted by Maimonides, though whether
the latter took bis place as nagid, and what was
his relationship to Nathanael. are not clear. A ke-
tiibbah, dated 1172. in the library of the late I).
Kaufmann, seems by its wording to indicate that
Maimonides did hold the offioe (Z. D. M. <1. Ii. 451 :
M. xli 125,463). Maimonides induced many Kara-
ites to id urn to Kabbinisin (Unit/.. "Gesch." vi. :
The dignity of nagid was vested for some time
in the family of Maimonides; Abraham (1186-1287;
a document from his bet din is published by D. W.
Aniram in "The Green Hag," xiii 339, Boston,
1901); his son David (1212-1300; S. 120, 15; 134.
29 M. xliv. 17; " Kerem Hemed," ii. 100; "<>r
Mcir." p. 31); the latter's son Abraham Maimonides
11. (1246-1310); and Abraham's son Joshua b
Abraham ib 124s
In regard to the fourteenth century there is no
Information. In the fifteenth occursa Nagid Amram
(I41fl>. to whom a letter was sent (preserved by the
Italian stylist Joseph b. Jndah Sarko) introdui
rtain 1! Elias, who was < » i > a mission to Beek the
Ten Tribes (J. <,> K. iv. 303). I.ipmatm of
lhauscu mentions ll Hire in his ■• Nizzahon"
Amsterdam, p. 96). In 1481 Meshullamof Vol
terra mentions Solomon l>. Joseph, h hose father be
fore liim had also been nagid. Solomon was physi
to the sultan Al-Malik al-Ashraf EVil Be] (11
V. p. 186); his dayyauim were Jacob b Samuel ri33
fl31?), Jacob n"13KD7K. Samuel b. Akil, and Aaron
\l appe. He was followed by Nathan Kohen Sholal
(seen by Obadiah of Bertinoro, 1488), who was born
in the Maghreb and had formerly lived in Jerusalem
(0. p. 52). Nathan was followed by bis nephew,
Quae Cohen Sholal (1509; S. 157, 1). A letter from
his bet din is menti id, among others, bj Conforte
" ly.n- ba-Dorot," p. 31a; compare Frumkin, I.e.
p 20, and A/ulai, "Shem ha Gedolim," N'n. :i',''J. i.
4">:i i Fora time he was deprived of his rank: but
he returned to Egypt in 1500 (Samuel de Avila in
Frumkin, -Eben Shemuel." p. 18; Brilll's " Jahrb."
vii. 123). Abraham de Castro (1524), the mint-mas-
ter, is given the title '' nagid " by Sambari (145, 10;
!0 ; his nephew, Jacob de Castro (d. L610),
i rabbinic authority. The same source men-
tions (S. 157, (ii as i he last dignitaries Tjxn (TJNTI
and Jacob ibn Hayyim. From the time of the Os-
manli rule, says Sambari (116, 22), the nagid dynast v
was no longer in the family of David, bul was given
to the one preeminent for wisdom and riches. He
ent to Egypt by the Jewish notables of Con
Btantinople. The pretensions of Jacob ibn Hayy im
bim disliked (116, 25). He was put under the
ban bj Bezaleel Ashkcnazi, and driven from the
I I- i ii" ' "i Qagid "as suspended about the mid-
dle "i the sixteenth century (according to A/ulai.
Gedolim," i. 16, by Bezaleel himself), the
chief rabbi being given the title "tshelebi." David
ibn Abi /.iniia was chief rabbi o I Egypl for many
1570), and his decisions were widely fol-
lowed throughout the Orient ("Ma'alol li-Shelo-
moh " p I8h The title "nagid " given to Berab
insa, Qi 30, i 87) is purely Ii rifle.
The following is a tentative list of the negidim,
as far as tin \ can at present be determined:
Tenth i 'i ntUi y
PUtlel sa I (?)
Eleventh I ■ tituru
uli al Ism lli Meborak b. Saadla
JMali i- (Mordeoal b rI ii ...
til ('■ ill inn.
Bamiiel h m. i.. Nail in i lllali
lecMth Centura
mi Miilinonl.li'« i, Lbnuuun M aides ll
"i' Joshua I. \ iT.il.a:. Mnlm. nn. I. -
I i
Soloi i I.. Josepl
ViIiniii K'.h.n Slmlitl
[saac Koben sh,,|jii
Si . /, enth i '■ hi m ii.
Abml.i, [624) -i-jN-
Jarob Ibn Hayyim
Tin question of the relation of the religious lead-
ership (gaonate) to the more worldly nagidship is
extremely difficult ol solution on account of thi
paucity of documents. The Egyp-
Gaon and tians seem to have recognized the au
Nag-id. tin nit y of tin- Bnl>\ Ionian geonim; for
i hoy addressed questions to them (Har
kavy, "Teshubot ba-Geonim," p. 342 1. and oven
helped the declining fortunes ol the Eastern schools
Schechter, "Saadyana," pp. 117 et seg.) The head
of tin- soli. i. .Is in Egypt was called, as in Babylon,
"rush ha yoshiliah." or "nasi" — a title which was
much misused, to judge from a responsum of Abra-
ham Mai ides (" Teshubol ba-Rambam," p. 50a).
The quarrel between the Babylonians and the Pales-
tinians regarding the right to fix the religious calen-
dar each year could not have been passed unnoticed
in Egypt. All the fragments dealing with the con
troversy between Saadia and Bi.\ Mi iu that have
been found of recent years have c from the
Cairo genizah (see R. K. .1. xliv. 230). There is evi-
dence that the question became acute for the Jews
in Egypt also, during the califate of Al-Mustansir
Billah (1036-94). This evidence is the so-called
W.iathar si roll " It seems as if a new Palestinian
gaonate bad begun about 1045 with Solomon b. Ju
ilah. Abialhar was a sei la Palestinian priestly
family . I lis father Elijah and a certain Joseph (be-
fore 1054) claimed jurisdiction over the Jews both
in Palestine ami in Egypt under the title of " gaon. "
They wen- bitterly opposed by a member of the ex
i larch's family, Daniel b. Azariah. "the Nasi," who
had come from Babylon. Joseph was supported bi
the government; he died in 1054, and Daniel ruled
for eight years without opposition (il. 1062). On
hisdeatb, Elijah (d. 1084) held the office for nearly
twenty-three years, in pis-.> this Elijah called a
synod ai Tyre, ami ordained his son Abiathar as
gaon. But about 1081 David b. Daniel, a descend-
ant of the Babyloniau exilarch, aged 20, had gone to
Egypt (Damira?), and in 1088 was in Fostat, where
his claims were supported i>.\ the government, es
p. eially by the nagid Meborak and by a relative ol
his. Josiah ii. Azariah, the head of the school then
in whom the title "gaon" is also given (J <,) R. \\
86) \t times the title does nol seem to have been
distinctive of any office.
Tin- Babylonian gaonate had died out with Heze
k i. 1 1 1 . and the idea was to renew itinEgypt. David
was declared exilarch ; and lie exercised power over
the Jewish communities in Alexandria, Damietta,
and Fostat, which he oppressed with taxes. He also
had power over the Jews in Ashkclon, Csesarea,
Haifa. Beirut, and Byblus, and over Tyre . o
when it came again under the power of Egvpl
(1089), causing the gaon there to flee. Daniel then
lis own n prcsentatn c to t lie city In 1093,
in opposition to Abiathar, David endeavored to be
made "rosb gelayol " over all Israel I lis harshness
caused Meborak to support Abiathar; and in 1094
Meborak assisted in having Abiathar's power as gaon
w i. tlged i.l i,i I! \iv 1 19, xv. 91). A defense
of tin pretensions ol David by the school in Fostat
n published by Si liei btei i ib siv, 476). Abia-
ihai was probably succeeded as gaon by his brother,
Solomon ii. Elijah, who had been "ab i» I din
xiv. 481). Solomon was followed by bis son Maz-
liah (c. 1131) Following a notice of Benjamin of
Tudela, Bacher believes tbal the gaonate was then
transferred to Damascus(i&. xv. 95). Tbis givesthe
following list of Egyptian geonim:
Solomon (1047)
Joseph d L054)
Elijah id. 1084)
Mazllalj (c. 11815
It is not known bow early tbe Karaites commenced
to settle in Egypt. The polemics against them of
Saadia Gaon (before ti'->si sbow tbat at that time
their numbers must have been large; ami his activ-
ity in this respect may have won for him his position
at Sura (J. Q. R. x. 240). It was in Egypt that he
wrote his polemical work against Anan, "Kitabal-
Rudd " (915), and his " Kital. al-Tam-
Karaites yi/. " (926). His " Emunot " was writ-
in Egypt, ten in 933. Four years afterward Al-
Kirkisani wrote his " Kitab al-Anwar."
in which be gives an account of the Jewish sects of
his day. Among these he mentions the " Kar'ites "
(JVjnpTJN). so called because they used vessels made
of gourds. They resided near the Nile, 20 parasangs
from Fostat, and traced their descent from Johanan
the son of Kareah (Jer. xliii. 4). who had emigrated
to Egypt. They celebrated Sunday in addition to
Saturday (ib. vii. 704). Saadia even had personal
disputations with Karaites, notably with Abu al-
Sari hen ZutalM. xli. 204). Of his adversaries in
Egj pt, mention may be made of Solomon b. Jeroham,
author of Karaitic commentaries to the Bible and
of ( ontroversial tracts (B. A. § 40), and of Menahem
Gizni of Alexandria, who wrote polemics against
Saadia. and of whom a poem and a letter to the
Karaites of Fostat have been preserved (L., Notes,
p. 50). The oldest Egyptian Karaitic document pub-
lished is a bill of divorce dated Fostat, 1030 (E. N.
Adler in J. Q. R. xii. 684). Present knowledge of
Karaitic scholars and communities commences really
with the twelfth century. Cairo and Alexandria
became, after Jerusalem and Constantinople, their
chief centers; and Karaites were to be found in
Egypt wherever Jews dwelt. Most of the Karaitic
manuscripts in the Paris and St. Petersburg libra-
ries have come from Egypt (Neubauer, "Ausder
Petersburger Bibliothek," p. '.'It. At theend of the
twelfth century there lived in Egypt the Karaite
poet Moses Dak'i : Israel b. Daniel al-Kumisi (about
1 162), who wrote a " Sefer ha-Mizw ol " (J. <}. U. viii.
7ui . B. A. ? 70); and David li. Solomon (Sulaiman
b. Mubarak, 1161-1241), who is described by his con-
temporary, 1 1 hi Ahi Csaidia, asan excellent physician
and teacher in the service of the Avyuliiil Aim Bakr
al 'Adil, and as being connected with the hospital
Al-Nasiri in Cairo (J, Q. li xiii. 103; B. A. § 154).
llin al-Hiti, in his literary chronicle, mentions in
Ramlcb the sheik AH b. Abraham al Tawil, and es
pecially the nasi Solomon, who wrote on forbidden
marriages (J <^ li ix. 140). i if Karaites in the fol-
low ing centuries mention may be made of Yalith b.
Saghir, author Of a "Sefer hi! Mizwot"; Solomon
Kohen (Abu Mansur Sulaiman ibn Raf as), writer on
t lieal subjects (B. A. ;:' 194); and Yatilh ibn Alii
al Hasan al-Kai kaniani. polemic — all of the thir
teeilth century ; Israel I). Samuel lia-Ma'arabi (1310),
who also wrote a "Sefer ha-Mizwot " (B. A. i 184);
Samuel b. Moses ha-Ma'arabi (1434), author ol - A
Mushid," on the laws and commandments, as well
as of commentaries to the Bible (15. A. § 199).
Lit t le is known about the organization of the com
munal life of the Karaites. The}- claim to have hail
at the head a "ra'is," whose seat for a time was in
Fostat; though Saadia (Commentary
Karaite to Ps. 119, end) expressly states that
Or- the Karaites agreed to have no nasi in
ganization the Diaspora (L. , Notes, p. 52). This
in Egypt, head was called "nasi" or "rosh ha-
golah." A list of the nasis is given
in Karaitic manuscripts, carrying their genealogy
back to David, which fact at once raises suspicions
For Egypt the following are given: Saadia, 980;
Solomon; Hczekiah; Hasdai; David; and Solomon
Abu al-Fadl — (sec Fi'irst, "Gesch.des Karaerthums,"
ii. 192; Notes, p. 77; J. Q. R. ix. 441).
The fact of there being such a head can hardly lie
doubted, since several of those cited above are men-
tioned regularly with the title attached to their
names. Samuel b. David gives a description of his
Karaite brethren in Egypt in the seventeenth cen-
tury, and paints their condition in glowing culms
(G. p. 5; transl. in Neubauer, I.e. p. 40). He stayed
in Cairo with the nasi Baruch; and he mentions espi
cially one Abraham Kudsi (i.e., "of Jerusalem")
This latter, together with the physician Zachariah, i<
mentioned by Moses b. Elijah also (G. p. 34). Sam-
uel relates further that many of the Karaites were
goldsmiths, but that in his day the wealth of the
community was reduced (p. 5). Ibn Satir likewise
speaksof the Karaitic goldsmiths. In his day Mos< 9
ha-Levi of Jerusalem was their hakam and Elisha
their "rosh." Reference has already been made to
the number of Karaites in Egypt at various times.
Occasionally many were converted to Rabbinisnr,
notably by Abraham Maimonides in 1313 (S. 131.
15; " Kaftor u-Ferah," p. 13b; J. Q. R. xiii. 101). a
fact due, perhaps, to the mild and considerate man-
ner in which they were treated, especially by Moses
Maimonides (see his "Teshubah," No. 153, ed. Leip-
sic, p. 3ob). A similar policy was pursued by Jo
seph del Medigo, who, being in Cairo in 1616, en-
tered into friendly relations with their hakam, .lac lb
Alexandra (Geiger, "Melo Chofnajim," p. xxxii.).
According to a report in Jost's " Annalen " (iii. 84
they numbered loo in Cairo in 1841; while E. N.
Adler speaksof 1,000 in 1900 (J. Q. R. xii. 674). A
Karaitic Haggadah, with Arabic translation for the
use of the Karaites in Cairo, was published at Presburg
in 1879 by Joshua b. Moses ("Hebr. Bibl." xix. 2).
Tbe Samaritans also settled in Egypt at an early
date, though very little is known of their actual bis
tory. For Alexandria, see Jew. Encyc. i. 3GG; and
for the Dosithean sect, ih. iv. 043. The Samari-
tan chronicle published by Ni ubauer
Samaritans (.1. A. 1869, No. 14) gives the nam
in Egypt, the high priests and of the chic
maritan families in Egypt. He men
tions Helbah b. Sa'adah, who went to live in Egypt
and was the progenitor of the 11a Mora and Helbah
families (idem, offprint, p. 74); Garnakah b Relet',
progenitor of the Garuakah family (p. 75); Raid/ h.
Shafar, the first to go to Egypt bj sea, Joseph b.
Sadakah ha-l.Iiii. progenitor of the
ll:i;i family at Cairo (p. 77); and in 1504 oneja-
tbc family l'ukah, who is called "King of
" and "Abrek " (compare " He-Halu?," iii. 153,
ud wbom the writer praises for his numerous
i p. 80 In the fifteenth I ?)century lived
Abu Sa'id al-'Afif, one of the best-known physicians
■ airo, and a writer on medical subjects (B. A.
Mention musl also be made of Muhadhdhib
al Din Yusuf al-'Askari, author of a " Sef er ha-Mi?-
wot "
In 1481 Meshullamoi Volterra found 50 Samaritan
families in Cairo, with asv nagogue (p. 185). A hang-
ing for the Ark with a Samaritan inscription and com-
ing from this synagogue was presented to the congre-
a of Wiililin or to that of < Mm in the sixteenth
ry. Samaritans are also mentioned by David
ibnAbiZimra ami by Joseph del Medigo, whosaw
them at disputations « iih AM ibn Rahmadan (Brull's
"Jahrb." vii. 44). Of Samaritan literature inEj
as yet known. Miiller and Kaufmans
■ i that a papj rus fragment containing part of
an acrostic litany is of Samaritan origin (" Mitthei-
lungen aus der Sammlungder Papyrus Erzherzog
Rainer," i. 39). The use of 1 [ebrew script by Samari-
i- not, as Harkavy t li i n U^ (see "Allg. Zeit. des
Jud." 1891, p. 57), peculiar. One of the Arabic Penta-
teuch manuscripts described by I >c Sacy (" Memoire
Bur la Version Arabe a I'Usage des Samaritains,"
i was bought at Cairo, and seems to have been
written then- at the time of the Circassian sultan Al-
Ashraf Kansuli al-< Hiuri i beginning of the sixteenth
century) by one Sadakah b. Joseph D'STDDfl C'CV
C'"VT2 C'wTIpn; ib. p. 17. compare a similar ex-
pression, EHpn 3n3Dn B»Ot5>,in the colophon of a
Cambridge Samaritan Pentateuch, .1. Q. K. xiv. 28,
1- 8; 352; xv. 75). The Scaliger manuscript, from
which Juynboll edited the Book of Joshua I Leyden,
1848 came from the Egyptian Samaritans in 1584.
[t was written upon the skin of the Passover Iamb
(Juynboll, "Commentarii in Historiam Gentis Sam-
aritanae," p. 33).
The importance of the Jewish communities i"
Egypt may be seen from the number of synagogues
which formerly existed in and around
Syna- Cairo. Arabic topographers of Egypt
gogues in have even given accounts of them;
Cairo. e.g., Ibrahim ibn Mohammed ibn
Dukiiiiik (1850-1 106; " Description de
I'Egypte," ed. Vollers, 1893, p. 108) and Al-Mak-
ri/i (■• Al I li t:ii " ii. 164 i. These accounts are fo!
lowed by Sambari (S. Ms, 136; sec Schreinet in Z.
D M G xlv. 296). There were at least ten syna-
Mesiiullani of Volterra (M. V p. 185) de
ix of them. The Karaite Samuel b, David
ks of thirty one, besides 6fty ni",_ipn T13
iblc foundations "), of « hich there
originally as many as se\ent\ i( J. p. tii. Following
i of the s, ■
I. TheDamwa synagogue in fiizeh, on the west ban!
Nil-, "i Kite Fostat : ain IS, 120, 4), ion (O. p. 18 and a MS
In "Or Men." p. :;r. • :- M V. p. 183; Bee
the spot I., which Moses Is Bald to hn m Bays
thai ii '.'..is imiii fortj years aftei the desti u< tlon if tin
ttreetherel taldl bo rowi I ol Moses1 rod. Al-
Kakrizl relates tha I made pilgrimages to this syna-
gogue ■ a 1 1 ' i of Revelation. Sambari states that thei
.lews Wei.- ;iei'llst I tO incite I heir tilellireil (rnlll Jill pails - ,f
Egypt to come there on Adar : (Death "f Muses., the day fol-
lowing being celebrated with feasting, n w;is also called
" Moses' Synagogue " (" Kanlsat Musa"; s. 130, 137; Benjai
of Tudela, ii. 235); but InSambari's time it was in ruins is. 119.
30; 187, iii. According to Benjamin of Tudela, the overseer of
the synagogue was called " Al-Sbalkh abu Nasr" (p. 98). Berti-
ooro speaks also of a Karaite synagogue In the place.
'*. The Jaubar synagogue, bull! upon the Boot where both EII-
jahahd I'l us Ii. Kliezei were born I " Al-Hitat." ii. 47). This
i- in ruins (S. 121, 15).
3. The AJ-Masasah synagogue In Cairo, built In the yeai 815,
Beleucldan erat=8-4 c.e.], and restored under Omar ibn al-
Khattab (816); situated In the Darb al-Karmah.
4. The synagogue "f the Palestinians (" Al-Sbamlyyin "), In
a section of Cairo called Kasr al-Sbam ; according to Ibn imk-
mak, in the K:m ui Rum. A w ten tablet oyer i he rate says
that it was limit in 336 >>f the Seleucidan era. forty-five years
before the destruction of the Temple; but Hoses hen Elijah (G.
p. 34) gives the date as 1531 (= 1291, If, as he thinks, this is
according to the Seleucidan era). It is called after Elijah is.
Us, Hi, win, is saiil to have appeared in the si mtheast corner 10.
p. |si. About Its: the- sultan Ka'il Bey. or his vizier (-|Knn),
wished tore ve the columns of the building for use in his own
palace. He was Imiu-'lit nil with l.non imld pieces in. ih.i. In
the northeast corner was a platform, on which was a celebrated
Tnmh scroll, said to hav.- I n written by Ezra, and to which
magical powerswere attributed (S. 118, 137; O. ib.). Moses
b. Elijah speaks ot the many inscriptions and psalms which cov-
ered the walls and the "nekal," as well as the names, written
or cut in, of the many visitors to the synagogue. Benjamin II.
calls it also " Kenisai Eliyahu " (Engl, ed., p. 233). It Is stand-
ing in-day 1 1903); and E. x. Adler holds that it was origlnallj ;<
church "f the third or fourth century, the titular saint of which
was Michael (J. Q. R.ix.670). Samuel b. David tries to make
out that ii was In former times a Karaite synagogue (G. p. 60).
The best description of the synagogue is given by Ibn Safli
(i.C. pp. 20 el si '/.I. He calls il l he " sv nani'Sine "f Ezra," mi the
tbeorj that II was founded bj him Etosh Hodesb [yyai is cele-
brated with nnich pomp here, and .lews flock from Cairo and
other places with offerings. [bnSafli also mentions the many
Inscriptions and names to be found upon the walls: the room
in the southeast corner Where Elijah is said to have appeared;
the cupboard In the northeast cornet containingthe Ezra manu-
script; and especially the Genizah, to which he ascended by
in- i ,f a ladder, lint found little "f value there.
5. In the same pari ot the city (Ibn Imkluuk. again, has Kasr
al-Kimn, in the "Jews' Lane' ("Zukak al-Yahud") was the
synagog if the Babylonian .lews (" Al-'Iraklyyin "). In Sam-
iian's time ii was iii ruins. Benjamin ll.musl referto iins In
speaking of the synagogue " Al-Karkujan " is. p. 233).
6,7. Ai-.Makrizi mentions two Karaite synagogues; one that
of Ibn Shamikb (new [3 'ajS. EtT. 11). This is the onlj
referred to by Sambari, In the district B"d':toSi< (I.e., the street
Al-Khuruntush In the northern part of Cairo ; Makrizi. I.e. it. 27 :
Ai-Kalkushandi.p72); It is now in ruins. Ibn Dukmak mentions
in in Masmiima, In a small alley of the Darb al-Karmah (see
The Karaites, however, speak of two; one, large and
spacious, for the Jerusalem Karaites, with fourteen marble pi
ani taininguve bekalot, fourteen scrolls, and man; Arabic
S iraltic manuscripts; the 8 nd, smaller and private, situated
in the courtyard ol a certain Aaron (G. pp. 6, 84).
s. \ Rabblnlte synagogue Inwhlcb Sambari worshiped, "Ka-
nlsat al-Musta'rab " (S. 156, 5; npare Conforte, "Kore hu-
aa),forthe Arabic Jews. The deed of conveyance
of the synagogue (1038) speaks ol II as situated in the Darbal-
Banadlt In the Zuwallah quarter, n was closed at one timi
Ellezei Skandati In 1580, bul had been closed
for fortj veins before Sambari wrote (8. 160, 10). A si tally
ited Bible codex, called " Al-Sunba{l," was brought i" the
[623 from the i "vim hi v Ulage "f Sunba| : a licht
kept burning before it, andon SImhat Torah It was carried
und the synagogue is. [19, I ; perhaps the " i
gambukl "; Bee Jew. Eni i i . Iii. 179).
9. Synagog il-Hudroh (Al Makrizi). This also wasin the
i quarter, In the Darb al-Ra'Id.
in. a Samaritan synagogue ' ll-Makrlzl; M. V. p. 185)
in addition, Sambari mentions a synagogue of the Wesl
can Jews (ainc p*P St? niPM; 134,9), In which Malmonldes
was burled beforehls bodj was taken to Palestine, and a i
i,i [ K. Sedlllo, still standing in his day (S. 145, 16 ; bul 159, i
has n"--:? Sevllla?). In the middle ol the nineteenth cen
tury Ibn Safli (1 p. p. Ba found ten old synagogues In Cairo
propel m mentions the following: (1) Synagogt (
H. ishmael, rebuilt, in which most of the Franks (European
Jews) worshiped. Utached to U wasa Bchool for orphans and
[ ,■ chl Synagogue Mizrayim, the oldest of all.
aDOui i" berebulll 13 Synagogue of the Portuguese, rebuilt.
li Synagogue of B. Moses (Malmonides), still standing ; on the
north side was n small r n before which a perpetual light
burned. This must be Sambari's Maghrabl synagogue. (5)
Synagogue ol II. Zlmrab (David ibn Abl Zlmrah). (6) Synagogue
of R. fjayyim "Did; (seebelow). (7) Synagogue of tie " Ba'al
ba-Nes"; who he was is unknown. (8) Turkish Bynagogue;
wry old, and In which various mlnyanlm prayed
Of the literary ability of the Egyptian Jews the
old Cairo genizah is continually giving further evi-
dence. The old Bible fragments still to be found
there me minutely described by Ibn Safir, I.e. pp. lib
etseq.; the standard Bible codex of Aaron b. Asher
was brought to Egypt and used by Maimonides
("Yad," Sefer Torah, p. 3, end). A codex of the
year 1008, written in Egypt, was corrected by
means of this standard manuscript (M. XX. 8).
Maimonides found there portions of the Gemara
which lie thought were 500 years old (" Yad.'' Mal-
weh, xv. 2). Many of the writers and scholars
Whose names have become famous have already been
mentioned. All departments of Jewish literature
are represented; but it was especially in poetry of
various kinds that they excelled. This was prob-
ably ilue to their intimate personal and
Literary literary acquaintance with Arabic ;m
Pro- thors. Mention may be made here
ductions. of the dedicatory poem to the nagid
Judah (J. Q. R. viii. 556, ix. 360); the
" Makamah " of the historian Abraham b. Ilillel (ib.
ix. 168), which shows also the influence of the Span-
ish-Hebrew poets; the involved and extremely well-
executed "Tarshish " (Arabic. "Tajnis") of the pro-
fessional scribe who wrote the letter of the ex -minister
of Al Afdali//.. ix. 29, x. 430); the verses of Abraham
Maimonides, mentioned even by Sambari (S. 134,
16); and the prose with occasional lapses into piy-
yut, many specimens id' which have been found by
Schechter. Themegillah form was generally used
for historic;! I records, cither in prose or in poetry :<..'/■ .
the Cairo Purim, the Zuta, and the Abiathar Me-
gillol (ib. \iv. 449). From Egypt have come nearly all
the fragments of the Hebrew original ot'P.en Sirach
(Ecclesiasticus) Thenumberof the manuscripts of
tins text testifies that it was widely read. Many pri-
vate libraries of large extent must have existed in
Egypt — e.g., those of Bezaleel Ashkenazi and David
ibn Abi Zimrah; and the fragments of catalogues
which have been preserved show the wide scope
of the literary interests of the times (Schechter,
■• Saadyana," p,
The material used for writing was at first papyrus
(for an example of the eighth century seeChwolson,
"Corpus." p. 121; for a marriage contract of the
ninth century see "Puhrer Durch die Papyr. Erz-
lierzog Raiier." p. 262; see also 2'6. p. 234; "Aegyp-
tische Zeitschrift," \\xiii. 64; "Magazin," vi. 250);
later, parchment and paper were employed. The
Egyptian Jews wrote in Arabic as frequently as in
Hebrew, and wrote well. Sambari's remark to that
effect (S. 120, I) is borne out by recent discoveries
At tunes they even went so far as to write their He-
brew in Arabic characters; - g., the Karaite Bible
manuscripts described by Hornle c British Museum
Karaite VISS." London, 1889), and the fragments
published by Hirschfeld (J. Q. R. xv. 168). The;,
busied themselves also with Arabic literature, frag-
ments of which have been found written in Hebrew
characters (ib.).
As regards typography, one Jewish work only is
known to bear the imprint "Mizrayim" (Cairo) —
Ilayvim Vital's ritual book in t\\ o volumes, " link le-
Yisrael" (1740). It waseditedb) Isaac Baruch and
published by Abraham Zaddik. The establishment
in which it was printed was owned by Abraham ben
Moses Yatotu. whose workmen were Solomon Sa
chata ben Samuel. Aaron ben Isaac Nnhmius, Israel
ben Jacob Kimld, and Gershon ben Solomon. The
book was approved by NissimSolomonal-Gazi, rabbi
at Cairo, and Moses Israel, rabbi at Alexandria.
With the exception of this one work, it is only
quite recently that Hebrew books have been printed
in Egypt, notably by Fa raj Hayyim Miz.rahi in
Alexandria, lie has published the following Works:
By Solomon Hazzan : n^s»,s nSysn 'B, a companion to the
" Shem ha-Gedolim," dealing with Eastern authors (1891);
anpmytt>'D (1895); rri'DDBl "a'D (1893); hdSs» p, an alpha-
betic collection of ritual ordinances (19(10). By Elijah Hazzan:
-,k... ni3 /D^ 0Q ^ne peculiar religious observances and customs
of the Alexandrian Jews (1894). By Meborak Berheut of Trip-
olis: vrs>B ay nns S:- rnjn 'd (1898).
In addition, the following works have been print-
ed in Alexandria:
"n3N *ptfl, with commentary of David Maimonides (1901).
mjn (1888); -cjirSs (1887). By Abraham Eestin : pec ■'idS:1
>x-OJ). "Hebrew (Iramraar for Arabic-speaking Jews" (1896).
nx'?Di b&v pvn km (1880).
■venn miay, prayer-book, Egyptian rite.
P|DTP-| D "IDS'.
The peculiarities in the liturgy and religious ob-
servances of the Egyptian Jews have been indicated
by Zunz ("Ritus," p. 55), and for Al-
Liturgy. exaudria they have been explained at
length by Elijah Hazzan in his" Newell
Mi;iioin" (Alexandria, 1894) ; see also Ibn Safir, pp.
1(1 1 1 seq. In the Siddur of Saadia there is given
probably the earliest form of the Egyptian order of
service (see the account, by Steinschneider in "Cat.
Bodl." cob 2203, and 15. A. §62); but it seem-
doubtful if this order was observed for any length
of time. Maimonides found little occasion to make
changes; though his decisions in such matters I"
Came authoritative for the greater part of the I
As the Palestinians and Babylonians had their own
synagogues, so they preserved some of their pe-
culiar customs; e.g., the Babylonians preserved the
yearly cycle in the Reading of the Law ; the Pales-
tinians, the triennial — an arrangement not touched
bj Maimonides ("Yad," Tefillah, xiii. li. and of
\v hich Abraham Maimonides complains (J. (J. 1! \
120; M. xli. bit; Benjamin of Tudela, p. 98; S. 118,
25) The buying of certain mizwot was a het
tary privilege. The " Kol Nidre " prayer was not
recited in Cairo (Geiger's"Zeitschr." ii. ','"i4: M. xli.
Mill. On special occasions, when more than seven
were called to the Law on a Sabbath, certain por-
tions were repeated. On week-days the Sabbath
portion was read, but without the llaftarah (Samuel
b. David, ed. Gurland, p. 6). According to Con-
forte (I.e. p. 14a), David Maimonides' Midrashot to
the Torah were read in some of the Egyptian con-
gregations every Sabbath.
THE .IKYWMI l.\( M l.ol'EDIA
Some Egyptian liturgical texts have been found
in the Cairo genizah, ami their peculiarities noted
-. hi i liter (J. <,! R. \. 654). From tin se fra
incuts hi' the Passover Haggadah have been pub-
lished by I. Abrahams {ib. p. 41), in which the
■ tnl reference in the "Memra" or "Logos" dis-
- peculiar Egyptian traits. The first attempts
to illustrate the Haggadah are also found in the
ili fragments (Kaufmann, ib. p -!sl). Pecu-
liarities in connection with the rile of circumcision
are described in the letter of Moses b. Elijah (ed.
Gurland, p. 85); but it is not said whether these are
Karaitic. It was customary in Egypt toputaref-
ereuce to the ritual bath (" mik weh ") in theketub-
bah, a point upon which Maimonides, having the
Karaite s\ stem in view, iusisted with rigor (" Tesku-
liut." Nn. 1 Hi) ; also tn insert a promise from the man
that he would not marrj an additional wife (ketub-
bah of 1396;MS. Cambridge Add. No. 3124; compare
"2 *w"D. i 94). It was also customary to carry the
dead to Palestine for burial (Abi Zimrah, Responsa,
11, 7IH. According to Ibn Safir (p. lib), in
every synagogue in Cairo there is a small en pi maul
li .1 also 73\1) in which an old copy of the Bible
in book form, or portions of it, is kept, ami before
which a light i> kept, burning (see above).
Biimioguai'iiy: Many of the genizah fragments mentioned have
been republished bj Schecbter, Saadyana: Qeniza Frag-
ile, 1903. Compare, especially, Bacber, Ein
\. ,.. r* fid -•■ n. - i >,■■'' ( di / ./"-'. '.■ si '/ in ./. ',i. /.' xv. ,:i
eteeq.: Berliner, DU NagUt-Wilrde. in Jtagazin, xvil 50el
s.-,- further Stelnschnelder and CasseU in Brscb and
Gruber, Enci/c. section II., pint 28, p. 64.
'tin- following is ii kej to the abbreviations used in this
artli'le: B. = Butler, Iron Conquest o) Egypt. B. I.
eider, Bibliotheca Arabica Judaica. Frankfort,
1902. G Gurland, (iinzt Tisrael: New Denkmalei del
Jlld. Lit, niiur. part I. I.v.-k. 1865. J. 1,1. It. = Jewish Quar-
L - I'lnsker, i.ii.i. ni, l£admoniyyot, Vienna,
I860. L.-P. Lane Poole, -I Hist'oryo) Egypt In "'• Middli
1901. M. Monatsst hi i/i M i C. - Me-
■ -. m. \ . Meshulla i Volterra, In
Luncz, Jerusalem, i. O. = Obadlah ol Bertinoro, In Neu-
baui-r. Zu-i i Bi teft I bad all s, Lelpsic 1863. K. E. J. = He-
fuiv, S. sambari, ed. Neubauer, In M. J.
0.1. T. L. Z.=Theoh>gischi Literaturzeltung. Z.D.M.G
Zeitschrift det Deufschen Morgenlitndischen <;< >> Uschaft.
z. H. B. ■■ Zeitschrift fur Hebrllischt Bibliographic,
EB.AD MI YODEA' ("due; who knows?"):
Initial words of a Hebrew nursery rime which, with
I.I mi ( • mi \. is recited at i he close of the Sedi i on
iver eve. It consists of thirteen numbers, and
probably recited originally as a dialogue, if not
in chorus.
Question: "One whoknows?" Answet : "One i i
hi I in beavena earth.1'
Question: "Two— whoknows?" Answer: "Two— [kj
Ibe two tables of the Covenant." Choi ourGodln
Question: "line,, who knows?" Answer: '"tin., i
know: the three patriarchs." Chorus: "Two tables •■< tin-
in. i in-- is our lb
tion:"Four whoknows?" Answer: " Four — I know :
i in- r- . i j r mothers In Israel." I horus: " rnree patriarchs, Two
r hm- Covenanl i me I our God In beaven and on earth."
Question: "Five whoknows?" Imnver: "Five- Iki
tiw Ove l ks i>r Moses," Chorus: "Fourmothers In Israel,
. . ."
"si\ whoknows?" Answer: "six I know:
thi MIshnah." Chorus: "Fivel ksol Mo ea
l'"tir . . . ,"
Question: "seven who knows?" I i icei "8even I
know: the seven da ol the week." Oiorus: "six ka
of the MIshnah, Five . . . ."
Question: "Eight who knows?" Answer: "FJghl I
know : the elghl days of circumcision." Chorus: "sevendays
Of ill,- \\.-ok. six . . . ."
Question :" Nine whoknows?" .i nsti 1 1 •; "Nine [know:
the nine months ol child-bearing;." Chorus: "Eight days ol
rir-iiiii-'isi.-n. seven . . . ."
Question: "Ten who knows?" Answer: "Ten— Iknow:
the Ten Commandments." Chorus: "Nine months of child-
bearing, Eight . . . ."
(ion: "Eleven -win. knows?" Answer: "Eleven i
know: ihe eleven stars" tin Joseph's dream: Geu. xxxvii. 9).
"Tea Commandments, Nine . . . ."
Question: "Twelve— whoknows?" Answer: "Twelve— I
know: Hi.' Twelve Tribes of Israel." Chorus: " Eleven stars.
Ten . . . ."
linn: "Thirteen who knows.-" Answer: "Thirteen
— I know: tii-- thirteen attributes of i,,.,i" (Ex xxxlv. *» ?>.
; "Twelve Tribes of Israel, Eleven . . . ."
This song, stated by Zunz in "G. V." p. 133
to occur only in German Pesah haggadaha since the
fifteenth century, was later found by Zunz him
self in the Avignon ritual as a festal table-song
for holy-days in general ("Alls. Zeitung des Ju
dent hums," iii. 4('i'J). The theory, therefore, ad-
vanced by Zunz, and worked out, in detail by
Perles ("Gratis Jubelschrift," 1887, pp. 37 et seq.;
BrQll's" Jahrb."iv. 97et seq.), that it is an adapta-
tion of a German folk-song, must, be revised, not-
withstanding the striking parallels brought by the
former from Sinirock's" Die Deutschen Volkslieder"
1 1851, p. 520), w here it is shown that what was orig-
inally a peasants' drinking-song was adapted by
monks, and the numbers (one to twelve successively i
declared to signify : one, the Lord God who lives in
beaven and earth ; two. the tabids of Moses; three,
the Patriarchs; four, the Evangelists; live, the
w oil nils of .1 1 si is; si\, the jugs of wine at I lie wed
ding of ('ana; seven, (he sacraments; eight, the
beatitudes; nine, the choruses of angels; ten. the
Ten Commandments; eleven, the eleven thousand
Virgins; twelve, the twelve Apostles. Other Gel
man parallels are given in I,. Geiger's "Zeitschrift
fiir die < li si hh hie di r Juden in Deutschland,"iii. 93,
234 I not,- . 288; w bile Sander (" Has Volksleben der
Neugriechen," 1844, p. 828) has compared an old
Greek Church song; Kohler, in Geiger, "Zeitschr."
/ .-. p. 239, an English Church song; and Green, in
"The Revised Hagada," p. 98, London, 1897, a
Scotch nursery rime.
A peculiar feature of Kl.iad Mi Vodea' is that it
proceeds to the unlucky number thirteen (see "I). M.
I., '/.." \.\i\ p. 684, note), ami slops there as if to
make the .lew feel that with him thirteen (= Srix) is
a holy, and then lore lucky, number. The origin of
the numerical folk- or riddle-song has been traced
by Kohler (/..■ ) to ancient Oriental sources (eomp.
( losquin, "Contes de Lorraine.'' i
Bibliography Kohler, Sage und Sang m, SpiegelJIldisehen
i ., i>, ns, in I.. (o-iL'-'i 's Zi it si in iii i r, i ,ii, Qesch. der Juden
in Dcutschland. 1889, Ili. 234 '.'to,
known as Zbarazer) : Galician ^' ii lilissli poet; born
in Zbaraz, Galicia, about 1812; diedaboul l^--' He
spent many years in Rumania and southern Russia
wandering from place to place, and singing his songs,
sometimes extempor lously composed, in cafes and
similar resorts. Some of his poems were written
down by his hearers, and given lo him lor revision
when he was in better condition lor such literary
work. lit was a real loll, poet, and bis sonus are
siiii sung by the Jewish masses of Gnlicin and south
em Russia Some of them are reproduced in Dal-
man's "Jttdiscb Deutsche Volkslieder aus GalizieD
uml Russland," pp. 29-42, 2d ed . Berlin, 1891.
His first published poem, written in Hebrew and
based on a Talmudical parable, appeared in " Kokebe
Yi/h.ik," xii. 102-103, Vienna, 1848. His next work,
•• Hazon la-Mo'ed," a satire on the Hasidimand their
rabbis, is also in Hebrew (Jassy, 1855). His Yiddish
songs were published with a Hebrew translation
in four parts, under the collective name "Makkel
No'am" (Vienna, 1865, and Lemberg, 1869-78). A
new edition in Roman characters appeared in Braila,
Rumania, 1902 (see "Ha-Meliz," v. 42, No. 125).
1 lis - Makkel Hobelim " (ISO!) I and "Sifte Yesheuah "
(1*74> appeared in Przemysl.
Bibliography: L. Wiener, History of Yiddish Literatun in
tin Nineteenth Century, pp. 77 BO; HoShahar, ii. 204-206;
i . 387, 368.
P. Wi.
rabbi; born at Brody, Galicia, 1818; died at Rome
Dec. 27, 1899. Having graduated from the gym-
nasium of his native city, Ehrenreich. attracted by
the reputation of Samuel David Luzzatto. went to
Padua to study at the Istituto Rabbinico, where he
received the rabbinical diploma (May 10, 1845). He
immediately began teaching at Gdritz. where he
became friendly with Isaac Reggio, whose daughter
Helena he married later on. After a short stay at
Triest, lie became rabbi at Modcna, and in 1861 rabbi
at Casale, Piedmont. In 1*71 he was teacher in the
families of Guastalla and Malvano at Turin, and in
1882 he was called to the principalship of the Tal-
mud Torah in Rome, shortly afterward becoming
chief rabbi of the Italian capital. It was through
bis efforts and under his direction that the Collegio
Rabbinico Italiano was reopened in 1*^7. In ]s!i4
the infirmities of old age compelled his retirement
from the rabbinate.
His chief literary work consisted of the part betook
the translation of the Bible into Italian under the
direction of Luzzatto, for which he translated Hosea,
Micah, Daniel, Ezra, and Nehemiah. He also wrote
a biographj of his father-in-law, Isaac Reggio. He
was a member of the committee of the society of
Meki/.e Xirdamini from its reestablishment in 1885
Bibliography: Alia. Ze.it. de» Jud. 1900. p. 20; Vustttol*-
I. E.
EHKENTHEIL, MORITZ : Hungarian edu-
cator and writer; born at Szilagy-Nagyfalu in 1825;
died a1 Bud ipe I Di c. 21 1894 After teaching in
various cities, he established himself in Budapest
I devob d his time to literarj n ork.
His published works are: a Hungarian grammar,
written under the pseudonym "Erenyi Mor";
- Kli ine Di in-' iii Bprachlehre " Budapest, 1865;
"JOdische Charakterbilder," Sfiros Patak, 1866; a
Hebrew-Hungarian dictionary to tin ive bo
Mosi - i itak,1868:"JlldischesFamilienbuch,"
Budapest, 1888; " Di r Gi isl des Tali lssy:
"Rezeption uml Orthodoxie," ib 1892 Id
edited them igazines " Jiidische Volksschul Vrad)
Das Trail it ionelle, Indent hum "(Budapesl , the
latter under the pseudonym "Dr. Preund."
Bibliography: Petrlk, KOnyreszet; Kl^s aV.u, .1/
Nepiskolai Tanilat TOrtenete, p. 322.
s. L. V.
ABELE) : Russian educator and rabbi; born in
Mitau. Courland, Sept, 20, 1837. In 1858 he becami
teacher of the Hebrew language and religion at the
Jewish government school in Priedrichstadt, Cour-
land. In 1861 he studied at Berlin under Michael
Sachs, who employed him as teacher for his chil-
dren. He spent three years at Berlin University, and
in 1868 received his degree of Ph.D. from Halle.
He then taught at the Religionsschule in Berlin
until 1870, when he became rabbi of Neudenberg
East Prussia; eighteen months later he returned to
his old post in Berlin; in 1872 he was elected gw
eminent rabbi of Riga, but the election was not con-
firmed ; and iu 1876 he was placed by the Russian
government at the head of the Jewish school in Riga.
This position he held for about twenty years. Ehr
lich is now (1903) rabbi of TiKit, Prussia.
Ehrlich has written: '"De Judicioab Aristotele do
Republica Platonica," Berlin, 1872; " Vaterland and
Landesvater," three sermons, St. Petersburg. 1883;
"Le-Regel ha-Yeladim," a Hebrew primer. Wilna,
1883; and " Entwickelungsgeschichte der Jiidischen
Gemeiudeschule zu Riga, ein Beit rag zur Culturge-
schichte." St. Petersburg,1894. He has also written
critical notes to the " Be'er Mikael " of his teacher,
Michael Sachs.
Bibliography: Sefi r Zikkaron, pp. 81-83, Warsaw. 1891.
ii. n. P. AVr.
EHRLICH, ARNOLD: Bible critic; born in
Volodovka, near Brest-Litovsk, Russia, Jan. 15,
1S48. Educated at the universities of Leipsic and
Berlin, he later became assistant librarian of Orien-
tal books in the Royal Library iu Berlin. In 1S7S
he emigrated to the United States, settling iu New
York city, where he still (1903) resides.
Since 1898 Ehrlich has devoted practically his en-
tire time to his commentary on the Hebrew Bible,
entitled "Mikra ki-Peshuto." The first volume, on
the Pentateuch, appeared in Berlin in 1899; the
ond, on the prose books (including Ruth, but nol
Esther), has the subtitle " Dibre Soferim " (ib. 19
the third, entitled "Dibre Nebuah " (ib. 1901), in-
eliidesall the Prophets; and the fourth and last vol-
ume, on the poetical works of the Old Testament, is
in course of preparation.
Bibliography: w. Frankenberg, in G6ttingischi
Anzeigen.v. 162,333-338; Hebrew Standard. May 9, 1902;
Ha-Maggid, 1901, Nos.23 26; Ha-SftOoaft, v.546 562.
II. R, P. Wi.
EHRLICH, HEINRICH: German composer,
pianist, and musical critic; born at Vienna Oct. 5,
1822; died Dec. 20, 1899. lie began his musical
career at Bucharest and Jassy. and for some years
>vas court pianist to George V. of Hanover. From
]s.V> to lsilj lie lived successively at Wiesbaden, in
England, and at Frankfort-on the Main. Thenee he
removed to Berlin, where he became teacher of piano
at the Stern Conservatorium, and musical critic on
the "Tageblatt," the "Gegenwart," and the "Neue
Berliner Musikzeitung " In 1875 the title of pro-
fessor was conferred upon him.
Among Ehrlich's noteworthy compositions are
■• Konzertstuck in Ungarischer'Weise," " Variationen
Qberein Originalthema,"anda sonata for violoncello.
]|> ■ was hi f the foremost writers on music; his
chief work in 1 1 1 i — . line im ludes the texl books " Der
Husikalische Anschlag," " Wie Uebl Man EQavier?"
u Musikst udien beini Klavierspiel," " I tie Ornamen
,ik in Beethoven's Sonaten," "Die Ornamentik in
stian Bach's Klavierwerken," and the works
"Schlaglichter und Schlagschatten a us der Musik
"Aus Allen Tonarten," "Lebenskunst und
Kunstlerleben," "Modernes Musikleben," "Dreissig
e Ktinstlerleben." He wrote besides mam
novels and stories. His autobiography was pub-
lished posthumouslj in the "Berliner Musik- und
Theater- Welt " (vol iii.,Nos. 21, 22) bj Ad. Kohut,
i also published the letters addressed to Ehrlich
In Hector Berlioz, Roberl Frank. Clara Schumann,
and others. Ehrlich embraced Christianity in mid-
dle life.
A. Ko.
EHRLICH; MESHULLAM : Polish philolo-
born at Lublin 1818; died at Paris 1861. He
was one of the leading Talmudic scholars of his time,
as well as a master of Oriental and modern Ian
guages. His numerous works all remain in manu-
script, with the excepti if one containing re
lies in the field of Hebrew philology, published
under the title "Heker Millim u-Sefat Kodesh,"
Pari-. 1868.
■ 'hy: Ha-Karmel. Russian Supplement, 1861, No. 6 ;
Z«IUIn, Bibl. Pimt-Mi ndi U. s.v.
ii, u. M, R
EHRLICH, PAUL: German physician; born
at Btrehlen, Prussian Silesia, .March 14, 1854. He
studied medicineat the universities of Breslau, Frei-
burg-in-Baden, Leipsic, and Strasburg, being grad
uatcd from the last-named in 1878. After holding
minor appointments, he became privat docenl
at Berlin University in 1887, and in 1890 assistant
professor and assistant to Koch in the laboratory
for infectious diseases. In 1896 he was appointed
director of the laboratory for serum examination
ilnsiifnt ftlr Scrumforschung und Serumprllfung)
at Btcglitz, near Berlin; and when in 1899 this labo
was transferred to Frankfort-on-thc-Main,
Ehrlich became its director, resigning hi- university
position. Ehrlich is the author of various essays
ami treatises relating to his profession
Bibliography: Papel, /t<<<<i. Lcr. s.v. and Appendix, Vienna,
1901; Mcucrs Kmivevitatinn Lcri/foii, • 111
EHRMANN, DANIEL: Austrian rabbi ; born
Muttcrsdorf, Bohemia, in 1816; died at liriinn
Nov. 15, 1882. After studying at Budapest ami
in lie i" came rabbi nud preacherat Kuttenplan
! Mm i maul iii 1843; amla year later succeeded
ham Kill i n in Ilohenems. He was rabbi al Boh
Ii Lei pa l nun 1852 to 1860, when lie resigned his
und, removing to Prague, engaged in tin- I I
business. In Prague and Brunn lie edited for many
Jewish pel iodical " I 'as A bend] ind " In
|si;; I,,- was < idled as teacher of religion to liriinn,
where in- remained until bis death Ehrmann's
works include : " Betrachtungen Ouer JUdischc Ver
btlltnisse ' i Budapest, 1841) "Gebete Fllr I
I i.Hi. ■n/iiiiiii. i ' i Prague, 1845) ; " B<
eiiiei- Geschichte der Schulen und der Kultur TJnter
den Juden" (Prague, 1846); " Geschichte der Israc
liten von den Uraltesten Zeiten l>is auf die Gegen
wart," ',' vols. (Brunn, 1869; 2d ed., 1871); "Aus
I ',i la -i ina und Babylon : lane Sammlung vonSagen,
Legenden, Allegorien, Fabeln, Erzahlungen, Gleich-
nissen, u. s. w. aus Talmud und Midrash" (Vienna,
1880). lie also wrote a story, "Die Tante"; and
contributed to the "Orient," "Kokebe Vi/.hak."
and other periodicals.
s. M. K
EHUD. ^Biblical Data: Second judge of Israel;
a Pen janiiie. the sun n! Gera. Concealing undei his
garment a two edged sword, he carried a present to
Eglon, the Moabitc king who had held Israel in sub
jection for eighteen years. Alter delivering it he
requested a private audience, which was granted.
Being left-handed, Ehud was able to draw his
weapon without suspicion, and he plunged it
through the In iilv nf the kins, who was too surprised
and too corpulent to resist. Ehud made his escape
to Seiiath. and gathering an Israelii ish army, slew
the whole Moabite forces numbering 10,000 nun
(Judges iii. 14-30). See Eglon.
j. jr. ('. J. M.
— Critical View: The storj of Ehud was taken
from one of the oldest sources of the Book of Judges,
into which it had possibly been put after having
passed from mouth to mouth as a folk tale. The
beginning of the tale has been displaced by the prag
matic introduction of the author of Judges (com-
pare Moore, Commentary on Judges, pp. 89 et seg
"Judges,"in "S. B, 0. T." pp. 6 et seq ; and Budde,
"Die Bllcher Richter und Samuel, "etc., p. 28). The
author of Judges has taken the narrative of a local
incident and transformed it into a deliverance of all
Israel. The story is mil quite homogeneous, but is
not so composite as Winckler (" ITntersuchungen zur
Altorientalischen Geschichte," pp. 55 etseq.) believed.
Recent critics accepl Kb ml as a historical character,
[n addition to references above, compare Budde, ib.
pp. 98 et seg
a. jr. Q A. B.
EIBENSCHUTZ, ALBERT: ( banian pianist;
born in Berlin April 15, 1857; studied pianoforte
under Reinecke and < iposition under Paul at the
Leipsic Conservatorium. He was professor al the
musical institute at Khaikof, Russia, until 1880, and
then teacher al the Royal ( Conservatorium al Leipsic
until is^:!. when he accepted a professorship at the
Cologne Conservatorium, [n 1893 he became director
of the Cologne Liederkranz, and in is'.iti first pro
lessor of piano at the Stern Conservatorium in Berlin.
Two years later he became the owner and director
of t lie ' onsen ntorium al Wiesbaden.
\s a pianist EibenschUtz is distinguished bj a
brilliant technique, richness of tone, and remarkable
d precision of touch.
Bini ii vnn Ehrlich, Celebrated Pianists, p, Bl, Leipsic,
I -.a ; Rleniann, Musik-Li i •< m\
B. J, So
ibbi and author ; died in Safed, Palestine, isr_'
II. ■ was a pupil iii Rabbi Moses ?ebi Heller, author
of "Geon Zebi " and occupied the position of rabbi
in Buzhanow, Soroki (Volliynia), and Jassy,(Ruma-
nja\ prom the lasl named city he went to Palestine
;,n,l remained there till his death. He was the
author of mam cabalistic and Talmudical works,
which still exisl in manuscript. He also wrote
•■ Lebushe Serad," in two pails. The first part con-
tains a commentary on the Shulhan 'Aruk, Oral?
II n vim. witli comments on David b. Samuel's
-Tun' Zahab" and Abraham Abele Gumbinner|s
- \la-en Abraham"; at the end of this part is
added the plan of the Temple as described by Eze
kiel (Mohilev, 1818, and frequently). The second
pari is en Shulhan Aruk. Yoreh De'ah (Mohilev,
1812). His"Nc'ot Deshe " is a compilation of 138
responsa, in two pans, the first of which was pub-
lished in Lemberg, 1861, while the second is in manu
script. " ' Arhc Xahal" isalso in two parts, the first
being a treatise on the Pentateuch, the second con-
sisting of sermons (Kopust, Sdilkov, 1835; Kro-
toschin,1840; Jitomir, 1850; Leinbcrg, 1856).
Bim [OGRAPHY: Eliezer Kohn. Kin'nl Soferim, p. 90: Fuenn,
Kiryah Ne'emanah, p. 223; Benjacob, 0?ar ha-Sefarim,
pp. 255, 391, U9.
t. G. N. T. L.
EIBENSCHUTZ, ILONA : Hungarian pian-
ist; born at Budapest Mays. 1872. She received
her first instruction in music from her cousin Albert
Eibenschutz; Liszt is said to have played at a con-
cert with her when she was only five years old. She
later si udied with Carl Marek, and from 1878 to 1885
at the Leipsic Conservatorium under Hans Schmitt.
At her debut in Vienna her remarkable playing cre-
ated a sensation. After attaining her twelfth year
she annually made aconcert tour through Germany,
Austria. Frame Russia, Denmark. Norway, and
Sweden; playing before the Queen of Denmark at
Copenhagen, before the Czar and Czarina of Russia
at the Cats, hina Palace, and before the Emperor of
Austria at Vienna, by whom she was granted an im-
perial stipend for five years.
From 1885 till 1890 she was taught by Clara Schu-
mann, and then resumed her concert tours, playing
with great success in London
Bibliography: Ebrlich, Celebrated Pianists, p. 93.
.1. So.
philanthropist; born Nov. 14, 1 7^<I in Copenhagen;
died there Noi 25 1856 He left a fortune amount-
ing to about 1,700,000 Danish crowns; a part of the
income was to go i" his nearest relatives, provided
tiny continued in the Jewish faith, but by far the
iter part was to go to Jewish and municipal in-
stil me, I is. The income of the sum bequeathed to the
Copenhagen University Library was to be devoted to
the purchase of Hebrew and Oriental works. Equal
-.urns were bequeathed to the Polytechnic Institute
:, in I to tin- \, ;u I, to \ "i \rts in Copenhagen, on
ditifm that they receive without compensation two
Jewish youths annually, and thai the Academy of
Arts employ the income of it- share to establish a
prize fora work of art. tie subject of which must
l„ ,ieii\ e,l from tie- < >ld Ti stament.
niBt.i mil',: Ally. Zrll. • /,.- J ltd. xxi. 104: Fnrtegnclse
over* Legater, p. 113, Copenhagen, 187S nsk, Bing
M, K,
Roskw w,t>. Julia
G. Mo
See Weillkb, Pw-
EICHBERG, JULIUS: Violinist, director of
music, and composer; born in Diisseldorf, Germany,
.June 13, 1824; died at Boston. Mass.. Jan. 18, 1893
[n his youth he had the benefit of the best musical
instructors in his native town and at Mayence, and
he becamea favorite of Reitz and Mendelssohn. Bo
also studied at the Conservatoire in Brussels, and
upon his graduation received the first prize for vio-
lin playing and composition. Soon afterward he
became I he director of an opera troupe at Geneva,
Switzerland, where he remained for eleven years.
In 1857 Eichberg went to New York, and two
years later removed to Boston, where he was engaged
its director of music at the Museum. At this time
he wrote the operetta "The Doctor of Alcantara "
which had a favorable reception, and is even now
frequently played in America. His other composi-
tions include the operettas "The Rose of Tyrol "
"The Two Cadis." and "A Night in Rome," besides
trios and quartets for strings, violin pieces, and
After serving seven years as conductor of the or-
chestra at the Boston Museum he established the Bos-
ton Conservatory of Music, and about the same time
\sas appointed general supervisor and director of
music in the high schools of tl ity.
EICHENBAUM, JACOB: Russian educator,
poet, and mathematician; one of the pioneers of
modern education among I he Russian .Jews; born in
Krasnopolie, Galicia, Oct. 12, 1796; died at Kiev
Dec. '-',. 1861. He showed extraordinary ability in
Hebrew and mathematical studies, in which latter
he was assisted by his father, Moses Gelber.
In 1815 Eichenbaum settled in Zamoscz, Russian
Poland, in which city time was a circle of progress-
ive Jewish youthswho were followers of the -'Ber-
lin culture." Here he gave himself up to his li
vorite work, occupying himself with the rational
interpretation of the Bible, and with the study
,,f Hebrew, German, philosophy, and mathematics,
especially the last named. In 1819 he translated for
his own use Euclid's "Elements" from German into
Hebrew. Jacob, who had assumed the family name
,,f " Eichenbaum," soon entered on a period of wan-
dering and of hard struggle for his daily bread. He
became a private tutor, and lived in different to
of southern Russia, leaching Hebrew subjects and
mathematics in the houses of wealthy people. In
is:;.", at Odessa. » liich was then the educational
t,r ,,f the south-Russian Jews, he opened a private
school for Jewish children on the lines of the Ger-
man Jewish scl Is. In 1836 he published at Leip-
sic, un.le. the title " Kol Zimrah,"a series of Hebrew
poems. This little book was one of the first pro-
ductions of Neo-Hebrew poetry which received its
inspiration from Mendelssohn's school.
The verse making talent of Eichenbaum is stri-
kingly evidenced in his "Ha l£erab," London, Is in
in which arc described the moves in thi
Ossip) Rablrinovicz translated this
ii. i i Russian verse (Odessa, 1847; 2d ed . it>.
In l lit- course of a few years the pedagogic and
lileran labors of Eichciibaum attracted
linn of the Russian government, which in 1844 ap-
pointed him overseer "I Hie Russo-Jewish school in
Kishinev, and six years later chief inspectoi of the
new rabbinical school opened by the Russian goi
ernuu'ul in Jitomir(1850). He retained this position
until his death.
In the later years of his life be published a texl
book of arithmetic in Hebrew, "Hokmat ha-Sbi'u-
riin," Warsaw, 1857, and an allegorical poem, " 11a-
£osem," iu "Ha-Meliz," 1861 (also in book form,
Bibliograph) : Tarnegol, J Eichenbaum, In Razsvyet, 1861,
!; Fueiin, Safah le-Ne'emanim, % 101, wllna, 1881;
Idem, Kt "»-. I Viitrm (, s.v.; Ha-Mifpah, Iv. 15-18, St, Peters-
bun;, 1888; lu'-i )',:!, ,,i correspondence of I. B. Levin-
pp. 81. 9 ■. \\ ur-.iv. . ] -■n
ii k s. M D
Orientalist and Biblical scholar bornat DOrrenzim-
iiurn. in the principality of Hohenlohe-Oehringen,
16,1 752; died at GOttiiigen June 27, 1827. Aitei
ying theology and Oriental languages under
Johann David Michaelis ni the LTniversit) of GiJI
tingen, he was appointed professor of Oriental Ian
es at Jeua in 1 T 7 -"i . Later ( 1 7ss( he became pro-
of philosophy al GOttingen Alter Michaelis'
death i I 794) he succeeded his former teacher as pro
ir of Old Testament literature. This post heoc
CUpied until his deatli.
The diversity of Eichhorn's studies and labors is
remarkable, but his lasting merit lies in the field oi
old Testament research. His "Einleitung in das
Lite Testament" (8 vols., Leipsic, 1780-82) marks
an epoch in the study of the Bible. Accepting tin
tl ies advanced bj Herder, Eichhom attempts to
i just appreciation of the poetry and religion
din Hebrew literature. His work, which passed
through four editions and was of ten reprinted, com
bines vividness of exposition « it Ii greal scholarship,
although the criticism is often immature, and is di-
d mure to .'in esthetic enjoyment than to a real
solution of the difficulties. Eichhorn's second
I is " Die Hebrfiisi ben Propheten " (:s vols., 1816
a poetical translation, with a short exposition,
lie prophetic literature, arranged in chronolog
ordi i Here for the first time an important and
esl i\ •■ problem was seriously deall « il Ii, al
though it was nol solved. In 1777 B6 Eichhorn
published a " Repertorium fi'ir Biblische und Moi
tndische Litteratur,"and in 17s; 1808 appeared
his " Allgemeine Bibliothek der Riblischen Littera
Bibi iiii.iunn : All, t h, utn I,, BiourapMi
\- 731 737.
K II i'
EICHTHAL, GUSTAVE D' : French publicist
Hellenist , born at Nancj March 22, L804 died
u Paris April 9, 1882 At the age of thirteen he
i" i e,, men to Roman Catholicism, and when
le lei i tl,,. |.N , ,,. Henri IV. in 1822, lie becami i ■ IU
ciple ol Auguste Comte, who initiated him into the
iirs ,,i Saint Simon, to the propagation of
ii he devoted a pari of his fortune.
In 1882 D'Eichthal went to Greece, and on his re-
turn tn Pans in 1836 published "Les Deux Mondes
containing his reflections mi the Orient. He now
began to advocate the use "i Greek as a universal
language, and published many works, among which
were. " Les Trois Grands I 'cup les Mediterraneans et
le Christianisme," l*;u is. 1864; "Origines Boud
dhiques de la Civilisation Americaine," in the "Re-
vue Archeologique," Sept.. 1864, ami April, 1865;
ami "Texte I *i ii iii i if" dti Premier Recil de la (.'re
ation," Paris. 1875; reprinted alter his death under
the title " Melanges de Critique Biblique."
D'Eichthal was one of the chief founders (1881)
of 1. 'Assn.. iai ion pour l'Encouragement des Etudes
Grecques, Alter his death his son published his
"La Langue Grecque," Paris, 1887.
Bibliography: La OrancU Encuclopidie, s.v.; Liirousse,
in, i. s.v.
b. V. E.
mudisi ; born before 1725; died May 17, 1786, at
Prague, Follow ing the custom of the time, be con
ducted a Talmud school in his dwelling, and, besides
teaching his pupils gratuitously, he aided them h ith
his small means to such an extent that he impover-
ished himself. Nevertheless, he continued to pay
the same Jew-tax that had been apportioned to him
ill his better (lavs Only when he was actually un-
able to pay the sum did he bend to the entreaties ,,|
his friends and stale his case to the " primalor. "
Urael Frankl Eidlitz, however, refused the roll of
ducats that the latter sent him. Frankl, desiring
lo force the modest rabbi to accept the money, de
clared that he could not remit the tax if Eidlitz was
iieli enough to refuse such a sum of i y. and the
rabbi was finally forced to yield. Alter his death
the roll of ducats was found among his lew po.s.scs
si. uis, with a note requesting his family to restore the
money to its Original owner, Frankl.
Eidlitz wrote jucrin nDX^>D. a manual of arith
untie in Hebrew, Prague, 1775; and Q'-tw'v 11X.
baggadic discourses, ib, 17s,y
r>84; I.m-
BIBLIOORAPHT ! Steuwliiiei.lcr. Cut. Ilndl. c»l
ben, '•'"' "/'.'it. p. 02; German ed., pp. 66 el hbq.
Momii ESREH.
ISRAEL LEYSER: Polish rabbi : born in Posen
about l"i7b; died in AllSterlitZ, Moravia, in 1('>'.':{
His lather gave him a thorough training in the Ta)
mud. From Posen Eilenburg went to Prague and
entered the yeshibah of Rabbi Liva. After stud}
im; there for a few years, he returned to Posen and
. ontinued his studies in the yeshibah of Rabbi Moi
.!. i ii Jafe.
About 1600 Eilenburg became rabbi of the city
and district of GOritZ, and about 1620 rabbi of Aus
terlitz, Moravia
Eilenburg's works an- ■■ Be'er Sheba'," coinmen
taries on the treatises of the Talmud upon which there
are no tOSafol (Venice, Hill) This work is divided
into seven parts, namely (1) ' Ner Mi/wuh." on
Horayot ; (2) " Ner Tumid. " on Tamid ; (3) " Ner
Adonai," on the first and last chapters of Keritot ;
(4) - N< ii El.iliim." on two chapters of Sut.ih ; (5)
"Ner Yisrael," on the last chapter of Sanhedrin ;
(6)"Ner Hora'ah," on parts of Hullin ; (7) "Ner
Torah," nu\ ellse and responsa. Eilenburg also wrote
"Zedab la-Derek," supercommentary on Rashi to
the Pentateuch (Prague, 1623-24).
Bibliography: Azulal, Shem ha-Gedolim, i. 115; s. Wiener,
Bihl Friedlandiana, No. 1052; Roest, I 'at. Rosenthal. Blbl.
l.'g. B. Fit.
EINBECK : Town in the province of Hanover,
Prussia. That .lews lived there at a very early dak-
is shown by the fact that some Einbeck .lews were
burned at the stake iu 1298. In a document of 1355
a Jews' street and a "schole der Joden" are men
tioned, and an "old Jewish cemetery " is referred to
in a document dated 1454. An old and mutilated
tombstone still exists to record the interment of a
Jewess in the year 5160 (= 1400). It appears from
an assignment of Duke Erich of Brunswick to his
wife Use (Elizabeth), dated July 14, 1405, and from
a letter of Duke Philipp to his brother Ernst, dated
1502, that the Jews of Einbeck paid a yearly tax
which formed part of the revenues of the castle of
Grubenhagen. When the dukes Wolfgang and
Philipp of Grubenhagen forbade all Jews not under
their protection to pass through the principality, the
envoys of the " Gemeine Jfidischheit " petitioned
Emperor Maximilian (Feb. 25, 1570), who annulled
their decree. A few years later, in 15T9, when the
fanatic Magister Johann Velius, pastor of the Jacobi-
or Marktkirche at Einbeck, raised a storm of public
feeling against the Jews of the town, the latter were
expelled. They reappeared, however, after the
Thirty Years' war.
In 1718 the elector Georg Ludwigof Hanover was
forced to restrict the influx of Jews in the interest
of the Christian merchants. During the French su-
premacy ( 1S00-1M) the district contained forty Jewish
families, nine of which lived at Einbeck. On Aug.
31, 1896, a new synagogue was dedicated by Dr. Le-
winsky, to which the banker Bernhard Me\ ersfeld of
Brunswick, a native of Einbeck. contributed 20.000
marks. In 1902 the community of Einbeck included
1 10 pels,, us
Bibliography: Harland, Gesch. der Stodf Einbeck, Einbeck,
1854 59; Wiener, Jahrb. Pttr du Gesch. di r Juden, I860, i.
17c; et sea.; Idem, in Monatsschrift, 1861, pp. "4:: i 1 si a., 251
it 8i q.x Idem, In '/,* Itschrift des 7fi.-<("/-. Vereina filr Nieder-
sachsen, 1861, pp. l'is et seq.; Salleld, Martyrologium, pp.
28 et seij.; Max. Gesch. des FlXrstenlums Grubenhagen,
1888 63; t'c-isc-. Y.ur Gesch. der Juden in Einbeck, in Win-
becta i Zc Itunp, 1803, Nos.23c r si cj.; Z, itschrift des Histor.
Vereina ftir Niedersachsen,18S6, p. 339; L. Horwitz, Die
Tsraeltten Unter dem KOnigreich WestphaUn, pp.9, 99;
Monatsschrift, 1901, p. 568.
d. A. Lew.
EINHORN, DAVID; German rabbi, preacher,
and theological writer; leader of the Reform move-
ment in America; born at Dispeck, Bavaria Nov
10, 1809; died iii New Fork Nov. 2, 1879. A dis-
ciple of R. Wolf Hamburger and R. Joshua Moses
Falki-naii in l-'urth, he received the Moreim title in
his seventeenth year, and pursued his philosophical
studies in Wllrzburg and Munich. When the con-
gregation of Wellhausen mar (Jffenheim elected him
rabbi in 1838, the Bavarian government would not
David Elnborn,
confirm the election on account of his liberal views.
In 1S42 he became rabbi of Hoppstadten and chief
rabbi of the principality of Birkenfeld. Though
be adv.ee ated Reform as represented by Geiger
(see " Rabbiuisehe Gutachten fiber die VertrSglich-
keit der Freien Forschung mit dem Rabbineramte,"
pp. 125-139, Breslau, 1842), he strenuously opposed
the radical tendencies of the Ref ormverein in Frank-
fort-on-the Main, which, as he wrote, "instead of
regenerating Judaism upon a historical basis and
with full recognition
of Israel's priestly
character and .Messi-
anic mission, desired
to create a schism in
Judaism under the
pretext of Reform,
denying the very es-
sentials of the Jew-
ish faith " (" Allg.
Zeit. des Jud." Dec.
5, 184-1).
At the rabbinical
conference at Frank-
fort in 1845, Einhorn
pleaded against Z.
Frankel iu favor of
the vernacular in the
liturgy and the elim-
ination of all prayers
referring to the res-
toration of the Jewish state and Temple, but insist-
ed on the accentuation of the universal character
of the Messianic hope. At the Breslau conference
in 1846, he was appointed chairman
His of the committee on the dietary laws
Principles, i see Dietary Laws). Iu 1847 Einhorn
succeeded Holdheim as chief rabbi of
Mecklenburg-Schweriu. In the same year he was
charged with heresy by Franz Delitzsch, then pre
fessor at Rostock, for having pronounced the blessing
over an uncircumcised Jewish child in the synagogue ;
but be refuted the charge by referring to rabbinical
authorities who declared that the child of Jewish
parents iseutitled to all Jewish rights and privileges
(see "Sinai." Nov., 1857 et scq.; L. Donath. "Ge
schichte der Juden in Mecklenburg," pp. 237-244,
Leipsic, 1874; and CrRCTtMcisioN).
Opposed by the Conservatives, Einhorn found
his position becoming perilous under a reactionary
government, and he accepted a call as rabbi of the
Reform congregation at Budapest in Oct., 1852. But
the Austrian government also was opposed to the
Reform movement, and, despite the protestations and
personal entreaties of Einhorn, the temple was, after
a brief period, ordered closed.
Einhorn determined to continue his career in
America. In 1855 he became rabbi of the liar Sinai
Congregation of Baltimore, and was soon the leader
i if the radical Reform clement, issuini:
Einhorn in a protest against Wise, Lilicnthal, and
America. Cohn, who, under the title " American
Sanhedrin." had. at a rabbinical con-
ference held in Cleveland, declared "the Talmud to
be the only legally binding interpretation of the
Bible," and endeavored to organize an American
-\ 1 ..ii that principle. Soon afterward he started,
in Hi.- interest "i radical Reform Judaism, a monthly
magazine in German under the name "t "Sinai."
In 1858 his prayer-book, "Olat Tamid," appeared;
it was at once recognized as the standard Re
form liturgy in America. Afterward its princi-
pal contents were, though in a somewhat altered
form, embodied in tin- Union Prayer-1 k (see Ri
Jl |.',]-M I.
Annul (if resolute character and well-defined prin-
s, Einhorn impressed friends and antagonists
alike by his consistency and courage. When the
Civil war broke out in 1861, he denounced the de-
fenders of slavery so unsparingly that to stay in
Baltimore became dangerous in the extreme. The
mob threatened his life, and he fled on the night of
April 22, 1861, guarded by friends, to Philadelphia,
where he became rabbi of the Congre-
Opposes gation Keneseth Israel. Philadelphia
Slavery, had hitherto been the bulwark of con-
servative Judaism; Einhorn, from his
pulpit and in his periodical "Sinai," •which he con-
tinued until 1863, fought for m. .re liberal views.
In August, 1866, Einhorn became rabbi of the
A. lath Yeshurun congregation in New York. Here
he worked, in common with Dr. Samuel Adler, rabbi
of Temple Emanu El, and with his successor in Phil-
adelphia, I>r. Samuel Hirsch, for the propagation and
better comprehension of the views and aims of Re
form Judaism. In lWJa rabbinical conference was
held in Philadelphia, at which be was the leading-
spirit (sec Confer] m es, Rabbinical).
At the approach of his seventieth year he resolved
to retire; his farewell sermon was delivered on July
12. 1S?'J. In 184-1 Einhorn had married Julia Ochs
Of Kreu/nach, and of this union wen- born five
and four sons, the third daughter man \ -
tog Dr. K. Kohler. and the fourth Dr. Emil G.
Einhorn wrote: " Princip des Mosaismus uml Des-
ign Verhaltniss zum Heidenthum un.l Rabbinischen
nthum," Leipsic, 1854 (written in Budapest;
'.olurnc only completed) ; "Ner Tamid," a relig-
ious catechism in German, stating concisely the fun-
damental principles of Re form Judaism ; and many
roversial articles on the religious questions of
the time in " Allg. Zeit. des Jud,," "Israelii des
XIX. .lahrhunderts" (1842-46), "Sinai," and "Jew
ish Times."
Bibliography: H.S. Morals, Eminent Israelites ol ttu Wine-
Uenth Century, pp. 66-71, Philadelphia, 1880 \DavidEin-
Fiorn'i duagewtthlu Predigten und Reden.ed. t>r. K. K<>i.-
li-r. New V.irk, 1880; Dcr Zeitgeist, Nob. 1 and ". Milwaukee,
inn in -.in TirraelUe, Supplement, Nov., ls?»; PublU
Im. ./. w. Hist. Soc. v. 147-151.
A. K
Hungarian preacher and political economist; born
I. fjjhely Sepi. 25, 1825; died at Budapest
2, 1ST.,.' He was educated at the Talmud
schools at Xeiitra. Presblirg, and Prague, and at
the I Diversity of Budapest. In the last named
lie began his journalistic career, contributing
to the "Pester Zeitung," the " Allgemeine Zeitung
dee Judenthums," and " Der Orient."
InisiTlie began to preach in the temple of the
new community of Alt Ofen, and lie also edited the
first Juda o Hungarian year book. A year later ap
peared bis "Zur Judenfrage in Dngarn," Alt-Ofen,
1848. In April. IMS he founded at Budapest the
weekly "Der Dngarische Israelii," which gave the
first impulse toward the formation of the Reform con
gregation there. Einhorn became the lirst preacher
of this new i ongregation.
In religion as in polities Einhorn was a decided
liberal. He took part in the Hungarian struggle foi
liberty, first as a revolutionary speaker at Budapest,
and then as ,,u army chaplain at Koinorn, a position
to which he had I. en appointed by General Klapka.
After the capitulation of Vilagos he returned home:
but not feeling secure there, he went to Vienna and
then to Prague. Siill pursued by the police b
finally went to Leipsic (March, 1850), where he re-
mained for tvi o years. There he published under the
pseudonym of "Eduard Horn," which he had as-
sumed since the Revolution, the pamphlets " Arthur
GiJrgey," "Ungarn im Vbrmarz, ''and "Zur Unga-
risch-Oesterreiehisehcn C'etitralisationsfrage." lie
wrote for Brockhaus' " Konversations-Lexikon " the
articles relating to Hungary. He also wrote in 1851
"Die Revolution und die Juden in Ungarn." His
"Ludwig Kossuth " (1851), which was immediately
confiscated and led to the publisher's imprison-
ment for two years, again directed the attention
of the Austrian police to Einhorn. To escape c\
tradition to Austria ami consequent imprisonment,
he went to Brussels, and thence, destitute of all
resources, to Amsterdam, where he published his
"Spinoza's Staatslehre zum Ersten Male Darge-
stellt" (1852). Returning to Brussels, he devoted
himself to the study of the French and English lan-
guages. He also studied Belgian affairs with such
success that in ls.jli and 1854 he was aide to publish
two works: " Statistisehe (Jemalile des K.'inigr. iehs
Bclgien," and " Bevolkerungswissenschaftliche Stu-
dien aus Bclgien."
At the time of the Paris Exposition of 1856 he
went to the French capital as correspondent of sev-
eral German periodicals. There Michel Chevalier
secured him for the "Journal des Dehats." In 1863
be became one of the founders of'L'Avenir Na-
tional." From Paris he directed a persistent liter-
ary war against the policy of the Austrian govern-
ment. King Victor Emmanuel appointed him a
Knight of the Order of Saint Maurice and Saint
Lazarus. In 1867 he published "L'Economie Poll
tique Avant les Physiocrates," which was crowned
with the " Grand Prix " of the French Academy.
In 1869 Einhorn was enabled to return to Hun-
gary. Hi' was cleclcd a. member of the Reichstag
from Pr.sl.urg. and some J ears later from the most
populous district of the capital. lie founded the
■' Nine I'r.i.' Lloyd," hut it had a short existence.
Iii Judaism, in the struggle between the Orthodox
and Reform parties, which was conducted with great
bitterness, he sided with iiie former, although he
had been a liberal theologian, He was appointed
assisianl secretary of Commerce, hut had held (his
post for si\ months only when he died.
His brother, Moritz Einhorn, an able mathemati-
cian, foUL-'hl in the Hungarian civil war under Gen
eral Bem in Transylvania, and was killed beside his
Anton Einhorn (Horn), who had been editor of
the "Journal de Si Petersburg " for several years,
Fought in I lie same war.
Bibliography: Ungarn'e tf«?mei tier Zeit, parts l and 2;
KHch. liit-IA. i. 194 it eeq.; Pester Lloyd, Nov. :.',::, L875;
\, «i /■';, f< ;•;. sue, Nov. 2, it, 1875.
M. K.
EINHORN, MAX: Physician; born Jan. 10,
1862, a1 Grodno, Russia; studied medicine at the
universities of Kiev and Berlin, graduating as M.D.
from the latter in 1884.
Einhorn worked for a time with Ehrlieh and Sal
kowski, and then went to America, settling in New
Vni-k city. In 1885 he was appointed house physi-
, i an iii the German Hospital at New York, but re-
linquished tin- post in 1886 to engage in private
practise. In lss? la1 returned for a few months
to Berlin, where be acted as Ewald's assistant.
On his return to New York Einhorn occupied
himself with questions relating to the pathology of
digestion. In isss the New York Post-Graduate
Medical School appointed him instructor in diseases
ol the Stomach anil intestines, aial in 1898 he was
appointed assist aid professor at that institution, and
in 1809 professor. lie has also for Several years
been physician to the German Dispensary of New
Einhorn is the inventor of many new inslru-
nients and pieces id' apparatus which have become
well known throughout the medical world, such as
tin' fermentation saccharometer, the stomach-bucket,
the gastro-diaphane, the deglutitive stomach elec-
t ii ule, the stomach spray apparatus, the gastrograph,
Einhorn's literary activity has embraced nearly
the whole domain of stomach pathology.
II. R.
EINSTEIN, EDWIN: Born at Cincinnati
Nov. IN. 1842; educated ill New York city; re-
ceived the degree of master of aits at Union Col
legi Schenectady, New York. Einstein was a rep-
resentative from New York city in the Forty -sixth
Congress; was the Republican candidate for mayor
of New York in 1892, receiving the greatest number
of votes ever polled for the mayoralty nominee of
tn.it part) ; he acted as commissioner and treasurer
of the department of docks from 1895 to 1*9*. and
was a director of the Mi Sinai Hospital from 1 xtc.
to 1S7S.
EIRAGOLY. See K,,\ \o
\iiti -.lew ish author; born in Mannheim 1654; died
in Heidelberg Dec. 20, 1704. The son of an official
in the serviceof the Elector of the Palatinate, Eisen-
menger received a good education, and distinguish-
ing himself at the Collegium Sapientia; at Heidel-
berg by his zeal for Hebrew studies, he was sent by
the elector to England and Holland to continue
them there. In Amsterdam he met three Christians
who had been converted to Judaism, and this tilled
him with indignation. As a further cause of Ids
hatred of Judaism, hit claims II therwise unknown
attacks against Christianity which he heard from
the mouth of David Lida. then (1681) rabbi of Am-
sterdam. For nineteen years he studied rabbinical
literature assisted by .lews, first in Heidelberg and
afterward in Frankfort-on Hie Main,
Studies pretending that he desired to be con-
Rabbinical verted to Judaism. Having collected
Literature, from rabbinical literal tin' all that was
calculated to bring it into disrepute
and to give justification for anti-Jewish prejudices,
he put dished his " Entdecktes Judenthum " (Judaism
Unmasked), which has remained the arsenal for de-
tractors of Talmudic literature down to the present
day. The full title of the book is interesting and is
given in the facsimile on page 81. The work, in two
large quarto volumes, appeared in Frankfort on
the-Main in 1700, and the prince elector took great
interest in it. appointing Eisenmenger professor of
Oriental languages in the University of Heidelberg.
The Jews, who feaied that the publication of this
book would give additional strength to the prejudice
against them, denounced it as a malicious libel ; and
the fact that only a year previously riots against
the Jews had occurred in the diocese of Bamberg,
and that in the same year (July 21) a mob had sacked
the house of the court Jew Samuel Oppenheimer in
Vienna, made their opposition all the stronger. Op-
penheimer was chiefly instrumental in procuring an
order of confiscation from the emperor,
His who commanded that the whole edi-
"Entdeck- tion of 2,000 copies should be placed
tes Ju- under lock and key. With him others
denthum." worked for the same end, including
Jospa von Geldern. the great-grand-
father of Heinrich Heine's mother. There was also
Roman Catholic influence at work, as Eisenmenger
was accused of anti-Catholic tendencies.
The Jews had offend Eisenmenger the sum of
12,000 florins (55.000), if he would suppress his
work ; but he demanded 30,000 florins, and the
transactions led to no result. Eisenmengcrdied sud-
denly of apoplexy in 1704. Meanwhile two Jewish
converts to Christianity in Berlin had brought
charges against their former coreligionists of having
blasphemed Jesus. King Frederick William I. took
the matter very seriously, and ordered an investiga-
tion. Eisenmenger's heirs applied to the king; and
the latter tried to induce the emperor to repeal the
injunction against the book, but did not succeed.
He therefore ordered a new edition of 3,000 copies
to be printed in Berlin at his expense, but as there
was an imperial prohibition against printing the
hook in the German empire, the title-page gave as
the place of publication Konigsberg, which was lie
j ond the boundaries of the empire. Almost forty
years later I lie original edition was released
Of the many polemical works written by Chris
tians against rabbinical literature, Eisenmenger's lias
become the most popular one, and since the begin
ning of the anti-Semitic movement it has supplied
anti-Semitic journalists and the authors of anti-Sem-
itic pamphlets with their main arguments. Eisen-
menger undoubtedly possessed a great deal of knowl-
edge, but he was blinded by prejudice. His work is
best characterized by Siegfried, who says ("Allg.
Deutsche Biographic," 8.v. " Eisenmenger "): " Taken
as a whole, it is a collection of scandals. Some
passages are misinterpreted; others are insinuations
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unfc frerunc&rw/ bfe £cfl. Sautter £br<fi( wrjtymaben/ bag 9ftu<
§efh»tnettf / tie Sttangeliften unO SlpofWn/ Dte £f>rtftfKf>e Suliflion
fpbKiftf;burcb$kf)en f unb bie aanfsc <£f>riff<nf)eitauf batfaufferftt
»cracf)ttn unb txrfludjen;
if a^et) necb t>iel antw/ bifbm unfa ben SlOriffm
cnlnoc2>cv gar nic|>t/ o&cr nur 511m Sfcljetl bcfanf gdwfcne ©wgc
unb a,r off* 3rrtbum<bcr 3ubif<b<n9Wi(Won un&XbfOlegU'/
njfeaud) oid lacbcrlfdxuut) futijn>ci(ig< ftobeln/ unD an&ete
un9«rnmte©(Kf)cn an ben Sag fomnwn.
SlUetf au$ tfjren eigenctt / unb pat fcljr welcn mit gtoffcr ?S>?uf>t
unb umjerbrojfemm 5Wjjbur#kfenen33utbeni/mft $(u*3(eiiun0
D« £tf Paifcj>en SCorti/ unD Deter rrcuenUb«fa}unfl in Dw£«uffd?r
©prad)/ frafftiglicfc crtsicfen ;
Sit Uiwflen HlKilett
fccrai jeter fane bet>6rifl< / alkmal von titut gnciffa Vthtmt
aupfubrlicfe; banOrin&e Capicel entbAit.
alien Wffcnjur treiu)er#am 9tabri(bt wrfentyet/ unb mft
BoWommenen ?Kvg:ftern »crfehcn.
TO ©etner $&maj* 9J?aWr<lf m Skeuffen Stffergnd^tgffm
JSkwutft i« Ki>»i>4|dh^in prcuffcn/im Jabnwil? <Spct|tt®(twt 17m
(In tbt
\ . 6
based on one-sided inferences ; and even if this were
not the case, a work which has for its object the pre
sentationof the dark side of Jewish literature can
not give us a proper understanding of Judaism."
The incorrectness of many of Eisenmeuger's trans-
lations is shown by Delitzsch in his "Rohling's
Talmudjude." Through Rohling's " Talmudjude "
Eisenmenger's work hail again become popular, ami
from Rohling many other libelists copied these
charges, notably Sir Richard Burton in his "The
.lew, Gypsy, and El Islam." Much earlier an English
adaptation had been made by J. P. Stekelin under
the title "The Traditions of the Jews, with the Ex-
positions ami Doctrines of the Rabbins," etc., 2
vols., 1732-34. A new edition of the "Entdecktes
Judenthum" was published by F. X. Schieferl,
Dresden, 1893.
Eisenmenger edited with Leusdeu the unvocalized
Hebrew Bible, Amsterdam, 1694. and wrote a " Lex-
icon Orientale Harmonicum," which was not pub-
bibliography: schudt, Jlidischc MerckwBrdigkeUen, i. 426-
4:ss. iii. 1-8, iv. 286; i.riitz. Gesch.3d "l.. x.-'Tii; LOwenstein,
in Berliner's Mwiazui, 1891, p.209; Kaufinann, An.- Heinrich
II, ni, 'i Aim, usual, p.til; Eckstein, i.'isrii. der Juden Cm
Fiii-tlu.-tnni. p. 42, Bamberg. 1898: Berzog-Hauck, Real*
Eneuc -.*■: Wetzer anil Welte, A" in In nl, i il.mi ; Allg.
Deutschi BUygraphie. From a polemical point of view: Ft.
Delitzsch, Ronlino-'a Talmudjudi Beleuchtet, Lelpsic, 1881;
J. S. kopp, Aktenstllcke sum Prozesse Bohlina-Bloch, Vi-
t'lina. lss2; A. Th. Hartmann, Johann Andrea* Etsen-
in, mil :r mi, l Seine Jihli.-chm OegTier, Parchim, 1B84; Con-
stantin Bitter Cholewa von Pawlikowski, Hunderi Bnaenaus
Mihiuls h'iinflmtnhtl Allen Ulnl Xtiien Illiiln ill lllni
,h, Judi ii .\.i" ii <li ii Christen, Freiburg, 1858.
EISENSTADT (Hungarian, Kis-Marton ;
Bebr. ^pon TJ?) : City in the county of Oedenburg
(Sopron), Hungary. The Jewish community of
Eisenstadt is the only community of Hungary that
has an independent political existence with an or-
ganization of its own, though the neighboring Mat-
tersdorf (Nagy-Marton) was on the same footing
until 1903. Unlike other Hungarian communities of
the present day, Eisenstadt has the right to elect its
own mayor in addition to its president, although
both offices can be, and generally are. held by one
and the- same person.
Eisenstadt, which once belonged to the"Sheba'
Kebilloi ;" (Seven Communities), is among the old-
esl communities in Hungary. It is mentioned as
early as IHKK. .Many of the Jews of Oedenburg fled
in 1520 to Eisenstadt. Leopold I. expelled the Jews
from the lily in 1671; but Prince Palatine Paul
Esteiha/y settled a number ol Nikolsburg .lews
at Eisenstadt, which belonged lo his dominions, anil
granted them an interesting privilege (Jan. 1, 1690).
He designated the outer citj dairy ("Stadtmelerbof ") at Eisen-
stadt ms their dwelling-place, where he bulll twenty houses tor
them, the .lews contributing from 30 to 50 florins each. In return
for the yearly protective I i allowed the tree exercise
ol their religion. They paid thirty pounds of pepper a year for
their cemetery. Thej might electa Jewish Judge and officials
tor the community according to the Jewish law. the candidates
being confirmed by the government, to whom the retirement of
the officials had to be reported. They were allowed to maintain
a Jewish inn and a slaughter-house, paying for thelattei two
hundredweight of tallow a year; they might sell kasher meat to
Christians, but not wine or beer. They wen- allowed to keep
horses and cattle; but thej had tul that theeattleof
the overlord were not injured in the pasture.
On Informing the bailiff they might Intermarry with Jews
from other towns, hut net port a wedding ent
One of the florins. They might buy and sell distilled liquors,
the director of the estate Axing the tax. They might work as
tailors, shoemakers, lacemakers, furriers, barbers, pbysii
and jewelers. Any one who opened his shop before ten o'clock
on Sundays or festivals, when the people were going to church,
was fined two florins. Their lawsuits were settled according to
the Jewish law. They were not allowed to sell or take in pawn
stolen objects. When anything was stolen, the owner reported
the loss to the Jewish judge, who proclaimed the theft. Any
one who had bought the stolen articles before this proclamation
had to return them at the pi ice paid ; if they were bought after-
ward, the buyer had to restore them without compensation, and
was also fined. The Jews might not smelt coins without in-
formiiiL' (lie lio\ eminent olllcials. lest they should he susj':
of making stolen goods disappear in this fashion.
No Jew from another town was allowed to settle in the com-
munity without the knowledge of the government. An noneal
able person, against whom the community had no obje.
paid an initiation fee of six florins. A Jewish traveler was al-
lowed to stay only three days in the community, and wasoblisred
to report his country and his origin. Whenever a rich Jew left
the district, he paid fifteen thalers to the government; one of the
middle class paid ten thalers ; and a pi m a- Jew five thalers : and
each of them paid to the community whatever sum the presi-
dent named. Whoever did not keep his house and grounds ,,r
his poriion of the street clean was flned two pounds of pep>
per. Chimneys had to be swept every four weeks ; and every
one was required to help in case of Are. The government sold
the Jews wood for fuel. They were protected against tbe
blunders of the officials.
During the Kurucz wars the Jews of Eisenstadt.
terrorized by the enemy, were forced to leave their
homes; but when peace was restored the community
entered upon a period of prosperity. At the census
of 1735 about 112 Jewish families (600 individuals)
were living at Eisenstadt. Several persons employed
at Vienna had become members of the community,
and it owed its development to the fact that it. was
tbe fictitious legal residence of many Viennese .li
The Cabala was much cultivated in Eisenstadt in
tbe seventeenth century. The false Messiah Mordr-
eai Mokiah lived there, us did also MeVr ben Ilayyitn,
who wrote glosses to Hayyim Vital's "Sefcr ha-
Gilgulim," and Simeon b. Ephraim Judah, the
author of •' Helek Shimeon" (Prag, 1687). Tta
most famous rabbi of Eisenstadt was Mi-.'in
Isaac (d. June 7. 1744), authorof "Pauim Me'irot."
From 1851 to 1869 Israel Hildesheimer was rabbi of
Eisenstadt, and his yeshibah became a prominent
factor in Orthodox Judaism. The present rabbi
(1903) is Solomon Kutna.
d. A. Bti.
EISENSTADT : Polish family which, when the
Jews were compelled to adopt family names,
lected the name of Eisenstadt, a town in Hungary,
where some of the family became rabbis.
Abigdor Eisenstadt, or Abig'dor Sofer (ben
Moses): Died 24th of Ab. 1591. He was the author
of a translation from Polish into German of th
tival pravers (Cracow, 1571) and of a prayer-book (rt.
.,. II. Cut.
Abraham Hirscb b. Jacob Eisenstadt of
Byelostok : Russian rabbi; born in 1812; died in
KOnigsberg 1868. He was a rabbi in Ottymia ('.'I, gov-
ernment of Kovno. He began at an early age to
write his important work, "Pithe Teshubah," which
is the most popular and useful index to the re-
sponsa and decisions of later authorities on the sub
jects treated in the Shulhan Aruk. Eisenstadt 's
great merit consists in having collected all the ma-
terial given in the works of his predecessors, and in
having added to il an almost complete collection of
references toresponsa of all the later eminent rabbis.
of little value are the novella? which Eisenstadt
added to the "Pithe Testiubah" under the title
"Nabalat Zebi." The pan of the "Pithe Teshu
bah " on Yoreh De'ah was published at Wilna in
(republished Jitomir, 1840, and Lemb
that "ii Eben ha-T.zer. in 1862; and, after
uthor's death, that on Hoshen Mishpat, in
Lemberg, 1876 (republished in Wilna. L896). Eisen
is also the author of a commentary on the
i.iiiin wa-Halizah," by Michael ben Joseph
icow, Wilna. 1863, 2d ed. 1896.
Bibliography : Fuenn, Keneset FferaeJ, p. l»; Bentacob, Cteai
Sefarim. p. 586; Zeiiner, Cat. Hebr. Bonkx Brit. Mus.
I : prefaces of toe author t<> Torch Di 'ah and Elu n
\ i, N. 1. Jj.
Benzion ben Moses Eisenstadt: Russian He-
braist; bom at Kletzk, government oi .Minsk, March
18, 1878. Eisenstadt devoted himself to Neo-He-
brew. At eighteen he was in correspondence with
Jewish scholars like Slonimsky, Buber, and Reif-
niann. Though comparatively young, Eisenstadt
lias written: "Ziyoni," a collection of poems (War
saw, 1895); "Dor Rabbanaw we-8oferaw," a bio-
graphical dictionary of contemporary rabbis and
Other scholars (part I, ib. 1895; parts 2-4, Wilna.
1902); "Rabbane Minsk wa-Hakameha," a his
lory of the rabbis and scholars of Minsk (Wilna,
1899); " We-Zot li-Yehudah." a supplement to the
r.'sponsa collection "Noda' bi- Yehudah " (ib. 1901)
-tacit is now (1903) resident in New York.
ii B. M. Six.
Israel Tobiah Eisenstadt: Russian biog-
rapher; born in Rushony, government of Grodno;
in St. Petersburg Jan. 13, 1N!K). Descended
from Tobiah Bacharach and Israel ben Shalom, who
were executed in his native city Sept. 19, L659, On
an accusation of ritual murder brought against the
entire community, Eisenstadt published their history
in his "Da'at ijedoshim, " the material for which
was largely taken from the Friedland library, after
I presented to the Asiatic Museum of St. Pe
i >urg. The unfinished work was completed
by Samuel Wiener (Si Petersburg, 1897-98), who
added several appendixes. The work contains gene
alogies of the Eisenstadt, Bacharach, Gunzburg,
Friedland, Katzenellenbogen. Rapoport, and other
Bbuoorafrt: Ba-Zefirah, 1898, No. 7": Joseph Kohen-Zede$,
tn Ha-Ethkol. 111- -"■'> 220.
ii. ii. P. Wi
Jacob Eisenstadt: English scholar; lived in
London, England, in the eighteenth century. lie
wrote bomiletic explanations on the Talmud and
portions of the Bible, under the title of "Toledo!
Ya'akob," London, 1770. This book bears the ap-
probation of the Sephardic haham of London, Moses
de Azevedo ha Eohen, and was the Brsl Hebrew
honk printed for a Jew in England by Isaac b
Jedidiah ha-Levi, Muses b. Gerson, and Jacob b.
Issachar Cohen, who had secured typesetters from
Holland and occupied a shop in the house of \V.
Tookc. an Englishman.
BDLIOGRAPBT : FOrat, lliiil. Judaiea, s.v.; Stelnscbnelder,
Oat. Bod/, col. 1206.
.. A. R.
Jacob ben Eliezer Eisenstadt: Horn in S/.id-
lowca Poland, about 1730. lie was the author of
"Toledot Ya'akob," explanations on the Haggadah
and on difficult Biblical passages, London, 177(1.
Bibliography : Elsenstadt-WIener, Da'at Kedoshim.p. 194, St,
Petersburg, 189! 98; Gaster, History o/ the Ancient Syna-
gngtu of Su Spanish and Portuffuew .'' »•.«. p. in. London.
i B. Fu.
Meir Eisenstadter (also known as Meir Ash
[compare Jewish Encyclopedia, ii. 176], and, after
his later rabbinates, Meir Gyarmath and Meir
Ungvar) : One of the greatest Talmudists of the
nineteenth century ;diedatUngva>, Dee. 2. 1H61. He
was called in 1807, while still a young man, to
the rabbinate of Baja, where he directed a large
yeshibah. lie was the intimate friend of Gijtz
Schwerin, who was then living at Baja. When
Schwerin was, through the ruin of his father-in-law,
compelled to seek a rabbinate, Eisenstadt volunta-
rily resigned to him the office at Baja, and, on the
recommendation of Moses Sofer, obtained a position
at Gyarmath in 1816, removing later to Ungvar,
where he died. His responsa were published after
his death by his son, under the title [•* K nOX,
Ungvar, 1864.
Bibliography: Samuel Kobn, QOtz Schwerin, In Maamr
Z8idb-Sz£mle,j.v. 125,310; Preface to Imre Bah.
s L. V.
Meir ben Isaac Eisenstadt : Lithuanian rabbi ;
born in l iiT<> ; died at Eisenstadt (Kismarton), Hun-
gary, June 6, 1744. After having been dayyan
at Sachtschewar, province of Posen, and rabbi at
Szydlowiec, government of Radom, be went to Ger-
many and settled at Worms. Through the inllu-
ence of Samson Wekthetmer, Eisenstadt was ap-
pointed lecturer on Talmud in a bet ha niidrash. In
1701, Worms having been taken by the French, he
went to Prossnitz, .Moravia, where he was appointed
rabbi. Among the innovations introduced by him in
that community was the issuing of bills of divorce,
although Prossnitz. is not situated on a river large
enough to meet rabbinical requirements. Among
his disciples in Prossnitz was Jonathan Eybeschutz.
In 1711 he again tilled the office of rabbi at Szydlo-
wiec, but did no) remain there long, receiving, before
1714, a call to Eisenstadt, Hungary. Here he
adopted the name of " Eisenstadt." In 172:j he was
obliged to Bee from this city. According to Zip
er ("Orient, Lit." viii. 187), he returned eight
months later. But. the pinkoses of Eisenstadt (see
Eisenstadt- Wiener, " Da'at Kedoshim," p. 190) show
that he was absent for three years, and that his son
Jacob officiated in his place. Meir Eisenstadt was
widely recognized as an authority in rabbinical law,
being consulted by the rabbis of Turkey, Italy, and
Germany, lie was the author of: "Or ha-Ganuz,"
novella) on Cetubot and notes on Yen Nesekof the
Yoreh De'ah (Furth, I7i;r,); "Panim Me'irot," re-
sponsa and novella- on various Talmudic treatises,
iii four parts (part 1, Amsterdam, 1715; part 2, Sulz-
bach, 1788; part 8, ib. 1788; part. 4, /A. 1789); " Kot
not Or," homiletic commentary on the Pentateuch
ami the Five Scrolls, published, with the"Or lb'
dash" of bis grandson. Kleazar Kalir, under the title
•■ Me ore Esh," the latter word being an abbreviation
of " Eisenstadt " (Forth, 1766).
RiRiinoRAPHV izulai. Slum ha-Gedoiim, l.,s.v.MelrA8li-
n !»'■ foroelit. 1867, Nos. 19, «, -t ■
M. Sl.l..
Moses Eisenstadt ben Isaac: Lived in the be-
ginning of the eighteenth century; died in Prague
ge ^ the author of a compendium of arithmetic
(Dyhernfurth, 1712) ; a German translation of the
•■Kb,.,, Bohan" by Kalonymus ben Kalonymus
(Sulzbach, 1715); a dirge on the plague of 1713 in
Pesth i Pragui . L713). He also translated into Yid-
dish the - Diwan " (Mahberot) of Immanuel Romi.
, H. Gi t
Russian-American writer; bom in Meseritz, govern-
ment of Siedlec, Russian Poland, Nov. 21, 1850. He
emigrated in 1872 to the United States, and settled in
New York, in a hich city lie still resides. Eisenstein
was the first to translate into Hebrew and Yiddish
the Constitution of the United Stairs (New York.
[891) Other writings of His are: "Ma'amare Bik-
korn ,"/V,. L897, and "The Classified Psalter "(Pesuke
de-Zimrah), Hebrew text with a new translation
(1899). He also made an attempt to translate and
explain a modified text of the Shulhan 'Aruk.
Eisenstein took a prominent part in the contro-
versy concerning the Kolel Amerika, a society for
the collection of funds for the l r Jews of Pales-
tine, and was one of the leaders in the movement to
arrange that the money contributed in the United
States should go primarily to former residents of
America. In" Ha-Modia' la I.Iadashim" (New York)
for 1901 he published, under the title "Le-Koro1
Gole Russiya be Amerika." a sketch of the history
of Russo-Jewish emigration to America. His " His
n.i v of the First Russo American Jewish Congrega-
tion " appeared in No. 9 of the " Publications of the
Am. Jew. Hist. Soc," 1901.
a. a. P- Wi.
EISHISHKI. See Wii.na.
EISLER, LEOPOLD: Austrian rabbi: born
Feb. 11. Is'-'"'. at BoskowitZ, .Moravia: studied Tal-
mud under Rabbi Abraham Plaezek. and Oriental
languages at the University of Prague. In the latter
city he also attended lectures by s. L. Rapoporl
[n 1856 he was chosen rabbi of Eiwanowitz, and
in 1892 of the newly organized community of
WIschau. lb- has since acted as rabbi for both
Eisler is the author of " Beitrage z'ur Rabbinischen
Sprach- und Altertumskunde," in 4 parts, Vienna,
is;-.' 90; and "Dibre Yehuda ha Aharonim" (1900),
containing studies and criticisms, revisions and ad-
ditions (1903) S.
EISLER, MORITZ : Austrian educator and
philosophical writer: born at Prossnitz, Moravia,
Jan 20, 1823; died at Troppau, Silesia, Dec. 21, 1902.
He studied philosophy and Oriental languagesat the
Dniversitj of Prague, ami in 1853 was appointed
teacher of religion at the Piarisl gymnasium, and
director of the communal choo in Nikolsburg.
In ls(>2 he organized a society for the care of in
valid teachers and the widows and orphans of
teachers, which gave rise to the Moravian-Silesian
Hebrew Teachers' Association (Mahrisch-Schlesisch-
[sraelitischer Lehrerverein), whose president I
was until 1898, when it was transformed into the
Kaiser FranzJoseph i. JubililumsstiftungzurUnter-
stutzung von Lehrerwittwen und -Waisen.
Beside, essays in various literary reviews. Eisler
lias published "Vorlesungen liber die Judischen
Philosophen des Mittelalters," 3 vols.. Vienna, 16
In June. 1893, after forty years of active service,
Eisler withdrew from public life and retired to
Bibliography: Mithrm's Milium- der Gegcnwart, Briton,
He Gubernatis, Ecrivaim ilu Jour; Hinncnsen, Dot
JjUerartiChe Deutschtoid, Herlin, 1SS7; Joseph Wytzlik.
Deuticht Diehter und Schrifbstelier-Charaktere, Vienna,
EISLER, RUDOLPH: Austrian writer; born
in Vienna Jan. 7, 1873. He was educated at the
universities of Berlin. Vienna, and Leipsic, gradu-
ating from Leipsic as doctor of philosophy in 1894,
In 1899 Eisler settled at Vienna, in which city he has
since resided. He is editor of the " Wissenschaf tliche
Volksbibliothek " and author of the following ea
and works: "Der Psychophysische Parallelismus,"
Leipsic, 1*94; " Psychologic im Umriss," ib. 1895,
3d ed. 1899; "Elemente der Logik," ib. 1898;
"Einfuhrung in die Philosophic." ib. 2d ed., 1901;
•■ Worterbuch der Pbilosophischen Begriffe und
Ausdriicke, Quellenmassig Bearbeitet," Berlin,
1900; "Has Bewusstsein der Aussenwelt." Leipsic,
s F. T. 11.
trian colonel ; born at Piesling, Moravia, 1832. He
entered the Austrian army at the age of fifti
and took part in the campaigns of 1848, 1849, 1859
and 18(5(5. The following orders were conferred upon
him: the Order of Leopold, the Order of the Iron
Crown, the Order of Elizabeth Theresa, and the Or-
der of the Sword; and he also received two medals
for meritorious military service. Von Eiss retired
in 189(1. lie is an ardent Zionist. S.
EJECTMENT: An action to recover the imnic
diate possession of real property, with damages fur
wrongful withholding.
The general principle governing all cases of pos-
session of real estate in Jewish law was npirU V\>1?
nO"P ri^ja (" Real property is presumed to bi
to its owner," as distinguished from its tenant or
possessor). Mere possession, while of great w
in cases involving personal property, was not i,
ni/ed in connection with real estate, exoep t w lieu
such possession continued for an uninterrupted
period of at least three years (see HAZAKAH)
Hence, one who claimed title to real property w Inch
known to belong to some one else had to
stantiate his claim with good proof; and any doubl
arising in such matters was always resolved in favor
of the owner (B. M. 102b; Ket. 20a; Tos. and
Asheri, ad he.; Shulhan 'Aruk, Hosheu Mishpat,
225, 21. Isserles' gloss i.
No writ of ejectment was necessary to reinstate
the rightful owner in possesion of his property.
The owner, if powerful enough, could personally
: the holder of tlie properly and take possession
nf it. Even if the property passed through many
bands, and the owner losl all nope ("yi'ush ")oJ i 71 i
lining it, ii was still in the sum.' status, and
.'. 1 1 1 - 1 1< ■ \ er a la\ orable oppoi I u
niiv presented itself (B. K. 27b; Slaimonides,
-mil. ii. 12; Hoshen Mishpat, I and 381).
Any damage caused to the property by the occu-
pant, or an} bcm til derived by him from il during
his tenure, beca i debt which the owner could
cl by a regular legal procedure. II', however,
the damage was caused through no fault of theoi
int— for instance, if water overflowed a field,
or tiers were burned down— lie could not be held
onsible for it, since the land was legally in the
ession of the owner all this time. In the case
of improvements being made on the property b\ the
occupant, the courl estimated such improvements
and the money expended on them. If the amount
ded exceeded the value of the improvements,
the owner had to pa\ only for the value of the im-
provements. If the value of the improvements ex
led the amount of the expenditure, the occupant
received the amount he bad expended (B K. 95a;
B. M. 14b; "Tad," Gezelah, ix. ; Hoshen Mishpat,
371, 874).
A tenant holding real property for a specific period
of time might I"- ejected immediately after the ex-
piration of such time. < me holding property under
an indefinite leas.- at SO much per I it li might not
be ejected unless notified by the land-
Ejectment lord thin \ days previously. Nbeject-
at Ex- ineni mighl be proceeded with in the
piration. winter from Sukkol until Passover.
In large cities notice had to be s i\ i d
twelve months before ejectment mighl be effected.
A tenant holding a shop bad to be notified twelve
months, and in some cases three years, before lie
mighl beejected. Just as the landlord had tonotify
the tenant bi fore he might eject him. so the tenant
had to notify tin- landlord that he wished to leave
ami the length of notice was the same in either case.
The amount of rental was regulated by the mar
ket value. If rent had risen during the period of
tenure, the landlord might demand the higher price,
and ejei i the tenant if be refused to pay it. If rent
became cheaper, the tenant might demand a reduc
t ion. or leave i in mediately. If the landlord's dwell
ing was destroyed, so that he had no plan- in which
to live, he might eject the n nam without any notice.
laws governing the relations of landlord
and tenant remained in force if in the meanwhile
the landlord sold his property to another (B. M.
101b; - Yad. ' Sekirut, iii. ; Hoshen Mishpaj
The king had a right to eject a person from his
property and to give il lo any one he desired I
however, differences of opinion among later
tators regarding this right (Sanb 20b; Tos.
Melcli " . "Yad," Mi lakiui ii 5, iii S i omparc
the incident of Xaboth in I Kings \\i , and Kiniln
ad foe. i.
ectment in consequence of a mortgage mighl
only be proceeded with after the necessarj steps of
(1) " aihakta," tracing the property, (2) " tii-fa."
re of propi rtj sold after the loan, ai d (8
"shunia." appraisement of tin- property by thi
court, had been taken (see Debts; Procedi bj i
Bibuogb vi- in : Bloch, CivClproct 88-Ordnunfl, Budapest, 1882;
-i, ii,. Bi - .■■-'.. ii-. 18OT.
.J. H. G.
Midrash on Lamentations, like Bereshit Rabbah and
the Pesikta ascribed to Rab Eahana, belongs to the
oldest works of the Midrashic literature. It begins
with thirty six consecutive proems forming a sepa
rate collection, certainly made by the author of the
Midrash. They constitute more than one-fourth of
the work (47b-52b in the Venice ed., 1545). These
proems and, perhaps, most of the annotations, which
are arranged in the si rjuence of the verses (52c-66b),
originated in the discourses of Which, in olden times,
the Hook of Lamentations had been the subject.
The haggadic explanation of this book — which is a
dirge on the fall of the Jewish state and the extinc
tion of the national splendor — was treated by schol-
ars as especially appropriate to the Ninth of Ab, lo
the day of the destruction of the Temple, and to the
eve of that fast day (comp. Fer. Shab. 15c; Lam .R.
iv. 20; Ver. Ta'an. 68d el aeg.).
The sources from which Verushaltni drew must
have been accessible to the author of Ekah Rabbah,
which was certainly edited some time after the com
pletion of the former, and which probably borrowed
from it. In the same way older collections must
have served as the common source for Ekah Kabbah,
Bereshit Kabbah, and especially for the Pesikta de-
Kab Kahana. The haggadic comment on llosca vi.
7 appears earlier as a proem to a discourse on Lamen-
tations, and is included among the proems in this
Midrash (ed. Buber, p. 8a) as a comment on Gen. iii.
9 Ber. R. xix.). The close of this proem, which
serves as a connecting link with Lain. i. 1, is found
also in the Pesikta as the first proem to pericope
\v. (p. Ililal to Isa. i. 21, the llaftarah for the
Sabbath before llie Ninth of Ab (c p. Miiller,
"Einleitung in die Responsen," p, 88). The same
is the ease with the second and fourth proems in the
Pesikta, which an- identical with the fourth and
third (according to the correct enumeration) of the
proems to Ekah Rabbah; the fifth in the Pesikta
( 1 '.'llli- 121b), which corresponds to the second in this
Midrash, has a detective ending. With a change ill
the final sentences, the first proem
The in Ekah Kabbah is used as a proem in
Proems, the Pesikta pericope \i (110a), and
with a change of the proem text and
Ol Us close, proem III I'.l) of Ekah Kabbah is found as
a proem in the Pesikta pericope \i\. (187b). tin the
oiler band, there is found embodied in the exposi
lion of I. am. i, '.*, "she wccp.lh son- in tin- night."
etc., a whole pro, m, lb,- text of which is |»s Kxvii.
7 1 1 teg., "1 remember mj lute playing in the night,"
Hebi I; this proem contains also the final sen-
tence w Inch serves as int rod i let ion to t be sect ion Isa
\lix. II (ed. Buber, p. 80a), and il is known from
the Pesikta pericope xvii. (129b et seg.) to be a proem
10 a discourse on this section, which is intended for
the second "consolatory Sabbath" alter the Ninth
ol Ab From this ii becomes evident that the col-
lector of the Ekah Kabbah used the haggadic expo-
sition found in the Pesikta fulfilling its original
El Nora
purpose — as a comment on Lam. i. 2. The same is
true of the commentary to Lam. i. 21 (ed. Buber, p.
17a), for which there was used a proem on tie Pi
sikta section fea. li. 12, intended originally for the
fourth Sabbath after the Ninth of Ab, and a section
which had for its texl this verse of Lamentations
(pericopexix., p. 138a); and also in regard to the
comment to Lam. iii. 39 (ed. Buber, i>. 68a), which
consistsof a proem of the Pesikta pericope xviii. (p.
130b) But theauthor also added lour proems from
Kkali Rabbah itsi If (29, is. 19, 31, according to the
correct enumeration) retaining the introductory
formula nns . • • *i. as acommentary to Lam. iii. 1.
11. 15; iv. L2(ed. Buber, pp. 61b, 64a, b, 74b). The
opinion set forth in the introduction to Buber's crit-
ical edition that the arrangement of the proems at
the beginning of the work was made by a later
editor, who included the marked comments of the
Midrash as proems, and who. after prefixing the in-
troductory formula to a comment on the Midrash Ko-
lieletxii. Vetseq. used it as a proem for Lam R. xxiv.
(xxiii.), is entirely wrong. There can be no doubt
that precisely the opposite process has taken place.
The entire interpretation in Eccl. R. xii. 1-7, which
consists of two versions, is composed of two proems
— that in Wayikra Kabbah, ch. 18, beginning, and
lie proem in this Midrash. The numberless proems
originating in the synagogal discourses of the earli
esi times must be regarded as the richest source upon
which the collectors of the midrashim could draw
(comp. "Monatsschrift," 1880, p. 185; Maybaum,
•• Die Aeliesteii l'hasen in der Entwickelung der .Iii
dischen Predigt," p. 40i. Thecharacter of the inter
pretation in that partof the midrash which contains
the running commentary to Lamentations is on the
whole the same as in the Bereshit Rabbau. Side
by side with the simple interpretation of sentences
and words, and with various midrashic explanations
dating from different authors, whose comments are
placed in juxtaposition, the Midrash contains hag-
gadic passages having soirte son of relation to tin'
verse; as, for instance, in connection with the verse
"at the beginning of the watches" (ii 19) is intro-
duced the whole discussion of Ycru
Relation to shalmi, Ber. 2d, on the statement of
Bereshit the Mishnah, "to the end of the tirsi
Babbah. watch": in connection with the words
"let us lift up our heart with our
hands to Com] in heaven" (iii. 41) is introduced a
story from Yer. Ta'an. 65a, telling how 1?. Abba b.
Zabda preached on this verse during a fast-day serv
ice. It is not strange that for simitar expressions,
such as -en lo . . . " and "lo maz'ah manoah " oc-
curring in Lain. i. 2, \\ and Sen. viii. 9, xi. 30, Ekah
Rabbah (ed. Buber, pp. 31a etaeq.) uses the explana-
tionsofBer R. xxx viii. and xxxiii., end; or that in
the Ekah Rabbah thesame haggadah is found three
times i pp 23a Mia. 56b)— i.e., in explaining the three
passages I. am. i. 1, ii. 4. and ii. 5. in each of which
the word "like" occurs; or that the same comment
is applied to iii. 53 anil iii. ."ill; or that a sentence of
K. Simeon b. Laki-h is used Ave times — namely, to
iii. 3, 18, 22, '.'ii. ::-.'; or that the explanation forre-
versing the order and putting the letter B before J)
is given twice— namely, to ii. it; and iii. 46.
Only a few verse-, in ch. iii. are entirely without
annotations. To some verses (ii. 20, iii. 51, iv. 13,
18, 19) are added the stories to which they were re-
ferred, even though they are also found in the large
collections on ii. 2 and i. 1(1; "For these things I
weep: mine eye. mine eye runneth down with
water." These collections, as well as the long
sageon i. 5 ("her enemies prosper"), giving so main
accounts of the sufferings of Israel, including the
times of the First and Second Temples and the fateful
revolt under Bar Kokba, an' the most impressive in
the Midrash to Lamentations; they form an integral
partof the work, like the interesting sagas and stories
to Lam. i. 1 on the greatness of the city of Jerusa-
lem and the intelligence of her inhabitants. Jeru-
salem and Athens are contrasted in ten stories. The
Scriptural words "the populous city, the city greal
among the nations." are vividly interpreted in the
Midrash as meaning "great in intelligence." In
connection with iv. 2. "the sons of Zion. the splen-
did ones" (Ilebr.). the Midrash tells of social and do-
mestic customs. The stories of Ekah Babbah fill
over fifteen columns of the Venice edition (about
eleven in the tiist chapter), and include more than
one-fourth of the midrashic comments (without the
proems). Without these stories the differences in
size of the several chapters would have been less ap-
parent, even if (as was perhaps the case) the first
chapter, in the form in which the author knew it,
offered more opportunity for comments than did the
other chapters. From this it is erroneously con-
cluded in the " Gottesdienstliche Vortrage" that
" the last sections were added later " ; and, further
more, " that the completion of the whole work
must not be placed before the second half of the
seventh century," because Zunz concludes that the
empire of the Arabians is referred to even in a
passage of the first chapter.
According to a reading of Buber 's edition (p. 39a I,
which is the only correct one as shown by the con-
text, Seir, not Ishmael, is mentioned in connection
with Edom in this passageto i. 14. The other argu-
ments of the "Gottesdienstliche Vortrage" like-
wise fail to prove such a late date for the Mid-
rash, especially since Zunz himself concludes that
tin- authorities mentioned therein byname are not
later than Yerushalmi. All that can be definitely
slat.d is that Lamentations Kabbah was edited after
the completion of that Talmud, and that Bereshil
Rabbah must also be considered as of earlier date,
not so much because it was drawn upon, as because
of the character of the proem collection in Ekah
Rabbah. Like Bereshit Rabbah, this Midrash is also
of Palestinian origin, and rich in foreign words, espe
eially Greek. It certainly is not strange that the
" Vive doniine imperator! " with which R. Johanan
b. Zakkai is said to have approached Vespasian in
his camp, should have been reproduced. The sane
phrase was likewise transmitted in Aramaic and He-
brew form, in Buber's edition and in the 'Aruk.
The Midrash is quoted, perhaps for the lirst time, by
li. Hananeel under the name " Agadat Ekah." Many
passages are quoted by R. Nathan, who invariably
calls the work "Megillat Ekah." The term "Ekah
Rabbati," which is general even now. is used to di
nale tin- many extracts in Yalkut which have been
included with the other Biblical books. In Ekah
El Nora 'Alilah
Rabbah itself tbesoun es arcalmosl always mis
The names "Alidrasb Ekah," "Midrash Cinol
Hegillal Kinot," are also found in the old authors.
In Yalkut there arc likewise long extracts from
. Midrash on Lamentations published ler the
name "Midrash Zuta" (Berlin, 1894) l<> Solomon
Bibliography : Earliest editions nf the MUlranli Ekah in the
in 'in Five MeRiilot, Pesaro, 1519 ; i onstantinople,
1580; in the i plete editions of the Rabbol to Pent and Me-
i. ■ 145; Cracow, 15Si : Salonica, 1594; Ekah Rab-
Bub. i. specially valuable for n< commentary and in-
troduction. Wilna, [899: Hi'' texl differs largelyfrom thatoi
previous editions in being inferior, havlnpr at tl sthechar-
recens w] passages being summarized
■ -. ises: on other MSS. compare Buber, fntroductfon,
|i|» /unz. G. I', pp. ITU 181; Rapoport,
■I. pp :::>: et k<v/.: w.-iss. nor Dor we~Dorshaw, lfi.
el fteq.; Winter and Wunsche, Dii JUdiectu Litteratur,
i. 549-654: Bacher's work mi the Haggadah, See notices
editions and commentaries in Jew. r:\r\.\ ill. 82, s.v.
ll. refhU It'tlilmh.
.1 T.
EL -ELYON (;vi?j; NS). -Biblical Data: The
most nigh God (Gen. six, L8-20, 22, A V.; R. V
"God mosl high"), as whose priest Melehizedek
iilcssis Abraham (compare "Urusalem," in the El
Amarna tablets; Schrader, " K. I'.."iv. I80,25e<*e?.;
Is:!. II; 185) lie is further characterized :is the
■■ |„,„,„,,, [or" i reator"] of heaven and earth "(Gen
\i\ . 19). As mm epithet nf the Deity, " 'Elyon " oc-
curs wiili "El" in Ps. Ixxviii. 35; with " Ynwn " in
Ps. \ii. is. xlvii. :;. xevii. 9; with "Elohim" in Ps.
hii. 8, Ixxviii. ")ii; and without additional noun in
Num. x\iv. Hi; Driii. xxxii. 8; Ps. ix. 3. xviii. 14;
Isa. xiv. l-l; Dan. vii. 18—25 (compare Hoffmann,
" PhOnizische Inschriften," pp. 48, 50). Among the
Phenicians '"Elyon" was an appellation of God.
The plural. D3?N ("gods"), is found on an inscrip-
tion of Kshmun'a/ar (Bloch, " Phttniziscbes Glossal',"
p. 13). The name is old, anil analogous to "El-
Con spirito.
Refrain. El no - ra
Ooil, might - u
uo -
,-> ■
deeds ;
ham - zi la - nn me - hi
grant for - nine - ness Ml - to
be - sha - 'at
<if this hour
ne - 'i - lah.
clo - sing prayer.
Verses. 1. Met i- mis - pur
/. They th.it fete
ke - ru' - im
have been styled,
•a - yin
/'/,'• their
• *
se - im,
note raise,
Da capo al fine.
—I H .
n - mesnl - tedim
unit ex - ult
hi - lah,
their pain,
EKRON (]np5J; I. XX 'kKKapim; probablj the
modern Akin One of the five cities belonging to
the Philistines (Josh xiii 3), situated in the maii
lime plain. It is mentioned in connei tion with the
Ark in I Sam. v. in. vi. I 8 Ekron was noted for
ItB sanctuary of Haul zebub (II Kings i '.'. 8, 6, 16).
In later days it is merelj named with the other cities
of the Phili tines in the denunciations of the Proph
OtS i.l. r. xxv. 20; Amos i, 8; Zepll. ii. I ; Zci ll
In the Apocrypha it appears as " Accaron "
(I Mace \ 89), and was bestowed with its borders by
\l. nandi t Balas on Jonathan Maccabeus as a reward
for his sen ices, Eusebius i " ( inomasticon," ed. I *
p 218) describes Accaron as a large Jewish
tillage i» t n . . n Ashdod and Jabneh. According to
- ii . Tunis Stratonis (Ccesarea) was Identified b)
some w ill, Accaron.
i ... n B P
be - sha - 'at ha - ne - -i - lah:
at this hour of do - sing prayer:
Shaddai," "El'Olam," and the like. See God,
M Wll.s III
Critical View : The Melchizedek episode is
regarded as a post-exilic interpolation, the term
"El 'Elyon" being compared to the formula l>.\
which the Maeealiean priests were designated as
•• priests .,1 the most high God " (Josephus, "Ant
xvi 6, -' compare also Assumptio Mosis, vi.
1 1. This view is maintained, among others, by Hoi
zinger in Marti, "Kurzer Handkommentar," under
Gen. xiv. Gunkel ("Genesis," p. '.'lilt maintains
thai the foregoing assumption disregards the fact
that an old tradition connected Melchizedek with
Jerusalem, and that the possibility is not excluded
that in remote days the God of Jerusalem was known
as "El "Elvon." ' i: G. 11.
sli VMOI
See II kZK Vim N 1
El Shaddai
hymn attributed to Moses ibn Ezra, and chanted, in
the Sephardic liturgy, before the commencement of
the "Ne'ilah" or closing service of the Day of Atone-
ment. Ii is sung to spirited tunesby English-speak-
ing, Dutch, and Italian Sephardim. The Italian
melody is of a modern character, but thai of the
northern Sephardim has some claim to the Peninsu-
lar origin attributed to it. The six Verses, contain-
in-- the acrostic prn n-.-";. arc sung with the refrain
from which the hymn takes its name.
Thestirring Spanish melody lias been further util-
ized for the Scriptural verses which conclude the
section "U-ba' le-Ziyyon" and immediately precede
the ■' Ne'ilah" prayer in the Ashkenazic liturgy. The
transcription given on page ST follows the tradition
of Bevis Marks. London.
Bibliography: ne sola and Aguilar, Ancient Melodies, No.
Oayo) Atonement (West London Synagogue
music books), p. 195; Cohen and Davis. Voice "f Prayer and
Praise, No.ZTif; Pauer and Cohen, Traditional Hi br< w Melo-
dies, No. 19.
F. L. C.
LEIA, TELA): Palestinian scholar of the third
amoraic generation (third and fourth centuries).
In one form or another, his name frequently appears
in both Yerushalmi and Babli, mostly in the field
of the Halakah. He was so distinguished that his
contemporary and friend Zera I., admiring Ela's
acumen, exclaimed, "The very air of Palestine im-
parts wisdom " (B. P.. loSli). On two
"Builder other occasions the same Zera applied
of the to him the epithet "Bannaya d'Ora
Law.'" ita " (Builder of the Law: establisher
of fine legal points ; Ver. Yoma iii. 40c;
Yer. Git. vii. 48d).
He carried his theoretical knowledge into actual
life, so that the very appointments of his house af-
forded object-lessons in rabbinic rites (Yer. Yoma i.
38c; Yer. Meg. iv. 75c). It is related that when
on a certain Friday his duties detained him at col
lege till late into the night, and, returning home,
he found the entrance barred and the people asleep,
rather than desecrate the Sabbath by knocking al
the vale for admission, hi- spent the night on the
steps of his house (Yer. Bezah v. 63a).
In halakic exegetics Ela laid down the guiding
rule, "Every textual interpretation must respect the
subject of tin- context" (Yer. Soma iii. 40c ; Yer.
Meg. i. 72a). Another and tin- most" frequently cited
of his exegetic rules is, " Wherever the Bible uses
any oi the terms 'beware,' 'lest,' or 'not,' a pro-
hibitory injunction is involved " ( Men. 99b, and par
allels), Quite a number of exegetical observations
applied to halakic dedui tii in preserved under
Ela's name (Ver. Shah. i. '.'I«, etc I, and lie reports
like interpretations by his predecessors (Yer. Ma'as.
Sh. v. a.idi. tn the field of the Haggadah, also, Ela
is often met (Yer. Shah, i ; yer. Yoma v.
r.'h. etc. ). hut as a transmitter of the homilies of
others he appears only rarely (Ver. Peali i. Ilia.
Sanh. -l la). That psychological ti si of human char-
ed in the passi,,ns produced " by the
cup. by cash, and by choler" (1DM31 ID'22 lOlsa,
Er. 65a; compare Derek Ere? Zuta v.), which some
ascribe to this Ela (Ilai), others ascribe to Ilai the
tanna (second century).
Eulogizing R. Simon b. Zebid, Ela skilfully inter-
weaves several verses from the Book of Job, to
\s liieh he adds simply their application to Simon's
death, thus: "' Where shall wisdom be found? and
where is the place of understanding?' (Job xxviii.
12). 'The depth saith, It is not in me: and the sea
saith, It is not with me ' (ib. Hi. 'It is hid from
the eyes of all living, and kept e
Exegesis of from the fowls of the air ' (ib. 21). The
Job xxviii. four objects necessary to man, if lost.
may he replaced; for 'there is a vein
for the silver, and a place for gold where they
tine it. Iron is taken out of the earth, and brass is
molten out of the stone' (ib. 1-2); hut when a
scholar dies, who can take- his place'.' We have lost
Simon: whence shall we procure his like?" (Yer
Ber. iii. 5c, and parallels).
Bibliography: Frankel, Mebn, p. 75b : Weiss, Dor, iii. 101:
Brull, Mebo ha-MishnaJi, i. 139; Bacher, Ag. Pal. Amor.
iii. 699.
s s S. M.
ELADAHdi. Y. Eleadah) : Son of Tahath and
father of Tahath. found in the genealogical list of
Ephraim in I Chron. vii. 20, but not mentioned in
the list in Num. xxvi. He met his death in a raid
upon Gath.
i. g. ii. G. B. L
ELAH : King of Israel; son of Baasha, \\ ho
seized the throneof northern Israel after the murder
of Xadab. the son of Jeroboam, its first king. Bi
fore he had reigned two years a conspiracy was
organized against him within his corrupt court at
Tirzah. and he was slain by Zimri, "captain of half
his chariots, ... as he was . . . drinking himself
drunk in the house of Arza, steward of his house"
(I Kings xvi. 8-10). Josephus stales that Zimri
struck his blow when the army, which was the
king's defense, was absent fighting at Gibbethon
("Ant " viii. 12. S 4). The family of Elah. expe-
riencing the treatment usual in that semibarbaroUB
age, found no mercy at the hands of the conspir-
j. jr. C. F. K.
ha-Elah " i : Scene of the combat between David and
Goliath (I Sam. xvii. 2, xxi. 9). It is identified with
the fertile Wadi al-Sant, rich in oaks, terebinths,
and acacias. The older as well as the newer name
relets tO the trees gri iw ing in the valley. The |
cut name is tut exact equivalent for an older desig-
nation, if Wellhausen's plausible suggestion is cor-
rect, that the valley of Shittim, mentioned in .Pel
iv. (A. Y. iii.) is. is t<> be found in Wadi al-Sant
, llehr. "shittah" = Arabic "sant ").
i ... ii. F. Br.
ELAM (dW) : The great plain north of the Per-
sian Gulf and eastof the lower Tigrisand the moun-
tainous districts by which it is enclosed on the east
and north. It is the " Elamtu " of the Babylonians and
Assyrians and the " Elymais " of the Creeks — who
also called it " Susiana" from the capital Susa (Shu-
El Shaddai
-ham — and corresponds nearly to the modern Kim
ristaa The name may have originally signified
"the front." that is. "theeasl country ." in the Bab3
Ionian language; bul as theeasl was to the Baby-
lonians also the mountainous region, a popular ety
mology 1 nected it with "high land," and this is
tl,e n raph employed to designate
it. Elam is menti id frequently in some of the
very oldest Babylonian insi riptions Southern
was known as Anshan from the earliest times
he days of the Persian empire.
The political importance of Elam depended upon
ttitude toward theempiresof the Euphratesand
Tigris. Long before the rise of the city of Babj Ion
Id city-states ofAccad and Lagash held for a
time part of the Elamitic territory, and border war-
fare was very frequent.
Two well marked eras must be specially noted.
One is the period in the twenty-third century B.C.,
when the Klamites conquered the city of Ellasar
Larsa) and subjected the whole of Babylonia. At
this epoch two expeditions were made to Palestine
under the leadership of Elam (referred to in Gen.
The other era is marked by the prolonged re
inceofferedby ElamtotheAssyriansintheeighth
and seventh centuries B.C. Assurbanipal, after he
had crushed and annexed Babylonia, put au end to
the independence of Elam itself by taking the Capital
(645 B.C.) and making the whole country one
• ■t his many provinces. After the downfall of As
-yria. northern Elam became subject to the victori
Vledes, and - -what later southern Elam was
occupied by the Persians, so that Anshan was the
hereditary domain of Cj rus the Great.
In Gen. x. 22 Elam is madeasonof Shem along
with Asshur, but the Elamites were not Semites
either in rac : language. The allusion in Isa.
wii. 6 is also obscure.
The subjection of Elam by Persia is predicted in
Jer. .\li\. 84-39. In Isa. xxi. 2 Elam is mentioned
with Media as about to subvert Babylon. Here
"Elam" is put by synecdoche for " Anshan " before
the title of - King of Persia" had been assumed by
Cyrus. Other references t<> Elam arc Jer. xxv. 25.
Bzek. \x\ii. 24, and Ezra iv. '.1.
Bduorrapiit: Frledrtcti Delltzsch.Wo hew dot Parodies 'pp.
:oi 329; Tiele, Baliyl.-Assur. Qesch. pp. net sea., 10 t<
I,".', 131,863, 391,399, Bo, Gotha, 1886; Uommel, Qesch, />'•'<"/
loniensuiid Assyrtens, Berlin, 1885; Wlnckler, Qesch. Baby-
hnn i pslc 1892 : Mc< urdy, Histoi I/,
Prnphtcy. and ttu Monuments, New Fork and London,
IBM; Rogers, Hlstoryo) Assyria and Babylonia.
ii J. F. McC.
EL'ASAH : Amora, whose epoch i- uncei
tain; known chiefly on account of a controversy
which he hail with a certain Philippus (or a philos
opher), Tlie latter remarked: " Does not the prophet
rning Edom (Mai. i. 4). 'They shall build,
but I will throw down 'V And yet, behold, what-
rtheybuilded still stands 1" Thereupon I 1'a ah
Said: "Scripture does not mean material building,
but machinations. As much as ye plan and devise
i -t ii-. to upbuild yours. Ives and to destroy us.
the Holy One- blessed be He!— annihilates it all."
■• \s thou livest," then admitted the first, "so it
reallj i- We often make attempts to destroy you.
but - i elder appears and prevents our accomplish-
anything" (Midr. Teh. ix. 7; Yalk., Mai.
ids "Eliezer").
Bibliography : Bacher, Au- P«<- Amor. ill. 76L
s. s. iS- -'*-
ELATH (rh'ti or JYlKx ; in the Sinaitic inscrip-
tions ni"S): Wumean port at the northern end of
the .Elanitic Gulf, the later Aila. According to the
Old Testament, the name of the place is also El-
[n Dent. ii. 8 it is mentioned with Ezion-
[i. I Kings ix. 26; 11 Chron. viii. 17)
hi Solomon's time the city came into the possession
of the Israelites, butafterward ii was probably taken
from them. Later Uzziah reconquered it (II Kings
xiv. 2','; II Chron. x.wii. 2), but under Aliaz it was
again lost (II Kings xvi 6). The old city owed its
name to the abundance of palms in the vicinity.
Bliii.mi.k vi'iiv : Itoliinsmi. llililiinl I: relit* in Palestine,
i 280; Wetzsteln,inDelItzsch,Hiob, p. 118; Buhl, Qesch. der
Edomttt n. p. 38.
; ,.n F. Btf.
ELBOGEN, ISMAR : German scholar; born at
Schildberg Sept, 1, 1874. Educated by his uncle,
Jacob Levy . author of 1 he " N'euhebraischcs WOrter-
buch," ami then at the gj mnasium and the Jewish
Theological Seminary in Breslau, he received his
degree from the Breslau University. He
obtained his rabbinical diploma in 1899 and was ap-
pointed lecturer on Biblical exegesis and Jewish his-
tory at the Collegio Rabbinico [talianoin Florence.
In 1902 he became privat-docent at the Lehraustalt
fiir die Wissenschaft des Judentums, Berlin. Elbo-
gen's writings include: " Der Tractatus de Intellec-
tus Emendatione und Seine Stellung Innerhalb der
Philosophie Spinoza's," Breslau, 1898; "In Com-
memorazione di S. I>. Luzzatto," Florence, 1901;
"Die Neuestc Construction der Jiidischen Ge-
schichte," Breslau, 1902 S.
ELCESAITES : A Juda i >-< Ihrisl ian sect of Gnos-
tic tendencies, whose period of influence extended
from aboul 100 to 100 The Church Fathers, who
alone mention the sect, derive the name from the
alleged founder— '11/;. < i l.pipliauiusi, 11/ faaai (Hip
polytus), or Etoeoal (Eusebius, Theodoretus). Epi-
phanius. who mentions as Elkesai's brother a man
called i - " lla i. -. -," \i\. I), explains the name
as being derived from the Hebrew [Aramaic] ">n =
agth" and JOD3 "hidden"; with which the
name i a N'DD !T corresponds, both names
designating their owners as the teachers of the " hid-
den power" and "the hidden God." At the lime of
Epiphanius the " saints " of the Elcesaites were two
women- Martha ("mistress") and Marthana ("our
The Elcesaites based their doctrine on a book
which they claimed either had fallen from heaven.
or bad been given by an angel to
The Holy Elkesai at Serse Parthia, Elkesai then
Book of the gi vim1 it to So/Jiai ("the Baptist";
Elcesaites. fromjDV). Fragments of this book.
found in the works of the ('lunch
Fathers, have recently been collected by Hilgenfeld
ii l.iini Fragmenta," in his edition of " Hennas
Pa tor," 1889, pp, 228-240) But the date of the 1 k
is uncertain: Kitsehl and Harnack assign it to the
second half or the closeof the second century, while
others, following the statement of Hippolytus (I.e.)
place ii about 100 Hie I k is characterized by
Epiphauius as containing the doctrine of persons
•• u lid arc neither Jews nor Christians nor pagans,
inn hold a middle position between these " (" Hoere-
ses," liii. I); and in fact the creed of the Elcesaites
contains such a mixture of Jewish, Christian, and
pagan elements that a classification of the sect is <\
tremely difficult. They must be regarded as Jewish
because they expressly insisted on "the rule of the
Law," and held that "the faithful must be circum-
cised and live according to the Law " (Hippolytus,
" 11a rises," i\. 1 1). Special emphasis was laid on the
observance of the Sabbath {I.e. i\. 16), and the turn-
ing of the face toward Jerusalem during prayer (Epi-
phanius, I.e. xix. 3). At the same time they asserted
that sacrificing had not been enjoined upon the Pa-
triarchs, and condemned it altogether (compare I'hl-
liorn, "Homilien und Recognitioiien," p. 396).
The Christo-Messianology of the book is verj
ambiguous. The Messiah is conceived, on the one
hand, as an angel of giant, dimensions, a concept that
recalls Suite Komati in the Cabala, and Adam in
the Haggadab ; and, on the oilier hand, the doctrine
of the continuous incarnation of the Messiah from
Adam to Jesus (see Adam K!ADMON)is taught. A
strongly marked naturalistic-pagan element is found
in the prescribed ablutions which among the Elcesa-
ites answered to the Christian baptism. "Water was
In lil sacred by them — an ancient pagan
Elcesaite conception widely spread, especially
Baptism, in Babylonia (Ariz, "Ursprung des
Gnostizismus," pp. 99 et seq.); hence
the Elcesaites preached not only forgiveness of all
sins with the new baptism, but also enjoined ablu-
tions against madness, consumption, and possession
During baptism they invoked, besides God and His
son, the great king, also heaven, earth, water, oil,
and salt, representing the five elements, according
tn the ancient Semitic conception. It may also be
gathered from Hippolytus' quotations from the
book of the Elcesaites that astrology and magic
were prominent in their religion. The doctrine of
Elcesai is as follows: "There exist wicked stars of
impiety. This declaration is now made by us: O ye
pious ones and disciples, beware of the power of
Hie days of the sovereignty of these stars, and en-
gage not in the commencement of any undertaking
during the ruling days of these." The Sabbath is
important as "one of those days during which [ire-
vails the power of tiiese stars." Fni a similar astro
logical reason no work must be begun on the third
day from the Sabbath— Monday (Hippolytus, I.e. ;
compare Astkiii.ocy ; M \M>. i:\ns). The asceticism
of this sect, which forbade the eating of meat, but
maintained the sarn tit\ of marriage, must be noted
According to Epiphanius, Elcesai and bis brother
Jexai had joined the Ossteans, prob-
Relation ably identical with the Essenes, who.
to Other as well as the related sect of the Naz
Judseo- arites, recognized Elcesai's authority.
Christian They lived in the region beyond the
Sects. Jordan, offering no sacrifices, and con
demnirig the use of meat. The El-
cesaites, then, represent the stage of transition from
those Jewish sects to the Christian heresy of the
Sampsaeans— as a section of the Elcesaites was called
al the time of Epiphanius — and to those circles in
which the Clementine Homilies originated, the doc
trines of which are very similar to those of the El-
cesaites; but while the pagan and Jewish elements
preponderate over the Christian among the Elce
saites, in the Clementine Homilies the reverse is the
ease (compare CLEMENTINA; EbIONITES; Jmi.eo-
Bibliography: Harnack, Dogmi ngi sc7i.3d ed., 1.288 293; 1 1 11-
genfeld, Ketzergesch. pp. 433-435; idem, Judentum undju-
aenrChristentum. pp.99efcseQ.; Ritschl, Ucherdit Sekiedei
Elkesaiten, in Zett. fttr Historinche Thenlogie, xxiil
5&1; idem, Entstehung der Altkatholiechen Kirclie (see
Index); Seeberg. Dngmengesch. i. 51-52; Ulilhnrn, Homilien
me/ Recognitionen, pp. 392 et eeq. ; idem, in Herzug-Hauek,
ttecH-Encyc s.v. ElkeeaiU ".
k. L. G.
ELCHE : City in the former kingdom of Valen-
cia. When Don Jaime I. of Aragon took the city
from the Moors, he gave housesand land to the Jews
he found there, as lie did to the other Jewsof Valen-
cia, and appointed a special street forthem. In 1410
Vicente Ferrer came to Elclie to carry on his work
of conversion. Those Jews who remained true to
their faith tied to Italy and Turkey. Abraham
Rondi (perhaps Gerondi) lived here, and corresponded
with Isaac ben Sheshet.
Bibliography: J. Amador de los ltios. Htetoria •!< /•»« Judiot
de E*pana, i. 403. ii. 425; Isaac b. Sbeshet, Responses Nos.
:«!, it:,:!: .lacobs. Stmrrrx, No. s:;;.
G. M. K.
chant and traveler of the ninth century. He pro-
fessed to have been a citizen of an independent Jew-
ish state in eastern Africa, inhabited by the tribes of
Dan (hence his name, " ha-Dani " = " the Danite"),
Asber, Gad, and Naphtali. Starting from this al-
leged state, Eldad visited Babylonia, Kairwan, and
Spain, causing everywhere a great stir among the
Jews by his fanciful accounts of the Lost Ten Tribes,
and by the halakot which he asserted he had brought
from his native country. These halakot, written in
Hebrew, deal with the slaughtering and subsequent
examination of animals. They differ widely from
the Talmudic ordinances, and are introduced in the
name of Joshua ben Nun, or, according to another ver-
sion, of Otbniel ben Kcnaz. Eldad's accounts soon
spread, and, as usual in such cases, were remolded
and amplified by copyists and editors. There are no
less than eight versions with important variations.
The following isasummary of Eldad's narrative ac-
cording to the most complete of these versions:
On leaving the land "on the other side of the river ot Kusli,"
F.lilad traveled with a man of the tribe of Asher. A great, sturm
wrecked the boat, but God prepared a plunk
His Alleged fur him and liis companion, mi which they
Travels. tloated until thrown ashore among a cannibal
Ethiopian tribe called "Romroni." (As to the
existence in former times of such a tribe, see Metz in " Das Jfl-
diache Litteraturblatt," 1877, No. 41.) Tin- Aslierlie, who was fat.
was immediately eaten, while Eldad was put Into a pit to fatten.
Boon after a tire-worshiping tribe assailed the cannibals, and
Eldad was taken pris mer. He remained in captivity during
four years, when his captors brought him to the province of Aza-
nian (according to another version, to China i. where he was
ransomed byaJewisb merchant for thirty-two pieces ot gold.
I Idad continued his journey, and fell In with the tribe of Issacbac
dwelling I ng high mountains mar Media and Persia, their
hunt extending ten days' ]ourne\ mi even siile. They are at
peace with all, and their whole energy is devoted to the study
of the Law; their only weapon is the knife for slaughtering
animals. Their judge and prince Iscalled " Nahsbon," and they
use the four methods ot capital punishment.
THE JEWISH f m .clopedia
The i ri t » - ol ZebuUm im'i ii s the land extending from tbe
euiii the ltlver Euphrates. Behind the moun-
ai hi the tribe "f Reuben faces them. Peace n
, se Iwo tribes: they war :is allies and divide the
. , possess ii"' Hible, the Mlsbnati id, and
: of Mai . dwell in the
i M.ii'i.i. I are very warlike.
and the other half "f Manasseh are Ii
Chi They take tribute from twenty-eight klng-
and inanv Mobaminedans are subjected to them.
Dan i ed to the land "( gold, Havllah
(Kusb), shortly after the separation of Juduli and Israel. The
- of Kaphtall, i.a'i. and Asher joined the Danltes later.
palled Uliel ben Malkiel, a prince bj the
of Elizaphan. of the house of Rllhab. and a Judge hut i
e power to inflict the four capital
punishments prescribed In the Law. The four tribes lead a
die lid-, and are continualls al war u Ith the flye neighbor-
ing Ethiopian kings. Each ii ii"- is In the Held three months,
i remains hi the saddle without dismounting
ibath to the next. Thej possess the entire Scrip-
tures, but they do nol read the Roll of Esther (nol haying been
the miraculous salva i mentl 1 in it) nor Lam-
avoid us disheartening influence). They bave a
pure Hebrew, l>ul none of the Talmudic teachers la
mentioned. Their ritual is introduced In the name of Joshua,
who had received it from Moses, who En his turn had heard its
i in the Almighty. Theyspeak only Hebrew (Eldad
II professed nol to understand a word <.f Ethloplc or
"the other side <>f the river of Kush" dwell the Bene
eh (tribe of Levi). The River Sambatlon encircles iln-lr
land, ii rolls sand and stones iiui-inu tiie six working days and
Sabbath. Fi the first moment of Sabbath to the
Ire surrounds the river, and during that time no human !«■-
Ingcan approach within half a mile of either side of it. The four
'i s communicate with the Bene Mosheh from the boi
if the river. The Bene Mosheh dwell in beautiful houses,
and no unclean annual is found In their land. Their cattle and
:! as their Qelds hear twice a year. No child dies
during tbe lifetime of its parents, who live t'> seea third and
fourth generation. They do not close tln-ir bouses al niLiit, for
ao theft or wickedness among them. Theyspeak lie-
brew, and never swear by the name of I.
This fanciful narrative, the origin of •which is in
be found in the liaggadic literature, of which Eldad
must have had a very extensive knowledge, « aa ac
cepted by his contemporaries as true.
Reception The inhabitants of Kairwan wire, ii
of is true, troubled by the differences
His Story, between his halakot and thoseol the
Talmud, and by sum,' strtniL'. Be
brew expressions used l>.\ him; but the gaon Ze
mali ben Hayyim of Sura, whose opinion they
bad asked, tranquilized them by saying thai there
was nothing astonishing in the four tribes disagree
lug with the Talmud on some lialakic points. More
[ Eldad's personality, asserted the gaon, was
known to him through Isaac ben Mar and R. Sim-
kali, with whom (lie Dauite associated while he was in
Babylonia. Hasdai ibn Shaprut, cites Eldad in his let-
ter to the king of the < luazars, and Eldad's halakol
were used by both Rabbinites and Karaites asweap
"in in defense of their respective i rei d Talmudic
authorities like Rashi, Abraham ben David(RABaD),
Abraham ben Maimon quote Eldad as an unques
ed authority ; and lexicographers and gramma
interpret some ITebrew words according to the
ining piven them in Eldad's phraseology.
Tlic influence of Eldad's narrative extended be
1 Jewish circles. It was the source of the apoc
i . phal letter of the ao called " Prester John," which
appeared in the twelfth century. Intending to re
lute Eldad's assertion of the existence of independ
cut Jewish states— an assertion contrary to the teach-
ing of (in- Roman Church— the Christian writer told
of a priest who ruled over the great
Source of kingdom of Ethiopia, to which were
■'Prester subject Borne Jewish tribes, including
John." the Bene Mosheh who dwell beyond
the River Sambation. The only writ-
ers of the .Middle Ages who expressed doubts as to
enuinenessof Eldad's imitative ami his hala
kol were Abraham ibn Ezra (Commentary to Ex. ii.
23) and Men- of Rothenburg (Responsa, No. 193).
Modern critics are divided in their opinions con-
cerning Eldad. Pinski r, Gr&tz, and Neubauer saw
in him a Karaite missionary endeavoring to discredit
the Talmud by his statement thai the four tribes did
nol know the names of the Tannaim and Amoraim,
and that their halakot were different from those of
the Talmud. This opinion was refuted by Schorr
and Jellinek, who observed thai Eldad's halakot
ci i n lain rules concerning the exam illation of slaugh-
tered animals which are nol accepted
Modern by the Karaites, P. Frank! regarded
Opinions. Eldad as a mere charlatan whose say-
ings and doings are nol worth atten-
tion. Reil'maiiii denied outright the existence of
Eldad, and considered the letters of the community
of Kairwan ami of Zemab ben Hayyim of Sura to
be forgeries. MetZ was the lirst to analyze the con-
tents of Eldad's book in the light of the reports of
other travelers. A. Epstein followed Metz's method,
ami came to (he conclusion that Eldad's hook is
somewhat of thenatureof a historical novel in which
truth is mixed w ith imagination. The halakot are,
according to him, genuine, and were in use among
the countrymen of Eldad, either in a province of
eastern Africa or in Yemen, where the Jews at that
time knew Hebrew, but not the Talmud. For Eldad
could not have been a native of Abyssinia, the conn
try of the Falashas, since there only Geez is spoken ;
and no trace of this dialect appears iii Eldad's
Hebrew ; then- are, however, some traces of Arabic,
which Eldad must have known, although be as-
serted the contrary.
Eldad's travels have been published from the vari-
ous existing versions: Mantua, 1480; Constan-
tinople, 1516; to.1519; Venice, loll.
Editions. 1605, 1648; Furth, with a Judseo-Ger
man translation by S. II. Weil, 1769;
Zolkiev, 1772; Jessnitz, 1772; Leghorn, 1828 ; in Jel-
linek's "Bet ha-Midrash," iii., vi. ; Presburg, ism
(ed. by Abraham Epstein). As to the differences be-
tween the various versions, see I). II. Miillcr, "Die
lleci nsionen uml Veisiouen ties Elclail ha Dani," in
" Denkschxiften der Kaiserlichen AJcademie der Wis
senschaften" (vol, xli. Vienna, 1892) Eldad's nax
rative was translated into Latin bj G. Genebrard
(Paris, 1584), and also, anonymously, into Arabic
(St. Petersburg MSS. Nc-9, 674, 708) and Into Ger
man (Dessau, I7(>0; Jessnitz, 172:!). Extracts of the
I hi. n\v i. ai are given by Bartoloccl (" Bibl, Rab.,"
i 100) ami by Eisenraenger ("Entdecktes Juden
tliiim," ii. 527).
liiiu.iiH.i; kPHT; Plnsker, l.n.hnir gadmnniwiot, p. lOOj Schorr,
in//' //"/" .M HI ; I' IMiliM'. Ill .Vniel/ss, In ,11. Is,.;. ,,. till ;
Neubauer, In ■'"»> ""' Asiatiquc, 1861, 8d ed., v. 289 el sea.;
m./'ie Quart. Rev i 96,111 Ml: Gratz, Oeftch.ll.4T8;
\ Epstein, Eldad ha-Dani (Hebr.1, Pres g, 1891 ; Idem, In
Eldad and Medad
R.B.J. xxv.; Ueifuiann. in Ha-Karmcl. vin.; BerUners-Mn-
i;-i -i», xv. Bo; Metz, in Das JUdtsche LMeraturblatt.wn,
do in- i asset, in Ersch and Gruber, section Ii., pan -.. p.
166; Stelnscnneider, Cat. Bodl. col. 923. _ _,
g. !• Br.
ELDAD AND MEDAD (Modad according to
. Two men who prophesied in the
camp during the wanderings in the wilderness
(Num. xi. 26-29). According to an old rabbinical
tradition, they predicted the war with Gog and
Magog. "The king from the land of Magog will
unite all the hosts of the heathen in awarfareon the
soil of Palestine against the Jews returning from the
Exile at the Messianic time, but the Lord [D'Tp =
Ki - . | will be ready in the time of distress and slay
them with the lire issuing forth from His throne,
and their bodies will fall upon the mountains of the
laud of Israel and be eaten up by the wild beasts and
the birds of heaven. Then will all the dead of the
people of Israel be revived and partake of the bliss
prepared for them from the beginning" (Targ. Yer.
to Num. xi. 26; comp. Sauh. 17a; Tan.. Beha'alo-
teka, ed. Buber, 22). According to the fragment of
Targum Yer. (ib.), the heathen will fall into the
hand of the Messiah (comp. Bacher, "Ag. Tan." i.
88, ii. 119; "Monatssehrift," 1857, pp. Sifietseq.).
This Messianic prophecy of Eldad and Medad
seems to have been made the subject of a special
work, consisting of 400 lines, which circulated in
the first Christian century ; it is quoted in the "Shep-
herd of Hernias," vision ii. 3, as containing the sen-
tence found also in the Targum : "The Lord [Ki>pioc]
is nigh to those in distress." See Schilrer, "Oeseh."
3ded., iii. 266.
E. G. II. K.
ELDER, or ZAKEN : In primitive times age
was ii necessary condition of authority. Not only
among the ancient Jews, but also among other na-
tions of antiquity, the elders of the nation or of the
clan constituted the official class. The institution
of elders existed among the Egyptians (Gen. 1. 7),
among the Midianites (Nurm xxii. 7). and later among
the Greeks o pat) and Romans ("pa-
nes" or "senatus"). Although the Talmud (Yoma
28b) points to the existence of such an institution in
the time of Abraham, no distinct mention is made of
it in the Bible until the period of the Exodus. Moses
is commanded to assemble the elders of the people,
and to assure them of a spicily redemption from
Egyptian bondage Ex. iii. 16, 18). Afterward the
elders occupied an important position in the com
munal as well as in the political affairsof the Jewish
people. Ii is not certain that they were elected by
the people, although they wen- considered their rep-
resentatives, and were frequently identified with the
'"am" (people) itself in the Bible (Ex. iv. 29; six.
7,8; xxiv. 1: Josh, xxiii, ■!,t,i!.).
The position and function of the elder ate nowhere
clearly defined. " What there was of permanent
official authority lay in the hands of the elders and
heads of tin- houses; in times of war they com
manded each his own housi hold, and in peace they
dispensed justice each within his ,,« u circle » (Well
hausen). Tin > were the defenders of the interests
of their constituents, and were especially powerful
in local or municipal affairs (Deut. \ix. 12, xxi. 2.
xxii. lo. v xv. 7. 'osli \\. t. Ruthiv. 2). Togi
v. ith the priests, they sometimes participated in cer-
tain sacrificial rites (Lev. iv. 15, ix. 1). In national
affairs they held a very important position. It was
at the request of the elders that Samuel consented to
a monarchical form of government in Israel (1 Sam.
viii. -4). It was through their intervention that
A t>n, ■]■ succeeded in appointing David king over
Israel (II Sam. iii. 17). The elders u ere accomp
in the conspiracy of Absalom (II Sam. xxii. I
them Rehoboam first turned for advice (I Kings xii.
6), and they were also a prominent factor in
proceedings brought against Naboth by Jezebel
(I Kings xxi. 8-13).
It is not known whether all the officers of tbc
commonwealth were chosen from the body of elders
(compareEx. xviii. 25 and Num. xi. 16). As judges,
however, and as the chief representatives of the
people, the elders enjoyed their authority for a long
period. The Mishnah speaks of the elders as the
recipients of the oral law from Joshua (Abot i. 1),
and as the forerunners of the Sanhedrin (Sauh. 3a .
The institution of elders flourished during the period
of the Babylonian Exile (K/.ek. viii. 1, xiv. 1, xx. 1),
and continued in Palestine during the Persian and
Greek periods (Ezra v. 5, 9; vi. 7. 14; x. 8; I Mace.
vii. 31; xii. 6, 35; xiii. 36; Judith vi. 21, vii. 28,
viii. 33, x. 6 ; and in Susanna). See Jcdge ; Patri-
archal Family ami Altiiority; and especially
BIBLIOGRAPHY: Hastings, Diet. Bible ; Hamburger, /,'. B. 7".:
Wellhausen, I. J. U.; Driver. Deute>»n»mn, Pl>- 199, it!. New
York, 1895 : Saalschiitz, Das Mnsaischi !!■ cht, chap. ni.. Ber-
lin, 1853; Ewald, Tlie Antiquities nf Israel, Index, K
isrii; McCurdv. History, Pmpheeu. and the Mnnum
index. New York. 1894; Amrain, Xekenim, in Jour. Bih.
Lit., June. 191X1; Reifmann, Sanhedrin (in Hebrew), Ber-
dyi'hev 1888: \. Bucbler, Das Siinhcdrvm in Jeru
pp. 163, L68, Vienna, 1902.
J. H. G.
elder who deties the authoritative rabbinic interpre-
tation of the Mosaic Law. In the period when the
Sanhedrin flourished this was a capital offense, pun-
ishable by strangulation (Sanh. xi. 1 1. This is based
on Deut. xvii. 8-13. and according to the Talmud
refers not to an ordinary man who refuses to abide
by the decision of the priest or the judge, but to a
regular ordained rabbi, or a judge or an elder over
the age of forty, or one of the twenty-three jurists
constituting the minor Sanhedrin of a city or town.
If such a judge dared to defy the decision of a ma-
jority of the major Sanhedrin, he I ame liab
the penalty of strangulation. K. MeTr, howe
would convict only an elder whose opposition con
cerned a criminal act which, if committed uninten-
tionally, would entail a sin offering, or, committed
intentionally, would be punished with exci
(=JT"G). According to R. Judah, the elder could
be convicted only of a schismatic decision concern-
ing a law which had lis origin in Scripture, hut the
interpretation of which was left to the Soferim.
The modeof procedure in such cases of contumacy
is related in the Mishnah. There were three tribu-
nals (in Jerusalem), one al the foot of the Temple
hill (Mount Moriah), another :it the entrance to the
court of the Temple, and another at the granib cor
rldor (=JV»n ri2t;6i of the Temple. Tin- associate
judges, with the accused, came before the tribunal
Eldad and Medad
at the fool of the Templehill. Theaccused pleaded :
■■Til us and so have 1 expounded the Law, and
,,,,1 so have nn associates; thus and thus have I
l>li', and tlms ha\ r my associa
The judges of tlic tribunals, if they had any tradi-
tion bearing upon t In- ease, gave their opinion; if
>k themselves to the tribunal al the
mce tc the court of the Temple, where the
! eding was repeated. Finally, they all
appeared before the highest tribunal at the granite
hall of the Temple, whence came the interpretation
of the To rah. The Great Sanhedrin rendered a de
Should the elder still maintain a schismatic
and persist in asserting it, he became liable
to punishment. In this event he was brought bi
the supreme court for trial, conviction, and ex-
ecution. Accordingto K. Akiba, theexecution took
place on the first festival following his conviction,
when, as a rule, the people were gathered together
in Jerusalem, so "thai the people ma} hear and
fear." R. Mei'r thought such :i delay cruel, and
would have had the culprit executed immediately
after his conviction, which would be followed by a
proclamation announcing the execution. The re-
bellious elder was classed with three other offenders:
one who incites to idolatry ( : IVDD), a rebellious
and a perjured witness. In all these cases the
ex« ut ion was publicly announced (Sanh. 89a
The question whether the supreme court might
pardon the rebellious elder and overlook the insult
done it by hisdissent is a controverted point, and the
opinion of the majority was that pardon was not
permissible, as this would increase the number of
schisms in Israel (Sanh. 8t)a and b).
- s .1. ]). ]■:.
ELEAD : A descendant of Ephraim, found in
the genealogical list in I Chron. vii. 21. He joined
a party ol raiders to take away the flocks of Gath,
[vas killed by the Gittites. The name doesnol
in the genealogical list in Numbers.
i . ... ii. G. B. I.
ELEALAH : Town of the Moabite plateau, eon
quered by Gad and Reuben and rebuilt by the latter
(Num. xxx ii. 3, 37). It is menti id, together with
town of Heshbon, in the prophecies concerning
Mo;iln|sa. xvi. 9). Klealah was si ill known in Roman
times, and is to day identified w ith the mound of de-
called " Al-'Al" about a mile north of Heshbon.
o. n. E. I. N.
ELEAZAR: 1. Highpriest; thirdsonof Aaron
o i Idi i brothers, Nadab and Abihu, had
suffered death for offering strange fire before the
. Eleazar became his father's chief assistant,
with the title "prince of the princes ol tin Levites"
(Num. iii 32), in- functions including the supervi
of the oil for the seven branch d i indli stick,
the incense, ami all that pertained to the inner sane
tuary (ib. iv. 16) shortly before Aaron's death
i i lothed in his lather's official gai n
ignifj that he wns Aaron's successor (ib. \\
God's commands were now addressed to Moses
and Eleazar (ib. xxvi. I), and Eleazar is mentioned
as God's second representative in Israel, beside
Moses i/A. xxxii. 28), and even befon bo hi i(Num
Kxii 28 xxxiv. 17; Josh xi\. I. svii I \i\ 51,
wi. 1 1. Be was the progenitor of most of the high
priests, He was buried "in Gibeah, of Phinehas his
son, which was given him in the hill country of
Ephraim" (Num.* \.\iv. 33, II. V.).
Eleazar is said to have added to the Book of
Joshua the section xxiv. 29-32 (B. B 15a, 1.27),
and his son I'hinehas, verse 83.
I.e. II. E. K.
2. A son of Dodai, an Ahohite (II 8am. xxiii. 0,
R. V i, or oi Dodo the Ahohite (I Chron. xi. 12);
one ol the three principal captains of David's army.
3. Fourth son of Mattathias and brother of Judas
Maccabeus; si 1 man led " A varan" (I Mace. ii. 5. Avap&v;
ib. vi. 43, Savap&v for Avap&v; Josephus, " Ant." xii.
6, ; i. lipdi i. lie distinguished himself by a coura-
geous act at the battle of Bet Zekaryah (162 n.c),
when the Jews Under Judas Maeealieus were hard
pressed by the large Syrian army commanded by
Lysias and encouraged by the presence of the youth-
ful king Antiochus Eupator. Eleazar, seeing among
the enein\ s elephants one that was armed with
royal breast plates, and thai was taller than the rest
concluded thai it carried the king. Wishing to put
hi end to the misery of his people, and being desir-
ous of gaining everlasting fame for himself, Eleazar
fought his way through the ranks of the enemy,
and, creeping under the elephant, speared it from
beneath, t be animal crushing him in its fall (I Mace.
vi 43-46; Josephus, J.c. xii. 9, §4; idem, "B. J."i. 1,
§5). Because of this deed K lea/a r is especially men-
tioned in a midrash (Rashi to Deut. x xxiii. 11 ; comp.
"Megillat Antiochus," ed. Gaster, verses 63, 64).
II Maccabees does not mention Eleazar ; and Jose-
phus modifies the account in his "Wars," follow ing
the story of 1 Mace. vi. 43 only in his " Antiquities
Kleazar is included a ng the seventy translators of
the Bible that are mentioned in the Letter of Aris
teas (§ 50); and scholars have assumed that this
fictitious name w:is taken from that of the MaCCS
I nan i U end land, in Kaul/.scb, " Apokryphcn," ii. 3).
In the Syrian document, however, the name reads
"Eliezer" (Wendland, "Aristeas," p. 143, Leipsic,
Him. mi. ii inn : Gritz, Oesch. II. 383; Scburer. Gesc/i. 3d ed.,
1.213; Wlllricb, Judaica. j>. U9, Gottlngen, 1900 ; Krauss. in
Rev. i:i Jmre, .\w. -.'iii: for the na "Avaran" see
I'litsi-he. i\ i> i ge) a ^ttes Exegi li» hi • Handbuch to I Maec.
II. 5, and ZOckler, Kin gefasstes i »m mentor, ibid.
i o. ii. E K. — S. Kit.
4. Son of Ananias, the high priest. Though be
ng toa family which strove to maintain friendly
terms with the Romans, he induced his priestly col-
Leagues to discontinue the daily sacrifice for the em
peror, and to decline presents from the pagans (" 1>.
J." ii. 17. §§ 2-4), thereby causing a rupture with
the Romans The rebels, under the leadership of
Eleazar,, took possession of the lower city and the
Temple, and fought for seven days with the peace
parly The Sieatii Under Meiiahem attacked the
peace party, killing Ananias and his brother Heze
kiah. This led to a conflict between the parties of
Menahem and Eleazar, in which the former was
defeated and driven from Jerusalem. Eleazar also
attacked the Roman garrison that had retired to
the fortified towers -Hippicus, Phassslus, and Ma
riamne; the Romans capitulated and surrendered
their arms on condition of free retreat, but wen- all
Eleazer II.
massacred by the rebels (Josephus, " B. J." ii. 17, §§
2-10). Meg. Ta'an. 11 refers to thisevent.
The Romans retired from Judah and Jerusalem
onthel7thof Elul. It seemsthat Eleazar had coins
Struck in his name, with the inscription: "The First
Fear of the Liberation of Jerusalem." On the organ
ization of the rebellion Eleazar, with Jesus b Sap-
phias, was appointed general of [dumea ("B. J." ii.
20, § 4, reading 'Avaviov instead of vlav Slav). Gratz's
opinion that Eleazar is identical with Eleazar b.
Anauiah b. Hezekiah Garon is inadmissible. In Yo-
sippon, ch. 95-97, Eleazar b. Ananiah is confounded
\\ ith Eleazar ben Jair (see Albinos; Ananias).
Bibliography: Gratz, Geseh. 4th ed., ill. 453, 471: Schurer,
Gesc/i.3ded., i.602; Schlatter. Zur Topographic uml Gexch.
Palilstinas. p. 368; Madden. History of Jewish Coinage,
pp. 161-166; Lew. Beach, dcr JlMisehen MUnzen, p. 88:
Agadat Shir ha-'Shirim. ed. Sehecbter. pp. 47, 96.
5. Priest and treasurer of the Temple of Jerusa-
lem. Eleazar, anxious to save the costly curtains of
the Temple from the greed of Crassus, who had
seized the treasure of the Temple amounting to 2,000
talents, gave him a golden beam weighing 300 min«,
the existence of which was unknown to the other
priests on account of its wooden casing. He made
Crassus swear to spare the rest of the Temple. Cras-
sus, notwithstanding his oath, took all the gold of
the Temple (Josephus, "Ant." xiv. 7, § 1).
6. Leader of the Zealots iu the war against Ves-
pasian and Titus ; son of Simon (Josephus, "B. J."
ii. 20, § 3 ; iv. 4, § 7 ; for uidc Viuvoc read Ziuwoc). He
belonged to a noble priestly family. After the de-
feat of Cestius, Eleazar seized the abandoned impedi-
menta of the Romans and the treasure of the Tem-
Brass Coin of Eleazar ben Simon.
Obverse : pun ItjrJN— " Eleazar the Priest." A vase ; in field
to right a palm-branch. Reverse : [Sn]ie" mSn]1' pns rw
—"The First Year ol the Redemption of Israel," round a
cluster of grapes.
(After Madden, " History of Jewish Coinage.")
pie, and employ ed the Zealots as armor-bearers ("B.
J." ii. 20, § 3). He found an ally in the priest, Zacha-
rias, son of Amphikalles. with whose help he sup-
planted the peaceable high priest Ananias and his
party, and admitted the Idumeans into Jerusalem
(*&. iv. 4, § 1). When the patriot Johannes turned
from Giseala to Jerusalem after the subjugation of
Galilee, Eleazar would not submit to him, but re-
tired to the court of the Temple with his friends
Judah b. Helika and Simon b. Ezron. During the
Passover Eleazar's men opened the gates of the
court of the Temple, whereupon the followers of
Johannes stole in among the pilgrims, overpowered
Eleazar's people, and drove them from the court (70
C B ■ if', v. 8, § 1 ; Tacitus, v. 12).
Hibliographt: Gr;ltz, Geseh. 4th ed.. tit. SOS), 528; S.-nOrer.
Gescft. 3d ed.. i. 633, 62o ; Schlatter, Ztir Ti>pographU
Gcsch.PaliMiuns. p. :16>> : K.inach, '[• rtcx d'Auteur* Greet
et Rnmains, p. 320: Prnxopographia Imperii Roman
EU •
7. Martyr in the days of Antiochus Epiphanes.
In the religious persecution under Antiochus, Elea-
zar, a scholar of rank, "and of a noble counte-
nance." at that time " well stricken in years," was
compelled to eat pork, his mouth being opened by
force. When offered the alternatives of death or re-
nunciation of his faith, he chose the former, iu or-
der to set a "noble example to the young." The
king's followers desired to protect him, and im-
plored him at least to pretend to obey the commands
of the king. Eleazar refused, and died the death of
a martynlT Mace. vi. 18-311. In Antioch (I V Mace.
v.. vi.), Eleazar's edifying martyrdom, with that of
the seven Macea! >ean brothers, was honored by th-
Roman Church (Origen. " Exhortatio ad Marty-
rium," ch. 22-27; "Comm. in Ep. ad Rom." iv. ch.
10; C'hrysostom). Cardinal Rampolla's investiga-
tions have proved the historical character of the ac-
count despite the fact that while the seven martyrs
are mentioned in rabbinical legend, Eleazar seems
to be unknown to the Rabbis (■' Marty re et Sepulture
des Macchabees," Bruges, 1900). Gratz had already
declared it to be substantially true ("Geschichte.''
'-Med., ii. 317). Herzfeld's supposition ("Geschichte
des Volkes Jisrael," ii. 75) that Eleazar is identical
with Eleazar ben Harsom is untenable.
S. Kr.
ELEAZAR I. (LAZAR) (Eleazar b. Sham-
mua' ) : Mishnaic teacher of the fourth genera-
tion, frequently cited in rabbinic writings without
his patronymic (Ab. iv. 12; Git. iii. 8, incorrectly
"Eliezer"; compare Gem. Git. oll>; Ycr. Git. iii.
45a, MishnahandGem.). He was of priestly descent
(Meg. 27b; Sotah 39a) and rich (Eccl. R. xi. 1), and
acquired great fame as a teacher of traditional law.
He was a disciple of Akiba (Zeb. 93a, 110b), but ow-
ing to the Hadrianic proscriptions of Jewish observ-
ances, was not ordained by him. After Akiba's
death, however, R. Judah b. Baba ordained Eleazar,
together with Me'ir, Jose b. Halafta, Judah b. Ila'i.
and Simon b. Yohai, at a secluded spot between
Usha and Shefar'am. The ordainer was detected in
the act and brutally slain ; but the ordained escaped,
and eventually became the custodians and dissemi
nators of Jewish tradition (Sanh. 13b; 'Ab. Zarah
Mention is made of a controversy between Eleazar
and R. Mei'r at Ardiska (Tosef.. Naz. vi. 1 ; see Ncu-
bauer, "G. T." p. 106). He also maintained halakic
discussions with R. Judah b. 'Illai and R. Jose
(Tosef., Zeb. v. 4, x. 10), and quite frequently wiih
R. Simon b. Yohai (Shek. iii. 1 ; Yoma v. 7) ; but be
never appeared with them at the sessions of the San -
hedrin at Usha. Hence it may be assumed that lie
did not return to the scene of his ordination. When-
ever he settled, he presided over a college to which
large numbers of students were attracted ("Er.
Yer. Yeb. viii. 9d; compare Mek., Beshallah, Ama
lek, i), among whom are named Joseph or Issi ha
llabli (Tosef. , Zeb. ii. 17; Men. 18a), and the compiler
of the Mishnah, R. Judah I. ('Er. 53a); and thus,
Eleazar II.
while his name does not appear in rabbinic lore as
often as the names of his colleagues at the ordination,
ii- bad an ineradicable influence on the devel-
opment of the Talmud. Abba Arika styles him "the
must excellent among the sages" (mm XiUlO.
Set. 40a; Git. 26b), and 1!. Johanan expresses un-
bounded admiration for his large-heartedness ('Er.
Eleazar's motto was, "Let the honor of thy pupil
be as dear to thee as that of thy colleague j that of
thy colleague, as the reverence of thy master; and
the reverence of thy master, as that of the Mosl
High "(Ah. iv. 12; Ab. K. X. xxvii. 4). His disci-
ples once requested him to tell them
His whereby lie merited unusual longev-
Motto. ity, when he replied, "I have never
converted the Synagogue into a pas-
sageway [for the sake of coii\eiiienee|; have never
trodden over the heads of the holy people | /.,■., eonie
late to college and stepped between the rows of atten-
tive Students; compare Aishax]; and have never
pronounced the priestly blessing before offering the
liction preceding it" (Meg. 2Tb; Sotah 89a).
When asked what merits will save man from the
tribulations which are to precede the Messianic
epoch, he replied, "Let him engage in the stud] oi
the Law and in deeds of benevolence " (Sanh. 98b).
according to Eleazar, children as well as pious
adults share iu the glory of Cod (Midr. Teh. xxii.
81). He also taught that the world rests on a single
pillar, the name of which is "Righteousness"; as
the Bible says (Pro v. x. 25, Hebr.), "The righteous
is the foundation of the world " ( Bag. 12b).
The following anecdote concerning Eleazar is
twice told in the Midrashim (Lev. R. xxiii. 4; Cant.
R. ii. 2): R. Elea/ar visiteil a certain place where
be was invited to had the people in prayer, but lie
avowed inability todoso. " What ! " cried the aston-
ished people; "is this the celebrated R. Eleazar?
Surely he deserves not to be called 'Rabbi'!" Klea-
car's face colored with shame, and he repaired to his
teacher Akiba. " Whyart thou so crest fallen Y" in
I Akiba; whereupon Eleazar related his un-
pleasant experience. "Docs my master wish to
learn?" asked Akiba; and, on receiving Eleazar's
affirmative answer, Akiba instructed him. Later,
Eleazar again visited the seem- of his mortification,
and the people again requested him to lead them
in prayer. This time he readily complied with their
it, whereupon the people remarked, " R. Elea-
zar has become unmuzzled " (DDniVK. from QDn =
" to muzzle "), and they called him " Eleazar Hasina "
(compare Geiger, "Schriften," iv. 34;!). The hero
Of this anecdote is doubtless the subject of the preS
eat. article, and not, as is gi norally assumed, Klea-
Ear llisma. The latter was never Akiba's pupil.
Indeed, he was Akiba's senior, and in the accountof
a halakic discussion between him and Eleazar b.
Azaiiah and Akiba, bis name precedes that of Akiba
(Keg. vii. 2; Sifre, Dent. 16). Eleazar I. was an
acknowledged disciple of Akiba, and the Midrashim
icitly state thai he" went to Akiba, his teacher."
BffiLiOfiRAPHY: Baeher. Aa. Tan. II. 275e< >e(j.i nn'itt. Sfebo
hn-Mtthnah, 1. 186 et neo.; Frankel, Darki ha Vishnali, pp.
< ; -. Hellprln, Sccler ha-Dornt, It., *.».; Weiss, Dor, II
164 ft xc'/.; ZacUtO, I'uliuxin, eil. Kllipnwskl. |i[>. I i,
S. 8. S M
ELEAZAR II. (LAZAR) : Palestinian amora
of the third century (second and third genera
ii hum In the .Midrashim be is frequently cited with
his patronymic, Eleazar b. Pedat, but in the Tal-
mudim only occasionally so Be wasa Babylonian
by birth (Ter. Ber. ii 4b; Yer. Shek. ii. 47a) and of
priestly descent (Ter. Ber. v. 9d; M. £. 28a). In
his nat \\ e eon nl r\ he was a disciple of Samuel ('El
66a; B. B, 82b), and more especially of Rab (B. B,
135b; Bui. lilhi, whom be in after years generally
cited by the appellation "our teacher" (<;it. 9b; B.
B. 152a), and whose college he revered above all
others, recognizing in it the "lesser sanctuary " of
the Diaspora, spoken of by Ezekiel (xi. Hi) as prom
ised to the exiles in Babylonia (Meg. 20a; Talk.,
Ezek, 352). When and why he left ids native
country is not. stated; but from the data extant it
appears that his ardent love for "the land of Israel"
(I\et. Ula), and the superior opportunities which
Palestine afforded forreligious practises (Yer. R. H.
ii. 58b; Ket.ll2a), impelled bim to emigrate thither
and at a comparatively early age, since some of
Kabiii's contemporaries were still alive and active
(B. B.87a; II nl. 110a). Indeed, it seems thai for a
time Eleazar even attended the lectures of R. Hiy-
yah (Ter. Ket. i\. 88b; For. B. M. x. 12c) and of
U. Boshaiah (Ter. Feb. iv. 5d). This was for him
a period of bard study, which gave rise to the homi-
lelie remark that the Biblical saving (Prov. v. 19),
"Be thou ravished always with her love." was well
illustrated by Eleazar b. Pedat at Sepphoris, who
was so absorbed in his studies as to be unconscious
of all worldly needs (Er. 54b).
Eater, Eleazar became attached to the college
founded by Ii Johanan at Tiberias (Yer. Ber. ii. 4b;
Tem. 25b; Ker. 27a), where his scholarship procured
him great honors. In the city he was
At associated wilh Simon b. Eliakini in
Tiberias, the office of judge ( B. K. 1 17ln, and at
the college he occupied the position of
colleague-disciple (TO^TIl "DPI) of Johanan (Yer.
Sanh. i. 18b), who himself repeatedly admitted that
Eleazar had enlightened him (Yer. Meg. i, 72c; Ter.
Sanh. iii. 21b), once declaring that, "the son of Pedat
sits and interpi rtsthe Law as did Moses at the direct
inspiration from the Almighty " (Yeb. 72b). After
the death ol Simeon b. I.akish, Eleazar was chosen
to lill the position of assistant, to Johanan (B. M.
84a). When Johanan became disabled through
grief at Simeon's death, Eleazar presided over the
College (Ter. Meg. i. 7'.'b). and after the death ol
Johanan succeeded him in the olliee of head master.
The fame of Eleazar as an expert, expounder of
the Eaw having reached Babylonia, his most promi-
nent content pora i ies t hi ire addressed to him intricate
halakic questions, to which be returned satisfactory
answers (Bezah 16b; Ter. Kid. i. 60c; B. B. 185b;
Bui. stib). This happened so often that he became
known in his native country as the " master [Ai .
legal authority] of the land of Israel" (Toma 9b;
Git- 19b; Niddah 20b); and anonymous decisions
introduced in the Babylonian schools with the state
men) ono in?L"("They sent word from there"; Be
z.all 4b; (lit. 7:la) were Understood, as a matter of
course, to emanate from Eleazar h. Pedat (Sanh 17b).
Eleazar was averse to the study of esoterics (Hag.
Eleazar H.
Eleazar b. Azariah
13a) With reference to this study, he would cite
tin- saying of Ben his. [Sirach] iii. 21),
"Si i k not things t liar are too hard for
His Views thee, and search not out things that
on Study, are above tlrj strength" (Yer. Hag. ii.
He prized knowledge above all
things; therefore he remarked, "He who possesses
know ledge is as greal as ii I tie T< rnple were rebuilt
in his days " (Sanh. 92a); and from Job w 21 he
teaches that he who does not contribute toward the
support of scholars will not he blessed in his prop-
erty (/A.). Eleazar was exceedingly p \ and often
lacked the necessaries of life (Ta'an. 25a). He fre-
quently sang the praises of charity. "The practise
oi charity," he was wont to say. "is more meritori-
ous than all oblations; as the Bible sa_\ s (Prov. xxi.
To do justice [Hebr. npIV] and judgment is
acceptable to the Lord than sacrifice' [Suk.
[9b] He who practises charity secretly is greater
[in the sight of God] than Moses himself ; for Moses
himself admitted (I)eut. i\. 19), ' I was afraid of the
auger.' while of Secret charity the Bible says (Prov.
\\i. 14), 'A gift in secret pacineth anger ' " (B. B. 910.
Benevolence and acts of loving-kindness, riv'DJ
D'lDn. extending to both rich and poor, are. accord-
ing to Eleazar's interpretation, even greater than
charity; as the Bible says (Hosea x. 12), 'Sow to
yourselves in righteousness [Hebr. np"IV?]. reap
in mercy [TDnl" With reference to npiV. the
Bible uses "sowing," indicating an operation that
Laves it iu doubt whether the sower will or will
not enjoy the fruit; while with reference to mercy
"reaping" is used, an occupation that renders the
enjoying of the results very probable (Suk. 49b).
From the same Scriptural expression Eleazar draws
i in hsson, " Charity is rewarded only in proportion to
tin kindness in it." (//<.); that is, the pleasant and
thoughtful way in which it is given, and the per-
sonal sacrifice it involves.
Poor as he was, Eleazar would never accept any
gifts, or even invitations to the patriarch's table.
When anj were extended to him, he would decline
them with the remark, "It seems that ye do not wish
nic to live long, since the Bible says (Prov. xv. 27),
He that hateth gifts shall live'" (Meg. 28a; Hul.
llln His scant earnings In- would share with other
need} scholars; thus, he once purposely lost a coin
in order that poverty-stricken Simon b. Abba, who
was following him, might And it. When the latter
did find it and offered to restore it. Eleazar assured
him that he had renounced its ownership and for-
i all rights thereto, and that consequently it
was the property of the finder (Yer. B. M. ii.
8c) It is also reported as his custom first to of-
fer a mite to tin- poor, and then to offer prayer to
God (I!. Ii. 10a). Ev.n to impostors be would
never refuse charity. "Were it not for the ex-
istence of impostors, not a -ingle refusal of char-
ity could ever be atoned for; we therefore ought
to show gratitude to them" (Yer. Peah viii. 'Jib;
Ket. 68a)
There are no data to show how long Eleazar sur-
vived R. Johanan, but the probability is that he died
about 379 i t
Bibliography: Bacher, Ag. Pal.Anun U. letseq.; Frnnkel,
Vebo, ]'i>. llli' ■' seq.\ Heilprln, Seder lia-Dorot, ti.,s.v.;
Weiss. //")'. iii. 85 et seq.; Zacuto, Yuhasin, ed. Filipowski.
el'. 113a et seg.
s. s. S. M.
ELEAZAR B. ABINA : Palestinian hagga-
ili-it of the fourth amoraic generation (fourth
turyc.B.); junior contemporary of Aha II I., in n
name he repeats some homiletic remarks (Pesik. R.
xiv. 60b, xxi. 109b), and senior of R. Yudan, who
reports in his name (Midr. Teh. xxxi. 7),
One of the homilies bearing Eleazar's name at !
that the observance of the Sabbath is tantamount
to all other commandments combined, which he
tries to prove from passages iu each of the three
di\ isions of the Bible — the Pentateuch (Ex. xvi. 28,
29), the Prophets (Ezek. xx. 13), and the Hagio-
grapha(Neh. ix, 13. 14).
Bibliography: Bacher, Agada <l< r PalcstinensUchen Amo-
r.e r, ill 69*) et >''•/.
s. s. S. M.
ELEAZAR, ABRAHAM: Fictitious author of
an ancient work on alchemy published in Leipsic
iu 1700, and bearing the title " R. Abrahami Elea-
zaris Uraltes C'hy miseries Werk." The real author
seems to have been Julius Gervasius of Schwarz-
burg, whose name is given as the editor on the
title-pageof the first part. In the preface itis stated
that Abraham took not only his alchemislic notions.
but also the illustrations, from the copper tablets of
Tubal Cain. The edition of 1760 is said on the title-
page to be the second. The second part also pre-
tends to be by Abraham Eleazar, who asserts that
he merely reproduces what was engraved upon
the copper tablets byacertain Jew, Samuel Baruch.
It is further stated that the original was written in
Latin, Arabic, Chaldaic, and Syriac.
Bibliography: Steinsehneider. Schach ln-i den Jicden.p. 183:
idem, Hebr. Uebers. p. 006; Fiirst, Bihl. J ml. i. 231 ; rompare
Berthelot, La Chimie au Moyen Agi . i. 230.
ably identical, according to Bacher ("Ag. Tan." ii.
553), with Eleazar b. Mahbai or Mahbai, atanuaofthe
second century, contemporary of Judah b. Bathvra
and Aha I. (Tosef.,Yeb. xiv. 4). He is cited but
twice under this name. His most important remark
is with regard to the Pentateuehal expression 10XP
("saying"; literally, "to say"), which frequently
follows the statement, "God spake to Moses," and
which he explains as implying that God sp.il
Moses not in Moses' interest, but in that of Israel:
He spake to Moses to say to the people (Sifra, Wa-
yikra, ii. 13; compare Yalk., Lev. 431, where the pa-
tronymic is "Dehabai ").
s. 8. 9. M.
ELEAZAR BEN 'ARAK : Tanna of the
ond generation (first century c.e.). Being first am
the disciples of R. Johanan ben Zakkai (Ah. ii.
s. Ab. R. X. xiv. 3), he delighted his master with
his wisdom and penetration, so that the most ex-
travagant encomiums were lavished upon him. It
was said, " Were all the sagesof Israel placed in one
scale, and Eleazar b. 'Arak in the other, he would
outweigh them all "(AbV.e. ; Ab. R. X. xiv. 4), while
his great master styled him " Rising Well " or "Gush-
ing Stream" (e\vw }n:. -njrisn pyo. «'*.). The
master once propounded the question, "Which ac-
Eleazar II.
Eleazar b. Azariah
ipnsition is best for man to strive after? " Several
solutions were handed in, among them one from
Eleazar, who suggested, "A good heart " <y\D 2^1;
1 Johanan remarked, "I prefer Eleazar's
solution to all of yours, since yours are included in
b . ii. 9; Ab, R, \. xiv. 5). Again, the master
propounded, "Which is the worst characteristic that
man should shun?" In this case, also, Eleazar's
reply. "An evil heart," was accepted by the teacher
(ii.). Compare Beruriah ; Consolation.
In the mystical interpretation of the Scriptures,
also Eleazar distinguished himself, and to such an
Btenl as to call forth his master's ecstatic ex-
clamation. "Happy art thou, () father Abraham,
from whose loins sprang Eleazar b. 'Arak" (Yer.
Jag. ii. 77a). To his counsel, often sought and al-
- beneficial, was applied the Biblical expression
i 8), "Whatsoever he doeth shall prosper."
Beneficiaries of his counsel in their ad mi rat ion st vied
him "Prophet"; whereupon he remarked, "I am
neither a prophet nor the son of a prophet, but my
teachers have communicated to me the traditional
verily that every counsel subserving the promotion
of the glory of God realizes g 1 results" (Midi.
Teh. i, 3. |. His motto was. •■ Be diligent in the pur-
suit of study ; be prepared to answer the Epicurean,
and realize for whom thou laboiest anil who thy
employer is."
Eleazar's name is connected with but fewhalakot,
and w it li only one halakic midrash. The reason for
this disappointing paucity of doctrines and sayings
is found in the story of the period immediately sue-
lie death of Johanan b. Zakkai. The disci-
ples chose Jabneh for their scene of
Eleazar in activity, while Eleazar went to Em-
Eramaus. mans, the residence of Ids wife — a par-
ticularly healthful place, blessed with
water, a pleasant climate, and warm bath-.
Separated from his colleagues, his faculties became
stunted; and he is said to have completely forgotten
all he h.d ever learned (All. ]{. N. xiv. 6; Eccl. R.
vii. Ti. In later years he was pointed out as a warn-
ing to the self-opinionated; the Talmud applying
to him the motto of li. Nehorai: " Inter thyself in a
■a In re the Law is studied, and think not that
it will seek thee; fur only thy colleagues will per-
petuate it in thy possession: rely not on thine own
understanding " (Shab. 147b; Ab. iv. 14)
Bibuoorapht: Bacher. Ag. Tan I 74 et teq.; Brail, .V. /...
; Frankel, Dark< (... kftoftnoft, p. 91 ; Ham-
burRer, ft. /:. i: It. 155; Hetlprin, Sedei ha-Dorol,ll. s.v.;
Weiss. Dor Dor we-Durshaw, il. 80; Zacuto, l'»lin.i», ed.
rskl, p. 35b.
S. M.
ELEAZAR B. ARYEH. See Low, Ei i \z.ut.
ELEAZAR B. AZARIAH: Mishnaic scholar
"f the second generation (first centur] i
r contemporary of Gamaliel II., Eliezer b,
II ■ 'i anus, and Joshua b. Hananiah. and Senior "I
Akilei i sili-,.. Deut. 32; Sanh. 101a) He traced his
or ten generations back to Ezra (Ber 27b;
Yer. Veh i. 3b), and was verj wealthy (Shab. 54b;
Bezah 23a; compare Kid. mi.. Tin se Circum-
stances, added to his erudition, gained for him greal
popularity. When Gamaliel II.. in consequence ol
Id- provoking demeanor, was temporarily deposed
V -7
from the patriarchate, Eleazar. though still very
young, was elevated to that office bj t lie deliberate
choice,.!' his colleagues. lie did not, however, oc-
cupy it for any length of time, for the Sanhedrin
reinstated Gamaliel, lb- was retained as vice-presi-
dent ("ab bet din"), nevertheless, and it was arranged
that Gamaliel Should lecture three (some say two")
Sabbaths, and Eleazar every fourth (or third) Sab
bath (Her. 27b tt seq. ; Yer. Ber. iv. 7c etseq.; Yer
Ta'an. iv. 67d).
In company with Gamaliel, Joshua, and Akiba,
he journeyed to Rome (Kallah 1!. vii.; Derek Ere?
R v. ). Neither the object of the journey nor the
resultof the mission is stated; but that affairs im-
portant as pressing were involved is apparent from
the season at which the journey was undertaken:
they celebrated tile Feast of Booths aboard the ship
(Sifra, Emor, xvi. 2; Stik. 41b). With the same com-
panions Eleazar once visited the ruins
Journey to of the Temple at Jerusalem (Sifre,
Rome. Deut. 43). (in a visit to the aged
Dosa b. rlarkinas the latter joyfully
exclaimed, " In him 1 m-c the fulfilment of the Scrip-
tural saying (Ps. xxxvii. 25): 'I ha\c been young,
and now am old; yet have I not seen the righteous
forsaken, nor his seed begging bread '" (Yeh. Ida;
Yer. Yeii. i. Sc 1 1 seq. i. by which he probably alluded
to Eleazar's great learning and his proverbial wealth.
The latter was amassed by dealing in wine, oil
(Tosef., 'Ab. Zarah, v. 1 ; B. 11. 91a), and cattle
(Shab. 54b; Bezah 23a). Subsequent generations
entertained the belief that dreaming of Eleazar b
Azariah presaged the acquisition of wealth.
With Eleazar's accession to the patriarchate the
p. .rials of the academy were opened wide to all who
Bought admittance. It is said that three hundred
benches had to be added for the accommodation of
the eager throngs which pressed into the halls of
learning. Under his presidency, too. a review of
undecided points of law was undertaken. To Elea
/.ir rabbinic homiletics owes the introduction of the
rule called patOD (= "contiguous"), by which one
Scriptural passage is explained or supplemented by
another immediately preceding or succeeding it.
Thus. Eleazar declares that the slanderer and the
listener and the false witness deserve
His to be thrown to the dogs. He derives
Exegetic this idea from the juxtaposition of the
Principle, expression (Ex. xxii. 80 [A. V. 31]),
" Ye shall cast it to the dogs," and {il,.
xxiii. I) the prohibition against raising false reports,
bearing false witness, and associating with the false
witness (Pes. 118a; Mak. 23a)
In his homilies he generally aims to bring out
some ethical or practical lesson. With reference to
lie I lay of Atonement the Bible says i Lev. xri. 30),
"On that day . . . ye may be (dean |llebr. Iinon
shall cleanse yourselves "| from all your sins
before the Lord." Therefrom Eleazar draws the
lesson that theellicac\ ..I the <la\ extends only to
sins against (hid, while sins against man are not
forgiven unless the offended partj has first been
reconciled (Yoma viii, 9; Sifra, Ahare Mot. viii 2).
The Bible says (Deut. \\iii. 8 [A. V. 7J), "Thou
shalt not abhor an Egyptian . . . because thou wast
a st, anger in his land." Thereupon Eleazar re
Eleazar b. Azariah
Eleazar ben Jose
marks, "Tin- Egyptians admitted the Israelites out
of self-interest ; nevertheless God accounts their act
as one of merit. Now, if he who unintentionally
confers a favor is accorded a token of merit, how
much more so he who intentionally doesagood deed "
(Sifre, Deut. 252; compare Ber. 63b). Similar is his
deduction from Deut. xxiv. 19, which says, "When
thou cuttest down thine harvest in thy field, and
hast forgot a sheaf in the field, thou shalt not go
again 1. 1 fetch it : it shall be for the stranger, for the
fatherless, and for the widow: that the Lord thy
God may bless thee in all the work of thine hands. "
"Here," argues Eleazar, "the Bible promises bless-
ings to him by whom a good deed is done uninten-
tionally ; hence if one unwittingly loses money, and
a needy one finds it and sustains life thereon, God
will bless the loser for it" (Sifra, Wayikra [Hoba],
xii. 13; Sifre, Deut. 183).
Eleazar was independent in his Biblical interpre-
tations. He often rejected Akiba's opinions, re-
marking. "Even if thou persist the whole day in ex
tending and limiting [see Hkhmeneitics], I shall
not barken to thee" (Sifra, Zaw, xi. 6; Men. 89a),
or, "Turn from the Haggadahand be-
Biblical take thee to the laws affecting leprosy
Inter- and the defilement of tents" (D'VJJ
pretations. ry6nXl ; Hag. 14a; Sanh. 38b). Above
all, he strove to be methodical. When
one applied to him for information on a Biblical
topic, he furnished that; was he called upon to ex-
plain a mishnah, a halakah, or a haggadah, he ex-
plained each point. Eleazar wasopposed to frequent
sentences of capital punishment. In his opinion
a court that averages more than one execution in the
course of seventy years is a murderous court (Mak.
i. 10; see Capital Punishment).
In the following few sentences is comprised Elea-
zar's practical philosophy:
" Without religion there is no true wisdom ; without wisdom
there is no religion. Where there is no wisdom there is no fear
of God ; where" there is no fear of God there is
Wisdom, no wisdom. Where there is no discernment
there is no learning ; without learning there
Is no discernment. Where there is a want of bread, study of
the Corah can not thrive; without study of the Torah there is a
lack of bread.
" With what is he to be compared who possesses more knowl-
edge than good deeds? With a tree of many branches and but
few mots. A storm comes and plucks it up and turns it over.
Thus also Scripture says (Jer. xvii. 6), 'He shall be like the
heath in tin- desert, and shall not see when good cometh; but
shall inhabit the parched places in the wilderness, in a salt land
and not Inhabited.1 But what does he resemble who can show
more good deeds than learning ? A tree of few branches and
many n>nts. Even should all the winds of'heaven rage againsl
it, they could not move it from its place. Thus, the Bible says
(I.e. 8), 'lie shall be as a tree planted by the waters, that
spreadeth out her roots by the river, and shall not see when
lieat COmeth, but her leaf shall be green : and shall not be care-
ful in the year of drought, neither shall cease from yielding
fruit ' " ( Ab. iii. 17 ; Ah. K. N. xxii. 1 ).
While he lived he enjoyed the encomiums of his
famous colleagues, who said, "That generation in
which Eleazar l>. Azariah flourishes can not be
termed orphan" (Hag. 8b; Mek., Ho. xvi.V, and
when lie died the learned said, "With the death of
K. Eleazar b. Azariuh was remo\ ed the crown of the
gages" (Tosef., Sotah. xv. 3; Sotah 49b; Yer. Sotah
i\ 34c)
Bibliography : Bacher, Ag. Tan. i. 319 el sen.; Brull, itfebo
ha-Mishnah, i. 88 et seq.; Frankel, Darke ha-Mishnah. pp.
91 ct seq.; Grate. Gcsch. 3d ed., iv. 37 ct seq.; Hamburger. R.
II. T. ii. 1.% et seq.; Heilprin, Seder ha-Dorot, ii., s.t'.; Weiss.
Dor, ii. 94 et seq.; Zacuto, Yuftasin, ed. Fllipowski, pp. 39b
ct seq.
s. s. S. M.
ELEAZAR B. DAMA. See Ben Dama.
ELEAZAR B. DIN AI : Leader of the Zealots
(35-60, C.E.). When the Jews of Persa had bound-
ary disputes with the pagan population of Philadel-
phia, the procurator Fadus killed Annibas, one of
tin- three leaders, and banished the other two, Am-
ram and Eleazar. The latter may be identical with
Eleazar b. Dinai. When Jewish pilgrims traversing
Samaritan territory were killed by hostile Samari-
tans, the Jews in self-defense called Eleazar b. Dinai
down from the mountains, and he ravaged Akraba
The procurator Felix succeeded by cunning in
capturing Eleazar and his band, sending him in
chains to Rome (Josephus, " Ant." xx. 1, § 1 ; 6, § 1 ;
8, §5; "B. J."ii. 12, $ 4; 13, § 2).
Rabbinical sources also mention Eleazar. The
Midrash to Cant. iii. 5 says that in the days of
Amram and (Ben) Diuai the Jews prematurely at-
tempted liberation. Mention is also made of a com-
panion of Eleazar, Tehina ben Perisha by name,
probably the Alexander mentioned by Josephus.
Through the example of these two men murders
became so frequent that the sacrifice of atonement
for an unknown murderer (Deut. xxi. 1-8) was abol-
ished (Sotah ix. 9; Tosef. xiv. 1; Bab. 47b; Yer.
24a ; Sifre, Deut. 205). The wife of Eleazar b. Dinai
is also mentioned (Ket. 27a).
Bibliography: Gratz, Gesc?i. 4th ed., ill. 431, 436 ; Schurer.
llexeh. 3d ed., i. 570; Biichler, Das 6 rogue Siincilrion in ■>>■
i Kgatem, P- 1*3. Vienna, 1902.
g. S. Kb.
ELEAZAR B. DTJRDAIA: A famous peni-
tent, quoted both as a warning against debauch-
ery, which leads to death, and as an encouragement
to repentance, which leads to eternal happiness. It
is related of him that, after leading a life of licen-
tiousness, he at last bethought himself of his latter
end. He mentally sought intercessors among the
elements, beseeching them to appeal for his pardon
and future peace; but none was found competentto
act for him, they themselves beiugfinite, and doomed
to annihilation. Concluding that his future de-
pended solely on himself, he prayed and wept until
he died. Thereupon, legend adds, a Bat Kol an-
nounced that Eleazar was assured of happiness in
the hereafter. When Rabbi (Judah I.) heard this
story, he exclaimed, "Verily, some procure eternal
happiness only after toiling manyyears, while others
obtain the same result in a short time" ('Ab. Zarah
b.s. B. M
See Bab KaI'I'ARA.
scholarly contemporary of 'Akabia b. Mahalalel and
Gamaliel II. According to the statement of Judah
Eleazar b. Azanah
Eleazar ben Jose
b. 'Illai, it was tliis Eleazar, and not 'Akabia. who
was excommunicated by the Sanhedrin for the
reason thai he quibbled about the rabbinic regula-
tions concerning "cleansing of hands" ('Eduy. v. 6).
Nothing more is known of him; but the fact of his
being cited in connection with 'Akabia, ami the
explicit declaration of the transgression which
prompted the august tribunal to excommunicate
him. evidence his prominence in his day. Probably
because of excommunication, in which suite he
ended his earthly existence (i/>. ), none of ins doctrines
was discussed in the academies or recorded in rabbinic
Bini.iocRAPiiv : Melri, Introduction I" Abot,ed. Stern, lll»;
Mendelsohn, In Rev. El. Juivi -, xll. 39 • ( 81 ■<•
- - S. M.
scholar of tin- fourth amoraic generation (fifth cen-
tury); juuiorof Aha b. Jacob and Kaba (b. Joseph),
lb- is mentioned twice in the Babylonian Talmud,
anil both times in connection with extraordinary
circumstances. Once lie incurs divine punishment
for assuming rabbinic authority at a place over
which extended tbe jurisdiction of Aha b. Jacob
('Er. (ilia ; and then again lie is represented as hav-
ing dreamed an ominous dream. It was a season of
drought at Hagronia ( Agranum ; Neubauer, " G. T."
p. 317) when Raba happened to visit tbe town. He
ordained a day of fasting and player, but no rain
came. Then he inquired, "Did any one have a
dream last night?" Eleazar had bad one, and at
Raba's request he told it as follows: "There was
said to me in my dream, 'Good greetings to the good
teacher from the good Lord who, in His goodness,
docth g I to His people.' " On hearing this Raba
remarked, " This betokens that Heaven will lie pro-
pitious " Thereupon prayer was again offered, and
soon rain descended (Ta'an. 34b)
S. - S. M.
of the second and third generations (second
century); disciple of Joshua b. Hananiah and Ga-
maliel II. (Hag. 3a; Hor. 10a). In their use of tbe
word "ben" in connection with his cognomen "His-
ma" or "Hasina" (see Geiger, "Schriften," iv. 343,
and Strack, "Einleitung in den Thalmud," 2d cd.,
p. 81), the sources are inconsistent ; its insertion,
however, seems justifiable. "Hisma"is not an ad-
jectival cognomen (see Eleazar I.), but a locative,
the place probably being identical with Hi/.meh
I. unc/, "Jerusalem," vi. C7 ; Hastings, "Diet.
Bible," \.,s.v. "Azmaveth"); hence "ben Ilisma"
means "son of [="native of " | Hisma " (compare
R. II. 17a; Meg. Ilia; Kid. ii. 3).
Several halakot are preserved under Eleazar's
name in the Mishnah (Ter. iii. 5; B. M. vii. 5), and
he i-. nut with in halakic controversies with Eleazar
b. Azariah and Akiba (Neg. vii. 2; Sifra, Ta/ria'. i.
ind with Eliezerb. Jacob 1. 1 Pes. 82a; Yalk. U
and to him is ascribed die economic rule that
the employee is not entitled to a proportion of Ins
employer's produce greater than the amount of bis
wages(B. M. vii, 5, 92a; Sifre, Deui 266
Bome haggadol also ale ascribed to him (Mek.,
Beshallah, Wayassa', I ; ib. . Amalek, I . Yoma 19b).
Conjointly with R Joshua, lie gives an allegorical
reason for Amalek's attack on Israel (Ex. xvii. 8 et
ki-'j.) just at the time it occurred. Citing Job viii.
11, "Can a rush grow up without
Specimen mire? Can the flag grow without
of water?" he remarks, "Even so is it
Exegesis, impossible for Israel to flourish with-
out the Law ; and since they had neg-
lected the Law [see Ex. xvii. 1-7], an enemy was
ordered out to war against them " (compare Yalk.
to Kx. I.e., § 202; anonymous in Yalk. to Job I.e.,
§ '.io4). Again, be cites Isa. xliii. 22. "But thou hast
not called on me, O Jacob," and applies it to those
who arc not devout in their prayers, but while re-
citing the "Shema' " communicate with their neigh-
bors by sign language (compare Yalk. to Isa. I.e.,
§ 318).
Not only was lie possessed of wide rabbinic learn-
ing, buthe was also an adept in the sciences. Joshua,
introducing him and Johanan b. (Gudgada) Nuri to
the notice of Patriarch Gamaliel II., remarked of
them that they could approximately calculate the
number of drops contained in the ocean (Hor. 10a).
As they were very poor, Gamaliel appointed them
to remunerative offices in the academy (Sifre,
Dent. 14; Yalk.. Deut.902; Hor. I.e.). Probably
ii was here — because the academicians sought from
him instruction in secular science — that Eleazar re-
marked, "The laws concerning birds' nests and those
C lining the incipient uncleanness of woman are
elements of the Law, while astronomy and geom-
etry are only condiments of wisdom" (Ab. iii. 18;
Ab. R. N. xxvii. 2).
Bibliography: Bacher, Aa. Tun. i. :t74; Briin. Itebo ha-
Mishnah, i. 148; Frankel, Darkeha-Mishnah, p. 134 ; (ieiger,
SchriftA n, Iv. 843; lleilprin. Seder hOrDorot, ti.. >.i\; Weiss,
Dor, ii. I"1"-: Ziu'iito, Ynhdsin, ed. Flllpowski, p. 41b.
s. s. S. M.
ELEAZAR B. JACOB. See Eliezer B. Jacob.
ELEAZAR B. JAIR : Leader of the Sicarii, the
remnant of whom, driven from Jerusalem about 70
by Eleazar b. Ananias, retired to MaSADA. Eleazar
was a descendant of Judah, the founder of the party
of Zealots. Besieged by the Romans, Eleazar ex-
horted bis fellow warriors to prefer death to slavery,
and, when it became necessary, to kill first their
families and then themselves. This speech, together
with a dirge on the fall of Jerusalem ascribed to
him, is found in Hebrew in Yosippon, eh. 97. though
the hero is here erroneously called "Eleazar b. Ana-
Bibliography: Gr&tz, Oeseh. 4th ed., ill. 4uo, 549; Schflrer.
Bench. 8d ed., L 889.
o. S. Kit
of the fourth and tilth generations (second cen-
tury). He was second among the live learned
sons of Jose b. Halafta (Sliab. 118b; Yer. Yob i.
5b and the father repeatedly reports opinions which
he had heard from Eleazar (Sifre, Deut. 148; Pes
117a; Yuma 67a), while the latter transmits bala
kol in his father's name (Men, 54b; IVsik i l:i i
He is often cited in the Tosefta, though never in the
.Mishnah. He accompanied Simon b. Ynhai on a
visit to Rome, with the object of appealing to the
government for the abrogation of the renewed Ha
ill ianio decrees, which seriously impeded I he religious
Eleazar ben Jose
Eleazar ha-K.appar
life of the Jews. On the way Eleazar was attacked
by a dangerous illness, but he recovered and pro-
ceeded on the journey (Me'i. 17b; see Rashi). The
mission was successful (Me'i. 17a</«v. : see Simeon
b. Yohai), and at Rome Eleazar met the organizer of
the first Roman Jewish academy, Mattai b. Heresh,
with whom lie discussed halakic questions (Yoma
Nit, ; Me 1. 17:0.
Of this and other journeys Eleazar reports some
experiences. In Rome he saw the curtain of the
Holy of Holies and the high priest's golden head-
band, which Titus had carried thither from Jerusa-
lem (Yoma 57a; Suk. 5a). In Alexandria he learned
tli.it the ancient Egyptians bad tilled in with Jewish
bodies unfinished places in the walls: he iseven said
to have actually seen evidences of those cruelties
(Sanh. Ilia). Twice he reports controversies with
Samaritans (Sotah 33b [Yer. Sotah vii. 21a reads
"Eleazar b. Simon"]; Sanh. 90b).
Eleazar lays great stress on philanthropic works,
saying, "Charity and benevolence are intercessors
for Israel: they effect peace between God and the
people" (Tosef., Pes. iv. 18: B. B. 10a). He fur-
ther sa\ s, " Whoso sinnethand repenteth, and there-
after leadeth an upright life, obtaincth immediate
pardon; but whoso saith, 'I shall sin and then re-
pent,1 three times will he be forgiven, but no more"
(Ab. R. N. xl. 5).
Bibliography: Bacher, Ag. Tan. ii. 412: Brtill, Mebn ha-
Mishnah, i. :.'l>i; Heilprin, Seder ha-Dorot, ii., vr.: »Vbs,
Dor, 11. 187; see also Gratz, Oesch. 2d ed., iv. 208; Vogel-
Bteln and Ilieger, Gesch. der Juden in Bom, i. 31.
s. s. S. M.
tinian amora of the fifth generation (fifth century i ;
senior of Nahman II. and Aha III. (Pesik. v. 55a).
Most of his utterances are remarks which he had
directly or indirectly heard from Abbahu, Hauiiia
Ic Abbahu, Tanhum b. Hiyya, and others (Yer. Ber.
vii. 11.1: Yer. Ma'as. i. 49a, ii. 49c; Yer. 'Er. iii.
23d; Lam. R. iii. 17); but he also expresses his own
views. both doctrinal and homiletical (Yer. Shab.
xvi. 15d; Yer. Kil. viii. 31a; Yer. Hallah, ii. 58b;
Ex. R. xxiii. 5; Lev. R. xi. G; Pesik. I.e.). His
father. Jose II., seems to have been his principal
teacher, for frequently it was before him that Elea-
zar propounded his views (Yer. Ber. i. 3d, iv. 8a;
Yer. Ned. iv. 38d); and it is related that his father
often chilled him for lack of zeal. Quoting tin- state-
ment (I Chron. ix. 20), "In time past the Lord was
with him [Phinehas]," lie used to say, "As long as
Phinehas was zealous for the Law, the Lord was
with him; but when he ceased to be zealous the
Lord forsook him " (Yer. Yoma i. 38d ; Yer. Meg. i.
72a . Yer. llor. iii. 47d>.
e - S M.
TOTA) : Scholar and philanthropist of the third
tannaitic .< aeration (first and second centuries); dis-
ciple of Joshua b. Ilananiah. and contemporary of
Akiba (T. Y. iii. 4. 5; Tosef., Bek. vii. 6). Some-
times the cognomen is omitted (compare Tosef.,
Zab. i. 5, and Zab. i. 1 1, and si the patro-
nymic (All. iii. 7). While his name is connected
with but few halakot, and with still fewer mid-
rashim. he has established for himself an indelible
name in the list of the charitable. His motto was.
"Give Him of His own: thyself and what thou
possessest are His, as David says (I Chron. xxix.
14): 'All things come of thee, and of thine own have
we given thee ' " (Ab. iii. 7); and he lived up to his
motto. It is related that he was so extravagant in
his benevolence as to give away all that he possess* d;
wherefore the collectors for the poor would avoid
meeting him (Ta'an. 24a). In illustration of this
characteristic, the Talmud (ih.) cites the following
instance: "Eleazar's daughter was to be married.
While making purchases for the occasion, he espied
the collectors, who were hiding from him. He over-
took them, and begged them to acquaint him with
their mission. They informed him that they were
soliciting for a marriage portion for a couple of
orphans, whereupon he exclaimed, 'Verily, that
couple takes precedence over my daughter ' ; and he
gave them all that be bad about him." Legend
adds that he retained one zuz, and with that lie
bought wheat, which be carried home and put away
in the storeroom. When his wife soon afterward
tried to open the room in order to see what Eleazar
had brought, it was found to be full to overflowing
with grain. lu the meantime Eleazar had repaired
to the academy, and thither his daughter hastened
with the joyful tidings, remarking, "Come and see
what thy friend has done for thee"; but when be
had heard her story, be consecrated the grain also to
Bibliography: Bacher, Ag. Tan. i. 443; Briill, Mebo ha-Mieh-
nah, 1.142; Frankel, Darke lia-Mishnah, p. 134; Heilprin,
Seder ha-Dorot, ii., 8.U.; Zacntn, l'uha.*in, vd. Kilipuwskl. i>.
s. s. S. M.
MTJS OF WORMS: Talmudist and cabalist;
born, probably at Mayence, about 1176; died at
Worms in 1238. He was a descendant of the great
Kalonymus family of Mayence, and a disciple of
Judab he-Hasid, who initiated him into the study of
the Cabala, at that time little known in Germany.
According to Zunz, Eleazar was hazzan at Erfurt
before he became rabbi at Worms. In 1233 be took
part in the great Synod of Mayence which enacted
the body of regulations known as "Takkanot ShuM "
(D)t?=" Speyer, Worms, Mayence "). Eleazar under-
went great sufferings during the Crusades. On t lie
night of 22 Kislew, 1196, he was engaged on his
commentary on Genesis (be relates that he had
reached the parashah Wayesheb), when two cru-
saders entered his bouse and killed his wife Dulcina,
his two daughters Belat and Hannah, and his son
Jacob. His wife had conducted a business in parch
meat scrolls in order to support the family and en-
able him to devote all his time to study.
Eleazar developed a vigorous activity in many
directions. On the one baud, he was a Talmudist
of vast erudition, a liturgist gifted with a clear and
easj style, and an astronomer, and was well versed in
the sciences open to the Jews of Germany at that
time. On the other hand, he was a cabalist swayed
by hallucinations: he saw legions of angels ami
demons, and exerted himself to spread cabalistic
systems which went far beyond the conceptions of
tlie authors of the Cabala. In bis cabalistic works
Eleazar ben Jose
Eleazar ha-Kappar
he developed and gave a new impulse to the mysti-
cism associated with the lettersof the alphabet. The
philosophical Cabala of tin school of Isaac the Blind
is replaced by arithmetical speculations. Bj tin
gematria and notarikou systems of interpretation
1 in tin- Talmud, Eleazar invented new combi
..is by which miraclescould In- performed. The
adic anthropomorphism which In- had com
I in his earlier works ("Ha-Rokeah," "Sha'are
id weha-Yihud") occupied later the forei
in his cabalistic writings. Eleazar's great mei ii
lies not in his new cabalistic system, but in his ethical
works. In these he shows greatness of soul and a
piety bordering upon asceticism. Though so se
vercly tried by late, In- inculcates cheerfulness, pa-
tience, and love for humanity.
Eleazar's ethical works are: (1) "Ha Kokoah," on
the numerical value of the word npin. corresponding
'"that of -liviJK (= 308). Itisdivided
Ethical into 41)7 paragraphs containing kala-
Works. kot and ethics ; first published at Fano,
1505. ('-') "Adderet ha-Shem," still
eitanl in manuscript in the Vatican Library. ('.))
reh llattaini," or '"Seder ha-Kapparot, " on
tence and confession of sin, first published at
Venice. 1543. This work, which is included in the
Ililkot Teshubah of the "Ha Rokeah," has been re-
produced many times under various titles. It
appeared under the title "Darke Teshubah" at the
if the responsa of Mclr of Rothenburg in the
Prague edition ; as "'Inyane Teshubah," or " Seder
Teshubah," in the Sephardic ritual of 1584; as
" Vesod Teshubah," with additions by Isaac hen
M ses Elles, first published in 1583; as " fore l.lat
(a'im ba- Derek " ; andas "Seferha Eapparot." The
title adopted here is the same as that given in the
" Kol Bo," in which the work was reproduced.
(4) "Sefer ha Hayyim," treating of tin- unity of
God, of thi' soul and its at tributes, and of the three
recognized by the ancients as "plant, ani-
mal, and intellectual ") in man's life. (5) "Sha'are
d ha Vihud weha Emunah," a treatise on the
unity and incorporealily of God, combating the
anthropomorphism id' the Haggadah (published by
Jellinek in the " Kokabe Yi/hak " collection [xxvii. ].
Eleazar's mystical works are: (1)" Yir'al El," still
■ in manuscript in the Vatican Library, con-
taining mystical commentaries on Psalm Ixvii., on
the Menorah, and on Sefirat ha-'Omer. (2) "Sefer
ha Kabod." mystical explanations of
Cabalistic various Biblical passages (Neubauer,
Works. "Cat. Bodl. Hebr. MSS." No. 1566,
1). (3) " Yavin ha Rekah," mystical
commentaries on the five Megillol Those on Ruth
and the Song of Soul's w.re published at Lublin,
1608. ih A commentary on I'salm exlv. (MS. lie
Rossi No U38). (5) A commentary on the prayers
mentioned 1>_\ Joseph I>i Imedigo in his " Mazref la-
Pokmah" (p. 14b). (6) "Ta'ame we Sodot ha
Teflllah" (Neubauer, t'i No.1575.) (7) "Perush 'al
Siiir Ye/irah," a commentary on the "Yezlrah,"
being extracts from Shabbetliai Donnolo's common
tarj fragments of this work were first published
at Manilla in 1562, later in several Other plaCI B
complete edition was printed at Przemysl, Is1-'.*
(8) "Mid rash we-Perush 'al ha-Torah," cabalistic
commentary on the Pentateuch, mentioned by Azu-
lai. (9) "Sha'are Binah," in which, interpreting
Biblical verses by the system of getnati iyyot, he
Shows the Origin Of many baggadot of the Talmud.
This work is frequently quoted by Solomon al-
Kabiz in his "Hanoi ha Lewi." (10) "Shi'ur Ko-
inali," a commentary on the "Shi'ur Komah," the
"Pirke de-Rabbi Yishma'el," and the "Merkabah"
(MS. Michael). (11) "Seferha 1 1 ok mah," cabalistic
treatise mi the various names of God and of angels,
and on the seventy three " Gates of theTorah" (nyc
mini- (12) "Sefer ha-Shem," mystical dissertations
on the names of twenty -two letters, with a table of
permutations (Neubauer, t'i. No, 1569,4). (13)"'Eser
Shi-mot," commentary on the ten names of God
(MS. Michael. No. 175). ( I t) A commentary on the
piyyut "Ha Ohoz." (15) Six small cabalistic Ilea
tises entitled "Sod ha -Ziwwug," "Sefer ha Nee-
lam." "Sefer Mal'akim," "Sefer Tagim." "Sefer
Pesak," and "Sefer ha-Kolot," all of which are still
extant in manuscript (Neubauer, ib. No. 1566). (16)
" Likkutim," cabalistic fragments, mentioned by Re-
canate. (IT) "Sode Raza," a treatise on the myster-
ies of Cabala, particularly on the "Merkabah." Part
of this work was published at Amsterdam in 1701.
under the tit le "Sefer Razi'el ha-Gadol." In the in-
troduction the editor says that he decided to publish
this book after having seen that the greater part of
it. had been produced in French under the title
"Images des Lett res de 1' Alphabet."
In addition to these works, Eleazar wrote tosafot
to many Talmudical treatises, referred to by lie/a
lei Ashkenazi in his "Shitiah Mekubbczet"; a com
minlaryon "Shekalim" in the Palestinian recension.
cited by Asheri in his commentary to that treatise in
the Babylonian Talmud; thirty-six chapters on the
examination of slaughtered animals (MS. Michael
No. 307). Zunz enumerates fifty-five liturgical
poems and dirges composed by Eleazar and oc-
curring in the Ashkenazic mahzorim, kiuot, and
Bibliography: Zacuto, Yuhasin. p. ■*,;] ; Zunz, Z. a. p. 13] ;
Idem, /.('' /"'"' (/< sch. p. 818; Gr&tz, Oesch. vil. 29; stein-
schnetder, Cat. Bodl. col. t'ls; Landsnutn, 'Ammiuli- ha-
'Abodah.v. 25 : Epstein. Id MonaUischrtfL, x xxvii. 75: 1 Hikes,
in i tru al. I. it. 1844; idem, Zur Kenntntes der ReligUisen
Poeste. p. Its; Renan-Neubauer, /.is Rabbins Frangate, pp.
184 .' *"/.; Mli-liael. Or hill lnili/im, NO. 187,
k. I. Bn.
Tanna of the fourth generation (second century);
father of BaH K \it \h.\. who is sometimes cited by
the same name. Eleazar is quoted in the Mishnah
(Ale i v ','1 I, where he says, " Envy, lust, and am hi
lion shorten man's life" From him the Mishnah
(ib. 22) also preserves the following exhortation:
"The born are to die. and the dead to revive, and
the living io be judged; in order to know, and to
notify and that it maybe known, that lie is the
Kramer, and lie the Creator, and lie the Judge, and
lb the Witness, and lie the Complainant, and He
with whom there is no iniquity, nor forget fulness,
nor respect of persons, nor taking of a bribe, foriill is
His. is ;i bout to judge ; and know that all is according
to His plan. Let not thy ' ye/.er ' [evil inclinations]
- thee thai the grave is an asylum; Cor perforce
thou wast created (Jer icviii 6), and perforce thou
wast born, and perforce ti livest, and perforce
Eleazar Lasi
Eieazar ben Samuel
thou diest, and perforce thou art about to give ac-
count and reckoning before the King of Kings, the
Holy One, blessed be He ! " Elsewhere (Sifre, Num.
42; compare Num. R. xi. 7) he says. "Great indeed
is peace : it is the end of all blessings " (see Num.
vi. 26). For other ethical lessons from him see Ab.
R. N. xxix. 4; Derek Erez Zuta ix. 1. Some of
his teachings are probably to be ascribed to his son.
Bibliography: Bacher, Ag. Tan. ii. 500: Heilprin, Seder ha-
Dorat. i i . . >.'.: C. Taylor, Saifingi of the Jewish Fathers, 2d
ed... pp. 76 et sea.
s. s. S. M.
Talmudist; born in Berlin Sept. 24, 1740; died at
Hamburg Jan. 22, 1814. He studied under Tebele
Scheuer, rabbi of Bamberg, and later in the yeshi-
bah of Schwersenz under R. Gedaliah. After his
marriage he settled at Posen, where he wasappointed
dayyan under R. Raphael b. Jekuthiel ha-Kohen.
In 1781, after the latter had been appointed rabbi at
Altona, Lasi removed there also. He filled for some
time the office of dayyan at Wandsbeck, and was
appointed "rosh bet-din " of the three communities
of Altona, Wandsbeck, and Hamburg. Eleazar
Lasi wrote: "Mishnat de Rabbi Eli'ezer," commen-
tary on Shulhan 'Aruk, Hoshen Mishpat, the first
part of which was published by his son JMoses (Al-
tona, 1815) ; a similar commentary on Eben ha-'Ezer ;
the anonymous " Kontres," a criticism of Saul Ber-
lin's "Mizpeh Yokte'el." His glosses and novelise
on the Talmud, as well as his commentary on the
Pentateuch and a treatise on the benedictions, are
still in manuscript.
Bibliography: Steinschneider, Cat. Btull. col. 461: Zedner,
Cat. Hebr. Books lirit.Mus. p. 2S1: Furst, Bib]. Jiul. i.233;
Fuenn, Keneset TUsraeU p. 12o; Michael, Or ha-Hayyim, p.
L. G. A. PE.
ELEAZAR B. MAHBAI. See Eleazau b.
ELEAZAR B. MALAI : Palestinian scholar
of the fourth century, whose name is mentioned
but once, in the Babylonian Talmud, and then only
as the reporter of a homily of Simeon b. Lakish,
which reproves the wickedness of the courts with
the following words: " ' Your hands are defiled with
blood ' (Isa. lix. 3) refers to the judges, whose hands
are ever open to receive bribes; 'your fingers with
iniquity ' (ibid.) refers to the judiciary's scribes, who
write false or specious documents; 'your lips have
spoken lies' refers to the lawyers, who misconstrue
the law, or instruct their clients how .to plead; 'your
tongue hath muttered perverseness ' refers to the
litigants, who plead falsehood" (Shab. 139a; Rashi
ad loe.). It is not certain, however, that "Malai"
was Eleazar's real patronymic, some editions read-
ing "Simlai " instead (see Rabbinowicz, " Dikduke
Soferim" to Shab. I.e.),
B- 8. S. M.
Tanna of the third and fourth generations (second
century); contemporary of Hananiah b. Hakinai,
Ben 'Azzai, and Simon of Teman (Tosef,, Ber. iv.
18). It is staled that, together with Halafta and
Hananiah, he examined the stones which, by order
of Joshua, tin- Israelites brought up from the Jordan
and pitched in Gilgal (Josh, iv.), and approximated
their weight (Tosef.. Sotah, viii. 6). Eleazar was a
disciple of R. Tarphon (Tosef., Ber. I.e.; compare
Mek., Beshallah, 5), and is met with in scholastic
disputations with Judah b. 'lllai and Simon b. Yohai
(Tosef., Pes. vi. 2; Pes. 79b etseq.). According to one
report, he and Hananiah were " the disciples " present
at the dispute between R. Mei'r and the rabbis;
(Yer. Ma'as. Sh. ii. 53d); according to another, they
were among the four expert linguists of the Jamnian
Sanhedrin (Yer. Shek. v. 48d ; compare Sanh. 17b).
From the Scriptural dictum (Lev. v. 1), " If a soul
sin, and hear the voice of swearing," he argues that
one is subject to hear the voice of swearing because
of his having sinned. Accordingly, he teaches,
" Whoso witnesses a transgression was doomed to
see it; and whoso witnesses a good deed has de-
served to see it " (Tosef., Shebu. iii. 4). He is men-
tioned once in the Mishnah (Yeb. x. 3), and several
times in baraitot, in connection with halakic contro-
Birliograpiiy : .Bruit. Mebn ha-Mishnah. i. 141; Frankel,
Darke ha-Mishnah, p. 133; Weiss, Dor, 11. 123.
s. s. S. M.
ELEAZAR B. MENAHEM : Palestinian
scholar of the fourth amoraic generation (fourth
century). No halakot and but few haggadot are
connected with his name. Commenting on the
Biblical expression (Ps. xxxvi. 9 [A. V. 8]), "Thou
shalt make them drink of the river of thy pleasures"
n'Jiy. lit. "thy Edens"), he remarks, "Since the
Bible says not ' thy Eden,' but ' thy Edens,' it im-
plies that every pious soul has an [apartment in]
Eden for itself" (Tan., Emor, ed. Buber, 9; Lev. R.
xxvii. 1 ; Midr. Teh. xxxiv. 23 reads "Isaac b. Sleu-
ahem"). From the expression (Gen. xiii. 3), "He
[Abraham] went on his journeys," Eleazar infers
that Abraham returned from Egypt by the way he
had traveled thither, to liquidate the debts he had
previously incurred (Gen. R. xli. 3).
Bibliography : Bacher, Ag. Pal. Amor. lit. 097 ; Heilprin,
Seder ha-Dorot, ii., s.w
s. s. S. M.
Scholar of the second tannaitic generation (first and
second centuries); disciple of Johanan ben Zakkai
(B. B. 10b), and contemporary of Joshua ben Hana-
niah and Eliezer ben Hyrcanus (Mek., Beshallah,
Wayassa', 3 etseq.). He was an expert haggadist,
and frequently discussed exegetical topics with his
distinguished contemporaries. Gamaliel II. often de-
ferred to Eleazar's interpretations, admitting, "The
Moda'i's views are still indispensable " (Shab. 55h
As his life embraced the period of Hadrianic perse
cutions and of the Bar Kokba insurrection, many of
his homilies refer, explicitly or impliedly, to exisl
ence under such conditions (Griitz, "Gesch." iv. 7!),
note). Eleazar expressed his confidence in Provi-
dence in this comment on the Scriptural statement
(Ex. xvi. 4), "the people shall go out, and gather
a certain rate every day" (lit. "the portion of the
day on itsday." 1DV3 DV ~\Tl): "He who creates the
day creates its sustenance." From this verse he also
argued, "He who is possessed of food for the day,
and worries over what he may have to eat the next
Eleazar Lasi
Eleazar ben Samuel
day. is wanting in faith; therefore the Bible adds
[ib.], 'that I may prove them, whether they will
walk in my law, or no " (Mek, I.e. 2)
Eleazar's last days fell in the dark period of the
Insurrection headed by Bar Kokba, and he ended
his life in the then besieged city of Bethar. Of these
days rabbinic tradition relates as follows;
"During the Roman sieue It. Eleazarof Hodi'hn fasted and
prayed dally that God might not strictly Judge the people that
dijnor surrender tbe cit\ to the enemy, because of the sins of
the Inbabitanis. The siege being protracted, and do Immediate
conquest being in prospect, the Roman commander meditated
on withdrawing, when :i Samaritan persuaded him to wait a
while, and offered his services to aid In subduing the apparently
unconquerable Jews by stratagem— by creating a suspicion ol
Irascbery among the besieged against Eleazar. "For.' argued
he, 'as long as tins hen wallows In ashes [as lone as Kleazar In
Ids prayers encourages in the people the hope of God'sprotec-
tlon], so long will ltethar remain impregnable.1 Thereupon he
smuggled himself into the city through some subterranean ducts,
and. approaching Klea/.ar, who was engaged In prayer, pretended
to whisper into his earn secret messatre. Those present, regard-
ing this mysterious movement with suspicion, Boon reported it
i Kokbu, and declared, ' Kleazar intends lo establish peace
en the citj and Hadrian." liar Kokba had the Samaritan
brought before him and interrogated him on the import of his
- rsatlon with the safe; hut the Samarium replied, 'If I
reveal the royal secrets to thee, the commander will kill me;
and if I refrain, thou wilt kill me. 1 would rather kill myself
than betray my king's secrets.' Bar Kokba then summoned
Eleazar and questioned htm ; but Kleazar protested that he had
been absorbed in devotional exercises, and had heard nothing.
This Increased liar Kokba's suspicion of meditated treason, and
aroused hltn to such anger that he kicked Kleazar. in conse-
quence of which the aged sage, enfeebled by fasting and prayer.
fell dead."
The story adds that a "batkol" thereupon pro-
flounced the immediate doom of the chief of the in-
surrection and of the beleaguered city, which soon
came to pass (Yer. Ta'an. iv. ti8d ; Lam. K. ii. '-.' ;
sec Bar Kokba i.
Bibliography : Bacher, -If/ Tan. i. l'.H : liriill. Mcbo ha-itish-
noh.l. i:Ui; Fmtikei. Darkeha~Mi8hnah,p. 127; Hamburger,
Ii. It. T. II. 161; HeUprln, Seder ha-Dornt, II.. s.».; Weiss,
Dor, II. I'm; Zacuto, 1 uharfn, ed. FillpowsH, p. 88a,
B. 8. S. M.
ELEAZAR B. NATHAN. See Ei.if.zi.u B.
II. (Lazab).
tin1 third generation (second century); junior con-
temporary of Eleazarof Modi'im (Tosef., Sanh. i\ . 8;
Yer. Meg. i. Tie) ami of .lose the Galilean (.Mek,.
Yitn., Bahodesh, ?}. He lived through the period
win n, according to a younger contemporary, the
performance of circumcision "as punished by the
Romans with the sword; the study of the .Jewish
law. with the stake; the celebration of Passover,
with crucifixion; and the observance of the Feast
of Booths, with the scourge (Mek. I.e. 6; Lev. K.
xxxii. 1). Still, Eleazar faithfully adhered to Hie
teachings of his religion. Once he was arrested and
into prison, where he met Ilananiah In n Ti ra
lie tried to inslil hope into his fellow pris-
a breast, because there was only one charge
us! him, that of teaching Hie Law. while hiiii-
he considered lost, because there were five
counts against him. Ilananiah, mi tin- contrary,
though! thai Bleazar's chances of escape were bet-
ter than his own; and the sequel proved thai he
was right Ilananiah was condemned to a terrible
death, while Kleazar was acquitted ('Ab Zaiah
Eleazar's studies embraced both Ilalakah and
Baggadah, mostlj the latter. One of Ins homilies
warns against calumny in these words: "Observe
how mijrhty are the consequences of the evil tongue.
Learn them from the fate of the spies [see Num. x i ii.
et ■-"/ .]. Of the spies it is related [ib. xiv. 37],
'Those men that did bring up the evil report upon
the land, died by the plague before the Lord.' And
of what had they spoken evil? Of trees and of
atones [see ib. xiii. 82], If, now, those who slau-
di Ted dumb objects wire punished so severely, how
much greater must, be the punishment of him who
traduces bis neighbor, his equal!" (Tosef.. 'Ar. ii.
11; 'Ar. 15a).
lie draws practical lessons also from Scriptural
texts. On a certain Sabbath some prominent core-
ligionists, having just learned that the Romans were
seeking them, applied to Eleazar for legal advice as
to the permissibility of flight from danger on the Sab-
bath. Kleazar referred them to Scriptural history.
" Why do you inquire of me?" said he. " Look at
Jacob [sec' Hosea xii. 18 (A. V. 12)], at Moses [Ex.
ii. 15], and at David [I Sam. xix. 10, 18], and see
what they did under similar circumstances" (Tan.,
Masse'e, i. ; Num. H. xxiii. 1).
s. s. S. M.
the second and third centuries; grandson of Elea-
zar hen Perata I. ; sometimes designated as "Eleazar
b. Perata, the grandson of Eleazar b. Perata ha
Gadol" (Kct. 100a; Git. 83a; Yer. Meg. iv. 75b),
and also without the addition of his grandfather's
name (Yer. Suk. iii. 54a; Suk. 39a). He confined
his studies mainly to the Ilalakah, and was a con-
temporary of R. Judah I, (see Suk. I.e. ; Yer. Meg.
Bibliography: Bacher, An- Tun. I. 403; Briln, afebo ho-
Mishnnh, i. 140, 236; ileiiprin. Seder ha-Dorot, II., 8.U
8. s. S. M.
ELEAZAR BEN SAMUEL: Rabbi; born at
Cracow about lOlio; died at, Safed, Palestine, 1742.
On the completion of his studies he became dayyan
of Cracow. In 1T0S he accepted the rabbinate of
Rakow, Poland. From there he went to Brody,
where he became rabbi (1714). In 17:!5 he went to
Amsterdam ill response to a Call from the Ashke-
nazici gregation there. A medal was designed in
his honor, one side of which exhibited bis head
in relief, surrounded by the words: "Eleazar ben
Samuel, Rabbi of Brody," the other side containing
chosen verses from the I'sabns. I', lea /a t was one of
those who placed Moses llavyim Luz/allo tinder
In Kit) Eleazar decided to go to Palestine. He
look up his residence at Safed. where his life, how
ever, "as not of a peaceful character, It came to
his k now ledge thai many of the most respected eiti
zens of the place were reading the works of Nehemiah
llayyun and of other adherents of Shabbethai ?ebi.
Eleazar vigorously endeavored to eradicate this
tendency, but his efforts were in vain. I lis life i in is
became embittered, and he was seriously contem
plating a return to Europe, when death intervened.
Eleazar ben Samuel
Eleazar, besides being a greal Talmudist, was a
profound cabalist and an able darshan.
His published works are: "Arba' Ture Eben
, Rows of Stone), containing responsa and no-
vellas on M a i
monides' " Yad"
and on the Tal-
mud (Lemberg,
1789); "Ma'aseh
Rokeah" (Work
of the Ointment-
Maker), a caba
list ic commen-
taryon the Mish
nuh (Amster-
dam, 1740);
■■ Ma'aseh Roke-
ah," on tin1 Pen
tateucb (I. ''in
berg, 1789).
Medal Struck by tin- Amsterdam Community in Honor of Rabbi Eleazar ben
(In ttie collection <>f Albert Wolf, Dresden.)
B Mi I. I OGR i I'll V :
Friedberg, Gescli.
der Fam'ilie
Schor, p. 16:
Idem, LahotZik- .
Ha/ron. v- 52; Michael, Or ha-#aj/yim, p. 239; I. I. Eisen-
stwlt. [ni'iil Kfiliishim, p. 181.
i.. g. B. Fr.
(also known as RAM) : French tosafist; died 1198.
He was a pupil of R. Tarn, and is often quoted in
tosafot— sometimes as "RAM," sometimes as "R.
Eleazar." He wrote commentaries on Nedarim,
Berakot, and I.Iullin, the last two of which Azulai
saw in manuscript. His commentary is probably
referred to in the Tosafot to Nedarim, where
■ Eleazar" is frequently quoted. The ascription to
him of the authorship of the " Shiran Mekubbezel "
(Berlin, 1859), a collection of tosafot on Nedarim, is
erroneous, as its author mentions Judah ben Yakir
as his brother, and speaks of the death of Simon of
Sins, a junior anil survivor of Eleazar. Resides the
above non-extant works, Eleazar wrote the"Sefer
Zera'im," on the teachings of the Pentateuch, di-
vided into twelve parts in imitation of Gaon
Judah's "Halakot Gedolot." It is preserved in
manuscript in Paris, but an extract by Benjamin
ben Abraham was printed at Venice (1566), and has
been several times reprinted.
Bibliography: Azulai, Shem ha-Qedolim, 1. 24 ; Michael, Or
im ll.tiniuti, p. :.'17: cress, iii Monatsschrift, xxxiv. 506;
Idem, QcAlia judaica, p. :;1T : Zomber, in Mnnat£8chrift,
1861, p. l:.'l ; Znnz. X. G.pp.St, 162; Steinschnelder, Cat. Bodl.
col. !»!:;.
i .. A. Pi'..
I (Lazar).
ELEAZAR SHEMEN. See Low, Eleazah.
ELEAZAR BEN SIMON : Tanna of the
second cent ury. He was the son of Simon b. Yohai,
and since he participated in many of his father's ad-
ventures, history and legend have woven an almost
interminable tissue of fact and fiction concerning
him (see ]',. M. 8Zbetseq ; Pesik. x. 88betseq.). His
youth In- spent with his father in a cave, hiding
from the Roman persecutors of the .lews, who
SOUghl his lather's lite; and there he devoted him-
self to the studj of tin- Torah (Shab 38b; Gen. R.
lxxix. 6, and parallel passages; compare Yer. Sheb.
ix. 38d). After the death of Hadrian, when events
took a somewhat more favorable turn for the Jew ^,
father and son left the cave and returned to the
busy world. Ele-
azar, grown tou
zealous during
his protracted
hermitage, often
cursed those
who devoted
their time to
things secular,
and his father
found it neces-
sary to interfere,
appeasing them
and mollifying
him (Shab. / < I,
After Sim
death Eleazar
entered theacad-
emy of the Pa-
triarch Simon b.
< Jumaliel II., and became the colleague of the patri-
arch's son, Judah I., the compiler of the Mishnah;
but no great friendship seems to have subsisted be
tween these two scholars.
Unlike his father, who hated the Romans and
their rule, Eleazar accepted office under their gov-
ernment. In consequence thereof lie grew very un-
popular, and one of the rabbis remonstrated with
him, saying, " Vinegar product of wine [= " Degen-
erate scion of a distinguished sire''], how long will
thou continue to deliver the people of God to the
hangman?" Eleazar, however, continued in office,
excusing himself with the averment, "I but weed
out thistles from the vineyard." His mentor an-
swered that the weeding ought to be left to the
proprietor of the vineyard — that is, that God Him-
self would visit punishment on the idlers and evil-
Later in life he regretted the part he had taken
under the hated government, and is said to have im-
posed on himself the most painful penance. Still,
fearing that the aversion engendered in his people
by the aid he had rendered their persecutors would
prompt them to deny him the last honors after hi-
deatli, lie enjoined his wife not to bury him imme-
diately after dissolution, hut to suffer his remains to
rest under her roof. He died at Akbara, in north
ern Galilee, and his faithful wife carried out his in-
junction to the letter. Legend relates many niira-
cles performed by the dead rabbi, one of which was
that litigants plead theircases in the rabbi's house.
and the "verdict was pronounced from the mortuary
After many years bis former colleagues resolved
to bury him, but a new difficulty arose. The In-
habitants of Akbara, believing that
Place of the sage's remains miraculously pro-
Burial, tected them against incursionsof wild
beasts, refused permission to remove
the body. Ultimately, bow ever, in compliance with
the request of the rabbis people from the nearby
town of Biria carried it off by stealth, and it was de-
Eleazar ben Samuel
posited at Heron beside that of his father (I!. M.
84b). In consideration of his varied learning, Ids
surviving colleagues cited the Scriptural verse
t. iii. <i). " \Vln> is it that cometh oul of the
wilderness like pillars of smoke, perfumed with
myrrh and frankincense, with all powders of the
merchant?" and answered, "II is Eleazar b. Simon,
who united in himself all noble qualities, he having
In , a well versed in Scripture and in traditional law,
having been a [liturgieiil| poet, a leader in
prayers, and a preacher " (Lev. R. xxx, 1; Cant. R.
Bibliography: Bacber, .1*/. 7'.m ii. 100 el acq.; Brull, i/
Hishnah, i. 236; Franket, Darki ha Mislmali, p. 199;
HamtiurpT. /;. 11. T. il. 1">'.I; .liistmw, in M"ii<Usst lirift,
pp. [93 et sea.; Weiss, Dor, ii. 185; Zacuto, Yiify
ed. Flllpowskl, p. 52b.
S. M.
ELEAZAR B. ZADOK. See Ei.ii/.i i; B
■ rally cited as Ben Zita or. more correctly,
Ben Zuta) : Karaite Bible exegete ; lived probably
in Egypt in the tenth century. He supported the
rigid, ascetic, and Sadducean doctrines advocated by
i and other Karaites, though at limes he op-
I Allan's teaching.
It is not at all certain that he ever wrote any
work, or that Saadia compiled any reply to Ids
views. His disputes with Saadia seem to have been
oral. All that is known of Hen Zita comes from
Abraham ibn Ezra, who probably derived the infor-
mal ion from Saadia's commentary to the Pentateuch.
Ibn Ezra mentions Ben Zita several times iii his com-
mentary to Exodus.
[bn Ezra also mentions Hen Zita in his "Sefer ha
'Iliimr" (7a), in regard to the question whether the
method of determining the monl lis and the festivals
is to be found in the Bible. Ben Zita »as the firsl
tociteOen.i. 14;Num. xxviii. 14; andPs. civ. 10 as
such proof. A marginal note to a Bodleian manu
script (No. 11 Hi) of K im Id's ci mi men I :i i \ to Ezokii I
published by Neubauer in " Jour. Asiatique," 1861,
p. 280, also contains a reference to Ben Zila's refuta-
tion of Anan's quaint interpretations of Ezek. x\ iii.
il , but Israelsohn has shown that, the passage is
quoted not from Ibn Janah, bu1 from Judah ibn
en's commentary to Ezekiel. The name " Aim
al Aii." found in the Bodleian manuscript and ac-
i| by Neubauer, Kiirst, and (ieiger, is a mistake
for " Abu al-Sari."
Bie I'inn GelRer, In Jttd. Zett. li. 151; Plnsker, /,.<■
Ana, „,,,,, ,,„,,/. p. 13; Filrst, Gesch. des Ka/rttert. 1. 100,
11.83; Israelsohn. In Rev. Etudes ./io>> -. xxiii. 182; Poz-
ii:tnski. in Ifonoti si in (ft, xll. 2<I3.
K.- G.
ELEGY. See Ki\ mi
ELEPHANT: A pachydermatous mammal ol
the family of the ElephantidoB. It is now commonly
ed that the el. phani (Elephas indicus) is Indi-
. mentioned in a passage of the Hebrew Bible.
In I KinL's x. 22 (II Chron. ix. 21), namely, it is
■aid that Solomon had a navy which everj three
brought gold, silver, ivory (" ahenhabbim "),
apes, and peacocks. The word " shenliahliini " is
evidently a compound word, the lirsl part of which
Is well known as meaning fi tooth or ivory (I Kings
x Is; Cant. v. 11, vii. 14). The second element has
long been a puzzle to etymologists; but now it is
well-nigh certain (see, however, EBONY) that it
means " elephant.'' and is probably derived from the
Assyrian "alap,'' with the assimilation of the lamed.
"app" :" abb" (see Hommel, " teamen der SSuge
thiere." p. 324, note I).
How and when the Hebrews became acquainted
with ivory can not !»■ determined. In the Tar-
gums of Jonathan and of Jerusalem it, is said that
the sons of Jacob laid their father in a coffin inlaid
with " shendephin " (Hen. 1. 1) — probably a substi-
tute for "shenilephil." the accepted word for ivory
in the East, " pil " meaning "elephant."
The presence of the elephant in Palestine is not
recorded before the lime of AntiochuS Epiphanes.
who used the animals in the war against the Jews
(I Mace. i. Mi. 17; vi. 30). These elephants carried
each a u ooden t urret strapped to its back, and hold-
,iru i^h coin ol iii.- .M:i,i':iiie:ui Period, Countermarked t>y an
Elephant, the Typeol the Beleucid kjiiks. The Reverse
is fruin a similar Coin.
| \n r Uaddeo, " History of Jewish Coinage.")
ing a guard of from three to live men (I Mace. ii. 37,
"thirty-two men " being certainly a wrong number)
and a guide, called the- Indian." A special officer,
the elephantarch, was in command of this branch of
the military service ( 1 1 Mace. xiv. 1','). Before bat-
tle the animals were given intoxicating drinks to
make them furious ami thus more dangerous, as
tin \ wire intended to carry confusion in lo I he ranks
of the enemy (II Mace. xv. 20; III .Mace. v. 2).
The Talmudic and NTeo I tebrew name for elephant
is t&'B, 7^2-' plural, D'^BCBer. 55b, 56b), which is
the common na also in Syriac and Arabic, and
is the Assyrian "plru " (see Lewy, "Griech. Fremd-
ui'nier,"p. 5). The elephant's favorite food is the
vine leaf, for which reason Noah laid in a large
supply of vine branches (Gen. It. xxxi. ; Ser. Shab.
xviii. 16c, middle; Shal.. 128a).
The time of gestation is given as three Mais (Bek.
8a), 'I'o see an elephant in one's dream was not a
I mum n (Ber. 57b); bul a proverb expressive of
impossible things sa\s: "None is shown in his
dream a golden date-tree, nor an elephant that goes
through a needle's eye" (Ber. 55b). In other con-
trasts, too, the elephant appears as the extreme
in si/e (see examples given in "Zeitschrift I'i'ir Alt-
testamentliches Wissenschaft," xvi. 205; e.g. p
^sn nyi f nim = "from the gnat to the elephant";
compare in Shab. 77b: ^sn tjj? rum nro'X r "the
D nil is the terror of the elephant " ; and in Maimoni
des, Introduction to Zera'im: D'j^nn iy D'^sn p
= " from the elephants In the worms").
BiBLioiiRAmv: Tristram, Natural History oj the I utile. Urn-
don, 1889 ; J. G. Woods, BibU Animals. Philadelphia, 1872;
a. Pictet, Sur les Original at Quekrues NomsdeVElephant,
In Jour. Aeiatique. Sept,-Oet., 1843; Lewysobn, ZoologU det
Falmwls, pp. 148,288, Franklort-on-the-Mato, 1858; Bochart,
H. H.-E. G. II.
ELEUTHEROPOLIS : Greek name of a city
called "Bet Gubrin" in the Talmud ami "Baito-
gabra" by Ptolemy. In the Old Testament the
name can not be identified, but it probably occurs
in a corrupted form (see Josephus, " B. J." ed. Niese,
iv. s, § 1). From II Chron. xiv. 9 it is likely that
the city had no existence in ancient time. Later
the Hebrew aame came to the front as Bait Jihrin,
a village with some ruins, twenty minutes to the
north of Merasb, the old JIaresah. The immediate
vicinity is rich in natural and artificial caverns. As
"Ik ■rim" means "caverns" in Hebrew, and "hor"
also signifies "free," the Greek name is founded on
a confusion of, or a conscious play upon, words.
Bibliography: Robinson, Bihlieal Researches In Palestine,
11. :til et sea/. 610, 66] : Pal. Exptor. Fund Memoirs, hi. 217.
2tS6; Pal. Explor. Fund Quarterly Statement, 1879, p. 138;
Neubauer, U. T. p. 122.
E. G. H. F. BU.
ELHA'IK, TJZZIEL : Rabbi and preacher in
Tunis, of which place he was a native; died there
1812. He left two works which were printed long
after his death: one, "Mishkenot ha-Ro'im," Leg-
horn, 1860, a collection of 1,499 responsa, relating
to the history of Tunisian Judaism during the sev-
enteenth and eighteenth centuries; the other, "Ilay-
yim wa-Hesed," ib. 1865, a series of twenty-two fu-
neral orations delivered by Elha'ik on the deaths of
rabbis of Tunis (Cazes, "Notes Bibliograpbiques,"
pp. 169-173. Tunis, 1893).
s. M. Fr.
ELHANAN i " God is gracious"); 1. Accord-
ing to II Sam xxi. 19, R. V., the son of Jaare-
oregim, the Bethlehemite, who in a battle with the
Philistines at Gob killed Goliath, the Gittite. Ac-
cording to I Chron. xx. 5, lie was the son of Jair,
and killed Lahmi, the brother of Goliath. The orig-
inal traditions had it that the death of Goliath was
brought about by Elhanan; but when David be-
came the central figure of heroic adventures it was
attributed to him instead, and to Elhanan was cred-
ited the death of Lahmi, Goliath's brother. The
discrepancy is arbitrarily harmonized by the Tar-
gum, which identifies Elhanan with David, and
lakes "oregim " literally as " who wove the curtains
for the Temple."
2. Another Bethlehemite, son of Dodo, and one
Of the "thirty" of David (II Sam. xxiii. 24 = 1
Chron. xi. 26).
k a. n. G. B. L.
Polish scholar; lived in Posen in the sixteenth and
seventeenth centuries. Be was the author of a
work called "Kin at Hannah," a commentary on
Pirke Abut (Prague, 1612).
BIBLIOGRAPHY: sniiw tmeider. Cut. Iiiull. col. 920; Michael
I II li'l-lhlil'l'iii. p, 157,
L- o. ' M. Ski..
writer; lived at Frankfort -on-the-Main at the end of
the seventeenth century and the beginning of the
eighteenth. Elhanan published in Juda-o-Gcrman
an ethical work, "Simhat ha-Nefesh " (Frank Inn -on-
the-Main, 1707). The book enjoyed great popular
ity and was reprinted many times. The eminent
woman preacher VOgele der Maggid frequently re-
ferred to the book, and Berthold Auerbach mentions
it in his "Dichter und Kaufmann" (ed. 1855, p. 54
Twenty years later Elhanan published under the
same title a work containing poems and music
(Filrth, 1727). lie occupied himself also with Bib-
lical exegesis and published "Hiddushim," novella
on the Pentateuch (Offenbach, 1722).
Bibliographt: Steinschneider, Cat. Budl. col. 920; Grun-
baum, Jlldisih-lii uiselii ilni sUmuiihii , pp. 238 it seo..;
Michael, t tr ha-Hayuim. p. r>7. No. 46.
K. I. Bit.
PIERRE: Tosalistand liturgist; martyred in 1184
(Solomon Luria, Responsa, No. 29; see Azriel).
He was on his grandmother's side a grand-nephew
of R. Jacob Tarn. One of his pupils was Judah Sir ■
Leon of Paris. It has been suggested that Elhanan
is identical with the Deodatus Episcopus of the
English record (see Jacobs, "The Jews of Ange-
vin England," p. 412). He has left numerous tos-
afot, to which his father, who outlived him, added
glosses. Luzzatto speaks of his tosafot to 'Abodah
Zarah up to folio 61 of that tractate, and then makes
the following remark : "Here terminate the tosafot
of R. Elhanan b. Isaac of Dampierre; from here
onward are those of Judah b. Isaac of Brina."
The great authority of Elhanan is attested by
Joseph Colon (Responsa, No. 52). Elhanan also
wrote: "Tikkun Tefillin," a casuistic treatise on the
phylacteries, mentioned in Tos. to Ber. (60b) and in
Mordecai (" Halakot Ketannot," § 932); " Sod ha-'Ib-
bur," on the intercalary days, mentioned in the
"Minhat Yehudah," section "Wayera"; Responsa,
some of which are quoted in "Shibbole ha-Leket,"
ch. i, and in Maimonides' "Hafla'ah," ch. 4; sev-
eral "pizmonim" for the eighth evening of Pass-
over, which give the acrostic of his name; a com-
mentary to the Pentateuch.
Bibliography: Gross, Gallia Judaiea, pp. 165-1US; idem, In
Berliner's Mafjazin, iv. 191 ; Kaufmann. in Rev. Ft. Juices,
Iv. 210-212, 2-J1 : Conforte, Km e ha-Dorot, 14a, 15b, lsa : Azu-
lai, 8hem lia-Oedolim, i.. s.».; s. D. Luzzatto, in Polak's
HaUkot Kedem, pp. 45. 4fi; Zunz, Z. G. pp. 34, 80; idem.
Literature seh, pp. 287-288; idem. S. /'. p. 249 : Landshuili.
'Ammude ha-'Almdali. p. 13; Michael, Or lin-ILiiiuiin, pp.
157-168; Graetz, Hist. til. 404 ; Fuenn. Ki neset Fterael, p.SB.
o. M. Sei..
ligious writer in Hebrew and Judseo-German ; lived
in the second half of the seventeenth century and at
the beginning of the eighteenth in Prossnitz, Mo-
ravia, where he was shammash, cantor, and sofer.
lie was the author of the following works: "Zot-
Hanukka Buchl." Juda?o-German verses for the
Feast of Hanukkah, Frankfort-on-the-Oder, 1702;
" Mar'eh le Hitkashshet Bo." and the same in JudffiO
German, under the title "Zierspiegel Anzuhftngen
an der Wand." ethical sentences, Dyhernfurth. 1693.
He translated into Jud.eo-German tlie selihot of
n n D'2 21L" (the eight weeks in which are read the
eight sections of Exodusfrom " Shemot " to " Tezaw-
web "), Frankfort-on-the-Oder, 1703, and Berlin,
1712. Besides, he published the work of an anony-
mous author entitled " Sha'ar ha Hazlahah," prayers
for jin ispcrily . Prague. Hist.
Bibliography: Stelnscnnelder, Cat. Bodl. cols. 446, 607, 922;
Benjacob, Ofarha-Si farim, pp. 122. 598.
i .. o. I. Ber.
ASHKENAZI : Rabbi of Scbottland, near Danzig;
bom in 1713; died Sept. 27, 1780. At the age of
eighteen he became rabbi of Pordon, Prussia, and
in 17"i2 first rabbi of Scbottland. He wrote vari-
ous Talmudic commentaries and "hillukim," or
discussions, as well as commentaries to the four
"Turim." but, with the following exceptions, they
have not been published: "Sidre Tohorah," novelise
on the laws of Niddab in the Yoreh De'ah; "Hid-
dudHalakot," novellas cm the Niddab.; "Shiyyure
Tohorah.'' novell.e on the laws of " teliilah." or im
mersion, in the Yoreh De'ah (all published by Judah
Liib b. Elhanan, Berlin, 1783). The " Or ha-Yashar "
of Aaron Simeon 1>. Jacob Abraham contains two
osa of Elhanan b. Samuel.
Bibliography: Stein. In Mnnatsechrlft, vl. 324 325; Frinkel,
in Orient, Lit. \ia. 363; Michael, Or ha-Jfayuim, p. 158.
i.. o. .M. Sel.
Talmudist; flourished in the tenth and eleventh cen-
turies. He was the son of Shemariah b. Elhanan of
Kairwan, who left Egypt some time after his son
Elhanan. who remained behind, had reached matu-
rity. He wrote many responsa, which he addressed
to Hui Gaon, and he corresponded with Jacob b.
Nissim of Kairwan.
Bibliography: A. Harkavv, ZVikaron la-Iiixhonim, 1y. 2, 842,
890,361,387, Berlin, 1878 ; Neubauer, In J. Q. R. vl. 222-224.
k. M. Sel.
ELHANAN B. SIMON. See Andbkab.
ELI ('?!') : High priest at Shiloh and judge over
[grael (] Sam. i. 3, iv. 18, xiv. 3; I Kings ii. 27).
He was a descendant of Aaron's fourth son Ithamar
(Lev. x. 12), for it. is stated that Abiathar (I Sam.
ixii. 20; I Kings ii. 27) was of the line of Ithamar (I
Chron. xxiv. 8), and Abiathar was the son of Ahim-
elek, the son of Ahitub (I Sam. xiv. 8), Eli's
Eli held a twofold office: he was high priest at the
ral sanctuary of Shiloh, where the Ark of the
aunt was kept (ib. i. 8, 12; iii. 2), and he was
a judge in Israel, as is expressly stated in ib. iv. 18.
Eli had two sons, Hophni and Phinehas, whose
wickedness brought grief and disgrace upon him
and his family (ib. ii. 12-17, 27-36).
Eli lived in a sad period of Israel's history.
Shortly before, the armies of the Philistines, proba-
bly strengthened by reenforcements (Guthe, "Ge-
schiehte des Volkes Israel." 1899, p. 65), had begun
to overrun the central districts from the southwest
era border of Palestine (Josephus, "Ant "v. 8, § I)
Samson had arisen "t.odeliver Israel out of the hand
of IIm- Philistines" (Judges xiii. o); but after his
death the attacks were renewed, and Israel was
Obliged to take up arms (] Sam. iv. 1). In order to
assure themselves of God's help the Israelites brought
the Ark from Shiloh to the seat of the war, w here it
was carried by Eli's two sons. But God had not de-
creed victory to His people. They were first to be
punished by disaster. Therefore the Israelitish army
was defeated; Eli's two sons were killed, and the
Ark was lost. When the messenger who brought
the news of the battle told of the capture of the Ark
Eli, who was ninety-eight years old, fell from his
seal and died [ib. iv. 10-18).
The only specific Old Testament reference lo the
term of Eli's life is in the words, "And he had
judged Israel forty years" (ib. iv. 18). Some
scholars, like Kesslcr ("I)e Chronologia Judiouin
el I'rituorum Regum," pp. 20 el sen.) and Nowack
("Riclitcr-liuth." p. 19), have inferred that the forty
years of the Philistine oppression mentioned in
Judges xiii. 1 are synchronous with the twenty
years ascribed to Samson (Judges xv. 20, xvi. 31)
and with Eli's forty years. But this assumption
does not tally with the words of the Old Testament;
the years of Samson's judgeship are set forth in the
same way as those of Eli's. The Book of Judges,
moreover, always mentions the years of oppression
in contrast to the period of a judge's dispensation;
and, finally. Eli's forty years do not, as a whole,
appear to have been a period of oppression.
Biblical criticism has advanced few new theories
in regard to Eli's life. The only point that has
been made with some probability is mentioned by
H.P.Smith (" Samuel." in "International Critical
Commentary," p. 20): "An earlier source on Eli's
life contained originally some further account of Eli
and of Shiloh, which the author [of the Hooks of
Samuel] could not use. One indication of this is the
fact that Eli steps upon the scene in i. 3 without in-
troduction." H. P. Smith also admits that great
difficulties are encountered "in assigning a definite
date to either of our documents."
Bibliography : H. I'. Smith, Samuel, in Int* motional Crit-
ical Commentary, lsiiii; II. Guthe, Seech, deg Volkes Israel,
1899, pp. 58, 67 ; linns Kessler, lit Chronologia Judicum el
Pri/morum Reigum, pp. 12, 29 el sea., Lelpslc, 1882.
E. a. ii. E. K.
ELI B. JTJDAH. See Judah b. Ei.i.
ELIZIYYONQri'^N): The alphabetical hymn
closing the series of "kinot " chanted in the northern
rituals on the morning of the Fast of Ab, where it
conies as a comparative relief to the series of dirges
which precede it. The tune is not older than the
later Middle Ages, and is probably of South German
origin. As the most prominent melody "f the
"Three Weeks" (i.e., the time between the Feast of
Weeks and the Ninth of Ab), in the chant of the
officiant it is taken as the representative theme fore-
casting and recalling that period (compare JEW.
Encyc. i. 187, 802), and as such is utilized very
generally for the refrain to the hymn " Lekah Dodi."
(See music on following page).
Bibliography: Sulzer, Shir Zlon, No. us; Baer, Ba'ol Tc-
hii.ih. No. £18; Harbsobn and Wolf, Svnaooaale-Melodien,
N<>. 16; Cohen, Id Fauna Israel, i. 188. en the hymn a.s a
■■ representaUve theme,'1 compare Baer, I.e. n<>. 327 : Hast, The
!><rin< Si i i'n i . i. 89, 162; Cohen and Davis, Poici of Prayer
on, i Praise, p. Hi.
v P. L. C,
ELIAB (ax^N: "God, "or "my God isFather"):
1. Son of llelon and leader of the' tribe of Zebulun
at the time when the census was taken in the wil-
derness (Num. i. 9; ii. 7; vii. 24. 29; x. 16).
2. A Reubenite, the son of Pallu or Phallu, father
of Nemuel, Dathan, and Abiram (Num. xvi. 1, 12;
x.\ vi. 8; Dent. xi. 6).
3. One of David's brothers, the eldest of the fam-
ily (I Chron. ii. 13; I Sam. xvi. 6; xvii. 13, 28). In
1 Yhron. xxvii. IS mention is made of a certain
Elihu as one of the brothers of David. But " Elihu "
is probably a variant for "Eliab" (comp. Jerome,
" Qusestiones Hebraic*," adloe.).
4. A Levite in the time of David who was both a
porter and musician (I Chron. xv. 18, 20; xvi. 5).
5. One of the warlike Gadite leaders who came
to David when he was in the wilderness (I Chron.
xii 9).
6. An ancestor of Samuel the Prophet , a Kohath-
ite, son of Nahath (I Chron. vi. 12 [2?]). In I Sam.
i. 1 the name appears as " Elihu," and in I Chron. vi.
19 (34) as "Eliel."
7. Son of Nathanael, an ancestor of Judith
(Judges viii. 1).
k. a. ii B. P.
ELIADA. See Beeliada.
ELIAKIM (DV^S = "El [God] sets up," corre-
predecessor was a "sensuous" man (nNJH 7JJ2:
Sauh. 26b). At the invasion of Sennacherib (II
Kings xviii. IS = Isa. xxxii. 3) Eliakim appears as
the chief diplomatic emissary of Hezekiah, while
Shebna is mentioned as his secretary. Eliakim
sprang from a family of no social standing: his ele-
vation to dignity conferred distinction on his
"father's bouse " (Isa. xxii. 23, 24,). Some commen-
tators have construed the words of the prophet to
imply a resentment of Eliakim's nepotism as bound
to end in the downfall of the family. But nepotism
is so common at Eastern courts that it would be
strange for Isaiah to advert to it specifically. The
whole matter hinges on the interpretation given to
verses 24 and 25 ; the prediction may refer to Elia-
kim or to Shebna, or the verses may be an in-
terpolation. Certain it is, that the Biblical docu-
ments nowhere mention the deposition of Eliakim
from office.
2. The second son of King Josiah, who. upon his
elevation to the throne by Pharaoh-nechoh, was com-
pelled to take the name of Jehoiakim (II Kings xxiii.
34; II Chron. xxvi. 4)
3. A priest at the time of Neheuiiah (Neh. xii. 41).
Andante moderaio.
E - li Ziy-yon we - 'o
Let Zi - on weep, and all
re - ha, ke - mo ish - shah be - zi - re - ba, we -
her towns, as sheds a moth - er pain -drawn tears, or
gu - rat sak
suck - cloth clad
ba - 'al
ne -
■u -
sponding to Sabean ^SDpn. and ijXDpV 'ETuanei/i):
Name borne by three Biblical personages. 1. Son of
Hilkiah; appointed successor of Shebna, the "treas-
urer" (R.V. "scribe," margin "secretary") of Heze-
kiah (Isa. xxii. 20 etseg.). The office to which he suc-
ceeded is described as TV2T\ ?J? (= "over the house-
hold"), according to Delitzsch and others a "major
domus" (comp. I Kings iv. 6, xvi. 8, xviii. 3; II
Kings x. 5, xv. 5), the incumbent carrying the title
pD, connected with the Assyrian "saknu"(a high
officer: Cheyne,"The Prophecies of Isaiah." i i. 153).
This designation occurs also in the feminine form
I"03D (= "caretaker"), used of Abisbag (I Kings i.
2, I), and it is met with on a Pbenician inscription
("The Suken nl the XeW City": "C. I. 8." I. i. 5;
Hastings. " Diet. Bible," p. 685b).
Eliakim is clothed with long tunic and girdle: the
kej of the house of David is laid on his shoulder
(comp. Rev. iii. 7), and he is proclaimed "father
of the people." According to R. Eleazar ben Pedat,
"tunic and girdle" were the insignia of the high
priest's Office (Lev. R. to v.). But R. Eleazar ih.es
not regard "soken" as a title. From the double form
"soken" (masculine, Isa. xxii. 15) and "sokenet"
(feminine, I Kings i. 2) he concludes thai Eliakim's
Bibliohrapuy : Marti. Kurzer Handkommentar :nm Ruche
Jexaja (1900); Ad. Kamphausen, Isaiah's Prophecy Concern^
ina the Majnr-Domo of King Hezekiah, in .1 in. Jmir. The-
ology, l!»ll, pp. 43 rf seii.: Diliilii,
Giittingen, 1002; the commentari
and L'ueyne.
E. G. II.
ri .i i.irni, in . i in . u •"' i ■ a 'ii
, Dim llm-h Jesaidh, 2d ed,
i of Dillmann, Delitzsch,
E. K.
ELIAKIM : A Palestinian scholar of the third
century. His name is connected with no hala-
kot, and with a single haggadah only. He con-
strues the Psalmist's saying (Ps. i. 6), "The Lord
knoweth the way of the righteous; but the way of
the ungodly shall perish," as teaching that God
causes the ways of the wicked to be lost out of sight
for the sake of the righteous, that the latter be not
misled by them (Midr. Teh. I.e., ed. Buber, p. 22;
comp. BEitEcniAn II. on same verse). Eliakim is
probably identical with the better known Jakira
(the first syllable being dropped to avoid the fie
quent and unnecessary repetition of "El" [God],
as in 'Anani from 'Ananiel ). Jakim was father of
Ashian b. Jakim, who once applied to K. Jesa (Assi
EL) for a ritualistic decision (Yer. Yeb. xi. 12a). He
was senior to Ammi, the hitter explaining an ob-
servation of the former.
Eliakim classes the Jewish people among the
most stubborn of the animal kingdom, which Ainini
tins as referring to Jewish pertinacity in relig-
ion; thai the Jew would submit to crucifixion rather
than live as an apostate (Ex. K. xlii. 'J , in Bezah ~'>\i
Simeon ben Lakish makes a remark very similar to
Jakim's). Elsewhere (Pesik. R. xxi. 107a) Eliakim
imd to differ with Judah (b. Shalom) in sur-
reying the scope of the prohibition (Ex. xx. 17),
"Thou slialt not covet." Judah argues thai its
transj n >ion leads to the violation of the seven pro-
hibitions contained in the Decalogue; viz., in the
id, third, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, and
tenth commandments. Eliakim asserts thai he who
violates the prohibition, "Thou shalt not covet thy
neighbor's wife," is as if be had violated all the ten
This declaration is followed in the
Pesifeta (I c.) by citations illustrating Eliakim's doc-
trim .
S. M
grammarian; lived al London in the eighteenth and
nineteenth centuries. His works are; "'Asarah
Ma'amarot," a collecti f ten essays; "Milhamot
.ii." on philosophy and religion; "Binah la-
'Ittim." on the computations of the periods enumer-
ated in Daniel; "Zuf Nbbelot," an abridgment of
Joseph Delmedigo s cabalistic " Nobelol Hokmah "
"Ma'yan Gannim," an abridgment of Joseph Gika-
tilla's cabalistic " Ginnat Egoz " ; "'En ha Kore,''on
Hebrew vocalization, an endeavor to justify the
German pronunciation; "Be'er Mayim Hayyim," a
treatise on "Azilut"; "Ma'yan Haium." Luria's
notes on the " Sefer Tezirah" ; "Dibre Emet," on
da; "Sha'ar Heshbon," on cabalistic computa
lions; •• Aiv.oi ha-I.Iayyiin." Biblical and Talmudical
annotations. Of these the first three were published
in London (1794-99), and the essay on Hebrew vocali-
zation in Berlin (1803). In addition to these works
he published a Hebrew grammar, entitled "'En
Mishpaf (Rodelheim, 1803).
Eliakim was a cabalist of \asi erudition, and was
endowed with a fine critical sense. In the "Zuf
Nobclot," not content with giving Delmedigo's texl
In abridged form, he frequently emended it. Hi is
chiefly noted among the modern cabalists for the
lopmenl of the theory of p«D L'" ("creatio ex
nihilo") — the stumbling-block of many religious
thinkers. Through God'ssclf concentration (DTCDX),
Eliakim in the firsl chapter of the "?ui Nobe
originated space or the primal air, which,
though considered as nothing (]<N) in regard to the
- hi i Bof " (God), i-- the foundation of the world
Bibliography : Stelnschnelder, Cat. Bod?, col. 969; Zedner,
Cat.Hthr. Bmiki Brit. Mus. p. 219; Puenn, Keneset Tlx-
, |i. i;t3; J. .el, In. /,', le./ii,,, /,/,,/, .,),/,,, .
ISO, n
K. I. Bll.
'I i idic scholar; lived at Yampol in the eighteenth
n\ . II, was senl by the Polish Jews 1 1757 I to
Rome to defend them againsl the bl 1 accusation,
and presented a petition to Pope Benedict XIV.,
who commissioned Cardinal Ganganelli Mater Pope
Clement XIV.) to examine the ea u Thi lattei eon
led in his report thai the bl 1 accusation was
frivol,, us Clement XIII., who had in the meantime
succeeded Benedict XIV.. dismissed Eliakim b.
Asher with honor, and ordered Cardinal Corsini to
recommend him in his name to Bishop Visconti of
Warsaw. August 111., King oi Poland, issued in
consequence a decree exculpating the .lews, stating
that inability to prove the truth of the accusation
rendered the accuser liable to capital punishment.
In Ganganelli's memoir, as well as in Corsini 's
letter of recommendation, the Jewish deputy is
called "Jacobs, 1, eh " or "Selek ''(Griitz, Furst, and
Levisohn have '•Jacob Jclek ''). He probably sim-
plified his name designedly; but in a long letter
which he wiote from Home to Samuel Gallichi
(probably the chief of the community) he calls him-
self "Eliakim b. Asher Selig Of Yampol." In the
same letter he stated that he met at Home Rabbi
Shabbethai Piana. with whom he discussed several
rabbinical laws.
Bibliography: Gratz. Gescfc. 3d ed.,x. 891; Isidore Loeb, in
/.' E.J. .will. 179; Hortara, in Educator, leraclita.x. 257
270; Vogelsteln and Rieger, Qeseh. der Juden In Rom, 11.
246 'JIT ; Berliner's Magazin, xv. (Hebr. pari | 9 It ; FOret, in
in U ni. Lit. 1840, p. 38 : Levisohn, Bfa Damim, p. 91, War-
Baw, 1890.
u. k. M. Ski..
BURG : < lerman Talmudist ; lived in the sixteenth
and seventeenth centuries. He was a descendant of
Mi ir of Rothenburg, and, according to Michael, the
son of Raphael ben Eliakim of Rothenburg If
.Michael is comet, Eliakim was identical with the
Swabian rabbi of the same name who with Isaiah
HorwitZ (She La II) and Azriel Miihlhausen signed in
Kill the halakic decision incorporated in Horwitz's
Responsa (s 118). Eliakim was the author of a
commentary to theTargumon the Megil lot, entitled
'• ( le'ullat ha Ger," published anonymouslyal Prague
in 1618. The author says iii the introduction that
he composed a commentary to the Targum on the
Bibliography WoltBiW. Hebr. 111.877; Zunz, Z. Q. p. 293 ;
Stelns,linel,ler. ( nl. /{,»//. ,', ,1. WIS ; Michael, t)r Illl-Hdllllim,
No. 170.
k. I Br.
cantor, teacher, and translator; born at Komarno;
died at Amsterdam before 1709. He was the au-
thor of " l.eshon l.iniinudini," a guide to letter
writing in Hebrew (Amsterdam. liiM'n , " Selihot," in
Judaeo German, recited by the community of Frank-
fort on the Main (ib. 1688); "Refu'ot ha Ncfesh."
precepts, devotional prayers for the sick, and regu-
lations in regard to funerals (/A. 1692) He translated
into Judseo-German Manasseh b Israel's "Mikweh
Visra'el" (ib. 1691); Ibn Verga's " Shebet "t ehudah"
(ib. 1700); the daily prayers (//, 1708); the Tehinnot
(ib. 1703); the selihot of the Lithuanian rile (ib
1706); " Melamnied Siah," Jud.i o-German vocabu
larv to the Pentateuch and the Five Scrolls (»fl 1T10),
and the German selihot (ib. 1720) Eliakim also
edited Ben jainin's " Massa'ol " (ib 1697) and Samuel
Auerbach's "Hesed Shemu'el" (ib 1699)
i'. m:i RAPm i oi i si. Blbl. .h" i. 1.340; Stelnschnelder. Cat
Bodl. col. 989; Zedner, < at. li> br. Bnoks Hni. Mug. v- 219.
K. M. Sir
mudist; nourished in the seventeenth and eighteenth
centuries. In his youth, at Posen, he devoted him
Eliakim ben Meshullam
self to the study of the Talmud, afterward accepting
the position of rabbi in the neighboring community
of Schwersenz, where about 1(579 he wrote his hag-
gad ie commentary. Prom there he was called to
Hildeaheim, but maintained close relations with the
congregation of Posen. In the closing years of the
century, passing through Posen on his way, prob-
ably, to Palestine, he joined a delegation to Prague
to collect money for the support of the congregation.
In 1701 he went to Posen as dayyan, but according to
Michael he left Hildeaheim to take the post of rabbi
at Luzk. He wrote: "Rappeduni be-Tappuhim,"
cm the stories of Rabija bar bar Hana, published by
his son Samuel, Berlin, 1712; "Eben ha-Shoham "
and "Me'irat 'Enayim," responsa, published by his
son Mei'r, Dyhernfurth, 1733. His novella? on Tal-
mud and Bible are not published.
Bi myography : Walden, Shcm ha-Gcdnlim he-Hadmh, p. 25 ;
Michael, Or ha-Bayyim, p. 220; Perles, in Monatescnrtft,
xiv. 127, 133; Steinschneider, Cat. Boilh s.v.
L. G. A. Pi:.
LEVI) : German Talmudist and payyetan ; born
about 1030; died at the end of the eleventh century
in Speyer, Rhenish Bavaria. He studied at the yeshi-
bot in Mayence and Worms, having Rashi as a fel-
low student. Eliakim himself founded a famous
Talmudical school in Speyer. He wrote a com-
mentary on all the tractates of the Talmud except
Berakot and Niddah (see Solomon Luria, Responsa,
No. 29, and Asher ben Jehiel, Responsa, Rule 1, § 8),
which was used by scholars as late as the four-
teenth century. At present there exists only the
commentary on Yoma, in manuscript (Codex Mu-
nich, No. 216). Ritual decisions by Eliakim are
mentioned by Rashi ("Pardes," 42a, 44c, 48a). He
was the composer of a piyyut commencing )V"0 JTlN.
to be read when a circumcision takes place in the
synagogue on a Saturday.
Bibliography: Azulai, Sfcem ha-Gtdolim, i. 28; Michael, Or
hft-Hayinm. No. 82] ; Landshut-h, '.liiiiniiiit1 ha-'Abotlah, p.
24; Berliner, in Monatsxchrift, 1888, p. 182; Griitz, Gesch.vl.
:H>1 ; Epstein, in Steinechn&iaer Festschrift* pp. 125 et seq.;
idem, Jtldische AlU rthrnttt r in W'urms mid Spelter, pp. 4,
L. <;
I. Ber.
ELIAKIM BEN NAPHTALI : Italian ethical
writer; livid in the fifteenth century; author of
"Tob Shcm Tob," selections from the Talmud and
Midrashim, treating of the retribution, the suffering
in the tomb, and the resurrection. The work, di-
vided into 11 chapters, was published by the son
of the author, Venice, 1606. Eliakim mentions
another of his works, entitled "Eben Shetiyyah."
which is no longer extant.
Bibliography: Nepi,ZeJee» Zaddikim.p. 19; steinschneider.
Cot. Bodl. col. 970; Michael, Or lta-gayyim, p. 221.
K. I. Br.
ELIAM: 1. One of David's heroes (II Sum.
xxiii. 34); son of Ahithophel the Gilonite (comp.
1 Cliroii. xi. 'ill).
2. Father of Bath-sheba (II Sam. xi. 3). In I
Chron. iii. 5 the name occurs transposed as "Arn-
miel " Q^ba is found in the Phenician inscription
"C. I. S." 147, 6 (Lidzbarski, " Handbuch der Nord-
Bemitischen Epigraphik ").
k. o. ii. G. B. L.
ELIANO, VITTOBIO : Jewish convert to Chris-
tianity ; grandson of Elijah Levita ; lived in Italy in
the sixteenth century; became priest and canon.
Well versed in Hebrew literature, he was appointed
censor of Hebrew books, first at Cremona, afterward
(1567) at Venice. In this capacity he permitted
(1557) the publication of the Zohar, and edited (1558)
the Tur- Elijah was prominent in the denunciation
of the Talmud, which was publicly burned April 17,
Bibliography: Gratz, Gesch. der Juden, ix. 326, 335, 360;
Wait. Bibl. Hebr. i. 131 ; Neubauer, Cat. Bodl. Hebr. MSS.
No. 1547 : Vogelsteln and Rieger, Gesch. der Juden in Rom,
d. I. Br.
ELIAS, JULIUS: German author; born at
Hoya, Hanover, June 21, 1861. He was educated at
Dorotheenstadt industrial school, Friedrich Werder
gymnasium, and Munich University, taking his
Ph.D. degree in 1888. He is the author of "Chris
tian Wernicke," 1888, and has edited the following
works: "Briefe der Elisabeth Charlotte," 1889;
"Johann Gottlieb Regis' 'Fragmente einer Shake-
speareiibersetzung, ' " 1893; and, with G. Brandes
and P. Schlenther, the collected works of Ibsen.
Since 1891 Elias has been editor-in-chief of the
" Jahresberichte f iir Neuere Deutsche Litteraturge-
Bibliography: EisenberK, Dag Geistiae Berlin, i. 94-95.
8. N. D.
ELIAS LEVITA. See Levita, Elijah.
ELIAS, NET : British consul-general at Meshed,
Persia, and explorer; died in London May 31, 1897.
At an early age he found his way to China, and in
1871 conceived the daring project of returning to
Europe overland, across the entire continent of Asia.
The report of this journey was recorded in the
".Journal" of the Royal Geographical Society, from
which it appears that he crossed the desert of Gobi
by a hitherto unexplored route, traveled amid the
opposing factions of the great Mohammedan rebel
lion of that time, and traversed the breadth of Situ
ria to Russia.
After this, Elias accepted service under the In-
dian government and was sent to Yunan, and after-
ward to Ladak. Later he was despatched on a
political mission to Chinese Turkestan.
In 1885 he traversed the entire length of the
Pamirs, traveled through Badakhshan and Afghan
Turkestan to the neighborhood of Herat, and re
turned to India by way of Chitral and Gilgit. For
this he was made a CLE. In 1889-90 Elias demar-
cated the frontier between Siam and the Shan States
of Burma ; and in 1891 he was appointed consul-
general at Meshed, in Persia.
Bibliography : Times (London), June 2, 1897 ; Jew. Clirniiicle
(London), June 4, 1897.
.i. G. L.
ELIAS PASHA. See Cohen, Elias.
ELIAS SAMUEL : English pugilist, popularly
known as "Dutch Sam"; born April 4, 1775, in Lon-
don; died July 3, 1816. After successful contests
with Tom Jones (July 3, 1801), Caleb Baldwin (Aug.
7, 1804), and Britton of Bristol (April 27, 1805), Elias
was easily beaten by James Brown (June, 1805).
Ehakim ben Meshullam
Of three lights with Tom Belcher of Bristol, Eliaa
loel the tirst (Feb. 8, 1806); the second (July 28, 1807)
was declared off ; and the third (Aug. 31, 1807) Elias
won in 36 rounds.
Elias followed these encounters with two other
rictories, defeating William Cropley, May 10, 1808,
and Benjamin Medley, May 31, 1810; then ho rested
for four years; but be reentered the prize-ring Dec. 8,
1814, when he was defeated by William Nosworthy,
of Moulsey, in 38 rounds. By his contemporaries
Elias was considered the hardest hitter the prize ring
had ever seen; he originated what in pugilism is
ideally known as "the upper cut," which he in-
troduced in his fight against Caleb Baldwin. Elias
retired from tin- ring with a ruined constitution, and
died i" abject poverty.
Bibliography: .1. B. Pancratia, A History of Pugilism, pp.
188, 114. London, 1811 ; Bnxiana : Shetchesof Ancient and
Minlnn I'lifiilism. i.oniliui. 1S12; Miles, PuailUtica, vol. 1.
193, l'n, 802, London, 1S80.
j. K. II. V.
siau Hebraist ; born at Ivenitz 1800; died at. Minsk
1847. Under the title "Marpe le-'Am," with a sup-
plement entitled "Kontrcs Reshit Da'at," be trans-
lated from the Polish into Hebrew the medical work
of Friedrich Pauliczki (2 vols., Wilna, 1834; 2d ed.,
Jitomir, 1868).
BIBLIOGRAPHY : Fuenn, Keneset Yisrael.p. 190; Zeitlin, Bihl.
Fost-Jffi ml' Is. p. ,,.
H. R.
CAI : Russian rabbi; born in Kovno 1850; died in
Yolkovisk. government of Grodno, Nov. 20, 1898.
His tirst rabbinate was in Pumpian, government of
Wilna, and he afterward became rabbi of Mariam-
pol, government of Suwalki. Like his father he be-
one of the leaders of the Zionist movement in
Russia; and Samuel MoHTLEVER, who found in him
a very able lieutenant, was instrumental in securing
for him the rabbinate of Volkovisk, in order to have
him nearer to himself. Eliasberg was the author of
a rabbinical work entitled " Darke Hora'ali," Wilna,
1884, of which a part is devoted toTalmudic weights,
measures, and coinage. He was also the author of
lire, which wire appended to liis father's work
"Terumat Yad,"and of "Toledot Mordekai."a biog-
raphy of his father, which he published in the lat-
ter's'" Shel.il ha-Zahab," Warsaw, 1897.
Bibliography: A hiaeaf, 5660, p. 381; Alm.l ha'Am I aaber
Glnzberto. '.It Panixhal iJirakim, 2d ed., pp. Ilia 111.
Berlin, 1902.
i G P. Wl.
Russian rabbi; born in Chaikishok, government of
Grodno, Feb., 1 si 7 ; died in Bausk, Courland, Dee
II, 1889. Ilis father-in-law, who had Bettled in
Kovno ms so. ,n as Jews wen- permitted to dwell
there, established him in that city as a dealer in
grain and spices. Eliasberg acquired a knowl-
' of German, and made several business jour
to Riga. He there made the acquaintance of
Mi-. I. n. H vi ii u., and lie. nine interested in his edu-
cational Bchemes, the two corresponding for some
lime afterward. Following the advice of his erst
while teacher, Kalischer, Eliasberg retired from buai
iiess and devoted himself exclusively to rabbinical
studies. In 1852 he became rabbi of Zezmer, gov-
ernment of Wilna, and remained there for six years,
until his wife's illness forced him to return to
Kovno. About 1861 he became rabbi of Bausk,
where he officiated until his death, having declined
the more important rabbinate of Suwalki, which had
been offered to him in 1876.
When the Zionist movement began to spread in
Russia, Eliasberg became one of its most ardent ad
vocates. He gave his decision, as a rabbinical au-
thority, permitting the colonists in Palestine to
sow their fields in "shemittah " (fallow year), which
gave rise to a heated controversy with the rabbis of
Palestine and other opponents of colonization. Elias-
berg's part in the discussion was conducted with
mildness and broad-mindedness.
Of the twenty-four works which Eliasberg wrote
on various subjects, only one, "Terumat Y'ad," a
collection of responsa, was published during his life-
time (Wilna, 1875). His "Shcbil ha-Zahab," which
was published posthumously (Warsaw, 1897), deals
with questions of the day in a highly interesting
manner, giving the trulyr Orthodox view on many
important subjects. Besides being an eminent Tal-
mudist, he was also a profound thinker and a dili-
gent student of history. Eliasberg contributed to
Hebrew periodicals, especially to "Ha-Maggid,"
usually signing his articles y"'30 (Mordecai b.
Joseph Eliasberg)
BIBLIOGRAPHY : Jonathan Eliasberg, Toledot Mordckai, pre-
ilxeii to the Sin lot ha-Zahab; Ahad ha- 'Am (= Asher i.mz-
berg), 'Al Parashat Dcrakim, 3d ed., pp. 68-73, Berlin. 1902.
L. Q. P. Wl.
ELIEZER ("God is help"); 1. Servant of Abra-
ham; mentioned by name only in Gen. xv. 2, a pas
sage which presents some difficulties. Eliezer is
described by Abraham as ptyo p (R. V. "possessor
of my house") and as pt."DT (R. V. "Dammesek-
Eliezer "). According to Eduard Konig (" Syntax,"
§ 306h) p here, as frequently, has the force of an
adjective or participle, and the phrase " lien ineshek "
.steward, comp. ptTDD. Zeph. xi. 9, and -p'D, Job
xxviii. 18) is the subject of the sentence, which reads
"and the steward of my house is this Damascene
[Onk. and Pesh.] Eliezer," "Damashek " being used
intentionally for the adjective " Dainashki " on ac
count of the assonance with" meshek " (Iviinig. "Sti
listik." 1900, p. 291). llolzinger ("Genesis") and
Gunkel (" Genesis ") think the Masoretic text of xv.
2 has no meaning, and Clieyne and Black ("EncyC.
Bibl." col, 1269) condemn it as absurd and incorrect,
but no satisfactory emendation has been suggested.
That Abraham, on his way from llaran, passed
through Damascus is certainly not i ill probable. Nah-
manideS connects him with that city, as do various
traditions (Justinus, "Historia)," sxvi, 2; Judith v
Qetseq.; Josephus, "Ant." vii. 1, viii. 2; Eusebius,
"Prseparatio Bvangelica," ix. 7 etseq.). He may
there have acquired this servant, who is also spoken
Of in Ion. xxiv., though the name is not given, in
connection with the commission to choose a wife for
Isaae Still, even the Rabbis felt the difficult ies
of the present text, as their various interpretation-
of PL"DT show. According to Eleazar b. Pedath,
it denotes Eliezer as one "thai draws and gives
others to drink" (nptjt31 11711) -that is. imparls to
Eliezer ben Hyrcanus
others the teachings of his master (Yoma 18b; comp.
Rashi ad /i>c). Others found in the word " meshek "
an allusion to his coveting (ppic) Abraham's pos-
sessions. In pw"] lies the indication that Abraham
pursued tin- kings (Gen. xiv.) to Damascus, and
the Targum Pseudo- Jonathan and Yerushalmi read :
"through whom many miracles were wrought for
me in Damascus" (comp. Gcu. R. xliv.).
That Eliezer took part in that battle, or was, per-
haps, the only combatant at Abraham's side, the
Rabbis find indicated in the number (318) of the sol-
diers (Gen. xiv. Ill, the numerical value of the let-
ters in -lTJT^K being 1 + 30+10 + 70 + 7 + 200 =
318 (Gen. R. xliii., xliv.; Pesik. 70a, b; Ned. 32a;
Shoher Tob to Ps. ex. ; compare Ep. Barnabas ix. ;
it is the classical illustration of Gematiua under the
twenty-ninth Exegetical Rule of Eliezer, the son of
Jose the Galilean). Modern critics (Hugo Winck-
ler and Gunkel) have held this "318" to refer to the
number of days in the year that the moon is visible.
The rabbinical cryptogram for "Eliezer" rests cer-
tainly on as solid grounds.
Bibliography: Elttel, Gesch.derHebrtler,li.l2i; Holzlnger,
Kurzer Handkomniciitar zvr Genesis, p. 144; H. Winckler,
Geseh. dts Volkes Israel, 1900,11. 27; Gunkel, Handkom-
in: ii((ii- jiii' <■' nesis, pp. 104, 231, 259.
E. G. H.
In Rabbinical Literature: Eliezer was pre-
sented to Abraham by Nimrod. Once Eliezer savi d
Abraham's life by disclosing to him the devices for
his destruction prepared by Nimrod (Pirke R. El.
xvi). At Sodom Eliezer saw a native maltreating
a stranger: taking the part of the wronged man, he
was himself severely wounded. He brought suit
against his aggressor, but the judge condemned
Eliezer to pay to the native of Sodom a certain
amount of money for having been bled. Thereupon
Eliezer inflicted a severe wound upon the judge,
saying: "Pay to the man who bled me the amount
you owe me for having bled you." The men of
Sodom used to place a guest, on abed, and if his
length exceeded that of the bed they cut off the ex-
cess, but if the man was shorter than the bed he was
stretched (comp. the Greek legend of Procrustes).
Asked to lie in the lied. Eliezer replied that at the
death of his mother he had vowed never to sleep in
a bed. Another custom iu Sodom was that he who
invited a stranger to a wedding should forfeit his
coat. Once Eliezer, being very hungry, entered a
house where a wedding was being celebrated, but
could get nothing to eat. He then sat down next
one of the wedding guests; on being asked by him
who had invited him, he replied: "By you." The
latter, fearing to lose his coal, left the house precip-
itately. Eliezer then sat near another, on whom he
played the same trick, with the same result, until
at last he had succeeded in driving all the guests
out of the house. He then secured the meal for
himself (Sanh. 109b).
Eliezer is credited with having acquired all the
virtues and learning of his master i Yoma 28b). It
is even said that his features resem-
Eliezer and bled so closebj I hose of Abraham that
Abraham. Laban mistook him for his kinsman.
When Abraham led Isaac to Mount Mo-
rtal! to offer him as a sacrifice, Eliezer cherished the
hope of becoming Abraham's heir, and a discussion
on this subject arose between him and Ishmael
(Pirke R. El. xxxi.). On completing the mission of
selecting a wife for Isaac he was freed, and God re-
warded him with the kingdom of Bashan, over
which he reigned under the name of "Og." It was
he who refused to allow the Israelites to go through
his territory on their way to Palestine (Masseket
Soferim, end). His size was so vast that from one
of his teeth, which he had lost through fright when
scolded by Abraham, the latter made a chair on
which he used to sit. In the treatise Derek Erez
Zuta (i. 9) Eliezer is counted among the nine who
entered paradise while still living.
s. s. I. Bh.
2. The second son of Moses; mentioned in Ex.
xviii. 4; I Chron. xxiii. 15, 17. The name is ex-
plained (Ex. I.e.) to mean "the God of my father
was mine help" (the 2 of the predicate; see Koe-
nig, "Syntax," $ 338). Rashi, quoting thcMekilta,
relates a miraculous incident to account for the
choice of the name, while Urn Ezra makes it express-
ive of the joy of Moses upon hearing of the death
of the Pharaoh who had proscribed him. The his-
torical existence of this son has been doubted. Ex.
ii. 22 and iv. 25 mention only one son — Gershom.
Ilm Ezra felt the difficulty, but concluded that the
one son mentioned in iv. 25 is Eliezer; while Nah-
manides argues that there was another son, but that
there had been no occasion to mention him befi ire.
Ex. iv. 20 indicates that Moses, before leaving for
Egypt, whether with his family (Ex. iv. 20) or with-
out it (Ex. xviii. 2), had more than one son ; and the
reading r"U3 = " her son " (iv. 25) may be a miswriting
for IVJ3 = "her sons," agreeing with xviii. 3.
Baentsch (" Exodus-Leviticus ") holds that " Eliezer "
is a double for "Eleazar," the son of Aaron, while
Holzinger ("Exodus," p. 7) accounts for the uncer-
tainty by arguing that in view of Judges xviii. 30
P intentionally omitted all reference to the sons.
E. G. H. E. K.
3. A prophet, the son of Dodavah of Mareshah.
who opposed the alliance of Jehoshaphat with Aha-
ziah (II Chron. xx, 37).
4. Son of Zichri, made captain of the Reubcnites
by King David (I Chron. xxvii. 16).
5. A priest who acted as trumpeter before the
Ark when it was conveyed to Jerusalem by King
David (I Chron. xv. 24).'
6. One of the chief men sent by Ezra (Ezra viii.
16) to secure ministers for the Temple at Jerusalem.
e. g. n. E. I. N.
ELIEZER: Palestinian amora of the fifth cen-
tury; contemporary of Abdimi (Yer. 'Er. x. 26a)
and of Berechiah U. (Gen. R. lxxvii. 3; Yalk., Gen.
132). Conjointly with Abba Mari and Mattaniah,
he permitted Jews to bake bread on the Sabbath for
the Roman soldiers under Ursicinus (Yer. Bezan
i. 60c; compare Jastrow, "Diet." 124b, s.v. DJ"pD"lX;
Frankel. "Mebo," 55b et seq.). He was more of a
halakist than a haggadist (see, in addition to pas-
sages cited, Yer. 'Orlah ii. 62b; Yer. Pes. viii. 36a).
s. s. S. M.
German scholar of the sixteenth century ; author of
"Ge H'zzay°n," au astrological compilation from
Eliezer ben Hyrcanus
Hebrew, Arabic, and Latin sourcesi Neubauer, "Cat.
B<xil. Hebr. MSS." No. 2066). He quotes Abra-
ham bar Hiyya ha-Nasi, Ibn Ezra, Andruzagar, Al-
bumnzar. 'Ali ibn Rid wan, ' A li ibn Rajil, I pold
of Austria, Johannes, Guido Bonatti.and, according
to Dukes, Copernicus. In the introduction Eliezer
he began a greal work on astrology, a chaptei
rhich, entitled "'Reshil Hokmah" (quoted by
Neubauer, I.e.), isdevoted to Ibn Ezra. Whetherthe
Goralot" (Vatican MS. No. 216), bearing
name "Eliezer ntinn," is by the same author is
not known. The same uncertainty prevails regard-
ing Vatican MS. No. -177. which contains a com
military on Ptolemy's "Centiloquium," and which
ti, ais the name "Eliezer."
Bibiioiihapiiy : Fflrst, In OrU lit, Lit. xi. 81 ; Dukes, H>. p.818 ;
Inscnneider, in '/.. I). M.O. XXV.3KI; idem, Heln I ,:>. , -
,, I. Br.
gete of the twelfth century; horn at Beaugency.
capital of a canton in the department of Loiret;
pupil of Samuel ben Mei'r, the eminent grandson of
Rashi. Eliezer was one of the most distinguished rep
tatives of his master's school and of the exege-
sis of northern Frame. I lis chief concern was to find
the connection between successive verses and the
sequence of thought, a method that is also charac-
teristic of the system of interpretation employed
by Samuel as well as Joseph Caro. Not concerned
with grammatical observations or daring criticisms.
he reached very happy results in explaining certain
itive passages in accordance with the meta-
phors employed in the context. He often used
French terms to express his thoughts more clearly.
His interpretation is entirely free from midrashic
admixture. Of his works there have so far been
published only the commentaries on Isaiah (ed.
Nutt, 1S7!») and llosea (ed. S. I'o/.nanski, in " 11a-
Coreii," iii. 98-127). There still exists in manuscript
ft commentary on the other Minor Prophets and on
Ezekiel (Neubauer, "Cat. Bodl. Hebr. MSS." No.
llti'i). Extracts from his commentary on Job are
-.taut ; and he himself refers to his commentary
on Genesis.
Bibliography: dross, Gallia Judaica, p. 116; Poznanski.
Ha-Qoren, in.. 98; Ziinz, Z. O., p. B2.
T. I. E.
niudisl of the thirteenth century. Gross identities
him with Eliezer ben Aaron of Bourgogne, one of
the six rabbis to whom Me'ir Ahulalia sent his lei ter
on the doctrine of the resurrection Eliezer was the
author of a Tal mm lie work no Ion ircr ex taut, entitled
"Sha'arlia Penim," mentioned by Aaron ha Cohen
of I, unci in his "Orhol l.Iayyim."
Bibliography : Gross, Gallia Judaica, p. 109.
A, iv
ELIEZER BEN FARUH : Jewish mathematd-
said by certain Mohammedan authors to have
first established the Jewish calendar. He is men
ti I by Al Biruni (972-1048) in his'TIn ilogy
of Ancient Nations"; and this account is repeated
almost word lor word, in Al Makri/.i's (i:!iil lll'.'i
topographical history of Egypt, Steinschneider
has connected him with a certain Andrazzur ibn
V.- 8
Zadi Faruli. a famous .lew ish astronomer mentioned
by Al-Kabisi, the tenth century Moslem astrologer,
and by Abraham ibn Ezra in his "Sefer ha-Te'a-
mini." The firsl name seems to indicate thai he was
a Persian by birth; and it occurs in such varying
tonus as " Andruzagar." " Alezdegoz," "Alendruz-
gar." It has been suggested thai there is a confu
sion here either with Eliezer ben Hyrcanus or Elca-
zar ben 'Arak. Sachau reads nns (I Kings iv. 17).
Bibliography : Sachau, Z7i< Chronology of Ancient Nations,
p. 68 (Arabic text. p. 58); De Sacy, ChrestomathU Arabe, i.
■.it ■ Ai-Makn/o; Delitzsch, Anelsdota varGesch.derWt-
telalt. Scholdstik, p. :!;"> (for Urn Ezra); compare steinsehnei
iler in Berliner's Matiazin, iii. 199; Monatsschrift, xxxili.
479; Ha-Tonah, p. is; Steinschneider, Hebr. Uebers. pp.
631,854: Idem, Arab, Lit. der Judcn, p. 301.
ELIEZER B. HISMA. See Eleazar b.
One of the most prominent tannaimof the first and
second centuries; disciple of R. Johanan hen Zak-
kai (Ah. ii. 8; Ah. R. N. vi. 3, xiv. 5) and col-
league of Gamaliel II., whose sister he married (see
Imma Shalom), and of Joshua b. Hananiah (Ab.
I.e. ; Ab. R. N. I.e. ; li. B. 10b). His earlier years
are wrapped in myths; but from these latter it may-
be inferred that he was somewhat advanced in life
when a desire for learning first seized him, and im-
pelled him. contrary to the wishes of his father, to
desert his regular occupation and to repair to Jeru-
salem to devote himself to the study of the Torah.
Here he entered Johanan 's academy and for years
Studied diligently, notwithstanding the fact that he
had to cope with great privations. It is said that
sometimes many days elapsed during which he did
not have a single meal. Johanan, recognizing Elie
zer's receptive and retentive mind, styled him "a
cemented cistern that loses not a drop" (Ab. I.e.).
These endowments wen- so pronounced in him that
in later years he could declare, "Ihave never taught
anything which I had not learned from my masters"
(Suk. 28a)
His father in the meantime determined to disin
herit him, and with that purpose in view went to
Jerusalem, there to declare his will before Johanan
ben Zakkai. The great teacher, having heard of
Hyrcanus' arrival ami of the object of his visit, in-
structed the usher to reserve for the expected visitor
a seat among those to he occupied by the elite of the
city, and appointed Eliezer lecturer for that day.
At tilst the latter hesitated to vent in v on Johanan 's
placi . bul, pressed by the master and encouraged
by his friends, delivered a discourse, gradually dis-
plaving wonderful know ledge. Hyrcanus having
recognized in the lecturer his truant son, and hear-
ing the encomiums which Johanan showered on him,
now desired to transfer all his earthly possessions to
Eliezer; but the scholar, overjoyed at the reconcili
alion. declined to take advantage of his brothers,
and requested to be allowed to have only his pro-
portionate share (Ab. K. N. vi. 3; Pirke K. El. i. U
seq.). Be continued bis attendance at Johanan'scol
until mar the close of the siege of Jerusalem,
when he and Joshua assisted in smuggling their
master out of the city and into the Roman camp
(see Jon \n w ben Zakkai).
Subsequently Eliezer proceeded to Jabneh (Ab.
Eliezer ben Hyrcanus
Eliezer b. Jacob
R. N. iv. 5; Git- 50), where be later became a mem-
ber of the Sanhedrin under t he presidency of Gama-
liel II. (Ab. R. X. xiv. 6; Banh. 17b). though he had
established, and for many years afterward conducted,
his own academy at Lydda (Sauh. 36b). His fame
as a great scholar had in the meantime spread, R.
Johanan himself declaring that Eliezer was un-
equaled as an expositor of traditional law (Ab. R.
N. vi. 3); and many promising students, among
them Akiba (ib. ; Yer. Pes. vi. 33b), attached them-
selves to his school.
Eliezer became known as "Eliezer ha-Gadol"( =
"the Great"; Tosef., 'Orlah, 8; Ber. 6a, 32a; Sotah
13b, 48b, 49a ; generally, however, he is styled simply
" R. Eliezer "), and with reference to his legal acumen
and judicial impartiality, the Scriptural saying
(Deut. xvi. 20), "That which is altogether just |lit.
"Justice, justice "] shalt thou follow," was thus ex-
plained: "Seek a reliable court: go after R. Eliezer
to Lydda, or after Johanan ben Zakkai to Beror Hel,"
etc. (Sanh. 32b). Once he accompanied Gamaliel and
Joshua on an embassy to Rome (Yer. Sanh. vii. 25d :
Deut. R. ii. 24).
Rabbi Eliezer was very severe and somewhat
domineering with his pupils and colleagues (see
Sifra, Shemini, i. 33; 'Er. 63a; Hag. 3b; Meg. 25b),
a characteristic which led occasionally to unpleas-
ant encounters. The main feature of his teach-
ing was a strict devotion to tradition :
Eliezer's he objected to allowing the Midrash
Conserva- or the paraphrastic interpretation to
tism. pass as authority for religious practise.
In this respect he sympathized with
the conservative school of Shammai, which was
also opposed to giving too much scope to the inter-
pretation. Hence the assertion that he was a Sham-
maite, though he was a disciple of R. Johanan ben
Zakkai, who was one of Hillel's most prominent
pupils. This brought Eliezer into conflict with his
colleagues and contemporaries, who realized that
such conservatism must be fatal to a proper develop-
ment of the oral law. It was also felt that the
new circumstances, such as the destruction of the
Temple and the disappearance of the national inde-
pendence, required a strong religious central au-
thority, to which individual opinion must yield.
At last the rupture came. The Sanhedrin deliber-
ated on the susceptibility to Levitical uncleanness
of an 'aknai-oven (an oven consisting of tiles sepa-
rated from one another by sand, but externally plas-
tered over with cement). The majority decided that
such an oven was capable of becoming unclean, but
Eliezer dissented. As he thus acted in direct oppo-
sition to the decision of the majority, it was deemed
necessary to make an example of him, and he was
excommunicated. Still, even under these circum-
stances great respect was manifested toward him,
and the sentence was communicated to him in a
very considerate manner. Akiba, dressed in mourn-
ing, appeared before him and, seated at some dis-
tance from him, respectfully addressed him with
"My master, it appears to me that thy colleagues
keep aloof from thee." Eliezer readily took in the
situati mil submitted to the sentence (B. M. 59b;
Yer. M. K. iii. 81&etseg.). Thenceforth Eliezer lived
in retirement, removed from the center of Jewish
learning; though occasionally some of his disciples
visited him and informed him of the transactions of
the Sanhedrin (Yad. iv. 3).
During the persecutions of the Jewish Christians
in Palestine, Eliezer was charged with being a mem-
ber of that seel, and was summoned before the penal
tribunal. Being asked by the governor, "How can
a great man like thee engage in such idle things? " he
simply replied, "The judge is right." The judge,
understanding thereby Eliezer's denial of all connec-
tion with Christianity, released him, while Rabbi
Eliezer understood by "judge" God, justifying the
judgment of God which had brought
Relations this trial upon him. That he should
with Chris- be suspected of apostasy grieved him
tianity. surely ; and though some of his pupils
tried to comfort him, he remained for
some time inconsolable. At last he remembered that
once, while at Sepphoris, he had met a sectary « li >
communicated to him a singular halakah in the
name of Jesus; that he had approved of the halakah
and had really enjoyed hearing it, and, he added,
" Thereby I transgressed the injunction (Pro v. v. 8),
'Remove thy way far from her, and come not nigli
the door of her house,' which the Rabbis apply i"
sectarianism as well as to heresy " ('Ab. Zarali llih;
Ecel. R. i. 8). The suspicion of apostasy and the
summons before the dreaded tribunal came, there-
fore, as just punishment. This event in his life
may have suggested to him the ethical rule, " Keep
away from what is indecent and from that which
appears to be indecent" (Tosef., Hul. ii. 24). It is
suggested that his sayings, " Instructing a woman
in the Law is like teaching her blasphemy " (So tall
iii. 4); "Let the Law be burned rather than entrusted
to a woman" (ib.); and "A woman's wisdom is
limited to tin; handling of the distaff" (Yoma 66b),
also date from that time, he having noticed thai
women were easily swayed in matters of faith.
Separated from his colleagues and excluded from
the deliberations of the Sanhedrin, Eliezer passed
his last years of life unnoticed and in comparative
solitude. It is probably from this melancholy period
that his aphorism dates: "Let the honor of thy
league [variant, "pupils"] be as dear to thee as thine
own, and be not easily moved to anger. Repi at
one day before thy death. Warm thyself by the
fire of the wise men, but be cautious of their burn
ing coals [= "slight them not"], that thou be di i
burned ; for their bite is the bite of a jackal, their
sting is that of a scorpion, their hissing is that of a
snake, and all their words are fiery coals " (Ab. ii.
10; Ab. R. N. xv. 1). When asked how one can de-
termine the one day before his death, he answered :
" So much the more must one repent daily, lest be
die to-morrow ; and it follows that he must spend
all his days in piety " (Ab. R. N. I.e. 4; Shah. 158a),
When his former colleagues heard of his approach-
ing dissolution, the most prominent of them hastened
to his bedside at Coesarea. When they appeared
before him he began to complain abort
His Death, his long isolation. They tried to mol-
lify him by professing great and tin
abated respect for him, and by averring that it was
only the lack of opportunity that had kept them
away. He felt that they might have profited by his
Eliezer ben Hyrcanus
Eliezer b. Jacob
ling. Thereupon they besought him to com-
municate to them traditions concerning certain moot
points, particularly touching Levitical purity and
Impurity. He- consented, and answered question
after question until all breath left him. The last word
he uttered was ''tahor" (=" pure"), and this the
considered as an auspicious omen of his purity ;
whereupon they all rent their garments in token of
mourning, anil K.Joshua revoked the « nti-ncr of
Eliezer died on a Friday, and after the following
bath his remains were solemnly conveyed to
l.vdda, where he had formerly conducted hisacad
emy, and there he was buried. .Many and earnest
were the eulogies pronounced over his bier. R.
Joshua is said to have kissed the stone on winch
Kliezer used to sit, while instruct ing his pupils, and
to have remarked, "This stone represents Sinai
[whence the Law was revealed]; and he who sat on
it represented the Ark of the Covenant " (Cant. R.
i. 3). K. Akiba applied to Eliezer the terms which
Eliaha had applied to Elijah (II Kings ii. 12), and
which Joash subsequently applied to Elisha himself
siii. 14), "O my father, my father, the chariot
of Israel, and the horsemen thereof" (Ab. K. N.
ix v. 3).
Though excommunicated, Eliezer is quoted in the
Uishnah, the Baraita, ami the Tahnudim more fre-
quently than any one of his colleagues. He is also
made tie' putative author of 1'ikki: de R. Eliezer or
Baraita ok K. Eliezer, though internal evidence
conclusively proves the late origin of the work.
Bibliography: Bacher. .If/. Tan. i. 100-160; isriill, .1/./... ha-
Mi lina/i, I, 75-82; t'rankel, Darke ha-Miehnah. J>p. 75-B3;
i.nitz, Qexch. 2d ed., tv. K> et sea.; Hamburger, B. B. V. U.
168: Bellprtn. Seder ha-Doroi, it., s.u.; Oppenbelm, Bet
raid, lv. 311, 332, 360 ; Weiss, Dor, li. 81 et seq.; Wlesner,
'at ) • i uxhalaylm, pp. 61 1 1 seq.\ Zacuto, ruha&in. ed.
Fulpowskt, pp. 50a et seq.; G. Deutsch, Z7ie Theory of Oral
Tradition, pp. 30, 34, Cincinnati, lsmi.
6. 8. S. M.
OF TARASCON: Member of a family of scholars
ilished in that city since the lirst, half of the
thirteenth century. Although he wrote several
works, only his correspondence with K. Samuel of
(France) is now extant. He was the teachei of
minican convert Pablo Christian!.
Bibliography: Renan-Neubauer, Lei Rabbins VYancato, pp.
518,663; Griltz, Hatch, vll. 143; dross, ijulliu Jutlnica, p.
6, S. K.
ELIEZER B. ISAAC. Sec Dei, Ben ic. Hum.
Ician and Talmudic authority; born at Rome at
the beginning of the sixteenth century ; died, prob-
ahly at Sienna, Oct. Hi, 1590. He was a brothel
in-law of the physician and Talmudist David de
Pomis, and, like him, distinguished iii both medicine
and rahhinieal literature. A halakic decision of bis
on " Ilali/ah " is quoted by Isaac Lampronti ('* I'ahad
Yizhak," ».». n^pn); and Moses Provencal, in his
responsa, cites him as an authority and gives him
the title "Ha Kohen ha-Gadol." in 1587 the nmi
muiiity ot Bologna consulted Eliezer regarding an
ignorant shohef.
Eliezer is believed to be identical with Theodoro
de Sacerdotibus, the physician of Hope Julius III.
It is probable that the " Librum de Duello." credited
to Isaac Yiterlio by Bariolocci i " liihl. Rabb." iii. 891)
followed by Wolf ("Bibl. llehr." i. 651, No. 1176),
was the work of Kliezer. Late in life Eliezer settled
at Sienna. The high esteem in which lie was held is
shown by the elegy composed at his death by Jacob
of Tivoli (Neubauer, "Cat. Bodl. Hebr. MSS." No.
oorapby: Marlnl, Dealt Archiatri Pontifleii, i. 41V :
Carmoly, Histdirt des M&aectns Juifs, In /,vrm Orientate,
II. 134; R. E. ./. x. 185; AUg. Zett. des Jud. 1842, p. 631 ;
Vogelsteln and Rleger, Qesch. der Juden in Bom, 11. 144,
359, 862.
K. I. Bit.
Great ") : German rabbi of t lie eleventh cent ury. He
was a pupil of his cousin K. Simon ha-Gadol of
Mayenceandof 1.'. Gershom Me'or ha-Golah. David
Conforle, reiving on the statement in the tosefta
to Shab. 54b, says that Eliezer ha-Gadol was the
teacher of Rashi(" Kote ha-Dorot," p. 8a); but Rashi
himself, in citing Eliezer (Pes. 7(ib). does not say so.
[n Rashi's quotation he is sometimes called Eliezer
ha-Gadol and sometimes Eliezer Gaon, which in-
duced Azulai (" Shcm ha-Gedolim," p. 12a) to con
sider them as two Separate persons. According to
Menahcm di l.onsano ("Shete Yadot," p. 123a),
Eliezer ha Gadol was the author of the well known
"Orhot Havyim" or "Zawwa'al K. Eliezer ha-
Gadol," generally attributed to Eliezer b. Hyrcanus.
As to tie- authorship of the selihah "Elohai Basser
'Anuneka," recited in the service of Yom Kippur
Kaionanil attributed to Eliezer by Michael ("Orha-
Hayyim." pp. 205-207), see Landshuth, "'Ammude
ba-'Abodah," p. 20.
Bibliography: Azulai, Shan ha-Oedolim. I. 12a, ii, s.r.
D"n mrnN; Zunz, Z. O. pp. 17 et -"/. : Jelllnek, /(. II. ill.
27, 28 of the Preface ; Fuenn, Kenesei Yisrael, P. 124; Stein-
Schneider, Ctot, Bods. cols. 957-858; Furst, Bihl. ./»./. i. 283.
<;. M. St 1,
ELIEZER D'lTALIA: Printer of .Mantua at
the beginning of the seventeenth century; estab
li led a printing-office in Mantua in ltil2 after
an interval of fifteen years during which no lie
brew printing-establishment had existed there. In
that year he issued the "Ayyelel ha Shahar," a col
lection of liturgies by iMordecai Vale; " Yashir
Moshch," a Puriin poem by Moses of Corfu; and
Abraham Portaleone's "Shilte ha-Gibborim."
Bibliography: rarat, JBIbl. .hm. 11. 168; Zunz. z. O. p. 259;
Stelnschnelder and Oassel, JHldische Tupographie, InErach
and Gruber, Encye. section 11., part 26, p. it.
J. M. Si r
1. Tanna of the first century; contemporary of
Eleazar h. Ilisma and Eliezer b. Hyrcanus, and
smior of 'Illai (Pes, 82a, 89b; Yalk., Lev. 638). Of
his personal history nothing is know 11, except that he
had seen the Temple at Jerusalem and was familiar
with the Specific purposes Of its many apartments,
a subject on which he was considered an authority
(Yoma 16b; See MtDDOT). Sonic of the details.
however, he eventually forgot, and was reminded
of them by Abba Saul b. Hatuit (Mid. ii. 5, v. 4).
Eliezer t>. Jacob
Eliezer ben Joseph
Simon b. 'Azzai, Akiba's contemporary, relates thai
be had discovered a genealogical roll wherein was
stated, "The Mishnah of R. Eliezer b Jacob is only a
kab' [small in proportion], bul clear" p 2N"i J")JL"D
'pjl 3p, Yci>. 49b), wherefore subsequent genera-
tions generally adopted Eliezer's \ lev, s as law (Yeb.
60a; Bek. 23b)
In the Haggadah, too, he is mentioned. Accord-
ing to him, what the 1 1 i t > 1 • - says (Deut. xi. 13), "To
serve him with all your heart and with all your
soul," is an admonition to the priests that, when
officiating, tiny shall entertain no thought foreign
I., their duty (Sifre, Dent. 41).
2. Tanna <>f the second century, quoted among
Akiba's younger disciples who survived the fall of
Bethar and the subsequent Hadrianic persecutions:
Judah b. 'Illai, Mc'ir, Simon b. Yol.iai, Eliezer b. Jose
ba-Gelili (Gen. R. 1 xi. ;!; Cant. R. ii. 5; compare
Ber. 63b; feb. 62b). With most of them he main
tained halakic disputations (Neg. x.-l: Tosef., Yeb.
x. 5; ib. B. K. v. 7, ih. Ker. i _ 11; H>. Parah, iii. 10).
lie was the founder of a school known in the Talmud
after his name. Debe If. Eliezer b. Jacob, '\vhieh
sometimes opposed the Debe R. Ishmael (Sanh. 90b;
IIul. 132a; Yoma 45b; see Hanina b. Minyomi).
Like his older namesake, Eliezer is quoted in both
the Halakah and the Haggadah. From the Penta-
teuchal injunction (Deut. xxii. 5). "The woman shall
not wear that which pertaineth to man, neither shall
a man put on a woman's garment," he maintains
that a woman must never handle arms or go to war.
and that man must not use ornaments which women
usually wear (Sifre, Deut. 220; Nazir 59a). Eliezer
taught; "Whoso performs a pious deed gains for
himself an advocate [before heaven], and whoso
commits a sin creates an accuser against himself.
Penitence and pious deeds constitute a shield against
heavenly visitations" (Ab. iv. 11).
It is related of him that he once gave up the seat
oi honor to a poor blind man. The distinction thus
conferred ou the visitor by so eminent a man induced
the people thereafter bounteously to provide for
tin- needy one, who. when he realized the cause of
his good fortune, thanked its author. He said,
"Thou hast shown kindness unto one who is seen,
hut can not see; may lie who sees, but can not be
seen, harken to thy prayers ami show thee kind-
ness" (Yer. l'eah \iii. 21b).
Bibliography: Bacher, .In, Tan. i. 67 :-'. it. 283-291; Brull,
Itebo ha Mishnah, i ;i ei sea.; Frankel, Darke ha-Migh-
ntili, pp. 78 e( seg.; Heilprin, Seder ha-Dorot, ed. Warsaw,
1897, ii. 57b ef see/.; Weiss, Dor, it. 41 et set/., letter wi;.; Zacuto,
1 uhasin.ea. Flllpowski, pp. 31b et seq„ 51a.
B- B. S. M.
KEN AZI : German scholar of t he seventeenth cen-
tury, lie prepared a calendar (" Ibronot," Lublin,
11115) based upon the work of Jacob Marcaria (Riva
di Trento, 1561), and improved by the addition of
a circular tabic, which facilitated the determination
of holidays and other important dates. It was re-
printed at Lublin (1040) and Frankfort-on-the-Oder
Bibliography: Michael, Or ha-tfayirVm, p. 204; Fuenn Kene-
lef I Israel, p. r_";;; Zarfatj. m Jost'a Annaltru 1840, p. 344;
Stelnsctmelder, I 'at. Bodl. col. 958.
M. Sit.
German Talmudist ; born probably at Bonn 1100-05;
died about 1235. He belonged to a German family
of scholars; his father, Joel ben Isaac ha-Levi, was
a prominent teacher of the Talmud, and his mater-
nal grandfather was Eliezer b. Nathan, perhaps the
greatest Talmudist of Germany in the early part of
the twelfth century. Eliezer's first teacher was his
father; he then attended the yeshibot of Metz, Ma-
yence, and Speyer. His teachers in Mayence and
Speyer were Eliezeh b. Samuel and Moses b. Sol-
omon ha-Kohen, two pupils of Jacob Tain. Isaac b.
AstiFit II. of the yeshibah at Speyer is often desig-
nated by him as liis teacher. Eliezer settled first at
Bonn, whence he went to Biugen, where he and his
family barely escaped a massacre at New-Year. On
this occasion he lost all his property, including his
books and manuscripts.
In 1200 he succeeded his father as chief rabbi of
Cologne, his assistants being Menahem b. David and
Shealtiel b. Menahem; he conducted at the same
time a large yeshibah. He took part in the Synod
of Mayence (1220 or 1223), which had for its object
the amelioration of the moral, religious, and social
condition of the communities. His daughter's son
Hillel was the father of Mordecai B. Hillel, and
among his pupils may be mentioned Isaac n. .Moses,
who frequently quotes his teacher in his" Or Zarua'."
Eliezer displayed a many-sided literary activity.
His comments on tiie Bible and his glosses show
that he was influenced by the German mysticism of
his time. Like his colleague Eleazar of Worms, he
attached great importance to gematria, though many
of his glosses are grammatical and lexicographical.
The four liturgical poems by Eliezer
His Works, that have been preserved voice tin-
sorrows of Israel, of which he himself
had ample experience. They are distinguished by
wealth of thought and perfection of form, and are
among the best German piyyutim. He, however,
devoted himself chiefly to the Talmud and the Hala-
kah. He wrote tosafot to various Talmudic trea-
tises, those to Baba Kamma, Ketubot, Ycbamot, and
Nedarim beingquoted by later authorities; but the]
are little known, as he lost the manuscripts at
Bingen. Hischief productions, " Abi ha-'Ezri " and
" Abi Asaf ," deal with ritualistic problems and ac-
quired great authority in Germany. Both follow
mostly the arrangement of the treatises of the Tal-
mud, the authorfirstexplaining the several passages
of tin' Talmud with especial reference to the halakic
Midrashim Sifraand Sifre, and to the Jerusalem Tal-
mud, and then laying down the rules for religious
observances, adding his own or other responsa rela-
ting to the subject.
Eliezer, like most German scholars, lacked skill iu
presentation, and the works in which he attempted
to codify the laws regulating daily life are more oi
less chaotic in arrangement. The "Abi ha T'./ii"
contains most of the material discussed in Berakot,
in Seder Mo'ed, iu Hullin, and in Niddah, and also
treats of " issur we-hetter " (that which is forbidden
aud permitted), and some parts of the marriage laws.
The "Abi Asaf " contains the material referring to
Eliezer b. Jacob
Eliezer ben Joseph
the orders Nashim unci Xc/.ikin, hence the larger part
of tlie marriage laws, and the Talmudic-rabbinical
low. Notwithstanding these methodological defects,
Eliezer's works enjoyed the highest reputation dur-
the Middle Ages, and are abundantly praised b/j
intcmporaries. So far only a small fragment of
t lie "Abi ha-'Ezri," under the title FT "'Sin "IDD
.'. . 1882), has been published, while the whole
work is preserved in manuscript in tin- Bodleian
Library (Ncubauer, Jsos. 637-639) and in several
raries. A/ulai saw part of the "Abi Asaf "
in manuscript, and the work may still be extant. A
treatise by Eliezer on the legal ordinance of Ketubab
is also extant (MS. I'e Rossi, No. 568). Long ex
tracts from "Abi Asaf" are found in Isaac b. Moses'
"Or Zarua'," in Melr of Rothenburg's responsa,
in "Mordecai," in Haggahot Maimuniyyot, and in
Asher 1). Jehiel's Halakot. They are not only of
il value for the study of the Halakah, but are
also of great interest for the history of Jew ish liter-
ature. Eliezer's responsa give information on au-
thorities and works otherwise little or not at all
known. These extracts also give an adequate idea
nf Eliezer's personality. He himself rigorously
•.c'd the religious practises, even keeping the
Day of Atonement two days in succession, while at
- nne time he was lenient toward others. He
permitted, for instance, non-Jewish musicians at
weddings on the Sabbath. But he was inflexible in
disputes relating to morals. He enforced rigorously
Itabbcnu Gershon's decree against polygamy, not
• ven permitting a husband to marry again in the
f the wife's incurable insanity .
Bibliography: Dembltzer, In the Introduction to bis edition
of tin- n"*3K"i; Gross, In Monatsschrift, xxxlv. xxxv.: Mi-
chael. < >r ha-Hnuyim. s.v.; Zimz. S. /'. pp. 328 i:.'T.
I. (1.
of the fourth generation (second century); one of
Akiha's later disciples (Her. 68b; Cant R. ii. 5;
Keel. 1!. xi. r>. see Eliezer b. Jacob). While he
cultivated both the Halakah (Somali v. 8; Tosef.,
Sanh. i..2; Sanh. 3b) and the Haggadah, his fame
mainly on his work in the latter lie Id Indeed,
with reference to his homiletics, later generations
-aid. "Wherever thou meetesl a word of R. Eliezer
Jose ha-Gelili in the Haggadah, make thine
tsa funnel (Hul. 89a; Vcr. Kid. i. tild. IVsik.
K. x. B8b; compare .la-trow, "Dict."».j>. FIDOISX)-
For, even where he touched on the Flalakah, heal
- brought exegesis to hear upon the matter.
Thus, arguing that after legal proceedings are closed
the court may not propose a compromise, he says.
"The judge who then brings about a settlement is a
-inner; and he w ho blesses him is a blasphcmi I of
wl i it may be said (Ps. .\. 8) n J»KJ "|"Q JWI31
["The compromiser he blesseth; the Lord he con
■■•■tli "; A. V. " Blesseth the covetous, whom the
Lord abhorreth "]. The Law must perforate the
mountain (f.i , musl not be get aside under anj con-
l; for thus the Bible says ( Deut. i.17), ' Ye
shall not be afraid of the face ol man. for the judg-
ment is God's'" (Tosef., Sanh. I.e. ; Sanh 6b; in
Sanh. i. I8bl lie compiled a set oi hermeneutic
rules as guides in interpreting the Scriptures (see
Baraita op the Tithity-two Rules), some ol
which are adaptations of those of his predecessors,
ami in so far applicable to Halakah as well as to
Haggadah. Those specifically homiletical are has. d
on syntactical or phraseological or similar peculiari-
ties of the Biblical texts which constitute the sub-
stance of the Midrashim.
Like his colleagues, at the close of the first aca-
demic session after the Bar Eokba insurrection.
Eliezer publicly thanked the people of LTsha. He
said, "The Bible relates ill Sam. vi. 12), 'The Lord
hath blessed the house of Obed-edom, and all that
pertaineth unto him, because of the ark of God.'
Is this not very significant? If. for merely dusting
and cleaning the Ark, which neither ate Dor drank,
Obed-edom was blessed, how much more deserving
of blessings are they who have housed the scholars,
have furnished them with meat and drink, and have
Otherwise shared with them their goods!" (Ber.
68b) Elsewhere (Cant. K. ii. 5) this is attributed
to another speaker, while Eliezer is credited with
the following. "It is recorded ill Sam. XV. 0), ' Saul
said unto the KenitCS . . . Ye showed kindness unto
all the children of Israel, when they came up out of
Egypt.' Was it not to Moses alone to whom Jethro
| " the Kenite" : see Judges i. 16, iv. 11] had shown
kindness? But the Bible here implies the rule that
whoso deals kindly with any one of the spiritual
heads of Israel, to him it is accounted as if he had
done so to the whole people" (compare Lev. I{.
xxxiv. 8). With reference to the Biblical statement
(Josh. xxiv. 32), "The hones of Joseph, which the
children of Israel brought up out of Egypt, buried
they in Shechem," he remarks, "Was it not Moses
who brought up those bones (Ex. xiii. 19)? But
this teaches that where one starts a u 1 deed and
fails to bring it to a finish, another party performing
the unfinished part, the « hole deed iscredited to the
latter" (Gen. Ii. Ixxxv. J!; compare Solah 13b;
Tan . T'.keb. (I). Ho counsels that one should ad
vance or postpone a journey in order to enjoy the
company of a good man; and likewise to avoid the
Company Of a bad one (Tosef.. Shah. xvii. [xviii. 1
2, 3; ib. 'Ab. Zarah i. IT, 18).
Bibliography : Bacber, Ag. Tan. II 292et Geo.; BriMl, Mtbo
ha-Mishnah. I. 212: Frankel, Darki ha-Miehnah, \>. 186;
tleilprin. Soh r ha-uornU ii.. -v.; Weiss, /><t. ii. 167; Zacuto,
)'nh<lsin. ed. FlUpOWSk], I». ''T;e
s. s. S. M.
French Talmudist ; born about 1255; martyred on
the Jewish New Year. Sept. 25, 1821; a pupil of
Perez hen Elijah Of Corbeil, whose sister he mar
ried. Estori Farhi. Eliezer's pupil, in his " Kaftor
\\a Ferah." mentions a work by his teacher, emit led
•■ Halakot," which, how ever, has not been preserved.
Eliezer is known chiefly by his correspondence and
controversies. (| E the latter refers to the Tal
muilic law that a document predated is void. The
1 1 1 lest ion ar whether this law was applicable ton
i Iced of gift ; after a e I deal of correspondence it
was decided in Eliezer's favor by Solomon ben
Adret. Eliezer suffered death during the terrible
persecutions of tin' lepers, Joseph, the father of
Eliezer, was a prominent rabbi and scholar; accord
ing to Zunz, Naiiiam i. OK Chinos was the lathe)
of Joseph; this, however, is doubtful.
Eliezer ben Judah
Eliezer of Toulouse
Bibliography: Gross, Gallia Judaica, p. 584; Zunz. XAiera
turgesch. p. 363; Renan-Neuhauer, Lcs Rabbins Frontalis.
I.. G. A. Pe.
ELIEZER BEN JUDAH. See El-bazar ben
LEVI BRODY: Cabalist of Galicia in the eight-
eenth century; author of two cabalistic commen-
taries: one cm the Psalms. "Migdal Dawid," with a
general introduction under the title "Tal Orot," pub-
lished together with the text, Vienna, 1792: and one
on the Proverbs, "Bet Shelomoh," with an introduc-
tion entitled " Petahha-Bayit," Zolkiev, 1788.
Bibliography: Fiiisi, 1lih].Jwl. i. 133: steinsiimeider. Cat.
Boil. col. 959; Walden, Shem ha-Qedolim he-Hadash, ii.13.
K. I. Br.
Pinsk, Russia; flourished in the second half of the
eighteenth century. He wrote : " Siah ha-Sadeh," Pen-
tateuchal homilies arranged in the orderof the para-
shiyyot (Sklow. 17S(!i; " Kcah ha-Sadeh," a continua-
tion of the preceding, with the same arrangement,
and with two homilies for each parashah (if/. 1795).
Bibliography: Fuenn, Keneset Yi*r<t*:l, p. 126; Fiirst. Bibl.
.Iiul. 1. 233.
L. G. M. Sel.
STERNBURG : Talmudist of the seventeenth cen-
tury. He was the author of "Petah 'Enavim," an
index to Biblical passages found in the Zohar and
Tikkunim (Cracow, 1B4T ). republished with the Zo-
har (Sulzbach, 1684). He also revised (1019) the
"'En Yaakob" of Jacob b. Habib
Bibliography: Steinschneider, Cat. BtuH. col. 962.
L. G. M. Ski,.
FORT. See Treves, Eliezer b. Naphtali.
(pSO = RABaN) : Halakist and liturgical poet;
flourished in the fust half of the twelfth century.
He was the son-in-law of Rabbi Eliakim b. Joseph
of Mayence, a fellow student of Rashi. Through
his four daughters Eliezer became the ancestor of
several learned families which exerted a great influ-
ence upon religious life in the subsequent centuries.
One of his great grandsons was R. Asher b. Jehiel
(ROSH), father ol R. Jacob, author of the "Turim."
The following table represents the genealogy of
the family:
Eliezer b. Nathan m danghtet
ef Eliakim ben Joseph
1st daughter 2d daughter 3d daughter— 4th daughter
m. R. Samuel b. m. B. Joel b. m. K. Uri m. R. Eliakim
Natronal, one ol Isaac ha Le\ I
the authors \\ in
oCTosafot" '|
It. Jehiel
(1210 1264)
It. Asher
in Toledo
it. Eliezer ha-LevI (Jri
(R uu vii i. rabbi (martyred
ae 1216)
onedaughtei Joel
it. Hillel, grand-
father ol R. Mi
R. Jacob, au-
tlior ef the
" Turim "
Eliezer maintained a scholarly corresp lence
with his noted contemporaries, R. Tarn and Rash-
bam (Jacob and Samuel b. Mei'r). who esteemed him
very highly, and in conjunction with whom, at the
head of a synod of 150 rabbis from France and Ger-
many, he had directed important measures. His
ritual and juridical decisions were eagerly son
The most important of his responsa he included
in his principal halakic work. This book, which,
playing upon the initials of his name, he terms
"EBeN ha-'Ezer," is cited by his great- grandson
Rosh, and by R. Solomon Luria. under
" Eben the title of "Zofnat Pa'aneah." The
ha-'Ezer.'' author attempts in this work to ac-
count for certain traditional customs-
to offer solutions of complicated legal questions, and
to throw light on the significance of ritual observ-
ances. The work is therefore necessarily lacking
in unity. The first and smaller part, mainly in
short chapters of varied contents (in the printed text
extending up to No. 385). contains answers to qui -
tions from pupils and contemporaries: while tin-
second and larger section presents elaborate halakic
discussions arranged according to subjects, corre-
sponding to the Talmudic tractates. Since the de-
cisions as well as the scholarly treatises often ecu
tain personal reminiscences, observations regarding
customs and usages, names of scholars, and miscel-
laneous literary data, the work is a storehouse for
the student of Jewish history in that century. The
various Hebrew paraphrases of German and French
words which occur in the work are of importance
for linguistic research.
Eliezer proves himself conscientious and careful
in his decisions. Unlike R. Tarn, he possessed little
self-confidence, and in his humility and reverence
for tradition he is inclined to extremely rigid inter-
pretations of the Law. Solomon's injunction (Prov.
i. 8), "Forsake not the teaching of thy mother," he
interprets as meaning, "What the older rabbis have
prohibited we must not permit" (No. 10). The
chapterson civil law contain many an interesting doc-
ument, and also a statement of commercial relations
oi casioned by various trials. They contain precise
statements of the pricesof goods and accurate infor-
mation concerning commercial usages in the Rhine-
land and in distant Slavic countries; e.g., concern-
ing the gold trade in Strasburg and Speyer (fnl.
145b); the coinage of the time (Zunz. "Z. O." p,
5b); and the export trade with Galicia and southern
Russia (No. 5). Slavic customs and character are
also discussed in connection with ritual man
Among the decisions are some containing interpreta-
tions of Biblical and Talmudic sayings; one of them
(No HOieven presenting a connected commentary
on Prov. xxx. 1-6, in which R. Saadia's view is i
— namely, that Ithiel and LTcal were the name-. 0
two men who addressed philosophical question!
Agur ben Jakeh.
The work mentions the year 1 152, and must I ll
fore have been completed alter that date. The ]
1247, which occurs on two copies, may be credited
to later transcribers. In the subsequent centuries
Eliezer came to be regarded as a great authority,
but his work was little known. Not until its im-
portance had been specially urged by the most in-
fluential rabbis of Poland — Mordeeai Jafe, Samuel
Eliezer Edels (Maharsha), Solomon Ephraim Luut-
Eliezer ben Judah
Eliezer of Toulouse
achitz, among others, in a formal appeal issued from
ii in 1009— was its publication undertaken. The
first edition, Prague, 1610,. has, up to the present
time, remained the only one.
Eliezer w rote numerous yozerot, selihot, and other
piyyutim: very few of them, however, have been
incorporated in the German and Polish
As liturgy. The " Akapperah Pene Melek"
Liturgical in the selihot to the musaf of the l>;iy
Poet. of Atonement, is an example. His
poetical productions are valuable only
as an index to his devout nature and to his estimate
of the importance of the liturgy. They are distin-
guished for neither originalit j , elevation of thought,
nor elegance of diction. With their allusions to
haggadic interpretations, their employment of pay-
yetan phraseology . acrostics, rimes, and similar me-
chanical devices, they differ little from many oilier
liturgical productions. Some of these poems he
Beemsto have written on special occasions. Thus.
one piyyut compose